Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 September 06


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 193.

Saturday, the 6th of September.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Edward Edwards, in fourteen days.
Mr. John Horah, in fourteen days.
Mr. W. I. Bycraft, in fourteen days.
Mr. I. H. Reis, in three or four weeks.
Mr. I. Stephen Tavernare, in fourteen days.
Mr. W. MacCulloch, in fourteen days.
Mr. J. Ross, in fourteen days.
Mr. Samuel Enragt, in fourteen days.
Mr. Henry Sampson, in the course of the month.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

(COPY) [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that at the Commissary Court of this Colony, which will be holden in the month of November next ensuing, the Half of the Plantation No. 13, called Eliza, situated on the West Sea Coast of this River, will be transported to Adam Knight, Esq.
This is therefore to inform all those whom it may concern, that if anyone has just reasons to urge against the said transport as aforesaid, he must make the proper applications before that time; in default of which, the said transport will be given as in such cases is customary.
Essequebo, Aug. 8, 1806. W. L. Moliere, 1st Sec.

Fourteen Days from the Date hereof, with Permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, Fiscal, will be sold at Public Vendue, if not previously owned and the Expences paid, a small Punt, secured by Mr. Gastebois.
J. Runnels, J Z.
Demerary, Sept. 3, 1806. Sheriff.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber requests all those who may be indebted to Engel Loncke, Esq. Attorney at law in Essequebo to come forward and make immediate Payment, in order to enable the Subscriber to face such Demands as may come against him; otherwise, he must be under the disagreeable necessity of giving them into the hands of his Lawyer, without respect to persons.
Sept. 6, 1806. W. F. Dobbrauski, q.q.
Engel Loncke.

Alzo den Ondergeteekende van intentie is vor eenige tyd op Plantagie te gaan woonen, zo verzoekt hy zeer vrindelyk aan zyn vrienden, die aan hem verschuldigd zyn, om hunne rekeninge te koomen verestenen, in de loop van deeze maand, ten einde hem in staat steliende zyn affaires so veel mogelyk te liquideeten.
Stabroek, den 5de Sept. 1806. Cornelis Smit, J.Z.

George White heest de eer het geacht publiek te informeere, dat by zyn beroep als Paarde Doctor, &c. voorneemens is te continueere, op dezelve wyze als by zulks in Engeland steeds gebezigd heest; by recommandeerd zig dierhalve in de gunst van een ieder, een promte en civiele bediening verzeekerende, het zy in eeniger hande ziektens van Beeste, of optoying na de niewste smaak der paarden, dezelve is te spreeke in Stabroek, naast Doctor P. C. Mickerts.
Sept. 6, 1806.

Iemand een blanke Koetzier benoodigd zynde, op wien[?]gedrag niets is te zegge, en kunnende met een of twee [?]pan reyden, addresseeren zig ter informatie aan deze drukkery.
den 6de Sept. 1806.

On Thursday the 11th instant, at the Store of T. T. Thomson, Esq. Beef in whole and half barrels, Butter, Cheese, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles, Soap, Smoked Beef, Hams, Gin, Brandy, Smoked Herrings, Shad, Soused Salmon, Pilot Bread, Rice, Tobacco, Mackarel, Twine, Tar and Pitch, and a variety of other Articles.
Sept. 5, 1806.
On Monday the 15th instant, at the Store of Mr. Thomas Shute, Beef, Pork, Flour, Hams, Cheese, Bristol Tripe, Salmon, Herrings, Hung Beef, London Brown Stout, Gin in Cases, Brandy in Demijohns, Nails, Negro Hats and Clothing, iron, Tin, Glass, and Earthen Wares.
Sept. 5, 1806.

Just Received by the Brig Ulysses, from New York, and for Sale by the Subscriber:
[first column]
Cod Fish in hhds. and boxes.
Shad in barrels
Smoked Herrings in kegs and boxes
Tubs of soused Salmon
Flour in whole and half barrels
Rice in whole and half tierces
[second column]
Butter, Dutch Cheese
Lamp Oil
Oysters, Onions
Albany Plank Staves.
[end columns]
ON HAND [centered]
[first column]
Temper Lime
Spermaceti and Tallow Candles
[second column]
Rounds of excellent Beef
And a variety of other Articles.
[end columns]
Demerary, Sept. 6, 1806. Thomas T. Thomson.

TO LET. [heading]
A Very convenient Dwelling-House, near the Union Coffee-House, at present occupied by Doctor Thomas Whimpu. For particulars apply to
Demerary, Sept. 6, 1806. M. Campbell.

The Letter from "Ambulator" is unavoidably postponed till our next.

The Duke of Kent, Capt. M'Dougall, which arrived here on Tuesday from Greenock, fell in, about lat. 11, with De Vina Pastor Spanish merchant brig, from Barcelona 70 days, bound to Rio de la Plata, with wine, paper, silk stuff, &c. &c. which she took possession of, and brought with her off this port; but not having a letter of marque himself, Captain M'Dougall there left her, and made the circumstance known to Capt. Inglis, of the Demerary merchant ship, belonging to the same owners, then lying in the river, who was so provided, and who immediately went off in his boat, put a prize-master on board, and brought her up to the fort. There are four supercargoes on board, who are said to have embarked their all in this vessel, supposed to be work 10,000 l sterling. Several claims have been since made to the prize; and it will probably occasion some litigation. The matter of right cannot be decided here; the papers, &c. must go to Barbados before she can be condemned; and it is considered most likely that she will be made a droit of Admiralty. Which ever way it may be decided, however, and whatever pains may be taken to lessen that pecuniary remuneration the captors might be entitled to, it is a satisfaction to know that the praise which is due to Capt. M'Dougall in the first instance, and to Capt. Inglis in the second, for their prompt exertions and honourable treatment of the prisoners while under their care and controul [sic], cannot be claimed or diminished by others.
No less than twenty-seven passengers come in the Duke of Kent.

MURDER. [heading]
On Sunday morning last, one M'Caully, a white man, by trade a carpenter, was found dead and weltering in his blood, in a hammock, on the premises of another carpenter, named Henderson, on Werk & Rust. The body was first discovered by a negro, who informed a white man, and he very properly acquainted the Hon. the Fiscal, when the necessary orders were immediately given, to investigate the business, and to apprehend any suspected persons. Doctors Wolff and Verwayen examined the body, which was very much bruised in several places; but the wound which evidently occasioned death to ensue, was on the left temple, apparently inflicted with a bayonet or some three edged instrument, about two inches deep. There were, besides, some minor stabs on the body, and marks on the throat, as if the deceased had been there held, to prevent him from crying out. A great noise had been heard the preceding night; but no notice was taken by the neighbours, as it was no unusual thing in that house. The proprietor, Henderson, was said to have been seen, in company with another person, on the road to Le Repentir early in the morning.
It would not become us to hazard any conjectures on the perpetrators of this horrid deed; suffice it to say, that every exertion was used to discover them, the Hon. the Fiscal attending in person, and that Dienaars were dispatched after Henderson, who brought him to the Barracks in a few hours afterwards, where he still remains.

A Board of the Orphan Chamber will meet on Wednesday next; and
On Monday the 15th, the Court of Rolls and Court of Justice of this Colony will assemble.
A transport arrived on Sunday from Surinam, with 18 Artillery-men, six field pieces, 1000 stand of arms, and 150 of the 4th West India regiment. The men are in excellent order.

TO BE SOLD OR LET, [heading]
The House on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, known by No. 18, at present occupied by - Sampson, Esq. The situation is undeniably good. There is an entrance from the Back Dam, and a water Cistern which will hold 7,000 Gallons.
Possession will be given the 1st of next month. Inquire of
Sept. 6, 1806. H. Mutz.

FOR SALE, [heading]
By N. Winandy, on Werk & Rust, nearly opposite the House of I. Ward, Esq. (price, from f 2 to f 7 the Bottle.)
[first column]
[Note: all cremes are spelled "cre[caret]me"] Creme de Noyeau
Creme d'Absinthe
Creme de Celeri
Creme d'Anis
Creme des Barbados
Cremee de Giroffle
Cremee du Paradis
Creme des Dames
Creme de Venus
Creme des Rois
Creme de Menthe
Creme de Citronelle
Creme de Moka
Creme de Canelle
Creme de Casse[accent]
Creme de Vanille
Creme d'Archange
Creme d'Angelique
Creme d'Escubac
Creme de la Joie
Creme de Violettes
[second column]
Creme de flore
Creme de Fleurs d'Oranges
Creme d'Ambrette
Creme de Saffran
Creme de The, &c.
Syrop de Capillaire
Syrop d'Orgeat
Eau de Venus
Eau de Noyeau
Eau de Citrons
Parfait Amour
Rossolis de Canelle
Rossolis de Giroffle
Rossolis de Citrons
Rossolis d'Anis
Rossolis de Casse[accent], &c.
Anisette de Montpellier
Desir des Dames
Plaisir des Dames
&c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
Sept. 6, 1806.

Dutch Lime and Tarras,
For a Reasonable Price.
Apply to W. M'Bean,
Sept. 6, 1806. I. S. Masse.

TO BE SOLD OR LET, [heading]
Two Good Dwelling Houses in Stabroek. The first, which is eligibly situated on the Brick Dam, opposite that of I. L. Eils, Esq. comprises a large Hall and Five Chambers, a small Provision Room, and an extensive Store Room below, with Negro Houses, Wash-house, Kitchen, Stable, and other necessary appurtenances; also, a small Garden. The second, situated on the South Dam, was lately occupied by C. A. Mathey, Esq. dec. and comprises Four Chambers, with a long Gallery in Front, a large Store-room underneath, Kitchen, Stable, Warehouse, other requisite Buildings, a large Garden, &c. &c.
The above Houses are both in complete repair, and maybe taken possession of immediately. Apply to
P. Jourdan.
Sept. 6, 1806. prive[accent] q.q.

Whoever holds any Demands against, or owes any Money to, the Estate of K. Imhoff, Esq. deceased, are requested to call for a settlement on I. Fileen,
Sept. 6, 1806. I. S. Masse,

I. T. Barrett informs his Friends and the Public, that he is removing his Business to the Premises of Mr. Samuel Mackay, lately occupied by Mr. Chas. Treadwell, where he solicits a continuance of their favours.
Sept. 6, 1806.

Alle de geene welke iets te pretendeeren heest, ofte schuldig is, aan den Ondergeteekende, werde verzogt daarvan opgaave of betaaling te koomen doen, ten zynen huyzen, binnen de tyd van drie maanden na dato dezer, alzo voorneemens is van hier na elders te vertrekken.
Presenteerende intusse uyt de hand te koop, op zeer voordeelige conditien, deszelfs Huys, geleegen aan de Middendam, Concessie No. 20, op Stabroek.
Demerary, den 6de Sept. 1806. N. Volkerts.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Sep. 1. Brig Ulysses, I. Ingersoll, from New York, with Fish, barrels pickled ditto, Flour, Rice, Butter, Salt, Gin, Brandy, Tobacco, Lamp Oil, Tar, Beef, Cheese, Oysters, Onions, Staves, and Planks.
Sep. 2. Ship Harriet, I. Clark, from Berbice, with Cotton and Coffee.
Sep. 3. Schooner Nancy, G. W. Halsey, from New London, with Horses, Mules, Cows, Staves, Tar, Pitch, Herrings, Flour, Beef, Cod Fish, Coap, Candles, Tobacco, Onions, and Mackarel.
Sep. 3. Ship Duke of Kent, J. Dougall, from Glasgow, with Plantation Stores, Dry Goods, &c.
Sep. 3. Brig Queen, R. Pearson, from Gibraltar, in ballast.
Sep. 5. Schooner Saba, A. Anderson, from Boston, with Lumber, Staves, Hoops, fish, Alewives, Lamp Oil, Beef, Butter, Flour, and Ship Bread.
Sep. 5. Brig Paulina, J. Murch from Saco, with lumber, Shingles, Staves, Shooks, Hoops, Candles, Soap, Salmon, Beef, Boxes of Fish, and Tobacco.

Sep. 1. Brig Sally, S. Fernald, for Portsmouth.
Sep 5. Ship Demerary, P. Inglis, for Liverpool.
Sep. 5. Brig Valerius, F. Gross, for Boston.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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