Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 October 10

Vol. II.)


(No. 93.

Saturday, October 10th, 1807.

The Acting Lieutenant Governor thinks it his duty thus publickly to return thanks to the Captains and other Burgher Officers, and also to the Proprietors, Attornies, and Managers of Estates between Stabroek and Mahaica, for their prompt and ready compliance with his Order to furnish Negroes for the removal of a Gun from the Post at Mahaica to Fort William Frederick.
By Excellency's Command,
Geo. Eddington, Gov. Secty.
King's House Stabroek,
8th October, 1807.

Proclamation. [heading]
By His Excellency Colonel Rt. Nicholson, Acting Lt. Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas the Place of one of the Kiezers of this River has again become vacant in consequence of Ms. Visser Esq. who was lately elected to that situation, having declined accepting the same, I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation hereby calling on all the Inhabitants of this Colony, who being Possessed of five and twenty Slaves or more are qualified to vote for the Election of Kiezers, now to give in their Votes for a new Kiezer in the room of the said Ms. Visser Esq.; a sealed box being placed from this day at the King's House in Stabroek, for the purpose of receiving the said Votes, which must be signed by the Persons giving them in and sealed.
The Box to be opened and the Votes to be examined in my presence and in that of two Members of the Court and the Secretary of the Colony at the expiration of twenty Days from this date, and consequently on the 30th Inst; when the Person returned by the majority of the Votes shall be declared Kiezer accordingly.
Given at the King's House in Stabroek, Demerary, this 10th of October 1807.
Rt. Nicholson.
By Command,
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

In Chancery
Between [with large left bracket inclosing a Complainant and Defendant]
Elizabeth Kerr, Widow, Executrix, and the Hon. James Hay, Robert Ker and John Ker, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Robert Ker late of the said Island of Grenada Esquire, deceased, and
William Postlethwaite,
His Excellency the Chancellor having pronounced a Decree to account against the Defendant in this Cause by Default, and having ordered that Public Notice of such Decree be inserted in the Grenada Gazette, and also in some Public Newspaper of the Colony of Demerary for six successive Weeks, and that such Decree should be binding on the Defendant unless he appears and shews good Cause to this Court to the Contrary, within six Calendar Months from the insertion of the last of such Notices, if the Defendant shall be resident in Europe, or within three Calendar Months from that period if the Defendant shall be resident in any of the West India Islands, or in any of the colonies of Guiana. This is therefore to give Public notice of such Order and Decree accordingly.
Geo. Whitfield,
Counsel and Solicitor for Complainants.
St. George's, 14th August 1807.

Wanted on Freight. [heading]
By the Subscriber, Sugar in Hogsheads, for which he will give Nine Guilders Premium, if they are Shipped on Board the Enterprize on or before the 15th Instant.
10th October. C. H. De Munnick.

Patronized By [heading]
His Excellency Governor & Colonel Nicholson
On Tuesday the 13th October will be
A Concert and Ball
At the Union Coffee House,
Madam Tapray, Mr. Markordt, and many
Gentlemen Amateurs
Will Assist Mr. Goepel.
Act 1st.
Grand Overture. Gyrowitz.
Sonata Piano Forte, Mr. Markordt. Stebeilt.
Quarletto, Violens Alto & Bass,
The German Hymn. Pleyel.
Duett, for Violin & Violoncello by
Messrs. Goepel and Markordt.
Celebrated Sinfonia, The Surprize Tiorillo.
Act 2d.
Overture to Henry 4th.
Favorite Concertante for the Lyre and Spanish
Guitar with Violin and Violoncello Obligato,
Composed by Bernhard, - to be Performed
by two Gentlemen Amateurs lately from
Europe and Messrs. Goepel and Markordt.
Military Concertante by the full Band of the
Royals. Pleyel.
Sonata on the Harp by Madam Tapray.
Finale, The favorite Overture to Lodoiska.
The Concert to begin at half past six o'Clock.
Tickets Two Joes each, which will admit a Gentleman and a Lady, when those who propose to honor the Concert by their attendance will please apply for their Tickets at the Union Coffee House, by Monday next, as no money (on any account) can be taken at the Door the Evening of the Concert.
It is particularly pleasing as well as gratifying to the present undertaking that the Gentlemen Amateurs have so politely come forward to render the Concert Brilliant, by their Support, which will ever be remembered with Sentiments of the greatest respect by Mr. Goepel.
N.B. Refreshments will be Served.
Demerary, 10th October 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz:
Mr. Saml. Harrison, with first Convoy, Oct. 10th.
Miss Hart, in 14 days from October 10th.
Mr. Patrick Field Bycraft in 12 days, Octbr. 2d.
Doctor Joseph Davis, in 14 days, October 2d.
Mr. Charles Eboral, with the first Convoy.
Mr. H. Tempest, in 14 days, from September 21st.
Mr. Thomas Frankland, in ditto, from 25th Sept.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzoekende om brieven van Vrydom, als: -
Laurens Hartensveld voor de hem in Eigendom toebehoorende Henrietta, en haar Mulatte Kind Sarah.
J. S. Masse qq E. C. Overbroek, voor de Neegerin Christyntje en de Mulatte Jonge Edward.
De Neegerin Nany, geadsisteerd met Laurens Storm van s'Gravesande, voor haar zelve en haar Mulatte Kind Ann Maria.
Henry B. Mauge [sic] voor een Kind genaamd John Carolus, Zoen van de slaavin Hannah Ann.
F. A. Otto voor het Mulatte Meisje Francina, bevoorens de eigendom van de Pl: de witte [sic - lower case] Zwaan.
H. A. Eberhardi voor de Neegerin Susannah en haare Mulatte Kind Henrietta.
Eliza Donavan voor hun behoord hebbende aan J. E. Dovanan.
Hannah Denny voor de haar in Eigendom toebehoorende Negerin Nanny en Kind Mary.
Zo is 't dat allen en een iegelyk die eenig Recht of Pretentie op de Voornoomd Slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne Sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der Rivier Essequebo, en ter Secretary van den Hove van Politie in Demerary, behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove die zyn zal in de Maand October Eerstkoomend.
Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeken van de Requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren.
Actum in Raade van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary deezen derde September, 1807.
Ter Ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

Alzoo de Heer Henry Brush, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren in Domineque, ter Eenre, EN
Mejuffrouw Sarah Alleyne Mansfield, Minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren te Barbados, geadsisteerd met haare moeder Vrouwe Bradford, voorens Weduwe van Wm. Mansfield. Von voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan alle en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het Solemniseeren van voorgemelde Huwelyk te kunne opposeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar en waar te behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 10de October 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Word mits deeze geadverteerd dat naa Expiratie van Drie Weeken zal worden gepasseerd:
Door John Douglas qq Margareth Lawrence, Transport van het Lot No. 1 geleegen op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Werk en Rust, aan Bella Cobham.
Rio Demerary den 9e October 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.


On Tuesday the 13th inst. will be exposed for sale at the store of Park Benjamin, Esq. New Town, the whole in-board cargo of the Brig Sally, just arrived, from New London, - Best mess beef in barrels and half ditto, prime ditto in barrels and half barrels, best mess pork in ditto, prime pork in ditto, superfine pilot bread in barrels, whole beans in barrels, tar, butter in kegs, red oak shooks, &c. &c.
Octr. 10th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday 14th inst. will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, - A large assortment of fresh Medicine, India Goods, Provisions, Chaise, Negroes, &c. &c.
Octr. 10th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 16th of October [see 18070926EDRG] . . .
Also, by order of Mr. Lovell, Executor to Ann Green, deceased, - Negroes, Dry Goods, &c.
Sept. 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 20th inst. by order of F. F. Heusteeg, acting for J. S. Masse, Esq. Executor of J. van Millingen, deceased, at his late residence, Medicines, Household Furniture, Wearing Apparel, House Negroes, &c. &c.
Octr. 10th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 21st inst. will be exposed for sale by Public Auction per order of the Honble: Victor A. Heyliger on Plantation Great Diamond, Mahogany dining tables with D ends, mahogany, pembrook and tea tables, card tables, chairs with hairs [sic] bottoms, sophas, elegant side boards, mahogany chests, cabinets, knife cases with knives and forks, silver tea and table spoons, silver forks, liquor stands, oil and vinegar cruet stands, elegant cut glass, earthen and glass ware, Gentlemen's pistols, swords mounted with silver; a large assortment of books, &c. &c.
Octr. 10th. Robert Kingston.

[Transcriber's note: here begins a publication of vendues in Dutch]

Op Dingsdag den 13 deezer, ten Pakhuysen van de Heer Park Benjamin, in de Nieuw Stade, 't geheel der Cargo van de Brig Sally van New London, - best mess vleesch in heele en halve vaaten, eerste qualiteyt in do. do. best mess spek in do. do, eerste qualiteyt spek in do. do, beste scheeps cajeryts biscuit, witte boone in vaate, teer, booter in vaatjes, roode eyken, schooven, &c.
Octr. 10. Robert Kingston.

Op Woensdag den 14de deezer, zal ten Vendue Comptoir publicq worden opgeveyld, een groot assortement versche Medicynen, Oostindische Goederen, provisien, chais, Neegers, &c.
Oct. 10. Robert Kingston.

Op Vrydag den 16de deezer ten Vendue Comptoir op order van Heer Lovell, Executeur ten Boedel wylen Ann Green, Neegers, Drooge Goederen, &c.
Oct. 10. Robert Kingston.

Op Woensdag den 21ste deezer, op order van den Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer Victor A. Heyliger op de Pl. Groote Diamand, mahonie hout eetens tavels met D ende, mahonie hout ontbyt thee en speel tavels, stoelen met cameel haire, sittinge sophas, elegante glas tavel, mahony kiste, cabinette, foudraale met messe en vorken, silvere thee en tavel leepels en vorke, lequer en oly & azyn stelle, gesueede glass werk, aardewerk, geweere, pistoole en deege met zilver gevest. Alsmede eenige Booken.
October 10. Robert Kingston.

Runaway from the Subscriber an old Barbadian Negro Woman named Madam, formerly the property of Miss M. A. Jeffer, she is well known in Stabroek; was lately seen about Pl. Nabaclis. Whoever will lodge the said Negro in the Barracks or deliver her to the Subscriber shall receive a reward of A Joe.
10th October, 1807. Robert Craig.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Saint Andrew, Thomas Ritchie Master, - well Armed and Manned will sail in all the Month of November. For Freight or Passage apply to
Alexr. Fullerton & Co.
Cumingsburg, 10th October 1807.

Coffee and Cotton Wanted. [heading]
By the Subscriber, for which he is ready to give Bills on London immediately, on delivery with Bills of Lading annex'd.
Oct. 10th. C. H. De Munnick.

A Yellow-skin Man called Ben, with Cut ears, has absented himself from the Colony Barracks a few days since. A Reward will be given for apprehending and lodging him in said Barracks.
Demerary, 10th October 1807.

The Subscribers having determined to quit these Colonies early in the month of December next for America, will dispose of their Boots, Shoes, Leather, and some other articles in their way of Business, at a low price for Cash; and earnestly solicits all Persons indebted to them to lose no time in setling [sic] their accounts, otherwise they will be dealt by according to Law; they having on their part dealt for Cash, have no demands against them. Those who have Boots and Shoes at their Shop to be repaired are requested to send for them, or they will be sold for the repairs, at the expiration of three weeks after this date.
Newton Stevens,
Eber Potter.
Demerary, 10th October, 1807.

Concert and Ball Postponed. [heading]
In consequence of Privateers being off the Coast, many Gentlemen who intend to assist next Tuesday Evening, cannot attend from the Country, which is the occasion of this Notice.
Three o'Clock, Saturday Afternoon, 10th Octb. 1807.
C. S. Goepel.

The First Mail for August which was supposed to have been taken, arrived here on Wednesday. Its contents are however not of the consequence which we had been led to expect.

The chief part of the European News will be found in the Extracts we have made from the London Papers.

The St. Andrew, Capt. Ritchie, from Port Glasgow arrived here on Sunday last, after a tedious passage of eight weeks.

The Spaniards have again made their appearance to Leeward in very considerable force. They have taken a Boat belonging to Mr. Horn, which they have manned and armed. Three other Boats belonging to different Gentlemen, and it is thought that the Boat of Mr. McBean is also captured.

Mr. H. Hubbard yesterday received a letter from Mrs. Hubbard which mentions the capture of another boat, in which her Husband, Mr. R. Gordon, Mr. Lynch and three other White Person, and about 20 Negroes were taken, who had gone out expressly to attack the Launch, which they would certainly have taken had not the above Schooner cut them off from the Land.

Mr. Clements writes to Town that on Thursday night, there were seven Launches and Canoes lying within a short distance of the shore. - The Enemy cut out of the Trench, close to the Hoes, the Boat of the Honble. F. C. Knowlman, with which they got clear off. - We sincerely hope that some plan will be immediately set on foot for the protection of the coasting trade, as, at this moment, those embarrassments are severely felt at the eve of the sailing of a Fleet.

The Bush Negroes have again made their appearance in considerable force behind the Plantation Georgia and Flinsbourg, on Monday morning last they attacked the Negroes of the later Plantation, two of whom they wounded very badly, and surrounded the rest, some however effected their escape and gave the alarm to the front of the Plantation, when Mr. Aulert (tho' sick in the fever) took such steps by giving the alarm to the neighbouring Plantations, that they soon had three white men and four muskets, with this equipment they went aback in quest of the Enemy, who they soon discovered close by the Bush, one had the audacity to fire upon Mr. Aulert (happily without effect) who in return fired and killed the negro, (he proved to be the Head Driver of the Georgia, who absented himself two days before under pretence of going against the Bush Negroes and had for that purpose obtained two muskets) the others in company with Mr. A. now fired, and wounded and took two more, one of which is since dead, and the other deposited in the Barracks; - the rest fled dismayed into the Wood; too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Aulert for his cool and firm conduct upon this occasion.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Brig Sally, Jos. Bingley, from New London.
Ship St. Andrew, Th. Ritchie, Greenock.
Schr. Parkinson, John English, Berbice.

Schr. Diana, S. Fernald, for St. Thomas.
---- Parkinson, John English, Barbados.
Brig Richmond, Stephen Gilman, Portsmouth.
Ship George, James Greenough, Ditto.

A Man of War Brig (supposed to be the Demerary) is just come to anchor; - 3 o'clock, P.M.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in
the Stocks of Demerary, 10th October, 1807.



Brought by



J. H. King.


Boedel Lawrin,

R. B. Daly.


Pl. O. Nassau,







J. Ver Wagen.


Dort. [sic] Liot,

Pl. La Crange [sic].





Ditmitt [sic – no comma]

Thos. Kewley.


Tappin, Berb.



Pl. Coldingen,

Order Fiscaal.



H. Douglas.


Daniels, Berb.

Pl. Park, Abary.


Pl. Lancaster,

Negroes Atkins.





Pl. Union,

F. P. Francke.





Pl. Golden Grove,



W. Heathcote,

Pl. Success.





S. Hecke,

Pl. Ver Soy.

And a new negro woman her name and owner unknown.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

See the Supplement.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.

Saturday, October 10th, 1807.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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