Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 July 11


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 237.

Saturday, the 11th of July.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
J. L. Forrester, with the first Convoy.
John Lowthian, in 14 days.
George White, idem.
Mrs. Weydendach, with July Fleet.
July 3, 1807.
Alexander Johnston, in 3 weeks.
George Bone, in 14 days.
July 10, 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Worden alle die geene welke aan I. H. Beckmann schuldig zyn van weegens den Ondergeteekenden, als Generaale Gemachtigde, zeer vriendlyk verzogt, zoo spoedig mogelyk hunne Rekeningen te koomen voldoen ten einde hem in staat te stellen, de dringende schulden lasten Beckmann afte doen, om hem voor verdere kosten en onaanegenaamheid te berreiden, en meede waarschuwd den Ondergeteekende die geene wiens rekeningen reeds lang over den tyd gestaan hebben hem in 14 daagen te koomen voldoen of hy zal genooddzaakt zyn hun in rechten te vervolgen.
July 11, 1807. J. Schneido, q.q.
Ook hebben zich van de Timmerwerff van Plantage Meerzorg geabsenteerd, een Neger genaamd Geluk, tevooren toebehoord hebbende aan de Wed. Boedberg, en een Neger genaamd Mars, aankoomende de Heer A. H. Walstab, die dezelve by my of by de Heer Beckman [sic], te zug brengt, of in de tronk op Stabroek logeerd, zal genereus beloond worden.

Den Ondergeteekende presenteerd te Koop, een vier riems Tent Boot, met Zeyl en Riemen, ook 2 Neegers, zynde een Man welke een bekwaame Kokis, en een Wyff een bekwaame wasserin en strykster, tevoorm toebehoord hebbende aan de Heer Huiberts. De condities en pryzen zyn te berraagen by de Heer C. H. De Munnick, alwaar hy zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi in alle zyne zaaken gekoosen heest.
Demerary, 11 July 1807. J. Schneido, q.q.
A. H. Walstab.

Myn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is ten huyse van de Heer T. Bond, No. 20, Middle Dam, Stabroek. I. L. Biegmann.
den 11 July, 1807.

PUBLIC VENDUE. [heading]
On Tuesday, the 14th instant, by order of Messrs. Engels & Van Senden, at their Store on Werk & Rust, Superfine Flour in barrels, Rye meal in ditto, Segars, Smoked Beef, Sausages, Smoked geese, Pickled Sausages in kegs, Dutch Herrings in ditto, Prunes in kegs, Dryed Apples in ditto, Pigtail Tobacco, Macouba and Rappee Snuff, Noyeau en Anniset, Spermaceti Candles, Yellow Nankeen, Tea, and sundry other Articles which will be presented on the Day of Sale.
July 10, 1807.
On Wednesday the 15th instant, at the Vendue Office, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, &c. &c.
July 10, 1807.
On Thursday the 16th instant, by order of Mr. John Henderson, the Lot No. 4, with all the Buildings thereon, situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust, next the Premises of O. I. Laurin, Esq. deceased.
July 10, 1807.
On Monday the 20th instant, at the Store of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, 500 boxes and 25 tierces of Ling fish, 22 pipes of Madeira wine, a trunk of Gentlemen's dress shoes, four trunks of Ladies' shoes, 20 crates earthen ware assorted, and 100 empty tierces fit for coffee casks.
July 10, 1807.
On Friday the 24th instant, at the Vendue Office, Irish Beef and Pork, Flour, Oatmeal, Pease in barrels and half ditto, Port and Sherry wine in bottles, Salt in barrels and puncheons, Dry Goods, &c.
July 10, 1807.
On Thursday the 30th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Wm. Riley and H. Welch, Esqrs. Executors to C. B. Carington, Esq. dec. four seasoned Negroes, Wearing Apparel, &c.
Also, on same day, Dry Goods, Provisions, Cows, &c.
Also, on the same day, by order of Doctor Lloyd, the Half Lot of Land, No. [blank], situated on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by himself. Terms of Payment will be made known on the day of Sale.
July 10, 1807.

An excellent Mare, in good Order, and warranted sound. She has been used both for the Saddle and Chaise, and is sold for no fault whatever, but on account of her Owner having no further occasion for her. Apply to the Printer
July 11, 1807

Field Negroes for Hire. [heading]
Inquire of the Printer.
July 10, 1807.

The Subscriber requests all those Gentlemen indebted to him to come forward with payment of their respective Accounts, as he intends quitting this Colony shortly, and trusts that this request will be punctually complied with.
Demerary, July 8, 1807. Philip Yates.
N.B. He has yet on hand a few pieces of Twilled Coffee Bagging, and Ready-made Bags of the best quality, which he will dispose of Cheap for immediate Payment.

The Subscriber, intending to leave this Colony about the 1st August, for a few months requests those to whom he is indebted, to render him a state of their accounts, and those indebted to him or to the Firms he has been engaged in, to make payment. He takes the present opportunity of informing the publick, that the Copartnership formerly existing under the firm of A. & A. Smith is dissolved by mutual consent.
Cumingsburg, July 10, 1807. Ad. Smith.

Just Imported in the ship Clio, Captain Dow, and For sale by the Subscriber for immediate Payment, viz.
[first column]
Strong Planters' Shoes with Buckles
Gentlemen's Dress Shoes
Do. Slippers
Ladies' Boots
[second column]
Do. Shoes
Printed Calicoes
Pocket Handkerchiefs
Dimities, India Jeans
Sad [sic] Irons assorted
Gridirons ditto, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, July 10, 1807. M. Downie

Landing form the ship Clio, Capt. Dow, from Glasgow, and for sale by the Subscribers, the following Articles:
[first column]
Oats in puncheons
Strong & slender Ale, in do. and per dozen
London double brown stout per do. and do.
Port Wine
Irish mess beef
Firkins of Ox tongues
White and yellow Soap
Mould and Wax Candles
Cordage assorted, from 9 thread to 6 inch boat cable
White rope
Tobacco in hhds and barrels
White lead and paint oil
Nails assorted from 4d. to 5 inch spikes
Oznaburgs and sail canvas
Kegs temper lime
[second column]
Lamp oil in barrels and jugs
Socket handled Cutlasses
Pruning knives
Puncheon iron hoops
Carpenters' and Coopers' Tools
Sad [sic] irons
Locks and Hinges
Iron bolt rods
Wine, but, and large brass vat cocks
Children's leather caps
Gentlemen's broad rimm'd drab and black Beaver do.
Bamboo Chairs & Night do.
Pembroke & Dining Tables
Sofas, Sideboards, and Tent Bedsteads
[end columns]
Also, Madeira Wine, in Pipes, Hhds & Quarter Casks
July 10, 1807 Thomas Shute & Co.
A Punt For Hire

FOR SALE, [heading]
Newfoundland Fish in 3, 4, 6, and 8 Quintal Casks
Tobacco in Hogsheads and barrels
Lumber and Staves
Madeira Wine in Pipes, Hhds, & Quarter Casks
To be sold on moderate Terms, for immediate Payment
July 11, 1807. R. Younghusband

NOTICE [heading]
The Concern of James Lyon & Co. will be carried on under the same firm until the 31st of December next, when a Dissolution, with mutual consent, will take place. All persons having any demands against that firm are requested to render in their accounts by that time.
Demerary, July 7, 1807 James Lyon.
Andrew Blackwood, q.q.

Absented Himself from Plantation Jalousie, a Negro Boy named Mure, well known in this town. Whosoever will apprehend him, or lodge him in the Barracks, or deliver him on the Estate, shall receive the accustomed Reward. Captains of ships are requested to attend to this.
Stabroek, July 10, 1807.

Imported in the ship Jason, John Gemmell Master, from Boston,
[first column]
[second column]
Red Oak Staves and Lumber
[end columns]
And in the Brig Margaret, John M'Farlane master, from Newfoundland,
A Cargo of Dry Mercantable [sic] Cod Fish, in Casks of Three, Four, Six, and Eight Quintals each, and for Sale by
M'Inroy, Sandbach, & M'Bean.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.

FOR GLASGOW, [heading]
The Fast sailing Brig Margaret, John M'Farlane Master, will sail the last Springs in next Month. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on board, or to
M'Inroy, Sandbach, & M'Bean.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.

FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
The ship Juno, James M'Murray Master, mounts Sixteen guns, and well manned, will sail in all the month of September, a single ship, or in company with any running vessels that may then be going. For Freight or Passage, apply at Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, & M'Bean's, or to
July 11, 1807. Wm. Lewis Parry.

By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. [heading]
Universally used in the United State of America and recommended by the Board of Agriculture and other Agricultural Societies in England. Land manured with this Composition generally yields Double the usual Crop of Tropical Productions. But it is not only in its astonishing fertilizing powers that its utility consists; it also completely destroys the Chenille, and other Insects of every description. From four to six bushels are an ample dressing for an Acre of land, and its operation usually lasts from Three to Five Years. From its small bulk, and consequent facility of carriage, and the very moderate price at which the Company, form the present extent of their concern, are enabled to afford it, it is the cheapest Manure which can be applied.
A Hogshead (which is the best package for it will contain a sufficient quantity for, near Five acres of land, and the whole expence of the Composition, together with the Freight and other incidental charges, will be found to amount to but little more than 25s. per acre, when laid on the land.
The prepared Gypsum must be always used as a top dressing, and not ploughed or hoed into the ground unless it appears to be washed into it by the dews and rain.
With regard to its application to particular Crops the following directions may be observed: -
On New Plantations of Canes. One spoonful of Prepared Gypsum is to be put into every hole with the Cane which is planted, but not quite so deep as Cane is placed in the ground, and about four bushels per acre to be strewed broadcast over the land, after the hoeing or earthing it up has been performed.
On Guinea Grass or Guinea Corn. To be sown broadcast on the land, at the rate of from five to six bushels per acre, immediately after the Crop is cut and removed. This will cause an immense Crop to succeed, and its beneficial effects will continue for four or five years.
On Provision lands. To be sown broadcast [illegible] of five or six bushels per acre, as soon as possible after the provisions are planted, and the ground has received its first hoeings or earthings up.
On Indian Corn. One spoonful to be laid on each [illegible] where the corn is planted. This will amount to [illegible] four bushels per acre, and generally produce an increase in the crop of about 20 bushels per acre.
On Old Rattoon and cane lands. To be sown broadcast, at the rate of six bushels per acre, as soon as able after the canes are cut and carried off, and su[illegible] to remain on the land for six or eight days previous to its being hoed or earthed up, in order that it may be washed into the interstices of its surface by the [illegible] and rain. This being particularly essential to the efficacy of its operation in the destruction of all insects and their ova.
On Cotton Plantations. To be applied broadcast, at a rate of six bushels per acre, in such a manner as a considerable portion of it may fall on the Cotton Tree about the time when they are usually attacked by Chenille. This will prevent the depredations of the insect and insure the existence of a crop, which must render the Composition invaluable to Cotton Planters.
Prepared and sold, for ready money only be the Gypsum Company's Manufactory, No. [illegible] Blackman-street, Southwark, London, at 3 s per bushel.
Orders addressed ss [sic] above, or transmitted through the medium of Agents in England, and accompanied by cash or good Bills upon London, be duly executed, and the Manure forwarded as may be desired.

NEW NEGROES [heading]
The Subscribers beg leave to inform such of their friends as have commissioned them to [illegible] Negroes under their Licences, that they have received the Cargo of the ship Thomas, Captain Soutar, from the Windward Coast and Barbados, which will be ready for Delivery on [illegible] next, at the Store of Mr. Forshaw, in La Bourgade.
Also, [heading]
130 prime Ebo Slaves,
[illegible] the ship Otter, which may be seen the same [illegible] at the Stores of John Madden, Esq.
July 10, 1807. Colin Macrae,
Underwood, Johnson, & Co.

NOTICE [heading]
The Subscribers request those Gentlemen who have employed them as Agents to import Slaves under the Licences granted to them, will be good enough to apply at their Stores in Cumingsburg, on Tuesday next the 14th instant, when the Negroes will be ready for delivery
Cumingsburg, 11th July, 1807.
Naghten & Fitzgerald.

FOR SALE, [heading]
[first column]
Superfine Flour in Barrels
Pitch and Tar in ditto
Tobacco in Hhds. & Barrels
[second column]
Porter, Beer, and Wine, by the Dozen
[end columns]
July 10, 1807. F. Meagher.

To Be Sold, the Sugar Plantation Perseverance, formerly the North Star, Situate on the Aroabisie Coast, Essequebo, between Plantations Good Hope and Berlin's Welfare.
This property is in the most thriving order, and produces Sugar of the first quality; the soil, which is of the richest kind, averaging, at a moderate estimate, between Four and Five Hhds. per acre. All the works have been recently erected and will be found complete and desirable; a Purchaser would therefore have the fairest prospect of making the Estate a considerable object. There are Sixty Acres in cultivation, the present Canes being the first that have been planted, and the Drainage is unquestionably equal to any on the Coast.
This Estate, One Hundred and Fifteen Roods in Front, with One hundred well seasoned Negroes, Thirty four Mules, and Twenty-five Head of Horned Cattle, will be disposed of on the most liberal terms at an extended Credit from Six to Twelve Years, excepting that a payment of Four Thousand Pounds sterling will be required down. A Transport will be given for the Property, free of all incumbrance and claim whatever.
Further information will be given on application to Th. Duim.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.

Run Away, on Monday last, from the Estate of C. Roberts, Esq. Leguan, a Carbougar girl, named Philippintij, short of stature, round face, and round shouldered. She has formerly absented herself, and passed in town by the name of Miss Nancy. Whoever will lodge her in the barracks, or bring her to L. A. I. Philippart, Esq. shall be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.

Picked up in this River, a few days ago, a large four oared Ship's Boat, with two Masts and two Oars lying in it. Any person proving the same to be his property, may have it restored, on paying the expences, by applying at this Printing Office.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.

Notice is hereby given, that Mr. Wm. Lyng is from this Date no more in the employ of C. H. De Munnick.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.

Mr. Printer,
Having occasion, a few days ago, to have recourse to the Law (which, I am sorry to say, is too often the case), to recover some monies due to me from a certain Gentleman in Fort Island, I went to an Attorney, who I had been informed was a man of respectability, for that purpose. To my great surprise, however he told me, that he could not think of suing such a Gentleman, because he was his particular friend, and in the habit of dining at his table!!
Now, Sir, as (notwithstanding my temporary disappointment) I cannot help admiring such profound delicacy, particularly in a Gentleman of his profession, I make this solitary instance public through the medium of your paper, in order that others may imitate so bright a model of primitive virtue and genuine disinterestedness. If his example should be followed, we shall then indeed have some reason to hope that the Golden Age is fast approaching.
I am, &c. &c. A Subscriber.

Two vessels with Negroes arrived on Monday (see the Advertisements of Messrs. Colin Macrae & Underwood, Johnson, & Co. and Naghten & Fitzgerald). By one of these came Mr. Cumins's bag, through which convenience we obtained London papers to the 26th May inclusive, received in Barbados on the 24th ult. by the Queen Charlotte, a new brig packet, Capt. Mudge, in 26 days from Falmouth.

It will be seen by the Advertisement of the First Exploiteur, that the sales by Execution, which were to have taken place last Tuesday, were deferred till Monday next, owing to the indisposition of the Hon. the Commissaries.

We think it our duty to remind those of our subscribers who have not yet made their returns of Slaves, that the 21st instant is the time limited, and all are finable who do not make them before that period.

In this paper will be found an Advertisement from the Gypsum Company of London, which is well worthy the attention of our readers, particularly those who are Cotton Planters. The following chemical account of this composition is extracted from a pamphlet, published on the subject, which contains many surprising instances of its efficacy, and which, through the kindness of Lt. Senn van Basel, Esq. to whom it was sent, remains at this office for the inspection and information of the Publick.
Amongst those subjects which are connected with the theory of vegetation, and the consequent practice of agriculture, there are non respecting which a greater difference of opinion has prevailed, than with regard to the publulum, or food of plants. - Modern chemistry has however tended in no inconsiderable degree to enlighten this part of the subject before us, and to furnish us with more accurate ideas, not only with regard to those substances, which are to constitute the materials of the future vegetable, but also with regard to those stimuli, by whose action the power of vegetation is enhanced, and the transmutation of this food into the substance of the plant itself accelerated and promoted.
The analysis of every species of vegetable matter sufficiently demonstrates, that if we are to estimate its constituent ingredients in the order of their relative proportion to each other, carbonic matter - or that charcoal which is uniformly left as a residuum when the more fugaceous parts of the vegetable are dissipated by the action of fire, or the effect of fermentation, - occupies the first place and from hence we are naturally led to conclude, by a process of ratiocination, which has at least the merit of simplicity, that by whatever means the solution of carbonic matter can be promoted, so that it may be rendered capable of being imbibed by the nascent vegetable and circulated through its vessels, its consequent increase and growth will of course be accelerated.
This theory, which appears even at first sight to bear the strongest semblance of truth, is so remarkably verified by every experiment relative to the subject, that we may perhaps venture to assert, that a very considerable part of the science of agriculture consists in the solution of this problem; - To render carbonic matter soluble and diffusible in a fluid state.
This desideratum we are at present enabled at least in part to accomplish. It is known to every Chemist that the most efficacious solvents for carbonic matter are the different species of hepatat or livers of sulphur; - those compounds of sulphur, with alkaline or terrene substances, by the intermediation of which the sulphur itself is rendered soluble in water; - and from hence we may easily predicate that if we should employ a substance which, either by combination with carbon or by any other means, should be liable to become reduced to a hepar or liver of sulphur; this substance would in its turn operate to effect a solution of the carbonic matter itself, so as to render it capable of absorption and circulation through the vessels of a plant.
The substance which constitutes the subject of these pages affords a remarkable illustration of this truth, as will easily appear to the intelligent reader, from the following observations.
The ingredient which enters into the largest proportion into the composition which is now offered to the public, is Gypsum, or natural sulphate of lime; a compound consisting of lime combined with sulphuric or vitrolic acid. The other ingredients are substances admirably calculated to promote the decomposition of this fossil, and the transition of its oxygen to those other bodies with which it may be placed in contact; - so that it may, by the disoxygenation of its acid, become reduced to the state of hepar or sulphuret, and consequently capable of rendering carbonic matter soluble, and diffusible, in a fluid form, through the different vegetables in its vicinity. - Nor is this dissemination of the carbonic principle the only source of the fertilizing qualities of the compound at present under consideration: - the communication of oxygen itself from the Gypsum, aided as it is by the action of the other ingredients of this composition, enhances the energy of the vegetative process and consequently invigorates the plant and quickens its growth.
The composition will also be found to produce a secondary, though perhaps a no less beneficial, effect in the extirpation of those insects which are destructive to vegetation; - a desideratum which the proprietors are enabled, from the concurrent testimony of every one who has applied it, to flatter themselves that they have very completely accomplished.
The whole of the effects of the composition which constitutes the subject of the present tract may therefore be reduced to the following heads, viz.
1stly That by its septicity or put refactive action it so accelerates destructive fermentation, as in a very short space of time to occasion the dissipation of the more volatile parts of such dead vegetable matter, - such as turf, peat, roots, grasses and leaves, - as the surface of the land to which it is applied, my happen to be covered with, and by reducing the whole to the state of carbon, render it proper for again constituting a component part of the living vegetables to which the soil affords nutriment: - 2dly That by rendering the carbonic matter, thus developed, soluble in the dews and rains, the even in the gaseous substances which sweep the surface of the earth, it also facilitates and promotes its absorption by those vegetables: -
3dly. That by the communication of its oxygen to the bodies in the vicinity, it affords the most active and salubrious stimulus to the vegetative powers of the plants to which it is applied; enhances the natural faculty which they possess of imbibing appropriate nourishment; and consequently remarkably quickens their growth; - and,
4thly. That it also effectually destroys snails, dog flies, grubs, ants, and insects of almost every other description, and by that means not only preserves the crop form the depredation but renders those animalcula in their turn food for the plants, which they themselves would otherwise have devoured.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Lant.

July 6. Brig Lord Duncan, R. Goodwin, from Surinam.
July 6. Brig Dian, I. Morss, from Portsmouth.
July 6. Ship Juno, I. M'Murray, from Monte Video.
July 7. Ship Jason, I. Gemmill, from Boston.
July 7. Ship Otto, T. Boardman, from Barbados.
July 8. Ship Thomas, I. Souter, from Barbados.
July 9. Brig Margaret, I. M'Farlane, from Newfoundland.

July 8. Schooner Fame, F. Lightbourn, for Barbados.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 10th day of July, 1807.



By whom brought.






I. H. King


Boedel Laurin

R. B. Daly's Negroes















Pl. Best



Pl. Thomas


Pl. Providence


{illegible] S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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