Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 March 21


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 221.

Saturday, the 21st of March.

[newspaper adopts a three column page]

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
The Rev. Francis M'Mahon, with his Family, and Mr. Thomas Conant, in 14 days from March 11.
Mr. Levy Eliazer, in 3 or 4 weeks, from March 12.
Mr. H. B. Rees, in 3 weeks, from March 13.
Mr. Henry Sampson, with the first convoy.
Miss Harriet Cuvelje [no more than this]
Mr. Hector Downie, in 14 days.
Mr. Louis Corbet, in 14 days.
Mr. James Shipley, in 14 days.
Mr. M. Hoppen and Family, in 14 days.
Mr. Thomas Duncan, in 14 days.
Mr. Samuel M'Gowan, in 14 days.
Mr. Thos. Easthope, in 21 days, from March 20.
Mr. Michael Staunton, in 14 days, from March 20.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alle de geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, of[?] verschuldigt zyn, aan den Boedel en nalaatenschap wylen den Heer F. S. Swanke, gelieve [illegible] van opgaave en betaaling te doen, binnen den tyd van [illegible] weeken na dato deezes, aan Mevrouw de Weduwe Swanke, ofte wel ter Secretary alhier.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demeaary [sic], dezen 21 Maart 1807.
I. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

By the Subscriber, his remaining Stock on hand, consisting of the following Articles, at a deduction of 20 per Cent. below their customary Prices, for Cash, Cotton, or Coffee, viz.
[first column]
Inverness cotton bagging in pieces and patterns 4 and a half yards each
Twilled coffee ditto, and bags made up
Light canvas for small boat sails
Jockey and Hessian boots
Men's shoes and ancle ditto
Saddles and bridles
Gig and jockey whips
Bragg dog collars
Firkins of tongues
Split pease, barley, oatmeal and grits
White lead in kegs
Paint and lamp oil in jugs
Turpentine in jugs
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 24, and 30d nails and rivets
Patent shot
Gunpowder in canisters
Best silk umbrellas
Parasols and paratouts
Men's silk and beaver hats
Servants' glazed ditto
Boys leather hats and children's caps
Gunpowder and Hyson tea in 1 lb canisters
Loaf sugar
Sweet oil
Mixed mustard
[second column]
Rappee snuff
Portable writing desks on a new plan
An elegant assortment of jewellery
Stationary assorted
Glass ware ditto
Corded dimity, muslins
Black muslins for mourning
Second mourning and other calicoes
French cambrick
Cotton ditto
Ladies', and Gentlemen's, and children's cotton stockings
Ditto gloves
Cotton night caps
Fine diaper
Long lawn
Muslin shawls
Leather trunks, brass mount [ed? - illegible]
Superfine broad cloth, coat patterns, with buttons and trimmings complete
Waistcoat patterns
White marseilles
Long lawn pocket handkerchiefs
Ivory handled-knives and forks in complete sets
Black and green handled di [sic]
Set of Billiard balls, &c.
[end columns]
Dem. March 20, 1807. Philip Yates

A General Meeting of the Creditors of the late John Campbell, is requested to be held at the Union Coffee House, on Friday, the 10th of April next, to lay before them certain Proposals, to liquidate, so far as possible, their respective claims. Thos. Cuming, q.q.
Dem. March 20, 1807. Thos. Mewburn, q.q.

Wanted a good Overseer for a Coffee and Cotton Estate. It is indispensably requisite that he be a sober man. Inquire of the Printers of this Paper.
Demerary, March 21, 1807.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are hereby informed, that on Wednesday, the 1st of April, a Balloting will take place.
Demerary, March 21, 1807. T. Duim, Secretary.

The Subscriber takes the liberty of informing the Public in general, that (with the Permission of His Excellency the Governor) he has opened a Tavern and Coffee-Room, for Gentlemen, in the lower part of the Logie lately occupied by R. B. Daly, Esq. in front of Plantation Vlissingen, where he hopes to merit the support and encouragement of his Friends, by the quality of his Liquors, &c. and the strictest attention to business.
Robert Marsh.
Dinners of any magnitude provided on the shortest notice. Coffee, Chocolate, and Bouillon every day at eleven o'clock.
March 21, 1807.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber, preparatory to his leaving the Colony, requests all persons indebted to the Firms in which he is interested, as well as to himself, and whose Notes or Accounts have till now been kept out of his Lawyer's hands, in expectation their promises will be complied with, to settle the same on or before the sailing of the April convoy. The Defaulters will be, after that period, proceeded against without exception, or further notice.
Dem. March 14, 1807. Stephen Mourant.

Whereas, in the year 1802, a Mr. Owen Jones arrived in this colony from England, and, in the month of may in that year, lived as Overseer with Mr. Beete, whose service he soon afterwards quitted, and is supposed to have gone to Essequebo: Whoever can give any information concerning the said Mr. Owen Jones, so that it may be ascertained whether he be now alive or dead, and, if the latter, when and where he died, is requested to forward the same to the Undersigned, who will make whatever compensation may be required.
The said Mr. Owen Jones was about 5 feet 9 inches high, light hair, fair complexion, particularly round shouldered, light limbed, and walked lame, having dislocated his ancles when young. If now living, he must be about 36 years of age.
Demerary, March 21, 1807. S. Mourant.

Absconded from the Subscriber, a Negro Man, of the Canga Nation, named Primo, formerly the Property of the late Mrs. Daily. The said Negro has stubbers in his feet. He is supposed to be lurking about town, having been seen several times, and even on board of Colony Boats. Whoever will lodge him in the Barracks, or return him to the Subscriber, shall be handsomely rewarded by.
Le Repentir, March 21, 1807. I. Chappelle.

On Thursday the 26th instant, by order of Wm. Roach, Esq. at his Store, Mess Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels, Irish Butter, Rounds of Beef, Herrings, Rice, Flour, Candles, Soap, Old Rum in Kegs, Cogniac Brandy, also a variety of Dry Goods without limitation, and an elegant Sideboard.
March 21, 1807.
On Friday the 27th instant, at the Vendue Office, Beef in half barrels, London Bottled Porter, Hazel Nuts in bags, Superfine Flour, Potatoes, Port and Claret Wine, Paint and Oil, &c. &c.
March 21, 1807.

PUBLIC SALE. [heading]
On Saturday, the 4th of April, at Hugh Fraser's Esq. Plantation Marionville, Wakenam Island, will be sold,
Twenty Head of Cattle
About Thirty Head of Sheep and Goats
A Schooner Boat 27 feet keel, and 9 3 quarters bread
A pair of Black stout Curricle Horses
And whatever else may be exposed.
Also on the same Day and Place, by Order of J. Appleton, q.q. G. Evans, deceased.
Two Negro Men, Two Chests of Carpenters' Tools, and Nine Head of Cattle.
Essequebo, March 9, 1807. C. Remy,
Dep. Vendue Master.

Imported in the Ship Planet, Capt. [?] Langley, and for Sale by the Undersigned at the House lately occupied by F. Horn, Esq. next to Messrs. Engels & Van Senden, on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust, for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee, or Cotton:
[first column]
Mess Beef
Irish Butter
Ling Fish in boxes
Dutch Herrings
Plumbs, Currants, and raisins, in bottles
Bristol Beer per dozen
Cogniac Brandy
Tallow Candles
Pearl Barley in jugs
Scotch ditto in kegs
Nails assorted, 4d, 6d, 10d, 15d, a 20d
Paint Oil in jars
White Lead in ditto
Wine Vinegar
Lime in hhds.
Irish Linen
Sail Cloth
Russia Linen
Brown Hollands
Fine Dowlas
Platillas, Royals
Printed Cambrick
Italian Dresses
[second column]
French Cambrick
Madras and Palicat Hdk[illegible]
White and Yellow Nankeens
Table Cloths
Waistcoat Paterns [sic]
Ready-made Waistcoats, Breeches
Gentlemen's Silk Hats
Children's Beaver ditto
A compleat assortment of plated and japanned Ware
Coffee and Tea Pots
Milk Pots
Salt sellers with glass
Elegant tea Trays and [illegible]
Flat Candlesticks
Bread Baskets
Bottle Stands
Carving and Table Knives and Forks
An assortment of Razors
Ditto Scissars
An elegant assortment of Jewellery
And a variety of other Articles, too numerous to mention.
[end columns]
March 21, 1807. Van Kant Bruyns & Co.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Colony Boat, now on the stocks, and ready to be launched. 37 feet keel and [illegible] feet beam; her timbers all Moro, and her pla[illegible] brown Silverbolly. Her draught of water, when laden, will not be more than 4 feet and a half. She may be seen at the yard of Mr. Ruperti, at [illegible] Island. For further particulars, inquire of
New Town, March 21, 1807. Wm. Roach.

Picked Up in front of Plantation Clonbrook, on the East Coast of Demerary, an English built Ship's Yawl, 13 feet keel, and 5 broad. Whoever can prove the same to be their property, may have it restored, on paying the Advertisement and rewarding the person who found it.
March 16, 1807.

Picked Up on Monday last, in Bridge Town, an Acceptance of James Wilson on Hugh Holms, for Two Hundred and Thirty [illegible] Guilders, H.C. in favour of G. Howard, or [illegible] Whoever can prove it to be his property, may have it restored, on paying the expences of Advertising &c. by applying to
Demerary, March 21, 1807. L. Barnes.

Den Ondergeteekende, in qualiteyt van I. C. Smit, heest zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi genomen ten huize van den Heer J. L. Eils in Stabroek, zoo wel in prive[accent] als, q.q.
Dem. den 18de Maart 1807. H. H. Luhr

[advertisement of I. Van Milligen - in Dutch and difficult to transcribe – left column obscured]

FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
The Ship Flora, George Ravely, Master, a fine Vessel, only three years old; will positively sail with the Convoy appointed to leave this river on the 8th of April next. The Subscriber wants about One Hundred Bales of Cotton on freight to complete her loading.
Dem. March 21, 1807. C. D. Forrester.

De Ondergeteekendens maaken mits deezen bekend, dat de firma van Bauch & Co gedisolveert is op den 1 Maart l.l. met wederzydts consent, en dat een der beyden Handtekening vol[?]oende zulle weesen regarderende de openstaande [?]ekeningen van boven gemelde Compagnieschap.
[illegible] den 19 Maart 1807. Joh. M. Bauch,
T. Quiding

The Undersigned hereby informs the Public, that he has this day withdrawn his power from Mr. M. Doyle; and that he will not acknowledge any transaction that may in future be made by the said Mr. M. Doyle.
Dem. March 12 [sic], 1807. I. Van Groeningen.

It is feared the James mail boat will not be got off. Though the loss of this schooner must be attended with great inconvenience to Captain Hunter, yet it is a consoling reflection, that not the least blame can attach to him. He was chased by two privateers, one of which gained upon him very fast, when he discovered a-head another suspicious looking vessel, though under British colours. To discover what she really was, he stood from her, and fired a gun, when the English colours were immediately hauled down and the Spanish hoisted. Thus hemmed in, there was no chance of saving the mail, but by running bump ashore, which he did, it was not, however, till a boat full of armed men from one of the privateers (which were all hovering round) very nearly approached his vessel, that he quitted her. The tide by this time having fallen, the boat could not take possession of the schooner, and, after looking wistfully at her a little longer, the enemy abandoned the attempt.

The unfortunate young man [Marcou – a creole of Santa Cruz, referenced in 18061122EDG], whose unwarrantable conduct it was our painful duty to notice about three months ago, received sentence on Thursday last. The Court, after seriously admonishing him with respect to his future behaviour, ordered him to remain in prison till an opportunity should offer of sending him to his mother. The unhappy youth had been brought before the Court a fortnight ago, when the Hon. the Fiscal, as Public Accuser, demanded judgement against him. He then himself made a pathetic appeal to the Court in mitigation, attributing his fault to the distempered state of mind wounded to the quick by repeated disappointments, and the Hon. Court appointed Messrs. Duim and Hofstede to plead his cause, appointing Tuesday last for that purpose. Mr. Duim accordingly successfully exerted himself on that day; but Mr. Hofstede being unwell, his share of the business was undertaken, at a moment's notice, by the Hon. M. Lamaison, lately returned from Europe, and seldom, we believe, has so much ability been displayed on so sudden a call. Though it might have been supposed that the Hon. Gentleman had scarcely had time to look at the papers, he appeared to be perfectly master of the subject, and combated the arguments against him with so much ingenuity, appealing at the same time in such forcible terms to the humane feelings of his auditors, that conviction seemed to follow his reasonings, while pity usurped the place of stern and rigid justice. The extensive professional abilities of this learned Gentleman are, however, we believe, well known in this colony; we have only therefore to add our small tribute of admiration to the talents of a man who may with justice be styled the Erskine of Demerary.
To the honour of human nature let it be stated, that a petition in favour of the above young man was presented to the Court by the very person [Mr. Williams – see 18061122EDG] whom he had injured; a circumstance which reflects the highest credit on that Gentleman's feelings, and proves the native goodness of his heart to reign paramount over every other consideration.

Broken Jaw. - This extraordinary animal again displayed his agility last Tuesday evening. The bet was made between Mr. Foote, and Mr. Culpeper for ten Joes; the distance only 1200 feet, out of which Broken Jaw gave 200 feet; notwithstanding this odds, however, he won by upwards of 20 yards. Broken Jaw was rode by Mr. Foote, and Mr. Culpeper's horses by Mr. L. Barnes; and it is the opinion of many, that if the riders had changed horses, the issue would have been different also. Whether Mr. Culpeper's horse thought the trench better adapted than the turf to shew him and his rider to advantage, or not, we cannot say, but he seemed to have such an inclination to try the experiment, that we understand it was with the greatest difficulty Mr. B. could keep him out.
Another match is said to be made between the same horses, the same distance, for 40 Joes, to take place next week. Broken Jaw is then to give 50 feet more, viz. 250 out of 1200; but whether Mr. Barnes is to ride we do not know.
A foot-race also took place in the evening, but not between the same parties as before. We do not exactly know the distance; the loser, however, thought it by far too short; declaring that had it been to Berbice and back, he would have been sure to have won.

The following was received too late for insertion last week.
TO THE EDITOR. [heading]
I heartily congratulate you on the valuable acquisition your paper has obtained in the correspondence of so intelligent a writer as "your constant reader A.B.C.D.;" and, as I have been the humble instrument, under the shape of a Cowskin Hero, of bringing so brilliant and ready a genius into action, I hope you will allow me to state a few particulars, which may enable the public duly to appreciate the merits of this Goliath in literature, whose acute anunadvertions are only equalled by his astonishing abilities in the novel but here fashionable science of quizzing.
In the first place, Sir, I must inform you that it was a great condescension in A.B.C.D. Seq. to notice my little production at all, much more at so early a period as only seven weeks after it appeared in your paper; for he is a great man, Sir; and, you know, etiquette demands delay, notwithstanding the subject may not require a moment's study. Don't think, Sir, that I am falling into the error which I formerly censured by using the term Esquire improperly to A.B.C.D. The enlightened Gentleman who thus signs himself was, to be sure, about two years ago, only a simple Overseer (which, however, his N.B. provides for); but from that station he, by his gigantic abilities, advanced himself with a Bonapartian stride to be Deputy Governor of the First Island of Demerary, and sole Manager over the persons of Nine Negroes, which immense charge he conducted with the most consummate skill, without even the assistance of a single Overseer of his own till the voice of the people, indignant at so tow'ring a genius being confined to an island, called him back to the Continent, to be Collector of all petty debts and universal q.q.
You cannot be surprised, Sir, at such a Hero as this (like Serjeant Kite, who, you know, would not give a fig for a man's opinion who was not six feet high) being displeased at any person giving his sentiments on general subjects who is not in possession of an Estate. The weight of such reasoning is undeniable; but the great ingenuity displayed in the mode of expressing his discontent, viz. that he perfectly agrees with both you and me, is what I wish particularly to recommend to the attention of your readers.
I shall only further observe, Sir, that in my opinion all titles and compliments, applied where they are not due, are at best but satire; and therefore I once more subscribe myself a plain
March 14, 1807. Cowskin Hero.
P.S. The circumstance of a Cowskin Hero being another term for Manager (which renders perfectly nugatory any charge of arrogance) was no doubt overlooked by A.B.C.D. Esq. in the hurry of writing so early an answer.

POETRY. [heading]
We are happy in the opportunity of laying before our Dutch readers the following copy of a poetical Epistle from the Rev. G. Ryk to a Friend. [poem omitted]

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

March 17. Brig Harriot, F. Smith, from New London.
March 17. Ship Penelope, S. Bryan, from Barbados.
March 19. Brig Elizabeth, F. Stillman, from New York.

March 13. Schooner Ruth, E. Snow, for Boston.
March 13. Brig Freeman, D. Norie, for St. Bartholomew's.
March 17. Ship Betsey, John Chapman, for Boston.
March 19. ? Jason, I. Gemmill, for Do.
March 19. Schooner Hope, I. Clapp, for New London.
March 20. Brig Sally, John Paul, for Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 21st day of March, 1807,

in the Stocks of Demerary.



By whom brought.





Brittlebank. (Berbice)

I. Turner.


Trulock (Do.)

R. Murray.












B. Kemp.





C. Simon.

A. Reith.


R. Forshaw.

W. Jellis.









Pl. Success.










And 3 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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