Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 247.
Saturday, the 19th of September.
Notice is hereby given by the Secretary
of this River, that at the next Commissary Court in the month of October, the
following Mortgages and Obligation Bond [sic] will be passed, viz.
James Anstice, a Mortgage of his
Plantation Saratoga and Concordia to and in behalf of Wm. Carbery.
I. E. Kesler, a bond to and in behalf of
E. Bishop Jun. for Three Negro Slaves, named Providence, Harhoed, and Romeo;
also, a Piece of Ground with the Buildings thereon, situated on Varken Island,
opposite the Plantations Nieuw Vreedenburg and l'Heureuse Retraite.
John M'Garel, a Mortgage of a Third
Share of the Plantation Banthall, and Fifty Slaves, to and in behalf of Wm.
King, q.q.
Therefore, whoever has any thing to urge
in opposition thereto, must address themselves accordingly.
September 7, 1807.
A. Van Ryck De Groot, Secretary.
Word mits deezen van elk en een ygelyk
bekend gemaakt, dat in wettigen ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen
Den Wel Edelen Heer Willem Deeges,
Weduwenaar van Vrouwe Levina Brunel, geboortig van Hessen Cassel, den
Protestantschen Goddienst toegedaar,
Bruydegom te eenre,
En Mejuffrouw Elisabeth Thomas, Meenderjaarige
Jonge dochter, geboortig uit het Eyland Saba, meede van de Protestantsche
Bruyd te andere zyde
Imand vermeenende zig teegens het
voltrekken van voorschr. Huwlyk te moeten verzetten, addresseere zig ter
plaatse daar en zo het behoord.
Sept. 12, 1807.
A. Van Ryck De Groot, Secretaris
Word mits deezen van weegens het
Secretary deezer Rivier bekend gemaakt dat den Heer L. H. Kurtius vorneemens
is, binnen tyd van zes Weeken deeze Colonie te verlaaten, versoekende alle de
geene die van hem iets te pretendeeren mogte hebben, ofte aan hem verschuldigd
mogten zyn zulks in opgemelde tyd te koomen ontsangen, ofte voldoen, ter zyne
Domicilium op het Varken Eyland ten Huyze von den Heer Koefoet.
28 Aug. A. Van Ryck De Groot
De Ondergeteekendens presenteeren by
dezen te Koop, circa 6 a 700 Akers-ongecultiveert Land, zeer geschikt voor
Coffy of Cattoen, gelegen [sic] ten Oosten op de beneden Punt van het
Wacquename Eiland
Iemand nader informatie begerende
gelieve zich te addresseren aan 't Domicilium van de Ondergeteekendens op de
Plantage Zeelandia, Wacquename Eiland
Essequebo, 14 July, 1807.
P. Timmerman, q.q.
M. N. Mertens, q.q.
wylen A. G. van der Cruysse
TE KOOP, [heading]
Vyff [sic] Honderd Ackers Land geleegen
in de Creecq Nickiery, Corentyn, in het op vaaren aan de li[?]ker hand bekend,
in de origineele vergunning onder de letter H. H. en I. I. zeer geschikt voor
kost grond voor de Plantagien aan de Oost en West zyde van de Rivier Corentyn.
Adress [sic] by de Drukker.
Aug. 15, 1807.
Rio Demerary. [heading]
Wanted To Hire, till the End of the
Year, from Twenty to Thirty Field Negroes, to pick Coffee. Punctual Payment
may be depended on. Apply to the Printer.
Sept. 19, 1807.
The Undersigned has removed his Counting
House to the Store of Mr. Samuel Mackay, and his Dwelling to the house of Mrs.
Keir, the back street of Cumingsburgh.
He has remaining on Hand, some Rum
Puncheons, Shooks and Heading, Tobacco in barrels and tierces, Oars, and
Also just received from Madeira, per
ship Speculator, Old Particular Madeira Wine in pipes and hogsheads, which will
be sold for immediate Payment only C. Treadwell, Jun.
12th September, 1807
To sail early in the Month of November,
the Armed Ship Jason, John Gemmell Master, in company with one or more armed
vessels. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to
Sept. 19, 1807. Thos. Mewburn.
FOR SALE, [heading]
The House and Premises belonging to the
Subscriber, pleasantly situated in Front of the Brick Street in Cumingsburgh,
and opposite the "Custom House" It is well adapted for a small
family, and has a commodious house in the Yard, which may be Let occasionally.
The Terms of Payment will be made easy to an approved Purchaser. For further
particulars, inquire of
Sept. 15, 1807 A. G. Burmester
Inquire of the Manager.
Sept. 10, 1807.
The Subscribers take the liberty to
request the Proprietors or Tenants of Concessions in Charles Town, to meet on
Wednesday the 23d inst. at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the house of L. S.
van s' Gravesande, Esq. in order to be present at the opening of Tenders
rendered in for the undertaking of the two Bridges across the Trenches of Werk
& Rust; and furthermore, to deliberate on such other things as tend to the
amelioration of said Charles Town.
Charles Town, Sept. 18, 1807
L. St. van s' Gravesande,
Frs. Schovers,
The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of
the Undersigned is at the house of H. Cantzlaar, Esq. J.Z. Stabroek.
Sept. 18, 1807 G. Jones.
Absented Himself from the Subscriber, a
Negro Man, named Rolla, formerly belonging to Mr. Bruninghaus. He was
accustomed to go a fishing, on his own account, as far as Corobana, and to come
to market in New Town to sell his sport. A Joe Reward will be given for the
apprehension of the said offender
Sept. 18, 1807. F. C. Otto.
Strayed from the Subscriber, or rather
from the house of Doctor Bosquet, where he had been placed to have a scald head
cured, a New Negro Boy, of the Congo Nation, 12 or 13 years old, and about 4
feet 4 or 5 inches high. Any person delivering the said boy to the Subscriber,
shall receive a Joe Reward. He had on a red cap and a shirt of the same
Sept. 19, 1807. G. M. Forrester.
[Advertisement of I. C. H. Kuster - in
Dutch for good arrived by the ship Enterprize from London]
On the 8th September 1807, was stolen
out of the schooner De Goede Verwagting, off Plantation Werk and Rust, the
following papers and effects, belonging unto Wm. Nelson, viz.
An acceptance of P. Middleburg of
Essequebo f 894 14 8
A good of the same for f 45
An order in favour of Nelson f
A receipt for an acceptance for f
An order of I. Small on H. Jones in
Essequebo favour Nelson f 250
A ditto of Issengard on ditto favour
ditto f 101
A ditto of Siton on John Hubbard, favour
Nelson f 200
A ditto of James Hinds on G. Read, fav.
Nelson f 165
A receipt of Van der Haas and Co. favour
Nelson f 652
A good of H. Thomas, ditto f 46
A Receipt of Rieck on Leguan for 20
pieces Checks fav. Nelson f 360
An order drawn by I. Small on Hasler
fav. Nelson f 54
Two goods of Mr. Duim f 39
Different accounts to the amount of f
1036 10
[a total] f 5335 4 8
Stolen out of a Trunk
In cash, 10 Joes f 220
Small money f 13
[a total] f 223
And also, a parcel of linen clothes.
Any person who may find any part of the
above, and will return the same to the proprietor Wm. Nelson, on Werk and Rust
will be properly rewarded, and it is requested that no one will make payment of
the whole, or any part of the above-mentioned papers.
Sept. 17, 1807.
On Thursday the 24th inst. at the Vendue
Office, by order of Messrs. Boer and Breadt, 70 kegs Dutch butter, Poland oats
in puncheons, Beans, terras and lime, wood hoops, &c.
Sept. 19, 1807.
On Tuesday the 29th inst. at the Vendue
Office, a large assortment of India Goods, just landed by order of Messrs. Wm.
King and Co. consisting of Blue basts of 18 yards, chelloes, Neganepauts prod,
Bejutapauts blue, red romals 15 handkerchiefs, hair romals, chintz, blue romal
7 handkerchiefs, &c. &c.
Sept. 19, 1807.
On Wednesday the 30th inst. by order of
W. N. Firebrace and S. Mourant, Esqrs. on the premises of Adam Smith Esq.
Cumingsburg, Furniture, viz. 5 bedsteads, &c. 5 chests of drawers, a
bookcase with books, 4 bason stands, 4 chamber tables, 4 looking glasses, 3
dining tables, 2 pair D end do. 1 pair card do. 2 pair tea do. 1 dozen
cane-bottom chairs, 2 do, sofas, a sideboard, a liquor case, a medicine chest,
2 knife cases, silver soup and dessert spoons, ditto ladle and divider, 24
prints or engravings, &c. crockery, and glass ware. Also, 10 new hammocks,
39 dozen hoes, 2 doze. & half whip and cross cut saws, 2 anchors, 3 crane
bars, 3 pieces canvas, pruning knives, paint brushes, &c. If not
previously disposed of by private sale, will be also exposed at the same time,
a Riding Horse with horse net, saddle, and bridle, a schooner boat with a set
of sails, stanidng rigging, 2 anchors and cables, 2 carpenter negroes, a cook
and house boy, and a washerwoman and child.
Sept. 19, 1807.
Op verkreegen Authorisatie zal ik
Ondergeteekende, in qualiteit als Eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie, na voor
afgaande rechtspleeging ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en
Secretaris op de Hoofdplaats, Stabroek, op Dingsdag, den Sezde October
aanstaande, publicq opvylen en aan de meest biedende verkoopen 't volgende:
1sten Ten behoeve van Younghusband,
Corbet, en Co. triumphanten van Executie contra Adam Knight geexecuteerde, een
Timmerlogie en concessie, geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantage La Bourgade, en
thans door den geexecuteerde geoccupeerd.
2den Ten behoeve van A. Coutelat,
triumphant van Executie contra Thomas Morgan geexecuteerde, zekere Concessie
No. 35, geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantage Vlissingen met het daarop staande
woonhuys, lang circa 30 by 20 voeten; als meede, een Smits winkel en zyd gebouw
lange circa 30 by 20 voeten (voor zoo verre T. Morgan daarin handeel heest.
3den Ten behoeve van S. Mourant, q.q.
W. Richardson, triumphant van Executie contra P. Barchard q.q. A. Simpson, Twee
Neegers genaamt Tom and Gelly.
4den. Ten behoeve van de Weduwe De
Beet, triumphante en Executant contra G. Zeegers, zeekere halve Concessie laaas
[sic] geleegen op Stabroek, tusschen de huyzingen aan koomende F. Horn en
Dominica, met het daaropstaande zyd gebouw verdeelt in drie appartementen en
een klyne combuys.
5den. Ten behoeve van John Tipper,
triumphant en Executant contra John Henderson geexecuteerde, en Concessie lands
geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantage Werk en Rust tusschen de concessien van
den Boedel wylen Laurin en die van J. P. Muncker, met de daaropstaande gebouwen
als een woonhuys van een inlandsch fraam met Americaansche planken omslaagen en
Walaba shingels gedeckt lang circa 36 by 20 voeten, een timmer logie van
Inlandsch hout met Americaansche planken omslaagen en circa 40 by 25 voeten.
6den. Ten behoeve van I. S. Masse en D.
H. Van Nooten, Jr. Executeuren ten Boedel wylen C. D. Mack en Thomas Mackenzie
en Co. triumphanten en Executanten contra Bruninghaus en Berg en Bruninghaus en
Co. geexecurteerdens, een Concessie Lands bekend onder Lit. B No. 6 geleegen op
de voorgrond van Plantage Werk en Rust, met een woonhuys daarop lang 50 by 24
voeten van inlandsch hout, een zyd gebouw circa 100 by 18 voeten van inlasch
hout, met Wallaba shingels gedekt en met Americaansche planken omslaagen en
geclapboord een dito lang circa 30 by 18 voeten compleet van inlandsch hout
een parde [illegible] , een gemak huysge en een steene gemetzelde reegenbak.
7dens Ten behoeve van James Knight en
Tho. Cuming triumphanten en Executanten contra Thos. Frier geexecuteerde zeker
Concessie lands op de voorgrond van Plantage Vlissingen, met de daarop staande
gebouwen tusschen de huyzingen van L. Barnes en Hacket, een nieuw woonhuys,
lang 40 by 30 voeten op posten twee verdiepingen hoog nog onvoltoord; een dito
van Americaansch hout 30 by 20 voeten min of meer stande opposten een zyd
gebouw dienend voor packhuys, combuys, &c. een Smits winkel, en een gemak
8dens. Ten behoeve van T. Frankland en
I. Hacket, triumphant en Executant contra W. Clarke geexecuteerd zeeker
contract van koop en verkoop tusschen W. Clarke en Wm. King weegens een derde
gedeelte in de Plantage Graafelykheid geleegen op het Trouly Eyland in Rio
Essequebo groot in capitaal Dartig Duyzend Guldens
9dens. Ten behoeve van F. Meagher als
met en behoevens wylen R. Stephenson en nu vermits 't over zyden van dezelve
overgebleevene Executeur ten Boedel wylen W. Hogan triumphant van Executie
contra W. White zeekere Concessie lands geleegen in Kingston met een woonhuys
daarop 28 by 18 voeten twee verdieping [blank] hoog gedeeltelyk van inlandsch
hout voorts twee zyd gebouwen en een gemak huyzge.
In cas iemand teegens deeze verkoopingen
eenig recht van oppositie zal wille sustineeren addresseere zig in geschriften
ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten dag van
rechten beleggen zal en wyders die geene welke in 't voorschreeve gading vinde
mooge, koome ten daage en plaatze voornoemd en doen hun profyt
Rio Demerary den 17 Sept. 1807.
Mart Smit, eerste Exploiteur.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Bucket, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from
Sept. 4.
William Chorley in 14 days, or 4 weeks
(Sept. 12.)
F. C. Long, in 4 weeks from Sept. 12.
Nathaniel Littlefield, in 14 days or 3
Sept. 19, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first
Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt, det
ter eerst kommende Commissariaale Vergaadering, in de maand October aanstaande,
zal worden gepasseerd de volgende Transporten en Hypotheecquen:
Door Henry Marsh, Transport van een
concessie en gebouwen, geleegen op Kingston, bekend onder No. 91, aan Roderick
Door William Good, Transport van de
halve concessie No. 2, op de voorgrond van de Plantage Repentir, aan de
kinderen van J. Ariaans.
Door Wm. Harris, Hypotheecq ten faveure
van Docter Wm. Bostock, op vier slaaven met naame William, Peter, Boson, en
En laastelyk,
Door de gemagtigde van de Wed. Heintzen,
Transport van de concessie en gebouwen aan de noord zyde van Stabroek, bekend
onder No. 57, aan John Scott, on van den selve op Bell.
Actum ter Secretary Rio Demerary deezen
19 September,
in kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman,
eerste Clerk.
Alle de geenen welke verschuldigd zyn
aan de Boedel en Nalaatenschap van wylen Macumber Barker, worden verzogt daar
van betaaling te doen, uiterlyk binnen den tyd van vier weeken aan de Heeren
Robert Younghusband, A. Cart, en William Good, in qualiteit als aangestelde
Curators in gemelde Boedel; zullende na expiratie van dien tyd, alle onbetaalde
pretensien ter in handen van hun procureur worden gesteld.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary,
deezer 19 September 1807, in kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman,
eerste Clerk.
NOTICE. [heading]
All persons indebted to the Estate of
the late Macumber Barker, are requested to make payment utterly in the space of
four weeks from this date to Messrs. Robert Younghusband, A. Cart, and Wm.
Good, as Curators appointed for said Estate; after expiration of which time,
all unsettled claims will be put in the hands of their attorney at law.
Secretary's Office of Rio Demerary,
Sept. 19, 1807
(Signed) J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk
Faithfully translated from the Dutch by
F. A. Vernede, sworn translator.
The Subscriber sent, some days past, two
Negro Men to cut Wood, named Tom and Cantzlaar (the latter formerly the
property of C. D. Forrester, Esq.). Honest Tom returned with his Wood; but the
other has not yet made his appearance. One Joe will be given to whoever will
apprehend him and deliver him to
Sept. 17, 1807 J. Runnels, JZ.
Opgevischt voor Plantage Twee
Gebroeders, een groote Pont. De Eigenaar daarvan, [?]an die teegens behoorlyke
kosten, koomen af [?]aalen. I. L. Biegmaan.
Sept. 17, 1807
Notice is hereby given, that the Firm of
Doyle and Wells is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the
concern will please to make immediate Payment, and those to whom the Firm is
indebted are required to come forward and receive payment from the Undersigned.
Martin Doyle.
Sept. 19, 1807 W. H. Wells.
T. A. ROCHE, [heading]
Appointed Sworn Translator in the Dutch,
French, and English Languages recommends himself to the encouragement of the
Publick. His Domicilium is at Mrs. Culvers's.
Sept. 19, 1807
List of Runaway and Arrested
Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of
Demerary, on this 19th day
of Sept, 1807.
whom brought.
H. King
B. Daly's Negroes
Orange Nassau
n. Demerary
La Grange
en Harry
H. Williams
a New Negro Woman, her Name and Owner unknown.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
Sept. 14. Brig Valerius, F. Gross, for
Sept. 14. Schooner Speedwell, W. N.
Williams, for Baltimore.
Sept. 14. Brig Neptune, N. Hurlbutt
[sic], for St. Thomas.
Sept. 15. Brig Kitty, Clarkson, for
Sept. 19. Schooner Eliza, Th. Ewing,
for Tobago.
The Printer has received various
congratulatory Letters this week on the re-appearance, or (as some wicked
persons say) on the resurrection of his paper, which do credit as well to the
heads as the hearts of the writers, and richly merit publication. Taking into
consideration all circumstances, however, he deems it prudent to reserve them;
assuring those who have thus honoured him, that their kindness and good
intentions in making such communications, will never be effaced from his
The Hon. Col. Nicholson was sworn in as
Acting Governor of these Colonies on Monday. We understand that His Excellency
has only half the emoluments of the situation, the other half going to Governor
Bentinck in England.
His Excellency Governor Nicholson gave
dinner to the Hon. Members of the Court of Policy, &c. on Tuesday, on which
day the Court broke up. The 26th of October will be the next time of meeting.
The Hon. P. C. Ouckama, Commandeur of
Essequebo, issued a Proclamation on the 12th inst. inviting all inhabitants of
that Colony who possess 25 or more slaves, to send in their votes, in writing,
for the election of two Kiezers and three Financial Representatives; the two
vacant places of the former situation are occasioned by the resignation of Wm.
Brumell, Esq. and by the departure for Europe of D. Armstrong, Esq.; the votes
to be sent to the Commandeur's Secretary's Office, every day, from 8 in the
morning till 6 in the evening (Sundays only excepted), and the box to be opened
on the 15th of October next. As soon as these elections are made, we shall be
able to give a correct list of the Board of Kiezers or Electors of that Colony.
The Hon. H. W. Knolman has, to the
peculiar satisfaction of the inhabitants of Essequebo, accepted of his
re-election as a member of the Hon. Court of Police for that Colony, and the
Hon. James Grant has also accepted of his election as Member of the aforesaid
Court of Police.
The Hon. Gt. Timmerman and A. F. Hopken
have been re-elected as Members of the Hon. Court of Justice of Essequebo, and
it is generally hoped that those Gentlemen will accept of the situation. The
Session of that Hon. Court will take place on Tuesday the 6th of October; the
indisposition of several Members having prevented their ordinary meeting on the
8th inst.
F. W. Tuckerman, Esq. (the First
Exploiteur) has become a member of the Orphan Chamber in Essequebo, vice the
Hon. D. Hoola van Nooten, Jun.
The Emma transport arrived yesterday,
with some foreigners in British pay to be attached to the Royals, and five
additional Musicians for the Band. More troops are shortly expected.
The next Convoy is appointed to sail
hence the 19th of October.
The First Quarterly Subscription Ball at
Mr. Marshall's Hotel took place, we believe, last Wednesday evening; it was,
however, of too select a nature for any account of it to be given in our
publick paper.
Died. - On Thursday night last, Mr.
Aulay M'Aulay, Blacksmith, a complete master of his business.