Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 October 24

Vol. II.)


(No. 95.

Saturday, October 24th, 1807.

Sugar & Coffee. [heading]
Wanted for the use of His Majesty's Troops in this Colony. Any Person willing to supply either of the above Articles at the Commissary's Stores at the Fort, in such quantities as may be required for the expenditure of Two Months, say of the former about Five Thousand, and of the latter about Three Thousand Pounds Weight, are requested to make Tender for the same to the Subscriber, marked thereon "Tenders for Sugar and Coffee" previous to the 2d of November next on which day they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most advantageous offer or offers will be accepted.
Will. N. Firebrace,
Resdt. Commissary.
Commissary's Office.
Demerary, 22d Octr. 1807.

Just Imported in the Brig Betsey, and For Sale by the Subscribers; -
New Irish Butter of the first Quality in half firkins,
Prime Irish Mess Pork in barrels, 50 pieces each.
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 24th October 1807.

The Subscriber informs his Friends he has still room for a few bales of Cotton and Bags of Coffee as Freight for Ship Speculator; favors confered [sic] in shipping any of the above produce will sensually [sic] oblige
24th Octr. Rt. Younghusband.

For Sale by the Subscriber. [heading]
Hams, Irish butter, tea and refined sugar,
Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads, quarter casks and by the dozen,
Negro Cloathing,
Nails from 4dy, 6, 8, 10 to 9 inch Spikes,
Tobacco by the barrel,
Irish linens, cotton and coffee bagging,
Ready made coffee baggs [sic],
Gentlemens' ready made Cloaths,
Cordage assorted, a few boat cables,
Paints and paint oil, black varnish,
Tar, Neatsfoot oil, &c.
Sein, sewing and mullet twine,
Sadlery, Ironmongery, and Glass ware assorted.
Francis Meagher.
Demerary, 24th October 1807.

Lost in Stabroek on Wednesday 21st inst. two Obligations, one of Van Schueter's amounting to f 1329, drawn in favour of J. Ross and endorsed by him; the other of D. S. Van s'Gravesande amount to f 176, drawn in favour of R. Tapers; they will be of no use to any one but the owner, their payment being already stopt. Whoever has found the same, by delivering them to the Subscriber shall receive a reward of Two Joes.
24th Octr. 1807. Robt. Tapers.

Lost between Mahaica and Stabroek, a Subscription List for the benefit of Miss Kitty Jones, viz: -
[first column]
Jos. Lucas, 5 Joes paid.
Eliza Lucas, 5 do. do.
T. B. Tyzen, 3 do. do.
A. Kelden, 2 do. do.
R. Tapers, 2 do.
G. Robertson, 3 do. pd.
Ed. Terril, 3 do.
M. Warricker, 3 do. pd.
Sl. Challoner, 2 do. do.
Sh. Challoner, 2 do. do.
[second column]
C. R. Arthur, 2 do.
M. J. Philips, 2 do. pd.
Geo. Gilzean, 1 do. do.
S. s'Gravesande, 3 do.
E. s'Gravesande, 2 do.
R. Phips [sic], 1 do. pd.
R. Tups, 1 do.
Wm. T. Bycraft, 1 do.
Susan Massiah, 1 do.
Wm. Massiah, 1 do. pd.
[end columns]
Whoever has found the same and will deliver it to the Printer shall receive a reward of Two Joes.
24th October, 1807.

A Punt has been picked-up on the front of Plantation Zorg en Hoop. - Whoever the same may belong to can have it by applying to the Manager of said Estate and paying the usual Expences.
Demerary, 24th October 1807.

The Subscribers have just landed the following assortment of Goods (for Sale at low Prices for immediate Payment,) viz: -
[first column]
Best Irish mess pork in barrels and 1/2 barrels,
Do. do. beef in barrels,
American do. in 1/2 do.
Hams, ling fish,
Jugs split pease and pearl barley,
Double rose butter,
Oats in puncheons,
Porter in do. of 15 dozen,
Cogniac brandy in pipes,
Mustard, basket salt,
Pickles, vinegar, pepper,
Candles and soap,
Refined sugar,
Canteens for boat travelling,
Sandwich trays,
India shades and barrel lamps,
Stationary assorted,
Nests trunks,
Green silk umbrellas,
Mens', womens' and Boys, shoes,
Planters do. with buckles,
Patent silk and beaver hats,
London-made boots,
Flannell Coatees and jackets,
Musqueto pantaloons,
Navy blue and black superfine cloths,
Black cassimere,
Fine Welch flannell,
Cottton [sic] sheeting,
Irish linens assorted,
Cotton and linen checks,
[second column]
Coffee and cotton bagging,
Osnaburgs and threads,
Blue Bengal stripes,
Mattrasses with bolsters and pillows,
Bed tick,
Seine and sewing twine,
Seins 10 and 15 fathom long,
White lead and paint oil,
Lamp oil in barrels and jugs,
Negro cloathing,
Bar iron from 3/4 to 1 3/4 inch,
Bolt rods, 5-8 & 3-4 do.
Iron pots 1, 2 & 3 gallons,
Copper skimmers & ladles,
Negro knives, harpoons,
Rat traps,
Hammock hooks,
Boat chains [illegible] padlocks,
Dutch steel yards,
Setts coffin furniture,
Gun tool chests complete,
Vat, but and wine cocks,
Coffee mills, braces and bitts,
Planes of all kinds,
Saws, ditto,
Locks, bolts, hinges, files,
Frying pans & grid irons,
Sheet lead, powder and shot,
Shovels, cutlasses, hoes, and pruning knives,
Nails 4 to 50dy,
Cordage assorted.
[end columns]
Also Madeira Wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks.
Thomas Shute & Co.
24th October, 1807.

To Be Sold. [heading]
Two Horses, the Property of an Officer leaving the Colony, - they are fit for either the Draft or Saddle. Apply to the Printer. Demerary, 24th Octbr.

All Persons having Demands against Hugo Cantzlaar JZ. or, who may hold any of his Acceptances, are requested to render in such Demands, and call for Payment thereof. Demerary, 24th October 1807.
Hugo Cantzlaar, JZ.

To Be Let. [heading]
A Dwelling House situate on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust [sic - no closing period] Further particulars may be known on application to
Octbr. 24th. F. Horn.

Runaway from Plantation Two Friends, West Bank Demerary River, a Negro Woman named Molly, she is a creole of Barbados, black skin, pock petted in the face a little, and is well known in Demerary, particularly about the Camp, as she has been retailing of Dry Goods about the Town &c. for many years, and does pass for a free woman. Any Person apprehending the said woman and lodging her in Barracks shall be handsomely rewarded. All Persons are hereby forbid harbouring or employing the said woman as they may depend on being dealt with according to Law, and all Captains or Owners of Vessels are forbid taking her off the Country.
Wm. Riley.
Demerary, 24th Octr. 1807.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz:
Mr. Gerold Gressil, in 14 days or 4 Weeks. Oct. 24
Mr. H. Struckur, in do. do. October 24th.
Mrs. Mary Pinkett, in do. do. October 24th.
Mr. Saml. Harrison, with first Convoy, Oct. 10th.
Miss Hart, in 14 days from October 10th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Wordt mits deeze bekend gemaakt dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergadering in de Maand November aanstande zal worden gepasseerd, als: -
[see and compare, for changes, the following with 18071017EDRG]
Door J. G. Looff, Hypotheecq op Vyf Stucks Slaaven als meede on de 1-4 Concessie No 11, Stabroek, ten behoeve van J. C. Kuster.
[see 18071017EDRG] . . .
[see and compare, for changes, the following with 18071017EDRG]
Door John McCamon Transport van de Concessien No 1 en 2, aan Henry Tulloh & Co. en van de Concessien No 48 en 49 geleegen in Cumingsburg, aan John McGarel welke laste ter gelyker tyd zal passeeren Hypotheecq op voorn: Concessie en gebouwen, als meede tien Stuks Neegers, ten faveure van Wm. King q.q.
Door Wm. Roach qq Jno Gordon Foderingham en W. Foderingham, Transport van de Plantagie Bygeval met veertig stuks Slaaven, aan Henry Hutson en Richard M. Jones, welke laatste zullen passeeren Hypotheecq op gem: Plantagie en Slaaven, als meede op de Plantagie Welhelmina en vyftig stuks Slaaven beide geleegen in de Kreek Mahaica, ten faveure van genoemde Gordon Foderingham en William Foderingham.
[see 18071017EDRG] . . .
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 17de October 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

By Virtue of an order of the Honorable V. A. Heyliger, Acting President of the Court of Justice of this Colony, I the Undersigned First Exploieteur will publicly expose for sale by Execution to the highest bidder: -
At the suit of McInroy, Sandbach & Co. authorised by the Honorable Court aforesaid to collect the outstanding debts of the firm of J. Stephenson & Co. versus Wm. Niell & Co. a Frame of Colony wood, 26 feet long by 28 feet broad, one story and a half high.

At the suit of C. D. Forrester versus Cassandra Game, one-third of a certain half concession with the buildings thereon, situated in Kingstown, between the premises of Wm. Bell & Strunkay.
At the suit of Jno. Oliverson versus J. B. Sandiford, an amount of f 5225, for ballance due the said J. B. Sandiford, agreeable to an attested account current with the firm of P. Nisbet & Co.
And lastly at the suit of W. B. Thompson & Wm. Allen, Executors to the Estate of Hugh Wilson deceased, authorised by J. Allen, sole remaining Partner of the firm of Wilson & Allen, to collect the debts due to that firm, versus Commissioners of Cumingsburg, two Stellings with the water lots and other appurtenances in Cumingsburg; the first situated near the Logie of H. Holms, and the other near Messrs. Telford & Naghten's premises.
Any Person or Persons sustaining a right to oppose said Sales are requested to apply to the Undersigned in the usual form, and those who are desirous to purchase are to attend at the Court House in Stabroek on the 3d of November next.
Demerary, 17th October, 1807.
F. P. Francke, Exploieteur.
Alexr. Tinne, Sw: Translator.

On the 3d November next will be Sold by the First Marshal at Public Auction, in behalf of Peter Verbeke, the following Negroes taken under Execution from Jos. Taylor as Security for J. M. Mapp; - two negro men named Nelson and Galloway. Any Person pretending cause to oppose the said Sales address themselves as customary; and those who are inclined to purchase attend on the Day of Sales above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, the 17th October, 1807.
F. P. Francke.
Translated from the Dutch
D. P. Simon.


On Monday the 26th instant, at the store of Amos Leeds Esq. - A large assortment of Provisions, Dry Goods, &c. Also a copper-bottom'd Schooner Boat, with all her tackling, &c.
October 24th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 27th instant will be exposed for sale to the highest bidders, at the store of Messrs. A. Fullerton & Co. for the benifit [sic] of the Underwriters and others Concerned, the Hull and masts of the Schooner Venus, as she lays off the Plantn. Good Intent; also standing and running rigging, a compleat suit of sails nearly new, three anchors and three cables, spars, water casks, &c. &c.
And at the same times and place, beef, butter & hams.
Octb. 24th Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 2d November, by order of Mr. J. S. Alves, at his store in Bridge-Town, - London particular Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks, port wine in bottles, cherry and raspberry brandy in ditto, soap in boxes, nails in kegs, an assortment of chaise, jockey and hunting whips, patent silk hats, India silk handkerchiefs and nankeens, musquetto netting, britannias, huckaback, oznaburghs, nankeen trowsers, shoes, Negro cloathing, blankets, &c.
Octr. 24th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 10 November, by order of T. T. Thompson and Edward W. Wilkinson, Executors of Young Turner deceased, at his late residence in Cumingsburg, - a House of Colony Wood with out-buildings and the Ground they stand on, four Carpenter Negroes, a chest of tools, a writing desk, a gold watch, chain & seal, wearing apparel, &c. &c. Terms of sale, Six Months Credit in Cash.
Octr. 24th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 13th November, at the Vendue Office, by order of Mr. C. H. Griffith, - a half Lot of Land No. 181, with the Buildings thereon, situated in Cumingsburg. Also Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
Octr. 24th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 16th November, by order of Mr. J. Ceurvorst, at his House on Werk & Rust, Household furniture, consisting of dining and other Tables, Chairs, Silver Spoons, Knives and Forks, &c. &c.
Octr. 24th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 25th November, by order of Messrs. Colin Elder & Co. at their Store in middle street, front of Plantation Vlissingen, - Split pease and barley, boots and shoes, Irish linen, long lawns, cotton cambricks, table cloths and tea napkins, callicoes, ginghams, brown holland, muslins, cambric, dimities, bed ticks, dowlas, white threads, tapes, Inverness cotton bagging, oznaburgs, silk hats, childrens' hats, beaver hats, negro hats, paper, quills, wafers, wax and pencils, tin ware, blue and green ware, paints, paint and lamp oil, vinegar, nails, oats in tierces and barrels, cross cut saws with handles, a bedstead with Chinease' [sic] bed furniture, fringes, feather and hair mattresses, bolster and pillows; an assortment of coat buttons, a Negro Woman, and what may appear on the day of sale.
October 24th. Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag den 27 deezer, ten packhuysen van de Heeren A. Fullerton & Co. publicq worden en opgeveild en verkogt, voor Reekening van Assurandeurs of die zulks mooge aangaan, de bodem on masten van de Schoener Venus, zoo als dezelve than legd by de Plantagie Good Intent, met alle haar tuyg, een compleet sett Zeylen, drie cabels en anckers, geweeren, water vaaten, &c. Alsmeede ten zelve daage en plaatse, vleesch, boote en ham.
Oct. 24. Robert Kingston.

Wood Hoops for Sale. [heading]
Enquire of the Printer.
[no date]

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber is at the House of Henry Tulloh & Co.
Octbr. 24th. Phineas Mackentosh [sic].

By Virtue of an extract notul of the 14 Days Roll Court dated 19th October last, I the Undersigned Exploieteur, at the request of Murdo Downie and J. Tuite Acting Executors to the Estate of W. Allanby, M.D. deceased, do hereby for the fourth time exsuperabundantie summons all known and unknown Creditors of the aforesaid Estate in this Colony.
At the request of F. Meagher, by the death of R. Stephenson sole remaining Executor to the Estate of J. Cunningham deceased, all known and unknown Creditors of the aforesaid Estate in this Colony.
And lastly at the request of J. C. Smit, J.C.Z. sole remaining Executor to the Estate of M. Aut deceased, all known and unknown Creditors of the aforesaid Estate, to appear before the Honorable Court of Justice in Stabroek on the 16th November next and following days; in order as yet to give in and substantiate thir [sic] claims. Whereas after the expiration of these last summons exsuperabundantie the perpetual silence will be applied for against all Creditors who shall not have given in their claims by that time.
Demerary, the 23d October, 1807.
P. F. Francke, Exploiteur.
Alexr. Tinne, Sw. Translator.

A Danish Schooner arrived here on Wednesday Morning from Barbados, at the time she left, there was a general Embargo, she, however escaped after being fired at several times by one of the Forts, (the above Schooner was in so bad a state that she sunk in this River the Day after her arrival) the Embargo is said to be in consequence of an Expedition fitting out there, supposed to be destined against St. Thomas and St. Croix. The 1st September Packet had arrived at Barbados.

Lieut. Generrl [sic] Beckwith, Governor of the Island of St. Vincent, arrived at Barbados on the 12th inst. to take Command of the Forces, in lieu of General Bowyer, who goes to Europe.

We are happy to announce the capture of the Enemy Privateer Juna Richard, of 6 9-pounders and 1 long 18 upon a traverse, with 96 men, which was captured on the 1st inst. by the Windsor Castle Packet Capt. Rogers of 6 guns and only 28 men; - the Privateer attempted to board but Capt. Rogers at that moment brought one of his guns to bear nearly fore aft the Enemy, when he ordered it to be loaded with 100 musket balls, and instantly discharged which produced a dreadful carnage on board the Enemy, those men who remained ran from their quarters, when Capt. Rogers, with the greatest presence of mind, jumped on board with only five of his own men, secured the main hatch way, ordered the men up one by one and secured them in their own Irons which he obliged them to produce, the Packet had 3 men killed and 10 wounded, the Enemy had 33 killed and 31 wounded.

She is the same Vessel which captured the four Merchant Vessels lately from this River.

Four strong Privateers have been sent into Barbados by the Blonde Frigate, Capt. Ballard.

On Monday Evening the First Subscription Ball, took place at Marshall's Hotel, altho' the weather was not very favourable, it was numerously attended. His Excellency the Governor was present, as well as several of the first characters in the Colony. - The full Band of the Royals attended, and the Evening was spent in the most agreeable manner.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Ship Diana, Th. Brown, from Glasgow.
Brig Betsy, William Hart, Belfast.
Schr. Ant, Jos. Lolley, Barbados.
---- Harriot, J. McKenzie, Tortola & Barbados.


2 Joes Reward. [heading]
Runaway from the Subscriber a Negro Woman named Frankey, a native of Barbados, and well known in the Colony and elsewhere, she has a pieces of her right ear off; whosoever will deliver her to the Subscriber or lodge her in the Barracks shall receive the above reward. All Persons are forbid harbouring the said Negro as the Law will be put in force against such offenders, all masters of Vessels are cautioned against carrying her off the Colony.
24th Octbr. Casanders Game.

Just Imported in the Diana, Capt. Brown, from Glasgow, and For Sale by the Subscriber very Cheap for prompt Payment, viz:
Bacon Hams, Loch fine Herrings in firkins,
New Potatoes in hampers, ling Fish in boxes,
Double and single Glosters [sic] Cheese,
Irish Rose Butter in firkins, and 1/2 firkins,
Irish Mess Beef in 1/2 barrels,
Pearl Barley, Split Pease, Loaf Sugar,
Hyson Tea, London Porter, Beer,
Old Port Wine,
Coarse and fine Irish Linens,
Sheetings, Britannias,
Oznaburghs, Inverness Cotton Bagging,
Coarse and fine Printed Callicoes,
Cotton and Linen Checks,
Madrass Handkerchiefs, Muslins, Cambrics,
Gentlemens' ready made Coats, Coatees,
Vests, and Pantaloons,
Fine Linen Shirts, Boots and Shoes,
Threads, Tapes, Bobing [sic],
Plantation Stores, Negro Cloathing, Slops,
Soap, Candles,
White, Yellow, Red, Black and Green Paints,
Paint Oil, Paint Brushes,
Assortment of Queen's Ware, Tin Ware,
Glass Ware, Sadlery, Stationary,
Nails, 4, 6, 10, 20, and 30dy,
Small Boats for colony Craft.
Also On Hand,
Black Cloth, Flannell, Marsellas Quilting,
Corded Dimities, Bed Tick,
Gentlemens' and Lady's Hats,
Stockings, Childrens' Hats, Diaper, Gloves,
Umbrellas, Pocket Hankerchiefs [sic],
Black silk Handkerchiefs, Starch, Blue,
Carpenters and Coopers Tools, Felling Axes,
Sod Irons, Cutlasses, Cannister Powder,
Patent Shot, 1, 2, 3, 4,
Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pins, Needles,
Pen Knives, Razors, Scissars, Cork Screws,
Spy Glasses, Beree's Bubles [sic],
Hammock and Deep Sea lines,
Slates, Pencils, Hand Saws,
X Cut Saw Files, Pad Locks,
Boat Chains, Hinges, Iron Potts,
Cotton Gin Cranks with brasses,
Cordage, Shoe Brushes, Horse Ditto,
Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Iron Tea Kettles,
Grid Irons, Anchors, Grapnels, Blocks,
Madeira Wine per dozen,
Cogniac Barndy [sic], Old Rum,
and sundry other Articles.
24th Octbr. H. Douglas.
A New Punt for Sale or Hire.

Picked-Up at Sea, a Clinker-built Boat, 6 feet 4 inches wide, and 22 feet long. The Owner thereof can have her by applying to the Subscriber, and Paying the Expences.
24th Octbr. E. Latham.

See the Supplement.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.

[No Supplement in microfilm]


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