Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 February 14


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 216.

Saturday, the 14th of February.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
The free Negro Joseph Connier in six weeks, from Feb. 13.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Uit kracht van zeker appointement van Zyn Excellentie den Hoog Gebooren Heer H. W. Bentinck, verleend op de requeste van Abr. Brouwer,
Zo worden door my ondergeschreeve Exploiteur van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie by deezen by Edicte GEDAGVAARD.
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Abr. Brouwer of Gemachtigdens te zenden,
Omme te Compareeren voor Heeren Radden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, zegens den 2de Maart eerstkoomende en volgende dagen.
Ten fine aldaar op Propositien gehoord en is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd te worden tot al zulks uitstel van tyd of zodanig sortabel arrangementen in het generaale als naar gelang van omstandigheeden zullen geproponeerd worden als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary, den 12de February 1807. H. C. Evertsz,
oudste Exploiteur.

TO BE SOLD [heading]
Those spacious and substantial Premises, admirably adapted for a wholesale and retail Trade, being the Concession adjoining that of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach, & McBean, on Werk & Rust, formerly occupied by Messrs. Remy & Boter.
Comprising a capital Stelling with a large Warehouse thereon; an excellent strong well built Dwelling, 45 feet by 28 feet, with a good stored Store [sic] underneath, detached Offices, and every other convenience.
The Lot and Buildings were valued a short time since at the Sum of Forty Four Thousand Four Hundred Guilders.
Twelve Thousand Guilders in payment will be required within six months, and the remainder may be paid in five years.
It is presumed that this offer will be properly appreciated, when the eligibility of the situation, and its having been for a long time the centre of the Essequebo Trade is considered.
Further particulars will be given on application to
Werk & Rust, Feb. 13, 1807. Jas. Greenwood.

Found by a Negro yesterday Morning a Gold Watch, with Chain and Two Gold Seals. Whoever can prove the same to be his or her Property, may have it restored by applying to John Binning.
Feb. 14, 1807.

The Subscriber requests all those indebted to him, or to Edward MacSwiny, to come forward with immediate payment of their respective Accounts, or Notes of Hand, to enable him to settle his Affairs in the Colony. Those that do not come forward, will be sued without respect to persons.
Demerary, Feb. 13, 1807. Thomas Marsh, q.q.
Edward MacSwiny

MULES. [heading]
A Parcel of very superior Mules for Sale by
Feb. 14, 1807. I. T. Barrett.

The Subscriber intending to quit this Colony in April next, requests all Persons indebted to him (as well individually as in connexion with the late Firm of James Elder & Co. will make payment of their several Accounts in course of the month ensuing, at the expiration of which time a legal process will be instituted against Every Individual not complying with this Advertisement.
And all those Persons to whom he may stand indebted, are hereby invited to render in their Claims, payment of which will be made without putting them to the trouble of a Second Application.
Feb. 14, 1807. James Lockier Forrester.

Peter B. Gloster, Surgeon, intends quitting this colony for America in fourteen days. All those who have Demands against him, are requested to render in their Accounts; and all those indebted are also requested immediately to settle. His residence is at the house of M. Doyle.
Feb. 13, 1807.

W. Petheon intending to leave the Colony in a few weeks, requests all those who have Demands against him, to deliver in their Accounts at the House of T. Thompson.
February 14, 1807.

JUST LANDED. [heading]
And for Sale at the Stable of Mr. Malcolm Campbell, Two Pair of full sized Bay Horses, well broke to the draught.
Feb. 14, 1807.

Wanted on Freight for Ship Jane, John Thompson, Master, for Liverpool, to sail in all March, with or without armed Vessel or Vessels, unless a Convoy is appointed early in April, in that case she will take the Benefit of it.
100 a 150 Hogsheads of Sugar,
and about 200 Bales of Cotton.
Please apply to Heywood & Taylor.
Feb. 13, 1807.

Just Imported, and for Sale at the Store of Richard Forshaw, Esq. Swedish Stantion and flat Bar Iron assorted, Crucibles, Blacksmith's Bellows, Hammers, Boats, Rudder Irons, Caulking ditto, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses, Window and Door Hinges, Trunck [sic] and Chest Locks, Ready made Clothes, Boots and Shoes, with an assortment of Dry Goods, on the lowest terms for immediate Payment.
Feb. 12, 1807.

The Subscribers have received per the Brig Ceres, from North America, and for Sale reasonably, for immediate payment in Rum or Molasses:
[first column]
Forty five Horses
Salt Fish
White Pine Boards
[second column]
Clapboards, Shingles
Fresh Rice
Lamp Oil in barrels
[end columns]
[first column]
Irish and American Mess Beef and Pork
Best Irish Butter
Spermaceti and Tallow Candles
Paints and Oil
[second column]
Gin and Brandy in cases and demijohns
Felling Axes and Carpenter's Tools
Stationary and Ship Chandlery
Madeira Wine per dozen
[end columns]
Feb. 14, 1807. Culpeper & Troughton.

WANTED FOR HIRE, [heading]
An Elderly Woman of good Character, either White or Free Coloured, as a Nurse in a small genteel Family. A person capable of and willing to undertake such a charge, may hear of a very eligible situation by applying to the Printer.
Stabroek, Feb. 11, 1807.

On Monday, the 16th instant, at the Vendue Office, Household Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Tables, Sofas, a Sideboard, Bedsteads, a Mattrass &c.; also several seasoned Negroes, a Punt, a Boat, Potatoes in barrels, excellent Port Wine in bottles, &c. &c.
Feb. 13, 1807.
On Friday, the 27th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. King & Co. Ten seasoned Negroes; also, on the same day, Dry Goods, Provisions, Plantation Stores, &c. &c.
Feb. 13, 1807.
On Monday, March 2, by order of the Hon. the Board of the Orphan Chamber, Household Furniture, wearing apparel, and many other Articles that will appear on the Day of Sale.
Feb. 13, 1807.

[no heading, simply:]
[first column]
Irish Mess Beef in tierces, barrels, and half barrels
Mess Pork in barrels
Firkins of New Double Rose Butter
Hams, Tongues
Jugs Vinegar
Salad Oil
Pease, Barley
Crackers, Pilot Bread
Porter, Ale, Beer
Port Wine, Claret
Raspberry and Cherry Brandy
Tallow Candles, Soap.
Paints, Paint Oil
Gunpowder, Shot
Hoes, Cutlasses
Handsaw Files
Crosscut and Whip Saws
A variety of Hinges
Nails, Cooper Nails
Milled Lead
Green and White Earthenware
Cooper's Tools
[second column]
Boots, Shoes
Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs
Printed Cambrics and C[illegible]
Linen Cambric
Irish Linens and Sheeting
Long Lawn
Russia Sheeting
Broad India Nankeens
Marseilles Quilting
Cotton Bagging
Seine and Sewing Twine
White Rope
Cotton and Linen Checks
Check and Duct Shirts
Jackets, Wrappers, &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
For Sale by James Robertson
New Town, Feb. 12, 1807.

TO BE LET, [heading]
A Large Commodious Logie, eligibly situated on the North Dam of Stabroek, No. 21. Any persons desirous of a good Store with other Coveniences, will [illegible] their account in making an early application to
Stabroek, Feb. 14, 1807. F. S. Swanke.

We are sorry to have to state that the Highlander, Captain Stevenson, got aground in going out on Tuesday last. She is now safely moored off the Fort; but her voyage is of course delayed till the next springs.

The Jason, Capt. T. Cochrane, while cruising off Surinam about a fortnight ago, fell in with the French sloop of war Favourite and a corvette brig of 18 guns. The former was soon captured, and the Wolverine joining the Jason shortly after, Capt. Cochrane left the prize in charge of her, and pursued the corvette. The Wolverine and the Favourite have since reached Barbados. The Favourite was taken
from us by Commodore L'Hermite's squadron on the coast of Africa; she is now recommissioned, and Lieut. Buller [or Boller], of the flag ship, appointed to command her.

A race was run on Tuesday between two hog-maned ponies, as they are termed, belonging, we believe, to Officers. Capt. Hill rode the winning horse. A trotting match also took place, when Mr. Foote rode on of the horses, said to be the property of Mr. Underwood. Mr. F. won with the greatest ease, notwithstanding he this time had the incumbrance of boots. We have not yet heard of another match being concluded with Broken Jaw. As this sport appears to afford so much amusement, it surely would be the better way to have a proper race course made. Spectators would then have some enjoyment; and we might perhaps occasionally see it graced with at least as many different shades of female beauty as that at Newmarket itself.

It is with much pleasure we copy the following from the Berbice Gazette.
An Address of the Planters, Merchants, Inhabitants, and others interested in the Colony of Berbice, to Colonel Robert Nicholson, of his Majesty's 1st Reg. of Foot or royals; late Lieutenant-Governor of the said Colony, Commander of the Garrison, &c. &c. &c.
Sir - As a late event will, as we understand, cause your removal from your present situation to the command of the garrison of Demerary, we embrace this opportunity to offer you the assurance of our respect, esteem, and attachment; and to testify to you the grateful sense we entertain of your meritorious conduct, first, as Lieutenant Governor of the Colony, and since as Commander of its garrison. We beg you to accept of our sincere thanks and acknowledgements, for the able, exemplary, and satisfactory manner, in which you conducted the Civil Administration of the Colony from September 1803 until June 1804; for the zeal, integrity, impartiality, and attention displayed in the execution of the manifold duties of that office, including the Presidency in the Court of Police and in the Courts of Civil and Criminal Justice; and for the readiness you have constantly shown to promote and preserve the prosperity, safety, and tranquillity of this settlement. Besides our thanks for your unwearied attention in your military capacity for its external and internal safety and tranquillity, we beg leave also to express our grateful sense of the uninterrupted preservation of the harmony which so happily exists between the Civil and the Military in this Colony; a harmony which has been, and always will be, of the greatest importance to the public good. As a lasting token of our esteem and gratitude, we request that you will accept of a Piece of Plate, to the value of seven hundred and fifty pounds sterling, engraved with a suitable inscription; and that you will have the goodness to signify to John M'Camon and Wolfert Katz, Esqrs. (whom we have appointed to present this Address to you, and to superintend the execution and delivery of the said Piece of Plate,) in what shape it will be most acceptable. Permit us to conclude with our best wishes for your further promotion, health, and happiness, to the most advanced age. We have the honour to be, Sir, your most faithful and obedient servants,
Berbice, Dec. 24, 1806.
(Signed) L. C. Abbensets, C. F. van Atleon, G. Bagot, G. Baird, J. Bakker, R. Barry, P. B. Bender, Benfield, per W. Cort, J. Bethune, L. Blair, per J. M. Camon, J. Blair, F. Brittlebank, J. van den Broek, Wed. H. J. geb. Klonck, per P. Eggers, J. Chesney, W. Coenraadts, W. Cort, J. Cusing, W. Dodgson, R. Douglas, R. C. Downer, H. Draan, P. Eggers, F. Eggers, per P. Eggers, P. Fairbairn, C. Focking, A. Fraser, S. Fraser, E. D. Fraser, A. J. Glazius, R. Harris, J. C. W. Herlin, J. W. Heytmeyer, L. Hintzen, W. Hobson, M. S. Humbert, F. Jeffery, W. Katz, C. Kendall, W. Kewley, Krieger & Schlarhorst, W. Lawson, T. F. Layfield, D. Leen, J. A. Leisner, R. Lisle, per Robert Taitt, W. F. Massbach, J. Mixwell, per P. Fairbairn, J. M. M'Camon, J. C. M'Leod, J. J. de Mey, C. Mittelholzer, W. Munro, G. Munro, J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, G. Pauels, M. Rader, G. Rainy, T. Robson, H. Rose, per J. C. M'Leod, J. B. Rule, J. A. Salmann, C. Schwiers, B. J. Schwiers, W. Scott, Lord Seaforth, per P. Fairbairn, H. Smithson, per J. M'Camon, J. J. van der Stoop, W. Strik, R. Taitt, J. Tapin, J. E. Tieboel, J. W. Tuckett, N. Westrik.

To the Planters, Merchants, and other Inhabitants, interested in the Colony of Berbice, who have been pleased to honour me with an Address.
Gentlemen - The Address which you have been pleased to honour me with, I acknowledge with gratitude; and the very flattering manner in which you have expressed your attachment to me, will ever be remembered with affectionate regard. It gave me indescribable satisfaction; when I had the honour as Lieutenant Governor to direct the Civil Administration of the Colony, such unanimity between the inhabitants of whatever nation, and their obedience to the Laws, and ready co-operation in what was conducive to the public good. As President of the Court of Police, and of the Courts of Civil and Criminal Justice, my duty was made easy by the able support I received from the very respectable members who composed those Courts, aided by the ability and zeal of the Gentleman* who then acted as Secretary and Fiscal to the Colony. To them I feel much obliged for their able and impartial advice, and to it attribute my success in giving satisfaction in my Civil capacity. As Commander of the Garrison, it was my duty to recommend to those under my command a strict attention to discipline to ensure the safety and tranquillity of the Colony; and this consequently tended to inspire confidence in the inhabitants, and harmony between them and the Military. The ready obedience of those I had the honour to command made my duty pleasing and light, and they will, I am sure, as I shall, ever remember your unbounded hospitality. The handsome token of regard you are pleased to present me I accept with gratitude and thankfulness, and, agreeably I shall, ever remember your unbounded hospitality. The handsome token of regard, agreeably to your wishes, will consult with my respected friends Messrs. M'Camon, and Katz, respecting the manner of disposing of the sum your liberality has bestowed on me. Accept, Gentlemen, my best wishes for your prosperity and happiness, and that you and your families may long enjoy health and every blessing, is the fervent prayer of your obliged friend and faithful hble. Servant
Berbice, Dec. 25, 1806. (signed) Rob. Nicholson
* The Hon. Paulus Eggers.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Feb. 6, Ship Maxwell, I. Edwards, from Liverpool; Feb. 9, Brig Nautilus, W. Baker, from Portland; Feb. 9, Brig Nancy, A. Child, from Wiscasset; Feb. 10, Ceres, N. Foss, from Saco; Feb. 10, Schooner Wealthy, G. Gilbert, from New London; Feb. 10, Schooner Richard, G. W. Halsey, from New London; Feb. 14, Schooner Brutus, W. Darnell, from Barbados.

Feb. 9, Brig Traveller, W. Lester, & Feb. 123, Brig Planter, J. Tilton, for St. Thomas.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 14th day of February, 1807,

in the Stocks of Demerary.



By whom brought.





Brittlebank, do. [sic]

I. Turner.






R. Murray.



Pl. Petite Fortuyn.




James (Mulat.)

Barker in Esseq.




Pl. Columbian.





Pl. Groot Diamond.




Pl. Georgia.


B. Hall.



Boedel Kroll.

C. Macrae, q.q.






Jeffery, Mahaconi.




















Van der Velden.

Pl. Schwanenschutz.





Tom Eyland.





And 5 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.




Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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