Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 February 14 | ||||
Excellency the Lt. Governor having received His Majesty's commands to pay
strict attention to the means recommended by the Board of Health, for
preventing any infectious disease being communicated to the Garrison or the
Colony by Vessels arriving in this Port, or being conveyed to Great-Britain by
Vessels sailing from hence, and also to transmit the fullest and earliest
accounts, prior to the departure of any Fleets from the Colony, as to the
suspicion or appearance of any infectious disease or freedom from the same
within this Government, and in case of the former to transmit the most
particular account the Lt. Governor may be able to collect, respecting the
nature and symptoms of such disease: Any Person willing to Contract for building a Cistern and making some Repairs at the Military Hospital, the particulars of which may be known by applying to Doctor Dunkin, may deliver in Sealed Proposals for the same, with proper Security for the [illegible] execution of the Contract which may be entered into, at the Government Secretary's Office, on or before the 1st day of March next. Demerary, 14th Feby. 1807.
Virtue of a certain appointment granted by His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Lt.
Governor &c. &c. &c. on the Petition of Abr. Brouwer, are herewith
by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice by Edict
Summoned all known and unknown Creditors of the said Abr. Brouwer, or to send their
Attornies, to appear before the Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice at
their Sessions in the Town of Stabroek, on the 2d of March next and following
Authority Obtained, - I the underwritten Marshal of this Colony, make known,
that (after presidental [sic] Process of Law) I shall Expose and Sell at
Marshal Sales, in presence of the Honourable Commissaries of the Court of
Justice and their Secretary, at the Court House in Stabroek, on Tuesday the 3d
day of March next, in behalf of H. W. Knolman, Triumphant of Two Decrees,
against the Executed Bruninghaus & Berg: - Two Concessions or Lots of Land
situated on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust, known by Lr. B No. 6,
occupied by Mr. Bruninghaus, and No. [blank], at present occupied by the
Members of the Eendragt Society, with all the Buildings thereon, conformable to
the Inventory thereof to be seen at the Marshal's Office.
Subscriber intending to quit this Colony in April next, requests all Persons
indebted to him (as well individually as in Connexion with the late Firm of
James Elder & Co.) will make Payment of their several Accounts in course of
the Month ensuing, at the Expiration of which time a Legal Process will be
instituted against every Individual not complying with this Advertisement.
To Hire [heading]
[sic] Mess Beef in tierces, barrels and half barrels, mess pork in barrels,
firkins new double-rose butter, hams, tongues, cheese, jugs vinegar, mustard,
pease, barley, crackers, pilot bread, sallad oil, porter, ale and beer, port
wine, claret, rasberry and cherry brandy, tallow candles, soap, lamp black,
paints, paint oil, gun powder, shot, hoes, cutlasses, hand-saw files, crosscut
and whip saws, padlocks, a variety of hinges, adzes, milled-lead, anchors,
white and green-edged earthen ware, nails, Cooper-nails and tools, Stationary,
boots, shoes, hats, linen pocket handkerchiefs, printed cambricks and calicoes,
muslins, shawls, caps, linin [sic] cambric, Irish linen and sheeting, long
lawn, dowlas, Russia sheeting, platillas, britannias, broad India nankeens,
counterpanes, marseilles quilting, threads, cotton bagging, seine & sewing
twine, deep-sea, hand, log and fishing lines, canvas, white rope, cordage,
oznaburgs, pennistone, salempores, cotton and linen checks, check and duck
shirts and trowsers, jackets and wrappers, - For Sale by
Landed from the Demerary, at the store of W. Turner, (Old Union Coffee House,)
Hams, Tongues, Tripe, Rounds Beef, Butter, Cheese, Olives, Pickles, red and
white Herrings, Salmon, Oysters, Potatoes, Porter, and Beer.
On Freight for Ship Jane, John Thompson, Master, for Liverpool, to sail in all
March, with or without armed Vessel or Vessels, unless a Convoy is appointed
early in April, in that case she will take Benefit of it, -
Subscribers have received per Brig Ceres, from North America, and for Sale
reasonably for immediate payment in Rum or Molasses:
Subscriber intending to leave the Colony in the latter part of April, requests
all those who remain indebted to him, by obligations or open accounts to come
forward with immediate payment, as all accounts &c. which are not settled
at that period, will be put into the hands of a Lawyer to be sued for without
distinction. He also requests all those who have claims against him to render
in the same for immediate payment.
Be Sold. [heading]
Subscriber requests all those indebted to him or to Edwd. Mac Swiney, to come
forward with immediate payment of their respective accounts or notes of hand,
to enable him to settle his affairs in the Colony; those that do not come
forward, will be sued for without respect to Person.
Subscribers request all Persons having Demands against the Estate of the
deceased John Hackett, (of Leguan-Island) to render the same properly
Authenticated, - and those who are indebted thereto, to make immediate Payment,
as it is necessary to bring the said Estate to a speedy close. PUBLIC VENDUES. [heading] On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th instant, at the store of M'Donald, Halket & Co. a general assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, and Plantation Stores.
Friday, the 20th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of F. Kent and H. C.
Schreyber, q.q. Nathaniel Lougee, deced. a trunk of wearing Apparel, a Chest of
Drawers, a writing desk, two silver watches, a firelock with bayonet and sword,
2 large anvils, beak iron, grind stone, 4 large vices, a Smith's bellows, a
chest of Blacksmith's tools &c.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the 23d, 24th, and 25th inst. by order of
Messrs. Bauch and Co. at ther [sic] store, Smoked tongues, Dutch butter, hams,
salt beef and tongues, mustard, loaf sugar, pine and double Glo'ster cheese,
soap and candles, paint oil, prepared paints, lamp oil, glass ware, looking
glasses, writing desks, shaving boxes, woollen jackets, trowsers, frocks and
coatees, pantaloons, waistcoats, thread and woollen stockings, negro clothing,
silk patent and beaver hats, negro hats, canvas No 3 and 4, white and coloured
muslins, Madras handkerchiefs, table cloths, britannias, Irish and Russia
linens, fine and planters' shoes, boots, saddles and bridles, horse and chaise
whips, currycombs and brushes, nails of different sorts, paper, pens, &c.
Thursday the 26th instant, at the Store of Mr. John Madden, by order of Colin
Macrae and C. M. Overweg, Esqrs. in their capacity as Executors appointed by
the Hon. Court of Justice to the Estate of the Hon. F. Kroll, dec. and in
obedience to the authority of the said Hon. Court, bearing date the 21st
January last, Fourteen Carpenter Negroes, three mason ditto, and one Coooper
[sic] ditto.
Be Let. [heading] On Thursday last the Body of a well dressed Man was found in the Bush behind Plantation Thomas; - the Body was in a very Putrid state, and appeared to have been dead about a fortnight. The Dress was a dark-brown coat, white marseilles Waistcoat, clay-coloured kersimere Pantaloons, with half Stockings and Shoes.
day at noon the Joseph Catharina, Capt. --, arrived in this River, she is one
of the London Fleet (which may now be momently looked for) she left Portsmouth
on the 6th of January, one day later than the Fleet, no part of which she has
seen since her departure, she brings no news. Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
ENTERED Just Landed and For Sale, at the Stable of Mr. Malcomb Campbell, two Pair of full sized Bay Horses, well broke to the draft. Feby. 14th, 1807.
Let. [heading]
[heading] [No 'List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves']
Stabroek: Printed and Published
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Created: 04 September 2010 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten