Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 254.
Saturday, the 7th of November.
Word mits desen bekend gemaakt, dat in
Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen,
Den Heer I. Smit, meerderjaarig jongman,
gebooren Rio Demerary, de gereformeerd godsdienst toegedaan, bruidegom ter
eenre, en
Mejufvrouw Sara Petronella Swartz,
minderjarige jonge dochter, geboortig alhier en meede de gereformeerde
godsdienst toegedaan, ten deesen consent [??]koomen hebbende van desselves
Voogd, den Wel Edelen Heer Rd. Nugent, Bruid ter andere zyde.
Den Wel Edelen Heer A. H. van Beusekom,
meerderjaarig jongman, geboortig van Cuylenburg, de gereformeerd godsdienst
toegedaan, Bruidegom ter eenre, en
Mejufvrouw Barbara Elizabeth Cappelaar,
Weduwe wylen den Heer I. P. Jansen, geboortig te Demerary, meede van de
gereformeerde godsdienst Bruid ter andere zyde.
Imand hiertegens wettig oppositie
sustineerende, addresseeren zig daar en zoo het behoord.
Essequebo, den 3 November, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.
Words mits deesen van weegens het
Secretary deser Rivier aan alle en een Ygelyk die [?]al mogte concerneeren,
bekend gemaakt, dat vortaan geene Hypotheecquen, Transporten, ofte andere
Scabinaale Actens, zullen worden gepasserd, ten zy deselve ten minsten Vier
weeken te vooren aan het Secretary voornoemd worde opgegeeven. Moetende
alverder de poincten ofte propositien van zoodaanig Hypotheecq ofte andere acte
meede Veertien dagen voor de Sessie van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen ter
Secretary worden ingeleeverd; kennende by faute van dien, het verlyden van
zodaanige instrumenten of legaale actum geen plaats vinden.
Fort Zeelandia, den 4 November, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.
Rio Demerary. [heading]
CASH WANTED [heading]
For Bills of Exchange drawn on the
Paymasters General of His Majesty's Forces, to the Amount of Eleven Hundred
No. 795 – 400
696 – 400
697 – 300
Sealed Tender for the same (marked
"Tenders for Bills") will be received at this Office until Tuesday
the 10th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in
the presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and, if approved,
Commissary's Office. W. N. Firebrace,
Demerary, Nov. 6, 1807. Res
Newfoundland Cod Fish [heading]
Just Imported in the Ship Garthland, and
for Sale by the Subscriber, for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee, or Cotton.
Also, on Hand,
A few barrels best superfine Baltimore
Irish Rose Butter in whole and half
firkins, Bottled Porter and Pale Ale, Soap, Candles, Loaf Sugar, Negro
Clothing, Irish Linen, Baby Flannel, Paints and Paint Oil, Nails assorted,
Saddlery, Glass and Earthen Ware, &c. &c.
Nov. 6, 1807. F. C. Otto.
All those who have any Accounts or
Pretensions against the deceased O. I. Laurin's Estate, and which have not been
given in for examination as yet, are friendly requested to do so, before the
first of December next, at the Counting House of Engels and Van Senden.
Nov. 7, 1807. G. H. Van Senden.
Absconded from the Subscriber, very
early on Tuesday morning last, the Negro Girl Arabella, telling one of the
house-boys, that the belly-ache made it necessary for her to go out.
She is about 12 years old, and pretty
black. Whoever will bring back the said girl, will be rewarded.
Nov. 6, 1807. J. F. Obermuller.
Verlooren en Vrydag morgen, tuschen 12
en 1 uur, op 't Vendue Comptoir, Een Goed geschreeden deur Heer Buckoll, en
geteekend deur W. C. Berteling, bedraagen de Zes en Zestig Guldens;
bevengemelde Goed is van nul en geender waarde wyl 't is reeds betaald
verzoekende daar om den geenen welken het heest gevonden om aan ondergeteekende
te retoureeren voor een rewaard. W. V. D. Wagt.
Demerary, den 6 Nov. 1807.
N. B. Boven staande goed was geteekend
den 2 October 1807.
On Monday the 9th instant, at the Vendue
Office, Irish sheetings, white Nankeens, saddlery, platillas, muslins,
calicoes, India goods, provisions, &c.
Nov. 7, 1807
On Thursday the 12th instant, at the
Vendue Office, Prime Irish beef and pork, Irish linens and sheetings,
platillas, checks, muslins, calicoes, salempores, a few boxes soap, new Irish
butter in half firkins, &c.
Nov. 7, 1807.
On Monday the 23d instant, by order of
Messrs. Douglas, Reid, and Co. at their store in front of Plantation
Vlissingen, Fine and coarse Irish linens and sheetings, cotton shirting,
checks, Britannias, Bed tick, Platillas, Salempores, superfine Broad Cloth,
Madras and Pullicat Hdkfs. Furniture Chintz, Callicoes, Stockings, Boots and
Shoes, Gentlemen's and Ladies' Hats, Paint and Paint Oils, Soap, candles,
Porter and Beer in bottles, Irish Butter, Beef, Pork, &c.
Nov. 6, 1807.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
George Greffil Schilder, in 14 days or 4
H. Strucker, and Mrs. Mary Pinkett, in 3
Oct. 24, 1807.
Wm. Codd and Lyman Barnes, in 14 days.
Oct. 30, 1807.
John French and John Farrington, in 12
Nov. 7. 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first
List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not
Mr. Bond, Editor of The Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading]
Although I feel a repugnance, and deem
it indelicate, to dwell upon any subject which concerns those at present
resting in the silent grave, yet I consider myself imperatively called upon to
notice, once for all, a paragraph which appeared in a publication [cross or
dagger symbol] of last week, and, as the printer thereof may perhaps neglect to
publish my letter, I request you to reprint in your next the anonymous article
respecting the late Miss Nancy Rousman, which was in his last, and to place my
letter immediately under it.
I am, &c. &c. R. B. Daly.
Vlissingen, Nov. 2, 1807.
"We insert the following article at
the request of a Subscriber:
Departed this Life on the 26th Instant,
the Free Coloured Woman Nancy Rousman, who it is Generally believed Left a
large Property, chiefly Consisting in Cash, which she acquired by honest
Industry, during a Long Residence in this Country. Her Remains have been
deposited in the Family Vault on Plantation Vlissingen, the Property of her
Nephew R. B. Daly, Esq.
To Mr. E. I. Henery, Printer in
Demerary. [heading]
I should have been obliged to your
Subscriber for publishing - and to you, Sir, for the conspicuous manner in
which you placed - his Advertisement in your last paper of yesterday evening,
Oct. 31, No. 96, respecting the death of the Free Coloured Woman Miss Nancy
Rousman, who departed this life on the 26th October 1807, and whose long Residence
in this Colony has really been characterised by honest industry (perhaps much
more so than what your anonymous Subscriber can boast of), if due respect to
Truth had been observed in every point. I am only sorry to find that every
other iota of his Advertisement is utterly false; and further, I am all times
ready, not to publish under the disguise of a Subscriber, out to prove openly,
at my dwelling, that the Author of such Advertisement is a malignant, envious
Liar, who deserves no further notice.
You need not be under any apprehension
of my taking measures to stop your further publication of "paragraphs
which may tend to injure the feelings of individuals!" - "Let the
galled jade wince!" I am quite disregardful of insinuations equally false
and malicious as unnecessary; but I wish you to insert this letter in your next
paper, and shall give you or myself no further trouble.
Pl. Vlissingen, Nov. 1, 1807. R. B.
[Cross or dagger symbol] The paragraph
alluded to was published in the Gazette which is said to be patronised by Mr.
van Berckel, and printed by Mr. Henery, who, no doubt, "sensually"
obliged his Subscriber by inserting it. - No Reflections! Editor.
To the Printer of the Essequebo and
Demerary Gazette. [heading]
Sir, Stabroek, Nov. 2, 1807
Justice to myself requires me to notice
the very opprobrious attempt to calumniate my character in your last week's
paper, signed W. H. Wells, which, he says, states
"Fact at once irrefragable and
I should not have deemed it necessary to
reply to a production so pregnant with virulent and scurrilous ribaldry, had he
not, with the most audacious wickedness, accused me of downright dishonesty, in
giving a Gentleman a Receipt for twenty odd "Coffee Bags," instead of
Bags of Coffee. As this false, diabolical, and scandalous assertion originates
only form the malicious rancour and vile depravity of his own vicious heart, I
do hereby, in the most public manner, challenge, defy, and dare him to prove,
or bring forth the least shadow of proof, in support of such nefarious
defamation; and I do therefore hold him up to the view of the community at
large as a self convicted, ignominious Liar and Villain.
Instead of endeavouring to screen his
atrocities by impeaching my honour, is it not more incumbent upon him to
exhibit one proof at least of his own honesty, by restoring to me my books and
papers, which he fraudulently took away from my house, and unjustifiably
withholds from me, with several other articles of my property? Yet he has the
matchless effrontery to assert to the public, that "What goods were left
in his charge in my store, he had given a proper account of"As to his
pretended appeal to the Hon. court of Justice, he knows it is a step he dares
not have recourse to. However, as he had declined it, I pledge myself, in the
most solemn manner, that, in the event of his refusing to make me speedy
restitution and ample public satisfaction for the wrongs he has done me, I will
apply immediately for such redress as the laws of the country afford, and
follow up my cause with unremitting perseverance until I obtain justice, and
bring him to the punishment he so richly deserves.
One word more, and I have done. I again
repeart what I formerl0y asserted in your paper, namely ,that as W. H. Wells did
not possess any funds whatever in the Firm of Doyle and Wells, his signature to
the settlement of any outstanding accounts of that firm cannot be, nor is it,
in any ways necessary. Martin Doyle.
The Subscriber offers for Sale, in
addition to his last Importation, a General Assortment of Perfumery, consisting
[first column]
Lavender water
Essences assorted
Milk of roses
Honey water
Cream of Naples
Gowland's Lotion
Windsor soap
Palmerine ditto, and assorted Soaps
Wash Balls
Tooth Powder
[second column]
Tooth, Nail, and Buckle Brushes
Barbers combs
Small pocket tortoiseshell ditto with
Ivory-handled Razors
Razor Strops
Soap boxes
Blacking Cakes
Red and Black Sealing Wax
[end columns]
[first column]
Mess Beef in half barrels
Brown Soap in samll boxes
Pickled tongues in kegs
Bristol Tripe
[second column]
Jugs of Vinegar &. Real East India
Cannisters of Tea
Swedish Tar, &c.
[end columns]
Nov. 7, 1807. Henry Abraham.
Daar de ondergeteekende van voor neemens
is omme by Expiratie van drie Weeken na dato deeses van hier na Elders te
vertrekken; zo verzoekt by Erstelyk allae zyne Debitteuren en Creditteuren ten
zyne Domicilium in Nieuw Roosendaal, optekoomen ten zy betaaling te doen of te
koomen ontsangen.
6 Nov. 1807. I. T. Roosendaal.
The Subscriber cautions the Publick
against paying any Money due to the firm of Fryer & Morgan, or to Thos.
Fryer in his prive[accent], without his signature being annexed, as none others
will be considered valid, he being the one duly authorised to act on the part
of Thos. Fryer. Thos. Riding, q.q.
Nov. 6, 1807.
Ten Excellent Carpenter Negroes,
FOR SALE, OR HIRE. [heading]
Apply to Colin Macrae.
Nov. 7, 1807.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
Nov. 4. Ship Garthland, J. Barkly, from
Nov. 5. Brig Sally, Jos. Bingly, for
New London.
The Surinam, from Surinam, one of the
fleet which could not fetch that port in August last, came in from Berbice on
Sunday evening last, to join her sisters in misfortune lyinging here. We
understand that a petition has been presented to the Admiral for a convoy to
take them up, and hopes are entertained that it will be granted.
The Surinam came from Berbice with the
homeward bound vessels from Surinam, under convoy of the Blonde, which has been
so successful lately against the enemy's privateers. Finding the fleet gone
from this port, they immediately stood off.
The Garthland, Capt. Barkley, which
arrived on Tuesday from Newfoundland, brought no news. Mr. Otto has purchased
her cargo (see his Advert.)
Capt. Greenwich returned on Thursday
evening from Essequebo. he will sail for Barbados the beginning of the week.
There have been no other arrivals this
week; consequently we are without any fresh intelligence from other parts.
Two o'Clock, P. M. A schooner is now
off the Bar, supposed to be from America.
We are sorry to find that the hopes
indulged of the Spaniards having left our coast, from the return of the armed
boats without seeing anything of them, have not been realized. On Tuesday
week, a sloop belonging to Messrs. Holms and Wishart, with 3 bales of cotton, 2
oxen, a considerable quantity of small stock, and 3 negroes, returning from
Essequebo, was overtaken by a very large canoe with a swivel in the bow, and
about 20 men with small arms, off the Plantation of John Henley, Esq. and
On board the sloop were passengers Dr.
Perkins, with his wife, her sister, two children, and four negroes (his only
property), Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Young. We lament to state, that in the alarm
occasioned by the chasing of the canoe, Dr. Perkins fell overboard and was
drowned. The Spaniards gave the remainder of the white persons the launch with
liberty to go ashore, and they accordingly landed at Mr. Henley's. Mr. Guthrie
and Mr. Young reached town on Tuesday. These Spaniards very gallantly gave the
ladies back their trunks, without opening them.
The canoe glided through the water with
amazing rapidity; she belonged to a large schooner privateer, which lay a good
way out at sea, and appeared to be a very fine vessel.
Serious apprehensions are also
entertained for the safety of a fine entirely new schooner belonging to -
Wells, Esq. of Pyreka, which sailed thence on Monday, with 16 hhds. of sugar
and 8 negroes on board, and has not since been heard of. Mr. Wells's clerk, a
mulatto woman, and her three children, were also on board this schooner.
A man of the name of White was on
Wednesday sentenced by the Hon. Court of Justice to pay a fine of One Thousand
Guilders to the Hon. the Fiscal, and to be banished the Colony for Twenty
Years, for selling Rum, contrary to Law; a crime which, from its pernicious
consequences to society here, cannot be too severely punished.
Monday last being the anniversary of the
Birth of his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, was observed at camp with every
mark of respect by his Regiment (the Royals), &c. His Excellency Colonel
and Governor Nicholson dined at the Mess with the Officers of the Garrison, as
did also his Excellency Brigadier General and Governor Montgomerie. The Band
of course attended, and played some of the New Music lately sent out to them by
his Royal Highness, and other favourite airs, until a late hour.
The Hon. P. Eggers has been appointed
"as Acting Fiscal and to have charge of the Civil Administration" of
Berbice, by his Excellency Brigadier Gen. James Montgomerie, during his
Excellency's absence on military duties.
Died. - On Thursday morning, in
Cumingsburg, Mr. Leven Deweever.
TO THE EDITOR. [heading]
I am one of those Ladies who perhaps
have been more frequent in my visits at Church since the Musicianers have
attended than I was before, and I am not ashamed to own it, Sir, because
Religion, as well as Virtue, cannot, in my opinion, be the less pleasing to
rational beings, or more unacceptable to the Deity, for being practised in a
pleasing form; but I have been much disappointed at finding, in this age of
Novelty, the Old Version of Psalms used instead of the New one, by which I and
several other Ladies, who have only New Books, are deprived of the pleasure of
raising our voices to sing to the praise and glory of the Most High, and, in
lieu thereof, are compelled to hear the praises of Old Sternhold and Hopkins
chaunted forth by one or two (according to my unscientific ears) very base
voices. Not that I mean the least disrespect to the one or two Gentlemen who
thus do duty for the whole Congregation; I, in common with the majority of my
sex, am a great admirer of the Red Coats, but it is surely no disparagement of
their manly abilities, to believe their voices not so well calculated for
imitating the soft strains of Cherubims and Seraphims, as those of females,
whom they themselves are so apt, at peculiar times, to style Angles, and every
this else that is divine.
Do me the favour, therefore, Mr. Editor,
to insert this, by way of a hint to our gentlemanly Pastor. I wish also to let
him know that I am not singular in my opinion; that the little female society,
of which I am now the Organ, think him, in the language of some of the
religious sects in England, to be a "Charming Man;" and that we in
confidence hope, he will shortly contrive to let us join in with the Band of
our much respected Colonel and Governor, to whom we, as well as the Church, are
so considerably indebted.
I am, Sir, &c. &c. &c.
Nov. 3, 1807. A Female Castigator.
"Odi profanum vulgus, et
arcco." Hoe.
So Mulciber, you're to't again,
And still keep hamm'ring at the stain;
Some surmise, your temper's hasty;
I'm convinc'd, you're very nasty:
Or term you it, benevolence?
To trust us with - Sir Reverence?
When on you, Pedagogue, I think,
I smell, I'm sure I smell a stink!
And cannot help exclaiming, Pox!
Then squat me down, just like you Ox.
- "Sus, Bosque, Canisque"
Quoth F. to Friend Sub, I'm dying I
Then why imbitter my death with your
'S blood, quoth Sub, be quiet, thou
Ninny Ferret!
'Tis none of my stink - I do nought but
stir it.
Male Olens.
You say, good F. your lot is devilish
How can it else - pursued by a Stinkard!
Ne Quid Nemis.
Nov. 2, 1807. Valese!
Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,