Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 August 22


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 243.

Saturday, the 22d of August.

Wanted, for the Use of His Majesty's Troops in this Colony. Any person willing to supply either of the above Articles, at the Commissary's Stores at the Fort, in such Quantities as may be required for the Expenditure of Two Months; say, of the former about Five Thousand, and of the latter about Three Thousand Ponds Weight, are requested to make Tenders for the same to the Subscriber, marked thereon "Tenders for Sugar and Coffee," previous to the 31st instant, on which day they will be opened in the presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most advantageous offer or offers will be accepted.
Commissary's Office, Will. N. Firebrace,
Demerary, Aug. 17, 1807. Res. Commissary.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Wm. Brown, in 14 days.
July 31, 1807.
John Craig, in 14 days.
John Gray, in 14 do. or 3 weeks.
Aug. 8, 1807.
Isaac H. King, in 14 days, from Aug. 17, 1807.
Aug. 22, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk

Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt, dat ter eerstkoomende Commissariaale Vergaddering, in de maand September aanstaande, zal worden gepasseerd de navolgende Transporten en Hypotheecquen:
Door den Heer Chs. Vincent, als Ontvanger den Colonie zal Transporteeren op verkreegen Authorisatie van den Hove van Justitie, de volgende Loten No. 62, 67, 68, 79 en 82, geleegen in Stabroek, aan die geenen welke daartoege echtigd zyn,
Door F. C. Engels eene Concessie en Gebouwen op Werk & Rust, aan Thimotheus Duim.
Door Wm. Brereton Hypotheek op Plantagie Peter's Hall, faveure H. I. Underwood q.q. D. & G. Hall.
Door Frances Stanford Hypotheek op zeker opstal van een Huis en Gebouwen als mede het recht op half Concessie No. 8, op de voorgrond van Pl. Vlissingen ten faveure van T. T. Thompson, alsmede een neger meid genaamd Maria haar Eigendom.
Door M. Marx Transport van de Pl. Lower Paerl aan Aleyne & John Culpeper welk laastgemelde ter gelyker tyd zullen passeeren Hypotheek ten faveure van C. M. Overweg gevestigd op gem. Plantage Cum annexis, mits gaaders ses en veertig Stuks Slaaven alles volgens inventaris ter Secretary alhier berussende,
Door J. Bothamley Transport van de Concessie en gebouwen bevoorens bewoond door Bothamley & Jackson op Cumingsburg aan Wm. King en Q. R. Seward.
Door F. Horn als Speciaale Gemachtigde van Thomas Lawrence Transport van 28 Akkers Land op de voorgronden van de Pl. La Liberte, Oost zyde in de Creek van Mahayca aan D. P. Simon, en van gem. D. P. Simon aan Juffw. Marian Deniaut, circa vier of vyf akkers 2 en half akkers aan de Eigenaaren van Pl. L'Amitie en Libertie en het overblyvende gedeelte aan Concessionarissen van gemelde voorlanden; en door D. Cornfoot q.q Marian Deniaut aan de Gemachtigdens van C. J. Parker, de aldus door D. P. Simon, aan Marian Deniaut getransporteerd 6 akkers.
Door J. Van Groeningen Hypotheek op deszelfs houtgrond genaamed Nooitgedagt geleegen in de Booven Rivier met 15 koppen Slaaven, blykens Inventaris ten Secretary alhier berustende, ten faveur van H. W. Knolman,
En laastlyk, door J. Winandi [sic], de halve Concessie Let. E, geleegen aan de Z. zuyd van de Middel Dam, Stabroek aan de Vrye Mulattin Magdalena.
Actum ter Secretary van Demerary, deezen 15 Aug. 1807.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Op Verkreegen Authorisatie, zal ik Eerste Exploiteur deeser Colonie, na voor afgaande rechts pleeging ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, op de Hoofdplaats, Stabroek, op Dingsdag den 8ste September eerstkoomende, publicq opvylen, en aan de meest biedende verkoopen, 't volgende,
Ten behoeven van Walcott & Forrester, Underwood, Johnson & Co, en Underwood & Co. alle eischers en triumphanten, contra I. E. Dovavan, geexecuteerde,
Een Tafel, Een oude Sopha,
Een Koebeest en Kalve
Acht stuks Gansen, en een Vaersje
In cas iemand teegens deese verkoping eenig recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren, addresseere zig ten Exploiteurs Comptoire alhier wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten dag van rechten beleggen zal; en wyders die geene welke in voor schreevene Meubilaire, en Vee, gading vinden mooge, kome ten dageen plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Actum Demerary, deeser 21 Aug. 1807.
Mart. Smit, eerste Exploiteur.

Uit kragte van zeekers Appoinctement van de Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer Mr. V. A. Heyliger, fungeerende Praesident van den hove van Justitie alhier, verleend op de Requeste van Colin Macrae, in qualiteit als Exectueur Testamentair ten boedel wylen John Orr en James Munro, en meede als mit en beneevens C. M. Overweg Curators in den Boedel wylen F. Kroll,
Zoo worden door my ondergeschreevene Exploiteur van den Hove van Justitie alhier
Alle bekende en onbekende zoo binnen als buyten landsch[?] Crediteuren van opgemelde Boedel,
Om te compareeren of gemagtigd dens te zenden voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie alhier Sessie houndende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, teegens de ordinaire sessie in de maand September 1808, ten fine om hunne pretentien behoorlyk te komen op en aangeeven, en daarby te dienen van hunne sustineeren
Zullende by faute van dien teegens de Non Comparanten worden geprocedeert tot 't obtineeren van een eeuwig stilwygen
Aldus gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en zoo het behoord
In Rio Demerary den 21 Augustus, 1807.
L. St. Van S'Gravesande, Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van zeekere Request en daaropgevolgde Appoinctement van den Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer Mr. Victor Amadeus Heyliger, fungeerend Praesident van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, d.d. 15 August 1807,
Zo word door my ondergeschreevene Exploiteur, uit n[??]m en de van weegens James Hollon en Francis Meagher, Executeuren Testamentair ten Boedel ne Naalatenschap wlyen James Ronayne
Voor de Eerste Maalen by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gem. Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdqlaats [sic] Stabroek teegens den Een en Twintigste September eerstkoomende en volgende daagen,
Ten einde een ygelyk behoorlyk hunne pretensien te koomen op en aangeeven, en daarby te dienen van hunne gesustineerde als naar raade. Zullende na expiratie van deese eerste tweede, derde en vierde laatste Edicte, teegens de non Comparanten worden geprocedeerd, tot obtineering van het eeuwig silentium, als naar rechten.
Rio Demerary, den 19 Augustus, 1807.
F. Van Kinschot, Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van voorenstaande request en Appoinctement van den Wel Edele gestrenge Heer Mr. V. A. Heyliger fungeerende Praesident over den Hove van Justitie, d.d. 13 Augustus 1807.
Zoo worden door my ondergeschreeven Exploiteur, uit noom en de van weegens H. A. Eberhardi en H. H. Haseman, in qualiteyt als Executeuren Testamentair ten Boedel en Nalaatenschap van wylen H. Mutz.
Voor de Eerste Maalen by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den Een en Twintigste September eerstkoomende, en volgende daagen.
Ten einde aldaar hunne pretentien integeeven en teevens van derzelver gesustineerde te dienen.
Zullende naar expiratie van de Vierde Edicte, teegens de non Comparante worden geprocedeerd ter verkryging van het eeuwig silentium
Aldus gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en zoo tt [sic] behoord.
Rio Demerary den 19 Augustus 1807.
F. Van Kinschot, Exploiteur.

RIO ESSEQUEBO. [heading]
Word van weegens 't Secretary deezer Rivier bekend gemaakt, dat met de aanstaande Commissariaale Vergadering, in de maand September, door den Heer P. M'Garel, zal worden verhypothecqueerd de Plantage John & Christian, geleegen op het Wacquenaame Eyland, aan en ten behoeve van Wm. M'Bean, zo voor zig als voor Jas. Bradford.
Imand recht van oppositie sustineerende, addresseeren zig daar en zo 't behoord.
Rio Essquebo den 8 Augustus, 1807
A. Van Ryck de Groot, Secretaris

[English version] Notice [five or six words illegible] River, that at the next Commissary Court in the month of September, Mr. P. M'Garel will give a Mortgage of the Plantation John & Christian, situated on Wacquenaame island, unto in behalf of Wm. M'Bean, for himself and Jas. Bradford.
Therefore, whoever has any thing to urge in opposition thereto must address themselves accordingly.
Essequebo Aug. 8, 1807.
A. Van Ryck de Groot, Secretary.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [no additions since last issue]

I. I. Kotwyk, in qualiteit als Curator in den insolventen Boedel van wylen P. F. Brotherson, verzoekt alle die geenen, die eenige pretentien gecontracteerd na 't overleyden van gemelde P. F. Brotherson ten lasten van de by publicque vendue verkochte Houtgrond The Sandhill, mog ten hebben, dezelve behoorlyk geverificerd ten zynen comptoire te vertonen; ten einde dezelve volgens Resolutie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier in dato 25 July lleeden, voor zoo verre dezelve nog niet zyn afoetaald. finaal te liquideeren, en verder alle de geenen die aan gem. Boedel of Houtgrond speciaal wegens ontvangen articulen van dezelve mogten verschuldigd zyn, het door hun verschuldigde binnen veertien dagen na dato dezer te komen voldoen.
Demerary, 13 Aug. 1807.

The Undersigned, in order to afford convenience to the public, has hitherto been content to take "Goods" in payment for the Ferry Money; but finding so much difficulty in obtaining Cash for the vast number he has by him, that he cannot satisfy the demands against himself, he hereby makes known, That the Ferry Money must, in future, be immediately discharged in CASH. To remedy the scarcity of small change, he has had "Goods" of his own prepared, which he will give in change of a Joe or any other money, and which Goods will at all times be taken in payment by
Hk. Fasy, Ferryman.
Demerary, Aug. 22, 1807.

This is to request the Creditors of the Estate of the late Gwyn Jones, deceased, to attend, personally or by agents, a Meeting to be held the First Day of October next, at the House of Mr. William Kewley, in New Amsterdam, Berbice; at which time a statement of the Boedel will be laid before them, in order to know if they would agree to some indulgence, under certain Regulations, for the Benefit of all concerned.
Demerary, Aug. 21, 1807.
J. Hicks, q.q.
For Self and Wm. Kewley.

TO BE SOLD [heading]
An Excellent Dwelling House and Out Buildings situated on the Middle Dam, Stabroek, No. 27. Inquire of the Printer.
Aug. 22, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Madeira Wine, in Quarter Casks and by the Dozen. London Wired Porter and Pale Ale, per ditto. Gin, and Brandy.
[subscriber not listed] Kingston, Aug. 22, 1807

FOR SALE, [heading]
The Plantation La Retraite, situated on the East side of Mahaica Creek, No. 32, 100 Roods facade; of which 100 acres, more or less, are planted with thriving cotton Trees and Eight or Twelve Acres with Plantains; the rest of the first depth all impoldered.
There is a green heart sluice koker, a sn[illegible] Dwelling House, two stories high, and a Gallery pleasantly situated near the Creek, with the necessary Out buildings.
As this is the last estate up the Creek, and the savannah aback and above is good pasture, it is very well calculated for raising of Cattle, independent of the culture of the Estate; Cattle are thriving thereon remarkably well.
A few Negroes may be purchased with the Estate, if required
Also, for Sale,
Eight Lots of Land, situated in Front of Werk & Rust, between the public Brick Road and the Road in Front of the House formerly occupied by Mr. Th. Duim, and at present by Mr. [? - J?] Buyn; the said lots being 92 ft deep and 60 broad, more or less, and having the advantage of the Canal, on which, after the sale of two or more Lots, a sufficient Landing Place will be erected.
Also, a large Half Lot, between the above mentioned House and the Canal.
For further information, apply to Mr. I. van der Haas, at his Store.
After the first Payment, the Terms will be made easy. Aug. 22, 1807

A Person, acquainted with Accounts, wishes to take in any Business of that nature at his own house, where it may suit such as are in want of any assistance, to entrust him with their confidence. Inquire of the Printer. Aug. 22, 1807.

The Subscriber requests those indebted to him to come forward with payment, particularly such as have owed him since they year 1803, 1804, and 1805, as he is much pressed for money to satisfy the demands against him. All those who, being so long in arrears, shall neglect to make payment of the same within the space of One Month from the date hereof, will have their name, the respective sums they owe, and the time they have been due, inserted in the public newspapers; and recourse will be had to the law afterwards for the recovery of the same.
Demerary, Aug. 21, 1807. G. Craig.

Den Ondergeteekende maakt hier meede aan een ieder bekend, dat alle de geenen die eenige zaaken met, hem te vereffenen hebben, zig daar over kunnen addresseeren by de Heer F. Huesteeg, als alleen dar toe gemagtigd zynde verkiefende teffens zyn Domicilium by den zelve ten huyse van den Heer I. L. Eils.
Demerary, Aug. 21, 1807 A. Graff.

NOTICE [heading]
All Persons who have any Claims against the Subscribers are requested to render their Accounts for Payment; and those who are indebted, to pay their notes and Accounts, on or before the 4th day of September next ensuing. The defaulters after that date will be proceeded against without exception or further notice, by Hugo Cantzlaar, Esq. J. Z.
Stabroek, Aug. 20, 1807.
Fisher & Chorley.

FOR SALE, by [heading]
Underwood, Johnson, & Co.
Aug. 22, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
The Cargo of the Brig Richmond, S. Gilman, Master, from Portsmouth, viz. Fish, Beef, lumber, &c. &c. &c. particulars of which will be given next week.
Aug. 22, 1807. I. van der Haas & Co.

Notice is hereby given, that Mr. James Parss has full Power to act and transact for me, S. Conner.
Demerary, Aug. 21, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
By. I. A. Cart, Jun. at the Harmony Society, Side Dam, Stabroek, Madeira Wine of the best Quality, by the Dozen; also Bitters of an excellent Quality, at a reasonable Price, for Cash. - Stabroek, Aug. 19, 1807.

We have authority to communicate the following intelligence, and we do so with the greater pleasure, as it will be found more satisfactory than any other account in this paper.

"Letters from Berbice, dated the 10th inst. inform us that the ship Harriet, Capt. Thompson had arrived there that morning, after having been chased into that River by a French schooner privateer, of 16 guns, which ran so close in shore as to be fired upon from Fort Myers.

Two more privateers are said to be off Berbice, besides the one which chased the Harriet.

A vessel is now off the Bar, supposed to be the Demerara.

A box is now placed at the King's House for the reception of votes for a Kiezer, in the room of the Hon. Jas. Johnstone. It is to be opened on the 3d of next month.

A story has been in circulation this week, that the engagement stated in our last to have taken place off Berbice, was only a mock one between two French privateers, in order to draw out the Skipjack. We wish it may prove to have been so. The conjecture respecting the Wilding was wrong at any rate.

On Thursday evening, as a celebrated Procureur, living in Stabroek, was returning from an airing in a single horse chaise drawn by a fine large coach horse (which he occasionally rides), accompanied by a young lady, and followed by a negro mounted cap-a-pee on a similar horse, the chaise unhappily coming in contact with another just by the bridge which leads to Mr. Campbell's, the learned Gentleman unfortunately obtained what we believe he never yet sued for, viz. a complete ducking in the Front Trench of Vlissingen, which (as if Providence had so ordered it), from the sluice rope having accidentally broke in the morning, and from a good deal of previous rain, was so full of water, that neither Chaise, Procureur, nor even his white wig, was to be seen for some time. We are happy, however, to state that the Lady having had sufficient presence of mind to jump out when the chaise was on the turn, escaped without any injury except a sprain of the foot and the fright. A vast number of people presently assembled, and, as soon as it was known that the lady was safe, all hands went to work with the greatest alacrity and even merriment to aid the poor half drowned Procureur. After some difficulty, his deliverance from this "durance vile" was effected, and by the kind attention of a neighbouring Gentleman, assisted by the little of his good Cogniac, he was soon so far recovered, as to give hopes that he may afford further amusement to the Colony. The Trench, however, took the Chaise, ipso facto, under Execution, without either citation, Condemnation, Summation, or Renovation! - Quaere, will not an action lie against the said Trench?

"The Devil (they say) will have his own." - The above Chaise is stated to have been purchased by the learned Gentleman at an Execution Sale for Two Joes.

It would seem that this was rather an unlucky week for our Procureurs. The preceding evening another learned and not less beloved Gentleman met with a sort of a set down, which, though of a different nature, we apprehend was equally unused for. He was passing on horseback by the house of a respectable Merchant in apart of Vlissingen not far from where the above accident happened, viz. where a new koker has been this week placed, when he was addressed from a window. The Procureur immediately stopped, and, taking off his hat, and inquiring for what he was summoned, had the supreme satisfaction to hear it announced, in the presence of a number of persons witnessing the placing of the koker, that "he was the greatest sc------! on the face of the earth; that a Gentleman then present declared so; that they all agreed in the assertion; and that the whole world knew it to be fact. The learned Gentleman upon receiving this kind salute, did not attempt to plead, preach, or pray, but quietly moved off even more coolly than did his learned brother after his action with the Trench, and to the equal merriment of the multitude.

For our parts, we were really shocked to behold the behaviour of the public on these occasions. - Good God! it forcibly occurred to us, what can these Gentlemen (Members of a profession in itself so honourable) have done to their fellow creatures, that, under such circumstances, they meet with such sort of commiseration [sic]!

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Aug. 13, Ship George, I. Greenough, from Portsmouth.
Aug. 20. Brig Rowena, W. Pilcher, from Dover.


List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 22d day of August, 1807.



By whom brought.






I. H. King


Boedel Laurin

R. B. Daly's Negroes





Pl. Hoebo (Esseq.)

Alex. M'Nabb



Pl. Union



R. B. Daly's Negroes



D. Timmerman








Tappin (Berb.)

L. [illegible]





J. P. Bischop

Pl. the Brothers






J. Verwayen




S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

[No issue for Aug. 29, 1807]

[No issue for Sept. 5, 1807]



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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