Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 238.
Saturday, the 18th of July.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
J. L. Forrester, with the first Convoy.
John Lowthian, in 14 days.
George White, idem.
Mrs. Weydendach, with July Fleet.
July 3, 1807.
Alexander Johnston, in 3 weeks.
George Bone, in 14 days.
July 10, 1807.
Alexander Johnston [sic - duplicate], in
3 weeks.
George Bone [sic - duplicate], in 14
William Finlayson, in 2 or 3 weeks.
Francis Williams, in 1 month.
George Walrond, in 14 days.
July 17, 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.
Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt, dat
ter eerstkoomende Commissariaale Vergaadering, ope den 2 Augustus aanstaande,
zal worden gepasseerd de navolgende Transporten en Hypotheecquen:
Door R. Harding, Transport van de
Concessie No. 91, Cumingsburg, aan I. Wade.
Door James Pemberton, zyn onverdeelde
helst in de Plantagie Ceres, geleegen in Mahaica Creecq, W.Z. aan I. D.
Door John Ross, nom Ux. een Huis en
Concessie op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Liberty in Mahaica, aan de Weduwe
Door de Representanten van de Boedel
Shetler, een halve Concessie en gebouwen geleegen aan de Middel dam in
Stabroek, aan de Weduwe Cook.
Door Mej. Richard, de Q. Concessie circa
met[?]d daar opstaande gebouwen aan de Zuid dam van Stabroek bekend onder No.
Door Jonas Fileen en I. S. Masse, q.q.
Tarrehus en Laurin, q.q de Plantagie Swanenschu[?]s aan Jonas Fileen, welke
laastgem. ter gelykertyd zal passeeren Hypotheecq op dezelve Plantagie ten
faveure van de Transportanten.
Door I. Ceurvorst en Jonathan Hicks zal
worden getransporteerd ieder voor de halve Concessie en gebouwen op Cumingsburg
bekend onder No. 72.
Door Thomas Cuming, de Concessie No.
129, Cumingsburg, aan William Chorley, en de Concessie No. 221, aan John
Door V. A. Heyliger, q.q. I. van de
Paadevoort, Twee Looten Lands op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Eveleary, aan
--- Strunkey.
Door de Heer Charles Vincent, q.q. de
Plantagie Le Repentir, Twee Looten Lands op de voorgrond van gemelde Plantagie,
bekend onder No. 17, aan Andreas Graff, en No. 27, aan de minderjaarige
kinderen van I. W. Linkton.
Door A. Graff, de eene halft van
bouwengemelde Concessie No. 17, aan Carolina Warneker, de andere helft aan H.
Brorman, en de Concessie No. [blank] geleegen op Werk en Rust, aan I. L. Eils.
En laastelyk, door D. van Rossum, de
halve Concessie No. 38, op Stabroek, op de Noord dam, aan H. C. Evertsz.
Demerary, 15 July 1807
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.
RIO ESSEQUEBO. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that at the next
Commissary Court, in the Month of August, the following Transports and
Mortgages will be passed, viz.
Wm. Carbery, the half of Plantation
Three Friends, favour of R. Hinkson
W. R. King, the half of Plantation
Graaflykheid to H. P. King.
Wm. Robertson, the Plantation Liberty to
Wm. M'Kenzie and Co.
Wm. Deeges, the Plantation Hoop and
Vrees, with Title of Second Mortgage, to L. Hartensveld.
Hugh Fraser, q.q. the Plantation Union,
to Kenneth M'Lay of Barbados.
Those who have legal opposition, must
address themselves in time. I. I. L. Moliere,
July 6, 1807. First Clerk.
On Tuesday the 21st instant, at the
Store of Messrs. Van [illegible]ant Bruyns and Co. in front of Pl. Werk &
Rust, next Messrs. Engels and van Senden, Candles and soap, saddles, Fiddles,
martingales, horsewhips, earthen ware, japanned ware, glass ware, plated goods,
nails assorted 4d 6d 8d 10d and 20d, paint oil in jugs, sundry dry goods,
po[??] beans, French beans, apples and pears, pickles assorted, stationary,
silk hats, boots and shoes.
July 18, 1807.
On Thursday the 23d instant, at the
Stores of Messrs. Alex. Fullerton & Co. Cumingsburg, Carpenters tools, hand
bellows, 2 boxes, ladies' and men's hats, 1 trunk toys, 2 trunks stationary, 1
trunk saddlery [sic], 1 trunk cotton hosiery, 1 trunk shoes, 1 box bandanna and
1 box pullicat handkerchiefs, cotton and coffee bagging, Osnaburgs, Osnaburg
thread, pennistone, 1 case britannias, 1 cask tin and 5 casks earthen ware, 2
medicine chests, pictures, telescopes, Sherry and Port wine, herrings in
firkins, beef in barrels, firkins tongues, kegs barley, 8d. 10d. 20d. and 30d
nails, a few coils of cordage, and the rigging of a schooner boat.
July 18, 1807.
On Monday the 27th instant, on the
Premises, a House and Lot situated on the north side of Stabroek, between the
premises of Messrs. Brummell and Heyliger and Mr. Jourdan's. The House is
three stories, with a brick cellar, kitchen, &c.
July 18, 1807.
On Monday the 3d August, by order of
John Harley, Alex. Reith, and Hugh Stephenson, Executors of Robert Stephenson,
dc. the Lease of Lot No. [blank], with all the buildings thereon, situated in
front of Plantation Vlissingen, opposite the Hon. the fiscal. Also Negroes,
Household Furniture, &c. The sale will be held at the residence of the
deceased, in the street leading to Robb's stelling.
July 18, 1807.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the
10th, 11th, and 12th August, by order of R. S. Turton, at his house a large
assortment of Dry Goods, Ironmongery, Provisions, tobacco, soap, candles,
cotton and coffee bagging, &c.
July 18, 1807.
On Tuesday the 1st September, by order
of Messrs. Jas. Reid, D. M'Lachlan, and Frs. Wright, Plantation Melville
situated on the West side of Mahaica Creek, known on the chart by one half of
Lot. No. 20, containing 250 acres of land now in cultivation, 50 acres of canes
and 60 acres plantains, a boiling house with one set of coppers complete, a
cattle mill with spare rollers and gudgeon, master's house and sundry other
building, as may be seen by the inventory at the Vendue Office. Also, 29
mules, 8 head of cattle, 60 head of sheep and goats, and 58 prime negroes,
amongst whom are carpenters, coopers, masons; the whole of which will be sold
separately to the highest bidder. The terms of payment will be made known on
the day of sale.
July 18, 1807.
The Subscribers beg to inform their
Friends, that, since their last Advertisement, thy have received by the
schooners Burchall and Porcupine, from Barbados,
200 very prime young Gold and Windward
Coast Slaves,
which will be ready for Delivery at
their Store in Cumingsburg on Tuesday next the 21st instant, agreeably to the
Licences under which they were imported. Naghten & Fitzgerald.
Demerary, July 18, 1807.
TE KOOP [heading]
Borner & Kasche presenteeren uit de
hand te Koop hun Huis en Erve. geleegen aan 't Fort Zeelandia, in Rio
Essequebo, voormals bewoond geweest door den W. Ed. Heer I. I. Deeges, thans in
de best ordre; direct te kunnen aanvaarden, op favorable conditien.
Essequebo, den 10 July 1807.
LOST, [heading]
This Morning, between the Middle Dam,
Stabroek, and the Water Side, the Key of a small Iron Chest. Whoever may have
found the same and will bring it to this Office, shall be handsomely rewarded.
July 18, 1807.
TO BE LET, [heading)
Those spacious and commodious Premises
lately occupied by the Eendragt Society on Werk & Rust.
The situation is in all respects
eligible; there is every Convenience attached; and the Terms will be made
reasonable to an approved Tenant. For further particulars, appy either to Hugo
Cantzlaar, Esq. J.Z., C. Hofstede, Esq. LL.D or to N. Rousselet.
Stabroek, July 18, 1807.
The Undersigned hereby informs the
Publick that Mr. James Wood, being engaged by him as Clerk, is from the date
hereof duly empowered to receive all monies due to him, and to give Receipts
for the same.
July 16, 1807 N. Morehouse.
FOR HIRE, [heading]
16 seasoned Field Negroes.
Inquire at the Store of
July 18, 1807 James Lyon &
De Ondergeteekende door den Edele
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, op den 21st May l.l. aangestelld als Curateuren in
de insolventen Boedel van J. Lachtrop, versoeke dat alle debiteuren van gemelde
Boedel sonder teidversuym gelieven op te koomen, om hunne verschuldigde te
voldoen, alzo deselve in hunne boovengenoemde qualiteyt gelast zyn, om alle
uytstaande pretentien met d[??] meeste spoed intevordere, zullen zy zig by
fou[??] van dien, anders in de ongenaame noodzaaklyk heyd gemigt zien, om alle
pretentien sonder onderscheyd in handen van een practisyn ter dag[?] vaarding
overtegeeven als meede maaken zy hier meede bekend, dat aan den Heer F. A.
Thiele, verscheyde pretentien van deesen Boedel, door hun, ter incasseering zyn
ter hand gesteld, hebbende zy hem behoorlyk gequalificeerd, om b[?] de
betaaling van dien, guitantie daar voor te kennen passeere.
Demerary, 18 July, 1807.
I. I. Kotwyk, q.q.
H. A. Eberhardi, q.q.
By the Brig Motpellier [sic], Capt. R.
[?] Tibbits, from Portsmouth, N.H. has been just imported, and are now landing,
the following Articles, which the Subscribers offer to sell at Moderate Prices,
[first column]
R. and W.O. Shooks
Do. do. Staves
Hoops and Oars
[second column]
Fish in hhds. and boxes
Superfien Flour
A few Choice Horses
Miclch Cows, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, July 18, 1807.
Engels & Van Senden.
FOR SALE. [heading]
The Subscriber has for Sale on board the
ship Fame, of London, the following Articles, which will be idposed of Cheap,
for Payment in Cash, Coffee, or Cotton, to be ready by the September Fleet:
[first column]
Osnaburgs of a good quality
Ladies ' & Gentlemen,s Cotton Hoes
Ladies' Straw Bonnets
A few pieces of Irish linen
Paints and Oils
An assortment of Hardware
Some New and Second Hand
[second column]
Chaise and Gigs, with New Harness
Gentlemen's Silk and Beaver Hats
Porter in Draught and in Bottles
Chamber Chairs
Mahogany Furniture
A few gross Corks
A few dozen Port and Sherrey wine
[end columns]
A Trunk of Stationary,
And a New London built Boat, 20 fet.
long by 6 ft. 3 in. bread, her fastenings below all Copper, with Oars, Masts,
Sprits, &c. complete.
July 18, 1807. John Brand.
FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
The Ship Clio, Alex Dow Master, will
positively sail about the 20th August, in company with the brig Margaret from
here, and ship America from Berbice. For Freight, apply to
Douglas, Reid, & Co.
Who have just imported
In the ship George, Daniel M'Taggert
Newfoundland Cod fish,
which they will dispose of on very
moderate terms.
Demerary, July 18, 1807.
FOR BOSTON [heading]
The ship Sir Edward Pellew, William Orr
master, mounting 14 guns, and well manned, will sail the first Spring in
September. For Freight or Passage, apply to
Alexander Fullerton & Co.
Cumingsburg, July 10, 1807.
TO BE LET, [heading]
An elegant, large, and commodious
Dwelling House, with all the necessary Out Offices and Accommodations, such as
garden, Pleasure Grounds, Fruit Walk, &c. They are situated in as
pleasant, healthy, and airy a district as ony in the colony, being not more
than an hours ride eastward from Town. The Premises are fit for the immediate
reception of a large and Genteel Family, and will be rented (as may best suit
the convenience of the Occupier) either furnished or unfurnished. For further
particulars apply to the Printer of this Gazette.
July 18, 1807.
The Undersigned, being desirous of
Chartering a Vesel of 200 Ton burthen, to North America, will treat with any
person so inclined at his house on the Middle Dam, Stabroek, formerly occupied
by P. Jourdan, Esq.
Demerary, July 18, 1807. I. C. H.
Notice is hereby given, that Mr. Wm.
Lyng is from this Date no more in the employ of C. H. De Munnick.
Demerary, July 11, 1807.
Demerary, 17th July, 1807.
I Do hereby certify that Mr. Wm. Lyng
has been in my Employ during Fifteen Months, and in that time has conducted
himself as an honest and sober young Gentleman.
(Signed) C. H. De Munnick.
Mr. Printer,
Please to publish the enclosed Copy of a
Letter written to his Excellency Governor Bentinck some time previous to his
departure from the Colony.
Stabroek, Appril 9, 1807.
His Excellency Governor Bentinck,
Sir -- In consequence of the
conversation which I had with your Excellency yesterday, I am induced to state
in writing what I then explained.
I first heard from Mr. Armstrong, that
you had issued a Proclamation, dismissing four of the Members of the College of
Kiezers and myself. He informed me at the same time, that he had declared to
your Excellency (prior to the Proclamation) that I had not signed, nor had any
knowledge of the Letter addressed to you. This was literally the fact; for Mr.
Armstrong and myself left the fort immediately after giving our votes.
Mr. Nugent has also since given you his
testimony, but no blame could attach to me in this point. I was entirely
ignorant of you having adderssed a letter to the college, in answer thereto,
until I came to town; but as I was not present at the first meeting, I cannot
be imlicated in any of the proceedings of that meeting.
I declare solemnly, that since I have
had the honour of making one of that College, I have executed my duty
conscientiously, and, in every instance where I have given a vote, i have
considered the duty a most sacred one, and have religiously justified the tenor
of my Oath.
Had these circumstances been known and
duly considered, I have a confidence in saying, that you would not have
included me in such a Proclamation; and I am now candid in declaring that I
expect that justice from your Excellency, which the nature of the case
I have the honour to be your
Excellency's obedient, humble servant, (Signed) John Hubbard.
WANTED, [heading]
For a Cotton and Coffee Estate, an experienced
Manager. Any one who can produce good Recommendations, may hear further
particulars by applying to the Printer.
July 18, 1807
The George, Capt. D. M'Taggert, came in
this morning from Newfoundland, laden with Fish, to the House of Douglas, Reid,
& Co. (See Adv.)
Two schooners with slaves arrived on
Saturday from Barbados, at the same time with the Demerara, which brought the
mail. (Vide Advert. of Messrs. Naghten & Fitzgerald.)
The depredations almost nightly
committed in this town and its vicinity,. for want of a well-regulated police,
call aloud for some means of prevention. One of our most respectable
subcribers, who has himelf been a severe sufferer lately by the evil complained
of, suggests the propriety of establishing a Town Guard, which, under proper
regulations, he is of opinion, would be attended with the most beneficial
Some misreprentations having gone abroad
respecting the late intelligence brought from Monte Video by the Juno, we give
the following extract from the original letter to Messrs. Heywood and Taylor on
the subject: [letter notes that a cargo of spirits would be very profitable]
We have it from good authority, that His
Excellency General and Governor Montgomerie has offered to grant any assistance
in his power towards the furtherance of a commercial intercourse of the above
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
July 13. Brig Rebecca, Joseph Harrold,
from Portsmouth.
July 13. Schooner Porcupine, Benj.
Stamers from Barbados.
July 13. Brig Montpelier, R. S.
Tibbits, from Portsmouth.
July 15. Ship Sir Edward Pellew, W.
Orr, from Berbice.
July 13. Brig Hannibal, R. Rogers, for
July 16. Ship Harmony, W. Wilson, for
July 16. Schooner Porcupine, B.
Stamers, for Barbados.
July 16. Schooner Burchall, I. Fri[??]
for Barbados.
List of Runaway and Arrested
Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of
Demerary, on this 17th day
of July, 1807.
whom brought.
H. King
B. Daly's Negroes
& Bell
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.
Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,