Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 231.
Saturday, the 30th of May.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public that the following persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mrs. Beaujon, Miss M. C. van Oolen,
Messrs. D. Telford, Joseph Bowman, Andrew M'Clelland, I. van Ysendoorn, Francis
Yates, Hugh Davidson, Hendrick Werninck, John Richardson, and J. L. Morson,
within 14 days, or the first Convoy.
John Newton, Wm. Frederick Wells, Thos.
B. Copnar, Mr. Grant, and Duncan M'Donald, with the next Fleet.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk
Alzo de Wel Edele Heer Dirk Hola Van
Nooten Junior, gebooren te Schoonhoven in Holland, meerderjarig jongman
Bruidegom ter eenre
En Mejuffrouw Anna Maria Christophels
gebooren te St. Eustatius minderjaarige jonge dochter, de geadsisteerd met de
Wel Edel Gestrenge Heer M. van Kerkwyk en Vrouw; Anna Spooner echtelieden, als
desselfs famiele representeerende Bruyd ter andere zyde,
Van voorneemens met elkander een wettig
Huwelyk aan tegaan
Zoo wird een ieder dar van by deezen
geadverteerd, ten einde geenen die zich daar teegens vermeenen te kunnen
opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en zoo het behoord.
Zynde dit het 2de Gebod.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary
dezen 30de May, 1807 In Kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
Alzo de Heer Abraham Van Den Bosch,
meerdejaarig [sic] jongman, geboore, [sic] te Haarlem, Bruidgom ter eenre,
En Vrouwe Margaretha Raatje eerder
Weduwe van Christiaan Geerman en laast weduwe den Heer Paardevoort, Bruid ter
andere zyde.
Van voorneemens met elkander een wettig
Huwelyk aan te gaan.
word een ieder daar van by dezen
geadverteerd ten einde die geenen die zig daar teegens vermeen te kunnen
opposeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar en, waar 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary
deezen 30de May 1807. In Kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq
Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt, dat
ter Commissarialle Vergaadering, in de maand July erstkoomende.
Door de gemachtigdens van Doekscheer
& Steenbergen te Amsterdam, zal worden getransporteerd, de Plantagie de
Georgia geleegen aan de westwal deeze Rivier, aan G. J. Furnace, welke laaste
ter gelyker tyd passeeren Hypotheecq op voormelde Plantagie ten faveure van op
gemelde Doekscheer & Steenbergen.
Voorts door A. V. Beckurts, Transport
van de halve Concessie No. 46, geleegen aan de noord dam van Stabroek, aan J.
Runnels J.Z.
Door ge gemagtig de van John Tapin,
Transport van de halve Plantagie Sans souci, geleegen aan de oost zeekust
deezer Colonie, in het district van Abary, aan Woolford & Horsham.
Door de Executeuren ten Boedel wylen J.
Walcott, hypotheecq op de Plantagie Airy hall, faveur Joseph Reed.
Door Richard Deane q.q. James Maxwell,
transport van de Plantagie Dantzic, aan Edward Terrill.
Door Wm. Hallstead, q.q. Robert Elder,
transport van een quart concessie en gebouwen aan de noord dam van Stabroek,
bekend onder No. 18, aan Benjamin & John A. Thomas. [Note: ten items
inserted here in expansion of this announcement in the issue of 5 June 1807]
[para] EN laastelyk door D. Hoola van
Nooten, Jr. & P. [illegible]derson, als gemachtigdens van E. Barnwell,
Hypotheecq op de Plantagie St. Christopher, geleegen aan de [illegible] zee
kust deezer Rivier, met recht van derde ver [illegible], ten faveure van de
Kinderen van gemelde E. Barnwell voor de verweering van hun Moederlyke portie.
Actum ter Secretary deezen 22de May,
J. C. Stadtman,
eerste Clercq
Op Verkreegen Authorisatien zal ik
eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie, na voor afgaande recht spleeging ten
overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commisssarissen en Secretaris op de Hoofdplaats
Stabroek, op Dingsdag den 7de July aanstaande, publicq op veylen en aan de
meest biedende verkoopen 't volgende.
1. Ten behoeven J. Staunton eischer Ca.
[Contra] Philidor A. Leith, gedsse. een Concessie of Water Lot geleegen naast
van de Heer F. Meagher, op de voorgrond van Plantagie Vlissingen, met het daar
op staande woon huys lang 30 by 20 voeten van inlands hout; een nieuw Pakhuys,
onvoltooyd; een zy gebouw dienende voor Combuys & en een gemakhuys.
2. Ten behoeven van Thomas Cuming
eischer Ca. [Contra] Thomas Frier gedde een Concessie Lands geleegen op de
voorgrond van de Plantagie Vlissingenn en tusschhen de Concessien van de Heer
L. Barnes en ale [sic] van de Heer Hacket eertyds toebehoord hebbende aan de
Heer E. Loncke, met het daar op staaande woon huys van inlands hout (staande op
posten lang 40 by 30 voeten nog niet voltoold, een dito van Americaansch hout
(meede op posten) lang 30 by 20 voeten, een zy gebouw dienende voor Combuys, Pakhuys,
&c. een Smith's winkel, in een gemakhuysje.
3. Ten behoeven van I. D. Scantlebury
en Philip Cambridge, Executeuren Testamentair van wylen G. Howard eisschers
contra Samuel Mackay gede de Concessie No. 337, geleegen in de stadt
Cumingsburg, straat La. F. met de daar op staande gebouwen, bestaande in twee
zy gebouwen ieder 30 by 20 voeten min of meer, d'eene dienende voor een woon
huys , en d'andere voor Combuys, &c. van inlands hout, twee kleynder
gebouwen, een kleynder dito, en duive hak, en gemak huysje.
4. Ten behoeven van de Weduwe de Beet,
eisscher contra I. H. Giesenhuyzen geede, een halve Concessie Lands geleegen
aan de middledam van Stabroek, zuyd zyde belena tusschen de Concessien van den
Heer I. L. Eils ten oosten en 't Coloniaal gevangen huis ten westen met alle de
daar opstaande gebouwen zoo als die halve Concessie en gebouwen zo als thans
door den geexecuteerde geoccupeerd wordt.
In cas iemand teegens deeze verkooping
eenig recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren addresseeren zig in geschreft
en ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs, wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten dag
van rechten beleggen zal, en wyders die geene welke in voorst effecten gading
vinden moogen, koomen t[???] daage en plaatse voornoemd en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary den 30 May 1807.
Mart Smit, eerste Exploiteur.
Uit krachte van zeker Appointement van
den Wed Edele Gestrenge Heer Mr. Victor A. Heyliger fungeerende President in
den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie van Rio Demerary verleend op de requeste
Murdo Downie en Joseph Tuite, in
qualiteyt als aangestelde fungeerende Executeurenten Bodel en Nalaattenschap
wylen William Allanby, M. D.
Zoo worden door my ondergeschreeve
eerste Exploiteur hie by voor de Eeerste Maal by Edicte
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren
van den zelven Boedel
Omme te compareeren voor den Edele
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, tegen
den Twintigste July eerstkoomende en volgende dagen.
Ten einde aldaar hunne pretentien in te
geeven en tevens van deszelve gesustineerde te dienen.
Zullende na expiratie van de vierde
Edicte, tegens de non-comparante worden geprocedeerd ter verk y ring van 't
eeuwig silentium
Rio Dem. Den 29 Mey 1807. Mart. Smit
eerste Exploiteur
Uit kracht van zeekere Appointement van
de Edele Achtbaare hove van Justitie der Rivier en onderhoerige Districten van
Demerary de dato 22 May 1807.
Word mit naam en de van weegens A.
Meertens, in qualiteyt als by gemelde appt aanstelde Curator in de
geabbandonneerde Boedel van Thomas Walker door my ondergeschreevene Eerste
Exploiteur hier by voor de Eerst. Maale by Edicte
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren
van den zelves Boedel.
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houndende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek,
teegens den Twintigste July eerstkoomende en volgende dagen.
Ten einde aldaar hunne pretentien in te
geeven en teevens deszelver gesustineerde te dienen.
Zullende na expiratie van de Vierde
Edicte tegens de non-comparanten worden geprocedeerd ter verkryging van 't
eeuwig silentium.
Aldu gepubliceerd en geassigeerd ter
plaatse alwaar zulks behoord. Mart. Smit,
Rio Demerary, den 29 May 1807. eerste
In the Advertisement from the
Exploiteur's Office in this paper of last week of the sale of the Negroes of
Mr. P. Cambridge, in behalf of Mr. P. C. Mickerts, there was a mistake. It
should have been P. Cambridge, q.q. The business is now, however, settled, and
no Sale whatever will take place.
G. BARRETT [heading]
Presents his most grateful
Acknowledgments to his Friends and the Publick in general for their past
favours, and earnestly solicits their future patronage at his present Residence
- the House and Lot opposite Amos Leeds, Esq. where the utmost attention will
be paid to those who honour him with their commands.
Demerary, May 27, 1807.
G.M.O. [heading]
His Excellency Brigadier-General
Montgomerie has been pleased to transmit a Letter, of which the following is a
copy, dated
Sir, Berbice, May 25, 1807.
Being well-convinced of the loyalty of
the Royal Demerary Militia, I do not think it necessary to give an Order, but
only beg leave to request, that on the 4th of June they will join His Majesty's
troops in the Camp, under the command of Col. Nicholson, in order to celebrate
the Birth-day of our most gracious Sovereign.
I have the honour to be, Sir, your most
obedt Servt,
Jas. Montgomerie.
To Major Macrae, commanding Dem,. Royal
The Undersigned has much satisfaction in
communicating the above to the Corps, and, in order to prepare for the day
alluded to, directs that there shall be a Parade on Monday next, at Six A. M.
when he expects every individual of the 1st Battalion, capable of doing duty,
will attend, with Arms and Accoutrements in the highest order. Such as are in
want of good Muskets, will be supplied, each by the Officer of his Company.
The Commanding Officer of the Cavalry
Corps and Artillery Company will likewise muster and exercise on their
respective parades any day most convenient to them previous to the 4th, and
send in due time correct Returns of the number they expect to bring into the
field on that day.
Demerary, Colin Macrae,
May 28, 1807. Major commanding D. M.
The Hon. Colonel Nicholson, &c.
having been pleased to order the Royal Artillery Volunteers to parade at Ten
o'Clock on Thursday next the 4th of June, in Fort William Frederick, in honour
of his Majesty's Birth Day, it is expected that every one will attend clean
dressed, &c. agreeably to the standing Regulations of the Company.
James Hunter,
Kingston, 30th May 1807. commanding
Commissary General's Office, May 5,
Public Notice is hereby given, that the
Contract for the Supply of Money for the Use of His Majesty's Service with this
Command will terminate upon the 24th Day of June next, and that Cash will be
wanted by the Subscriber for Bill on the Treasury to the amount of 10,000 £
Sterling, to be drawn in suitable sums.
Tenders therefore will be received at
this Office until the 30th June, sealed and marked –
Tenders therefore will be received at
this Office until the 30th June, sealed and marked –
"Tenders for Bills," which
will be opened on the 1st Day of July, in the presence of the Commander of the
Forces, and, if approved, will be accepted. Samuel Chollet,
Commissary General.
Wanted, for the Use of His Majesty's
Troops in this Colony.
Any Person willing to supply either of
the above Articles at the Commissary's Store in such quantities as will be
required for the Expenditure of Two Months, say of the former about Five
Thousand Pounds weight, are requested to make Tenders for the same to the
Subscriber, marked thereon "Tenders for Sugar and Coffee," previous
to the 16th of June, on which day they will be opened in the presence of the
Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most advantageous offer or
offers will be accepted.
Commissary's Office, Will. N.
Demerary, May 25, 1807. Resident
FOR SALE [heading]
To Be Sold, a Still of 180 Gallons, with
Worm and head complete; also Two New Copper Clarifiers. To be seen on
Plantation Zorg en Hoop, on application to the Manager of said Estate.
May 26, 1807.
NOTICE [heading]
The Creditors of the Widow Van der Lott,
dec. are hereby requested to render in their accounts to the Undersigned for
payment; as there is an absolute necessity of bringing the affairs of said
estate to a final conclusion.
Demerary, May 26, 1807. A.
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the
10th, 11th and 12th June, at the store of F. C. Otto, Esq. the following goods,
just imported, viz. - Russia linen, muslins, cotton and French cambricks,
quilts and counterpanes, dimities, welt quilting, white diamond towelling,
men's and women's cotton and silk stockings, coloured nankeens, Genoa cord,
furniture chintz and calicoes, pullicat handkerchiefs, Irish and Bielefeld
linen, sheeting, diaper, britannias, and platillas, sail cloth, coffee bagging,
checks, negro blankets and jackets, salempores, 4d. 6d. 8d. 10d. 20d. and 30d
nails, all kinds of locks, bolts, hinges, &c. cutlasses, pruning knives,
carpenter's falling and broad axes, iron hoops, grapnels, boxes of carpenters'
tools, paint and paint oil, pickled sausages, tongues, saddles and bridles,
horse and chaise whips, a large assortment of earthen and glass ware, &c.
Also, a few Negroes belonging to the
late firm of Pasquier & Otto.
May 29, 1807.
On Monday, the 15th of June, at the
Store of Philip Yates, in front of Plantation Vlissingen, his remaining Stock
of goods, without Reserve, viz. Twilled Coffee Bagging and Bags, Fine Canvas,
Paint and Lamp Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Gunpowder and Hyson tea, Gunpowder and
patent Shot, sets of Ivory and bone handled Knives and Forks, Nails assorted,
Glassware, Jewellery, and Stationary, Jugs Vinegar, Table Linen, Ladies and
Gentlemen's Cotton Stockings and Gloves, Coat Patters with trimmings complete,
Muslins, Printed Callicoes, Thicksets, Cords, Dyed Jeans, Nankeenet, &c.
Refined Sugar, Silk and Beaver Hats and Boyls [sic] Leather Caps, Saddles and
Bridles, Gig and Jockey Whips, Martingales, Dog Collars, and a neat mahogany
Glass Case with Drawers, &c.
May 30, 1807.
Having received a letter from Mr. I. M.
Spooner, one of the Commissaries of Charles Town, dated the 26th Instant,
expressing his wish to resign the said office, I the Undersigned deem it
necessary to call a meeting of the inhabitants to [illegible] the proper
measures in consequence thereof, [illegible] at the same time to consider of
the propriety of some other very essential arrangements which [illegible] then
be submitted to them.
Meeting is therefore hereby requested on
Saturday next the 6th of June, at the house of the Undersigned, at Ten o'Clock
in the Morning precisely, and it is hoped every Gentleman interested will
attend accordingly.
May 30, 1807. L. St. van s'
Acting Commissary for Charles Town.
Absconded, some time ago, a Middle-sized
Negro Man, named Caesar, formerly the property of Mr. William Daniel, of
Mahaica, afterwards belonging to Elizabeth Timmerman, and now to the
Undersigned. He has a scar under one of his eyes, and speaks good English. It
is [illegible]gly suspected that this Negro is harboured by some person up this
River (a practice which [illegible]efully prevails at present), as he has been
[illegible] on board a sloop belonging to a Sugar Estate on the West Bank, when
he told one of his countrymen that he was employed by the Manager thereon.
Whoever will give such information as to lead to his recovery, and the
punishment of the person so harbouring him, shall be handsomely rewarded, over
and above the customary allowance in such cases; and if the Negro will of his
own accord return to the Undersigned, no punishment will be inflicted.
May 30, 1807. L. St. van s'
Near the New Stelling, Repentir, now
Charles Town.
TO BE LET OR SOLD, [heading]
A Handsome, convenient House, eligibly
situated for a Store, near the Water Side, Vlissingen. An approved Tenant or
Purchaser will be treated with on advantageous Terms. Apply to Maria
May 30, 1807.
The Subscriber offers for Sale Two
Houses conveniently situated on the East side of Mahaica Creek, (the Canal and
public Road passing in front of them); the one 40 feet long and 20 wide, Hard
Wood Frame, Two Stories high, [illegible]ered with Wallaba Shingles, having a
commodious Ground Store; the other a Hard Wood Frame, covered with Allabany
leaves, has Two Floors, and is divided into Four Apartments. There is a
suitable quantity of Land attached to the Buildings for a Garden, &c.
The advantageous situation of these
Premises [illegible] carrying on Merchantile Business is well known, being in a
central and populous part of the Colony. They will be sold on very moderate
Terms. Apply for particulars to Wm. M'Bean, Esq. Stabroek, or to Gilbert
Mahaica, May 27, 1807.
The Subscriber informs the Publick, and
particularly the Gentlemen Coffee Planters, that he has New Coffee Mills
complete to [illegible] and also Spare Manaries, and Sheets of Copper. A.
May 30, 1807.
ONE JOE REWARD. [heading]
Run Away, from the Undersigned, a Negro
Woman, named Matty, of the Angola nation. Whoever will secure and lodge her in
the Barracks, or return her to the Undersigned, shall receive One Joe Reward.
There being strong reason to suppose
that she is harboured about the fort, the same Reward will be given to whoever
can five such information [illegible] may lead to the detection of any person
or persons so offending.
May 30, 1807. Catharine Munro.
The Subscriber offers for Sale a House
and whole Lot of Land in Cumingsburg, situated behind Mr. M'Rae, on low Terms,
for immediate Payment. Please apply to Mr. H. Fleisch[illegible - Fleischman?]
residing at the house of H. Mutz, Esq. Werk & Rust.
May 30, 1807. Catharina Simon.
TWO JOES REWARD. [heading]
Lost, some time since, an Acceptation of
N. Rousselet, Esq. for f 156. 10. Whoever may have found the same and will
return it to the Undersigned, shall receive Two Joes Reward. The said
Acceptation is of no use to any one but the Owner, as payment of it is stopped.
Werk & Rust, May 30, 1807. L. Van
The Subscriber particularly requests,
that from this Date there may be no Monies paid upon the Partnership account,
without the [illegible]nt [joint?] receipts of Frier and Morgan.
May 30, 1807. His
Thos X Frier.
FOR SALE, [heading]
[first column]
Tar, Pitch, Rosin
Paint Oil in jugs
White lead
Spermaceti Candles
Castile Soap
Tobacco in hhds. & barrels
Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels
Butter, Cheese
[second column]
Flour in whole & half barrels
Dutch Cutlasses
Haarlem and Vries Checks
Linen Checks and Stripes
Brabant laces
Silk piquee for ladies' gowns
Silk Waistcoats
An assortment of Medicines
Spices, Black Pepper
Malaga and Cape Wines, &c.
[end columns]
Stabroek, May 30, 1807.
SELLING OFF, [heading]
[first column]
Oats in Hhds.
Beef and Shads in Barrels
Loaf Sugar
Hyson Tea
Pease and Barley
Spermaceti Candles
Boots and Shoes
Lamp oil in jugs and barrels
Temper lime in kegs and tierces
Paints of various colours
Parasols and Walking Sticks
Saddles and Bridles
Chaise Harness & Do. Whips
Spare Girths and Stirrup leathers
Mane combs with sponges
Halters and watering cloths
Curry combs and brushes
Paint brushes, different sizes
Marking do.
Knives and forks, with carvers and
Razors in cases
Penknives and scissors
Hooks, hinges, bolts
Hooks and Eyes
Nails in kegs
Carpenters' & Coopers' tools
Rudder irons
Iron rods for nails
[second column]
Brass & Plated Candlesticks
Brass wire
Tin ware, consisting of Dish covers,
coffee pots and biggins, tea pots, candlesticks, lanthorns, candle boxes, spice
boxes, sauce and stewpans, tea trays and waiters japann'd
Earthen ware and glass ware
A few barrels tar
Men's and Women's hats and stockings,
gloves, & mitts
Printed calicoes
Platillas and Britannias
Coarse Irish linen
Brown sheeting and linen
Plain and other Muslins
Plain Book muslin for Musquito Netting
Cotton Lining
White and Colour'd Jean
Fine linen pocket handkfs
Cotton ditto
Madras ditto
Coloured threads
Black and blue Cassimere
Ready-made Clothes
Seine and sewing twine
Pickles and raisins in bottles
Mustard in do.
Paper and Quills
Garden Seeds, &c. &c.
[end columns]
May 30, 1807. Jas. Lyon & Co.
Who will be much obliged to those
indebted to them prior to 1st January last, to pay their accounts. Much longer
indulgence cannot be given.
NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscribers being desirous of
closing the Accounts of Culpeper & Troughton, give this public Notice, that
the Copartnership is dissolved by mutual consent. The Books and Papers are in
the hands of Mr. Troughton. All indebted are requested to make immediate
payment, to enable them to discharge the claims against themselves. John
May 27, 1807. Ellis Troughton.
MOOLENS. Te bevragen by
Cumingsburg, May 30, 1807, John
Wanted an Overseer, particularly to
attend Negroes in the Field; and, should he know well how to make Bricks, a
good salary will be given. Apply at this Printing Office.
May 30, 1807.
The Subscriber begs leave to return his
most grateful Thanks to those who have favoured him with their orders in the
Coppersmith, Plumbing, and Brass foundering Line; and having erected an Air
Furnace, and every other necessary Apparatus for carrying on the business on an
extensive scale, he will be thankful to them for their continued favours;
assuring them that every thing in that line will be executed in the most
workmanlike manner, and with the utmost despatch.
He has for Sale, at his Store, No. 29,
Robb's Town, opposite Mr. Mackay's Stables, a number of ready made Pumps, which
he will dispose of on easy terms for Cash.
May 30, 1807. Aulay M'Aulay.
The Royal Assent was given by commission
to the Slave Trade Abolition Bill on the 25th March.
The Hon. Court of Justice, at their
rising on Saturday last, appointed Wednesday the 10th of June for their next
The body of a Gentleman was on Monday
last picked up off the stelling of Mr. Fasy, the Ferry-man. It proved to be
that of Mr. I. F. Sanderus, Planter, in Canal No. 1. The report is, that the
unfortunate Gentleman, on Sunday last, tumbled into the canal, thus effectually
drowning all the cares of mortal and matrimonial existence.
On Wednesday last, died suddenly, at
Berbice, Dr. Van der Landen.
There were two Spanish privateers off
the Coast the beginning of this week; one of which was very near capturing the
schooner of I. G. Walteling, Esq. of Essequebo, on Monday morning last. Mr.
Walteling was on his passage hither with C. I. A. Stakman, Esq. on board, when
they discovered a vessel lying outside the Sugar Bank, which having a very
suspicious appearance induced them to alter their course and again stand in for
the River. On seeing this, the privateer immediately manned two boats and sent
them after the schooner. Finding the boats not likely to overtake her,
however, she slipped her own cable in order to stand after her; but being over
eager she got aground on the bank, when the boats returned to her assistance.
The next tide Mr. Walteling again came out, and arrived here without seeing any
thing further of the enemy.
A reinforcement of 30 Artillery men
arrived on Monday evening in the army ship Emma; at the same time came about 30
men belonging to the Royals who had been to Barbados for the benefit of their
Broken Jaw and his Master [Mr. Foote]
left this Colony on Sunday last for Barbados, to the great regret of his
numerous admirers.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
May 25. Schooner Ocean, J.
Clena[?]chan, from New York.
May 25. Sloop Fancy, R. Strickland,
from Barbados.
May 27. Schooner Fame, F. Lightbourn,
for Barbados.
List of Runaway and Arrested
Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of
Demerary, on this 29d [sic]
day of May, 1807.
whom brought.
van Well
H. King
one Negro woman, the name of the Owner unknown.
G. Martens, Drossaart.
Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,