Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 November 14


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 255.

Saturday, the 14th of November.

Rio Essequebo. [heading]
Word van wegens het Secretary deser Riviere op versoek van den Heer C. D. Forrester, [?]oonende in Demerary, aan allen die het aangaa[?] bekend gemaakt,
Dat op de Registers van belastingen op Plantagien [???]nen deese Colony geleegen, bekend staat Vier Stuks [?]is felbrieven te faamen groot in captiaal Vier Duisend [illegible] Honderd Twee en Vyttig Ponden, Tien Shell. Zes en [illegible] Vierde Pency Sterling, (L 4552: 10: 6 1.4) getrokke [?]or den Heer Robert Ridley in faveure van voor [illegible]end Heer C. D. Forrester, en zulk voor waarde mooten voor he halfte in de Plantage Somerset en Berks, welke voor de voldoening van voorschr. Vire Stukes taselbrieven is verglaard te zyn verbonden, boven, en referent van recht van een na dato deese te passeerene hypotheecq of ander legaal verband op evengem. helste [illegible] Pl. Somerset en Berks.
Dat voorts ameede bekend staat een Wissel groot Enn [illegible) ulsend en Twintig Ponden, Tien Schelling Sterling. (1020: 10) getrokken door W. Jefferey in faveure an de Heeren Walcott en Forrester, voor [illegible]aarde genooten in Zuulen Stuks Slaaven genaamd, als
No. 1, Prins No. 5. Meille No. 9. Tobie No. 13. Barbara
2. Ford 6. Sol 10. Palmer 14. Clara
3. Hug 7. Lambert 11. Marie 15. Flora
4. Adam 8. Merlin 12. Helene 16. Eliza
elke 16 stuks slaaven almeede zyn verklaard verbonden [illegible] reclamabel voor voldoening van voorschr. Wisselbrief.
Fort Zeelandia, den 3 November, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.

Op verkreegen Authorisatie van den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie der Rivier ne onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo.
Word door my ondergeteekende Exploiteur aan elk en enn ygelyk bekend gemaakt:
Dat op Woensdag den Neegenden December eerst koomende, door den Commissaris der Venduen deeser colonie, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissaris [??]sen en Secretaris uit deesen Hove, publicq fall worden opegeveild, en aan de meestbiedende verkogt, de Plantage Nieuw Osterbuk en toebehooren geleegen op het Leguaan Yland binnen deese Rivier en aankoomende den Boedel van wylen G. H. Trotz.
Die geenen welke in gemelde verkooping gading vinden morgen, koomen ten daage vermeld op gezegde Plantagie Nieuw Oosterbuk aanhooren de conditien, en doe hun profyt.
En dat, hiervan geene ignorantie sal kunnen vorden gepretendeert, word deese op de gewoone affictie plaatzen aangeslaagen en in de Essequebo en Demerary Courantien gepubliceert.
Rio Essequebo, 10 November 1807.
I. E. Boter, Exploiteur.

Den Onhergeteekende maak aan het publicq bekend, dat hy op den 3 November deese jaars verlooren heest,
Een acceptatie van M. Doyle faveure R. Adams, afgegeeven groot in capitaal Veertien Honderd Guldens, betaalbaar in casssa te leeveren ten huys van gemelde R. Adams, zonder endorsement.
Als meede, een order door boven gemeld M. Doyle, ten faveur van gesegde R. Adams, lasten 't Ontsanger's Comptoir alhier afgegeeven, groot Dysend en Sestig Guldens, waarop door my ondergeteekende ontsangen is, Drie Hondert Dertig Guldens, en op de rugge derselver papier afgeschreeven en door my geteekend.
Versoekende aan de Acceptant en Trekker, dat zo deese documenten aan hem mogte worden ver toond daar voor geene betaaling te presenteeren, maar direct aan my kennis te geeven.
Beloovende aan de eene of ander welke de bovengemelde acceptatie, en order, aan my onder geteekende ter hand steld, daar voor een genereus belooning. I. F. Cordes.
Essequebo, den 4 Nov. 1807.

Rio Demerary. [heading]
To I. Cordes, Esq. a[grave] Essequebo. [heading]
Sir - Observing in yesterday's paper that you had lost two Obligations of mine, I am extremely happy in the opportunity of acquainting you, that one of them is now in my possession, having been delivered to me by a Gentleman who found it in Fort Island a few days ago; the amount is Eleven Hundred and Fifty Guilders, and shall be carefully preserved and returned to you the moment I come down your way.
I am, Sir, your most humble servant,
Stabroek, Nov. 8, 1807. Martin Doyle.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Strong Health Mare, which has been Two Years in the Country, and is accustomed to both Saddle and Chaise. She is warranted sound, and is sold for no fault whatever. Price 25 Joes Cash, or an approved Obligation at Three Months. Apply to the Printer.
Nov. 14, 1807.

Just Imported, and for sale by the Subscribers, at their house, opposite that of I. R. Brandt, Esq. at very low Prices, for Cash, Cotton, or Coffee, the following Articles:
[single column, centered]
Different assortments of Dry Goods
Jewellery assorted
Mahogany writing desks, shaving boxes, and tool chests
Iron kettles and pots, Japanned tea waiters
Elegant ladies' lace veils
Negro clothing
Spermaceti and tallow candles
Apples and pears in canisters
Best Durham mustard
Indigo, Oil colours assorted
Boxes of Pickles, do. Soy, catsup, &c.
Madeira, Medoc, and other Red Wines in pipes and by the dozen
Oats and Horse Beans in Bags of a Joe each, for cash, and in Puncheons "for credit" [written in pen]
Also, Two Puncheons of Lamp Oil, White Lime
Terras for Coffee Barbecues, &c. &c.
[end column]
Stabroek, Nov. 13, 1807 De Boer & Breedt

The Colonial Receiver, having Directions from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor to collect the Taxes levied on Lots and Buildings situate in the district of Cumingsburg, agreeably to the Resolution taken by the Honourable Court of Policy on the 14th September last, and published on the 26th of the same month, does hereby request all Proprietors of said Lots, or Lots and Buildings, to attend at his Office from the date hereof until the 15th of December ensuing, at the usual hours (Saturdays and Sundays excepted) for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of their Contribution, and to pay their respective quotas accordingly.
Demerary, Nov. 14, 1807. Ch. Vincent,

Stabroek, 14th Nov. 1807.
The Subscriber offers for sale Ten Pipes and Twenty Hogsheads of a superior quality of Old London Particular Madeira Wine, arrived in the Colony per ship Tarleton in April last.
By taking the whole, a small advance on the Invoice Price, payable in January next, will satisfy
Hubert Desalve.

FOR BARBADOS, [heading]
The fast sailing sloop Hancock, Capt. M. Mecanger, will sail in the course of Ten Days. She has Accommodations for Passengers far superior to those generally met with. For Passage or Freight, apply to the Captain on board, or at Mr. Campbell's New Union Coffee House.
Nov. 14, 1807.

[repeat of H. Douglas ad of earlier, but with Nov. 14, 1807 date]

Absented himself from the Subscribers, on Tuesday the 3d instant, a Negro Man named Julius, rather above the common size and handsomely made. He has no marks of a Whip upon him, nor of any other sort to distinguish him by. A Reward of Eighty Eight guilders will be given to any person who will lodge him in the Barracks, or deliver him to David Wardrop, Esq. at his Store on Robb's Stelling, by whom the money will be paid Edmonston & Burn.
Demerary, Nov. 11, 1807

TO BE LET, OR SOLD, [heading]
A Very Commodious Dwelling House, situated between that of Mr. Morehouse and that of Mr. Grey, on Labourgade. For further particulars, apply to
Charles Town, Nov. 13, 1807. James Parss

On Monday the 16th instant, at 12 o'clock precisely, at the stables of Mr. Benjamin, for the benefit of the parties concerned, by order of Henry Tulloh and Co. as consignees, seventeen head of oxen imported in the schooner Ariel from New London, which on survey have been found unfit to be issued to His Majesty's Garrison, for bruises and other injuries sustained in the passage.
Nov. 13, 1807.
On Tuesday the 24th instant, by order of Messrs. Van Kant Bruyns and Co. at their store on Werk and Rust next to Messrs. Engels and Van Senden, dry goods mutton hams, Boulogne sausages, jewellery, silver, plated, japanned, and tin ware, paints and oil, soap, candles, &c.
Nov. 13, 1807.

[skipping several legal items]

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
George Greffil Schilder, in 14 days or 4 weeks.
Oct. 24, 1807.
Wm. Codd and Lyman Barnes, in 14 days.
Oct. 30, 1807.
John French and John Farrington, in 12 days.
Nov. 14, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Notice is hereby given, that it is the intention of the Undersigned to remove his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi to Essequebo.
Demerary, Nov. 13, 1807. I. H. Schneck.

Just Imported, in the Brig Phoebe, Captain [?] Heming, from New York, and for Sale by the Subscribers:
[single column, centered]
Prime Mess Beef and Pork in barrels and half barrels
Newfoundland Fish
Rice in tierces and half tierces
Superfine Flour
Tar, and a Few Thousand Feet of Albany Lumber.
Also, in the British schooner Active,
A Few Hogsheads of First Quality Tobacco.
[end column]
Underwood, Johnson, & Co.
Nov. 14, 1807.

NOW LANDING, [heading]
From on board the snow Bell, from St. Johns,
[one column, centered]
New Brunswick,
Cod Fish, Herrings, Shads
Pickled, Sous'd, and Smok'd Salmon
Beef, Pork, Butter
Pitch, Tar, Lumber, Staves, &c.
which are for sale by
Nov. 14, 1807. Rt. Younghusband.
Also, in Store, for Sale,
A Few Hogsheads of First Quality Tobacco.

Mr. Madden intending shortly for Europe, will dispose of a Fast-sailing Schooner about 20 hhds. burthen, in excellent repair, and her Crew of well disposed, experienced young Men; as also of a very fine Grand Piano, quite New, made by Clementi & Co. which, having been about four months under the hands of a performer, is now incomplete and keeping tune. It cost L 120 landed here, and will now be sold for [??] Joes, - Nov. 14, 1807

De Ondergeteekende heest in 't jaar 1803 ter incasseering ontsangen van de Heer I. Verwayen, M.D. een obligatie zyn faveure ten lasten van wylen David Sardini groot f 188, welke obligatie door my is gegeeven aan de A. D. V. C. Pauw, [??]mme daar voor in rechten te vervolgen 't daar thans gemelde obligatie is zoek geraakt ofte niet te [vinde is, in de Boedel Pauw zoo susteneeren dat deselven door eenig geral is verlooren graakt dat [?]erzoeke een iegelyk welke gemelde obligatie ge[??]ende te retourneeren zullende de thans houder van zulks daar voor genereuselyk beloond worden. De betaaling van de obligatie is gestopt ter plaatsen vaar 'te behoord dus dat deselven voor de houder [??]geen waarde meer is.
de 13 Nov. 1807. I. G. Heinken.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

M'INROY, SANDBACH, & M'BEAN, [heading]
HAVE FOR SALE, [heading]
[first column]
R.O. Staves
Butter in firkins
Pork in barrels
Beef in whole and half barrels
Salt fish
Alewives & shads in barrels
Pitch and tar in barrels
Soused and Pickled Salmon in kits and half barrels
Cotton and coffee bagging
Port wine
Beer and Porter in bottles & barrels
[second column]
Lamp and point oil in jugs
Yellow paint
Dry red ochre
Ditto ground in oil
Nails assorted
Earthen ware in casks assort.
Purple calicoes
Blue Callicoes
Iron boilers 45. 50. 60. 75 and 150. gallons, &c.
[end columns]
Stabroek, Nov. 13, 1807.

TO BE LET, OR SOLD, [heading]
The Premises lately the Property of John Henderson, eligibly situated on Werk & Rust, between the concession of Messrs. Engels and Van Senden and that of I. P. Muncker. Inquire of the Printer. - Nov. 14, 1807.

Whereas Fifty Casks of Oats were shipped by Joseph Dowson & Son on board the Brig Trafalgar, John Gibb Master, marked TMK, for which no Bills of Lading were signed, and for which no owner appears in Surinam:
The Subscriber, as Supercargo, makes known, through the medium of this Advertisement, that he has landed and warehoused the before mentioned 50 Casks of Oats, and shall keep the same, for the space of Three Weeks, at the disposal of whoever can shew Claim thereto, upon condition of such person or persons paying Freight, Warehouse Rent, and Costs of Advertising, &c. And, after the expiration of the said Three Weeks, he intends to dispose of the said Fifty Casks of Oats by public Sale, for account of whosoever may be concerned.
The Undersigned besides advertises, that the Brig Trafalgar will sail with the first Fleet for London, and next week she will commence taking in her Cargo, to consist of Coffee.
Demerary, Nov. 13, 1807. A. De Boer,
Supercargo of the Brig Trafalgar [as Arend De Boer in Dutch version]

Mr. Printer, Demerary, Nov. 8, 1807.
Sir - It is scarcely necessary for me to say, that I feel the most heartfelt and keen remorse at having so far committed my character as ever to suffer my name to appear in public, connected with that of so universally despised and notorious a pest to society - Martin Doyle. had I been as well acquainted with the vile depravity of his profligate heart, as the whole Colony now appears to b, the wealth of the Indies - nay, no earthly consideration whatever - should have induced me even to be seen in his company. Like the midnight assassin in the garb of a monk, he took advantage of my inexperience and short standing in the colony, and, by his sanctified sophistry and pretended religious deportment, succeeded in making me believe him what I have since found him to be as different from as light from darkness, or heat from cold, viz. an honest man.
The consummate hypocrisy which the atrocious and abandoned wretch then displayed, is only equalled by the impudence and total disregard of truth evinced in the letter which bears his signature, published in your last paper. I shall not attempt to vie with the writer thereof in abuse; the greater part, in my opinion, required no other reasoning than the powerful force of Argumentum Backalinum, and with the administering of that I should have been contented, did I not know that your papers go out of the Colony, and into societies where I am known, but where such a grovelling miscreant as Martin Doyle dare not attempt to show his face. On that account alone, Sir, I think proper to state, that I am ready to prove, at my Domicilium, at any time, the truth of what I have before asserted. There also I am ready and willing to exhibit the Books of the Concern to any respectable Gentlemen, by which it will appear that he is indebted more than f 15,000, while I stand in credit upwards of f 12,000, a balance sheet whereof I had the honour to present to the Hon. V. A. Heyliger, Acting President of the Hon. Court of Justice, before which tribunal he must not flatter himself (by mistaking indulgence for irresolution] that I have given up my intention of bringing him.
Convinced, therefore, that I am duly warranted in so doing, I now finally direct and request that no payments may be made to him, on account of the late Firm of Doyle & Wells, nor did I wish, or offer myself to receive any till the business is determined by the said Hon. Court.
With regret for giving you so much trouble concerning so dastardly and truly unworthy a being, I am, Sir, yours, &c. W. H. Wells.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Nov. 8. Schooner l'Industrie, R. Crichton, from Boston.
Nov. 11. Schooner Mary, N. Brown, from Newbury Port.
Nov. 12. Snow Bell, [?]. Garrison, from Newfoundland.
Nov. 14. Schooner Ariel, E. Satterlee, from New London.
Nov. 14. Brig Phoebe, M. Heming, from Mew [sic] York.
Nov. 14. Brig Alert, W. Delday, from London.
Nov. 14. Brig Good Intent, C. Stuv[??]g, from London.
Nov. 14. Schooner Active, P. Ferguson, from New York.

Nov. 10. Schooner Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, from [sic] Barbados.

"Gallus Gallinaceus," cannot be admitted.

Mr. James Wollen's Advert. came too late for this week.

This morning arrived the schooner Ant, Capt. Bower, also from Barbados, with C. Waterton and C. Gordon, Esqrs. - No fresh news.

There appears to be very little doubt that the Pyreka boat is taken, but we are happy to state that the enemy has not been equally successful in every instance. In an intended attack on the boat of Mr. R. Cozier, most likely by the same canoe, these modern buccaneers were completely foiled, and with such considerable loss as will we hope put a stop to their depredations, at least for a time. The following are the particulars.
Mr. R. Cozier, accompanied by his two Nephews, Messrs. Yarwood, Ebern, Pollard, Clark, and some more Gentlemen, with Negroes, (making 17 persons in the whole), on retuning to town from his Plantation, had put into Evergreen. On the 31st ult. they sailed thence, but had not been long out of the trench when they discovered the privateer, and observed her, in the twinkling of an eye, to hoist out her canoe. Mr. Cozier was for waiting and giving them battle, being well prepared; but there being sufficient water to return into the trench, it was generally thought most prudent so to do. Here they remained unmolested till the dusk of the evening, when the canoe was again observed to be fast approaching. Everybody being now well armed and prepared, Mr. C. begged them to lay down on the deck while he watched the proper moment of firing with effect. He then waited till the canoe was close abreast of the trench, at not more than 60 yards distance, when, giving the signal, such a volley of musketry was poured in that the Spaniards appeared to be quite thunderstruck, and never attempted to proceed to the attack, nor did they return a single shot till they had got to a considerable distance, when they gave one from their swivel. Mr. C. and his friends kept peppering away at them till they were out of reach of musketry; some of the party then jumped ashore, and gave them a few shot from a pie of cannon there fixed. From the short distance at which the cane was when the first few rounds were fired, and the nature of the charges put in the muskets, every one of which had three balls besides shot, there is no doubt but great execution was done. Mr. C. thinks that at least half her crew must have been killed or wounded, and indeed it seems likely that she was too much damaged to reach the schooner that evening, as the latter vessel was making signals all night, and in the morning she fired a gun.
The conduct of Mr. R. Cozier, and t, and in the morning she fired a gun.
The conduct of Mr. R. Cozier, and do more towards putting a stop to the depredations of these marauders than perhaps any other measures.

H. H. Post, Esq. is the new Kiezer in the room of M. Visser, Esq.

A Colonial Bounty is now paid, and will continue till the 1st Aug. 1808, on all Fish imported from British America, viz.
On salted fish, 24 stuiv. per quintal. Pickled shads, 12 do. per barrel of 32 gall. Herrings, 20 do. per do. mackerel, 24 do. per do. Salmon, 32 do. per do.

The following Promotions in the 1st Bat. 1st reg. of our militia have been made by his Excellency Col. and Gov. Nicholson:
Lieutenants to be Captains. - Alex. Fullerton vice Underwood, resigned. John Madden, vice Mathews, removed to the country. David Cornfoot, vice Telford, gone from the colony. J. C. Stadtman, vice Smit, resigned.
To be Lieutenants - Thos. Fitzgerald and Wm. King, jun. (from 15th March 1806), Rich. Dean, Wm. King, Sen., J. F. Meyer, and Q. R. Seward.
To be Quarter Master with the rank of Lieutenant, Robert Murray, Gent.
To be Provost Marshal with the rank of Lieutenant, Thos. Marsh, Gent.
To be Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon H. B. Gall, vice Wolffe, removed to the country.
To be Assistant Surgeon, --- Gill, Gent.
Rifle Company. - To be Captain, Lieut. Henry Clementson, vice Dodgson, removed from the colony.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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