Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 December 06


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 206.

Saturday, the 6th of December.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting the Colony:
Mr. Thomas Delisle, in fourteen days, from November 18.
Mr. H. Van Kerkwyk, in fourteen days, from November 25.
Mr. Josiah Knisey, in fourteen days, from November 25.
Mr. Henry T. Flintgen, in fourteen days, from November 30.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo de navolgende Persoonen van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, als,
De Heer Johannes Matheus Bauch, Weduwnar, met
Vrouwe Mary Jeems, Weduwe van wylen de Wel Ed. Gest. Heer David Breton, J. D. Z. En
De Heer Ellis John Troughton, meerderjaarig jongman, gebooren in Wales in England met
Mejuffrouw Eliza Williams meerderjaarige jonge dochter, gebooren te Barbados.
Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en ees iegelyk ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens deese Huwelyken te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar, waar, en zoo 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 4de Dec. 1806.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Uit krgate van zeeker Extract Notul, worden uit naam en de van weegens F. C. Elbers en I. Wilson, Sequesters van Plantagie Chance Hall,
By deeze voor de tweede maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren, lasten het netto provenie van gedagte Plantagie Chance Hall,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie zittend ter audientie der viertien daagsche Roole op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den vyftiende December eerstkoomeende
Ten einde als nog aldaar op en aantegeeven hunne pretentien en teevens te dien van hun gesustineerde zullende teegens de non Comparanten worden geproceedert als naar Rechten B. Teyssen,
Rio Demerary, den 4de December 1806. Exploiteur.

Uit kragte zan zeeker Extract Notul, worden uit naam en de van weegens F. Van Kinschot en H. Borel, Exectueuren ten Boedel wylen Louis Farvarger,
By deeze voor de tweede maal by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van voormelde Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justite, zittende ter audientie der veertiendaaagsche Rolle op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den vyftiende Dec. eerstkoomende.
Ten einde als nog aldaar op en aantegeeven hunne pretentien en leevens te dienen van hun gesustineerde zullende teegens de non Comparanten worden geproceedeert als na Rechten. B. Teyssen,
Rio Demerary den 4de December 1806. Exploiteur.

Uit krogte [sic] van zeeker Extract Notul, worden uit naam en de van weegens Sequesters over de Plantagie Spaarendam,
By deeze voor de tweede maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD
Alle die geenen welke sustineeren eenig recht op het provenue dier Plantagie te hebben,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie zittende ter audientie der veertiendaagsche Rolle op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den vyftiende Dec. eerstkoomende.
Ten einde als nog aldaar op aantegeeven hunne pretentien en tevens te dienen van hunne gesustineerde zullende teegens de non Comparanten worden geprocedeert als naar Rechten. B. Teyssen,
Rio Demerary den 1de December 1806. Exploiteur.

On the night of the 21st or 22d of November last, Two Four-Oared Tent Boats. One of them painted all red; the other has a white bottom, green painted upper works, and a red inside. The tent is painted green, and has sliding windows. At the same time a Negro named Berlin absconded. Any Person giving information either to C. D. Beausobre, or T. Riding, of either or both of the above Boats, or of the Negro, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Dec. 6, 1806.

Run Away from the Undersigned, about Three Weeks ago, a coal black Negro Man, named Sam, with many old marks of the whip about him. He was purchased at Public Vendue from the Boedel of T. L. Cramer, Esq. the 1st of October last, and is said to have formerly been the property of John Hopkinson, Esq. Whoever will lodge him in the Barracks, or return him to the Undersigned, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Dec. 6, 1806. W. A. Leeseman.

The Undersigned having discovered that some Persons have taken the liberty to purchase Articles at Public Vendue, and elsewhere, in his name, hereby cautions every body (particularly the Vendue Office) against giving such credit in future, as he will not allow the same, unless an order be shewn from him, in his own hand writing, to that effect.
Dec. 6, 1806. I. C. Wolff.

Mr. Postlethwaite's Creditors [heading]
At the requisition of several respectable Gentlemen of the Colony, a general Meeting of the Creditors of William Postlethwaite, Esq. will be held at the Union Coffee House, on Thursday, the 18th instant, at One o'clock precisely.
Demerary, Dec. 5, 1806. W. Brumell, q.q.

The Subscriber has just received by the Brig Hero, from Portsmouth, North America,
[first column]
Boards, Plank, of a superior quality
Puncheon Shooks
[second column]
Punt Oars
Salt Fish.
[end columns]
IN STORE [heading]
Tobacco, Soap, Candles, Lamp Oil, Rounds of Beef, Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels, Alewives, Shads, Mackarel, and Salmon.
Demerary, Dec. 5, 1806. C. Treadwell, Jun.

Aangebragt met het schip Wilding, Capt. Marman, en te Koop by de Ondergeteekenden, op de voorgrond van Plantage Werk & Rust, tegen over het huys bewoond door de Wel Edele Heer Vincent, ziz.
[first column]
Jode vleesch in vate
Tongen in dito
Zalm in tobbes
Dubbelde rose boter
Hollandsche boter
Kaazen in zoorten
Gerookte tongen
Brood zuyker
Hyzan thee
G. botteld bier
Zeep en kaarzen
Brandewyn in kelders
Lamp oly in vate
Schilder oly in pulle
Aangemaakt witlood in vaatjes
Vengster hengzels
Aller beste zadels en tome
Roskamme en borstels
Halsters en zweepe geassorteerd
[second column]
Spring teugels
Schoenen en laarzen
Zyldoek No. 3 & 4
Schrystepapier, penne, ein ink-poeder
Glaswerk geassorteerd
Dames gemaakte kledere
Heeren dito in zoorte
Gaze en cattoene bonte
Batiste en neteldoeke
Dames zyde en catoene kousen
Heeren dito
Handschoene in zoorte
Mans zyde hoeden
Kindere dito
Bever dito
Spiegels in zoorte
En verschyde articule meer.
[end columns]
Dec. 6, 1806. Bauch & Co.

Wanted, for a Sugar Plantation in this River, a person who thoroughly understands the management of the Boiling and Rum Distilling Department. A handsome salary will be given. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, Dec. 6, 1806.

The Undersigned informs the Public, that he has a large Quantity of Bricks now ready for sale, at the Brickery next to the Garden of Eden. Apply to
Demerary, Dec. 6, 1806. A. I. I. van den Heuvel.

On Monday the 15th instant, at the store of I. T. Barrett, Esq. Mess and Cargo Beef, Pork, Tongues, Mackarel, Candles, Soap, Tobacco, Sweet Oil, Dutch Butter, Hams, &c. &c.
Dec. 5, 1806.
On Thursday the 18th instant, by order of Mr. W. Hallstead, at his Store, near the stelling, in Bridge Town, New Provisions &c. &c. just landed, viz. Mess Beef in whole and half Barrels, Fish in Boxes, Tongues, Hams, Butter, Soap, Candles, Mill Grease, Split Peas, Hyson Tea, Old Rum in Kegs, Brandy in Ditto, Gin in Cases, Irish Linens, Ready made Clothes, Coat and Waistcoat Patterns, also a variety of other Goods, which will be produced on the day of sale.
Dec. 5, 1806.
On Monday the 22d instant, at the store of Mr. John Benning, House Furniture, consisting of Mahogany Dining Tables with D ends, Mahogany Hair bottomed Chairs, Looking Glasses, Table Linen, Plated Cruet Stands, a few Canisters Best Hyson Tea, Dry Goods, &c. &c.
Dec. 5, 1806.

Just Imported in the ship Minerva, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store, in the House formerly occupied by Doctor Van Dura:
[first column]
Butter in firkins
Pine Cheese
Pearl Barley in jugs
Potatoes in hampers
Pickled Oysters in jars
Pickles assorted
Refined Sugar
Hyson Tea
Spices assorted
Almonds and Raisins
Currants and Plumbs
Capillaire and Orgeat
Eau de Cologne
Stoughton's Bitters
Perfumery assorted
Dried Beans
Salad Oil and Mustard
Lamp and Paint Oil
Paints and Brushes
Starch, Powder & Stone Blue
Carpenters' Tools in general
Kitchen utensils, do.
Locks and Hinges assorted
Nails ditto
Stay Hooks and Staples.. Bolts
Negro Clothing in general
Gentlemen's Coats
Black Silk Waistcoats
White Dimity and Fancy ditto
Dimity & Nankeen Pantaloons
[second column]
Kerseymere do.
Printed and White Calicoes
Dimities, Muslins
Table Cloths
Irish Linens
Sheetings, Brown Hollands
Niccanies, Chilloes
Striped Cottons
Lawn and Silk Handkerchiefs
Musquito Netting
Threads assorted - Tapes do.
Needles and Pins
Blue, Red, and White Bunting
Green Baize
Table Knives and Forks
Pen knives, Scissors
Razors, Strops
Tortoiseshell Combs
Hair, Cloth, and Shoe Brushes
Liquid and Cake Blacking
House Fly Nets
Saddle Cloths and girths
Riding and Driving Whips
Currycombs and Brushes
Daniels' Life Preservers
Coffee Bagging
Prime Old Jamaica Rum
Cogniac Brandy
And various other Articles.
[end columns]
Dec. 6, 1806. C. H. De Munnick.

[Advertisement in Dutch by J. F. Meyers - severely mutilated on the right-hand side]

As the Undersigned are to continue the American Business at the house of O. I. Laurin Esq. dec. on Werk & Rust, they think it necessary to inform their Friends, those of the late O. I. Laurin, and the Public in general, thereof; and to assure them, that they will exert all possible diligence satisfactorily to execute their commands.
At present they have For Sale,
[first column]
Dutch Butter in kegs
Sour Crout in firkins
Salad and French Beans in do.
Pearl and Common Barley in kegs
Split Pea in ditto
[second column]
Irish Potatoes in baskets
A Quantity of Preserved and Dried Vegetables
Britannias, Dutch Checks
Nails, &c. &c.
The above-mentioned Goods are just imported in the Minerva, Cat. Smit.
[end columns]
They have likewise,
Best Mess Beef in half barrels, Candles, Soap, Lamp Oil, Tobacco, R.O. Shooks, Hoops, &c. Also, a large Copper Still, with Head and Worm lying on the Stelling, where it may be seen.
Demerary, Dec. 6, 1806. Engels & Van Senden.

The Undersigned offers for Sale or Hire, on good Terms, his House and Concession on the Brick Road in Front of Werk & Rust.
Demerary, Dec. 6, 1806. F. C. Engels.

The Commissaries of the Eendragt Society inform the Members, that the next half yearly Meeting will be held on Wednesday, the 17th instant, agreeably to the 16th Article of the General Law.
Demerary, Dec. 6, 1806. T. Duim, Secretary.

The Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from the Store lately occupied by him in front of Werk en Rust, to the house in the street leading to the American Stelling, lately occupied by H. B. Gall, Esq. where he has for Sale, on the most reasonable terms, for immediate payment, a great variety of Goods of the first quality, a particular account of which will be published next week.
Dec. 6, 1806. M. Downie.

The Friends of Captain C. Van Dyk are informed that it was his intention to come out with the first Convoy which should sail from England after the month of September, in the ship Triton, burthen 400 tons, All, and the Undersigned, as acting for the said gentleman, takes the liberty to state the above, in order that his friends may prepare themselves to favour him with whatever they choose to ship.
Leguan, Dec. 3, 1806. L. Senn Van Basel.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber, having resolved to quit this Colony in the month of March ensuing, earnestly requests all those Indebted to him, to be speedy in the liquidation of their accounts, those to whom he is indebted will in course obtain their payment before that period.
Dec. 6, 1806. I. T. Barrett.

Te Huur op voordeelige conditien het Huys en Lot op de voorgrond der Plantagie Werk & Rust, voormaals de eygendom van Doctor Baum, en laast bewoond door de Heer Downie, te bevragen by.
Dem. den 6de Dec. 1806. F. Horn.

There will be a Meeting of the Board of the Orphan Chamber on Wednesday next.

The Colonial Tax for 1806 is fixed at Three Guilders for each slave, and the Income Tax is about a half per cent. on each class, less than the preceding year; a printed scale of which may now be had at the Colonial Receiver's Office.

Blank Returns, to be filled up under his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor's Proclamation of the 22d ult. are to be had of Rt. Phipps, Esq. at the King's Receiver's Office.

Mr. Williams is pronounced out of danger.

Mrs. Ward and Jas. Reid Esq. came passengers in the Clio.

On Monday the 15th instant, will be exposed for Sale at public Vendue, in Berbice, by order of M. S. Humbert and H. Threlsall, Esqrs. the Household Furniture, &c. of His Excellency Governor van Batenburg, dec. consisting of
[illegible] post bedsteads with chintz furniture, mattresses, bolsters, pillows, and counterpanes to ditto, camp bedsteads complete, wardrobes, bureaus, mahogany secretaries, writing tables with drawers, portable desks, a superior set of dining tables on castors, ditto plain, pembroke and card tables, round breakfast and dinner tables, mahogany Windsor and cane bottomed chairs, a capital set of highly varnished chairs with sofas to match, Brussels carpet, a lustre with 6 shades, two lacquered writing tables with brass railing, shelves for books, three excellent clocks, &c. a timekeeper, a very fine toned harpsichord and piano forte, chintz curtains with painted cornices for dining and drawing rooms, Venetian shades, 3 superb ladies' dressing tables complete, sundry pictures, mahogany wine coolers, cellarot [sic], a capital billiard table with 4 [illegible] cues, maces, &c. 2 elegant sets of tea service, 6 mahogany vases for knives, forks, and spoons, knife cases, candlesticks with shades to fit, ditto with double branches, a very excellent assortment of cut glass, silver knives, forks, spoons, tea urn, coffee ditto, a beautiful silver plateau and silver waiter to match, with chrystal ornaments to ditto, wall and hanging lamps, together with an extensive assortment of common furniture.
Further will be sold,
The very excellent and choice Library of the governor, containing a selection of the best works in the English and French Languages, among others, a set of Boydeil's Shakespeare, Tableau de Paris, &c.
And lastly, the very superb equipages of his late Excellency, consisting of an elegant coach, chariot, curricle, phaeton, Cataran chaise, landau with suita de harness, and 8 excellent carriage and riding horses. A quantity of old Madeira claret, &c. and 2 pipes, 3 hogsheads, and 4 quarter casks London particular Madeira, lately imported.
The conditions of sale will be those who purchase under seven hundred guilders, and six months for all purchases above that sum. Security will be required from every purchaser entitled to the 6 months' credit, without rest[illegible] and the payments to be made either in cash or approved bills of exchange. Further particulars may be known by application to the Executor or at the Vendue Office.
Berbice, Nov. 29, 1806. R. C. Downer, D. V. M.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Dec. 1. Brig Hero, W. Trefethen, from Portsmouth, with Boards, clapboards, Shooks, Staves, Fish, Oars, Hoops, Lamp Oil.
Dec. 1. Ship Wilding, T. Marman, from London, with Lime, Terras, Dry Goods, Horses.
Dec. 5. Ship Clio, A. Dow, from Glasgow, with Lime, Bricks, Tiles, Fish, Paint, Oil, Nails, Bottled Liquor, Potatoes, Bars Iron, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Herrings, Biscuit, Dry Goods, Cattle Mills, Butter, &c.

Dec. 3. Schooner Ranger, E. Salter, for Boston.
Dec. 5. Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, for Barbados.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette.


Created: 28 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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