Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 March 07

Vol. II.)


(No. 62.

Saturday, March 7th, 1807.

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor informs the Planters, Merchants and all others concerned, that the First Convoy for the Trade of these Colonies is appointed to leave Surinam on the 6th of April, and that a Ship of war will be directed by Admiral Sir Alexr. Cochrane, to call at Demerary on the 8th of April to Convoy the Trade to the general Rendezvous.
King's House, Stabroek, 6th March 1807.

Office of Ordnance. [heading]
Demerary, 7th March 1807.
Michael Campbell, the Ordnance Carpenter having been this day temporarily suspended by a Board of Respective Officers; the Public is hereby caution'd not to discount his Bill for his quarterly allowance due the 31st inst. as the same will not be paid.
C. I. O.
Ord. S. Keeper.

To be Sold A Fine English Horse, well seasoned, being two Years in the Colony, and able to carry Sixteen Stone; he will be engaged perfectly sound and free from Vice. And also a Negro Man a good Cook and Butcher. Application to be made at the Printer's Office.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

Now Landing and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
[first column]
[second column]
R. O. Staves,
Shingles & Scantling.
[end columns]
Also On Hand,
Gin and Brandy in pipes, Soap and Candles, Lamp and Paint Oil, &c.
R. Younghusband.
New-Town, 7th March 1807.

Lost between Plantation Phoenix and Stabroek, a bunch of Four Keys on a Ring. Any Person who has found the same and will bring them to Plantation Phoenix on the West Side of the River, or to the Store of H. I. Underwood Esqr. in Stabroek, shall receive a Joe Reward.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

The Subscribers intending to Close their Concerns, in order to remove from this Colony, solicits all Persons indebted to them to make immediate payment, should this Notice not be Duly attended to; all accounts and notes not Paid by the 26th instant, will be placed into the Hands of a Lawyer, to enforce Payment by such means as the law prescribes. They have still on hand an assortment of Dry Goods, which will be sold on Reasonable Terms. Demands against them are requested to be exhibited when full Satisfaction will be given.
Eleazer & Castello.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

The Late Miss Ann Green did three years past, place into my hands six pieces printed calico 7 yards each, to make for her six Gowns at f 11 each, f 66, trimmings f 11, making together f 77; the Gowns have never been called for, tho' frequent applications have been made to the Executors for the purpose of doing so, which has never been attended to. I therefore once more request the Gowns will be called for and the amount of f 77 paid me; otherwise they will be sold at Public Vendue. - All Persons now indebted to me are solicited to make immediate payment in order to prevent my having recourse to Law.
March 7th, 1807. Ann Kirton.

Picked-Up in front of Plantation Best, a Small Punt. Any Person proving their property and paying the expences, may have it by applying to the Manager on said Estate.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

A Case of very beautifully assorted real and mock Corals and Garnets, some elegant Fans, Fancy Ornaments of the newest fashion, Violin strings &c. to be sold very cheap for immediate Payment.
James Robertson.
New Town, 7th March 1807.

Notice is hereby given for the present, that since the 2d February last, Mr. James Bruce is superceded in the power of acting for the late firms of Peter Nisbet & Co. and Steel, Nisbet & Co. and that the Subscriber is appointed in his stead, as may be seen by reference to the Secretaries Office of this Colony and of Essequebo.
Archd. Iver, qq.
Demerary, 7th March, 1807.

McInroy, Sandbach & McBean. [heading]
Have (in addition to their last advertisement) received by the ship Alexander: - Brittanias, pomeranias, plattilla royales, and brown Holland; a trunk of fine fancy and fashionable muslins, an assortment of fine lace, black silk handkerchiefs, brittania silk do. and plaid do., fine hair cord and fancy striped dimity, printed quiltings, and striped musquetto nett lawn.
They are also landing from the schooner Isabella, - Lumber, clapboards, shingles, and red oak shooks and staves.
And by the ship Flora, George Raveley, Master, from Cork, they have received a consignment of Candles in half and whole boxes, soap in boxes, pork in barrels, and double rose butter in firkins, which they will dispose off at very moderate advance for immediate payment.
Demerary, 7th March, 1807.

The Shippers per Ship Granada, are respectfully informed that it is the positive determination of the Undersigned to Sail with his said Ship with the Convoy appointed the 7th Proxe [sic]: - full or not full. - He therefore requests all those who have engaged to Ship in his Vessel, to send their Produce on board as soon as possible.
Wm. Richardson.
N.B. The Granada loads with Cotton and Coffee only.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

With The First Convoy [heading]
For London. [heading]
The Fast Sailing Patent Ship Economy, William Ross, Commander, burthen 250 Tons, Stands A. 1. at Lloyds, has good Accommodations for Passengers, three fourths of her Cargo already engaged. For Freight or Passage apply to the Commander on board off the American Stelling, or at the Union Coffee House.
N.B. The above Ship being Built on a New plan, she will appear on inspection particularly well adapted for Coffee.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz: -
Mr. Peter B. Gloster, in 14 days, from March 7th.
Mr. James Cardwell, in 14 days, from March 7th.
Mr. Robert Jackson, in 14 days, from March 7th.
Mr. William Dogdson [sic], with his Family in 14 Days from here to Berbice, Feb. 28th.
Mr. F. W. Overweg, in 14 Days, from Feby. 28th.
Mr. Alex. Iver, in 14 Days, from Feby. 28th.
Mr. Bernardus Buis, in six Weeks, from Feb. 28th.
Doctor Seysson, in three Weeks, from 28th Feby.
Mr. J. T. Barrett, in 3 Weeks, from Feby. 21st.
Mr. Daniel Edwards, in 14 Days, from Feby. 21st.
Mr. George Watson, in 14 Days, from 21st Feby.
The free negro Joseph Connier, in 6 Weeks, Feb. 15th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

By Authority obtained, - I the Underwritten Marshall [sic] of this Colony, make known, that (after precedental process of Law) I shall expose and sell at Marshal Sales in presence of the Honourable Commissaries of the Court of Justice and their Secretary, at the Court House in Stabroek on Tuesday the 7th April 1807 as follows: -
1st, In behalf of McDonald, Halket & Co. Versus A. Gray a certain part of the concession No. 78, situated in Cumingsburgh, with the buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling house 35 feet long by 18 feet wide, 2 1/2 storie, a side building whereof one side boarded with American boards and covered with shingles, a kitchen and necessary house.
2d, In behalf of Robert Younghusband Versus Cornelius Smit J: C: Z: a Concession or Lot of Land situated on the front lands of Plantation Werk & Rust, known by No. 11 with the Dwelling house thereon 35 feet long by 18 wide 1 1/2 storie, all of Colony wood; a Logie the frame of Colony wood 60 feet long by 30 feet wide boarded with American boards, also a kitchen, horse stable, wash and necessary house.
3d, In behalf of the Vendue Office of this Colony, Versus W. Latham, two Negroes named Cato, and John, likewise a Concession of Land situated in Kingston, known by No. [blank] with the Dwelling house thereon, of Colony wood, boarded with American boards and covered Walaba shingles, about 24 feet long by 12 feet wide, a wash house 20 feet long by 11 feet wide, clapboarded and covered with American plank, and a necessary house.
Whoever should conceive to have any right to oppose against any of the above Sales, will address themselves in writing to the Marshals Office, where I shall receive them as opposer or opposers, and appoint a day to go to Law; and any Person or Persons inclined to purchase are requested to attend on the day of sale above mentioned.
Rio Demerary, the 7th March, 1807.
B. Teyssen, Junr.
A true Translation from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

Notice For The Last Time. [heading]
The Subscriber is sorry to find so little attention paid to his former, as well as his late Advertisements, requesting all those indebted to himself, as well as to Edwd. McSwiney to come forward and settle their Accounts or take up their Notes of Hand. He has only to say, that those who do not come forward with immediate payment of their respective Accounts or Notes of Hand will be immediately given into the Hands of the Honble. F. P. van Berckel to be sued for without respect to Persons.
Thomas Marsh, for himself and
Edwd. McSwiney.
Kingston, 7th March, 1807.

Imported in the Ship Fame, Capt. Williams, from Liverpool, and for Sale by the Subscriber for immediate payment: -
Ladies and Gentlemen's silk hats, gentlemen's shoes, and boots, ladies and children shoes, pullicat handkerchiefs, dimitys, 6-4 cotton cambric, superfine black cloth, negro hats, jackets, shirts and trowsers; white lead and paint oil, blue and green paint, spirits turpentine; tin, glass and Queens ware, locks, bolts, bands and gudgeons, hair brooms, shoe, paint and scrubing [sic] brushes, nails assorted from 4dy to 30dy, horse shoe nails, iron squares, oil stones, hinges assorted, corn mills, gentlemen's tool chests, brass bells with springs, capenter's [sic] tools, knives and forks, carving ditto, wafers, ink powder, memorandum books, cheese, &c. &c. Also on hand, mess beef, salmon, soap, candles, and tobacco.
Wm. Lucas.
Robbs Town, 7th March 1807.

The Subscriber having arrived in the last Fleet from London, respectfully informs the Inhabetants [sic] of these Colonies, that he intends carrying on the Watch and Clock Making Business, in all its various branches, at the House of Mr. W. Thompson Cumingsburg; - Any Person favoring him with their commands may depend on having them faithfully and punctually executed. He has for sale an assortment of the most fashionable Jewellery.
George Baker.
N.B. He has been a considerable time employed at the large Manufactory (of Clocks and Watches) belonging to Mr. Barrand, Cornhill, London, and will undertake to give satisfaction, in repairing all kinds of Chronometeis [sic], Horizontal and Repeating Watches, Clocks, &c.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

Runway from Plantation Parika, a Negro Boy named Jeem, a Creole of Tortola, about 13 years of age, speaks Dutch and English. Any Person sending him to the Estate will receive One Joe Reward. He has been absent Six Days.
7th March. Rich. Wells.

Just Imported and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
Prime Irish mess beef and pork in barrels and half barrels,
New rose butter,
Spermaceti and tallow candles, Soap,
Refined sugar and hyson tea,
Negro Clothing, Negro Hats, Blanketts.
Oznabrugs and salempores,
White and brown Russia sheeting,
Ravens duck and flemish linen,
Paints and paint oil,
Cordage and sail cloth,
Cutlasses and pruning knives,
Sheet Lead, Iron teaches,
Carpenters tools, Iron Hoops,
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30 and 40dy Nails.
And a variety of other articles.
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Stabroek, 7th March, 1807.

Imported in the Ship Triton, Captain Van Dyk, from London, and for sale by the Case or Package on very reasonable terms for Cash or or [sic] approved Credit: -
Choice Pieces of smoked beef, dried and pickled tongues, red herrings, pickled tripe, Westphalia hams, pine and loaf cheese, Dutch and Irish butter, kegs sour crout, dried beans, split peas, barley, oatmeal, boxes ling fish, hyson tea, refined sugar, vinegar, olives, capers, celery seed, mustard, India soy, fish sauce, raisins, currants, almonds in shells, black pepper, mixed spices, Stoughton's elixer, fine old red port, cyder, beer, ale, porter, seltzer water, small boxes of eau de cologne, acquebusade, lavender and rose water; best and plain hogskin hunting saddles, officers military saddles, ladies saddles, very handsome single horse chaise harnesses, double and single bridles, saddle cloths, girths, jockey whips, &c. umbrellas, gentlemen's silk hats, black and blue superfine broad cloth coats, riding coats, dimity and cotton pantaloons, fashionable waistcoats, flannel and nankeen jackets and trowsers, fine Welch flannel skin waistcoats with sleeves, black silk waistcoats, head and shoe brushes, Oriental and Naples soap, violet powder, pots and rolls pomatum, tooth brushes and powder, writing desks, red morocco cases with 2 elegant white ivory handled razors gold mounted and straps in each, shaving brushes, gentlemen's dressing cases complete; earthen and glass ware assorted, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, and 30dy nails, paint of all kinds, paint oil, soap, starch, candles, Dutch pipes, seines, seine and sewing twine, cotton bagging, Irish linens, cotton check, ginghams, blue niccanies, salempores, platilles, wood hoops, &c.
And a complete assortment of Plantation Stores and Provisions per other late arrivals from England are for Sale on the best terms as above for Cash or approved Credit, by
James Robertson.
New Town, 7th March, 1807.

Imported in the Ship Hope, from Boston, and for sale by the Subscriber: -
Red Oak staves,
Wood Hoops and spars.
Alexander Fullerton & Co.
Demerary, 7th March 1807.

Just Imported in the Mary Anna, and For Sale by the Subscriber: -
[first column]
Westphalia Hams,
Butter in firkins,
Potatoes, sour crout,
Pine & Gloucester cheese,
Ling Fish,
Dutch Herrings,
Candles, Soap,
Brandy, Gin,
Old Port Wine,
Sherry, Hock,
Hyson tea,
Loaf Sugar,
Almonds, Raisins,
Plumbs, Currants,
Almonds in the shell,
Sugar Plumbs,
Vermicelli, maccaroni,
Peaches, Plumbs, Apricots, cherries in brandy,
Orgeat, Capillaire,
Porter in puncheons,
Pickles assorted,
Medicines assorted,
Terras in casks,
Temper Lime in puncheons,
Tar, Coat tar, pitch in barrels,
Rosin in kegs,
Pearl Barley,
Scotch ditto in kegs,
Split Peas,
Dutch grey peas,
White lead in kegs,
Paint Oil,
Boots and shoes,
Nails assorted,
[second column]
Carpenters' tools ditto,
Falling axes with round eyes,
Double and single screw jacks,
Hinges assorted,
Boat hooks, chains, and padlocks,
Bolts assorted,
Coils of Cordage,
Coffee Bagging,
Irish linen, Checks,
Sheetings, Diapers,
Green table covers,
Negro Jackets,
Hats and shirts,
Strong shoes,
Blankets, Caps,
Sadlery assorted,
Perfumery do. and snuff,
Iron & tin ware assorted,
Glass and earthen ware,
Wood hoops,
Hoes, spades and lines,
Fish hooks assorted,
Cutlery assorted,
Negro ditto,
Iron handled matches [sic], 18, 20 and 22 inch,
Violins and strings,
Rocking horses & toys, and a variety of other articles.
[end columns]
C. H. De Munnick.
Demerary, 7th March, 1807.

Madam Van Hove offers for Sale, at her House in Bridge-Town, very reasonable for cash; - An assortment of Strings for the small and grand Piano Fortes; Strings for the Violin and Violonicello, Music Paper, Bridges and Bows for Violins; also a variety of Sonatas' and Rondos' for the Piano Forte, composed by Pleyell [sic], De Sussex, and Steibel, et de la tour.
Demerary, 7th March, 1807.


On Tuesday the 10th of March, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Rev. Mr. M'Mahon, Stabroek [Transcriber's note: the district of Stabroek is an addition here] . . . [see and compare 18070228EDRG] . . .
Also a large Collection of Books.
Also by order of Messrs. Thos. M'Kenzie & Co. Twenty Pipes of Choice London Particular Madeira Wine.

On Wednesday the 18th March, on Plantation Cumings' [sic] Lodge, by order of Thomas Mewburn, Esq. about Forty head of Cattle (Milch Cows, Oxen, &c.) Saddle and chaise horses, 50 sheep, Household furniture, consisting of bedsteads, mattrasses, sideboards, mahogany dining and other tables, chairs, &c. and a Collection of French Books.

For Sale. [heading]
By the Subscribers at their Stores in Cumingsburg: -
Coice [sic] old Madeira wine in pipes,
London bottled porter in tierces & puncheons,
Building Lime,
Red oak shooks and staves,
New England shingles,
Spars for boat masts,
fish in hogsheads,
Beef in barrels and half barrels,
Soap, spermaceti and mould candles,
Superfine flour, and rye ditto.
March 7th, 1807, Wm. King & Co.

All those having any demands against the Estate of the deceased John Clark, Carpenter of this Colony, are requested to render their accounts for examination, at Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & McBean; and those owing said Estate are requested to Pay their accounts to the above mentioned Gentlemen, who are duly authorised to grant receipts for the same.
Finlay Smith q.q. for self and
7th March. Charles Clark q.q.

On Tuesday last the Rosaria Sloop of War, Captain Mounsey, arrived in this River, she convoy'd a part of the Cork Fleet - But does not bring any News of a later date than that which was already in our possession.

A heavy Cannonading was heard in Town very distinctly in the course of Yesterday, soon after which a large Schooner was seen making out to Sea with every thing set and two (apparently) Colony Boats were observed to follow her, from which circumstance, it is much to be feared that an Enemy is on our Coast.

At the time of our Paper going to Press a signal was flying at the Block House for a Fleet, which is most likely to be the Transports with the Troops to relieve the Royals.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Schr. Isabella, S. Emery, from Beddeford.
Ship Flora, G. Raveley, Liverpool.
Schr. Mary, H. Pool, Boston.
Ship Hope, R. McCrouge, Ditto.
Brig Lyon, A. Cliff, for North America.

[No 'List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves']

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.

Saturday, March 7th, 1807.

Printed by E. J. Henery; - Stabroek.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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