Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 June 13 | ||||
London. [heading]
Sale. [heading]
as a Book-Keeper. [heading]
from the ship Stork, a small Clinker-Built Boat, Capt. Donald painted on her
stern. Any person giving information of and delivering the same to the Printer
shall receive One Joe Reward.
P. Simon, Sworn Translator and Book Keeper, respectfully informs his Friends
and the Publick, that, for the greater facility of Business, he has resolved to
remain in the House of Mr. Narjes, Charles-Town, Le Repentir, where he
continues to Translate in several Languages, and to transact all Business
entrusted to him with accuracy, fidelity, secrecy and dispatch. He may be
found at home every day, at all hours, except from nine till three, during
which he may be spoken with at the Secretary's Office.
Imported in the Ariadne, Captain Johnson, from Glasgow, and for Sale by the
Subscribers: -
Sale by the Subscriber. [heading]
in the Ship Fame, and Ship Ariadne, and For Sale by the Subscribers, at Reduced
Prices, Viz: -
London. [heading]
London. [heading]
to whom it may Concern. [heading]
van wegens 't Secretary bkend gemaakt dat d Heer W. L. Cowan voor 't
teegenwoordige heest afgezien van zyne voorneemen om deeze Colonie te
verlaaten, en zyn Domicilium Citandi en Executandi gekoozen heest aan 't zoo
genaamde Union Coffee-House op de voorgronden van Plantagie Vlissingen, alwaar
een iegelyk die iet wes van dem te pretendeeren heest of [illegible] hem
verschuldigd is, zich kan addresseeren.
mits deezen bekend gemaakt dat ter eerstkoomende Commissiariaale Vergaadering
in de Maand July aanstaande,
Authority obtained, I the Underwritten first Marshal of this Colony (after precedental
process of Law) shall publicly expose and Sell unto the highest bidder, in the
presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary in the Town of
Stabroek, on the Seventh July next, as follows:-
Virtue of a Certain Extract Notul are by me the Underwritten Marshal of the
Court of Justice of this Colony, at the request of James Fileen as Executor to
the last Will and Testament to the Estate of J. F. Muller deceased and Philip
Iskenius and Ms. Smit as Executors to the last Will and Testament of the
deceased F. A. Cosack, for the second time Summoned all known and unknown
Creditors, Colonial or Foreign, to the once Existing Firm of Muller &
Cosack as well as to the private Estates of J. F. Muller and F. A. Cosack,
deceased, to appear before the Honorable Councellor Commissary of the Court of
Justice of this Colony sitting for audience at the ordinary Court of Rolls in
the Town of Stabroek on the sixth of July next, in order to render as yet their
Demands properly and lay their Claim thereto as they shall seem meet. Whereas
after the fourth and last Exsuperabundanti Summons by Edict shall be prosecuted
to obtain perpetual silence.
Virtue of a Certain Extract Notul of the 14 days Court of Rolls bearing date
19th May 1807, are by me the Underwritten First Marshal of this Colony, at the
request of Alexander Reith, and Phillip Cambridge, Executors to the last Will
and Testament to the Estate of Thomas Milbourn deceased, Summoned all known and
unknown Creditors to the said Estate to appear before the Honourable Counsellor
Commissary sitting for audience at the Ordinary fourteen days Court of Rolls in
the Town of Stabroek on the 15th June next, in order to render as yet, their
Pretentions to the afore said [sic] Estate and at the same time, lay their
claim thereto accordingly. Whereas after the expiration of this fourth and
last Exsuperabundanti Summons by Edict shall be proceeded as the Law directs.
Thus Published, and affixed there and where it ought to be.
Subscriber offer for Sale, a Steam Engine for grinding Canes on the same
construction as two that are erected on Wakenham Island, both of which answer
remarkably well; - It is laying on Pl. Friendship where one of the two alluded
to is erected, but would be delivered in any part of the Colony of Essequebo or
Demerary. There is an Engineer in the Country engaged to put it up.
Subscriber offers for Sale on reasonable Terms, the House he at present
Occupies Eligibly Situated on the North Dam Stabroek, as well as the Lot No. 8,
adjoining thereto.
Sale. [heading]
Subscribers request all those Gentlemen who are indebted to them will have the
goodness to come forward and Pay their respective Accounts, without delay, as
W. Chorley will leave this Colony shortly for Great Britain.
being the intention of the Undersigned to leave this colony in about Four Weeks
from this date, He requests all such Persons as may have Claims against him to
render the same for Payment, at the House of B. Teyssen Esqr. where he has
chosen his Domicilium. Such as stand indebted to him are requested to take
Notice and discharge their Accounts &c.
Up a few days ago at Plantation Ruymveldt, an old four oared Tent Boat,
unpainted. Whoever can prove it to be their Property can have it again upon
paying for the Advertisement, and a small reward to the Negroes who picked the
said Boat up.
from the Subscriber, a Negro Man who calls himself James Shaw (formerly Caesar)
he attempts to pass himself as a free man, but is in fact the sole property of
the Subscriber. He is about five feet eight inches high, has a cast in his
eyes, and dresses in the European stile. Any Person brining him to his
master at the House of Mr. Ashley will be Rewarded.
for Sale by [heading]
Imported from London, in the Brig
Hercules, Captain Scott, and For Sale by the Subscribers: - Fashionable Giggs
with best plated Harness, Gibson's light Hunting Saddles & Bridles, common
do. Best plated chaise Harness, White and coloured horse fly nets, Chaise and
Hand Whips, Curry combs and Brushes, Hempen Halters, Pembroke tables, Mahogany
and Leather Backgammon Boxes, Chess boards complete, Brass bound Mahogany
celleret and writing Desks, Chamber dressing Glasses, Bedsteads - with best
Hair Mattrasses and Netting complete, Hair Mattrasses from 3 to 5 1/2 feet with
feather bolsters and Pillows, Cherry Tree Chairs, Mahogany night do. Ivory and
Black handle Knives and forks, A large assortment of the newest and most
fashionable hanging paper with bordering fitted to each pattern, Hams, Bologna
Sausages, Cheese, Tea, Refined sugar, Almonds in shell, Finest bloom raisins in
boxes, Turkey figs in jars of 1 lbs, each, Spices assorted, Hoffman's raspberry
vinegar, Cherry brandy and fruits in brandy, French olives, capers, Essence
anchovies, Fish sauces assorted, Salad oil, Mustard, Pickles in cases each containing
Girkins, Beans, Cauliflowers, Cabbage, Onions, and Piccalille, Sago, Black
Pepper, Stoughton's bitters, Basket Salt, Blue and Starch, Garden seeds in
small boxes, Shades, Do. on stands, Vase and Barrel Lamps, And an assortment of
cut and plain glass ware, Ewers and basons, Breakfast ware in small sets,
Plated, Japann'd and brass candlesticks, Painted Tin shower baths, Sets of Dish
covers, and a general assortment of Kitchen Tin ware, Black Leather Trunks and
Portmanteaus, Red gilt and hair trunks in nests, Medicines, Fowling Pieces,
Handsome light gilt hangers, gunpowder and shot, Scarlet, Blue and Black
superfine broad cloths, Green cloth for tables, Fashionable black silk
waistcoats & waistcoating, Black and coloured coats, Black crape and Muslin,
Buck and Doeskin Gloves, Silk Umbrellas and Braces, Dress and strong boots and
shoes, Ladies and Gentlemen's silk, thread and cotton stockings, Silk and best
beaver hats, Servants Glazed do., Sheet copper for coffee mills, Brass wire for
Manaries, Iron boilers from 50 to 350 gallons, Copper Teaches, Grating Bars,
Iron Pots, Nails from 4dy. to 5 inch spikes, Anchors, Grapnels, Sheet Lead,
Skimmers and Ladles, Wood, Iron and Socket handled cutlasses, Axe and round
eyed felling axes, Hoes & shovels, Vat & Puncheon Iron hoops, long Wood
and truss do. Mill grease in firkins, Whip, Crosscut and handsaws, and files,
Small steelyards, T, HL, and hook and eye hinges, Brass, Iron, and stock locks,
Bolts, Vat and Wine Brass Cocks, Braces, with sets of bitts, An assortment of
Coopers' & Carpenters' tools, Guaging [sic] rods and marking Irons, Sad
Irons, Farrier's pairing [sic] Knives and rasps, Pump Leather and tacks, a
general assortment of Stationary, Negro cloathing and slops, Inverness cotton
bagging, Lubec Ducks, Oznaburgs, Check, Salempores, White and brown Russia and
Irish sheeting, Irish Linens, Long Lawns, French cambrics, India Dimity, Russia
and English sail cloth, Russia Duck, Furniture Chintz, Musquitto Lawn, Window
Gauze, Welch Flannel, Cordage from 1 to 5 1/2 inch, 1/2 and 2 inch white rope,
Deep sea and fishing lines Seine and sewing twine, Soap and candles, Paints,
paint and Neatsfoot oil, Spirits Turpentine, and Vinegar in jugs, Lamp Black,
Bottled beer, Porter & Port Wine in Puncheons, Draught Porter in barrels,
Poland oats in puncheons, Barley and split pease in kegs, and assortment of
Perfumery, Best Grey Stock Bricks and Lime, &c. &c. PUBLIC VENDUES. [heading] On Tuesday the 16th inst. at the Vendue Office, Dry Goods, Provisions, Household Furniture, &c. &c.
Wednesday and Thursday the 17th and 18th inst. by order of R. S. Turton, Esq.
at Mahaica, Household Furniture, &c. [right pointing hand icon] See
Advertisement. On Friday the 19th inst. by order of M. Marx, Esq. at his house, Werk and Rust, Glass Ware, Ironmongery, Dry Goods, &c. &c.
White Horse has been taken-up at Plantation Ruymveld, and sent to the Barracks
on Sunday last. The Owner thereof may have him restored by applying to the
Drossard and Paying the Expences. By the arrival of the Ariadne, in 35 days from Glasgow, the contents of the second April Mail, are completely anticipated, we have been obligingly favoured with a sight of London Papers to the 30th of April, in which we find that his Majesty has dissolved the Parliament after having had but one Session, and having existed 4 month. His Majesty is desirous, from the new arrangements that have lately taken place, to take the sense of the Nation, at this important Crisis. (See the Proclamation.) Yesterday arrived here in 7 days from Barbados his Majesty's Schooner Subtle with Dispatches. Neither the second April or first May Mail had arrived there, though both due, it is much to be feared that the second April mail is taken. About 16 days ago the Boats of the Subtle cut out of the Port of St. Pierre's, a Brig of 2 guns and 60 men, which was protected by a Battery of 3 guns and 40 men ashore, who, at every discharge from the Boats were seen running from their quarters - after a considerable resistance the Brig was carried with the loss of 3 men only, and brought up safely to Barbados. The Fame, Capt. Brand, arrived on Wednesday last, with the Brig Hercules and Brig Sisters, they were of the London Fleet, left Portsmouth on the 16th of April. On Tuesday Morning the vessels from windward joined those from hence under, the Convoy of the Arab sloop of war, at noon they were all completely under way, and at 2 o'clock all out of sight of land. We are sorry to find that the Eliza letter of marque, has been captured by the enemy and carried into Guadaloupe. We understand that the Canada, 74, and Northumberland 74, are both going home to be refitted. We understand it is Admiral Cochrane's intention to send the Netley, Skip Jack, and 2 other small vessels to Cruise off the mouth of the Oronoque. We are happy to announce that by a Letter received this day from His Excellency Governor Bentinck, he is safe arrived at St. Kitt's in very improved health, and had taken his passage in the Freeling Packet for England; which was to sail in two days after the date of his Letter. The Ball on Monday next, being given in honor of His Majesty's Birth Day, will no doubt attract a numerous and splendid assemblage. Mr. Campbell has received orders to pepare [sic] a Supper Table of One Hundred Covers.
following article has been handed us for insertion: -
Entered since our last. [No 'List of Runway and Arrested Slaves']
Stabroek: Printed and Published
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Created: 04 September 2010 Last modified:
Creator: Wilmer, John Lance
Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten