Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 249.
Saturday, the 3d of October.
Rio Essequebo. [heading]
Notice is hereby given to all concerned,
that the Session of the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, which was fixed
for the 6th of October next, will not take place; as several of the Members are
still in a state of illness which prevents them from attending
Essequebo, 30th September, 1807.
By Order of the Hon. Commandeur P. C.
I. I. L. Moliere, First Clerk
By indisposition of the Secretary.
Rio Demerary. [heading]
PATRONIZED [heading]
By His Excellency Colonel and Governor
NICHOLSON, [heading]
On Tuesday the 13th of October inst.
THERE WILL BE [heading]
MR. GOEPEPL; [heading]
At which Mr. MARKORDT will attend.
Madam Tappray, having politely accepted
the invitation to assist, will perform a Sonata on the Harp, composed by
Krompfoltz, in which will be introduced the favourite air - "Hope told a
flatt'ring Tale," accompanied by the violin and Violoncello.
It is presumed that the public
invitation to all Amateurs, in the last week's paper, will be deemed
sufficient, as it is impossible to pay them personal attention; and the present
attempt being more for the general amusement of Lovers of Music than for any
particular motives precludes the necessity of privately soliciting any further
patronage than that already obtained.
Tickets, Two Joes, which will admit a
Lady and Gentleman
Oct. 3, 1807.
Just Received, and for Sale by the
Subscriber, an Assortment of Ironmongery, in which are
[first column]
Iron Boilers
Grating Bars
Mill Wedges
Steel Steps and Capooses [sic]
Pick and Felling Axes
Carpenters', Coopers', and Masons' Tools
Iron Pots
Dripping pans
Coffee Mills
[second column]
Cane Bills
Locks and Hinges
Gun Cranks
Bolts for Doors & Windows
Hooks, Staples, & Stay Bars for
Caulking Irons
Surveyors Chains
Sets of Padlocks with Master Keys
Corn Mills, &c.
[end columns]
[first column]
Negro Hats, Blankets, & Caps
Paints and Paint Oil
Mountain Wine in Hhds.
Madeira Wine by the Doz.
Salt in Barrels
Glauber Salts
Irish Linen
India Dimity and nankeen
Table Cloths and Napkins
Ready made Clothes
Coat, Waistcoat, and Pantaloon Patterns
[second column]
Blue, Red, Yellow, & White Bunting
Hyson tea
Black Pepper
Essences for Soup
Glass, Tin & Crockery Ware
Blocks, Trucks, Wood Hanks
Deep Sea Lines
Paint, Tar, Tallow, and White wash
Brass Cocks
Mill Brasses
[end columns]
And a Variety of other Articles.
Oct. 2, 1807 Wm. Hallstead.
The Subscriber will give Seventeen
Stuivers per lb. for Fifty Bales of Good Clean Cotton.
Oct. 19 [sic], 1807. C. D. Forrester
Den Ondergetekende, als aangestelde
gesubstitueerde gemachtigde van den Heer H. Haazeman, Executeur Testamentair in
den Boedel van wylen H. Mutz, versoekt de debiteuren van gemelde Boedel om
hunne schulden te komen voldoen, ten huysen van den Heer H. A. Eberhardi,
gesubstitueerde gemachtigde van den Heer H. A. Eberhardi, gesubstitueerde
gemachtigde van den Heer. G. Henschelius, als gewest zynde Executeur in gemelde
Boedel H. Mutz of ten huyse van den Ondergeschrevene; alzo het den intrest van
de crediteuren die daar inne hetmeeste belang hebben zo wel als de van
erfgenaame meede brengt, om den Boedel direct op temaaken, en tot liquidtyd te
Demerary, 3 October, 1807.
N. Rousselet, q.q.
H. Haazeman, in relatie a als bove
De Ondergeteekende presenteerd te Koop,
Een Pont van Best Inlands Hout, lang 36 voete en 12 voete breed, van binne
bevloerd en onlangs nieuwt gemaakt, alles in de deste order met alle zyne
toebehooren. Als nog een party groote vaaten kalk.
Werk & Rust, Oct. 1, 1807. L. Van
TEN JOES REWARD. [heading]
The Boy advertised in this Gazette of
the 19th ult. not having yet appeared, strong apprehensions are entertained,
that he has been decoyed with a view not the most honourable!
As, however, he is well known to several
persons, he will no doubt, at some future time, be recognized; and should the
offender or offenders be discovered, he or they will have the full force of the
Law instituted against them. Meanwhile, should the said boy be returned, the
above Reward will be given by
Oct. 3, 1807. G. M. Forrester.
Who has Twenty fine seasoned Negroes for
NEW NEGROES [heading]
The Subscribers beg leave to inform such
of their Friends as commissioned them to import Negroes, that they have just
Ninety Prime Young Gold Coast Slaves,
being part of the cargo of the ship
Admiral Colpoys, from Cape Coast, last from Barbados, which will be ready for
Delivery on Saturday the 10th instant, at the Store of John Madden, Esq.
Oct. 1, 1807. Colin Macrae, and
Underwood, Johnson, & Co.
NOTICE. [heading]
The Undersigned informs his Friends and
the Publick, that he has removed to the house of Messrs. St. Mourant & Co.
in Front of Plantation Vlissingen. He intends continuing Business in the same
line, and under the same Firm, as hitherto, and begs a continuance of their
Demerary, Oct. 1, 1807. F. C. Otto.
Hearing that one of my Negroes, named
Isak, marked on both his breasts I v S, who some time ago absented himself from
my Estate, is lurking about the camp, and has been some times seen at the house
of one of his countrywomen called Present, formerly the property of the
deceased P. LaFont, and by him made free; I do hereby promise a Reward of
Twenty Five Guilders, over and above the Ordinary Fees, to any person who will
apprehend and lodge him in the Barracks.
The said negro is a Carpenter by trade,
yellow skinned, tall, and well made; his teeth are filed, and he has on his
forehead a cicatrice of an old cut. I. F. H. Van Schuler.
Mahaica, Sept. 25, 1807.
WEGGELOOPEN, [heading]
Van den Ondergeteekende, zyn neeger
jonge Primo, een schoenmaaker, voor deesen in eiigendom behoord hebbende aan de
schoenmaakers baas Toussyn, en zyne geloof waardig vermoeden dat de zelven
neeger zig is op houdende op plantage Groot Saffon alwaar de neeger Primo een
wyff of beyslaap beest, een iegelyk die genoemd schoenmaake neeger Primo in de
baracken ofte wel ten huysen van de ondergeteekende leevert zal genereuselyk
beloond worden ressens 't publik als ook word Capityns ofte Schippers van
scheepen ofte vaartuygen gewaar schouwd om gemelde neeger niet opte houden ofte
van hier na elders te vervoeren supposie van ten strengste in regten vervolgt
te worden
3 Oct. 1807 I. De Rooy.
All Persons having any Demands against
David Shepherd, of Waratilla Creek, are requested to meet at the house of the
Subscriber on Monday the 16th of November next, at Eleven o'Clock in the
Forenoon, when Proposals will be laid before them to satisfy all his Creditors.
the reason of D. Shepherd not summoning his Creditors by Edict, is, because
they are few in number, and he himself not possessing the means to enable him
to go through the regular course required by law.
Oct. 3, 1807. John Ashley.
On Wednesday the 7th instant, at the
Store of M'Donald, Halket, and Co. New Town, soap and candles, pants, paint and
neats foot oil, cordage, nails 4d to 30d, bolts, locks, hinges, iron hoops,
corn mills, saddlery, Irish linens and sheeting, Russia sheeting, dowlas,
plattilas, Britannias, printed calicoes, cambrics, diaper, cotton sheeting,
Gentlemen's ready made clothes, hats, boots and shoes, &c. &c.
Oct. 2, 1807
On Thursday the 8th instant, at the
Vendue Office, Bread, Flour, Port Wine, India goods, two new and 1 second hand
chaises, tin ware, cane bottom chairs, hats, boots and shoes, paints, straw
bonnets, &c.
Oct. 2, 1807
On Friday the 9th instant, on Plantation
Great Diamond, Household Furniture, consisting of 4-post mahogany bedsteads and
bedding, chairs, sofas, mahogany dining and other tables, mirrors, sideboard,
&c. Also, several head of Cattle.
Oct. 2, 1807.
On Thursday the 15th instant, will be
exposed for Sale by order of Obadiah Whiston, Esq. On the Premises, the Lot of
Land with the buildings thereon situated in Kingston, and at present occupied
by himself, a schooner boat copper bottomed, in good order, household
furniture, consisting of mahogany tables with D ends, sophas, chairs,
bedsteads, &c. also several valuable boat carpenters and house negroes.
Oct. 2, 1807.
Uit krachte van zeeker Edict Notul van
den Hove van Justitie, d.d. 28 Augustus l.l.
Zo word door my ondergeschreeve Eerste
Exploiteur van welgemelde Hove namens de Vrye Mulattinne Nany Orr, by Edicte ad
valvas Curiae GEDAGVAARD.
Alle geintevesseerdens in den Boedel
wylen F. Kroll en die andere welke mogten wermeenen haar recht en titul tot 't
stuk land genaamd Grenada, geleegen in 't Canaal No. 3, te kennen tegen
Om te compareeren voor den Edele
Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, den
Setiende November eerstkoomende en volgende dagen.
Ten einde, haar Nany Orr te zien
verklaaren gerechtigd tot 't ontvangen van transport, en overdragt, uit hunden
van voorschr. Executeuren van den Boedel wylen F. Kroll, van 't stuk land
voormeld of in cas van oppositie van hunne sustinuen te dienen en daarop voort
te procedeeren als naar style.
Actum Demerary, den 19 Sept. 1807.
Mart. Smit, Eerste Exploiteur.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
H. Tempest and Family, in 14 days, from
21 Sept.
Thomas Frankland, in 14 days, from 25th
Sept. 25, 1807.
Patrick Field Bycraft, and Doctor Joseph
Davis, in 14 days.
Charles Eboral, with the first convoy.
Oct. 2, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first
Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd, dat naa
de Expiratie van Drie Weeken, zal worden gepasseerd –
Door de respective Wees en Onbeheerde
Boedel Kamer van Demerary, op authorisatie van den hove van Justitie alhier,
Transport van zeekere Halve concessie en Gebouwen, geleegen aan de Noord Dam
van de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, bekend onder No. 58, bevoorens de eigendom van
wylen Nancy Elliot en vervolgens van I. Blaauw
en R. Tourtell, aan M. Marx en vervolgen op [?].
T. Toussin, an van laastgemelde op Mejuffrouwe Sejourne
Door Adam Knight, Hypotheecq op zyn
Concessie, met de daaropstaande Scheeps Timmermans Logie, ten faveure van Abm.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary
deezen 2 October in kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clerk.
TO BE LET, [heading]
The House, together with a Large Yard,
situated on the Main Street of Werk & Rust, belonging to Doctor Wolff,
lately occupied by Van Braam, Esq. for particulars, inquire of the Undersigned,
at the house of N. Cline, Esq. on Werk & Rust, or, if convenient, to the
Proprietor himself, at Blankenburg Estate, on the West Sea Coast.
Demerary, Oct. 1, 1807. C. Muller,
LOST, [heading]
On Tuesday last, between the Plantation
Ruymveldt and Sage Pont, a Cloth Case of Surgical Instruments. Whoever may
have found the same, and will restore it to the Undersigned at Plantation
Ruymveldt, will be handsomely rewarded. H. A. Kruse, M.D.
Oct. 3, 1807.
Drifted on Plantation La Penitence, on
the 29th ult. a large Punt. The owner may have it restored on paying the
Oct. 2, 1807. Jabez Lamb.
The Subscriber has remaining on
Plantation L'Esperance a Few Thousand Tiles, which he will dispose of very
cheap for Cash. Apply to the Subscriber on said Estate.
Oct. 2, 1807. E. A. Christiani
This is to give Notice, that the Half
Lot, No. 29 in Kingston, can not have Transport granted, as the Purchase Money
is not paid, and the Contract not fulfilled by Mr. Hart and Messrs. Lyon &
Oct. 1, 1807. James Hunder, q.q
A. Maria Keir.
Rum, Sugar, and Molasses, [heading]
For Sale, for cash, on the Delivery.
Inquire of N. Rousselet q.q or H. A. Eberhardi, q.q.
Oct. 3, 1807 the Estate of Hk. Mutz
This is to give Notice, that I. F.
Mosset, Carpenter, intends to remove his Domicilium from this colony
Demerary, Oct. 3, 1807
Ten Joes Reward. [heading]
Last Night, about Eight o'clock, a
Seaman belonging to the ship Admiral Colpoys was stopped on the stelling near
Messrs. Naghten & Fitzgerald's, by Four Negro Men; and a Pocket Book,
containing two joes, three dollars, two English shillings, and two gold ear
rings (one of which was broken), was forcibly taken from him. The above Reward
will be given to any person who will bring forward such proof as will convict
the offenders by Wm. King.
Cumingsburg, Oct. 3, 1807
FOR SALE, [heading]
A Colony Built Schooner, about 36 feet
keel, and 14 feet beam, built of the best Materials, and in complete repair, well-furnished
in Ground and Running Tackling. For particulars, apply to Thos. Marsh
Oct. 3, 1807
FOR SALE, [heading]
A Parcel of Sheet Copper & Sheathing
Nails. Apply to Messrs. S. Mourant and Co.
Cumingsburg, Oct. 1, 1807.
Miss Maria Kendrick respectfully informs
the Publick, that her Lottery will be drawn on Saturday next the 10th instant,
at Mr. Marshall's Tavern. There are a Few Tickets still to be disposed of.
Oct. 3, 1807.
J. M. Two Half Barrels gunpowder, and a
little Bale, m. O. have been shipped on board the William Phillips, Capt. J.
Pullen. The owner may receive them by paying the expences.
Oct. 3, 1807. J. Pullen.
Absented himself from the Subscribers,
about six months ago, a Negro Man, Carpenter, formerly belonging to Mr. Jas.
Freeland and Mr. K. Franken, of Berbice; supposed to be harboured about
Mahaica, and no doubt attempts to pass for a free man. Whoever will apprehend
or deliver him to the Undersigned, or to Stephen Mourant, Esq. Cumingsburg,
will be handsomely rewarded.
Berbice, Sept. 25, 1807. Rader &
To the Editor of the Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading]
A Gentleman who signs himself F. [Latin
poetry - add initial F to this] in your last paper tells us to repart with a Latin poem –
"Ossa quitea precor! Tuta
requiescant in urna!"
I wish you could inform us who that
Latin poet was. If Mr. F. should say that Virgil had risen from the tomb, I
would much sooner believe him than that ever a latin poet concluded an
hexameter verse with quiescant in urna. let the Gentleman examine every Latin
poetic production from the rise of Latin poetry to the fall of the Roman
Empire; and, if he can produce one Hexameter ending in Requiescant in Urna, I
will make ample apology for my criticism.
Sept. 28, 1807. A Subscriber.
List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
Sept. 30. Ship Admiral Colpoys, Rich.
Coley, from Barbados, with 293 Slaves, &c.
Sept. 28. Schooner Ocean, Wm. Appleton,
for St. Thomas.
Oct. 1. Brig Elizabeth, Chs. Shepard,
for do.
The Printer requests that those
Gentlemen who have not yet found an opportunity of paying their Subscription
Money, will endeavour to do so without delay. It is matter of great
consequence to him, and from the smallness of the sum, cannot possibly be of
any material import to them.
The Master of the American brig Venus
who arrived at Barbados the 16th ult. reported, that on the Saturday preceding,
viz. the 12th, he fell to with two French privateers Jeune Adelle and Fripon,
250 miles to windward of Barbados, cruising in consort; that they boarded him
and informed him, they had on the 2d ult. after a sharp contest of four hours,
captured a British brig packet from Falmouth, and sent her to Cayenne.
Hopes are still indulged by some, that
this account may not be true; for the packet, at the stated time of her
capture, could only have been 22 days out, and, being then within 2 days sail
of Barbados, must have had an unusually quick passage at this season of the
year. We are afraid, however, it will prove to true.
The public expectation was kept on the
tip toe for some time yesterday by the appearance of three vessels, two of
which were at first sight pronounced to be from England. They turned out,
however, to be his Majesty's brig Netley, Capt. Burnham, with the Transport No.
238, from Antigua, and the American brig Sally, from New London, after 50 days
passage. In lat. 9, the latter was boarded by a French vessel of 18 guns, from
Cayenne; but, after having her papers overhauled, she was permitted to proceed.
The two American vessels lately seized
here by Capt. Malbon, who proceeded with their papers to Barbados, will, it is
said, wait to be condemned by a Court of Admiralty which the Government has
determined to have held in this Colony; the Members of which are supposed to
have been in the first August packet, believed to be taken.
Thos. Withered, Esq. has been appointed
Commissary General pro tempore, in consequence of the indisposition of S. Chollet,
In the last list of Army Promotions are
the following:
Major Henry B. Dolphin, from 4th W.I.
Reg. to be Lieutenant Colonel of the 6th W.I. Reg. vice Carter, dec.
Capt. F. S. Tidy, from the Royals, to be
Major of the 8th W.I. Reg. vice Baillie, dec.
Lieut. J. Rowan, from 64th Foot, to be
Captain in the Royals, vice Tidey promoted.
TO THE EDITOR, [heading]
Sir, Demerary, Oct. 1, 1807.
Having had the opportunity to read the
Funeral Oration of the Rev. G. Ryk, D.D. on the Decease of his Son, I found it
to bear so many marks of sensibility in the author as a Man, Divine, and
Father, that I thought it might possibly be agreeable to the British
Inhabitants of these Colonies to present them with a Translation. I have
therefore endeavoured, with my feeble talents, to come as near to the Eloquent
Orator as possible; but am apprehensive I may have been too confident. If you
should, notwithstanding, think it merits a place in your paper, you will
oblige, by inserting it,
Your humble servant, F.
Almighty God! fortify the broken-hearted
Father in this awful moment!
I offer thee here, with a deep, feeling,
but to they Will respectfully-resigned, heart, the beloved victim which thou, O
impenetrable, dost require.
I thank thee! - in this child thou didst
give me a child of joy! Never he afflicted me - never was he disobedient - but
always, with a calm and lenient soul, faithful to his duties.
Thine were those innumerable pleasures,
which, from his first innocent, guiltless smile in his cradle till his last
sorrowful illness, I did enjoy in and by him! Seventeen years of happiness for
a few bitter, painful days! - No I will not murmur.
May the tears of an afflicted Father not
offend thy wisdom - they goodness! Thou, Omniscient, didst perhaps, before the
days of misfortune, call him to everlasting rest - to Thee - where he will be
happy and blessed.
Thou didst declare, Father of Truth,
"Honour thy Father and thy Mother! that thy days may be long in the land,
which the Lord thy God giveth thee." He was obedient, Most Righteous
Judge of the World! Once before thy throne, I repeat, O Lord God! - Ever has
my child honoured his Father - His Mother.
The happy consequences of thy promise he
did not enjoy! His life was cut off, even as the early opening flower is
prematurely destroyed by the blasts of the storm!
May that abode where thy Word never can
fail, be more better, more durable, more happy for him! This I do hope; in
this I confide. Thus let me in silence respect and adore thy will, sincerely
convinced of the truth of thy promises.
My Son! my dearly beloved Son! Thou
never wilt return to me! but at one time I shall come to thee! In the regions
of eternity - the abode of quiet and happiness - we shall met again. Thou are safe;
no sorrows, no sufferings embitter thy destiny there. Thou hast risen
infinitely above all pains. No parental malediction, no curse of any wantonly
offended being, will lie heavy on they soul! How consoling to me is this idea!
Let those who were acquainted with thee
pour blessings on thy memory! At one time I and every one of us must follow
thee. An irresistible power each day compels us to approach nearer and nearer
to Death, and, sooner or later, we must fall his victims. Oh! may no one, at that
period, suffer the torments which thou, now more happy youth, hast supported
and conquered!
Sympathising Friends! and, more so, you
who are Parents! do not condemn my weakness in this instance! I solemnly
declare, in the deepness of my grief, at the grave of my beloved Son, that the
comforts of our Holy Religion can, even in the most painful situations, relieve
us, though they cannot annihilate the feelings of nature!
The Good, the Almighty God! grant us a
conviction of these truths at the hour of death! O Lord of Heaven and Earth,
vouchsafe unto us, that when the nightly shade of Death shall cover us, we may,
with the confident expectations of true Christians, behold, through the
darkness, the soul-reviving beams of daybreak of the glorious morning of Eternity!
Then, O God of Mercy, shall thy unbounded love unite us to the dear objects,
of whom they impenetrable wisdom hath deprived our hearts in this abode of
probation! - Amen!
Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,