Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 April 11


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 224.

[No. 224 - number obscured/illegible]

Saturday, the 11th of April.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Pierre Gastebois, in 4 or 5 weeks, from April 2.
Mr. W. I. Cowan, Mr. Hendrik Temminck, Mr. A. Labe[accent], and Mr. John William Nesfield, in 14 days, from April 9.
Mr. John Binning, in 4 or 5 weeks, from April 9.
Mr. Nicolaas Volkerts, with the July Convoy.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo De Heer Benjamin Thomas Senior, Medicine Doctr. weduwnaar [sic] en Bruidgom te eenre.
En Vrouwe A. P. Spooner weduwe van I. W. Craske bruid ter andere zyde van voornemens zyn met elkander een euwig huwelyk aantegaan zoo als dezelve reeds op gisteren [illegible] ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, zoo word zulks mits dezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadvdrteerd [sic] ten eynde de geenen welke ver[illegible] zich teegen hetzelve te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyds [illegible] doen daar en waar zulks behoord
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 11de April 1807.
In Kennisse van my, J. C. Stadman [sic], Est. Cl.

Op verkreegen Authorisatie zal ik Ondergeteekende in qualiteit als eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie, na voor afgaande regtspleeging, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag, den 5de May, aanstaande, publicq opvylen en aan de meestbiedende verkoopen ' volgende.
1st. Ten behoeve van F. Martin q.q. C. Tol contra A. B. Cozier, zeker Concessie Lands geleegen op de voorgrond van Plant. Cambridge aan het Mahayca veer, met het daar op staande woonhuys, zynde een en een halve verdiping hoog lang 32 by 16 voeten. Een inlands fraam met americaansche planken beslagen en met shingels gedekt, voorts een zyde gebouw combuys &c. van weynig waarden.
2de. Ten behoeven van I. Roberts, contra C. F. Guintzel & Co., en M. Doyle & Co. zeeker huys en zy gebouwen gesitueerd op ee water lot belendende aan Robs [sic] Stelling op de voorgrond van de Plant. Vlissingen te voore bekend onder de naam van het Demerary Hottel [sic], ende zulks met alle desselfs servituten & gerechtgheeden [sic] als daar toe van ouds met recht behooren
[from issue of 18 April 1807] 3de. Ten behoeven van I. C. M. Kuster contra J. B. Oxley, de Halve Concessie No. 70 geleegen aan de Noord-Dam van Stabroek met de daar op staande gebouwen zynde bouwvallig en een Negerin Carolina.
IN cas iemand teegens deeze Verkooping eenig Recht van oppositie zal wille sustineeren addresseere zig in geschriften ten Comptoir der Exploiteurs, wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten, dag van Rechten beleggen zal; en wyders, die geene welke in voorfz. gading vinden mooge, kome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary den 10 Maart 1807. Mart. Smit.

I hereby authorize Mr. George Barrett to sign for me as well as himself, in all affairs relative to the Boedel of George Stratford, deceased, for whom we are Executors.
Dem. April 6, 1807. Peter Barchard, q.q.

The Subscriber informs those whom it may concern, that he is no longer acting as q.q. Mr. Alex. Simpson.
April 4', 1807. Peter Barchard.
N.B. The above Advertisement came too late for insertion last week.

G. Ryk, Predicant, maakt hiermede bekend, dat by de eerst volgende Zondagen in Demerary, niet zal prediken, voor nader Advertentie, alzo hy eenige maalen in Essequebo, de Predikdiense moet woorneemen.
April 11, 1807.

Capt. C. Van Dyk having been disappointed by some of his Friends not shipping their promised Produce in time, is obliged to wait until the next Convoy, when he is determined to sail full or not. He has room for about 200 Bales of Cotton, with which he hopes to be speedily supplied.
He at the same time requests all those who have any Demands against him in his prive[accent], or on account of the Ship Triton, to come forward within the course of a fortnight and settle the same. His Domicilium is at the House of C. H. De Munnick, Esq.
N.B. He also hopes that those who are indebted to him will come forward with payment.
Demerary, April 11, 1807.

Imported in the last Arrivals, and for Sale by the Subscribers, at the House formerly occupied by Mr. John Binning, in Front of Plantation Vlissingen, at reduced Prices, for immediate Payment, the following Articles, viz.
[first column]
Nails, 4d. 6d. 8d. 10d. 20d. 30d. and 40d.
Paints and Oil
Neats-foot Oil in pint bottles
Vinegar, Mustard
An assortment Paint Brushes
An elegant mahogany stoopt [sic] bedstead, complete
London Patent Silk Hats
Also, on Hand,
Porter and Beer
Soap and Candles
Ling Fish and Red Herrings
Table Knives and Forks
Tierces Blue and Green Ware
Inverness Cotton Bagging
Scotch Osnaburgs
Irish Linen and Sheeting
Bed Counterpanes
Britannias and Calicoes
Muslin and Ginghams
[second column]
Cotton and French Cambrics
Brown Holland
Madras Handkerchiefs
Saddles, Girths, Bridles, and Whips
2 sets Mahogany Dining Tables
Ready Made Coatees, Pantaloons, and Vests
White threads
An assortment of Table cloths
An assortment of Stationary
Bed Ticking
Boots and Shoes
An assortment of coat buttons
Ditto Tin Ware
Blue and Yellow Nankeen
Gentlemen's Gloves
Whiteman's Elixir in pint & half pint bottles
Oats in Tierces &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
April 10, 1807. Colin Elder

FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
The Snow Westbury, William Gray master. For Freight, please to apply to the said Master on board, or to
April 10, 1807. Heywood & Taylor.

FOR DUBLIN, [heading]
The Brig Nancy, Wilson, to sail with the next Convoy from this. For Freight, apply to Telford, Naghten, & Co.
Who have for Sale, on board the said Vessel, Building Lime in Hogsheads and Tierces, Coals, Salt in Tierces and Barrels, Bricks and Temper Lime, which they will sell very reasonable, for immediate Payment, to be taken from alongside.
April 11, 1807.

[para] FOR SALE, OR HIRE, [heading]
The Undersigned's House in Cumingsburg. Possession to be given on the 1st of May next. For particulars, apply to him on the Premises.
April 11, 1807. Colin Macrae.

TO BE LET. [heading]
The House and Out-Houses on the Lot of Land now occupied by D. P. Simon, Esq. on Plantation Repentir. For further information apply to Plantation Nismes, or
April 10, 1807. I. S. Masse

Picked Up, some time since, on the Front of the Land called Bien Trouve[accent], by Maddewyn Creek, A Tent Punt. Any person proving it to be his or her property, may have it again on paying the Expences, by applying to
April 5, 1807. Ch. De Beausobre.

Just Imported in the Snow Westbury, Capt. Gray, from Liverpool, and on Sale by the Subscribers at low prices, for immediate payment, the following Articles:
[first column]
Prime Irish mess beef in barrels and half barrels
Pork in half barrels
Salmon in tierces
Spiced ditto in kegs
Ling fish in boxes
Red herrings in kits
White ditto in half barrels
Cow tongues in firkins
Cheshire, double Gloucester and Pine Cheese
Hung Beef
Porter in barrels
Ditto bottled in tierces
Brown stout do. do.
Strong & slender beer do. do.
Cyder in tierces
Port Wine in tierces
Capers in bottles
Anchovies in pots
Shot in bags
Sheet lead
Paints assorted in kegs & jars
Spirits of turpentine
Paint and lamp oil
Coffee and cotton bagging
Drogheda linen
White dowlas
Irish linen
Ladies' superfine split straw hats
Do. do. chip and riding do.
Women's and men's white cotton hose
Sadlery assorted
Tin & copper ware assorted
Nests of trunks
Sine and fancy towelling
Printed counterpanes
Table cloths
Gentlemen's patent silk hats
Do. beaver do.
Ladies' and children's hats assorted
Gentlemen's dress gaiters & gloves
Sail canvas
Trafalgar cord
Loaf Sugar
Pearl barley in canisters
Blacking balls
Hyson tea in canisters
Papers of starch
Smelt blue
Spices assorted
Gun and pistol flints
Bristol bricks
Black pepper
Whiting and chalk
Stone blue
[second column]
Portable soup in canisters
Lamp wick
Salad oil in flasks
Strong canister powder
Mops and handles
Currants in jars
Prunes in do.
Almonds in do.
Raisins in boxes
Pickles in jars and fish sauce assorted
Pots of preserves in cases
Fine barley in kegs
Whole peas in do.
Split peas in do.
Oatmeal in do.
Scribes in cases and steel palms
Steel spring rat traps
Fish hooks assorted
Corn mills, with hoppers and fly wheels
Best steel coffee mills
Do. pepper do.
Sail needles & ships scrapers
Anchors and grapnels
Cordage assorted & spun yarn
Seine and sewing twine
Fish lines
Stone salt in barrels
Do. in baskets
Iron pots assorted
Earthen ware assorted, in crates
Gentlemen's strong & dress boots and shoes
Ladies' Spanish slippers
Do. royal do.
Children's morocco pumps
Ladies' boots to lace, calloched with nankeen
An assortment of furniture
lamp desks
Bottles of liquid blacking
Do. for cleaning boot tops
Silver table and tea spoons
Do. salt do.
Do. soup ladles
Do. sugar tongs
Do. fish knives
Do. pencil cases
Do. thimbles
Gold do.
French check pullicats
Do. center do.
Madras Handkerchiefs
Cotton and linen checks
Furniture do.
Ends Dimity
Blue salempores
India jacconot
Piquet marked Handkfs.
Laced Cambric Muslin
Trafalgar do. and an assortment of other muslins
India dimity
Diamond Quilting
Lawn, border'd Handkfs.
Silk do.
Mould, Spermaceti, & Wax Candles
Brown soap
Bricks, terrace, and lime
[end columns]
And a Variety of other Articles.
April 9, 1807. Heywood & Taylor.
Who have also received, per Claude Scott, a few Pipes of Choice London Particular Madeira.
We are compelled to defer the Translation of this truly ample assortment of Goods till next week

TE KOOP, [heading]
By de Ondergeteekende een Fraam voor een gebouw lang 50, by 24 voeten, een en een halve verdiping hoog; zynde gemaakt van walba [sic] posten met ciepirie plaaten en balken. Voorts een nieuwen vier riems tent-boot met moera inhouten en [illegible] robabaly planken beslage, mede nog een chais ge[illegible]paard, alles tot een chivile prys.
Plantagie Twee Gebroders 8 April, 1807.
I. L. Biegmann

On Monday the 20th inst. at the Store of Messrs. Thos. Shute & Co. Barrels and Half Barrels first quality Mess Beef, Superfine Flour, Rice, Tobacco in barrels, Demijohns Brandy, Cases Gin, Old Rum in Kegs, Boxes Raisins and Almonds, Port Wine per doz. Canisters Tea, a large assortment of Plated and Japanned Ware, also an elegant new Copying Machine, with apparatus complete.
April 11, 1807.
On Tuesday the 21st instant, by order of D. P. Simon, q.q. the Estate of John Huiberts, dec. at the house of Mr. D. P. Simon, on Repentir, the Effects, Furniture, Books, a few Provisions, and a Lot of Land in Cumingsburg, belonging to the Estate of the deceased J. Huiberts, Esq.
April 11, 1807.
On Wednesday the 22d instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Thomas Cuming, Esq. sundry Goods just imported in the Ship Lucretia, Capt. M'Gregor, viz.
Furniture, consisting of pembroke & other tables, sophas, chairs, mirrors, bedsteads with mattrasses complete, 22 crates earthen ware, 20 puncheons oats, 6 small boats, sadlery, 80 barrells [sic] Irish prime mess beef, 20 barrels beer, 10 do. London brown stout, &c. &c. &c.
April 11, 1807.
On Tuesday the 5th May, by order of Mr. Edward Jones, part of Lot No. 18, situated on the North Dam, Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling House, Kitchen, Storehouse, and Negro Houses, also a neat Gig, hung on Curricle Springs.
The above will be sold without Reserve, as the Proprietor intends leaving the Colony.
April 11, 1807.

Den Ondergetekende [sic] heest zyn generaale procuratie gepasseerd op den Heer I Snydo, [Schneido - in issue of April 18] hopende dat alle die aan hem schuldig zyn ten eersten aan dezelven betaling geliven te doen.
Demerary, 9 April 1807. F. Beekman.

The Subscriber, wishing very much to ascertain how far the late Francis Bynoe has liquidated all the Debts due by the late Firm of Bynoe and Benjamin, according to agreement entered into between him and the Subscriber, all those who may have any Claims against the said Firm, are requested to send the particulars of them to Park Benjamin.
April 11, 1807.

In the Dutch papers is a very long list of Knights of the Order of Merit, created in Holland on the 1st of Jan. last. Among the number we find the names of Cornelis Gerardus Evertsz, H. A. Rysterborg, and Louis de Mellet.

The Cork Fleet, consisting of six sail, arrived on Tuesday. While they were coming in, the homeward-bound vessels for Europe, were going out, which had a pleasing appearance.
The Cork Fleet was convoyed here by his Majesty's sloop Helena, which will remain here till further orders.
The trade from Surinam, &c. joined yesterday, and the fleet sailed the same day, rather unexpectedly, we believe, as some who meant to go passengers, we hear, have been left behind.
Some vessels also, we understand, have lost the opportunity.
Mrs. and Miss Lamaison, Mr. and Mrs. Van den Broek, Mrs. Herlin, and 6 young ladies, are going home passengers in the Grenada; and in the Jane are Mrs. Lawrence and family, a son of Jonas Fileen, Esq. and Mr. John Ryan.
The Jane and Demerary (two running ships) will sail in company either to-night or to-morrow morning.

The Court of Justice will meet on Monday next.

The Hon. J. C. M'Leod having resigned his seat in the said Court, on account of his going to reside in Berbice, the Hon. V. A. Heyliger has been elected in his stead.

The Hon. H. W. Knolman is appointed Protector of the Indians for Essequebo, vice C. D. Mack, dec.

Fifteen more runaways were brought in from the Bush yesterday, by the same negroes who went on the former peace embassies.

Died. On Thursday morning, John Huiberts, Esq. Solicitor, aged 58 years, 4 months, and 17 days.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

April 3. Brig Claude Scott, Wm. Crost, from Liverpool.
April 7. Ship Tarlton, Edw. Jackson, from Liverpool and Madeira.
April 8. Ship Eglintown, Wm. Hamilton, from Glasgow.
April 9. Brig Nancy, Edw. Wilson, from Liverpool.
April 9, Brig Guyana, Andrew Clough, [from Liverpool.]
Ship General Hunter, Henry Mossop, [from Liverpool.]
Ship Lucretia, D. M'Gregor, from Glasgow.
April 10. Belleisle, Wm. Gemmill, [from Glasgow.]
Snow William, Wm. Grey, from Liverpool.

April 4. Ship Grenada, James Duke, for London.
April 4. Ship Speculator, Noah Le Sueur, for London.
April 6. Ship Economy, Wm. Ross, for London.
April 6. Ship Flora, Geo. Ravely, for Liverpool.
April 6. Ship Ou[?]en, John Ma[?]s, for Liverpool.
April 6. Brig Lady Cathcart, W. Osburn, for London.
April 6. Brig Reward, Henry M'Clintock, for Boston.
April 7. Ship Planet, W. Langley, for London.
April 7. Snow Abeona, W. Eilis, for London.
April 7. Brig Success, Jonathan Peirson, for London.
Brig Emmeline, Joseph Allen, for Boston.
April 7. Snow Mary Anna, John Harris, for London.
April 8. Ship Jane, A. Smith, for London.
April 8. Schooner Isabella, Samuel Emery, for Biddeford
Ship Scipio, James Barkley, for Liverpool.
April 8. Brig Hunter, F. Woodbury, for Portland.
Ship Hero, James Carnachan, for Greenock
April 8. Brig Elizabeth, F. Stillman, for New York
April 8. Brig William, D. M'Arthur, for Boston
April 9. Ship Ann, P. Grossard, for Clyde.
April 10. Brig Vigilance, R. Mellon, for Norfolk.
April 10. Brig Ceres, Noah Cole, for Boston.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 11th day of April, 1807.



By whom brought.





Brittlebank (Berbice)

I. Turner.


Mackintosh (Do.)

R. Murray.






Plant. La Penitence.




Old Jack.

James Ogle.



Ab. Nunes.



Juff. Leintjes.

Van Zetten.


Juff. Dogan.


And 3 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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