Ao. 1806 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 202.
Saturday, the 8th of November.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Henry Woolferd, in fourteen days,
from November 1.
Mr. N. Volkerts, in four or five Months,
from November 1.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.
Wordt mits deezen an elke en iegelyk
geadverteerd, dat den Heer C. I. Rapin zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi
heest te Essequebo.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary,
deezen 31ste October 1806.
In kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
By Virtue of a certain Appointment
granted by the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony to the Hon. C. Vincent and
E. [Engle in Dutch version] Loncke Esq.
appointed by the said Hon. Court Curators to the Boedel of Catharina Elizabeth
Bertho, dec. Widow in the first place of E. Loncke, Esq. and secondly, Widow of
Ricks Hendricks, Esq. who died the 11th September 1804.
I the undersigned Marshal do hereby
All the known and unknown Creditors of
the said Boedel to appear either by themselves or their Attornies before the
Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, at their Session to be holden in the
Court House, Stabroek on the 17th November inst. and following days
In order to deliver in their well
grounded pretensions and claims, as well in cases of preference as otherwise,
and to proceed thereon according to Law.
And Notice is hereby further given that,
after the exploration of this and the three other customary Edicts, proceedings
will be instituted to obtain a perpetual Silentium.
Nov. 3, 1806. Mart. Smit, 1st Exploiteur.
By Virtue of a certain Appointment,
granted the 20th October, 1806, upon the requisition of C. G. Storm van s
Gravesande empowered thereto by I. G. Erler, heir at law to I. W. Koning
I the undersigned Marshal of this Colony
do hereby SUMMON for the First Time.
All the known and unknown Creditors of
the said Boedel, to appear before the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony at
their Session to be holden in the Court House, Stabroek on the 17th November
inst. and following days.
In order to render their pretensions and
declare their suppositions against the said Boedel. After which, the customary
legal proceedings will be instituted against those who shall neglect to appear.
Demerary, Nov. 1, 1806. B. Teyssen,
By Virtue of a Decree of the Honourable
Court of Justice of this Colony, bearing date the 3d November, 1806,
Are hereby for the Fourth (ex
superabundante) Time SUMMONED by me the Undersigned, in my quality of marshal,
at the Suit of P. C. Mickerts Executor to the Estate of the late W. Stoel,
All the known and unknown Creditors of
the said Boedel
To appear, either by themselves or their
Attornies, before the said Hon. Court at their Session to be holden at the
Court House, Stabroek on the 17th November inst. and following days,
In order to deliver in their several
pretensions and to declare their suppositions; as after the expiration of this
Fourth and Last (ex superabundante) Edict, proceedings will be instituted to
obtain a perpetual Silentium.
Demerary, Nov. 7, 1806. H. C.
Evertsz, Exploit.
Alle ge geenen die eenige Praetentien
hebben, of schuldig zyn, aan de Boedls [sic] van I. Bles,
Harrison Drayton,
G. F. O. Schaffert, en
J. Salmond,
worden verzogt hunne Praetention op te
geeven, of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van acht maanden ter
respectiv Wees en On[?]eheerde Boedel Kamer dezer Rivier alzo na expiratie van
dit termyn door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hoven van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd
het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary den 1de Nov 1806.
King's house, Nov. 7, 1806.
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor
highly satisfied with the conduct of some Gentlemen holding the rank of
Officers in this Colony, who wish to join the Company of Cavalry as Privates,
hereby orders, that if, at any future period, this Corps should be disbanded,
such Gentlemen shall not be considered as having forfeited the rank they have
held, and the exemption granted them by Law.
By His Excellency's Command,
(Signed) J. Brown, Aid du Camp.
As no attention has been paid to my
former Advertisement respecting brining the Horses to water on this Estate, and
as the roads from it to town have become very dangerous through the number of
horses constantly galloping there, Orders have now been given, not to allow any
boy to water his Horse. Still, however, to oblige the Owners of Horses, they
may send their boys daily for as many pails of water as they may have occasion
Plantation Ruimveld, Nov. 7, 1806. F.
The Undersigned is obliged, from the
frequent accidents that daily happen by the carelessness of Negroes watering
Horses, to state, that unless the Horses are rode quietly in a bridle, and that
the Negro brings with him a pail, no horse in future will be allowed to water
on the Plantation. It is also requested, that the Owners of Horses coming to
water, will give strict orders to their Negroes not to tie any Horse to the
railing, as it is not quite convenient to keep two Carpenters every day at
work, mending the breaches made by such abuse. Any Horse found (after this
Notice) tied to the railing, will be sent into the Barracks.
No Grass Cutters will in future be
allowed. Further than the Second Gate. Any Negro found inside will be
considered a trespasser, and dealt with accordingly. Observe, from this date,
all the Watchmen will be armed with muskets, to prevent the depredations that
have of late been committed on the back parts of the Plantation.
W. L. Cowan.
Wanted, an Overseer for a Coffee Estate
in Canal No. 3. A liberal salary will be given to a person well recommended.
Apply to the Printer.
The Members of the Eendragt Society are
hereby informed, that on Wednesday, the 19th inst. a Balloting will take place.
Demerary, Nov. 8, 1806. T. Duim,
VENDUE OFFICE. [heading]
All those indebted to this Office, and
particularly to the Vendues of Messrs. Ross and Smith, Till and Chichester,
q.q. and Orphan Chamber, are hereby informed, that if their accounts are not
discharged in the course of the ensuing week, they shall positively be put into
the hands of a Lawyer to be sued for.
On Thursday, the 13th instant, at the
Vendue Office, coarse and fine Irish Linen, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks,
Stockings, Provisions, &c.
Nov. 8, 1806.
On Friday, the 14th instant, at the
Store of T. T. Thomson, Esq. a general assortment of Provisions, consisting of
No. 1 Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels, Salmon, Pickled and Smoked
Herrings, Shads, Mackarel, Butter, Tobacco in hhds. Mould and Spermaceti
Candles, Lamp and Paint Oil, Tar, &c. &c.
Nov. 7, 1806.
On Tuesday, the 18th instant, and
following Day, at the House lately occupied by O. I. Laurin, Esq. dec. on Werk
& Rust, by order of the Hon. I. S. Masse and Jonas Fileen, Esq. as
provisionally (by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor) appointed Executors
to the Estate viz
Household Furniture, Wearing Apparel,
House and other Negroes, a Schooner boat with its standing Rigging, Sails,
Cables, and Grapnels, with or without the Boat Negroes; Two Saddle and One
Chaise Horse, a Cow and Calf &c. &c.
Farther, the remaining Stock of
merchandize in the Stores, consisting chiefly of Fish in hhds. Mess Beef in
whole and half barrels, Cargo no. 1 Butter in firkins and kegs, Brandy in
barrels, kegs, and cases; Mould Candles and Soap in boxes, Tobacco in hhds. and
barrels, Alewives in ditto, Biscuit in ditto, Lamp Oil in barrels, Glauber
Salts in ditto, Black Pepper and Nutmegs, Nankeen and Osnaburgs and a variety
of other Articles too numerous to mention, and which will be brought forward on
the Day of Sale.
Likewise will be presented for Sale, Two
Lots, Nos. 22 & 23, situated on the front Grounds of Plantation le
Repentir, with a new erected Frame thereon, which is to be completely finished
by the Carpenter, and according to Contract.
And finally, the valuable Concession
where this Auction is to be held, with all its Buildings, Stelling, &c.
Nov. 7, 1806.
Received by the Brig Jane, Capt. Smith,
and for Sale by the Undersigned, at very moderate Prices, for Cash only, at
their Store on Werk & Rust, lately occupied by C. Smit, Esq. J.Z. and
immediately opposite the house of the Hon. C. Vincent:
[first column]
Jew Beef in Half Barrels
Pickled Tongues
Spiced Salmon
Rounds of Beef
Double Gloucester Cheese
Soap and Candles
Lamp and Paint Oils
All sorts of Paints
Hinges and Nails, assorted
Hoes, Coffee & Corn Mills, &c.
White Ivory handled Knives and Forks
An assortment of Plated Articles
Ditto of Glass ware
Cherry and Raspberry Brandy
Wine, Gin, and Brandy
Porter and Bristol Beer
A variety of Saddles and Bridles
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Riding Whips
[second column]
Chaise and Hunting Whips
Currycombs and Brushes
Chaise Harness
Sail Cloth and Cordage
Flemish Linen
Stationary, consisting of Writing Paper,
Pens, and Ink Powder
Muslins and Muslin Handkerchiefs
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hats
Cottons and Cotton Cambricks
Fine and Coarse Irish Linens
Silk Ribbons and Handkerchiefs
Salempores and Nankeens
Fine and Coarse Checks
Madras Muslins, &c.
Ladies' Silk and Cotton Stockings
Gentlemen's Ditto
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gloves
Ladies' Shoes and Slippers
Gentlemen's fine and Strong boots and
And a variety of other Articles.
[end columns]
Demerary, Nov. 8, 1806. Bauch &
The Undersigned requests that all those
to whom he is indebted in his prive[accent] will render in their demands to
him, at his Store on Werk & Rust, within Six weeks from the date hereof, in
order that all his private accounts may be liquidated.
Werk & Rust, Nov. 8, 1806. C.
FOR SALE, [heading]
The House and Premises in Kingston
belonging to the Subscribers, as well as the House and Premise in Cumingsburgh,
formerly the residence of Mr. Mackenzie. Terms of Payment for either will be
made as accommodating as possible to an approved Purchaser.
Kingston, Nov. 7, 1806. Wm.
Mackenzie & Co.
Those who stand indebted to the
Subscribers (they having resigned Business since May last, as then advertised,
and Mr. Forrester being determined to quit this Colony early in the ensuing
year are informed, that, unless their Demands are immediately discharge, they
will be SUED, without the smallest respect to persons.
Demerary, Nov. 8, 1806. Walcott &
The Undersigned gave public notice, in
this paper of the 24th May last, that he had resigned Business, and shortly
intended to quit the Colony altogether; and at the same time requested,
"that such as had claims against him, would apply for them, and those
indebted to him, would call and pay their account" [If the latter part of
this solicitation had been as well attended to as the former, he would now have
been spared the disagreeable task of informing the defaulters, that they will
most assuredly be sued at the next January Court, unless they think proper
previously to come to a settlement.
Demerary, Nov. 8, 1806. C. D.
LOST. [heading]
On the 29th of October last, an
Acceptance For Three Hundred And Ten Guilders, of Mr. Ch. Mathews, in favour of
the Undersigned. Whoever will restore it to the Owner, shall receive a Joe
Reward, and if it should be attempted to be negociated, it is requested that it
may be stopped
Werk & Rust, Nov. 8, 1806. J. F.
A Person lately arrived in this Colony,
who can be properly recommended in all respects, is wishful to be employed in
the Mercantile Business as a Bookkeeper and Clerk. A letter addressed to C. C.
S. and left at this Office, or at the House of Mr. W. Hallstead, will meet due
Stabroek, Nov. 8, 1806.
TO BE LET OR SOLD, [heading]
A Very commodious Dwelling House,
situated between that of Mr. Morehouse and that of Mr. Grey, on Labourgade.
For further Particulars apply to
Demerary, Nov. 8, 1806. James
Part, or the Whole of the House,
situated on Werk & Rust, lately occupied by the Hon. P. C. Ouckama,
provided with every accommodation. TO BE LET directly. Information to be
obtained at the same house, from L. A. I. Philippart, Esq.
Demerary, Nov. 8, 1806.
NOTICE. [heading]
Run Away from the Subscriber, six weeks
ago, a Negro Man by name Ceazir. Any person apprehending the same, and lodging
him in the Barracks, shall receive a Reward of One Joe over and above the
Barrack Fees. The above Negro has been seen in the service of Doctor D.
Bosquit; any person who will prove the same, shall be handsomely rewarded, in
order to bring such offender to justice.
Nov. 8, 1806. Jacoba Elizabeth Timmermans.
His Majesty's brig Demerara came in on
Wednesday from a cruise.
The Board of the Rolls and Court of
Justice will meet on Monday the 17th inst.
We understand, that by a late regulation
of the Hon. Court of Policy, the Members of the Hon. Court of Justice are in
future to be released from the payment of Head Money for their slaves.
ON Wednesday evening last, as James
Robertson, Esq. and Mrs. Dusart, were taking an airing in a single horse
chaise, on the road between Le Repentir and La Penitence, they were violently
rode against by some Negroes, who were every improperly riding their masters'
horses to water. We do not know whether these sable jockeys were riding a race
- whether they were practising any new feats of horsemanship - or, whether they
fancied themselves Cavalry Men! but we rather think the latter; for they closed
their files so admirably, came so well up together, and made so grand a charge,
that the poor chaise was instantly shattered to pieces, and it was with
difficulty the Gentleman obtained quarter, and escaped bodily injury. As for
the Lady, we are sorry to say, she has been extremely ill ever since from the
bruises and the fright she received. The display of blood and bottom on the
part of the horsemen, however, unfortunately for them, did not end here. There
were soon surrounded, taken prisoners, and reported to the Hon. the Fiscal, who
ordered a severe flogging to each; which punishment was inflicted the next
evening on the public road, as an example to others, and we hope it will have
the desired effect. Masters should not allow their boys to ride the horses to
water; they must know that negroes are not fit to be trusted. It is more safe,
more proper, for the slaves to lead them, and at the same time it has a more
decent appearance.
(Deaths.) On Thursday, I. Robb, Esq.
The same day, on Plantation Wittenburg,
Mrs. Adriana De Wit.
Early of Friday morning, suddenly Mr.
Ritman, baas [sic] to J. H. Wideman, Esq. This unfortunate man is said to have
himself put a period to his existence by a pistol.
AANSPRAAK [heading]
[?]oor de Predicant G. Ryk, by de
Begraffente [heading]
Van wylen de Heer O. I. Laurin,
den 31ste October 1806. [long sermon;
one full column]
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
Nov. 3. Schooner Catherine, B.
Chandler, from Saco, with Lumber, Shingles, Staves, Shooks, Clapboard, Fish,
and Crackers.
Nov. 4. Brig Dart, I. Denniston, from
Newfoundland, with Cod Fish.
Nov. 3. Schooner Ariel, G. Kimboul, for
New London.
Nov. 4. Fame, I. Lawson, for Barbados.
Nancy, R. Lee, from [sic] New York.
List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not
Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,
Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary