Ao. 1806 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 188.
Saturday, the 2d of August.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Pieter Oyens, in fourteen days.
Mr. J. C. Daxon, in fourteen days.
Mr. Theodore Barrell, in fourteen days.
R. P. Tubbs, (Free Man) in fourteen
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
Benoodigt een tuin baas van een goed
gedrag, op een Coffy en Catoene Plantagie, adres aan den drukker deezes.
Demerary, den 2de Augustus 1806.
By the Returns lately given in of the
Population of Stabroek and its Precincts, it appears that many persons have
hitherto evaded the Law, and not enrolled themselves in the Militia. It is His
Excellency the Governor's desire, therefore, that such persons should be thus
once more warned of the consequence of not complying with the Law in this
particular; and which will be rigorously enforced against all who neglect it in
His Excellency intending to inspect the
Militia soon, the Major expects a more regular attendance at all previous
Drills; especially that appointed for Saturday next. Should the weather not
permit on the Morning of that day, there will be a parade in the Afternoon, if
more favourable.
A Major is further commanded to inform
those persons not yet provided with Arms, that they must supply themselves
immediately, according to Law, at their own Expence; as, from the great waste
and improper Use made of the Arms issued by Government, no more can be given.
Aug. 2, 1806. Colin Macrae,
Major 1st Battalion D. M.
Krachten bekoome appoinctement van zyn
Excellentie den Hoog Gebooren Heer H. W. Bentinck, Lieut. Gouverneur over de
Colonie Rio Essequebo & Demerary, &c. &c. &c. zal den
Ontergetekende publicq aan de meesthiedende verkoopen na driemaal advertentien
in de Couranten van veertien dagen tot veertien dagen, ten overstaan van Heeren
Raaden Commissarissen en den Secretaris, ten Raadhuize alhier, op den seevende
October aanstaande precies de klokke 10 uuren voor de middag; de natenoemene
Concessien, met de daaropstaande Gebouwen, weegens agterstallige extra
ordinaire taxten ingevolge s'Hoofs resolutie d.d. 30 July 1805, aan it
Ontvanger's Comptoir verschuld, voor 't maaken der nieuwe publicque wegen in de
Hoofdplaats Stabroek, en deselvs environs als volgt:
[first column]
de Concessie No. 97
do. 100
do. 348
do 89
do 82
do. 72
do. 69
do. 66
do. 39 & 40
do. 37
do. 74
do. 15 & 16
do. 2
do. 135
do. 354
do. 353
do. 352
do. 351
do. 346
do. 344
do. 346 [sic]
do. 337
do. 325
do. 324
do. 323
do. 322
[second column]
De Concessie No. 321
do. 320
do. 319
do. 308
do. 294 & 295
do. 265
do. 264
do. 250
do. 230
do. 227
do. 226
do. 172
do. 171
do. 170
do. 168
do. 162
do. 157
do. 156
do. 139
do. 133
do. 129
do. 112
do. 111
do. 110
een halve do. 30
[end columns]
De Eigenaar Adam Smith (Whitfield)
Concessie No. [blank] in Kingstown geleegen.
De Eignaarresse [sic] Mejuffrouw
Sibelius, Concessie No. [blank] in Kingstown geleegen.
De Eigenaar M. Barker, Concessie No.
[blank] in Kingstown geleegen.
De Eigenaaren R. Elder & W. Halstead
q.q. Concessie No. [blank] op Stabroek geleegen.
Eigenaaresse Tranquil (vrymyd) Concessie
No. [blank] op Stabroek geleegen.
De Eigenaarresse Mrs. Mathey, Concessie
No. [blank] op Stabroek geleegen.
De Eigenaar J. Walcott, een halve
Concessie No. [blank] op Stabroek Geleegen.
De Eignaarresse [sic] Ancella Gehricke,
een quart Concessie No. 33, op Werk en Rust geleegen.
De Eigenaaren Ervin Sarah Parfit [sic],
Concesie No. [blank] op Werk en Rust geleegen.
De Eigenaaren Ervin Sarah Parfit [sic],
Concessie No. [blank] op Vlissingen geleegen.
De Eigenaar Engel Loncke, Concessie No.
[blank] op Vlissingen geleegen.
Zo iemand teegens deese verkoop zoude
willen opposeeren als sustineerende eenig recht te hebben, addresseere zig als
dan ten opgemelde dag van verkoop, ofte anders ten Exploiteurs Comptoir alhier,
op poene van eeuwig stilswygen.
En wyders, die in alle 't voorschreeve
gading vinden mooge, kome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt
Actum in Rio Demerary, den 1ste Augustus
Mart. Smit, eerste Expl.
A Small Assortment of the Most Necessary
Medicines, imported in the last Ships from London, To Be Sold, with a
reasonable advance on the Invoice, for immediate Payment in Bills, Cash, or
Also, a few Pipes of Lamp Oil.
Demerary, Aug. 1, 1806. F. C. Otto
G. Ryk, Predikant der gereformeerde
gemeentens van Rio Demerary en Essequebo, geest hiermeede kennis aan allen
welke daar eenig belang by hebben, dat by op morgen over agt dagen, en de twee
volgende Zondage, zal predike aan het Fort Zelandia [sic], en in alle loop dier
tyd in zyne voornoemde qualiteit in de Colonie van Essequebo zal te spreeken
Stabroek, den 2de Augustus 1806.
De Ondergeteekende adverteert hiermede
aan de respective ingezeetenen dezer Colonie, dat by een Schooner ter Huur
Demerary, den 2de Augustus 1806. W.
Woonende in de Concessie van de Heer F.
The Subscribers give notice, that they
have brought the Copartnership of Benjamin & Barrell to a close this day.
Mr. Barrell intends, in the course of two or three weeks, to leave the Colony;
and, as it is necessary to raise a sum of money previous to his doing so, Mr.
Benjamin will be obliged (much against his inclination) to put certain demands
that ought to have been paid long ago, into the hands of a Lawyer, without any
further application for payment.
Stabroek, Aug. 1, 1806. Park Benjamin.
Theodore Barrell.
Just Received per the Ship Active, Capt.
Chessel, from Bristol, and for Sale at the House of Mr. C. D. Forrester, on the
North Dam, by the Subscribers, a variety of
in high perfection, Dry Goods,
Ironmongery, and Bottled Liquors, consisting chiefly of
Hams, Cheese, Round of Beef, Tongues,
Tripe, and Bacon
Butter in firkins, keg, and small pots
Barrels and half barrels of Mess Beef
and Pork
Kegs of pickled ditto ditto
Oysters, and dried Sprats
Refined Sugar
Jars of vinegar, Durham Mustard, &c.
Bristol Beer and Porter in bottles
Irish Linen, and Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Broad Cloth and Kerseymeres
Patent Silk Hats
Fashionable Boots and Shoes
Sail Canvas, and Cordage
Carpenters', Coopers', and Blacksmiths',
[sic] Tools
Leather Hides
Copper Teaches, Sheet Copper, and Rivets
Fryingpans [sic], Gridirons, and Nails
Stationary, Earthenware, and Chaise
Stone Lime, Paving Tiles and Stones, and
Stock Bricks
Coals, Wood Hoops, &c.
Demerary, August 2, 1806. G. M.
James Elder.
Te Huur, de halve Concessie No. 12,
geleegen op de Suyd Dam van Stabroek, thans bewoond door den Heer S. Deeges,
als meede te huur, of te koop, de Concessie No. 239, geleeegen [sic] op
Cumingsburg, aan de weg leydende van het block huys door plantagie Vlissingen
naar Stabroek. Naadere informatie te bekoomen by den Ondergeteekende dewelke
insgelyks een [illegible] rydpaard met zaadel en toom te koop offereert.
Plantage Werk en Rust, H. A.
den 2de Aug. 1806. q.q. E. C. Eli.
And now selling at this Printing Office,
for f 3 a Cake (ready money),
A Fresh Supply of the Best Chocolate.
At the same place may also be had, London Particular Madeira at Ten Dollars per
Dozen. Likewise, for the accommodation of Gentlemen living in the Country,
Produce Certificates and Invoices; besides Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange,
&c. &c. &c.
To Be Let, Two Commodious Airy
Apartments in the House of I. F. Narjes, Esq. now occupied by the Subscriber,
desirably situated on Le Repentir, not Three Minutes Walk from the Secretary's
and other Public Offices (to which there are excellent Roads), with a Chaise
house, Stabling for Two Horses, and other Conveniencies.
These Apartments are peculiarly well
adapted for any Country Gentleman who may wish to have good accommodations for
himself in town. To such a one the Advertiser wishes exclusively to let them;
and he will grant every facility with respect to Terms. Apply, either
personally or by letter, to
Demerary, Aug. 2, 1806. D. P. Simon.
ON Wednesday the 13th instant, at the
Vendue Office, Two Lots of Land, (Nos. 58 & 59) situated in the front land
of Plantation Iveleary.
Also Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
Aug. 2, 1806.
On Friday the 15th instant, at the Store
of John Madden & Co. by order of Colin Macrae and C. M. Overweg, Esqrs. who
are appointed, by the Hon. Court of Justice, Executors to the Estate of the
late Hon. F. Kroll, Household Furniture, Plate, a Standing Clock, Pictures, an
excellent Library of Books, Horses, Chaise, &c. &c.
Aug. 1, 1806.
On Wednesday and Thursday the 20th and
21st instant, by order of Doctor Reiss, at the house formerly occupied by
Doctor Van Dura, a Quantity of newly imported Choice Provisions, viz. Smoked
Ribs of Beef, various sorts of smoked Sausages, ditto Pork, Westphalia Hams,
Kenneback ditto, Crackers, White Wine Vinegar, Dried Plumbs; also, Dry Goods,
viz. Fine and Coarse Warendorper Linens and Checks, Handkerchiefs, East India
Quadrille Boxes, a variety of Spices, a Mahogany Secretaire, Dining Tables,
Breakfast and Card ditto, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, and two capital looking
Glasses; likewise, four excellent House Slaves.
Aug. 1, 1806.
His Majesty's Brig Demerara, Capt.
Patterson, arrived here on Monday last from Barbados, after a passage of five
The Court of Rolls and Commissary Court
of Essequebo and Demerary will meet on Monday next; and on Wednesday the 13th,
there will be a Board of the Orphan Chamber.
The Subscriber respectfully informs his
Friends and the Public, that, having removed to a Store in the main street,
opposite Robert Younghusband's, Esq. he has For Sale, at moderate Prices, for
immediate Payment, the following Articles, received per late Arrivals:
[first column]
Cod Fish in Hhds. Tierces, & Barrls
Mackarel, Salmon, Herrings
Bristol Tripe
Hung Beef
Refined Sugar
Pine and Double Gloucester Cheese
Gin in Cases
[second column]
London Brown Stout in Tierces of Six and
Ten Dozen each
Negro Hats and Clothing
Iron, Tin, Glass, & Earthen Ware
6d, 8d, 10d, 20d, and 30 d Nails
Beef and Pork
Candles, &c. &c.
Aug. 1, 1806. Thomas Shute. [Schute
in the Dutch language version]
Notice is hereby given, that the
Copartnership heretofore subsisting between J. A. Otto & J. Pantlitz was
dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 30th of June last.
July 30, 1806. J. A. Otto.
J. Pantlitz.
An amicable arrangement having been made
between the Undersigned and J. A. Otto, Esq. by which all the outstanding Debts
to the late Firm of Otto & Pantlitz, are to be paid to the latter, he
hereby requires all those who are indebted to the said late Firm, to call upon
him at the House of the Hon. C. Vincent, and discharge the same without delay,
as otherwise he will be necessitated to have recourse to the Law.
Demerary, July 31, 1806. J.
[vessels entered and cleared - no
July 26. Ship Active, J. Chessell, from
Bristol, with Dry Goods, Provisions, Lime, Paving Tiles, Bricks, Coals, Salt,
Wood Hoops, &c.
July 26. Brig Planter, J. Tilton, from
Portsmouth, with Lumber, Staves, Shooks, Fish, Salmon, Beef, Whale Oil, Soap,
Tobacco, &c.
July 28. Ship Queen, I. Mares, from
Liverpool, with Merchandize and Pl. Stores.
July 28. Brig Marquis of Huntly, R.
Jacques, from London, with Dry Goods, Provisions, Plantation Stores, &c.
July 28. Brig William Tell, E. Glad,
for New York.
Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,
Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary
Te Huur dat zeer voor negotie geleegen
Lot en Stelling, met Gebouwen, naast dat van de Heer O. I. Laurin.
Te bevragen by C. I. Borner; gemelde
gebouwen tans occupeerende, of by T. Quiding, ten huyze van de Heer C. Smit,
Werk en Rust, den 26ste July 1806.