Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 September 13


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 194.

Saturday, the 13th of September.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. I. Stephen Tavernare, in fourteen days.
Mr. W. MacCulloch, in fourteen days.
Mr. J. Ross, in fourteen days.
Mr. Samuel Enraght, in fourteen days.
Mr. Henry Sampson, in the course of the month.
Mr. Richard Estwick, in fourteen days.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Also den Wel Edele Heer Abraham Dominicus Fleischman meerderjaarig jongman, bebooren te Ouderkerk aan den Amstel, bruidegom ter eenre
En jonkvrouwe Catharina Jacoba Hoopstad, minderjaarige jonge dochter, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haar Ouders de Heer en Vrouwe Hoopstad, bruid ter andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zoo als dezelve reepds op den 7de deezer ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie deezer Rivier, in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen, zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich teegens dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en waar het behoord.
In kennisse van my, J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
Actum in Rio Demerary, deezen 12de September 1806.

This is to inform all those whom it may concern, that Dr. G. F. O. Schaffert departed this Life on the 8th of September 1806, on Plantation De Kinderen.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.
Rio Demerary, this 13th of Sept. 1806.

On Tuesday, the 16th instant, at the Store of Messrs. James Lyon & Co. Beef in barrels and half barrels, Pork in half barrels, Tongues in ditto, Hams, Cheese, Gin in cases, Brandy in Kegs, Black Pepper, Pease in kegs, Salmon in ditto, Soap, Candles, Broad Cloth, Blue and Black Kerseymere, Irish Linen, Platillas, Britannias, Checks, Madras Handkerchiefs, Muslins, Umbrellas, Diaper Table Cloths, Corded Dimities, India ditto, coloured Jeans, Ready-made Clothes, Hardware, Stationary, &c. &c.
Sept. 12, 1806.
On Wednesday the 17th instant, at the Stores of T. T. Thomson, Esq. Beef in whole and half barrels, Butter, Cheese, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles, Soap, Smoked Beef, Hams, Gin, Brandy, Smoked Herrings, Shad, Soused Salmon, Pilot Bread, rice, Tobacco, Mackarel, Twine, Tar and Pitch, and a variety of other Articles.
Sept. 13, 1806.
On Monday the 22d and Tuesday the 23d instant, at the house of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, assorted Earthenware in Casks, Half Firkins Butter, Kegs of Ox Tongues, Irish Beef in Barrels, Ditto Pork in Half Barrels, herrings in Barrels, Glauber Salts in Kegs of 112 lbs., Printed Calicoes, Scotch Huckaback, Diaper, and Table Cloths of different sizes, Ham, Dowlas, Brown Holland, Platillas, Nun's Thread, Adelphi Cotton, &c. &c. &c.
Sept. 13, 1806.
On Wednesday, the 24th instant, at the Store of Mr. O. I. Laurin, American Provisions, viz. Mess Beef and Pork, Tongues, Salmon, Mackarel, Fish in hhds. and boxes, Gin, Brandy, &c. &c.
Sept. 13, 1806.
On Thursday the 25th instant, at the house of C. Smit, Esq. J.Z. Werk & Rust, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Plated Ware, and a variety of other Articles.
Sept. 13, 1806.
On Friday, the 26th instant, at the Vendue Office, an Assortment of Carpenters' and Coopers' Tools in chests, Provisions, Dry Goods, &c. &c.
Sept. 12, 1806.
On Wednesday the 8th of October, by order of Mr. H. Schapers, at his house, a Schooner 36 feet long and 12 feet wide, with new masts, Sails, and Rigging, and a Yawl; a Sloop Boat 20 feet long and 7 and a half feet wide; and a Punt 30 feet long and 8 feet wide. Also, a complete Smith's Shop, with two excellent Smith's Negroes, and containing, a Bellows, 2 Anvils, 2 large and 2 small Work benches, ready made Iron and Smith's work, Fire and Bench Tools complete, a complete Set of Tools for Locks and Guns, Solder for Copper and Brass, a Hogshead of Barbados Sand for Moulds, several Melting Pots, Melting Pots and Moulds for casting Metal for Coffee and Sugar Works, and a large quantity of Smith's Coals. Likewise, some ready made Iron-work, viz. anchors, hinges and hooks, &c. Rum in puncheons and small casks, American Spars for Schooners and Boats, an assortment of Dry Goods, 2 excellent Watches, an exceeding good Telescope, a quantity of Guinea Pepper, Household Furniture, a Waterstander which will hold 1200 gallons, several Water Buts, an excellent Huckstress, 3 Boat Negroes, 2 Female and 2 Male House Negroes, &c. &c. The whole may be viewed eight days preceding, and on the day of Sale.
Sept. 12, 1806.

For Sale, by the Subscribers, the following Articles,
viz [centered]
[first column]
Negro Clothing
Irish Linens
Printed Calicoes
Ready made Coats
Sail Canvas
Pullicat Handkerchiefs
German Checks
[second column]
Ladies' Silk Hats
Nails assorted
Fusees, with Bayonets and Accoutrements complete
Wired London Porter, by the Dozen or Casks
Best Salad Oil
Lime and Terrace
Old Grenada Rum
&c. &c.
[end columns]
Sept. 12. Heywood & Taylor.

The Subscriber has for Sale, at his Store on Werk & Rust, the following Articles imported by the last arrivals, and which he will dispose of at moderate Prices, for Cash, or Produce at Cash Price, viz.
[first column]
White Pine Boards
Ditto Plank
Ditto Scantling
R. O. Staves
W. O. Shooks
Wood Hoops
Oars and Sweeps
Lamp Oil in Barrels
[second column]
Prime Mess, Mess [sic], and Cargo Beef, in whole and half Barrels
Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes
Tongues in half Barrels
Mackarel in ditto
Flour and Tobacco in barrels
Alewives in ditto
Mould Candles
Shipbread [sic]
[end columns]
Hams [centered below]
And a variety of other Articles.
Demerary, Sept. 12, 1806. O. I. Laurin.

A FEW PIPES OF [heading]
Choice Old London Particular Madeira [heading]
Sept. 12. Underwood, Johnson, & Co.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Reasonable, for Cash, on Deliver,
Twenty Half Barrels of Best Irish Beef.
Sept. 12, 1806. M. Campbell.

On the night of the 8th inst. a Punt, about 20 feet long, and 8 feet wide. Any person finding the said Punt, will be rewarded by the Subscriber,
Sept. 13, 1806. M. Campbell.

Whereas a small Boat was this morning found at the Landing place of the Undersigned, and may be now viewed there; Notice is hereby given, that whoever can bring satisfactory proof of its being his property, may have it restored, on paying the expences of advertising, &c.
Stabroek, Sept. 13, 1806. Louis D'Hilliand.

A Young man, of good Family, understanding the English and Dutch languages, and provided with good Testimonials, can immediately find Employ as a Clerk, by applying to the Printer of this paper.
Sept. 12, 1806.

Run Away from the Subscriber a Negro Girl, named Pamela, formerly the property of Mrs. Jansen. She is supposed to be loitering about the Fort. One Joe Reward will be given to whoever will secure and deliver her to
Werk & Rust, Sept. 13, 1806. J. Verwayen.

The Gentlemen of the Rifle Company, having the highest Esteem, particularly for their Captain and Officers, as well as for Major Colin Macrae, and the Officers of the Militia in general, think it proper thus publickly to mark their Disapprobation of the Memorial presented to His Excellency the Governor by Mr. Thomas Marsh, and read on parade this day, as well as their contempt for Mr. Marsh, who they consider as unworthy of being a Member of said Company, and they beg leave to express themselves highly indebted to His Excellency the Governor for having so handsomely taken notice of the impropriety of Mr. Marsh's conduct, in ordering him to be dismissed from the Company.
Stabroek, Sept. 13, 1806.

Accident - On Wednesday fe'[?]night, as J. Jackson, Esq. of Cumingsburg, was returning from Fort Island, to his Plantation Belle Plain, accompanied by Messrs. Armstrong and Bunbury, in a fine new boat lately arrived from England, owing to carrying too much sail, the boat upset in a squall, nearly opposite Mr. Tousin's, and instantly sunk. Neither Mr. Jackson, nor Mr. Bunbury, could swim; the latter clung to the mast, but Mr. J. must inevitably have perished, had not Messrs. Aman and Schultz, whose boat was very fortunately at anchor near the spot, immediately gone to their assistance. By active exertions of these Gentlemen, Messrs. Armstrong and Bunbury were taken up, and the apparently lifeless body of Mr. J. was conveyed to the hospitable house of Mr. Tousin, where every possible attention was shown, and, by using the proper means, suspended animation was happily restored in the course of half an hour. Two fine negroes were drowned.

To the Editor of the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette.
Though there can be no doubt that your Journal has been hitherto better calculated for the amusement of the Colony that that of your competitor, it seems there is still some room for improvement. If, for instance, a few of your readers were to gratify the Publick with their observations on matters immediately interesting, would not [illegible] marks of humour be occasionally elicited that might induce others, of greater abilities, to indulge the community with their thoughts?
I was pleased on hearing a friend of mine, the other day mention his being (he knew not why) at a more than usual expense for shoes! I am a pedestrian, and wish so well to the Hon. Thos. Cuming, who in the improvement of the Highway, deserves the thanks of us all, that I cannot complain; having now, on the ceasing of each shower, the option of remaining at home or enjoying an agreeable promenade. The ameliorated state of the Roads, Sir, is the cause of the extra consumption of sole leather; but while exercise contributes to the preservation of health, and the greeting of life are facilitated, I will never repine at the wear of an old shoe.
I am, Sir, your very humble servant,

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
An Excellent Schooner Rigged Boat, about Twenty Feel Keel, coppered, with Sails and Rigging in complete Order. May be viewed and Particulars known by applying at Plantation La Penitence.
Demerary, Sept. 13, 1806.

The Subscriber has received by the Ship Duke of Kent, a few half barrels of Planter's best Mess Beef and Pork, kegs of Tongues, Hams, and whole and half firkins of double Rose Butter, first quality.
He has also an elegant and large Assortment of Muslins, &c. consisting of
[first column]
Plain, Laced, Black, and Book Muslins
Jeans and Nankeens
Calico Cambricks
Corded Dimities
Twilled Muslins
Check, Mull, and fine Cambrick Handkerchiefs
Tamboured ditto
A variety of Silk and Muslin Shawls
Very fine Jaconet Muslin
Hair Cords
Jean Cambricks
Checquered Cotton ad Cambricks
Figured Silk Handkerchiefs
[second column]
Mixed and plain Chambray Muslins
White Calicoes
Black Cambricks and Chintz
Pullicat Handkerchiefs
Black Patent lace
Ladies' Habit Gloves, and black buff and white Gloves and Mitts
Black and white Silk Stockings
Cotton ditto
Baby Flannel
Pink, white, green, blue, and black Persian, &c. &c. which will be sold very reasonable by the package.
[end columns]
Demerary, Sept. 10, 1806. James Robertson.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Sept. 8. Sloop Blackbird, E. Tynes, from Barbados, with Rice, Beef, Hardware, Hams, Oats, Fish, Wine, Potatoes, Cheese, Bedsteads, Tables, &c.
Sept. 8. Brig Montpelier, R. S. Thouts [?], from Portsmouth, with Lumber, Fish, Candles, Soap, Beef, Oars, Wood Hoops, Staves, Puncheon Shooks, Butter, Mules, Gin, Brandy, &c.
Sept. 8. Brig John and James, I. Stodart, from Newfoundland, with Fish, Kegs Cod Sounds, &c.
Sept. 11. Schooner Gingle, H. C. Darrell, from Barbados, in ballast.
Sept. 11. Brig Alert, W. Coffin, from Portland, with Lumber, Joists, Clapboards, Shingles, Fish, Vinegar, Flour, Hams, Chairs, &c.
Sept. 12. Ship Admiral Nelson, J. Barker, from Africa, with 221 Male and Female Slaves, Ivory, Red wood, and Malagetta Pepper

Sept. 8. Ship Kelton, G. Hewison, for Liverpool.
Sept. 9. Ship Queen, I. Mars, for Liverpool.
Sept. 11. Brig Harriot, F. Smith, for New London.
Sept. 12. Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, for Barbados.

The List of Runaway Slaves is the same as last Week.

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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