Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 225.
Saturday, the 18th of April.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Pierre Gastebois, in 4 or 5 weeks,
from April 2.
Mr. John Binning, in 4 or 5 weeks from
April 13.
Mr. W. L. Cowan, Mr. Hendrik Temminck,
Mr. A Labe[accent], and Mr. John William Nesfield, in 14 days, from April 14.
Mr. John Line in 3 weeks from April 16.
Mr. Levy Cohen in 14 days from April 16.
Mr. Nicolaas Volkerts with the July
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.
Word mits deezen bekend gemaakt, dat de
Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer Thomas Cuming ter eerstk Commissariaale Vergaaderring
zal Transporteeren de Concessie No. 91, geleegen aan de Noord zyde van de Middendam
[sic] deezer Hoofdplaats, ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen eenig Recht of
aanspraak op gemelde Concessie te hebben, daar van opgaave te doen ter
Secretary alhier.
Rio Demerary, den 17 April 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
Alzo De Heer Benjamin Thomas Senior,
Medicine Doctr. weduwnaar en Bruidegom te eenre.
EN Vrouwe A. P. Spooner weduwe van I. W.
Crask Bruid ter andere zyde, van voornemens zyn met elkander een [?]eeutig
huwelyk aantegaan zoo als dezelve reeds op gisteren [illegible] ondertrouw zyn
opgenomen, zoo word zulks mits dezen aan [illegible] en een iegelyk
geadvdrteerd [sic], ten eynde de geenen welke ver[??]eenen zich teegen hetzelve
te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyds [illegible] doen daar en waar zulks behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary
dezen 14 de April 1807.
In Kennisse van my, J. C. Stadtman, Est.
Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by
Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorig
Districten van Essequebo en Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzoekende om
Brieven van Vrydom, als:
De Neegerin Jeannet, geadsisteerd met J.
Teysse [sic] als zich zelve vry gekogt hebbende van wylen J. Kirton voor haar
zelve en haar Mulatte Kind Betsey genaamd.
Martinus Smit, voor de Caobereginne Anne
Bella, hem in eigendom toebehoorende, met haar drie Mulatte Kinderen met naamen
Catharina Mraia [sic, Maria] Dorin, Lucretia Elizabeth Anna, en Susannah.
De Negerinne Theresia Lanferman,
geadsisteerd met L. Storm van s'Gravesande, zich vry gekogt hebben devan wylen
haar meester F. Kroll, voor haar zelve en haar Mulatte dochter genaamd Nanny.
Andreis [sic] Bro[umlaut]mer voor twee
hem in eigendom toebehoorende Mulatte Kinderen genaamd Margaretha en Andries.
M. Van Kerkwyk voor de Negerinne Louisa,
aangekoomen hebbende de Boedel wylen Frislin, met haar twee Kinderen Ieannette
en Phill.
De Neegerinne Betsey, de Neegerinne
Betsey voor heen toebehoord hebbende aan Mary Joice Philips geadsisteerd met J.
C. Stadtman voor haar zelve ne haar Dogtor Lettes.
Anthony Osborne voor de hem in eigendom
toebehoordende Negerinne [sic] Sanky.
John King voor hem in eigendom
toebehoorende vier Mulatte Kinderen genaamd John Richard, Jemaima, Elizabeth
Ann, en William, alsmeede de Neegerinne Sully.
I. La Haye voor de Negerinne Africa, hem
in eigendom toebehoorende.
Zo is 't dat allen en een iegelyk, die
eenig Recht of Pretentie op de voornoemde slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by
deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der
Rivier Essequebo, en ter Secretary van de Hove van Politie in Demerary
behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van
welgemelde Hove, [illegible] zyn zal in de maand April 1807.
Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane
verzoeken [or verzooken] van de requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden
zal worden te behooren.
Actum in Raade van Politie der Rivieren
en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo & Demerary, deezen 24ste [sic]
Maart 1807.
Ter ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.
Uit krachte van zeekere Extract Notul
der 14 daagsche Rolle, d.d. 6 April 1807, van weegens C. G. Storm Van
S'Gravesande gemagtigde van I. G. Exter nom Ux een der Ersgenaame ab intestato
van wylen I. W. Koning.
Zo worden door my ondergeschreb. eerste
Exploiteur van der Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie by deesen voor de vierde
Maalen exsuperabundantie by Edicte Gedagvaard,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren
van gemelde Boedel.
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare
Hove van Justitie Sessie houndende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 18de
Mey eerstkoomende en volgende daagen.
Ten fine een iegelyk zyne Pretensien als
nog behoorlyk te koomen open en aangeeven en voorts daarby te dien en van hunne
sustenuen als na Raaden, zullende na expiratie van deese vierde en laaste
Edicte geproceedeerd worden tot obtineering van 't eeuwig silentium.
Rio Demerary, den 17 April 1807,
Mart. Smit, eerste Exploiteur
Notice is hereby given, from the
Secretary's Office of this River, to all whom it may concern, That at the next
Commissary Court, to be holden in the month of May next ensuing, a Transport
will be given from Mr. T. Duim to I. S. Masse, q.q. the Boedel D. Jardine, of a
certain Lot of Land situated on the Aroabisie Sea Coast, known by the Number
45, which Lot will afterwards be transported from the said I. Masse, q.q. to
Messrs. Cozier and Yarwood [sic], who shall then pass a mortgage thereon, in
favour of the Boedel of D. Jardine.
Further, a Transport will be given by
Th. Mewburn, N Ux to James Robinson, of a certain Lot of Land on the West Sea
Coast of this river, known by No. 23.
Also, a Transport will be given by Henry
Hubbard, q.q. Gardner Green, of the Third Part of Plantation Evergreen, No. 36,
situated on the West Sea coast of this river, in behalf of Robert Ridley, who
shall then pass a Mortgage on the same, together with Forty Negroes, in favour
of the said Henry Hubbard, q.q.
Meanwhile, should any person wish to
make Opposition to the above Proceedings, he must take measures accordingly.
Rio Essequebo, April 6, 1807.
A. van Ryck de Groot.
By Virtue of a certain Appointment of
the Hon. Court of Criminal Justice of this river and Districts, dated the 4th
March, 1807, in favour of the Hon. C. I. Rapin, Fiscal,
I do hereby SUMMON, upon the requisition
of the said Fiscal, R. O. for the First Time by Edict ad valvas Curiae,
Thomas Murrow
To appear in person before the said Hon.
Court above mentioned, at their Session to be holden at the Fort Zelandia on
Tuesday the 4th of May next ensuing, and following days, there to hear whatever
Charges the said Public Accuser, r. o. may have to make against him, and to
answer the same, as the Law direct. Frier Wm. Tuckermann,
Rio Essequebo, April 9, 1807 1st
Those Gentlemen who have received
Licences to purchase Slaves, are requested to send them to the Office, to be
Dem. April 18, 1807. Robert Phipps,
Pursuant to a Proclamation of the Hon.
Court of Policy, and by permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, Fiscal, at
the expiration of fourteen days from the date hereof, will be sold, at public
Vendue, a small Bay Gelding, confined by the Military on the 1st inst. Meanwhile
the Owner may have him restored on paying the expences to J. Runnels, J.Z.
Stabroek, April 15, 1807. Drossard
On Friday the 24th inst. at the Vendue
Office, Mess Beef and Pork, in whole and half barrels, Irish linens, Furniture,
April 18, 1807.
On Thursday, the 30th Instant, at the
Vendue Office, By order of Messrs. Bridge and Arrow, the Quarter Lot in
Cumingburg, now occupied by Mr. Alexander Gray, with all the Buildings thereon.
(particulars next week.)
April 18, 1807.
The Subscriber has imported in the ship
Norfolk Hero, Capt. M'Ashel, from London, and has For Sale, at the Store of
Alex. M'Nabb, Esq. on very reasonable Terms, viz.
[first column]
Westphalia hams
Pickled tongues in firkins
Scotch herrings in do.
Potatoes in hampers
Pine apple cheese
Single Gloucester do.
Pearl barley in jugs
Split peas in do.
Oatmeal in do.
Fine biscuit in kegs
Pickles in cases assorted
Mustard in qr. lb. bottles
Double and single refined loaf sugar
Hyson tea
Coarse and fine Irish linens
White & brown Russia sheetings
Coarse and fine calicoes
India chintzes
White Marseilla quiltings
India and corded dimities
Cotton cambrics
Coarse and fine diapers
Ready made clothes
Slops, Negro clothing
London made jockey boots
Hessian half boots
Fine and coarse shoes
Flax and tow Osnaburghs
Checks, platillas, britannias
Inverness cotton bagging
Superfine blue cloth and kerseymere
Black do.
Gentlemen's and Ladies' patent silk hats
Children's beaver do.
Gent.'s and Ladies stockings
Children's do. and socks
Fine flannel
Threads and tapes
Sewing silk and twist
Whitechapel needles
Green silk umbrellas with walking sticks
White paint in kegs
Green do. in pots
Paint oil in jugs
[second column]
Glass ware, consisting of Indian shades,
lamps, decanters, double flint tumblers, wine glasses, cruet stands, goblets
Queen's ware, consisting of soup and
shallow plates, tureens, wash hand basons & ewers, water pots, cups and
saucers, tea, sugar, and milk pots, porter mugs, &c.
Tin Ware, consisting of camp kettles,
hand pans, japan'd quart and pint jacks, white do. pudding pans, sailors' pots,
tinder boxes with flints, steels, and candlesticks, nutmeg graters, tea
canisters, cotton gin cranks with brasses, &c.
Sadlery, consisting of Best London made
saddles, single and double bit plated bridles, horse whips, shot belts, powder
flasks,, curry combs and brushes, hard and soft
shoe brushes, cloth do.
Single and double bolted padlocks,
locks, cross cut and hand saw files, hammers, penknives, knives and forks,
Demerary trenching shovels
Do. iron handled cutlasses
Nests gimblets
Double sealed powder in canisters
Shot No. 2, 3, and 4
London brown stout, beer, &c.
Also, on Hand,
Cogniac brandy
Hollands gin
Rum, Madeira, Port, and Sherry wine
Soap and candles
Corn meal in puncheons
Flour & ship bread in barrels. [sic]
Salt in do.
[end columns]
And sundry other Articles
Stabroek, April 17, 1807. H.
Just Imported by the Undersigned (in
addition to his former Assortment by the Planet) per ship Orion, Capt. Robert
Ross, from London, the following Goods, which he offers For Sale at moderate
Prices, for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee, or Cotton, at Colony prices:
[first column]
Leadenhall ox tongues in firkins
New rose butter
Salmon in tin
Ditto spiced, in kits
Dutch and Scoth [sic] herrings, in kegs
Brunswick sausages
Potatoes in hampers
Split pease in kegs
Barley in kegs and jugs
London brown stout
Bristol beer
Claret, old port, & sherry
Old Jamaica rum
Dutch gin
Cogniac brandy
Sweet oil
Mustard, black pepper, & sago
Raisins and almonds
Mixed spices
Refined sugar
Hyson tea
Pickles assorted
White and black muslins
French cambric
Chintzes and ginghams
Linen pocket handkerchiefs with coloured
Cotton do.
French pullicat do.
Madras do.
Muslin and cambric do.
An assortment of Irish linens
Brown & white Russia sheeting
Diaper, dowlas, brittanias
Platillas royal, brown holland
[?]aderborne & other German linen
Cotton ad coffee bagging
India white calico
Tape, thread, and bobbin
Gentlemen's fashionable ready made coats
Do. pantaloons & waistcoats
Superfine blue, black, bottle green,
brown, olive, and scarlet broad cloths, with silk, twist, & buttons for the
Rich black florentine for waistcoats
Welch flannel
Dimity, nankeen
Ladies' & Gentlemen's parasols
Ladies' silk stockings & gloves
Ladies' & Gentlemen's cotton hose
Ladies' fashionable shoes & slippers
Children's do. for both sexes
Gentlemen's fine dress shoes
Do. high quartered mud do. with buckles
Hessian back strapped & yellow
topped boots
Gentlemen's patent silk hats
[second column]
Do. beaver do.
Ladies' and Children's do. do.
Servants' Japann'd hats, with silver
bands & silver cords
Ladies' long fawnskin gloves
Gentlemen's wash leather do.
White cotton braces
Silk do.
Rose, honey, and lavender water
Essence of rose, bergamot, and
Windsor soap
Violet hair powder
Hair ribbon
Ladies' fashionable tortoise shell
combs, with & without pearls
Neat saddles and bridles
Hussar do. do.
Gig Harness
An assortment of whips curry combs, and
Powder and shot
Glass, tin, and earthen ware
Paints and paint oil
Lamp oil
Cordage and canvas
Nails, hinges, bolts & locks, and a
general assortment of carpenters' tools
Pruning knives, cutlasses, & hoes
Frying pans and gridirons
Coffee and pepper mills
Knives and forks
Plated candlesticks
Fish hooks and lines
Spermaceti & tallow candles
Elegant patent dining tables
Card do.
Sets of drawing-room chairs stuffed with
Windsor chairs
Bedsteads, mattrass, bolster, and
pillows complete
Mahogany book cases with glass doors,
secretary, drawers, &c.
Portable writing desks
Backgammon boxes
Looking glasses
Liquor coolers
Tea caddies
Mahogany trays
Double and single cheese waggons
A neat two-wheel chair with harness
Gold Watches, and an assortment of
fashionable jewellery
Corals and beads
An elegant House Clock
[end columns]
With many other Articles too numerous
for insertion.
Demerary, April 17, 1807. J. F.
For Sale by the Subscribers, at their
Store on Robb's Stelling:
[first column]
Madeira Wine of the first quality, in
pipes, hhds, & quarter casks
London Porter in hhds, barrels, and per
Small Beer
Tripe in kegs
Double & Single Gloucester Cheese
Barley and split Peas in jugs
Refined Sugar
[second column]
Tin, Earthen, & Glass Ware
White Lead and Paint
Seine and sewing Twine
Coffee Bagging
Bleached russia Sheeting
Fashionable ready-made Clothes
Ladies' Shoes
Children's Hats
Negro Hats
Do. Jackets and Blankets
Oats in puncheons
[end columns]
And a Variety of other Dry Goods.
David Wardrop & Co.
Demerary, April 18, 1807.
Spruce Spars for Colony Schooners M[illegible]
and Russia Canvas may be purchased [illegible] Cash, of John Clapham
April 18, 1807.
Who offers for Sale,
The House he occupies, with the
Out-buildings, compact and convenient, which, in point of location, is exceeded
by none.
The following Goods are For Sale (on
very reasonable Terms) on board the Harmony, Capt. Wm. Wilson, just arrived
from London, for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee, Cotton, or approved Bills.
For further particulars, apply to the Captain on board, or to Peter Verbeke, Esq.
New Town.
[first column]
Irish butter in jars
Dutch herrings in kegs
Scotch do. in barrels
Potatoes in hampers
Imperial plumbs in jars
raisins in do.
almonds in do.
Pearl barley in kegs
Split peas in do.
Vinegar in jugs
Building lime in tierces
Blue Dutch tiles
Paints and oil well assorted
Coffee and cotton bagging
Sewing and netting twine
Tar and paint brushes
Military feathers, well sorted
Gentlemen's & Ladies' hats
Do. and do. shoes
Children's hats and shoes
Negro hats
Common or sailor's hats
Old French claret in hhds.
Porter in hhds.
Carpenters' tool chests complete
A few kegs nails, assorted
[second column]
Gentlemen's ready-made clothes of all
Handsome silver mount table knives and
A few small crates of earthen ware,
properly assorted
A few casks glass do.
Umbrellas and parasols
Fashionable silk handkfs.
Garden seeds, well assorted in small
Mould candles in boxes of 30 lbs. each
Pickles in cases
Anchovies in do.
Mottled soap in boxes
Yellow do. in do.
A fine assortment of jewellery
Tin ware properly assorted in tierces
Windsor soap and wash balls
Sailors' clothing
Negro do.
Muslins & Cambricks
Silk and cotton stockings
Bottles of mustard in boxes
Milk of roses in do.
Double & single Gloucester cheese,
&c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, April 18, 1807.
Just Imported in the ship Amelia, from
London, and the Tarleton from Madeira, and for sale by the Subscribers:
[first column]
Bottled porter and small beer
Refined sugar & tea
Oats in puncheons
Paints & oil
Cordage and canvas
Negro clothing
Nails and a variety of Iron ware
[second column]
Pembroke tables
Sophas and chairs
Portable desks
Gigs with harness complete
With a large assortment of Dry Goods
[end columns]
Choice Old Madeira Wine, in Pipes, Hhds.
and Quarter Casks
April 17, 1807 Underwood, Johnson,
& Co.
Imported per ships Belleisle, Orion, and
others just arrived, and For sale by the Subscribers:
[first column]
Poland oats in puncheons
Porter and ale in do.
Barley, peas
Hyson tea
Refined sugar
Pickles and fish sauce
Best London made Hessian boots
Strong and dress shoes
Ladies' and Children's do.
Men's beaver hats
Linseed, Seal, and Salad oil
Negro blankets and clothing
Bed mattrasses
Cats [sic] furnished compleat
Sets fashionable gig harness
Sets web tandem harness
Best hunting and cavalry officers'
saddles with holsters
Gig and jockey whips
Curry combs, brushes, and [?]and sponges
Leather portmanteaus
[second column]
Stable collars and cloak pads
1d. 6d. 8d 10d 20d & 30d nails
Cordage assorted from nine thread to
four inch
Seine and sewing twine
Fishing lines, knives & forks in
cases and per dozen
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses
Pruning knives, frying pans
Cross garnet H. & HL hinges
Chest, dovetail, strap & hook and
eye hinges
Stock, pad, cupboard, iron [illegible]
dead, patent drawer, and close locks
Planes, chissels, gouges, and hammers
Gentlemen's tool chests
Sod irons and dish covers
Coffee mills Japaned waiters
Trays, tea & coffee biggins
Candlesticks, &c. &c.
Iron tea kettles and boilers
[end columns]
On hand, Fish in hhds. Madeira Wine in
pipes, and Fish in tierces.
April 17, 1807. Thos. Shute & Co.
Mr. F. Meagher has also received a large
Cargo; but his Copy came so late that we are obliged to defer the insertion of
particulars till next week.
With a Licence to Sail, with or without
Convoy. [heading]
FOR LONDON, [heading]
The remarkable fast sailing, coppered,
frigate built ship Tarleton, Edward Jackson Commander; mounts sixteen carriage
guns, 12 pounders, and shows 26 men answerable. Having the greatest part of
her Cargo engaged, for about 50 tons of light Freight, or Passage (having
excellent Accommodations), apply to the
Master on Board,
April 18, 1807. Lying opposite Robb's
The Ship Harmony,
Capt. Wm. Wilson, who will sail with the July Convoy, intending to load with
Coffee and Cotton only. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board,
or to Peter Verbeke, Esq. New Town.
N.B. She has good
accommodations for Passengers.
CONVOY) [heading]
The Ship Amelia,
James Shadforth, master, river Built and coppered.
For Freight or
Passage apply to the Master on Board, or to Underwood, Johnson, & Co.
N.B. Messrs.
Underwood, Johnson, & Co. will be very thankful to their Friends for any
assistance they can give this Ship.
Demerary, April 18,
NOTICE. [heading]
All those indebted
to the deceased Robert Watling are requested to make payment to Mr. James Lyon,
at the store of Messrs. James Lyon & Co. who will grant Receipts for the
same; and all persons having Claims against the deceased, are desired to lodge
the same for examination with the said James Lyon, that measures may be taken
for liquidating them
Cresswell Spencer.
April 18, 1807.
John Grant,
All Persons in the
Colonies of Essequebo, Demerary, or Berbice, who stand indebted either on Notes
of Hand, or open Account, unto the late Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. are
requested immediately to pay the same to the Subscriber, who is duly authorised
to grant acquittances and receipts.
There is no power
upon record in either of the Secretary's Offices of Essequebo or Demerary,
authorising any other person whatever to collect said Debts. Suits will be
commenced against those who delay making payment.
Demerary, April 17,
James Bruce, q.q.
Peter Nisbet, &
Cos. late Firm.
The Subscriber
offers for Sale his House in Borda's Town, at present occupied by Mr. Duncan
M'Lachlan. For particulars, inquire at the Store of Messrs. Douglas, Reid,
& Co.
Demerary, April 17,
1807 Jas. Reid
Mr. Cantzlaar, J.Z.
having returned to this colony, begs leave to inform his Friends, that he is
again admitted as Attorney at law before the Hon. Court of Justice of Demerary;
and that he will give his utmost attention to any business which they may be
pleased to trust him with in that capacity. His Domicilium is at the house of
Mr. Evertsz, lately occupied by J. T. Mathews, Esq. on Werk & Rust.
Rio Demerary, April
16, 1807.
A CARD. [heading]
N. Rousselet,
Attorney at Law, with respectful Compliments to his Clients, inform them, that,
from and after this date, he will advance the money for his Clients to the
Secretary's and Deurwaarder's Offices, for all such Suits at Law as they will
put under his care.
Stabroek, April 16,
Den Ondergeteekende
generaale Procuratie hebbende gepasseerd op H. H. Luhrs, verzoekt hy al de
geene die iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, om opgaave aan gemelde Heer te
doen, en die aan hem verschuldigt zyn (welke Pretentien nog niet in handen van
Practizyn zyn gegeeven) betaaling te doen.
den 18de April 1807.
Cornels [sic] Smit, J.Z.
The Undersigned
having resigned the Administration of Plantation La Penitence, as well as the
affairs of Mr. John Sayers, requests those who have any Demands against either,
to furnish their accounts in the ensuing week, in order that they may be
certified. W. L. Cowan.
La Penitence, April
17, 1807.
The Subscriber,
being wishful to leave the Colony, requests all those who have left Clocks or
Watches with him to Repair, to call for the same, without delay. He also
requests those to whom he stands indebted, to render in their demands, and all
those indebted to him to make immediate payment.
Demerary, April 9,
1807. John Brooks.
Absented himself
from the Subscriber on Wednesday evening last, a Negro Boy of the Coromantyn
Nation; black skin, good looking, about 5 feet 6 inches high, stout made, and
is well known by the name of Jessop or Joseph. Any person who will lodge him
in the Barracks, shall be paid Two Joes. Thos. Hays.
Stabroek, April 13,
N. Volkerts, being
anxious to settle all his concerns as much as possible before his departure,
requests all those who have any claims against him to call for the same at the
house of Bond & Aulert, no. 20, Brick Dam; as he finds it absolutely
impossible to wait upon every one. He hopes that those who are indebted to him
will take the above hint.
April 18, 1807.
Having been informed
that a certain Gentleman, who has been remarkably sanguine in all his pursuits,
has expressed an intention of commencing an action of injury even against this
"Drukery" (Printing Office) itself, we have to request of such
Gentleman, or of any other blessed with equally tender feelings and liberal
mind, who may have a similar inclination, to recollect (to prevent him from
completely knocking his head against the wood and lead of the poor
"Drukery"). That these Materials changed Masters at the commencement
of this year, and that N. Volkerts, their late Proprietor, is about to proceed
to Europe.
The Harmony Capt.
Wm. Wilson, brought the following passengers: - Hugo Cantzlaar, Esq. J.Z. (see
his Advert.) Wm. Malsted, Esq. Isaac van Rossum, Esq. and -- Camerling.
Mr. Cantzlaar landed
in Demerary in one day less than 8 weeks from Rotterdam.
The next Convoy is
appointed for the 6th June next.
A runaway negro,
named Jack, who had been brand marked for his conduct in 1795, and who was
taken about a twelvemonth [sic] ago with arms in his hand by the indefatigable
Mr. Edmonstone, was this morning executed before the Court House pursuant to
his sentence. At the same time, two minor offenders, one named Crowdy,
belonging to Plantation Great Diamond, the other Kees [sic] belonging to Dr.
Cramer, were brand marked and ordered to work in chains for the benefit of the
Colony during the remainder of their lives.
Died. In London, on
the 24th February last, Michel Verbeke, Brother to Mr. Peter Verbeke of this Colony,
and, in Mahaica, on Sunday last, Mr. Robert Jackman, who has been for upwards
of Eight Years Clerk to the latter.
18th April 1807.
Vessels Entered and
Cleared Since Our Last.
April 11. Ship
Huran, James Newell, from New York
April 13. Brig
Betsey, William Hart, from Belfast.
April 13. Ship
Harmony, William Wilson, from London.
April 14. Ship
Norfolk Hero, K. M'Afker from London.
April 14. Bark
Stork, G. Donald, from London.
April 15. Ship
Orion, R. Ross, from London.
April 15. Ship Amelia,
James Shadforth, from London.
April 18. Brig
Union, W. Kind, from Portsmouth.
April 14. Ship
Stabroek, E. Cooley, for New London.
April 17. Brig
Betsey, Jesse White, for Wiscasset.
List of Runaway and Arrested
Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of
Demerary, on this 18th day
of April, 1807.
whom brought.
Rebecca's Rust.
4 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Runnels, Drossaart.
by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.