Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 January 03


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 210.

Saturday, the 3d of January.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. I. A. Mathews, in fourteen days, from Dec. 27.
Mr. I. H. Hindermeyer, in April next, from January 3.
Mr. Levy Cohen, in 2 or 3 weeks, from January 3.
Miss Sarah Elizabeth More, in 2 or 3 weeks, from January 3.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Uit krachte van zeeker Extract Notul, d.d. 15 Sept. 1806. Word gy Arthur Blair, ten versoeke van Mr. F. P. van Berckel (R.O.) voor de vierde maale ex superabundanti by Edicte GEDAGVAARD.
Omme te Compareeren in persoon voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, sittende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 19de January eerstkoomende, en volgende dagen.
Ten einde de Heer Eischer (R.O.) te zien dienen van deszelfs intendith, met de verificatoiren daartoe speteerende, en Sententie te hooren pronuntieeren una cum expensis
Rio Demerary den 3de January 1807. M. Smith, eerste Expl.

Vermogens Authorisatie en last vervat by Extract Notul van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie dezer Colonie, d.d. 17de October 1806.Worden door my ondergeschreeve Exploiteur uit naam en van wegens Jonas Fileen als Executeur ten Boedel van vylen I. F. Mo[umlaut]ller; en P. Iskenius, en M. Smit, Executeuren Testamentair ten Boedel van wylen F. M. Cosack,
Voor de eerste maal by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle Coloniaale en buytenlandsch bekende en onbekende Crediteuren zoo van de geexteerd hebbende Firma Mo[umlaut]ller & Cosack, als de prive[accent] Boedels wylen I. F. Mo[umlaut]ller & F. A. Cosack.
Omme te Compareeren voor welgemelde Hove van Justitie zittende op de Hoofdplaatz Stabroek, teegens den 19de dezer Maand January, en volgende dagen.
Ten fine aldaar te dienen van derselver Pretensien en sustenuen zullende na omkomen der vier Edictaale Citatien waarvan de laatste uit zal gaan tegens de ordinaire Sessie in de maand May deezes jaars, tegens de Non-Comparanten geprocedeerd worden naar Rechten.
Wordende 't inmiddels aan de Crediteuren dier Boedels vrygelaten, om van den staat en ver[?]ntwoording napens dezelve ingedient ter Griffe visie te neemen en van hunne remarques op dezelve te dienen om daarop in tyd en wylen zodanig nader reguard te worden geslaagen als het Hoff zal oordelen te behooren.
Rio Demerary, den 1ste January 1807. F. P. Francke,

By Virtue of a Decree dated 1st December 1806,
I, the Undersigned, do hereby SUMMON, in behalf of I. S. Masse[accent] and Wm. Mooy, Curators in the Boedel of G. H. Trotz, dec. for the fourth time (ex superabundante).
To appear before the Hon. Court of Justice of this River, at the Session which will be held at the court House Fort Zeelandia, on Tuesday, the 6th of Janury [sic] 1807, and following days,
In order to deliver in their Pretensions &c. as after this fourth and last Citation, Proceedings will be instituted according to Law.
Rio Essequebo, Dec. 29, 1806. F. W. Tuckerman,
first Exploiteur

By Virtue of a Decree, dated October 6, 1806,
I, First Marshal, do hereby SUMMON, for the fourth time, (ex superabundante), all the known and unknown Creditors, who pretend to have any Claims against the Property remaining from the Sale of the following Estates by Execution: first, the Plantation Johanna Wilhelmina, which belonged to the Boedel of the late W. Somerville; second the Plantation Altona, formerly the property of A. I. and G. D. Meyer; third the Plantation Sprin-garden [sic] lately the property of George Laing; and the Plantation Batzelors Alventuur [sic] the late property of the Widow Sartorious.
To appear either by themselves, or their Attornies, before the Hon. Court of Justice of this River, at the Session which will be held at the Court House, Fort Zeelandia, on the 6th of January, and following days,
In order to do away the Default obtained against them; and further to hear the demands which will be preferred in Case of prae et concurrentie, against the Property, and further to proceed according to Law
Rio Essequebo, Dec. 29, 1806. F. W. Tuckerman,
first Exploiteur.

Alle de geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, of verschuldigt zyn, aan de navolgende Boedels, viz.
Jan van Eersbeek en Jacobus Cerenius, gelieven hunne Pretentien op te geeven, of hune verschuldigde te komen voldoen, ter Griffie der Wees en onbeheorde Boedel Kamer deezer Rivier, binnen de tyd van twee maanden na dato deezer.
Zullende na expiratie der derde Bekendmaaking geene Pretentien wyders worden aangenoomen.
Rio Essequebo, den 18 December 1806. Ernest Ho[umlaut]pker.

NOTICE. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that blank Schedules, for giving in returns of Slaves, are, for the accommodation of the Gentlemen Planters and others, sent to the Ferries of Abary, Mahaicony, Mahaica, and Demerary River. They can likewise be obtained at the King's Receiver's Office, where attendance is given from nine until one o'clock, every morning (Sundays and Holidays excepted). These Schedules must be filled up and delivered in on or before the 21st instant.
Robert Phipps, Register.
King's Receiver's Office, Jan. 1, 1807.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Creditors of Jos. Beete, Esq. are requested to meet the Trustees of his Estates Best and Phoenix, at the Union Coffee House, on Friday, the 9th instant, at eleven a.m. to hear proposals for removing the Sequestration.
Demerary, January 2, 1807.

On Monday, the 19th instant, will be sold to the highest bidder, at the Vendue Office, Robert Martins's Account Current against Plantation Maria Johanna, (belonging to Col. James Nicholson). It is for Managing said Plantation, during the Attorneyship of John Jackson, Esq. deceased. The Account is drawn out in Mr. Jackson's own hand and signed John Jackson, q.q.
January 3, 1807.

FOR SALE, OR HIRE. [heading]
The Undersigned will sell (or hire for the term of one Year) Ten to Fifteen Carpenter negroes, all excellent workmen, many years accustomed to framing and finishing of Houses.
Demerary, Jan. 3, 1807. Colin Macrae.

The Subscriber has on SALE a few cases of choice Claret and old Port; also Dundee Cotton Bagging of a superior quality; Stelitz and Flaxen Osnaburghs, Irish and Flaxen Sheeting; Patent Canvas, No. 1, 2, 3, and 7; Paints and Oil, Hoes, Newfoundland Cod Fish, &c.
Demerary, January 3, 1807. John Madden.

TO LET [heading]
The House lately occupied by Wm. Neilson, well situated for Mercantile Business, and lately the property of Dr. Baum. For further Information apply to T. Quiding
January 3, 1807.

On Wednesday the 14th instant, at the Store of Philip Yates, in front of Plantation Vlissingen, sundry Provisions, Dry Goods, &c. being Consignments just imported in the Ship Mary, viz. Irish Beef and butter, Glass ware of all kinds, Fustians, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Stockings, Dimities, Marseilllas, Waistcoat Patterns, Jeans, Printed Cambrick, Long Lawn, Hams, Gloucester Cheese, Refined Sugar, White Paint, Paint Oil, &c. &c.
Jan. 2, 1807.
On Thursday the 15th instant, at the Store of Amos Leeds, Esq. Beef in whole and half barrels, Shads in ditto, Mackarel, Kegs Butter, Boxes Soap, Ditto Candles, 4d. 8d. and 10d. Nails, Men's Silk Hats, Linens, Nankeens, Russia Sheeting, Paints and Oil, Crockery Ware, Cases Sweet Oil, Boxes Cider, Tierces Salmon, Cases Brandy, Sewing Twine, Spermaceti Candles, Coffee Bagging, Tobacco in barrels, Spirits Turpentine in bottles, Lamp and Spermaceti Oil in barrels and hhds., Mutton ad Pork Hams, &c. &c.
Jan. 2, 1807.
On Monday the 19th instant, by order of the Court of Vice-Admiralty of Barbados, at the Stores of Messrs. Alex. Fullarton and Co. in Cuminsburg [sic], the Cargo of the Spanish Brig La Divina Pastora, captured by the ship Duke of Kent, consisting of 25 pipes and 12 hhds. wine, 15 pipes Brand, 124 bales and 30 reams of Paper, 1 bale Sashes, 40 pipers Thread, a parcel loose Earthen ware, 2 bales and 14 pieces Calico, 134 pair Children's and Ladies' Shoes, 83 Swords and 14 Daggers, 24 red Sashes, 23 Handkerchiefs, 1 pair silk Stockings, 5 pair Cotton ditto, and 2 cases liquors. Also the said Brig La Divina Pastora with all her Sails, Rigging, and Materials, as she now lies in the river. By order of Alex. Fullarton, Esq. Agent.
Jan. 3, 1807.
On Friday the 30th Instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of his Honor the Fiscaal the following Arrested Slaves, now in the Colony Stocks, viz. A Negro Woman, Yaba, belonging to Mr. Reith of Berbice, confined by Mr. Harris on the 18th July, 1806. A Negro, Quaco, belonging to Doctor Monro, arrested on Plantation Letter T in Abary, on the 28th Aug. 1806. A Negro, Quimina, belonging to Dr. Seaton, confined by the Dienders on 20th May 1806. A New Negro (name and owner unknown) marked B II, confined by Mr. s' Gravesande, on the 24th April 1806. A Negro, Watermool, belonging to the Boedel of Bynoe, confined by Mr. Postlethwaites' negroes the 25th July 1806.
Jan. 2, 1807.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
The Armed Ship Minerva will sail the 23d inst. For freight or passage, apply to C. H. de Munnick, Esq. at whose house the Letter Bag is kept. Aboard the above ship is a Box marked L.C. Whoever can prove it to be his property, may have it restored, on paying the expences, by applying as above. Jan. 3, 1807.

FOR GLASGOW, [heading]
The Armed Ship Jason, John Gemmell, Master, to sail in company with another armed vessel. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to
January 2, 1807. Thos. Mewburn.

Myn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is aan 't Fort Zeelandia in Essequebo, ten huize van de Heeren Frantzen Bo[umlaut]rner & Co.
January 3, 1807. C. F. Bo[umlaut]rner.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Wm. Neilson is removed to the House of P. Middleburg [sic], Esq. at Fort Zelandia [sic].
January 3, 1807.

On commencing a new Year, under new circumstances, and with new hopes of success, we cannot allow this paper to go forth, without endeavouring to express our grateful sense of old favours, and heartily wishing all our Subscribers, both old and new, according to the old English phrase, "many - many happy returns of the season."
One twelvemonth only has elapsed, since the conduct of this paper was entrusted to the care of its present proprietors; and it has succeeded, notwithstanding the disadvantageous circumstances under which it at first laboured, beyond the most sanguine expectations. The Printers do not mean by this assertion to arrogate any extraordinary merit. It is only mentioned as a proof of the generally liberal encouragement afforded; to shew that they are not insensible of the numerous obligations conferred by the enlightened part of the community; and as a pledge that no expence or labour will in future be spared to render this paper deserving of a continuance of that countenance and support which it has already so bountifully received.
To our Advertising Friends we further beg leave to observe, that, exclusive of upwards of 30 papers, which are circulated in Berbice, and those up the River and in Essequebo, amounting to nearly the same number, we have now established a regular communication up the Coast; so that there is scarcely a plantation between this and Mahaiconi, where our paper will not be seen on the Sunday. The [illegible] advantages resulting to Merchant and others advertising, as well as to ourselves, from this arrangement, are too obvious to need any elucidation.

On Monday last a Meeting was held at Mr. Campbell's Tavern, to consider of the consequences likely to result to these Colonies from the alterations made in the intercourse with America by the late Proclamation, when several respectable Planters and Merchants attended, and it was agreed to petition His Excellency the Governor for an Extension of Time for the Exportation of Sugar and Importation of Beef and Pork, as well as of Pitch and Tar, till the situation of the Colony could be represented at home. A Petition to this effect was accordingly draw up, and approved of; one copy of which was left for signature at Mr. Campbell's, and others were sent to different quarters of the Colony for the same purpose. The Petition is to be presented to His Excellency on Wednesday next, the 7th inst.

Bush Negroes. - It gives us pleasure to have to state that thirteen of these misguided people came in on Tuesday, under the amnesty which we understand was promised them by His Excellency the governor. The following is, we believe, a correct list of the owners, to whom they have been restored:
Three (2 men and 1 woman) belonging to R. B. Daly, Esq. One of these men, a creole, was formerly a driver, and, during his absence, had been created by his brethren in iniquity a King or Chief of what they call their camp. Yet even this man, though invested with such lordly power, and of course enjoying whatever luxuries his subjects could afford, preferred to return under the dominion of his legal master, on being assured by his maty, who had been sent for the purpose, that his forfeited life would be spared. His influence with the others, however, in point of reasoning, did not extend so far as could have been wished.
Three (1 man and 2 women) belonging to Plantation Ruimveldt,
One (a man) belonging to Mr. King.
One (a woman) belonging to Miss Betsey Hemens.
One (a man) belonging to Plantation Providence.
One (a woman with her female child born in the Bush) belonging to Plantation Velzerhoofd.
One (a man) belonging to M. Smit, Esq.
One (a man) belonging to Doctor Cramer.
One (a man) not owned, who says he belongs to the foreground of Werk & Rust.
Making the whole 8 men and 5 women.
Eighteen more, we understand, are remainder of these deluded wretches (among whom, it is said, those of Plantation Providence are the worst) should persist in their obstinacy, there is no doubt such effectual measures will be taken as will make them bitterly repent the day when they rejected the proffered clemency.

The Fourteen Days Rolls and Commissary Court in Essequebo and Demerary, and Court of Justice in Essequebo, will meet on Monday.

On Sunday last died, at the house of Baron Von Firks, Miss Johanna Alfrida Gertruda Lossner. The fate of this young lady is singularly distressing. She had been betrothed to the Baron, as may have been observed in our late papers; but shortly afterwards, or we believe on the very day, she was suddenly taken ill, and, in spite of all the art of medicine, expired as above stated.

On Friday died, after a lingering and painful illness, Dr. Wm. Allanby.

The brig Lark, Morrill, from Saco for Demerary, having lost both topmasts and main boom in a gale, bore away from Barbados.

Thomas Shute requests those to whom he is indebted to furnish their demands against him for the past year, also those who are indebted to make payment. Thankful for favours received, he begs leave respectfully to inform his friends and the public, that the business will in future be carried on under the Firm of Thomas Shute and Co. who offer for Sale, on moderate terms, a general assortment of Provisions, Dry Goods, Cordage, Hardware, &c. &c.
Jan. 1, 1807.

Just Imported in the ship Intrepid, Capt Turnbull, and For Sale by the Subscribers, on reasonable Terms, for immediate Payment.
Gordon Duff & Co.'s Best Old London Particular
Madeira Wine in Pipes, Hhds. & Quarter Casks.
Heywood & Taylor.
Who have also for Sale the following Articles:
Plain and Tamboured Muslin, Romal and Pullicat Handkerchiefs, Britannias, Irish Linens, Dimity, German Check, Sail Canvas, Negro Clothing, Salempores, White Calico, Wired Porter, Nails assorted, Fusees and Accoutrements, &c.
Jan. 3, 1807.

Any House Carpenter, desirous to undertake the whole or part of a considerable work on Flushing Estate, at the lowest rate, is desired to apply for further information to R. B. Daly.
Those who are inclined to contract for the above work, may bring their estimates on Monday morning, before 12 o'clock.
Plantation Flushing, Jan. 3, 1807.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber requests all those who are indebted to him to come forward without delay, and settle their respective accounts by Note, Cash, Coffee, or Cotton, as there is an immediate necessity to have his books closed as soon as possible, in consequence of his taking a partner in his Business; which in future will be conducted under the Firm of Leeds & Wachope.
Jan. 2, 1807. Amos Leeds.

All those indebted to the Estates of William Leeds, Joseph Mountfort, and Knowles Hatch, are earnestly solicited to come forward and pay their respective accounts to the Subscriber before the 18th February next; otherwise, without respect to persons, he will be under the disagreeable necessity of placing them in the hands of a Lawyer, as no longer indulgence can be given.
Demerary, Jan. 2, 1807. Amos Leeds.

From the Stelling at the Pack house of I. Van der Haas & Co. a 4-oared Punt, about 20 feet long and 8 broad, not painted. The Person who brings it to the said I. van der Haas, on Werk & Rust, will be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, Jan. 3, 1807.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Dec. 29. Ship Intrepid, W. Turnbull, from Liverpool and Madeira, with Bricks, Lime, Coals, Dry Goods, and Madeira Wine.
Dec. 30. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, from Barbados, with Beef, Pork, Soap, Bread, Cordage, Canvas, Claret, Jugs Oil, Paint, Medicine, Glass Ware, &c.
Jan. 8. Ship Jason, John Gemmell, from Glasgow, with Plant. Stores & Dry Goods.
Jan. 8. Ship Ariadne, Geo. Jonnston, from Greenock, with ditto.
Ship Alexander, Rob. Prince, from Berbice, in ballast.
Jan. 8. Ship Thame, I. Lester, from New London, with horses, Cattle, Sheep, Potatoes, Apples, Pickles, Oysters, Tobacco, Spinning Wheels, &c.

Dec. 29. Brig Hannibal, R. Rogers, for Boston.
Dec. 31. Brig Hunter, Ch. Blanchard, for Boston.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 3d day of January, 1807,

in the Stocks of Demerary.



By whom brought.





Rieth (in Berbice)



S. Fraser, ditto.




J. Kenyon.


Doctor Munro.

Plant. Letter T. in Abary.






R. Murray.


Doctor Season.









Boedel Bynoe.

Postlethwaite's Negroes.



Pl. Columbian.





Pl. Groot Diamond.



Markley in Essequebo.

A. Deys.






Pl. Georgia.



Van der Haas.



I. Turner.




And 3 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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