Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 August 30


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 192.

Saturday, the 30th of August.

Secretary's Office, This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Robert MacDowall, in fourteen days.
Mr. Hugh Wilson, in fourteen days.
Mr. Edward Edwards, in fourteen days.
Mr. John Horah, in fourteen days.
Mr. W. I. Bycraft, in fourteen days, or three weeks.
Mr. I. H. Reis, in three or four weeks.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

All [sic] de genne welke vermeenen eenig Recht, Actie, of Pretentie te hebben op de halve Concessie en Gebouwen, geleegen op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, bekend onder No. 26 en thans aankoomende de Weduwe Cook, geliev daar van opgaave te doen binnen den tyd van zes weeken, aan gemelde Weduwe Cook of wel ter Secretary alhier, ten einde om na expiratie van dien, de gemelde halve Concessie en Gebouwen te verkoopen
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 29ste Augustus 1806.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo & Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzoekende om Brieven van Vrydom, als:
K. Imhoff, Voor de hem in eigendom toebehoerende slaaven, als de Neegerin Bekk, met haar mulatte zoon Carolus.
de Neegerin Tabre, met haar mulatte dochter Amalia.
alsmeede nog twee Neegermeysjes, met naame Getta & Margaretha.
Daniel Geritzen, in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentaur ten Boedel en nalatenschap van wylen de vrey Neegerinne Cecilia, mitsgaaders voogd over haar minderjaarige zoon van dezelve met naame Jan Pool; Alsmeede in zyn prive[accent] vor de hem in eigendom toe behoorende Slaaven, de Neegerinne Philida en haar twee Mulatte kinderen Harmanus & Daniel.
Zoo is 't dat allen en een iegelyk, die eenig Recht of Pretentie op de voormoemde slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der Rivier Essequebo, en ter Secretary van de Hove van Politie in Demerary behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove.
Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeken van de Requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren
Actum in raade van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo & Demerary, deezen 30ste Augustus
Ter Ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.

By Authority of the Appointment by his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor over the colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, &c. &c. &c. granted on the Petition of
I. G. Walteling, acting Executor for the Estate of G. A. de Villeneuve, deceased,
Are by these presents, by Me, undersigned Marshall, for the first time, by Edict, SUMMONED,
all known and unknown Creditors of said Estate,
To appear before the Honourable Court of Justice, at their Session, to be holden at the Capital of Stabroek, on the 15th of this month September and following days,
To announce their pretensions, and declare suppositions,
And, after the Expiration of the Fourth Edict, proceedings will be instituted against the Non Appearers, to obtain the benefit of a perpetual Silentium. F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.
Rio Demerary, Sept. 1, 1806.

By Virtue of the Authorisation comprehended in the Appointment granted to the Petition of H. C. Evertsz, as Executor for the Estate of M. E. Evertsz, deceased,
Are herewith SUMMONED all known and unknown Creditors of the above mentioned.
To appear before the Honorable Court of Justice, at their Session, to be holden in the Capital of Stabroek, on the 15th of Sept. and following days,
To produce their presence and suppositions. Whereas after the expiration of the four Edict Citations proceedings will be instituted against the non-appearers to obtain the benefit of a perpetual taciturnite[accent]
Rio Demerary, Sept. 1, 1806. F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.

By Virtue of the Appointment on the Petition of I. P. Muncker and D. L. C. Martini, acting Executors for the Estate of William Ludwig Jost, deceased,
Are by me, marshall, by these presents, for the first time, by Edict, SUMMONED all known and unknown Creditors of the said Estate.
To appear before the Honourable Court of Justice, at their Session, to be holden on the 15th of September next and following days.
To announce and declare their pretensions, and procure their suppositions; and in case of non appearance, proceedings will be instituted according to Law F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.
Rio Demerary, Sept. 1, 1806. [sic]

By the Undersigned Marshal are by Virtue of the Authorisation comprehended in the Appointment by the Honorable Court of Justice, granted on the Petition of I. P. Muncker, as being appointed Assignee by the said Court for the Estate of I. F. Wolff deceased, and G. A. van Kingschot, as by his Excellency the Governor appointed Assignee for the same above mentioned Estate,
Are hereby for the first time by Edict SUMMONED,
All known and unknown Creditors of the above mentioned Estate, as well here in the colony, in Holland, England and elsewhere,
To appear before the above mentioned court of Justice, at their Session to be holden in the Capital of Stabroek, on the 15th of this month September, and following days.
To procure their pretensions, and to declare their suppositions, and in case of non appearance, after the expiration of four Edict Citations, (which will be from three to three [sic] Months) proceedings will be instituted according to Law.
Rio Demerary, Sept. 1, 1806. [sic] F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.

De Ondergeteekende presenteert te Koop uyt de hand, op vaforable conditien, zyn Smeedery, zoo als dezelve tans zig bevind, met twee bekwame Smits Negers. Nader informatie by
Demerary, den 26 Aug. 1806. H. H. Schapers.

A. Fleischman offers for Sale or Hire, a House in Stabroek, extremely well situated for Merchantile Business, opposite Dr. Lloyd's.
Aug. 30, 1806.

On Friday, the 5th of Sept. at the Vendu [sic] Office, Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels, Herrings, bottled Porter, a Cotton Press, seasoned Negroes, &c. Also, by order of Messrs. Caple & Gibson, a Colony Boat 25 feet keel, and 9 and a half feet beam, with new Sails, Anchor, Cable, &c.
Aug. 29, 1806.
On Monday, the 8th of Sept. by order of Edward M'Swint, Esq. at his Store in Robb's Stelling Hams, Cheese, Porter, a quantity of old Rum, Cogniac Brandy, Madeira Wine in bottles and casks, a great quantity of Dry Goods, &c.; likewise House Negroes, Household Furniture, viz best Mahogany Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables, an elegant Sideboard, Chairs, Sofas, &c.
Aug. 30, 1806.
On Tuesday, the 9th of Sept. by order of John Crossman, Esq. Executor of Wm. Ross, dec. Two Lots of Land, with the Buildings thereon, situate in front of Plantation Vlissingen, near the New Union Coffee House. Ten Boxes of soap and Candles, One Pipe of Wine, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c.
Aug. 30, 1806.
On Wednesday, the 10th of Sept. at the Store of Mr. O. I. Laurin, American Provisions, viz Mess Beef and Pork, Tongues, Salmon, Mackarel, Fish in hhds. and boxes, Gin, Brandy, &c. &c.
Aug. 30, 1806.
On Friday, the 12th of Sept. at the Vendue Office, Provisions, Dry Goods, Cattle, Negroes, &c.
Aug. 30, 1806.
On Friday, the 19th of Sept. at the Vendu [sic] Office, by order of Mr. J. Essenberg, the half Concession No. 158 in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon; likewise Cotton Gin Mills, Fish Nets and a variety of Tools; also Dry Goods, Provisions, Negroes, &c. &c.
Aug. 30, 1806.

The Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. Brumell, Heyliger, and Co. on the North Dam, Stabroek.
Aug. 29, 1806.

And now selling at this Printing Office, for f 3 a Cake (ready money), A Fresh Supply of the Best Chocolate. At the same place may also be had, London Particular Madeira at Ten Dollars per Dozen. Likewise, for the accommodation of Gentlemen living in the Country, Produce Certificates and Invoices; besides Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange, &c. &c. &c.

The only opportunity which can ever present itself of obtaining the most splendid Publications in Europe, and of adventuring a small sum in the most liberal and interesting lottery ever submitted to public attention
The Ladies and Gentlemen of this Colony are respectfully solicited to inspect the Scheme of this Lottery, which may be had of Mr. Williams, at the Post Office. The most beautiful Works in Europe, which have cost upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS, form the Prizes (for an account of their splendour, see a letter signed by Lord Sheffield, Sir H. Englefield, and Wm. Smith, Esq. M.P. printed with the Scheme). The Engravings to be given for the Tickets which do not obtain the 1451 Capital Prizes, are worth intrinsically the full amount of the Purchase Money so that there can be no possible loss.
Tickets may be had of Mr. Williams, price Two Joes each, and each Purchaser will be presented with a beautifully executed Portrait of Lord Nelson or Lord Collingwood, at his option.
Purchasers of Tickets here will have no trouble to obtain the Prizes, or whatever they may be entitled to, as they will be safely shipped and consigned to Mr. Williams, or to their own Order.
As Mr. Williams is in possession of only Fifty Tickets, and it is now too late to obtain a fresh supply, those who are inclined to purchase will do well to make an early application. It is stated by Mr. Bowyer, in his letter, that the lottery will certainly be drawn by the 20th of next month.
Demerary, August 23, 1806.
A Scheme of the above Lottery may be seen at this Printing Office.

The Undersigned have the pleasure to inform their Friends and the Publick, that the Hon. Court of Policy has admitted them as Sworn Translators; and as they have entered into an Agreement with one another, they beg leave to recommend themselves in that Capacity to their Friends and the Publick in general.
Rio Essequebo, Fort Zeelandia, this 20th of August 1806.
D. Van Sirtema.
I. I. L. Moliere.

For Sale, by I. O. [sic] Laurin, at his Store, on Werk & Rust, for immediate payment in Cash, the following Articles, viz
[first column]
Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes
Mess and Prime Beef
[second column]
Wood and Iron hops
Gin and Brandy
Nankings, &c. &c.
[end columns]
August 30, 1806.

NOTICE. [heading]
Absconded from the Subscriber, a few months ago, a Negro Girl, named Monimia, of the Coromantyn Nation, aged about 17 or 18, has her country marks on both her temples, and the scar of a sore on her right ancle. She is supposed to be on Varken Island, Essequebo, and is strongly conjectured to be harboured at the Plantation of Mr. I. S. D. Leepe, on that island. She has changed her name to Amber.
Should the said Negro be offered for Sale, the Public are requested not to purchase her, and all persons are hereby enjoined not to take her from the Colony, as the Law will be put fully in force against any offender.
Whoever will apprehend the said Negro, and lodge her in the Barracks at Fort Island, or in Stabroek, or deliver her to the Subscriber, shall receive a Reward of One Hundred Guilders.
Demerary, Aug. 29, 1806. Eliza N. Walcott.

Absented himself, a Negro, named Askin, of the Mandingo Nation; has a square mark on each breast, and is very sick. Whoever will apprehend the said Negro, and return him to the subscriber, shall receive One Joe Reward.
Aug. 30, 1806. N. Volkerts.

Hollandsche gedroogde tuyn boontjes, met dito groen tens daartoe behoorende, teegens f 5 10. het lb. voor Contant, te bekoomen aan deze drukkery.
Stabroek, den 30 Aug. 1806.

Een bekwaam Directeur plaatz begeerende op en Catoen en Bananne plantage, teegens een goed salaris, adresseren zig ter dezer drukkery.
Stabroek, den 30 Aug. 1806.

His Majesty's brig Demerara arrived on Wednesday from a cruise to windward. She brought no news.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Aug. 25. Schooner Ocean, I. Mountfort, from Boston, with Lumber, Hoops, Clapboards, Spermaceti and tallow Candles, Soap, Pork, Beef, Pickled Cod, Tobacco, American Gin, Brandy, Flour, Vinegar, Hams.
Aug. 25. Schooner Isabella, Wm. Marshall, from Saco, with Lumber, Clapboards Shooks, Staves, Shingles, Tongues, Lamp Oil, Flour, Tobacco, Fish, Pork, Beef, Hams.
Aug. 25. Schooner Nancy, Crisp Rogers, from Boston, with Allwives [sic], Beef, Tongues, Cod Fish, Brandy, Staves.
Aug. 30. Brig Marcus, J. Burrwell, from New London, with Oxen, Horses, Sheep, Flour, Tobacco, Tar, Beef, Lamp Oil, Better, Herrings, Mackarel, Pork, Beef, Staves, Oats, Bread, Onions.

Aug. 25. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, for Barbados.
Aug. 25. Brig Planter, John Tilton, for Boston.
Aug. 30. Brig Dian, John Morris, for Portsmouth.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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