Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 October 11


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 198.

Saturday, the 11th of October.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. John Foal, in fourteen days, from October 7.
Mr. John Dickson, in two months, from October 8.
Mr. Robert Craig, in fourteen days, from October 8.
Mr. Loring Barker, in fourteen days, from October 8.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzoo de navolgende Perzoonen van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, als
De Heer Philip Jacobus Wagner, meerderjaarig jongman, gebooren te Quebec, Bruidegom, ter eenre
En Mejuffrouw Maria Zephira van Gennep, Weduwe van wylen den Heer E. L. Fischer, Bruid ter andere zyde;
De Wel Edele Heer James Greenwood, meerderjaarig jongman gebooren te London, Bruidegom, ter eenre
En Mejuffrouw Elizabeth Carr, meerderjaarige jonge docther meede gebooren te London, Bruid ter andere zyde
Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens deese Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar, waar, en zoo 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 10de Oct. 1806.
In kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

This is to inform all those whom it may concern, that John Clarke departed this Life on the 27th of September 1806, in Coeriaraboe Creek. F. Horn, sworn Clerk.
Rio Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806.

NOTICE. [heading]
In consequence of an Agreement entered into by the Subscribers, all debts due to the Concerns of Fraser, Littledale, & McLeod, and Fraser, Littledale & Co. are taken over by, and become the Property of Anthony Littledale, and must therefore be paid to him only.
The said Anthony Littledale having at the same time undertaken to be accountable for, and discharge all Debts due by the Concerns of Fraser, Littledale, & McLeod, and Fraser, Littledale, & Co. therefore all Persons having Demands against said Concerns, will be pleased to apply to him. Anthony Littledale,
J. C. McLeod, for Self and
Simon Fraser.
William Robertson,
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806. for Self and Simon Fraser.

M. Doyle informs the Public, that both C. F. Guintzel and he have mutually agreed on the 6th instant to dissolve the Copartnership carried on by them, under the Firm of C. F. Guintzel & Co.
Stabroek, Oct. 9, 1806. M. Doyle.

FOR SALE OR HIRE, [heading]
The well-known Premises at present occupied by the Subscriber, in Robb's Town. The above Premises are so well adapted for Business, that it is useless to make an observation on them, otherwise than that they are in excellent repair. An approved Purchaser will meet with reasonable Terms, and can have Possession on the 1st of January 1807.
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806. John Benning.

For Sale by the Undersigned, a good Cook, and different House Negroes, Two Horses, a Currile, and a Cow with her Calf. For Prices and Conditions apply to
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806. F. C. Engels.

By de Ondergeteekende te Huur, op de voorgrond der Plantagie La Repentir,
Een groote Sloep, welke 20 vaaten Zuyker kan laaden, by den dag ofte by de reys. Ook zyn by hem te bekoomen steenen, en gruys ofte gebrooken steenen om paade te maaken.
Plantage La Repentir, J. Theysse.
den 11 Oct. 1806.

On Tuesday next, the 14th instant, will be exposed for Sale, by the Subscriber, at the Store of Mr. Richard Forshaw, La Bourgade, under the Formalities prescribed by Law
240 Gold-Coast Slaves,
Imported in the Ship Harriett. James Ogle.
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806.

The Subscribers will expose for Sale, on Friday next, the 14th instant, at the Store of Messrs. J. Madden & Co. under the Formalities prescribed by Law,
190 prime Windward Coast Slaves,
Imported in the Ship Minerva, Capt. Stowell.
Demerary, Oct. 10, 1806. C. Macrae.
H. L. Underwood.

Absconded, last Thursday week, from the Subscriber, a young Negro Boy, named Smart, of the Foulak Nation. He had a Pass signed by Mr. Grant, of Corobana, with a Letter from that Gentleman to the Undersigned, and took with him a Chaise Box, containing Shirts and other Wearing Apparel - likewise Two Chaise Cushions. Any Person apprehending the said Boy, will be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, Oct. 10, 1806. James Jackson.

Any Person who may wish to enter into a Contract for being supplied with Plantains on reasonable terms, will be treated with, by applying to W. L. Cowan, Esq. on Plantation La Penitence.
Demerary, October 11, 1806.

Wanted To Hire Ten Negro Men for a Year. For further Particulars apply at the Office of this Paper.
Stabroek, October 11, 1806.

TO BE LET, [heading]
The very well situated Buildings and Lot of Land, now occupied by Dr. Seysson, between the Plantations Ruymveld & La Penitence. The Hire is to commence on the 1st day of January 1807. for further information apply to
Demerary, October 10, 1806. Stephen Cramer
Plantation Ruymveld.

De Ondergeteekende, door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie aangestelde Sequesters in de Plantagie Sophia, en Executeuren ten Boedel wylen den Wel. Ed. Gest. Heer Kroll, verzoeken mits deezen, dat alle Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel Compareeren, of Gemagtigdens zenden, op Woensdag, den 22 October aanstaande, ten huyze van de Heeren John Madden & Co. en een yder voorzien zy met deszelfs origineele en correcte Pretentie lasten welgemelde Boedel bereekend tot primo January 1806, om ten zelven dage te kunnen worden geexamineerd en accord bevonden wordende, het Divident der Revenuen te kunnen bereekenen, zynde nog verscheyde Pretentien niet behoorlyk en genoegzaam gespecificeerd tot deeze zaake.
Een provisioneele staat van den gemelden Boedel zal aan de Crediteuren ter Comparitie ter visie werden overgelegd,
De Non Comparanten zullen moeten verstooken worden van 't beneficium van 't eerste Divident.
Demerary, den 10de Oct. 1806. Colin Macrae,
C. M. Overweg.

On Tuesday, the 21st instant, at the Store of I. Mackenzie & Co. Prints and Carricatures [sic] in lots; Burgundy, Claret, Port, and Cherry Wine; Porter and Brandy; Ready-made Clothes, Boots and Shoes, Russia Sheeting, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Patent Silk Hats, Irish Linen, Silk and Cotton Stockings, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gloves, Flour in barrels and half barrels, Irish Mess Beef in tierces, Beef and Pork, Tea, Hogs, Lard, &c. &c.

The Subscriber has IMPORTED THE FOLLOWING GOODS in the Paxton, Capt. Balston, from London, and which he offers for Sale for Ready Money only, viz.
[first column]
Westphalia Hams
Butter in Jars
Boulogne Sausages
Sweet Milk Cheese
Comine Ditto
Pine Cheese
Loaf Ditto
Essence of Parsley and Celery
Pearl Barley
Pot Barley
Split Peas in Kegs
Green Ditto in Jugs
Oats in Tierces
Temper lime
Mill Grease
Dutch Terras in Barrels of about 8 Bushels
Mould Candles
Wax Ditto in Boxes of 12 lb. each.
Spermaceti in ditto ditto
White Lead
Spanish Brown
Green Paint
Blue Ditto
Paint Oil
Lamp Oil in Jugs
Sewing Twine
Seine Twine
Rocking Horses
Dressed Dolls, haired
Backgammon Boxes, complete
Mahogany Dressing Glasses
Large Looking Glasses
Mahogany Dressing Cases
Mahogany Boot Jacks
Common ditto
Boot Hooks
Sewing Silk and Twist
Elastic Silk Braces
Common Ditto
Men's Buck Gloves
Men's Patent Silk Hats
Ladies Ditto Ditto, black
Servants' Glazed ditto
[second column]
Boys' beaver Ditto
Men's Common Hats
Snuff, No. 37, in Half Pound Cannisters
Baby Flannel
Twilled Ditto
Green Baize
Linen Checks
Irish Linens
Ladies' Straw Bonnets
Rose Water
Lavender water
Honey Water
Assorted Essences
Scented Powder
Scented Pomatum
Jack Screws
Glass Ware
Plantation Lamps
Spirit of Turpentine
Soda Water
STATIONARY, consisting of
Superfine Wove Paper
Ditto Thick Post
Ditto Thin Ditto
Best Foolscap
Dutch Quills
Maps and files
Pocket Ledgers
Red Tape
Ink Powder
Boxes with Pounce
Bill Cases
Blank Books assorted
Boxes with 20 lbs. Starch, and 2 lbs. Blue
Starch in Papers of 4 lbs.
Blue in 1 lb. papers
Cotton Gin Cranks
Spare Screws for Ditto
Hinges assorted
Grating Bar
Rum Bubbles
Brass Cocks
Cloak Pins
Boxes with Water Colours
Iron Puncheon Hoops
Ditto Vat Hoops
Coopers' rivets
And many other Articles.
[end columns]
Demerary, October 11, 1806. P. Verbeke.

Just received, and for Sale by the Subscriber, the following Articles, viz.
[first column]
Cotton Shirting
Ladies' and Gent. Stockings
[second column]
Superfine Black Coats
Patent Canvas mattrasses
Loaf Sugar
[end columns]
Sadlery, &c. &c. [centered item]
Some Gin and Brandy of the first Quality.
There is now room on board the George, Capt. Price, and the Paxton, Capt. Balston, for London (to sail with the first Convoy) for a few Bags of Coffee.
Demerary, Oct. 9, 1806. R. Younghusband.

Imported in the Brig Hawkesbury, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers, the following Articles:
[first column]
New Irish Butter
Refined Sugar
Hyson Tea
Raisins and Currants
Mustard and Salad Oil
Hams and Bacon
Pickled Pork and Beef
Irish Mess Beef and Pork
Pickled Tongues
Tripe, Oysters
Pine Cheese
Bottled and Draught Porter
Small Beer
Port and Sherry Wine
Spermaceti & Tallow Candles
Paints and Paint Oil
Negro Clothing and Blankets
Gentlemen's Ready-made Clothes
Boots and Shoes
Patent Silk Hats
Broad-rim'd White Hats
Servants' Glazed Hats, with Silver Bands
Negro Hats
Short Stockings for Boots
Stationary, assorted
[second column]
Green Canvas for Window Blinds
Fine Welsh Flannel
Irish Linen and Sheeting
Long Lawn
Russia Sheeting
Printed Calicoes
Romal and Pullicat Hkfs.
Platillas – Britannias
Dowlas – Salempores
Cotton Lining and Shirting
Cambric Muslin
Pocket Handkerchiefs
Table Linen
White and Brown Sail Canvas
Sheet Lead
Gunpowder and Shot
Locks, Hinges, Bolts
Trenching Shovels
Pruning Knives
Cotton Gin Cranks
Seine and Sewing Twine
Temper lime
Portable Writing Desks
Straw Bottom Chairs
Wheel and Hand Barrows
Table Sets of China
[end columns]
Also London Particular Madeira Wine, of a very superior Quality, in Pipes, Hhds, and Quarter Casks.
Dem. Oct. 10, 1806. Underwood, Johnson, & Co.

Just Received from New York, by the Brig Phoebe, J. Bonton, master,
[first column]
Cod Fish, Mackarel, Salmon
Pickled Herrings
Smoked Salmon in tins
Smoked Herrings
[second column]
Dutch Cheese
Albany Boards
Ditto Planks
Onions, &c. &c.
[end columns]
On Hand - Tar, Pitch, Tobacco, rice, Candles, Soap, Hams, Smoked Beef, Lamp Oil, and a variety of other Articles.
Demerary, Oct. 10, 1806. T. T. Thomson.

FOR SALE, [heading]
By the Subscriber, at his Store, at the House of F. Horn, Esq. in front of Werk & Rust, for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce:
Lancashire Hams in high preservation, and smoked Beef
Double Gloucester and Pine Cheese, and Irish double Rose Butter
Bullocks Tongues in kegs, and Tripe in ditto
Smoked and Pickled Herrings, and Ling Fish in boxes
Porter and Beer in puncheons
An assortment of Tin Ware
Complete sets of Carpenters' and Coopers' Tools
Ironmongery, consisting of Hinges of all sizes and descriptions, Stock and Chamber Locks and Padlocks, Box and Trunk ditto, Socket and handled Chissels of all sizes, Screw Augers and common ditto, rasps and Files of all sizes, Screw Nails from Half an Inch to Two Inches, and Nails
A general Assortment of Dry Goods and Negro Clothing
Gin, Brandy, &c.
October 13, 1806. M. Downie.

MACDONALD, HALKET, & Co. [heading]
Have imported in the Bellisle, and on Sale at their Store in the New Town,
[first column]
Irish Beef
Butter, Hams, and Cheese
Ling Fish in boxes
Red and White Herrings in kegs
Porter, Ale, and Beer
Soap and Candles
Split Pease, Barley, and Oatmeal in kegs
Tea and Refined Sugar
Black Pepper
Starch and Blue
Cotton and Coffee Bagging
White and brown Russia Sheeting
Osnaburghs, Sail Cloth
Cordage, Grapnels, White rope, Seine line, and Twine
Paints and Oil
Neat's foot Oil
Looking Glasses
Framed Prints
Boots and Shoes
Gentlemen's fashionable ready-made Clothes
Hats, Gloves, and Braces
Black Silk for waistcoats
Black Crape
Welsh Flannel
Blue Duffle, Green Baize
Negro Clothing, Boat Cloaks
Green Silk Umbrellas
Gentlemen and Ladies Stockings
White and printed Calicoes
Chintzes, Jeannettes
India Dimity, Cambrick
[second column]
Fine laced Work Muslins
A few elegant Ladies Dresses
Irish Linen and Sheeting
Table Cloths, Diaper, Dowlas
Coarse and fine Cotton and Linen Check, Stripe
Check Shirts
Servants plain White ditto
Thread and Tape
French Pullicat and Blue Romal
Saddles, Bridles, and Whips
Portmanteau Trunks
Horse Nets
Girths, Stall Collars
Curry Combs and Brushes
Tin, Glass, and Earthen ware
Gunpowder and Shot
Sheet Lead
Smoothing Irons
Cotton Gin Cranks
Nails 4d. a 30d.
Bolts and Hinges
Brass, Iron, and Stock Locks
Padlocks with hasps and staples
Hoes, Shovels, and Cutlasses
Vat and Puncheon Hoops
White Ivory and Ebony-handled Knives and Forks with Carvers
Marking Irons, Steelyards
Fowling Pieces
Fuzees and Bayonets, with Accoutrements complete
A large Assortment of Carpenter's and Coopers' Tools, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806.

Imported in the Bellisle, Capt. Gammel, and for Sale, by the Subscriber, at his Store, on Werk & Rust,
Hams, Cheese, ling fish in boxes, and Cod Fish
White lead, Black Paint, and Linseed Oil in jugs
Hoes, Cutlasses, and Pruning Knives
Irish Linen, Men's Patent Silk Hats, and beaver ditto
Negro Leather Caps
An assortment of Stationary
A set of Phaeton Harness complete
Large-sized Horse Sheet bound with Tape
Breast Cloths and Hoods to suit, and Pad Rollers
Long Driving Whips
And a variety of other Dry Goods.
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806. Jos. Ward.

Received from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber, the following Articles, viz.
[first column]
Yorkshire Hams
Pine loaf, and Gloucester Cheese
Jars of Tripe
Hyson Tea
Refined Sugar
Almonds, Raisins, French Plumbs
Spices assorted
Durham Mustard
Kits of spiced Salmon
[second column]
Florence Oil
White Wine Vinegar in jugs
Brown Stout and Ale in 4 doz. Cases
Fashionable Sadlery
Hessian Boots
Coarse and fine Shoes
Silk and Beaver Hats
Plated Ware
[end columns]
Negro Clothing, &c. &c.
A large Punt for Hire.
Demerary, Oct. 10, 1806. Thomas Shute.

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
BUT FOR CASH ONLY, [heading]
London Particular Madeira Wine, [heading]
Kingston, Oct. 11, 1806. Henry Marsh.

Just imported from London, in the Hawkesbury, Captain Watson, and for Sale by the Subscribers, Sets of Handsome Mahogany Dining Tables on reeded legs and Brass castors, Sophas with Egyptian Furniture, Patent Grecian Lamps elegantly ornamented with Bronze and Cut Paste Ornaments, Wall Shades with plated Brackets, a few Sets of Rich Hanging Paper of the newest and most fashionable patterns, Boydell and Co.'s Sets of the Battle off [sic] Trafalgar, coloured, in gilt frames; an assortment of the most fashionable rich Furniture Chintz, Dressing Glasses, Handsome Brass-bound Mahogany writing Desks, Telescopes, Ivory handled Knives and Forks, Best Hair Mattresses, Westphalia Hams, Bologna And Pickled Sausages, Smoked Beef and Pigs' Cheeks, Pickled Tongues, Tripe, and Herrings, Spiced Salmon, Hoffman's Raspberry vinegar, Cherry Brandy and Fruits in Brandy, Finest White Sugarcandy, Turkey Figs, Jordan Almonds, Bloom raisins, Currants, White Bread and Split Pease, in kegs; Pine Bath Loaf, Single and Double Gloucester Cheese, Bottled Beer and Porter in puncheons, Port Wine and Poland Oats in ditto, Tea, Refined Sugar, Spices, Sago, Black Pepper, Salt in firkins, an assortment of fashionable Wearing Apparel, Boots, Dress and Planters' Strong Shoes, Black Silk and Beaver Hats, Broad rimm'd ditto, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Silk, Thread, and Cotton Stockings, Blue, Black, and Scarlet Broad Cloths, Black Silk Waistcoating, White and Yellow nankeens, Musquito Netting, Window gauze, Black Crape and Muslin, Gloves, Gibson's best Hunting Saddles and Bridles, Whips, Fowling Pieces, Gunpowder and Shot, Negro Clothing, Blankets and Hats, Cotton Bagging, Osnaburghs, Checks, Salempores, Britannias, Russia and Irish Sheetings and Linens, Brown ditto, White Calico, Table Cloths, Huckaback, D'Oyleys, Sheet Lead, Copper Teaches, Iron Boilers, Grating Bars, Iron Pots, Skimmers and Ladles, Round-eyed Felling Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses, Vat and Puncheon Iron Hoops, Truss and Wood Ditto, Canvas, tarred and white Rope, Deep Sea Lines, Seine and Sewing Twine, Blacks, Anchors, Grapnels, Nails, 4d. to 5 inch Spikes, White lead and Coloured Paints, Lamp Black Paint, Neatsfoot Oil, Vinegar and Spirits of Turpentine in Jugs, Candles, Soap and Tallow, Vase and barrel Lamps, Shades, and an assortment of handsome cut and plain Table Glass Ware, Vat, Wine, and Beer Brass Cocks, Pump Leather, Coopers' and Carpenters' Tools, and a general assortment of Ironmongery, &c. &c.
Also, a Parcel of Choice London Particular Madeira Wine, received by the Claude Scott, warranted Three Years old when shipped.
Demerary, Oct. 8, 1806. Cornfoot, Bell, & Co.

Op Zondag, den 5 deezer, 's middags een uur, overleed op de Plantagie Vive la Force, naar eene ziekte van twee dagen, myn dogtertje Maria Johanna Frederica, in den ouderdom van circa vyf jaaren; en 's Maandag morgens, den volgenden dag, overleed myn jongste dogtertje Louisa Helena na eene ziekte van tien dagen, in den ouderdom van vyfitien maanden, welke twee kinderen op Maandag avond heb ten graave geleid.
Ik vertrouwe dat myne Vrienden en Bekenden in dit smerzelyk verlies voor ouders meedelydend deel zullen neemen, en goedigst gelieven te excuseeren, dat geene byzondere communicatie brieven heb afgevaardigd, 't welk in myne aandoenlyke situatie niet wel heest kunnen geichieden.
Demerary, den 7de October 1806 C. M. Overweg.

Vernoomen hebbende dat den Heer Beekman eene Obligatie uyt gestelt heest, ten faveure van wylen K. Cramer, geweesene Directeur der Plantagie Meer Zorg, groot 10 Johannissen, zoo verwagt den Ondergeteekende, als Executeur Testamentair in den Boedel van gemelde K. Cramer, terwyl deeze Obligatie zig niet onder deselfs nagelaatene papiere bevind, ten spoedigsten en wel binnen drie maanden na dato dezer daar mede op te willen koomen, ten eynde gemelde Obligatie te kunnen intrekken.
Demerary, den 6 Oct. 1806. I. H. Kurth.

The Subscriber having removed from the House and Store lately occupied by him, situated in the New Town, informs his Friends and the Public, that his present Residence is in Kingston, the next House to Messrs. McLeod & McKenzie, where he has on hand the following Articles, which he will dispose of upon reasonable Terms for Cash viz.
Gold Epaulets for the Royals, Silver Epaulets, Gold plain Epaulets for Militias, Fourth West India Regimental Epaulets
Silver Wings
Swords, full Dress and Regulation
Officers, Serjeants, and Privates Breast Plates
Fashionable printed Shawls
Madeira Wine in Pipes, Hogsheads, and Quarter Casks
Gin and Brandy in Pipes
Soap, Candles, Tobacco, &c. &c.
He being anxious of quitting the colony in a very short time, requests those indebted to him will come forward to settle the Demands against them as early as possible.
At the same time, he begs all those to whom he stands indebted will render in their Accounts, so as to be liquidated by the 24th of December.
Demerary, Oct. 11, 1806. Thomas Marsh.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Oct. 7. Brig Jane, A. Smith; Brig Hawkesbury, Jas. Watson; Brig Paxton, J. Ballton; and Ship George, Jas. Price; all from London. (For Cargoes, see Advts.)
Oct. 9. Ship Harriet, P. Stuart, from Africa, and, [Oct.] 10, Bellisle, W. Gammell, from Glasgow, with Merchandize, Plantation Stores, &c.

Oct. 8. Marquis of Huntley, R. Jacques. 9. Alert, W. Coffin, for Saco, and Marcus, Burrwell, for New London. 10. Sloop Wealthy, I. Clark, for New York. 11. Brig John and James, Stodart, for Newfoundland.

We need not tell our Readers, that the vessels off this port when our last paper went to press were from London; that fact is sufficiently evinced by our Advertisements; to which, agreeably to our professions and intentions, we have given every aid, although at the expence of much trouble, by an additional Supplement of News, after all our arrangements were made for an ordinary publication.

The next Meeting of the Court of Rolls will be on Monday the 20th inst.

C. J. Rapin, Esq. was appointed Fiscal of Essequebo by the Hon. Court of Policy on Saturday last.

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

[No Supplement found in microfilm]


Created: 28 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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