Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 March 28

Vol. II.)


(No. 65.

Saturday, March 28th, 1807.

Proclamation. [heading]
By His Excellency Henry William Bentinck Lieutenant Governor of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependent Districts, and President of all Courts and Colleges within the same &c. &c. &c.
Whereas the College of Kiezers of Essequebo when lately called upon by Virtue of my instructions to the Commandeur ad interim of that River, to return in the usual manner a nomination of two candidates for the Election of a new Member of the Court of Policy, for Essequebo in the room of C. D. Mack Esqr. since deceased, who being a resident of the district placed by my Proclamation of the 22d of November last, under the Jurisdiction of Demerary, could not with propriety continue to represent the inhabitants of Essequebo in the Colonial Legislature, did thereupon think proper to state in substance to the Court of Policy on the 18th of February last, that although the reason assigned for their being desired to give in such nomination did not appear to them to be one of real necessity, yet that taking into consideration that Mr. C. D. Mack had not conducted himself as a Councellor of Policy for Essequebo as he ought to have done, they on that ground, had no objection to proceed to a new nomination, which they accordingly did, by proposing Messrs. John Hubbard and H. H. Touson as Candidates.
And whereas the Court of Policy, from a just sense of indignation at the extraordinary and unconstitutional claim which the Electors of Essequebo thus appeared to set up, of a discretionary power to supersede the Members of the Court of Policy for supposed misconduct to the public, did at the Session held on the 23d of February last, unanimously reject the aforesaid nomination, and caused this determination to be made known to the said Electors by transmitting to them an extract from the Court's Minutes, at the same time pointing out some other informalities of less moment which the Court had observed in the mode of returning the said nomination.
And whereas it has appeared to me from the Answer of the Electors of Essequebo to the beforementioned communication of the Court of Policy, that while the said Electors affect to admit the less material informalities of their former nomination, they studiously avoid using any expression from which it might be inferred that they do no longer profess the highly objectionable principles which had compelled the Court, from it's [sic] regard to good order, to reject that nomination.
And Whereas it has been represented to me that two of the Members of Essequebo, viz. Messrs. C. Clifton and D. Armstrong have uniformly disapproved of these improper proceedings of the Majority of the said College.
And Whereas instructions were transmitted on the 28th January 1804, by the Right Hon. Lord Hobart, then one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, to the Governor of these Colonies, whereby he was directed on the principle of its having been provided by the Capitulation that all the constituted authorities as well as the public Offices should be held by the Persons who then exercised them until His Majesty's pleasure should be known, to take such means as might appear to him proper for removing such of the Members of the Courts and other Public Offices as he should judge expedient, and for causing a new Election to take place of Persons to compose the College of Electors, and also that he should encourage the British Inhabitants to become Candidates for the situation of Members of the said Colleges.
I therefore judging it incumbent upon me, under the circumstances herein before stated, to exert on the present occasion the powers with which I am so entrusted as His Majesty's Representative in these Colonies, have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation thereby declaring that five of the seven Electors of Essequebo viz. Messrs. R. Nugent, Wm. Deeges, F. Alstein, L. Sissing, and J. Hubbard, are no longer Members of that College and that the three last mentioned are likewise from this day superseded in the situation to which they have been lately elected as Financial Representatives for that River, declaring them all at the same time not to be eligible in future either for those situations or as Members of either of the Courts, and I do further hereby call on all the Inhabitants of Essequebo entitled by the Constitutional Laws of the Colony to vote for Electors and Financial Representatives, to give in their votes for five new Electors or Kiezers and of three new Representatives for fixing Colonial Taxes, before a day to be fixed in a Proclamation to be issued for that purpose by the Commandeur ad interim of Essequebo.
All Persons whom it may concern are required to take notice hereof accordingly.
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at the King's House in Stabroek, this Twenty-Eighth Day of March, 1807, and in the Forty-Seventh Year of His Majesty's Reign.
H. W. Bentinck.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Brown, Gov. Secty.
God Save the King.

Sixteen Stivers per Pound Cash will be given for the First Two Hundred Bales of good clean Cotton offered for Sale at the Store of
C. D. Forrester.
Stabroek, March 28th, 1807.

PUBLIC VENDUE. [heading]

On Tuesday and Wednesday the 14th and 15th of April, will be exposed for Sale at the Store of C. H. de Munnick, Plantation Vlissengen, a large assortment of Goods just imported, consisting of different kinds of Provisions, Medicines, Dry Goods, furniture, &c.
Demerary, 28th March 1807.

Wordt mits deesen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd dat die geene welke iets mogte vershuldigd zyn het Zy voor Vragt als anders ints aan de Schooner Frederik Willhelm, geen ander betaaling te doen of te Liquideeren dan aan de Ondergeteekende, als door Aankoop eenige Eigenaar geworden zynde van de opgemelde Schooner. Demerary den 28 Maart 1807.
F. Horn.

A Ship's Launch drifted ashore in front of Plantation Good Intent. The Owner can have her on application to the Manager, and paying the Expences.
Demerary, 28th March, 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz: -
Mr. Samuel B. King, in 14 days, from March 23d.
Mr. C. F. A. Zier, in 14 days, from March 24th.
Mr. Hector Downie, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. Louis Corbet, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. James Shipley, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. M. Hoppen & Family, in 14 days - March 21st
Mr. Thomas Duncan, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. Samuel McGowan, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. Thomas Easthope, in 14 days - March 21st.
Mr. M. Staunton, in 14 days - March 21st.
Miss Harriot Cuvelje, in 14 days - March 21st.
The Rev. F. McMahon, in 14 days, from March 11th.
Mr. Thomas Cuming, in 14 days, from March 11th.
Mr. Levy Eliaser, in 3 or 4 weeks, from March 12th.
Mr. H. B. Reis, in 3 weeks, from March 13th.
Mr. Henry Sampson, with Firth Convoy, March 14th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

By Virtue of a Certain Extract Notul dated 16th March, 1807, are herewith by me the Underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice, Summoned by Edict for the third time all known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of J. W. Koning, deceased, at the request of C. G. Storm van s'Gravesande, Constituted Attorney to J. G. Erler u. ux. being one of Heirs of the Abintestate deceased J. W. Koning, to appear before the Councellor Commissary of the Honble. Court of Justice at the Session of the Court of Rolls in the Town of Stabroek on the 6th April next, in order to render there, their pretensions and lay their claim accordingly, whereas against the non appearers will be proceeded as the Law directs.
Demerary, 23d March, 1807.
B. Teyssen, Jr. Marshal.
A true Translation from the Dutch,
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

By Authority Obtained, I the Undersigned in capacity as first Marshal of this Colony, shall after precedental process of Law Expose and Sell at Public Executional Sales, in the presence of the Councellor Commissaries and the Secretary at the Court Hall [sic] in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 7th of April next; in behalf of F. C. Otto, Plaintiff and Triumphant, against J. Beckman, Wiedomen Trachter Defendants, the following 8 Negroes taken under Execution, named Jordan, Schord, Quietto, Sultan, Adam, Frederick, Jabba, and Tom, and in case any body should conceive to have any right to oppose against any of the above Sales, will address themselves in writing to the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive them as opposer or opposers, and appoint a day to go to Law; and any Person inclined to purchase are requested to attend on the day and place above-mentioned.
Demerary, 27th March, 1807.
M. Smit, 1st Marshal.
A true Translation from the Dutch.
D. P. Simon, Sw. Translator.

The Subscriber is now landing from on board the Brig Elizabeth, from New York: -
Superfine Flour in barrels, and
Cod Fish in hogsheads,
He Has Also On Hand,
W.P. Boards, Plank, Scantling,
R.O. Staves, Shooks, Clapboards,
Shingles, Oars, Fish in boxes, &c. &c. &c.
28th March, 1807. John Madden.

The Subscriber is now opening a Parcel of
New Ironmongery, in which there is a variety of spare Keys for portable writing Desks, Boxes, Cupboard &c. These with Other Articles remaining on hand, from a tolerably good assortment, which he offers For Sale on moderate terms.
28th March. Wm. Hallstead.

The Subscriber requests all those who have any Concerns with the Estate of William Horsham, deceased, to make application to him at his residence in Cumingsburgh.
S. O. Nurse
28th March, 1807. Deliberating Executor.

The Subscriber has Imported from Apothecaries Hall, London, in the Ship Economy, Wm. Ross, Commander, and for Sale at his House fronting Vlissengen Canal, a fresh and general assortment of valuable Medicines, &c. among which are, -
[first column]
Best Pale Bark,
Yellow Ditto,
Red Ditto,
Ipecacuan [sic],
P. Dovers
Crem Tart.
Fol. Senna.
Ditto Digitalis,
Vitriol Alb.
Ditto Caerul.
Sal. Nit.
Aervgo Aeri. ppt.
Emp. Aehefiv.
Ditto Commun,
Seme Santon. P.
Gum. Foetida,
Ditto Myrrh,
[second column]
Gum Arabic,
Ditto Shino,
Ditto Gucic,
Ditto Camphor,
Ext. Gentian,
Ditto Cort. Peruv.
Ditto Cathart,
Ditto Cicutae,
Hoff. Anodyn Liq.
[apothecary symbol - looks like '3']pt. Nit. D.
Ditto Vitriol D.
Ditto Corn. Cerv.
Magnesia Alb.
Sal. Rochell.
P. Autimon, [upside down 'n' in first instance?]
Autim. Tart.
Aether Vitriol. put up in a peculiar manner to prevent evaporation and a variety of Chemical Oil, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Also, Rose and Lavender Water, Bougies, Lancets, Syringes, Tow, Scales and Weights, Mortars, Sago, Tapioca, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, mace, and numberless other articles.
28th March, 1807. H. B. Gall.

The Subscribers intending to carry on the Farrier's Business, takes the liberty of acquainting his Friends and the Public in general, that he at present resides in the House next door to Mr. D. Gould, Chaise maker in Cummingsburg, where he hopes to merit their support by his attention to that business.
28th March, 1807. Jas. Holloday.
Horses trimmed, bled, and kept in order at f 44 per annum.

To Be Sold Or Let. [heading]
The Half Lot of Land in Cuminsburgh [sic], between the Premises of the deceased J. Robb and Mr. J. Hillman, with a comfortable Dwelling House and Out Houses thereon.
Apply to
Sarah Bourne.
Stabroek, 28th March, 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
By the Subscriber, her one third of Plantation No. 4, being 33 1/3 rood facade and 750 in depth, whereof 600 of that is under cultivation, two thirds of which is in bearing Cotton, and one third in Plantains, situated on the West side of Mahaicony, and adjoining Plantation Main or the property of John Hopkinson, Esq. together with 10 seasoned Field Negroes attached to the property. Any Person wishful of purchasing will please apply to her on said property.
28th March, 1807. Collis Minville.

Runaway from the Subscriber about Two Weeks ago, a Negro Woman by Name Amba, well known in the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary. Any Person or Persons that will confine her in the Barracks in Stabroek, shall Receive One Joe Reward. All Masters of Vessels are cautioned of taking her off, as she may pass herself for a free Woman. She is supposed to be harboured about the Town.
Mary Pardfoot.
Cumingsburg, 28th March 1807.

The Subscribers have for Sale on reasonable terms for Immediate Payment.
Deal Lumber, Clap Boards, Red Oak Staves, Red and White Oak Shooks, Wood Hoops, N.E. Shingles, Oars, Crackers in Barrels, Fish in Hhds. and boxes, Mackrel, Salmon, Flour &c. &c.
S. O. Nurse,
28th March, 1807. W. Roach.

For Sale. [heading]
Those Valuable and extensive Premises situate at the extremity of the American Stelling, at present occupied by Culpeper & Troughton, consisting of a House and Store 40 by 20, two and a half story high, a Kitchen, Negro House, &c; its central situation for business and contiguity to the River is too well known to require a minute description of the advantages this Lot possesses.
28th March, 1807. J. Culpeper.

The Subscriber earnestly requests those indebted to him to come forward and settle their respective accounts, to enable him to pay off the pressing demands against himself, all those not complying with this Advertisement before the 15th April ensuing, their accounts and Obligations will be placed into a Lawyers hands to be Sued for without distinction of Persons.
N.B. He offers for Rent or Sale, his House in Kingston, at present occupied by P. F. Tinne Esqr. which will be vacant on the 1st of May ensuing and put in thorough Repair before entered into.
28th March. G. Angle.

Lost Some time in February last, by J. W. Sterling, the Book Keeper of the Subscriber, a Receipt signed by I. Wade Esqr. for Seven Head of Cattle, delivered by Mr. J. F. Schultz, Manager of Plantation Glasgow, at Sixteen Joes per head, payable to Mr. J. F. Schultz, or order, and endorsed by the same.
As N. Rousselet Esqr. has passed a Security in the Secretary's Office, on the 25th day of February last to indemnify I. Wade Esqr. for all demands that may be brought against him, on account of the lost Receipt, and that the same can be of no service to any Person, who may have found it, it is requested by the Subscribers, the return of said receipt, as when found I. Wade Esqr. having promised me the Payment for the Cattle sold him, as per said receipt. As no Person whatever can make any use of it.
28th March 1807. H. Mutz.


On Tuesday the 31st inst. [see 18070321EDRG] . . . See Advertisement in Last Page.

On Monday the 6th of April, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Wm. Niell and John Richardson, Twenty Negro Carpenters, sawyers and timber cutters, a 4 oar'd tent boat, a quantity of green heart plank, 1 1/2, 2 and 3 inches thick, &c.
[Transcriber's note; changes to 'Neill' from 'Nehill' in 18070314EDRG]

On Tuesday the 7th April, at Fisher & Chorley's store, formerly occupied by G. I. Goppy, Esq. New Town, a quantity of dry goods and provisions, consisting of tubs beef, hampers potatoes, new double rose butter; blankets, negro clothing, sail canvas, bunting, dimities, checks, jeans, britannias, Madrass handkerchiefs, laced and fancy muslins, chintzes, tapes, thread, bobbin, and patent braces, printed cambrics, calicoes, and superfine fancy furnitures [sic], cotton stockings, umbrellas, printed and plain white counterpanes, colico [sic] checks shirts, Irish linen, huckaback, striped bed tick, cotton towels and diaper table cloths, gentlemen's fine beaver and silk hats, best hogskin saddles with plated furniture, boots and shoes, leather portmanteaus, patent steelyards, carpenters' tools, bands and gudgeons, hinges and hooks, cast iron posts, a general assortment of hardware, and a variety of other articles.

On Monday the 13th April, by order of Joannes Runnels, JZ. Household furniture, slaves, horses, chaise, &c. also the quarter lot No. 46, situated on the North Dam of Stabroek, at present occupied by Mr. Thomas Atkins.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 14th and 15th of April at the Store of C. H. De Munnick Esqr. - An Assortment of Provisions, Dry Goods &c. [right pointing hand icon] See Advertisement in First Page.

We are happy to state that the Mail Boat is got off again without receiving any material injury.

There has not been any arrival from either the Islands or Europe in the course of the present weeks, which puts it out of our power to give any thing new; the mail may be hourly looked for, the contents of which, we doubt not will prove highly interesting, to the political world, as the positions of the Hostile Armies on the Continent, was such that some material event, must speedily be expected.

On Thursday last 25 Bush Negroes were brought in by the same Negro Man from Plantation Vlissingen, who brought in the 29 mentioned in our last.

A sad accident happened on Sunday last in Essequebo River. A Gentleman named Watteling and a Mr. Gun, with a Negro Boy were upset on Sunday night in a small boat off Pireka, they however all clung to the Keel of the boat all night, and all next day, without seeing any boat that could assist them, when Mr. Watteling attempted to swim ashore but had not gone more than 20 or 30 yards from the boat when he sunk never to rise again. Mr. Gun and the Boy remained on the keel untill Tuesday morning, when to their great joy a Colony Boat was seen coming precisely in the direction in which they were drifting but they were so much reduced, that they could not cry out sufficiently loud to be heard, (the people on board the boat being laid down as usual when under easy sail,) nor were they discovered till the boat ran bump upon them, when they were instantly taken on board, but we are sorry to state very little hopes are entertain for the life of Mr. Gun.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Brig Polly, Joseph Manson, from Portsmouth.
Schr. Union, E. Woodward, Portland.

Brig Nancy, A. Child, for Boston.
---- Hitty, H. Clackson [sic], Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 28th March, 1807.



Brought by


Brittlebank, Berb.

J. Turner.


Mac Intosh

R. Murray.





On be Kend,







B. Kemp.





C. Simons,

A. Reith.



Pl. Success.



Hamilton, Abary.



Van Zetten.





Boedel Kroll,


Old Jack,

James Ogle,


And 2 New Negroes their Names & Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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