Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 March 21

Vol. II.)


(No. 64.

Saturday, March 21st, 1807.

A General Meeting of the Creditors of the late Jno. Campbell, deceased, is requested to be held at the Union Coffee House on Friday the 10th April next, to lay before them certain proposals to liquidate so far as possible their respective Claims.
Thos. Cuming, q.q.
Thos. Mewburn, q.q.
Demerary, 20th March 1807.

To Be Sold at Public Vendue on Tuesday the 31st instant, by order of James Ogle q.q. - Twenty Firm Prime Negroes, several of whom are complete Boat Builders, and all of them accustomed to the Framing, Wood cutting, and Sawyers' Business. Also Five Stout able Men, accustomed to working on board of Ships, or as hired Negroes.
21st March James Ogle.

Drifted a-shore on the East Sea Coast of this Colony; three Bales of Cotton, marked and numbered, any Person proving the Property, may have it restored by application to the Subscriber.
James Ogle.
Paradise, 21st March 1807.

Now Selling Off [heading]
By the Subscriber, his remaining stock on hand, consisting of the following articles, at a deduction of 20 per cent below the Customary prices, for Cash, Cotton, or Coffee, viz.
Inverness cotton bagging in pieces and patterns 4 1/2 yards each,
Twilled coffee do. and bags made up,
Light canvas for small boats sails,
Jockey and Hessian boots,
Mens' Shoes and ancle do,
Saddles and bridles,
Gigg and Jockey whips and brass dog collars,
Firkins tongues,
Split pease, barley, oat meal and grutts [sic],
Kegs white paint, jugs paint and lamp oil,
Jugs turpentine,
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 24 and 30dy. nails and rivets,
Patent shot, Gunpowder in cannisters,
Best silk Umbrellas, Parasols and Paratouts,
Mens' silk and beaver hats,
Servants' glazed do.,
Boys leather hats and childrens caps,
Loaf sugar, sweet oil, mix'd mustard,
Rappee snuff, Portable writing desks, on a new plan,
An elegant assortment of Jewellery,
Stationary assorted, Glass ware do.,
Gunpowder and Hyson tea in 1lb cannisters,
Corded, dimity, muslins, black do. for mourning, second mourning and other calicoes French cambric, cotton do.,
Ladies', Gentlemens' and childrens' cotton stockings, do. gloves,
Cotton night caps, fine diapers, long lawn,
Muslin shawls, leather trunks brass mounted,
Superfine broad cloth coat patterns with buttons, trimmings &c. complete,
Waistcoat patterns, white marseills,
Long lawn pocket handkerchiefs,
Ivory handled knives and forks in complete sets, black and green handled do.,
Sets Billiard balls, &c. &c.
21st March. Philip Yates.

The Subscriber takes the liberty of informing his Friends and the Public in general that (with the Permission of His Excellency the Governor) he has opened a Tavern & Coffee Room for Gentlemen, in the lower part of the Logie, lately occupied by R. B. Daly, Esq. in front of Plantation Vlissengen, - where he hopes to merit the support and encouragement of his Friends, by the quality of his Liquors, &c. and the strictest attention to Business.
Robert Marshall.
N.B. Dinners of any magnitude provided on the shortest notice. Coffee, Chocolade, and Bouillon every Day at eleven o'Clock.
Demerary, 21st March, 1807.

Freight Or Passage For [heading]
New York. [heading]
The Staunch Brig Elizabeth, Captain Stillman, will Sail for New York in about a Month hence, can take 100 Hogsheads on freight, and has excellent accommodation for Passengers. For Particulars apply to Mr. Colin Macrae, Cumingsburg.
Demerary, 21st March 1807.

The Subscriber thinks necessary to give Notice that, the Copartnership under the Firm of Ballard & Halloday, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 16th instant, and that all accounts due to the said concern for Smith's work &c. will in future be received by J. Ballard, by whom also all claims against the said Firm, will be liquidated, the Subscriber having taken J. Ballard's receipt to that effect.
21st March. James Halloday.

Just Imported in one of the late arrived Vessels, and for sale by the Uundersigned [sic] at his Domicilium, on the Brick Dam Stabroek, viz: -
Best double rose Irish Butter,
Best Irish Beef in 1/2 barrels,
Ditto Tongues in ditto,
Best Scotch Herrings in 1-8 barrels,
Ditto double Gloucester Cheese,
Westphalia Hams, best Irish rounds of beef,
Wax, spermacetie and mould Candles,
Soap, loaves sugar, and potatoes,
Port Wine per dozen,
Osnaburgs, fine and ordinary coffee bagging,
Checks, Irish linens, and assorted calicoes,
Boots, Gentlemen's and Ladies shoes,
Gentlemen's and Ladies stockings,
Dimities, muslins, and ginghams,
Russia linens, platillas, britannias, and dowlas,
Gentlemen's and Ladies Umbrellas,
Gentlemen's silk and other hats,
Linseed and lamp oil, white lead,
Assorted glass ware, assorted nails,
Hoes, shovels, fine dirt pans and brushes,
Writing desks, and several stocked fowling pieces,
And sundry other articles too much for specifying.
Js. van Millingen.
Demerary, 21st March, 1807.

Runaway from the Subscriber four Negroes, - a Woman named Peggy, who has been absent between two and three years, she is a Creole of Barbados, and has one leg much larger than the other, it is well known she is harboured in free persons houses in Stabroek, the others are two Negro Men named Fortune and Michael, and a Girl named Rossey, they are supposed to be on Leguan Island, on the Estate Pleasing Hope, where they have family. This is to give notice whoever will apprehend and secure them in the Barracks in Stabroek, and give immediate notice shall receive Forty Joes Reward, that is to say Ten Joes for each so secured.
Sussanah [sic] Harriott.
Plan. Endeavour, Mahaica, March 21, 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz: -
Mr. Hector Downie, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. Louis Corbet, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. James Shipley, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. M. Hoppen & Family, in 14 days - March 21st
Mr. Thomas Duncan, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. Samuel McGowan, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. Thomas Easthope, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. M. Staunton, in 14 days - March 21st.
Miss Harriot Cuvelje, in 14 days - March 21st.
The Rev. F. McMahon, in 14 days, from March 11th.
Mr. Thomas Cuming, in 14 days, from March 11th.
Mr. Levy Eliaser, in 3 or 4 weeks, from March 12th.
Mr. H. B. Reis, in 3 weeks, from March 13th.
Mr. Henry Sampson, with First Convoy, March 14th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

By Virtue of a Certain Extract Notul dated 16th March, 1807, are by me the Underwritten Marshal at the request of Loring Barker in prive and in capacity as Attorney to the Heirs of Macumber Barker, deceased; hereby for the third time by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors to the said Estate, to appear before the Counsellor Commissary of the Honourable Court of Justice, sitting for Audience at the 14 days Roll in the Town of Stabroek on the 6th April next; in order to render their pretensions and lay their claims thereto accordingly. Whereas after the Expiration of the fourth Summons by Edict against the non appearers, will be proceeded to obtain perpetual silence.
Rio Demerary, 19th March, 1807.
B. Teyssen, Jr. Marshal.
A true Translation from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Flora, George Ravely, Master, A Fine Vessel only Three Years Old, will Positively Sail with the Convoy appointed to leave this River on the 8th of April next. The Subscriber wants about 100 Bales of Cotton to compleat her loading.
C. D. Forrester.
Demerary, 21st March, 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
Three Cases with other Apparatus for a Wind Mill of the latest and most approved construction. For Particulars enquire of Mr. G. I. Goppy, or
March 21st. Geo. Reed, Senr.


On Monday the 23d inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Eliazer & Castello, - Best spiced beef, Irish ditto in half barrels, candles, printed calicoes, blue cloth and kerseymere, India dimity, ditto romal handkerchiefs, pullicat ditto, chintz furniture, white jean, cotton counterpanes, corduroy, salempores, check, India cotton long cloth, ladies' and gentlemen's hats, britannias, corded dimity, Russia sheeting, bed tick, bombazeen and bombazet, damask table cloths, diapers, nuns and other thread, Irish linen, tape, and bobbin, boots, linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' and gentlemen's stockings, ladies' gloves, paint and oil, brown Holland, muslin of every description, a general assortment of lace and edging, with silk trimmings and tassels for ladies' dresses; sole and upper leather; rose and lavender water, scented soap, with many other articles.
N.B. Should any inclination be shown, 2 houses will be also exposed, with three or four slaves, being young and healthy girls.

On Tuesday the 24th inst. by order of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach & M'Bean, at their store in the front ground of Werk & Rust, - Candles in whole and half boxes, soap in boxes, Irish butter in firkins, pork in barrels, likewise sundry other articles. And at the same time, the concession No. 129 in Cummingsburgh, and the half lot No. 21, on the north [sic] side of Stabroek, with all the buildings thereon, lately put into good repair. Terms of the lots, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

On Wednesday the 25th inst. at the store of Mr. Chas. Treadwell, in Bridge-Town, the following articles: - Boards, plank, scantling, clapboards, staves, shooks, oars; beef in barrels, half barrels, half barrels and tubs, tongues, herrings, shads, mackarel, potatoes, butter, soap, tallow and spermaceti candles; boots and shoes, blue and yellow nankeens, linens, sheetings, diapers, quills, tea, segars, Cape wine, cherry brandy, spermaceti oil, &c. &c. at four months credit.

On Tuesday the 31st inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of James Ogle, Esq. qq. Thirty complete house and ship carpenters, sawyers, and boat negroes. [Right pointing hand icon] See Advertisement in First Page.

On Monday last the Penelope, from Barbados, arrived in the River; she left thence at the same time with the Mail-Boat, consequently brings no other news than what we have already laid before our readers.

On Wednesday the Betsey Lugger, from Barbados, (via Berbice) which she left on the 11th, arrived here, bringing Barbados Papers to the 10th which contain nothing very interesting, if we except the Capture of Curracoa, and another American account of the re-capture of Buenos Ayres, which will be seen in the following extract: -

Yesterday His Majesty's Brig Heureux sailed for Barbados; - she has taken the Mail with her.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Brig Harriott, F. Smith, from New London.
Ship Penelope, S. Bryan, Barbados.
Brig Elizabeth, F. Stillman, New York.

Schr. Ruth, E. Snow, for Boston.
Brig Freeman, D. Norie, St. Bartholomews.
Ship Betsey, John Chipman, Boston
---- Jason, J. Gemmell, Ditto.
Schr. Hope, J. Clapp, New London.
Brig Sally, J. Paul, Portsmouth.

We are happy to find that the late Expeditions into the Bush have been attended with such good effect, for 29 of those deluded people were brought in on Monday last at Peter's Hall. A Negro belonging to Plantation Vlissingen, (who himself had been in the Bush, until his Excellency the Governor's late amnesty,) was the bearer of the promise of pardon upon their return, which they gladly embraced, from the circumstance of their being reduced to the most wretched state, by the burning of their Camps, &c.

To Be Sold. [heading]
A Fashionable Curricle, with or without Three elegant well broke Horses, - the property of a Gentleman about to leave the Colony. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 21st March 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
A Colony Boat now on the stocks and ready to be launched, 37 feet keel and 14 feet beam, her Timbers all Mora and her Planks brown Silver Bally; her draught of Water when loaded will not be more than 4 1-2 feet. She may be seen at the Yard of Mr. Ruperti at First Island: for further particulars enquire of
Wm. Roach.
New Town, March 21st, 1807.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 21st March, 1807.



Brought by


Brittlebank, Berb.

J. Turner.


Mac Intosh

R. Murray.


On be Kend,



On be Kend,







B. Kemp.





C. Simons,

A. Reith.


R. Forsham,

W. Jilles.


Heathcott [sic],







Pl. Success.










And 3 New Negroes their Names & Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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