Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 October 24


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 252.

Saturday, the 24th of October.

Uyt kragte van zeekere Authorisatie, verleend door den Wel Edle Gestrenge Heer P. C. Ouckama, Commandeur ad interim, in dato 8de October 1807, op de requeste van Ls. Hartensveld, q.q. en D. H. Van Nooten, Jr. als door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie deeser Rivier aangestel[?]e Curateuren en den Boedel wylen Thos. Harriot, Zoo word by deeser elk en een igelyk geadverteerd, dat in de maand December, Ach[?]ien Hondert en Acht (waarvas den pre[?]isen d[?]g door en Hove van Justitie alhier naader by Publicatie tal worden bekend gemaakt) publicq en aan de meestb[?]edende sal worden verkogt, de Plantagien genaamd Batchelor's Adventure en Pleasing Hope, aan oomende den insolventen Boedel van wylen Thos. Harriot, en de geleegen op het Leeguaan Yland innen deese Rivier, met alle desselfs slaaven, gebouwen, bepoort en beplantingen, en verdere op en depen de[?]tien van d[??]n, op conditien en voorwarden ingvolge p[??]caat voor deese Colonie geEmaneerd.
Wordened door my ondergeschreeve Eerste Exploiteur alverder bekend gemaakt, dat drie maanden naa den verkoopdag door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie, sal worden gehouden het judicium van prae en concurrentie over de te proventiurene penningen der vooren gemelde Plantagien. Wordende mits dien by deesen
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van meer gemelde Boedel welke senden kunnen sustineeren eenig recht van prae en concurrentie op het selve provenue te hebben. Omme te compareeren of gemachtigdens te senden voor welgemelde Hove van Justitie, teegens den Eersten Rechtsdag die weesen sal drie maanden naa den gesegden verkoopdag. Ten einde te doen en te neemen foodaanige eisch en conclusie als zy lieden, in cas voorschr. zullen vermeenen te behooren, op poene dat teegens de Non Comparanten geprocedeerd sal worden tot het obtineeren van het eeuwig silentium als naa rechten.
Den 19 October 1807. Frier Wm. Tuckermann,
Eerste Exploiteur.
N.B. De Inventarisen kunnen ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs allhier gezien worden.

Uyt kragte van zeekere Authorisatie, verleend door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie aan dato 6e Augustus, Zoo word by deesen elke en een igelyk geadverteerd, dat door den Agendaris van het huys van negotie hier te lande van Thuring & Co. met en [?]enessen A. C. Knigt, als door welgemelden Hove van Justitie aangestelde Curateuren in den Boedel wylen I. W. Pauli, naa verloop van Een Jaar en Ses Weeken naa dato deeses (waarvan den precisen dag door den Hove van Justitie alhier naader by publicatie sal worden bekend gemaakt) publicq en aan de meestbiedende sal worden veskogt, de Pladtagie [sic] genaamd Kaapbaivae, aankoomende meergemelden Boedl I. W. Pauli, en de geleegen aan de Weest Zee Kust deeser Rivier, tuschen de Plantgien Catharine Elizabeth, aankoomende Timmerman en Lanfermaan an de beneeden, en die van Fs. Alstein genaamd Sparta, aan de boven lyn, met alle desselfs slaaven, gebouwen, bepoot en beplantingen, en verdere op en dependentien van dien, op conditien en voorwaarden ingevolge placaat voor deese Colonien geEmanreed. Wordende door my ondergeschr. Eersten Exploiteur al verder bekend gemaakt, dat drie maanden naa den verkoop dag, door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie, sal worden gehouden het judicium van prae en concurrentie, over de te proveniurene penningen der gemelde plantagie. Wordende mits dien by deesen GEDAGVAARD, Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelden Boedel welke zouden kunnen sustineeren eenig recht van prae en concurrentie op het zelve provenue te hebben. Omme te compareeren of gemachtigdens te senden voor welgemelden Hove van Justitie, teegens ten Eersten Rechtsdag. die weesen sal drie maanden naa den gesegden verkoopdag. Ten einde te doen en te neemen soodaanige eisch en conclusie, als zy lieden, in cas voorschr. zullen vermeenen te behooren, op poene dat teegens de Non Comparanten geprocdeert sal worden, tot het obtineeren van het eeuwig silentium als naa rechten.
den 19 October 1807. Frier Wm. Tuckermann,
Eerste Exploiteur.
N.B. Den inventaris ken gezien worden ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs allhier.

Uyt kragte van zeekere Twee Sententien gedecerneerdende geweesen by den Edelen Achtbaaren hove van Justitie eene de dato 4e December 1806, in causa Hugh Holms contra James Wilson, de aandere de dato 6e Augustus 1807, in causa Het College van de Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel Kaamer deeser Rivier contra J. E. Frantzen, Zoo word by deesen elke en een igelyk geadverteerd, dat door den Eersten Exploiteur deeser Rivier, aan de meestbiedende by Executie (naa verloop van Een Jaar en Ses Weeken naa dato deezes en waarvan de precisen dag alhier naader by publicatie sal worden bekend gemaakt) publicq sal worden verkogt,
Primo, de Plantagie Tweed Side aankoomende I. Wilson, geleegen aan de West Zee Kust deeser Rivier en bekend onder 't Lot No. 50.
Tweedens, de Plantagie Triangel, aankoomende I. E. Frantzen, en geleegen op 't Waquenaam Yland, binnen deese Rivier, tuschen de Plantagie Engelrust, aan de beneeden en de gronden van J. Locket, aan de booven lyn, met alle desselfs slaaven, gebouwen, bepooten, beplantigen, en verdere op en dependentien van dien op conditien in voorwaarden ingevolge placaat voor deese Colonien geEmandeerd en voorts dat drie maanden naa den verkopdag door den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, sal worden gehouden het judicium van prae en concurrentie over de te preveniurene penningen der voorengemelde Plantagien. Wordende mits dien by deesen GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren welke senden kunnen sustineeren eenig recht wan prae en concurrentie op 't selve provenue te hebben. Omme te compareeren of gemachtigdens te senden voor welgemelde Hove van Justitie, teegens den Eersten Rechtsdag die weesen al drie maanden naa den gesegden verkoopdag. Ten einde te doen en te neemen soodaanigen eisch en conclusie als zy lieden, in cas voorschr. zullen vermeenen te behooren op poene dat teegens de Non Comparanten geporcedeerd sal worden tot het obtineeren van 't eeuwig silentium als naa rechten.
den 19 October 1807. Frier Wm. Tuckermann,
Eeste Exploiteur.
N.B. De Inventarissen kunnen ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs allhier gezien worden.

Op verkreegene Authorisatie, Zoo van den Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer P. C. Ouckama, Commandeur ad interim der Rivier en onderghoorige Districten van Essequebo, als van den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie,
Worden door my ondergeschreevene Eersten Exploiteur, als
Eerstens, Uit naam en de van weegens Jan Bonjes en A. C. Knigt, Curateuren in den Boedel wylen I. W. Pauli.
Tweedens, Van weegens Ls. Hartensveld, Wm. Mooy Boedel wylen I. W. Pauli.
Tweedens, Van weegens Ls. Hartensveld, Wm. Mooy En Derdens, Uit naam van I. I. Deeges, in qualiteit als gesubstitueerde Executeuren ten boedel van Engel Loncke,
By deesen voor[??] Eerste Maal by Edicte
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van vooren gemelde Boedels,
Omme te compareeren voor den Edelen Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende aan de Hoofdplaatse Fort Zeelandia, teegens den Derden November eerstkoomende en volgende daagen.
Teen fine aldaar hunne pretentien, integeeven, en van derselver gesustineerde te dienen, zullende na expiratie van de Vier de Edicte, teegens de Non Comparanten geprocedeert worden, to verkryging van 't eeuwig silentium. Frier Wm. Tuckermann,
den 19 October 1807. Eerste Exploiteur

Rio Demerary. [heading]
Wanted, for the Use of his Majesty's Troops in this Colony.
Any person willing to supply either of the above articles at the Commissary's Stores at the Fort, in such quantities as may be required for the Expenditure of Two Months; say, of the former, about Five Thousand Pounds weight, and of the latter about Three Thousand Pounds weight, is requested to make Tenders for the same to the Subscriber, marked thereon - "Tenders for Sugar and Coffee," previous to the 2d of November next, on which day they will be opened, in the presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most advantageous offer or offers will be accepted. Will. N. Firebrace,
Commissary's Office, Res. Commissary
Oct. 22, 1807

Notice is hereby given, that the Obligation for f 800, given by the Undersigned in favour of the late F. van s'Gravesand, Esq. and paid to Mr. J. Stas in the Year 1799 (now understood to be in circulation in this Colony), has already been discharged, sufficient evidence of which is in my possession. All persons are therefore hereby cautioned against taking the said Note or Obligation in payment.
Le Reduit, Oct. 23, 1807.
C. A. de Florimont.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Capital Well Broke Chaise Horse sold for no Fault. For information, apply to
Oct. 23, 1807. C. T. Tinne.

The Subscriber, lately from London, offers for Sale Two very Elegant Sideboards of his own Workmanship, made entirely of this Colony Wood, which may be seen at the House of F. C. Otto, Esq.
It being his intention to settle in Demerary, he will undertake to make and repair all kinds of Cabinet Work; and those who will favour him with their orders may depend upon their being executed in the best marr, and according to their own design. Isaac Hadfield,
Oct. 22, 1807. At Mr. John Ashley's.

The Subscriber informs his Friends, that he has still room for a Few Bales of Cotton and Bags of Coffee, as Freight for the ship Speculator. Favours conferred in shipping any of the above named produce, will essentially oblige Rt. Younghusband.
Oct. 21, 1807.

Just imported in the Brig Betsey, and for Sale by the Subscribers,
New Irish Butter, of the first quality, in half firkins
Prime Irish Mess Pork, in barrels of 50 pieces each
Oct. 22, 1807
Underwood, Johnson, & Co.

The Undersigned intending to leave this colony in the course of Three Weeks from the Date hereof, requests all persons indebted to him immediately to settle the same, and all who have any claims against him to render them in for payment.
Plantation Turkein, East Coast.
Oct. 24, 1807. Valentine Kohler.

On Monday the 26th instant, at the house of Mr. Amos Leeds, barrels of herrings, do. sugar, do. tar, do. tobacco, tierces do. half barrels corn'd mutton, tubs beef, soap and candles, stationary per trunk, boxes raisins, cheese, paints and oil, segars per box, coffee bagging, half barrels salt, R. O. Shooks, W. O. do. Butt do, scantling, a schooner boat coppered, with all her tackle, &c.
[para] Oct. 23, 1807.
On Tuesday the 27th inst. at the store of Messrs. A. Fullerton, for the benefit of the Underwriters and others concerned, the Hull and Masts of the schooner Venus, as she lies off the Good Intent; also standing and running rigging, a complete suit of sails nearly new, three anchors, and three cables, muskets, spars, water casks, &c. &c. and at the same time and place, beef, butter, hams, &c.
Oct. 23, 1807.
On Monday the 2d of November, by order of James Alves, Esq. at his store in Bridgetown, London particular Madeira wine in bottles, cherry and raspberry brandy, in ditto, soap in boxes, nails, an assortment of chaise, jockey, and hunting whips, patent silk hats, India silk handkerchief and nankeens, musquito netting, britannias, huckaback, osnaburgs, nankeen trowsers, shoes, negro clothing, blankets, &c.
Oct. 23, 1807.
On Friday the 13th of November, at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. H. Griffith, a half lot of and No. 121, with the buildings thereon, situated in Cumingsburg. Also dry goods, provisions, &c.
Oct. 23, 1807.
On Monday the 16th of November, by order of Mr. I. Ceurvorst, at his house on Werk and Rust, household furniture, consisting of chairs, tables, silver spoons, knives and forks, &c.
Oct. 23, 1807.
On Wednesday the 25th of November, by order of Messrs. Colin Elder and Co. at their store in Middle-street, front of Plantation Vlissingen, split pease and barley, boots and shoes, Irish linens, long laws, cotton cambrics, table cloths and tea napkins, callicoes, ginghams, brown Holland, muslins, cambric, dimities, bedtick dowlas, white thread and tapes, Inverness cotton bagging, osnaburgs, silk hats, negro do. beaver do. and assortment of stationary, blue and green ware, paints, paint and lamp oil, vinegar, nails assorted, oats in tierces and barrels, cross cut saws with handles, a bedstead with Chinese bed furniture, fringes, feather and hair mattrasses, bolsters, and pillows, gilt buttons, a negro woman, &c.
Oct. 23, 1807.

Ingevolge Authorisatien vervat by Appoinctementen van den Wel Edele gestrenge Heer V. A. Heyliger, fungeerend President van den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie, alhier zal door den Eersten Exploiteur publicq by Executie worden opgeveild et verkogt, de navolgende goederen, als
Ten behoeve van M'Inroy, Sandbach, en Co. als geauthoriseerd zynde door welgemelde Hove ter incasseering der pretensien van de Firma I. Stephenson & Co. contra Wm. Niell & Co.
Een Huis Fraam van inlandsch hout, 26 voeten lang, en 28 voeten breed, tweeverdipingen hoog.
Voor C. D. Forrester contra Cassandra Game,
Een [?]erde gedeelte van zeekere halve Concessie, met de daaropstaande gebouwen, geleegen in Kingstown, tuschen de huisinge van Wm. Bell en Strouky.
Voor Peter Verbeke contra Jos. Taylor borg voor I. M. Mapp,
Twee Negers, genaamt Nelson en Galloway.
Ten behoeve van Jno. Oliverson contra Joseph B. Sandiford,
Het montant van f 5225, zynde 't salde, van zekere rekening courant, faveure den gesecumbeerde, en lasten de Firma van P. Nisbet en co. en de deugdelykheid van welke door denzelve is bezwooren.
En ten behoeve W. B. Thompson en Wm. Allen, Executeuren ten Boedel Hugh Wilson, als zynde en die qualiteit door I. Allen, ove gebieve Compagnon van de Firma van Wilson en Allen, geauthoriseerd tot het oporinden dien Firma, contra commissarisen van Cumingsburg,
Twee Stellingen van Cumingsburg, met de Waterlooten daartoe behoorende cumap en dependentis, de une geleegen by de Logie van H. Holms, en de andere by de huisingen van Telford en Nagthen.
Iemand vermeenende te hebben recht van oppositie addresseere zich als naar style en[??]odanige die en den verkoop hun gading vinden, koome ter [?]uiye van 't Raadhuys op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, den 3e den aanstaande maand November 1807, aan hoore de conditien en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 17 Oct. 1807
F. P. Francke Exploiteur.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Samuel Harrison with the First Fleet.
Mrs. Hart, in 14 days.
Oct. 10, 1807.
George Griffil Schilder, in 14 days or 4 weeks.
H. Strucker, and Mrs. Mary Pinket, in 3 weeks.
Oct. 24, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk

ONE JOE REWARD [heading]
Will be given to any person who shall lodge in the barracks the Negro Man Quaco, well known by the name of Quaco Rogers. He is a tall thin man, has a defect in his right eye, and an old ulcer on his left leg, which occasions a limp in his walk. Also, a Half Joe Reward to the person who will lodge in said Barracks a stout man by the name of Duncan, formerly a Boatman and Sailmaker of J. Barnwell.
Mahaica, Oct. 19, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
[first column]
Irish Butter
Tea and Refined Sugar
Madeira Wine, in pipes, hhds, qr. casks, and by the dozen
Negro Clothing
Nails from 4d. 6d. 8d. 20d. to 9dh inch spikes [sic]
Tobacco by the barrel
Cotton and Coffee Bagging
Ready made Coffee Bags
Gentlemen's Ready-made Clothes
[second column]
Irish Linens
Cordage assorted
A few boat cables
Paints and Paint Oil
Black Varnish
Neats-foot Oil, &c.
Sein, Sewing, and Mullet Twine
Ironmongery & Glass Ware assorted, &c.
[end columns]
Oct. 23, 1807. Francis Meagher.

By den Ondergetekende is te verkopen, een Wraam van Moora haut, een Verdieping, lang 40 voeten, breed 25 voeten, voor een eiviele pries. Martin Pfeiffer,
Oct. 22, 1807 op de voorgrond van Werk en Rust.

NOTICE. [heading]
My Wench Agatha has returned, as also my Woodcutter Cantzlaar, who was some time advertised. I will not now dispose of either, supposing, that they will never again abscond.
Oct. 23, 1807. J. Runnels, J.Z.

Just imported in the Diana, Capt. Brown, from Glasgow, and For Sale by the Subscriber, very Cheap for prompt Payment, viz.
[first column]
Bacon Hams
Loch fine Herrings in firkins
New Potatoes in hampers
Ling Fish in boxes
Double & single Gloucester Cheese
Irish Rose Butter in firkins and half firkins
Irish Mess Beef in half barls.
Pearl Barley, Split Pease
Loaf Sugar, Hyson Tea
London Porter, Beer
Old Port Wine
Coarse and fine Irish Linens
Sheetings, Britannias
Oznaburghs, Inverness Cotton Bagging
Coarse and fine Printed Calicoes
Cotton and Linen Checks
[second column]
Madras handkerchiefs
Muslins, Cambrics
Gentlemen's Ready-made Coats, Coatees, Vests, and Pantaloons
Fine Linen Shirts
Boots and Shoes
Threads, Tapes, Bobbing
Plantation Stores
Negro Clothing, Slops
Soap, Candles
White, Yellow, Red, Black and Green Paints
Paint Oil, Paint Brushes
Assortment of Queen's Ware, Tin, Ware, Glass ware, Sadlery
Nails, 4, 6, 10, 20 and 30d.
Small Boats for Colony Craft
[end columns]
Also, on Hand, [heading]
[first column]
Black Cloth, Flannel
Marseilla Quilting
Corded Dimities, Bed. Tick
Gentlemen's & Ladies' Hats
Stockings, Children's Hats
Diaper, Gloves, Umbrellas
Pocket Handkerchiefs
Black silk Handkerchiefs
Starch, Blue
Carpenters' and Coopers' Falling Axes
Sod Irons, Cutlasses
Canister powder
Patent shot, 1, 2, 3, 4
Knives and forks, carvers
Pins, needles
Pen-knives, razors
[second column]
Scissars, cork screws
Spy glasses, boxes bubles
Hammock and deep sea lines
Slates, pencils
Hand Saws
Cross-cut saws, files, padlocks
Boat chains, hinge
Iron pots
Cotton gin cranks with brasses
Cordage, shoe brushes
Horse do.
Powder flasks, shot belts
Iron tea kettles, gridirons
Anchors, grapnels, blocks
Madeira Wine per doz.
Cogniac Brandy, Old Rum
And Sundry other Articles.
[end columns]
Stabroek, Oct. 23, 1807. H. Douglas.
A New Punt for Sale or Hire.

I the Underwritten, having sustained a heavy Loss in Property by connecting myself in business with the person of W. H. Wells, whom I raised from extremest indigence to his present condition, but who returned my friendly offices with deception, ingratitude, and malice, which I should have treated with silent contempt but that he had the audacious temerity to publish, with a view of misleading the public, in last week's paper, an Advertisement forbidding payments being made of the debts due to the Firm of Doyle & Wells, without his signature. He having no property in said Firm, I declare his signature unnecessary, and request that no payments may be made to him on account of the Firm aforesaid.
Oct. 22, 1807. Martin Doyle.

Those who have any Demands against the Estate of John Lewis, deceased, are requested to render the same to the Subscriber, and those who are indebted to make immediate payment to him; he being appointed by the Hon. Court of Justice Curator to said Estate.
Oct. 24, 1807. Martin Doyle, Curator.

Also de Heer S. G. Jansen van voorneemens is om in 't kort naar de rivier Saramacke op zyn Edel Pl. genaamt de Kinderen te vertrekken zo verzoekt hy by deesen een iegelyk welke hy verschuldigd is hunnen pretensien integeeven by d[??] Ondergeteekende, op Werk en Rust.
de 24 Oct. 1807. D. Willebers, q.q.
S. G. Jansen.

TWO JOES REWARD. [heading]
Run Away from the Subscriber a Negro Woman, named Frankey, a native of Barbados, and well known in this Colony and elsewhere; she has a piece of her right ear cut off. Whoever will deliver her to the Subscriber, or lodge her in the Barracks, shall receive the above Reward. All persons are forbid harbouring the said Negro, as the Law will be put in force against such offenders, and all Masters of Vessels are cautioned against carrying her out of the Colony.
Oct. 23, 1807. Cassandra Game.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Oct. 19. Ship Diana, Th. Brown, from Glasgow.
Oct. 19. Brig Betsey, Wm. Hart, from Belfast.
Oct. 23. Schooner Ant, Jos. Lolly, from Barbados.
Oct. 23. Schooner Harriot, John M'Kenzie, from Tortola & Bbds.


The homeward bound fleet sailed yesterday.

There have been some differences lately in Essequebo between the Bucks and some Mulattos living up that River. As, however, the universally esteemed and Hon. P. C. Ouckama is Commandeur there, every confidence is placed in his temperate and wise measures, and, we are happy to say, nothing serious is apprehended.

His Excellency Colonel and Governor Nicholson gave a dinner on Thursday last to a large party, at the King's House. In the evening there was a Ball, &c.

The vessel intended for the flag of truce to the Oronoque, will sail to morrow [sic] for Barbados.

The armed boats are not yet returned.

Samuel Reddish, Esq. late Comptroller of Customs at Barbados, being appointed Collector at Montego Bay, Jamaica, Thos. J. Straker, Esq. succeeds him; and it is said that Major Arthur Blair is appointed Collector at St. Lucia, vice Straker.

"He cock'd his tail, and ran." [heading]
- Vide 4th stanza of the Ballad in last week's paper [heading]
TO THE EDITOR. [heading]
If we had not promised always to detect Castigator's errors, we certainly should take no notice of his last liberal insertion; but, rather than break our word, we will do penance and examine it.
The first stanza is very cramp'd composition, and requires to be read over many times before the sense can be found out. To squall a yell with a growl, is absolute nonsense. Next comes the word madmans; this is the first time we ever saw the word madmens in print. No flowing bowls in hell, is thrust in head and shoulders to fill up the stanza, for it has no connection with the other three lines. Castigator, in his Escape, which he put in the papers some weeks ago, says - "My head I hide, and ever will" We therefore conjecture that he must have done down to the dark regions during the intermediate time. This is the only way we can account for his posteriors being ornamented with a Tail; for he tells us, "He cock'd his Tail, and ran." What a fine picture we have in the 5th stanza, viz. Castigator with his Tail cock'd up, his classic soul all in a blaze, and in his hand a Roman spear! It brings to our mind Milton's description - "Black it stood at night, fierce as ten furies, terrible as hell," &c. Castigator, in his Escape, spoken of above, exclaims - "Full of respect to you I bend;" now mark the force of our argument, gentle Readers; in his last insertion he tell us - "The high respect that's due to you is ONLY from the Devil!" wherefore, as respect is due to us only from the Devil, and as Castigator bends before us full of respect, it is clear, from his own words, that he is the King of Brimstone who bends before us. - This is another strong argument in support of his tail. He cries out, in another place, "Now I am prepared to fight, ye dam'd lorels come on." As we have now proved, by Castigator's own words, that he is a Spirit, we judge it most prudent to decline the engagement till he turns Man again and gets quit of his Tail. It never was our intention to have any thing to do with Spirits.
"And Harmony began." We do not recollect ever to have perused any performance of Castigator that struck us with the idea of harmony. Drench has no accusative case after it: this convinces us that Castigator either has forgotten or never studied his Grammar. Damn'd is spelt dam'd throughout the whole piece. Squabling wants the letter b.
Here ends our criticism, which we offer to the public in the humblest manner possible, and beg pardon for dwelling so long on the ballad of a tail'd Classic.
Oct. 19, 1807. Subscribers.

"Risum teneatis." [heading]
Quoth Sub. one day - Requieseant in urna,
I cannot forge to my Cothu[?]no! –

"Tuta requiscant in urna." [heading]
Quoth Pedant F. to Pedant Sub.
This smelleth much of Tale of Tub.
Pray means my Latin, Horse, or Sloth?
Why Nin, cried Sub, it meaneth both.
Ridiculus Mus.

TO CASTIGATOR. [heading]
"For he that runs may fight again,
Which he can never do, that's slain."

Right well and wisely didst thou yield,
And not attempt to keep the field,
Gainst such a phalanx - such a foe!
Replete with death - destruction - woe!
But now I beg - your fears disperse,
Peep out, and try your luck, in verse:
The Cohort has dispers'd about,
And only left one lonely scout;
Whom Dactyls, Spondees so engage,
That you need little heed his rage.
His bolts against poor F. so burns,
No rest for F. e'en in his turn!
Anvils, forge hammers, huge big bellows!
God's mercy have, on wilrling fellows
Besides, behold your champion knight,
In armour stands, for you to fight –
See, W. T. R. T. N. for you appear,
And brandish high his Roman spear.
So keen his lines - his words so fell,
H' has sent them every one to Hell!
Come forth then Castig. spite the fiends!
Oh come again, and join your Friends!
Oct. 20, 1807. Hortator.

Beneath their cankering breath no bud can blow;
Their black'ning pow'r resembles smut in corn,
Which kills the rising ears that should adorn,
And bid thy vales with golden plenty glow.
- Peter Pindar's 9th Bartwell Ode

When Pedant, either in a gown, cassock, coat, or coatee, once are infected with the itch of scribbling (should even the dispute not be [illegible] the point of a pin), it would be easier to stop, the mouth of a Billingsgate lady or a dull Preacher, than the black torrents running from their pens.
To appease the angry Critic, I request him to read thus the unfortunate verse, on which he has poured his indignation –
Ossa qui [bar symbol] et pre [bar symbol] cor tu [bar symbol] ta requi [bar symbol] oscere in [bar symbol] urna; and now requiescant his irascible soul and happy syllogisms.
The bit of English poetry, which he calls an imitation of a good poet!!! at the head, and the other at the tail of his oration, I dare say, are very fine in his opinion; whether they will be so in that of others, I don't know, and care not a farthing to know.
To peruse pedantic trash is already a severe task; to answer it more, would be an insufferable punishment; thus good bye, Sir, reverend, Esquire, Gentleman, or master Subscriber; and remember what Butler, in his Hudibras, foretold a century ago to Critics of your standard:
In dressing a Calf's head, although
The tongue and brains together go,
Both keep so great a distance here,
Tis strange if ever they come near.
Oct. 22, 1807. F.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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