Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 January 17

Vol. II.)


(No. 55.

Saturday, January 17th, 1807.

New Advertisement. [heading]
The Subscriber requests all those indebted to him since the Year 1805 and 1806, to come forward and settle their Accounts, as he otherwise will be under the necessity of Suing them without respect to Persons.
17th Jany. J. F. Meyer.

Notice. [heading]
Any Person or Persons having any demands against the Lots of Land No. 51, 52 and 53 in Kingston (formerly part of Eve Learey [sic] Estate) now in possession of Mr. Martin Dougan, are requested to make such demands of the Subscriber in the course of six weeks from the date of this notice, as a Transport will be given for them at the expiration of that time.
17th January. A. Dey.

Wanted, on Plantation Bonne Intention, East Coast, - A Young Man, as Overseer, who can have a good recommendation. Apply to J. Brandt Esq.
Stabroek. Jan. 17th.

For Sale. [heading]
By the Subscriber at his Store, two doors above the Old Union Coffee-House, on reasonable terms, for immediate Payment, the following Articles, received by the late arrivals: - Gentlemens' fashionable long back-strap boots, half ditto, snow shoes with buckles, dress shoes, Ladies slippers assorted, Childrens' ditto, ready made cloathes, Gentlemens' fine beaver & patent silk hats, printed calicoes and muslins assorted, Gentlemen & Ladies parasols, tapes and coloured thread assorted, ounce thread, coarse and fine Madrass handkerchiefs, dimities, marseilles quilting for waistcoats, Gentlemen and Ladies hose, Russia sheeting, ditto Hammocks, Perfumery of all kinds, tea, loaf sugar, raisins, prunes, white, green and blue-edged Queen's Ware by wholesale or retail, Glass Ware assorted, patent shot in bags, gun powder of the best quality; Westphalia hams, porter, cheese, potatoes, onions, grid irons, frying pans, stock locks, door and window hinges of different kinds and a variety of other Ironmongery; Negro jackets and caps, seine and sewing twine, chalk lines, fishing lines, black, green & white handled knives and forks of the best quality, ditto pen knives, coffee bagging, sweet oil, cordials of different kinds, hair brushes, damask corks by the bag or dozen, nails assorted, and a variety of other Articles.
N.B. All those indebted to the Subscriber are requested to come forward and settle their respective Accounts, before the first day of February, by Cash or Note: - And those that neglect this notice are informed, that he will be under the necessity of putting such Accounts into the hands of his Attorney at Law.
Jan. 17th. G. Angle.

The Subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have opened a Shop (at the house facing that of John Binning Esq.) and intend carrying on the Taylor's Business in all its branches, under the firm of Fraser, Gabb & Co. Any Gentleman favouring them with their commands shall be punctually obeyed and executed with the greatest dispatch. George Fraser,
Demerary, Henry P. Gabb,
17th January. John Ryan.

Wanted to Hire [heading]
Four Tailor Negroes
Apply to Alexr. Craig.

Just Imported in the Ship Wilding, and for Sale at the House of Mr. R. S. Turton, in Bridge-Town, on Reasonable Terms, for immediate Payment, the following Articles: -
Silver and Gilt Watches,
Elegant plated candlesticks with branches and glass shades to match,
7-8 and 4-4 Irish linen,
5-4 Irish sheeting,
Garlicks, dowlas, britannias,
7-8 Irish and Scotch lawn,
9-8 Callico shirting,
India dimity, Clouting diapers,
3-4 Diapers for towels,
5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 10-4, 10-12, 10-14 and 10-16 table cloths, 8-4 and 10-4 huckaback,
Plain and corded dimity,
Drab, white and buff corderoys,
Superfine white quilting, White Satinett,
French cambrick, 4-4 Vein do. satin worked,
Lace, Printed and japan cambricks,
Black do. for mourning,
India stripe tambour muslin,
Tambour, mull and printed do.
Japan and lace do. Jaconet and book do.
Black do. for mourning, Black Tabinette,
Leno handkerchiefs,
Double tambour handkerchiefs for turbands,
Piquet veils and cloaks, Spanish mantles,
4-4 silk handkerchiefs, 4-4 & 9-8 black barcelones,
4-4 and 9-8 bordered handkerchiefs,
Silk watch strings, Black twill'd florentine,
Superfine patent worsted net and pink stripe cotton for trowsers, India Company nankeens,
A variety of stuffs for waistcoats,
Superfine scarlet, Navy blue, black, olive, bottle green and mixt broad cloths,
Swan down and baby flannel,
Men's rib'd and plain cotton hose, Ladies plain do.
Girls plain do. Ladies and Gentlemen's black and white, plain and embroider'd silk do.
Gentlemen's black silk hats,
Do. beaver colour and black beaver hats with rims from 2 1/2 to 5 inches broad,
Ladies black and white silk hats, servants and tradesmen's hats &c.
India Callicoes,
A large and elegant assortment of printed callicoes.
Pocket handkerchiefs, Pullicat and romal ditto,
Gilt and Plain 4to. Post paper,
Vellum do., Foolscap do.
Blotting paper, wafers, waterseals, quills pounce and ivory pounce boxes,
Ink powder, black lead pencils, India rubbers, sealing wax, ivory holders, large slates and slate pencils &c.
Best London and Whitechaple [sic] needles,
Fashionable plated spurs with leathers, chaise and tandum harness complete,
Gentlemen's best hunting saddles,
Portsmouth's, Pelham and Snaffle plated bridles,
Common Snaffle do., Horse nets & saddle cloths,
Mane combs and curry combs and brushes,
Hour glasses, Day and night spy glasses,
Cotton and coffee bagging, Oznaburgs,
Nelson's patent jacketts [sic],
Brown pomerainias, Salempores,
Elegant setts of table knives and forks with deserts and carvers to match, common ditto,
Razors, razor strops, soap boxes with soap and razor hones.
Superfine and common pen knives,
Lascar knives, Negro knives,
Scissars of all kinds, spring snuffers,
Shot belts, powder flasks, powder and shot,
Double and single bolt padlocks, stock locks,
Brass case and chamber door locks,
Brass, wine and beer cocks,
Fish hooks, Sailors palms, sail needles, Taylors goose irons, Money scales and weights,
Stay bars and staples,
4, 6, 8, 19, 12, 20 and 30dy. nails
X Garnet and H L hinges,
Iron pots, Dutch hoes, Iron handle cutlasses,
Cotton pruning knives,
Felling axes with round eyes,
Boxes of cutlery assorted,
Irish butter, candles and soap,
Princess metal candlesticks,
Best yellow bark, rhubarb, Jallap, Glauber salts, opium, magnesia, & a quantity of other Medicines; Ironmongery &c. - too tedious to mention.
Demerary, 14th January 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz -
Mr. Edward McSwiney, in 14 days from 10th Jan.
Mr. Robt. Barr, in 14 days, from January 10th.
Mrs. Sarah E. Moore, in two or three Weeks, from January 3d.
Mr. Levy Cohen, in 2 or 3 Weeks, from Jany. 3d.
Mr. J. N. Hendermyer, in April next.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Huwelyks Bekendmaking. [heading]
Alzo de Heer George Barret, gebooren in Engeland, Meerderjaarig Jongman, Bruidgom ter Eenre; - En Juffrouw Elizabeth Harbour Runnels, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, Minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, geadsisteerd met haar Tante Mejuffrouw Johanna de Weever, Bruid ter andere zyde, van voorneemens zyn met elkanderen een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve op heeden in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word mits deezen aan ieder en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zig teegens dit voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en waar 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 16de January 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

By Authority obtained, - I the under written [sic] in capacity as Marshall [sic] of this Colony, make known, that (after precedental process of Law) shall expose and sell at Marshall [sic] Sales in the presence of the Honorable Commissaries of the Court of Justice and their Secretary, at the Court House in Stabroek, on Tuesday the 3d day of February 1807, to the highest bidder, as follows: -
1st. - In behalf of R. Kingston, Vendue Master, against J. van Grooningen, Three Negroe [sic] Slaves, viz.
Pompy, Men.
Favourite, [ditto, - curly bracket groups them] Princess, a Woman.
2dly. - In behalf of the Executors to the Estate of J. Campbell deceased, against A. B. Cozier, a concession or lot of Land situated on the front Lands of Plantation Cambridge, at the Ferry of Mahaica Creek, with a dwelling-house of Colony wood 1 1/2 story high, 32 feet by 16 ditto, a side building and kitchen covered with traulies [sic].
3dly. - In behalf of Robert Bennie against Daniel McNiel, 2 obligations viz. 1 (signed) by James Parss in favor of C. F. Guntzel or order amounting to f 221 10, and the other (signed) by J. Lamb in favor of C. F. Guntzel or order of f 220; said obligations being endorsed in blanck [sic] by said Guntzel.
Whoever should conceive to have any right to oppose against any of the aforesaid Sales will address themselves in writing at the Marshall's [sic] Office, where I shall receive them as opposer or opposers, and appoint a day to go to Law; and further any Person or Persons inclined to purchase are requested to attend on the day of Sale aforesaid.
Rio Demerary, 15th January, 1807.
F. Van Kinschot, Exploiteur.


On Wednesday the 21st instant, [compare with 18070110EDRG] . . . See Advertisement in last Page.
[Transcriber's note: placement of referenced advertisement changes]

On Thursday the 22d instant, at the store of J. Mackenzie, Esq. Beef, pork, herrings, mackarel, soap, bundles of sheeting, potatoes, rice & butter.

On Tuesday the 27th instant, by order of Mr. W. Halstead, at his store near the Stelling in Bridge-Town, New Provisions, &c. just landed, viz. mess beef in whole and half barrels, fish in boxes, tongues, hams, butter, soap, candles, mill grease, split pease, hyson tea, old rum in kegs, brandy in ditto, gin in cases, Madeira and port wine by the dozen, Irish linens, ready made clothes, coat and waistcoat patterns; also a variety of other goods, which will be produced on the day of sale.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue originally scheduled for 7 January (see 18070103EDRG), but surname changes here from 'Hallstead' to 'Halstead']

On Friday the 30th instant, [see 18080110EDRG] . . .
Also by order of John Crossman, Esq. Executor of Wm. Ross, deceased, two Lots of Land with the buildings thereon, situated in front of Plantation Vlissengen, and now occupied by Mr. Thos. Elliott.

Den Ondergetekende adverteerd by deeze, dat hy in den tyd van Ses Weeken de Colonie will verlaaten, zo versoek hy een geenen de wat te Presenteeren heest of verschuldig is, kan zich addresseren by zyn Domicilium op Werk & Rust.
17de Jany. P. Van Straaten.

We are happy to announce that His Excellency the Governor is in a fair way of recovery, from the late sudden indisposition, with which he was attack'd on Sunday last, at Chateau Margo.

The second Mail for November is at length arrived, - its contents are of a most afflicting nature! they announce the near ruin of the Monarchy of Prussia, - the King flying before the rapid progress of the French Army, which has already taken possession of most of the principal Towns and Fortresses; nor can it be supposed he will long defer the seizure of Polmerania. The Swedish Troops have evacuated the territory of Lunenbourg, and embarked on the 3d of November at Lubeck for Stralsund [sic].

The American Schooner Betsey, Cap. Bowars, that arrived here on Wednesday Morning, was boarded 15 leagues to windward of Surinam by the French National Ship Favorite; - she had an English Brig, Prize in Company. She is the same Vessel that was taken on the Coast of Africa, by the Sybele and President, and is supposed to be fitted out of Cayene.

His Majesty's Ship Osprey, Capt. Clinch, arrived off this River, on the 14th instant, from Barbados, and on the 16th His Majesty's Ship Jason, Capt. Cochrane, and Brig Woolverine [sic], Capt. Collier, arrived also from Barbados. - They sail this day on a Cruize to Windward, where we hope they may fall in with the above Ship of the Enemy.

Vessel Entered and Cleared since our last.
Brig Fidelity, G. Deene, from Portsmouth.
Betsey, J. Stordly, New Hampshire.
Traveller, W. Lester, New London.
Rose, J. Sullevan, Kennebeck.
Ship George, J. Greenough, Portsmouth.
Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, Barbados.
Ship Jane, J. Thompson, Boston.
Brig Zreemun [sic], D. Norie, New Haven.

Brig Hero, W. Trefeshew, for Portsmouth.
Schr. Fame, J. Lawson, Barbados.
Ship Thames, J. Lester, St. Thomas.
Brig Sally, J. Leeghton, Portsmouth.

Now Landing and for Sale by the Subscriber: -
White Pine Boards, Plank and Scantling,
White and red oak shooks with heading,
White and red oak staves, hoops,
Clap boards, ash oars, &c. &c.
17th Jany. John Madden.

[No "List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves"]

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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