Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 219.
Saturday, the 7th of March.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. William Dodgson, with his Family, to
Berbice, in fourteen days, from Feb. 27.
Messrs. Alex. Iver, I. W. Overweg, Bern.
Buis, and P. B. Gloster, in 14 days, from Feb. 28.
Doctor Seysson, in 3 weeks, from the
same time.
Messrs. Jas. Cardwell and Robert
Jackson, in 14 days, from March 7.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.
Op verkreegen Authorisatie zal den
eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie na voor afgaande Regtspleeging ten overstaan
van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, ten Raadhuyze op de Hoofdplaats
Stabroek, op Dingsdag, den 7de April 1807, publicq opveylen, en aan de
meestbiedende verkoopen, 't volgende te weeten:
1ste. Ten behoeven van Macdonald,
Halket, & Co. contra A. Gray, zeeker gedeelte van de Concessie No. 78,
geleegen op de voorgronden van de Plantagie Cumingsburg [sic], met de daar op
staande Gebouwen hestaande in een Woonhuys lang 35 by 18 voeten, 2 en een halve
verdieping hoog een Zygebouw, waar van eene zyde met Americaansche Planken is
omslaagen, en met Shingles gedekt: een Combuys en een Gemakhusje.
2de. Ten be hoeven [sic] Robert
Younghusband contra Cornelis Smit, J.Z. een Concessie Lands geleegen op de
voorgronden van Plantagie Werk & Rust, bekend onder No. 11, met het daar op
staande Woonhuys, lang 34 by 18 voeten, een en een halve verdieping en geheel
van inlands hout; een Logie lang 60 by 30 voeten, het fraam van inlands hout,
en met Americaansche Planken omslagen; voorts een Combuys, Paarde Stal,
Waschhuys, en Gemakheysje.
3de. Ten Behoeven van 't Vendue
Comptoir alhier contra W. Latham, twee stuks Negers, met naame Cato en John,
als meede een Concessie Lands, veleegen in Kingston bekend onder No. [blank]
met het daar op staande Woonhuys zynde een inlands fraam en met Americaansche
Planken omslaagen, met Wallaba Shingels gedekt lang na gissing 24 by 12 voeten;
voorts een Waschhuys 20 by 11 voeten, geclapboord, en met Amiricansche Planken
gedekt; en laatstelyk een Gemakhuysje.
Zoo iemand teegens deeze verkoopingen
eenig recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren, addresseere zich in
geschrifte ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs, wanneer ik die also opposant dag ven
Rechten beleggen zal en wyders die geenn [sic] welke in 't voorsz gading vinden
moogen, koomen ten dagen en plaatze voornoemd en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 7de Maart 1807. B.
C. Van Dyk of the Ship Triton, requests
that all those who have Goods on board the said Ship, will immediately come for
the same; as he wishes to reload, being determined to sail with the first
Rio Demerary, March 3, 1807.
TO BE LET [heading]
A Large Commodious House, most eligibly
situated for general Mercantile Business, on Concession No. 8, Werk & Rust,
opposite that of Mr. Ward Apply to
Mar. 7, 1807. G. Zeegers.
De Ondergeteekenden van voorneemens
zynde binnen kort deeze Colonie te verlaaten, verzoeken dier halve aan alle die
geene welke van hun iets te pretendeeren hebben, hetzelve te koomen ontvangen,
en alle die geene welke aan hun verschuldigd zyn ('t zy aan de firma of
prive[accent]) hunne Reekeningen te koomen lequideeren voor den 26ste deezer,
ten einde te bevryden van de onaangenaamheedens, om de niet voldoende, in de
handen hunner Practizyn te stellen.
Verders presenteeren zy te Koop de nog
by hun resteerende Goederen, voor zeer cieviele pryzen, mits Contant.
den 5de maart 1807 Eliazer &
The Undersigned inform their Friends and
the Public, that the Copartnership lately subsisting between them, under the
Firm of Rule & Kewley, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; they
therefore request all Persons, who have any Demands against the said Firm, to
render an account thereof for settlement; and those indebted thereto, are
earnestly requested to make immediate payment to one of them, each being
authorised in his own name to receive and give discharges for all Debts due to
the said Firm.
Berbice, Jan. 31, 1807. J. B. Rule,
W. Kewley, Jr.
The Subscriber is sorry to find so
little attention paid to his former, as well as his late Advertisements,
requesting all those indebted to himself, as well as to Edward McSwiny, to come
forward and settle their Accounts, or take up their Notes of Hand.
He has only to say, that those who do
not come forward with immediate payment of their respective Accounts, or Notes
of Hand, will be immediately given in to the hands of the Hon. F. P. Van
Berckel, to be sued for without respect to persons.
Kingston, March 6, 1807. Thomas Marsh,
for himself and
Edward McSwiny.
Op de Plantagie L'Esperance zyne tans te
bekoomen goed hart gebacke Steenen en Plavuisen, als mede Steene voor regenbake,
ongebluschte Kalk, en bouw Kalk. Die geene die den Ondergeteekende gelieft te
begunstigen, gelieve zig op gemelde Plantagie, of aan zyn Huis op Werk &
Rust, naast 't Concessie laast door de Heeren Remy & Booter [sic] bewoond,
te adresseeren, alwaar zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi blevende berusten.
Demerary, den 4de Maart 1807. E. A.
On Friday the 13th instant, at the
Vendue Office, sundry articles of Dry Goods and Provisions, just imported, viz.
Irish prime Beef and Pork, Hams, Cheese, Porter, Ling Fish and Potatoes, Coarse
and fine Irish Linens, Sheeting, Brown Holland, Platillas, Checks, and an
assortment of Fresh Medicines, &c. &c.
March 6, 1807.
On Tuesday the 17th inst. at the store
of Messrs. Thos. Shute & Co. Mess Beef, Pork, Kegs Bristol Tripe, Tongues,
Hams, Cheese, Porter, Ale, Tobacco, in Barrels, Salt in ditto, Boxes Raisins,
Demijohns Brandy and Gin, Fresh Flour, Candles, Soap, Dry Goods, Ironmongery,
Cordage, and many other articles.
March 6, 1807.
On Thursday the 19th inst. at the store
of T. T. Thompson, Esq. front of Plantation Vlissingen, Beef in whole and half
barrels, Pork in do. Shads, Fish in hhds. Cheese, Butter, hams, &c. a House
Frame of Colony wood, 46 by 19, an excellent Sawyer Negro sold for no fault;
also a Negro Boy accustomed to Cooking.
March 6, 1807.
On Wednesday the 25th inst. at the store
of Mr. Chas. Treadwell, in Bridge Town, the following articles: - Boards,
plank, scantling, clapboards, staves, shooks, oars; beef in barrels, half
barrels, and tubs, tongues, herrings, shads, mackarel, potatoes, butter, soap,
tallow and spermaceti candles, boots and shoes, blue and yellow nankeens,
linens, sheetings, diapers, quills, tea, segars, Cape wine, cherry brandy,
spermaceti oil, &c. &c. at Four Months' credit.
March 6, 1807.
On Monday the 6th of April, at the
Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Wm. Niell and John Richardson, Twenty Negro
Carpenters, Sawyers, and Timber cutters, a 4 oar'd Tent Boat, a Quantity of
Green heart Plank, 1 & half, 2, and 3 inches thick, &c.
March 6, 1807.
On Monday the 1st of June, at the store
of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, by order of the Executors of the last
Will of the late John Clarke, carpenter, of this colony, all his Estates real
and personal, consisting of the following, viz. Three Lots of Woodland
situated in Colosoraba Creek, on which there are 32 acres in Plantains, well
trenched and drained, and a variety of Fruit Trees. An excellent New logie,
hard wood frame, covered with trulies, 100 feet long by 30 feet wide, in one
end of which is a very good Hall and two Bedrooms. Has also a saw pit, work
bench, and grindstone, all in good order; a store house, kitchen, negro houses,
&c. The said Lots being most desirably situated for timber cutting and
framing or making Wallaba shingles. A considerable quantity of Wallaba
shingles, hard wood Plank and Boards, Crabwood Logs, Punts, Boats, and
Carpenters' Tools, and 17 prime Negroes, including Eleven Carpenters. Six
Months' Credit will be given. The Land, Buildings, &c. may be viewed any
time before the day of sale, by application to Mr. Charles Clark, residing on
the premises; or further particulars may be known by applying to Messrs.
M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean.
March 6, 1807.
A Case of very beautifully assorted Real
and mock Corals and Garnets, some elegant Fans, Fancy Ornaments of the newest
Fashion, Violin Strings, &c. to be sold very cheap, for immediate Payment.
New Town, March 6, 1807. James
Just Imported in the Ship Fame, Capt.
Williams, from Liverpool, and for Sale by the Subscriber, for immediate
[first column]
Ladies' and Gents. Silk Hats
Gentlemen's Shoes and Boots
Ladies' and Children's Shoes
Pullicat Handkerchiefs, Dimities
6 . 4 Cotton Cambrick
Superfine Black Cloth
Negro Hats, Jackets, Shirts, Trowsers
White lead and Paint Oil
Blue and Green Paint in pots
Spirits of Turpentine
Tin, Glass, and Queen's Ware
Locks, Bolts, Bands, and Gudgeons
[second column]
Hair Brooms
Shoe, Paint, and Scrubbing Brushes
Nails assorted from 4d. to 30d.
Horse Shoe Nails
Iron Squares and Oil Stores [sic -
Corn Mills
Gentlemen's Tool Chests
Brass Bells with springs
Carpenter's Tools
Knives and forks
Carving ditto
Wafers, Ink Powder, and Memorandum Books
Cheese, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Also on hand Mess Beef, Salmon, Soap,
Candles, and Tobacco.
Robb's Town, March 7, 1807. W. Lucas.
JUST IMPORTED, [heading]
In the ship Flora, Capt. Geo. Raveley,
from Cork, and for Sale by the Subscribers:
Firkins 1st quality Best Double rose
Kids Do. Do. Do.
Hampers Irish Potatoes,
A Quantity of Superfine Blue Broad
Cloth, &c.
Demerary, March 6, 1807. Fisher &
All Persons who are indebted to the
Boedel of the late Duchesse van Cooten, are requested to settle the same with
the Undersigned within three Months from the Date hereof; during which time all
who have any claims against the said Boedel can have them liquidated.
Werk & Rust, March 7, 1807. M.
Marx, Executor.
LOST [heading]
Between the Plantation Phoenix and
Stabroek A Bunch of Keys on a ring. Any Person who has found the same, and
will bring them to Plantation Phoenix, on the West side of the River, or to the
Store of H. I. Underwood, Esq. in Stabroek, shall receive a Joe Reward.
March 7, 1807.
Notice is hereby given for the present,
that since the 2d of February last, Mr. James Bruce is superseded in the power
of acting for the late Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. in his stead, as may be
seen by reference to the Secretary's Office of this Colony, and of Essequebo.
Demerary, March 7, 1807. Arch. Iver,
The Gentlemen composing the Company of
Mahaica Volunteers, lately returned from an expedition into the Bush, beg leave
thus publickly to express their high sense of the very gentlemanlike and truly
hospitable treatment they experienced, after their fatigue, from - Brandes,
Esq. of Plantation Soestdyk; a behaviour which, though not in the least at
variance with this Gentleman's usual mode of conduct on similar occasions,
formed so striking a contrast with what the Company had the mortification to
endure from certain Beings living on two other Plantations where they were
necessitated to call, that their feelings were too much affected by it, to
allow them to remain mute.
March 7, 1807.
Just Imported, and for Sale by the
Subscribers, the following Articles:
[first column]
Prime Irish Mess Beef and Pork in whole
and half barrels
New Rose Butter
Spermaceti and Tallow Candles
Refined Sugar and Hyson Tea
Negro Clothing
Ditto Hats
Osnaburgs and Salempores
White and brown Russia Sheeting
[second column]
Ravens Duck and Flemish Linen
Paints and Paint Oil
Cordage and Sail Cloth
Cutlasses and Pruning Knives
Sheet Lead
Carpenter's Tools
Iron Hoops
Iron Teaches
4d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 20d, 30d, a 40d Nails
And a variety of other Articles.
[end columns]
Stabroek, March 5, 1807. Underwood,
Johnson, & Co.
Imported in the ship Triton, Capt. Van
Dyk, from London, and for Sale by the Case or Package, on very reasonable
Terms, for Cash or approved Credit,
[first column]
Choice pieces smoked beef
Dried and pickled tongues
Red herrings
Pickled tripe
Westphalia hams
Pine and loaf cheese
Dutch and Irish butter
Kegs sour crout
Dried beans, split pease
Barley, oatmeal
Boxes ling fish
Hyson tea, refined sugar
Vinegar, olives, capers
Celery seed, mustard
India soy, Fish sauce
Raisins, currants, almonds in shells
Black pepper, mixed spices
Stoughton's elixir
Fine old red port, cyder, beer, ale
Porter, Seltzer water
Small boxes of Eau de Cologne
Arquebusade, lavender & rosewater
Best and plain hogskin hunting saddles
Officers' military saddles
Ladies' saddles
Very handsome single horse chaise
harnesses, double & single bridles
Saddle cloths, girths, jockey whips
Gentlemen's silk hats
[second column]
Black and blue superfine broad cloth
coats, riding coats
Dimity and cotton pantaloons
Fashionable waistcoats
Flannel and nankeen jackets and trowsers
Fine Welch flannel skin waistcoats, with
Black silk waistcoats
Head and shoe brushes
Oriental and Naples soap
Violet powder
Pots and rolls pomatum
Tooth brushes and powder
Writing desks
Red morocco cases with 2 elegant white
ivory handled razors, gold mounted and straps in each
Shaving brushes
Gentlemen's dressing cases compl.
Earthen and glass ware assorted
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, & 30d. Nails
Paint of all kinds, Paint Oil
Soap, starch, candles
Dutch pipes
Seines, seine and sewing twine
Cotton bagging
Irish linens, cotton checks
Ginghams, blue niccanies
Salempores, platillas
Wood Hoops, &c.
[end columns]
And a complete Assortment of Plantation
Stores and Provisions, per other late arrivals from England, are also for Sale
on the best Terms, for Cash or approved Credit, by
New Town, March 6, 1807. James
Have (in addition to their last
Advertisement) received by the Ship Alexander, brittanias, Pomeranias,
Platillas, Royals, and Brown Holland; Trunk of fine and fashionable Muslins, an
assortment of fine Lace, Black Silk Handkerchiefs, Brittania Silk ditto, Plaid
ditto, fine Hair cord and fancy striped Dimity, Printed Quiltings, and striped
Musquetto Net Lawn.
They are also landing from the Schooner
Lumber, Clapboard, Shingles, and Red Oak
Shooks and Staves.
And by the Ship Flora, George Rowley,
Master, from Cork,
They have received a Consignment of
Candles in half and whole boxes, Soap in boxes, Pork in barrels, and double
Rose Butter in firkins, which they will dispose of at very moderate Prices for
immediate Payment.
Demerary, March 7, 1807.
Now Landing, and for Sale by the
Subscriber, Lumber shooks, R. O. Staves, shingles, and scantling.
Also on Hand,
Gin and Brandy in pipes, soap, candles,
lamp and paint oil, &c.
March 6, 1807. R. Younghusband.
The Subscriber having arrived in the
last Fleet from London, respectfully informs the inhabitants of these Colonies,
that he intends carrying on the Watch and Clock making Business, in all its
various Branches, at the house of W. B. Thompson, Cumingsburg. Any persons
favouring him with their commands, may depend on having them faithfully and
punctually executed. He has for sale, an assortment of the most fashionable
Demerary, March 6, 1807. George
N.B. He has been a considerable time
employed at the large Manufactory of Clocks and Watches belonging to Mr.
Barrand, Cornhill, London, and will undertake to give satisfaction in repairing
all kinds of Chronometers, horizontal and repeating Watches, Clocks, &c.
The Subscriber requests all persons who
have any Demands against him to deliver them into him at his Estate Better
Success, on the West coast of Essequebo, or at the house of Dr. Joseph Tuite in
Stabroek, within Three Weeks from the Date hereof.
Demerary, March 6, 1807. G. Perkins.
WANTED, [heading]
A Good Carpenter, with Six or Eight
Negroes [sic], to work for about Ten Weeks, only Half a Tide up the River.
Please to apply to the Printers of this paper.
At Plantation Zorg en Hoop.
March 7, 1807.
A top sail schooner was yesterday
captured close in shore by two large privateers.
His Excellency General and Governor
Montgomerie arrived here on Thursday from Berbice. We hear that it is his
Excellency's intention to pay a visit to Barbados, in order to re-establish his
To the Printer of the Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading]
As the production of the famous Cotton
Seller (now self-dubbed Cotton Planter) in your last week's paper, is precisely
of the same fabric with all his other works, namely, an endeavour to obtain
credit under false pretences, I am convinced that the discerning part of the
public will not deem it incumbent on me to notice it any further than by
referring to that part of my fist statement which regards the presence of two
witnesses. It is an easy matter, Sir, in this enlightened age, for an
insidious villain to find a person capable of clothing a glaring falsehood in
the garb of truth; but the man who knowingly puts forth to the world as fat
what two unexceptionable witnesses can at any time incontrovertibly prove to be
the reverse, shows himself to be so completely case-hardened in the school of
iniquity as to be incapable of any praiseworthy feeling; of course, that colour
of countenance which his misdeeds would seem to have stamped him with, could
not be expected to change its hue, though forced to start from the hiding-place
behind the door.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.
March 5, 1807. Good at any Time.
To the Editor of the Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading]
In your paper of January 15th I observe
a certain Cowskin Hero complaining of the too frequent use made in this Colony
of the word Esquire. I perfectly agree with both you and him, that it is very
often much misapplied; and, no doubt, the Hero who thus complains must be
Proprietor of some considerable Estate, as he speaks so freely of his Overseer,
and his first and second Driver, and must naturally feel himself much hurt when
his Manager, Overseer, and Drivers are thus put on a level with him. I shall
esteem it a favour if you will give us your opinion in your useful and well
written Gazette, Whether a Cowskin Hero, like Heroes in general, has the
privilege of being addressed by the name of Esquire? so that those who are not
well informed on these points of etiquette may run no risk of addressing such
Heroes improperly. An answer to this question will oblige your constant
reader, A.B.C.D.
N.B. There are Overseers as well as
Managers who would net disgrace the title of Esquire.
(The Editor acknowledges himself to be
incapable of answering this question,)
The Shippers per Ship Granada are
respectfully informed, that it is the positive determination of the Undersigned
to sail with his said Ship with the Convoy appointed the 7th prox. full or not
full. He therefore requests al those who have engaged to ship in his Vessel,
to send their Produce on board as soon as possible.
Rio Dem. March 7, 1807. W. Richardson.
N.B. The Granada loads with Coffee and
Cotton only.
Just Imported, and for Sale by the
Subscriber, at his House on Werk & Rust,
A general assortment of elegant Violin
strings of every description; very fine Corals according to the London mode;
Magazine Corals, real garnets and Ambles [sic]; Cut beads Topaz, red and black;
brown garnets, fine black and coloured Enamels, fine black Cut Beads, Town-made
ditto, two elegant Ivory Fans; black, white and blue Agates; ditto, ditto, and
steel Bugles, and an assortment of Imitation Beads for the Indians.
March 7, 1807. H. B. Rees.
Death - On Saturday last, F. S. Swanke,
Esq. of the Secretary's Office, and Provost Marshal of the Militia. He was
buried the next evening with military honours, after a funeral oration
pronounced with much feeling and energy by the Rev. G. Ryk.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
March 3. Schooner Isabella, S. Emery,
from Biddeford.
March 5. Ship Flora, G. Ravels, from
Liverpool; Schooner Mary, M. Pool, from Boston; Ship Hope, R. M'George.
March 6. Brig Lyon, A. Cliff.
No fresh slaves in the Colony Stocks
this week.
by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.