Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 November 14

Vol. II.)


(No. 98.

Saturday, November 14th, 1807.

The Honble: Court of Policy of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary having resolved again to Contract for the Keeping in Repair of the Paved Roads from the Fort to Plantation La Penitence, and of the Middle-Street of the Town of Stabroek, in their present improved state for the Term of One Year;
Notice is hereby given to all Persons who may be willing to undertake the same, that the Tenders for that purpose will be received at the Secretary's Office in Stabroek, from this date until the 12th of December next, which Tenders will be examined at the first sitting of the Court to be held after that date.
Proposals may be made either for the Keeping in Repair the whole of the Public Roads and Street before-mentioned, or separately, at the option of the party tendering, for any of the four following Divisions, viz:
1st. The Paved road of Kingston and Cumingsburgh.
2d. Ditto of Plantation Vlissingen and the front Road of Stabroek.
3d. Ditto of Plantation Werk & Rust and Repentir.
4th. The Middle-Street of Stabroek.
N.B. The Tenders to be Sealed up and superscribed "Proposals for Keeping in Repair the Paved Roads in or about the Town of Stabroek."
Court-House, Stabroek,
Demerary, 14th November 1807.
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

An Error respecting dates having occurred in the Proclamation of the Honble: Court of Policy, as inserted in our last Week's Gazette, we have been desired to republish the same as follows:

By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lt.-Governor of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependent Districts, and President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &. &c. &. and The Honble: Court of Policy of the said Colonies;
Unto all whom these Presents may or shall concern Greeting, be it known;
Whereas a Resolution has been passed by this Court some time ago upon the recommendation of His Majesty's Ministers, to grant a Colonial Bounty on all British American FISH imported and landed in these Colonies for the period of one year, commencing the 1st June last and ending the 1st August 1808, and whereas under the existing circumstances we are desirous that the measures so adopted for encouraging the Importation of British American FISH and thereby securing to the Colony a constant supply of that most indispensable article, should be made known as much as possible to all whom it doth concern.
We therefore have thought fit to issue this Proclamation thereby giving notice that in consequence of our aforesaid Resolution, the following bounties will be paid for the period before-mentioned on all British Salted and Pickled FISH, already imported since the 1st June 1807, or yet to be imported and landed in this Colony until the 1st August 1808, viz: -
On Salted Fish per Quintal, 2 Shillings, or 24 Stivers, Hs. Cy.
On Pickled Shads per Barrel of 32 gallons, 12 Stivers.
On Herrings per Barrel of 32 gallons, 20 Stivers.
On Mackrell [sic] per do. 24 Stivers.
On Salmon per do. 32 Stivers.
The above Bounties to be paid to the Importers, or their Order, by the Receiver of the Colonial Chest on a Certificate of the principal Officers of His Majesty's Customs in this Colony, stating that the British Salted or Pickled Fish therein specified and for which the bounty is claimed, has been actually imported and landed in this Colony.
Done at our Ordinary Session held at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek in Demerary on the 26th October 1807, and Published on the 7th November next thereto following.
Robt. Nicholson,
Colonel & Actg. Lt. Governor.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz:
Mr. John French, in 14 days, from 2d Novbr.
Mr. John Farrington, in ditto. ditto.
Mr. Robert Wade, in ditto, from the 11th Novb.
Mr. George Gibson, in ditto, from 13th Novbr.
Mr. William Codd, in 14 days, October 31st.
Mr. Lymon Barnes, in ditto, do.
Mr. J. Chelsbrough, in ditto, do.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzoekende om brieven van Vrydom, als: -
Anthony Meertens en Charles Vincent Executeuren in den Boedel Wylen G. D. Schrak, voor de Mulattinne Eliza.
Sarah Bradford Executrice ten Boedel en Nalaatenschap van Wylen haar Zoon Wm. Bradford, voor de Mulattinne Henrietta Ann.
Ths. Cuming en James Robinson qq de Boedel van Wylen G. J. Brodie, voor de vier Mulatten Kinderen met naame Sussey, Louisa, Mary, en Charlotte.
Zo is 't dat allen en een iegelyk, die eenig Recht of Pretentie op de Voormoemd Slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne Sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der rivier Essequebe, en ter Secretary van den Hove van Politie in Demerary, behoorlyk te koomen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove die zyn zal in de Maand January 1808.
Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeken van de Requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren.
Actum in Raade van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary deezen 28ste October, 1807.
Ter Ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove
P. F. Tinne, Sects.

[Transcriber's note: the following entry duplicates entry in October, but corrects J. J. Thompson to T. T. Thompson]
Word mits deezen bekend gemaakt dat na de Expiratie van drie Weeken zal worden gepasseerd:
Door Thomas Collier Transport van de Concessie en Gebouwen op Cumingsburg bekend onder No. 130, aan T. T. Thompson.
Door J. Ceurvorst Transport van de Concessie en gebouwen op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Werk & Rust, bekend onder No. 6, aan J. J. Kotwyk, welke laaste zal Transporteeren de halve Concessie No. 54, en de drie Concessien No. 43, 55 en 45, met de daaropstaande gebouwen, mede op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Werk & Rust, aan Joseph Ceurvorst.
En Laastelyk door Joseph Byble Transport van drie Concessien geleegen op Cumingsburg No. 355, 356 on 357, aan Charlotte Reece en haar drie Kinderen met naame Elizabeth, Ann, en Mary.
Actum ter Secretary van Demerary den 30ste Oct. 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

By Virtue of an appointment granted on the Petition of William Allen & W. B. Thompson surviving Executors to the Estate of Hugh Wilson, dated 10th November last, are herewith for the first time by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors of said Estate to appear or send their deputies before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session in Town of Stabroek on the 16th day of this month of November next and following days; in order to render their demands in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas against the non appearers will be proceeded according to Law.
Rio Demerary, the 11th of Novr. 1807
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of an appointment granted on the Petition of J. H. Beckman as Executor to the Estate of Johan Friedrich Saunders deceased, are herewith for the first time by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors of the abovementioned Estate to appear before the Honorable Court of Justice, at their Session in the Town of Stabroek on the 16th day of this present month of November and following days; in order to render their demands in due form, and lay their claim thereto. Whereas against the non appearers will be proceeded as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 11th day of Nov. 1807.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of the appointment granted on the Petition of J. J. Van Kotwyk & L. S. Van Bazel representatives to the Estate of O. J. Laurin deceased, are herewith for the first time by Edict Summoned all known and unknown Creditors to the said Estate to appear before the Honorable Court of Justice, at their Session in the Town of Stabroek on the 16th of this month November and following days; in order to render their pretensions properly attested and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Summons by Edict (of which the fourth Exsuperabundantie will be published towards the Session of the said Honble. Court of Justice in the month of November 1808,) against the non appearers will be proceeded as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, the 12th Novr. 1807.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Garthland, James Barckley, Master, will sail from hence on the 15th of January. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master or
Alexr. Fullerton & Co.
14th November, 1807.

For Dublin. [heading]
The Schooner Industry, Robert Crichton, Master, will sail from hence on the 15th December in company with any armed vessel that may be going at that time. For Freight or Passage apply to said master, or
Alexr. Fullerton & Co.
Imported in said Vessel from Boston and for Sale by the above, - Lumber, Tar, and Staves.
14th November, 1807.

The Subscriber offers for Sale 10 pipes and 20 hogsheads of a superior quality of Old London Particular Madeira Wine, arrived in this Colony per Ship Tarlton in April last, by making a small advance on the Invoice Price payable in January next, will satisfy.
Hubt. De Salve.
Stabroek, 14th November, 1807.

Found. [heading]
In one of the Cane Fields of the Kitty Estate, a piece of fine Cambric Muslin, which will be restored to the Owner on his proving the property and paying the expence of this Advertisement. Apply to the Management of said Estate.
14th November, 1807.

Drifted from Plantation Vive la Force, three Weeks ago, a large Punt. Any Person that can give information of it being picked up will highly oblige the Subscriber, and a reward will be given.
14th Nov. C. M. Overweg.

The Colonial Receiver having direction from His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, to Collect the Taxes levied on Lots and Buildings situate in the District of Cumingsburgh, agreeable to the resolution taken by the Honorable Court of Policy on the 14th of September last and Published on the 26th of the same month, - do hereby request all Proprietors of said Lots or Lots and Buildings, to attend at his Office from the date hereof until the 15th of December ensuing, at the usual hours (Saturday's [sic} and Sunday's [sic] excepted) for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of their Contribution and to pay their respective Quotas accordingly.
Demerary, 14th November, 1807.
Ch. Vincent, Receiver.

Absconded some time ago, a Negro Woman by name Fanny, formerly the property of Miss Sally Trotman, and is well known in Town and on the East Coast, particularly the Plantation Nabochlis, where she was lately seen Huckstering, she is of a short stature, and very lusty; - if she returns of her own accord will be pardoned, otherwise a handsome Reward will be given to any Person giving information where she is harboured, so as to convict the offenders.
J. W. Robinson.
14th November, 1807.


On Monday the 16th November, by order of Mr. J. Ceurvorst, [see 18071024EDRG] . . .
Also, an assortment of Dry Goods, a Chaise, Negroes, &c.
Octr. 24. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 16th inst. at 12 o'clock precisely, at the Stables of Mr. Benjamin, for the benefit of the parties concerned, by order of Henry Tulloh & Co. as consignees, - 17 head of Oxen, imported in the Schooner Ariel, from New London, which on survey have bee found unfit to issue to his Majesty's Garrison, from Bruises and other injuries sustained on the passage.
14th Novr. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday, the 19th of November [see 18071107EDRG] . . .
Also 150 barrels of shads just landed, and a Colony Schooner burthen about 20 hhds. of sugar, with her sails, anchors, cables, &c. she may be seen at any time previous to the day of sale by applying at the Vendue Office.
Octr. 31st. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 24th Inst. at the House of Messrs. Van Kant, Bruyns & Co. next to Messrs. Engels en Van Senden, - Dry Goods, mutton hams, Bouglone sausages, jewelry, silver, plated, japaned and tin ware, paints and oil, soap, candles, &c.
Novb. 14th. Robert Kingston.

Op Maandag den 16 Nov. van weegens den Heer J. Ceurvorst, ten zyne huyze op Werk en Rust, meubelen bestaande in stoelen, tafels, zilvere leepels, messen, en forken, &c.
Als meede, drooge goederen, chais, neegers, &c.
Octr. 24. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071024EDRG]

Op Maandag den 16de deezer, precies om twalf Uuren, ten pakhuyze van de Heer P. Benjamin, voor baate en schaade van den geinteresseerdens, op order van de Heeren H. Tulloh & Co. geconsignieerders, - seventien stuks Ossen, aangebragt in de schoener Ariel van Nieuw London, welke na examinatie bevoude zyn gewaarde, (uithoofde van quassies &c.) welke op de passagie gekreegen, onleverbaar aan zyn Majesteits Troupen.
Nov. 14. Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag den 17 Nov. ten huyze van de Heer C. D. Forrester, van weegens G. M. Forrester, neger kleding, glaswerk, touw en zeyldoek, zyde hoeden, veste, &c.
Octr. 31. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071031EDRG]

Op Woensdag den 18 Nov. in de groote Loge tusschen de twee Coffy huisen op de voorgrond van Pl. Vlissingen, waar van 't voorste gedeelde thans bewoond word, door de Heer P. Yates, en op order van de Heer R. B. Daly, als Executeur in de Nalaatenschap van weile Mejufvrouw Nancy Rousman, een woon huis lang 24 en breet 14 voeten, met een zygebouw voor combuis lang 14 voeten en 11 breet, een agter gebouw, voor negery en lang 30 en 14 voeten breet, een gemakhuisje 5 voeten vierkant, alle staande op de quart concessie No. 46, op de Noord Zydam in Stabroek, omgekraald met Wallaba kraaling, en dagelyks voor een yder te zien. Als meede, Slaaven, Martinique waater botten, een tent coriaal, huisraad, lywaat, rooge goederen, gout en silver, en wat verderste koop zal worden aangeweesen, &c. &c.
Octr. 31. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071031EDRG]

Op Dondersdag den 19 Nov. ten Vendue Comptoire, van weegens de Executeuren ten boedel wylen R. A. Watling, dertien stuks gesonde negers, zynde voor eenige vaaren gewent in 't veld te werken, een jonge en meesse huysvolk, een negerin zynde een naaisterin met haar kint, een jonge van vier yaar ont, &c.
Alsmeede 150 vaaten Shads, nieuw aangebragt, en een Colony Boot draagende 20 vaate suyker, met alle haar zuyl tackles, ankers &c. zoo alse te alle daagen te zien is by applicatie ten Vendue Comptoir.
Octr. 31. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18071031EDRG]

Op Maandag den 23 deezer, ten huyze en van weegens de Heeren Douglas, Reid & Co. op de voorgrond van Pl. Vlissingen, - een assortement drooge goederen, zeep, kaarsen, poorter en bier, Iresche booter, vleesch en speck, &c.
Nov. 14. Robert Kingston.

Op Dingsdag den 24 deezer, ten Huysen van de Heeren Van Kant, Bruyns & Co. op Werk en Rust, naast de Heeren Engels en Van Senden, - Drooge goederen, sceape hammen, saucse do Boulognie, juweleryen, zilver, gepleete, verlak en blik waaren, verf en oly, zeep, kaarsen, &c.
Nov. 14. Robert Kingston.

Just Imported in the Brig Phoebe, Capt. Heming, from New York, and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
Prime Mess Beef and Pork in barrels & half barrels,
Newfoundland Fish,
Rice in Tierces and half Tierces,
Superfine Flour,
[why this gap?]

Tar, and a few M. feet Albany Lumber.
Also in the British Schooner Active, a few Hogsheads 1st Quality Tobacco.
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 14th November 1807.

McInroy, Sandbach & McBean. [heading]
Have For Sale,
Lumber, Red Oak Staves,
Butter in firkins, Pork in barrels,
Beef in whole and half barrels,
Salt Fish, Alwives [sic] and Shads in barrels,
Pitch and Tar in barrels,
Soused and pickled Salmon in kits and half barrels,
Cotton and coffee bagging, port wine, beer and porter in bottles and barrels; lamp and paint oil in jugs, yellow paint, dry red ochre and do. ground in oil; nails assorted, earthen ware in casks assorted, check, ginghams, muslins, and purple callicoes, britanias, pomeranias, and blue calicoes, iron boilers, 45, 50, 60, 75 and 150 gallons.
Stabroek, 14th Novr. 1807.

Now Landing [heading]
From on board the Snow Bell, from St. John, New Brunswick: - Cod fish, herrings, shads, pickled, soused and smoaked salmon, beef, pork, butter, pitch, tar, lumber and staves, &c. for sale by
14th Novr. Rt. Younghusband.
Also, in Store for Sale, a few hhds. first quality Tobacco.

For Sale. [heading]
Just Arrived in the Brig Good Intent, of London, C. Stuveng, Master, the following Goods: - Madeira wines, best London particular in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks, brandy in pipes, Hollands in do., cordials in cases, brown stout in tierces, beef (best India mess) in tierces, barrels and half barrels, pork (do.) in barrels and half barrels, hams, buiscuit [sic] best white in kegs, pearl barley in do., split pease in do., candles (best mould) assorted, salt loaves, tripe in kegs, pickles in boxes with locks and kegs, fish sauce, ketchup, &c. in do., olives, capers, &c. in do., mustard 1/4 lb. bottles in cases, vinegar (best white wine) in jugs, cheese (best pine) in cases, soap in small boxes, pepper in barrels, fine hyson tea in chests, Dutch provisions, an assortment of medicines, perfumery, oats in tierces, wood hoops long and short, bricks, best malm paviours, lime in hogsheads, terras, best Dutch in puncheons, nails in kegs assorted, Dutch hoes, shovels and trimming knives, iron pots assorted, tin ware, corks, &c. assorted, cut glass assorted, sadlery do., cutlery do., stationary do., hosiery do., broad cloths do., wearing apparel, (gentlemens fashionable ready-made), Irish linens, calico shirtings, cambrics, muslins, pulicats, printed cottons, &c. (a large assortment of), boots and shoes, (a large assortment of fashionable London-made) in small truncks, hats do., shirts do. ready-made, negro cloathing do., sailors do. do., osnabures [sic], (a large assortment of), coffee and cotton bagging do., twines, fishing lines, &c. do., mattrasses, pillows, bolsters, &c. do., portable writing desks do., cordage in coils do., ships hearths, tar and pitch, paints and oils assorted, a few fowling pieces and cases of pistols, gun powder, &c.
Apply to the Captain on board, or to the Supercargo at the new Store on Robb's Stelling (after Monday).
John Nichol.
Stabroek, 14th Novr. 1807.

With or Without Convoy [heading]
For London. [heading]
The Good Intent, Cornelius Stuveng, Comr. burthen 160 tons, new coppered and mounts 12 carriage guns, will be ready to take on board (Cotton only) on the 25th inst. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board or to the Subscriber on Robb's Stelling.
John Nichol.
Stabroek, 14th Novr. 1807.

To be Rented and may be entered immediately, the House in Kingston, lately occupied by William Odwin Esq. with convenient Out-Buildings; - the situation comprises two Lots, which are well inclosed. For particulars enquire of J. Hicks Esq. or the Subscriber. Wm. Roach.

Absented on Wednesday last, a Negro Woman named Betsey, she is well known about Robb's Town, where it is strongly suspected she is harboured: - This is, therefore, to Caution all Persons, from harbouring or employing said Woman. A Reward of One Joe will be given for apprehending and delivering her to.
14th Nov. E. J. Henery.

Two Brigs, the Alert, Capt. Delday, and Good Intent, Capt. Stuveng, the only Vessels of the London Fleet for this Port, arrived here; - two Vessels, the Nautilus, Johnston, and the Mercury, ---- were for Surinam; - the Swift, De Witt, and Kingsmill, Berkley, for Berbice, - came to the Southward, under convoy of His Majesty's Sloop of War Recruit, Commanded by the Hon. W. Lake, they left Madeira on the 3d of October; - whilst laying there an East Indian Fleet came in, and reported that Copenhagen had been taken with very considerable loss on our part. An unauthenticated report of the Spaniards having retaken Monte Video was circulated at Madeira, but it did not appear to be credited.

The second Mail for September which we still anxiously expect had not arrived in Barbados on Sunday last. The American Sloop Hancock, which arrived here yesterday, bring us the Mercury to the 7th inst. which contains the following account of the capture of Copenhagen by the British.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Schr. L'Industry, R. Crichton, from Boston.
----- Mary, N. Brown, Newbury Port.
Snow Bell, J. Garnson, Newfoundland.
Schr. Ariel, E. Satterlee, New London.
Brig Phoebe, M. Heming, New York.
---- Alert, W. Delday, London.
---- Good Intent, C. Stuveng, Ditto.
Schr. Active, P. Ferguson, New York.

Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, for Barbados.

Extract of a Letter from an Irish Gentleman residing at New York, to his Friend in this Colony, - dated 2d Octbr: 1807: -
"Dear Sir, - I would have answer'd your favor some weeks ago; but it did not arrive till yesterday. - The Americans are chockfull of Fight. - Destroying a Leopard, or a Tyger, is performed with as much facility at the Tontine, as the Folks accomplish their task at a Husking. - The Lion is to be tortured into obedience by a Corps of Mamouths from Kentuckey, if Recruits cannot be collected in time, the President's Proclamation is to navigate all the Gun-Boats, ashore and afloat, against Him. Commodore B---r---n is to command, barring the bites of the Leopard. - and Captain Decatur too, to be shure he wont stay at home - I'll write you the result of the Expedition as soon as I know it myself. - The Poor Canadas, upper and lower, are whacked into subordination, by every Tanner in the Sate [sic], as they say. - Louisannia [sic] is to remain untouched by Catholick fraternal embraces, with the addition of the Two Floridas. - The West Indies is starved, seven days in the week, at every Vendue Office, and Porter House in the City. Rum in future is only to be used at Elections. - The importation of Sugar is to be declared an assault upon the Constitution, and any Person convicted of the Fact, is to be adjudged guilty of a friendly disposition towards England, and banished to North Carolina, or the District of Maine during bad behaviour. - Molasses however is to be admitted to Entry in the US. under a bounty of Ten Pumpkins for each Hundred Gallons, during the sitting of Congress. - All this stuff, they bother us with every hour in the four and twenty, and with as sanctify'd a visage, as if they believed a single word of it themselves."
"Such is the doctrine of the hour, but even the Result of four days consideration, may prevail on the Birds to whistle a different tune."
From the Boston Gazette. [heading]
British Deserters. [heading]

It has constantly been the opinion of many persons, that the seamen which were claimed by the British Minister, and afterwards taken from the Chesapeake frigate, were British subjects and Deserters from the British Navy; and that our Government suffered itself to be imposed on by the falsehood, under which they were received on board the above frigate. The following declarations are under oath, and seem to be attended with circumstances which forbid any doubt of their veracity.

Extract from the Trial of Jenkin Ratford, lately executed at Halifax. [heading]

"John Strachan, after giving an account of his desertion from the Melampus, the first of February, in company with Ware, Martin and Little, says, "they went to Norfolk, where he, Martin and Ware, entered for the Chesapeake, that he knew the faces of several Englishmen on board the Chesapeake, but did not know their names, that Commodore Barron promised to protect him."
"William Ware says, "that when they came before Commodore Barron at the Naval Yard at Washington, he promised to protect them, although they were deserters from an English Man of War."
"Jenkin Ratford, before his execution, acknowledged, "that he was born in London, that he voluntarily entered into His Majesty's Service, that he deserted in the jolly boat of the Halifax, in company with George North, captain of the main-top, Henry Saunders, boatswain's mate, Richard Hubert, sail maker, and another man whose name he did not know, that they all entered at Norfolk for the Chesapeake frigate, and afterwards joined her at the Federal City; that in a short time Richard Hubert ranaway, and was seen at Alexandria by some of the crew, about three days after; and that George North and Henry Saunders ranaway during the time the ship was coming down the river. That Richard Hubert was from Liverpool, and formerly belonged to the Leander, and that Saunders was an Irishman. On his defence, Ratford said, "that at the time of their entering for the Chesapeake, Lieutenant Sinclair asked them if they had not a second name." On this suggestion, Ratford altered his name, to Wilson, and was so entered on the Chesapeake's books. To this circumstance it is owing, that the name of North and Saunders were not to be found in the books, and to their having deserted on the passage of the Chesapeake from Washington to Norfolk, is also owing that they were not, like Ratfort [sic] found hid in the coal hole of that frigate. What protection Commodore Barron, after all his promises afforded to these deluded, unhappy men his own feelings must long before this time have suggested to him."

The Boat of Mr. Rk. Cozier, in returning to Town on the 31st ult. was pursued by a Spanish Canoe, (dispatched from a large Schooner, which lay a little way out) with from 25 to 30 men, - the Boat was steered into the Trench of Evergreen Plantation, by which she escaped, - tho' not without doing considerable damage to the Enemy, at whom Mr. C. with the passengers on board discharged upwards of 40 musket shots, besides a cannon on shore, which was manned and fired on her, and appeared to do them considerable injury, as they immediately rowed off with all speed.

The Armed Boat belonging to Mr. Ashley has again been hired by Government, and will sail this Evening or To-morrow, under the command of Lieut. Gold with 30 men belonging to the Demerary Brig, to look out for the Spaniards, who it is said have captured 3 Boats in the course of the last 2 days.

Died. - On Sunday last in Berbice, Mrs. Harris, Wife of Wm. Harris, Esq. late of this Town.
On Wednesday Morning, Mr. James Keith.

Mr. Printer,
Demerary, 8th Nov. 1807.
It is scarcely necessary for me to say, that I feel the most heartfelt and keen remorse at having so far committed my character, as even to suffer my name to appear in public, connected with that of so universally dispised [sic], and notorious a Pest to Society, - Martin Doyle. Had I been as well acquainted with the vile depravity of his profligate heart, as the whole Colony now appears to be, the wealth of the Indies, - nay, no earthly consideration whatever, should have induced me, ever to be seen in his company. - Like the midnight assassin, in the garb of a monk, he took advantage of my inexperience and short standing in the Colony, and by his sanctified sophistry and pretended religious deportment, succeeded in makeing [sic] me believe him, what I have since found him to be as different from, as light from darkness, or heat from cold, viz. An Honest Man.
The consummate hipocrisy [sic] which the atrocious and abandoned wretch then displayed, is only equalled by the impudence, and total disregard of truth evinced in the letter which bears his Signature, published in your last Paper.
I shall not attempt to vie with the writer thereof in abuse; the greater part in my opinion required, no other reasoning than the powerful force of argumentum backalinum, and with the administering of that I should have been contented, did I not know that your Papers go out of the Colony and into Societies, where I am known, but where such a grovelling miscreant as Martin Doyle, dare not attempt to shew his face; on that account alone, Sir, I think proper to state that I am ready to prove at my domicilium, at any time the truth of what I have before asserted. There also I am ready and willing to exhibit the Books of the concern to any respectable gentleman, by which it will appear that he is indebted more than f 15,000, while I stand in credit upward of f 12,000, a Balance sheet whereof, I had the honesty to present to the Honble: V. A. Heyliger, Acting President of the Hon. Court of Justice: before which tribunal he must but flatter himself (by mistaking indulgence for irresolution) that I have given up my intention of bringing him.
Convinced therefore that I am duly warranted in so doing, I now finally direct and request that no Payments may be made to him, on account of the late firm of Doyle & Wells, nor did I, Wish or offer myself to receive any, till the business is determined by the said Hon. Court.
With regret for giving you so much trouble concerning so dastardly and truly unworthy a being.
I am, Sir, your, &c. &c. &c
W. H. Wells.

Just Arrived in the Schooner Active, Capt. Ferguson, from New York, and for Sale by the Subscriber at Mr. Younghusband's: -
Flour superfine, rice, tar, pitch, red oak staves, pine plank, do. boards; onions and potatoes.
Also, 50 hhds. cod fish, by the Brig Phoebe, cured in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
Wm. Tremain.
Stabroek, 14th Novr. 1807.

The Subscribers being wishful of bringing to a close the concerns of the late Firm of Edward Lamming & Co. requests all those to whom they are indebted either by Note or Open Accounts, to render the same in Person or by Agents authorised to arrange them, on Monday the 23d inst. at Mr. Marshall's Coffee House, precisely at 10 o'Clock.
Geo. T. Charter.
14th November, 1807.

Absented himself from the Subscribers on Tuesday the 3d inst. a Negro Man named Julius, rather above the common size and handsomely made, he has no marks of the whip upon him nor of any other sort to distinguish him by. A Reward of f 88 will be given to any Person that will lodge him in the Barracks or deliver him to David Wardrop, Esq. at his Store on Robb's Stelling, by whom the money will be paid.
Edmonstone & Burn.
Demerary, 14th November, 1807.

Strayed Away on Sunday last, a Sorrel coloured Cow, with white spots about her Body. Whoever has taken her up, will be Rewarded on returning her to
14th Novr. Th. Atkins.

All Those who are Indebted to the Estate of Michael White deceased, (who formerly dwelt on his Brother's Concession, No. 10, Werk & Rust,) are requested to come forward and make their Payments in Six Weeks from date, in order that the Estate may be brought o a Liquidation in the shortest time possible.
Geo. Daly.
Bridge Town, 14th November, 1807.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in
the Stocks of Demerary, 14th November, 1807.



Brought by


Boedel Lawrin,

R. B. Daly.


Pl. O. Nassau,




Thos. Kewley.


Daniels, Berb.

Pl. Park, Abary.


Pl. Golde [sic] Grove,




Van Genderen.









Pl. Lepenetense.


A. H. Williams,

Wm. Harris.








Louisa Warner,

Js. Hunter.





Nelly Essry,

A. Fraser.



J. Hendricks.


Van Nooten,



M. Doyle,


And a new negro man unknown brought by Pl. Belmond.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

See the Supplement.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.

[No Supplement in microfilm]


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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