Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 July 04


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 236.

Saturday, the 4th of July.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Robert Younghusband, in 14 days.
William Burges, in ditto, or with the first Convoy.
George Laing, in six weeks.
Edward Austin, in 14 days.
J Runnels, in 14 days, or with the first Convoy.
Thomas Hoppen, in two months.
Adam Aulert. in 14 days.
June 16, 1807.
J. L. Forrester, with the First Convoy.
John Lowthian, in 14 days.
George White, idem.
Mrs. Waydendach, with July Fleet.
July 3, 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo de Heer George Gill, Weduwenaar, gebooren te Barbados, Bruidgom ter eenre, en
Mejuffrouw Louisa Mathew Cells, Minderjaarige jonge Dogter, geadsisteerd met haare groot moeder en voogdesse Vrouwe de Wed. Sarah Bradford, Bruid andere zyde, van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wetting huuwelyk [sic] aan te gaan
Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde de geene die zig daarteegens vermeenen te [illegible] opposeeren zulks in tyds te doen, daar en zoo, het be[illegible]
Zynde dit het 3de gebod.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 4 July, 1807. In Kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq

Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt, dat ter Commissariaale Vergaadering, in de maand July eerstkomende.
Door Mevrouwe de Wed. Paal, Transporten een Half Lot of Concessie Land, geleegen in het Canal no. 1. Tusschen de gronden van F. de Ridder en I. C. Loof, aan Edward Cook.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 26 Juny, 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Notice is hereby given, that Mr. V. A. Heyliger has removed his Counting House from the Estate the Farm to the House lately occupied by Messrs. H. Tulloh & Co. in Cumingsburg. Also, that Mr. D. N. Asbeck van Hoytema is by him duly empowered to transact all business concerning said Mr. V. A. Heyliger or any of his Attorneyships.
Demerary, July 4, 1807.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are informed, that the meeting intended to have been held on Wednesday last, was postponed in consequence of bad weather, and will be held on Tuesday the 7th instant, at Seven o'Clock in the Evening, to arrange and finally close the accounts of the Society: it is therefore expected that all concerned will attend.
Demerary, July 4, 1807. T. Duim, Sec.

A Good Second Hand Piano Forte For Sale by
July 4, 1807. J. L. Forrester.

A Few Hogsheads of Prime Fish just arrived in the Juno, from Monte Video, will be sold reasonable for immediate payment by
July 4, 1807. James L. Forrester.

On Tuesday the 7th instant, by order of Messrs. Engels and Van Senden, at their Store on Werk & Rust, Superfine Flour in barrels, Rye Meal in ditto, Segars, Smoked Beef, Sausages, Smoked Geese, Pickled Sausages in kegs, Dutch Herrings in ditto, Prunes in kegs, Dryed Apples in ditto, Pigtail Tobacco, Macouba and Rappee Snuff, noyeau en Anniste, Spermaceti Candles, Yellow Nankeen, Tea, and sundry other Articles which will be presented on the Day of Sale.
July 3, 1807.
On Thursday, the 9th instant, at the Store of Messrs. William King & Co. Superfine Flour in barrels, Rye ditto in ditto, Soap in boxes, rounds of Beef in tubs, Lamp Oil in casks and jugs, Spermaceti Candles in boxes, Hazel Nuts in hhds. and bags, Paint in kegs and pots, half barrels of beef, Tobacco in barrels, Building Lime in tierces, Tar and Pitch, Nails in kegs, Coffee and Cotton bagging, Osnaburgs, Claret in cases of 2, 4, and 6 dozen each, and various other Articles.
July 3, 1807.
On Friday, the 17th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Widow of Mr. Edward Jones, part of the Lot No. 18, with the Buildings thereon, situated on the North Dam, Stabroek.
Also Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
den 3de July, 1807.

STOLEN, [heading]
On Friday Evening the 26th ult. from the House of the Subscriber on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, the following Articles, viz.
A Pocket Book with papers in it of no consequence but to the Owner, Nine Joes in cash, a fancy piece with two glasses on it, a pair of gold sleeve buttons, five different finger rings, four pair of wiers and a pair of bob ear-rings, four breast pins, two with amel stones, one white, and the other a plain one, one pair of stone shoe buckles, a silver tube with the initials H S on it, a silver table spoon, a gold button for the neck, also a few ready-made Clothes, and a patchwork coverlid.
Any person or persons who will give information of any of the above articles, so as to lead to a discovery, shall receive Three Joes Reward.
July 4, 1807. Her
Sarah X Woodman.

The Subscriber has just imported in the Clio, Capt. Dow, the following Goods, which he offers for Sale at very moderate Prices for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee, or cotton, at Colony Prices:
[first column]
Best Bourdeaux wine
Cogniac Brandy
Porter, Beer
Loaf Sugar
Hyson Tea
Black pepper
Soap and candles
Paints and Paint oil
Lamp oil
Fine and coarse Irish Linens
Furniture chintz
Diaper and dowlas
White jean
Marseilles quilting
Superfine black, blue, olive, dark green, and scarlet broad cloths
Black cassimere
Welch flannel
Tape and thread
Ladies' parasols
Gentlemen's umbrellas
Gentlemen's patent silk hats
[second column]
Gentlemen's beaver do.
Ladies' and Children's do.
Mahogany dining, breakfast, and card tables
Elegant sideboards
Astor's hand organs
Hessian, half-top, and military boots
Fine dress shoes
Planters' do. with buckles
Ladies' slippers
Children's shoes
Cordage, seine and sewing twine
Saddles, bridles, jockey and chaise whips
Curry combs and brushes
Powder, shot, fusees
4d. 6d. 8d. 10d. 20 d. and 30d Nails
Hinges, bolts, and locks, assorted
Carpenters tools
Glass, Tin and Earthen ware
[end columns]
And a great variety of other Articles.
And a great Variety of other Articles.
July 2, 1807. I. F. Meyer.

TO BE LET, [heading]
The Whole, or Part of, the Store under the Union Coffee House. And for Sale, a New Punt, built of the Best Materials. Apply to M. Campbell
Demerary, July 2, 1807

De Ondergeteekende requireerd alle die geene welken verschuldigd zyn aan wylen haar man Wm. Bouwens omme ten spoedig te betaaling te koomen effectueeren. Zullende geen indulgence van haar meerder aan de zulken worden gegeeven geen consideratie van persoon zal in 't constringeeren plaats vinden dewyl zy van voor neemens is haar zaaken zo spoedig moogelyk tot liquiditeit te brengen.
4 July, 1807. A. Zylstra, Weduwe
Willem Bouwens.

CAUTION [heading]
To the Publick not to harbour or employ a White Man, by name George Wilson; he being under Contract with the Subscriber to serve them for Three Years. Any person found harbouring or employing him after this date, will be dealt with according to Law.
Stabroek, July 4, 1807
John Ballard & Co.

JUST IMPORTED, [heading]
And to be Sold by the Undersigned at their Store on the Water Side of Plantation Le Repentir, in Charles Town, a complete Assortment of Tin Ware and Ironmongery, consisting of
[first column]
Sorted Nails
Locks, Padlocks
Bolts, Pans, Pots
Rat Traps
Knives and Forks
Razors, Penknives
Cork screws
Coopers' & Carpenters' Tools, &c.
Corks of the first quality
Beer, Porter
Temper & Building Lime
Paints assorted
Paint, lamp, train, and salad oil
[second column]
Tar and pitch
Seine and sewing twine
Corded Dimity and Muslins assorted
Russia linen
Cotton & Coffee Bagging
Men's, Women's & Children's shoes in sorts
Soap, Candles
Barley and split peas
True Martinique liqueurs in cases of 12 bottles
Brandy in demijohns
And many other Articles
[end columns]
July 4, 1807. Schovers & Philippart.

CAUTION [heading]
The Public of this colony, as well as all Masters of Vessels are strictly cautioned against harbouring or employing a Negro Man, named Tom, of the Coromantyn nation. He has a cast in his eyes, is about 5 feet 10 inches high, and speaks English fluently. He has latterly been employed on board of vesses [sic - vessels]. Any person apprehending him and bringing him to his Master, or lodging him in the Barracks, shall receive a Reward of Twenty Guilders.
Stabroek, July 4, 1807. Collitt Smith.

Notice is hereby given that the Copartnership of James Lyon & Co. is this day dissolved. Those indebted to them, and whole accounts are due, are requested to pay as soon as possible, that the affairs of the concern my be speedily settled. Those to whom they are indebted, will be paid in due time.
Demerary, July 4, 1807. James Lyon.

TO BE LET, [heading]
A Large and Commodious Store, eligibly and conveniently situated for Business in Columbus District, Dalysburg, formerly called The Front of Plantation Vlissingen: the front part of said store being at present occupied by Messrs. Ph. Yates and John Binning. For particulars, inquire of R. B. Daly.
July 4, 1807.

The Undersigned finds himself obliged to make the following arrangement:
No Negro can be allowed to cut Grass on the Estate called Vlissingen, unless his Master pay Eight joes, or f 176, per ann.
No Cattle whatever will be permitted to graze on the said Estate, unless an annual sum be paid for each, in the following proportion:
For every Horse, Seven Joes, or f 154, per ann.
For every Cow, Six Joes, or f 132, per ann.
For every Sheep, f 52 per ann.
For every Goat, f 52 per ann.
The above sums to be paid half in advance.
Proper persons will be appointed to watch the Cattle, and the Cows will be regularly brought to the Front of the Estate every Evening at Five o'Clock, when the Owners may take charge of them during the night, if they please, in order to ensure the safety of the Milk. At Six in the Morning they will be driven back to wherever the best pasturage may be found, and they will be treated in every respect as well as the Cattle belonging to the Estate.
Those persons who may not think proper to conform to this arrangement, will do well to keep their negroes, Cattle, &c. from trespassing, as all offenders in future will be immediately sent to the Barracks.
July 4, 1807. R. B. Daly.
N.B. All Hogs will be treated as the Law directs without respect to persons.

COTTON. [heading]
The Subscriber will give Sixteen Stuivers and a Half per pound, for the first Two Hundred Bales of Good Clean cotton offered for Sale at his Store in Stabroek.
July 5, 1807. C. D. Forrester.

Captain Pavy, of the Brig Sisters Providence, of London, burthen about 180 Tons, offers to any Gentleman a Premium of
who will engage to load his said Vessel with Produce at the current rates of Freight for London, to sail with first Convoy. he has already equal to 100 Hhds. engaged, which will of course be included. For further particulars, apply to Colin Macrae, Esq. in Cumingsburg, or on board the vessel lying off Belle Vue Estate.
July 3, 1807.

Article respecting the Gypsum Company shall appear next week.

The Hon. Court of Justice adjourned on Friday the 15th inst.

Died. The 19th of June, in Berbice, aged 35 years, [illegible] Buze, born Cornelia Noppe.

Mr. Printer,
It seems that the Hint to the Pettifogger in your paper of the 20th June, was not much at random; as the Humdrum * Attorney (he call himself so) has owned it, and given a specimen of his scribbling talents, pretty equal to his oratorical. It is a compound of nonsense and pedantry. to show his knowledge in Latin, he confounds a Dropsy in the Head with a Watery Rupture, and speaks of Rogues, even as if he still were amongst his dear fellow citizens, the sweet, innocent, honest Jacobins of Columbia. The man is above cure, and only to be pitied.
I shall thus let him repose, and wish, for his happiness, [sic] That [sic] no stings of conscience may trouble his heart, callous to the misery of his poor deluded clients, but soft at the sound of gold - That he never once more may be kicked down stairs, by a Brother Attorney! or fight (armed with a parasol) rude battles against other Attorneys, and then prudently retiring to the precincts of his castle, alia his house, bawl out his achievements to the passengers! May his hypocritical cant continue to impose upon unsuspecting Woodcutters, and finall requiescat in paco, till he meets his true and well beloved Friend and Counsellor, Old Nick, in the regions of darkness and retribution.
July 2, 1807. A Subscriber.
* Humdrum, dull, dronish, stupid. See Johnson's Dictionary.

Mr. Printer,
Observing that the remarks made in your Gazette relative to the Ball and Supper given on the 15th ult. in honour of his Majesty, have drawn forth two letters in your paper of last Saturday, from parties who feel themselves alluded to in the 9th Toast, stated by yous as believed to have been given on that occasion, viz. "All well-wishers to the object of our present Meeting, and a speeding removal of its known enemies from the places they at present hold in this Colony;" I beg leave to pint out an error, which you have allowed to creep into your account of that entertainment.
The non-attendance of a certain class of the community, upon such an Occasion, was indeed remarked by the company present, but I pretty certain, that the Toast above-mentioned was not given, nor any other of a similar tendency; and I can positively assert that the 9th Toast was - "May Unanimity and Harmony ever prevail in this Colony!" The writer of this feels no interest or inclination to make any comment on the observations contained in the letters of your two loyal Correspondents; and for his part can have no objection that they should remain in the undisturbed enjoyment of the Cap, which they have fitted themselves with. Yours' &c. B. N.
Demerary, July 17, 1807.

(It will be seen that the following was meant for insertion some time ago. The delay was occasioned by the copy being mislaid, and we have to appologise to the Author for the seeming neglect.)
It cannot but be notice, that events, however extraordinary, seem to excite curiosity here for a very short time. Even a late interesting Trial seems to have aroused only the strains of the Rev. G. Ryk, whose prolific Muse leaves no subject unsung. A paraphrase of a few of the Rev. Author's lines beguiled once a few minutes
At length, my Friend, determin'd is the cause!
And see, attemper'd Justice guards our laws!
Permit a pen the feeling scene to paint,
Extend Man's glory - raise Man's monument.
Let's enter then the dread, the solemn Court,
Of impartial Sages the fam's resort.
---- ---- ----
---- ---- ----
The Youth now hears [illegible] Accuser's strict demands
Death's image now ,th Youth with anguish stands!
In angry storms so droops the tender Bower.
The stem is shatter'd, and lost its balmy pow'r.
I am, Sir, &c. &c.

The following was written in a moment of [illegible]larity to a Gentleman of this Colony not remarkable for the overflow of his genius.
A comical thought having enter'd my head,
I took up my pen with delight.
Resolv'd if a Fool beside * * * * * * * * I found,
I'd to him my Epistle indite.
I studied, I labour'd, I puzzled in vain
(Believe what I say - it is true),
Not a Fool in the world ever enter'd my brain.
Till I luckily thought upon you!'
July 3, 1807. E. L. Eils. (?)

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

June 29. Schooner Fame, F. Lightbourn, from Barbados.
July 1. Sloop Clio from Glasgow and Madeira.

July 2. Ship Barton, John Ford, for Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 4th day of July, 1807.



By whom brought.






I. H. King


Boedel Laurin

R. B. Daly's Negroes


Heemers [or Hecmers]







H. B. Maggie



Pl. Lazerete




{illegible] S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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