Ao. 1807 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 259.
Saturday, the 12th of December.
Rio Demerary. [heading]
BY ORDER OF THE [heading]
Extract from the Mutiny Act, 47th Geo.
III, Chap. 32.
- 102, And be it further enacted, that
from and fater the passing this Act, all Negroes purchased by or on account of
His Majesty, his heirs, and successors, and serving in any of His Majesty's
Forces, shall be, and be deemed and taken to be, free, to all intents and for
all purposes whatever, in like manner in every respect as if such Negroes had
been born free in any part of His Majesty's dominions; and that such Negroes
shall also, to all intents and purposes whatever, be considered as Soldiers
having voluntarily entered in His Majesty's service.
Rio Essequebo. [heading]
Wordt mits deesen bekend gemaakt, dat in
Ondertrouw is opgenoomen,
Den Heer Thomas Cathrey, meerderjaarig
Jongamn, geboortig in Engeland, de Protestansche Godsdienst [illegible]gedaan,
Bruidegom ter eenre, en
Vrouwe Sanna Williams, weduwe wylen den
Heer Gilbert Hubbard, geboortig van Noord America, en de Protestansche Religie
toegedaan, Bruid [illegible] ander zyd.
Iemand hiertegens wettig oppositie sustineerende
[illegible]dresseere zig daar en zoo het behoord.
Essequebo, den 6 December, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.
Word van het Secretary deser Riviere
bekend gemaakt, dat met de Commissary in de maand Jaunary 1808, het navolgende
zal worden gepasseerd.
De Wed. de Clerk, zal verhypothequenen
met regt van [illegible]ste verband de Plantage Domburg en toe behooren, ten
faveur van de Heeren Spoors & Sprenger a Middelburg.
Imand hiretegens oppositie sustineerend,
addresseere zig daar en zoo het behoord.
den 7 December, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.
Wordt van weegens het Secretary deser
Riviere bekend gemaakt, dat met de Commissary [illegible] de maand January
1808, de navolgende Hypotheecquen zullen worden gepasseerd, als
F. Baar zal verhypothequenen, vier stuks
slaaven met [illegible]ame Jan, Daniel, Mentor and Jack, ten fauveur van den
Wel Edelen Gestrengen Heer H. W. Knolman.
W. Waters zal verhypothequeenen de
heeste den Plantage Kaap de Goede Hoop, geleegen op Quacoeraba Eyland, met deselves
gebouwen, slaaven, &c. faveure de [illegible]ettige erven van deselves
overleedene huisvrouw M. C. Boter.
Imand hiertegens oppositie
sustineerende, addresseere zy daar en waar het behoord.
den 7 December, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.
Wordt van weegens het Secretary deser
Rivier bekend gemaakt, dat met de Commissary [illegible] de maand January 1808,
het volgende Transporten zullen worden gepasseerd, als
H. Minas transporteerd zeekere huis en
erve geleegen aan deese Forteresse aan J. G. Walteling.
S. Verbeek trasporteerd de half van
zeekere stuk land geleegen op het Varken Eyland, aan R. Adams.
Imand oppositie sustineerende
addresseere zig daar het behoord.
den 7 Decemeber, 1807.
I. I. L. Moliere, Eerste Klerk.
Ingevolge Authorisatie, vervat by
Appointement van den Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer P. C. Ouckama, Commandeur ad
interim van deese Colonie, sal door my ondergeteekende Eersten Exploiteur deser
Rivier na voorsafgaarde rechtspleeging, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen
en Secretaris allhier aan 't Fort Zelandia op Maandag en 4 January 1808,
publicq worden opgeveild en aan de meestbiedende verkogt, als
1. Ten behoeve van Anthony Meertens,
q.q. I. E. Van Raders, Executant jeegens I. E. Frantzen en Wm. Mooy, q.q. de
erven B. Stall, 't eerste nog te vervallene Payement groot Dier en Twintig
Duysend Een Hondert Gulden, gepasseerd by zeeker Hypotheeq ten favueur van
gemelde Boedel Stoll, ende gevestigd op de Plantage Good Success, geleegen op
het Wacquenaam Eyland, binnen dese Revier [sic], than toebehoorende Collin
[sic] Dunlop, en
2. Op nader gekreegene Authorisatie van
Wel Edele Gestr. ten behoeve van I. E. Frantzen cantra Th. Duim, Eene plaats met alle de daaropstaande gebouwen, grooteen
duysend akkers land en mede in dese booven Revier geleegen.
En in case iemand tegens dese verkoping
eenig recht van oppositie sal willen sustineeren, addresseere sig in geschrifte
ten Comptoire der Exploiteur, wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten dag van
rechten beleggen sal, en wyders die geene welke in voorschreeve verkoopingen
gading vinden moogen komen ten dage en plaatse voormeld, aanhooren de conditien
en doen hun profyt.
Essequebo, den 8 December, 1807.
Frier Wm. Tuckermann,
Eerste Exploiteur.
Rio Demerary. [heading]
BY ORDER OF THE [heading]
Extract from the Mutiny Act, 47th Geo.
III. Chap. 32.
- 102, And be it further enacted, that
from and after the passing this Act, all Negroes purchased by or on account of
His Majesty, his heirs, and successors, and seriving in any of His Majesty's
Forces, shall be, and be deemed and taken to be, free, to all intents and for
all purposes whatever, in like manner in every respect as if such Negroes had
been born free in any part of His Majesty's dominions [sic]; and that such
Negroes shall also, to all intents and purposes whatever, be considered as
Soldiers having voluntarily entered in His Majesty's service.
CASH WANTED, [heading]
For a Bill of Exchange drawn on the
Right Hon. the lords Commissiioners of His Majesty's Treasury to the amount of
Five Hundred Pounds sterling, viz.
No. 490 L 500.
Sealed Tender for the same (markjed
Tender for Bills) will be received at this Office until Tuesday the 15th
instaant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the
presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and, if approved,
Commissary's Office, Will. N.
December 10, 1807. Res. Commissary.
CASH WANTED, [heading]
For Bills of Exchange drawn on the
Paymaster General of His Majesty's Forces, to the amount of One Thousand
Pounds, viz.
No. 749 L 400.
750 300.
751 300.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked
Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office until Tuesday the 15th
instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the
presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and, if approved,
Commissary's Office, Will. N. Firebrace,
Dec. 10, 1807. Res. Commissary.
CASH WANTED, [heading]
For Bills of Exchange drawn on the Rt.
Hon. the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, to the amount of
Thirteen Hundred Pounds sterling, viz.
No. 5 L 400.
6 300.
7 300.
8 200.
9 100.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked
Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office until Tuesday the 15th
instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the
presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and, if approved,
Commissary's Office, Will. N.
Dec. 10, 1807. Res. Commissary.
[first column]
Brick Cheese
Firkins & half do. August Double
Rose Butter
Kegs Tripe
Geneva of superior quality, and
Cogniac Brandy, pr. gall.
[second column]
Baltimore Flour
Beef and Pork
Best Mould Candles
Sheet Lead
Do. Copper
Swedish and English Bar Iron
Cordage of all sizes
[end columns]
Dec. 10. Thomas Shute & Co.
King's Receiver's Office, Dec. 12, 1807.
The period for giving in the Six Months'
Returns for Slaves commencing on the 1st January next, Notice is hereby given,
that Blanks will be sent in the course of the next week to the Burgher Officers
and different Ferries, agreeable to the following List. These Blanks must be
filled up and sent in to this Office (where attendance will be given from Nine
o'Clock in the Morning until One o'Clock in the Afternoon ( [sic] Sundays and
Holidays excepted), between the 1st and 21st days of January next. The Public
will please to observe, that no Returns will be received, but on these Blanks.
Those Gentlemen desirous of obtaining
Licences to purchase Slaves under the Proclamation of His Excellency Colonel
Nicholson, will please to observe, that the Returns for the different Estates
for which they petition must be sent in with the Petitions, to eneable the
Slave Register to give the necessary Certificates. Those Returns therefore
will be received before the 1st of January.
Robert Phipps, Slave Register.
[first column]
On the East Coast.
Thos. Mewburn, Esq.
W. B. Panye, Esq.
Gilbert Robertson, Esq.
D. S. van s'Gravesande, Esq.
Nicol M'Nicol, Esq.
At Mahaiconi and Mahaica Ferries.
River, East side.
Anth. Osborn, Esq.
[second column]
I. Brandes, Esq.
River, West side.
Ralph Lee Ashington, Esq.
John Jones, Esq.
On the West Coast.
Ferry of Demerary River.
H. Steur, Esq.
F. A. Trotz, Esq.
And of the Slave Register at the
Secretary's Office.
[end columns]
N.B. The Blanks will not be sent round,
but must be called for, as above.
By Permission of His Excellency
Lieutenant-Governor [heading]
NICHOLSON, &c. &c. &c.
Plan for a Raffle or Lottery of a
Concession or Lot of Land, with the Buildings thereon, the Property of Messrs.
Rousselet, Hofstede, & Cantzlaar, situate on Werk & Rust, and known on
the General Chart under No. 6, formerly occupied by the Society the Eendragt;
the said Concession and Buildings having been appraised at f 27,161. 10.
The said Lottery to consist of 95
Tickets at f 242 - together, f 22,990.
The Concession and Buildings aforesaid
to be the only Prize, and Two Premiums of Five Hundred Guilders each, one in
favour of the lot or Ticket drawn immediately before the first and only Prize,
the other for the following Ticket. The said Premiums are to be paid Two
Months after the Drawing of the present Lottery by the Holder of the said
The Tickets are to be paid (say f 242)
two motnths before the drawing, in Coffee, Cotton, or cash.
The drawing will take place in the house
so to be disposed of, by two children, in presence of a Clerk of the
Secretary's Office. The House, &c. may be immediately occupied by the
drawer of the Prize, and a full and clear Transport thereof will be given in
August 1808.
Tickets may be had of Messrs. Rousselet,
Hofstede, and Cantzlaar, in Stabroek, who will, in due time, advertise by the
Newspapers the day of the drawing. Cantzlaar, J.Z. for self
Dec. 11, 1807. and Messrs. Rousselet
& Hofstede.
A Schooner boat for Sale, the Property
of C. Remy, Esq. at present in Europe, 42 ft. long and 16 wide, draws 4 ft 7
Half water without loading, in the most complete order, with all her rigging,
sails, 2 anchors, and 2 cables. Apply for the Conditions and Price to Messrs
Schovers and Philippart, or to Mr. B. Hebbelinck, Fort Island. - Dec 12, 1807.
The Subscriber makes known by this to
the Public, and those whom it may concern, that he has paid in full to Mr. I.
Smith, living in Essequebo, his due part of the Estate of his Father I. P.
Smith, dec. and that the above-mentioned I. Smith has no pretensions whatsoever
to the Estate of his Father dec.
Dec. 10, 1807. P. C. Mickerts,
On Monday the 4th of January 1808, at
the Orphan Chamber, a lot No. 196, in Cumingsburg, with the buildings thereon,
furniture, gold and silver watches, cloths, a complete rifle pieces, negroes,
books, &c. &c.
Dec. 12, 1807.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the
11th, 12th and 13th of January 1808, by order of Wm. Turner, Esq. at his store,
New Town, all his remaining stock (without reserve), consisting of Irish linen
and sheeting, Russia duck, brown Holland, muslin and pullicat handkerchiefs,
calicoes, muslins, cambrics, britannias, waistcoat patterns, stripe, check,
salempores, nankeens, children's shoes and hats, ladies' and gentlemen's do.
boots, silk and leather gloves, braces, made clothes, negro clothing, saddlery,
pickles, a large assortment of jewellery, household furniture, with a variety
of fancy articles, &c. &c.
Dec. 11, 1807.
On Thursday the 14th January 1808 [large
blank] by order of the Executors of H. Mutz, dec. and others concerned, the lot
No. 9, with the buildings thereon, situated in front of Pl. Werk & Rust,
opposite the premises of Joseph Ward, Esq.
Also, by order of H. A. Eberhardi, Esq.
q.q. E. C. Eli, the lot no. 239, with the Buildings thereon, situated in
Dec. 12, 1807.
Secretary's Office.
Arch. M'Guffie, in 14 days, from Dec. 1.
Newton Stevens and Eber Potter, in do.
from 5th do.
Pamela Waldron, in 14 days, from 9 Dec.
Wm. Thos. Mason and Dom. Bernard, do.
from 10 do.
Aaron Bryant and Jno. M'Donald, do from
11 do.
Dec. 12, 1807 J. C. Stadtman, first
The official notice of Mr. John Wm.
Jones being about to be married to Miss Eliza Meyers came too late for to day's
Newly landed, and to be sold, on very
reasonable Terms for Produce, by the Undersigned, at their Store In Charles
[first column]
Cork butter in firkins
Cod Fish in casks and boxes
Mess beef in whole and half barrels
Flour in barrels
Pickled tongues
Refined sugar
Double distilled vinegar in jugs
Bottled beer and porter
Salt in barrels
Geneva and brandy
Bottled Madeira wine, per doz.
Paints assorted
Lamp and paint oil
Pitch and tar
Tar, paint, & other brushes,
Soap, Candles, and Starch
Best corks
Cordage assorted
Seine and sewing twine
Chaise harness
[second column]
Saddles, bridles, and whips, assorted
Beaver silk hats assorted
Negro do.
Men's and Women's Negro clothing and
Oznabrugs, linen, & thread
Men's, Women's, and Children's
fashionable black and coloured shoes
Do. stockings
Painted calicoes 7 & 28 yards
Cambric and laced muslins
Pocket handkerchiefs
French linen cambrics
Irish linen and long lawn, assorted
Temper lime
Nails assorted from 4d to 30d
Iron pots
Best hoes, cutlasses, and shovels
Frying pans
Iron tea kettles
A large assortment of patent brass,
iron, & stock locks
Coopers' & carpenters' tools
Queen's and Tin war, &c.
[end columns]
Dec. 12, 1807. Schovers &
Just Landed, and for Sale by the
Cheap, for Ready Money,
[first column]
New Flour
Irish Rose Butter
[second column]
Beer and Porter, &c.
[end columns]
Stabroek, Dec. 11, 1807. H. Douglas.
FOR SALE, [heading]
The Schooner Ann, Burthen 105 Tons per
Register, a British bottom, and a remarkable fine fast-sailing schooner; stows
700 barrels, and has just undergone a thorough repair.
This vessel is well worth the attention
of any person who wants one of her description, and will be sold reasonably.
Dec 12. Underwood, Johnson, & Co.
Wanted, a Situataion as Book-Keeper in
any respectable House, or with any private Gentleman. The Advertiser has been
accustomed to that employment in various ways, and flatters himself that, on a
trial, he could give satisfaction. Suitable reference will be offered.
Inquire of the Printer. - Dec. 12.
N. Rousselet, Attorney at law, requests
his Clients to call for their papers, as he does not intend to take any more
business for the ensuing year 1808, except what is under f 600 - voor als nog -
he requests those who have any demands against him to call for their money, and
those indebted to him to pay him in Cash, Bills, even in Produce, provided it
is not Sugar.
Dec. 11, 1807.
The Undersigned will be very much
obliged and will give a suitable Reward, to any person who will inform him
where the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Mr. K. Kernan is at present.
Dec. 12, 1807. I. F. Schultz.
Run Away, a Negro Woman named Liza, or
Ires, formerly of Grenada; she is yellow skinned, has bad front teeth, is well
known in town and country, having been employed huckstering, speaks French and
English remarkably well, and it is supposed she secretes herself in or about
the Camp. A Reward of One Joe will be given for her apprehension, by applying
to her Mistress, Anne Jordan Ashley
The Subscriber, qualified Executor to
the Estate of Thomas Hays, lately deceased in North America, hereby gives
Notice to all who have demands against said Estate, to render their Accounts
for settlement.
The House belonging to the deceased on
Lot No. 2, Vlissingen, next to that of Mr. De Munnick, is offered for Sale, and
if not disposed of by private Contract, will be sold at Vendue Three Months
Stabroek, Dec. 8, 1807. Jas. T.
And for sale at the Store of the
Newfoundland Fish, in Casks of 4, 6, and
8 quintals
[first column]
Irish Butter
Smoked Beef
Pickled Yongues [sic]
[second column]
Cheshire Cheese
Double Gloucester do.
Herrings in kegs
Salt in barrels
[end columns]
Also, on Hand,
Superfine Baltimore Flour,
[first column]
[second column]
Nails assorted
[end columns]
And a general assortment of Dry goods,
Madeira wine, &c.
Dec. 12, 1807. F. C. Otto
Absented himself from the Subscriber,
four weeks ago, a Negro man named John, a Creole of Barbados, very stout, and
is well known in and about town, where he has been seen some days ago. The
said Negro was lately sold at the Vendue Office, Essequebo, for a Cook a Cook
and Boatman, but calls himself a Painter and Butcher. A Reward of Forty-Four
Guilders will be given to any person who will lodge him in the Barracks, or
deliver him to C. H. De Munnick, Esq. by whom the money will be paid.
Dec. 10, 1807. D. C. Scheidius
The Undersigned, by the Hon. Court of
Justice appointed Curators in the Estate of I. Lachtrop, by these call upon the
debtors of said Estate, for the last time, to come forward and discharge their
respective Debts, as it is now their intention to give all accounts into the
hands of their Lawyer M. Lamaison, Esq. LL D, to sue for without respect to
persons; as these will be the only means to bring said Estate to a speedy and
final settlement.
Dec. 12, 1807. I. I. Kotwyk, q.q.
H. A. Eberhardi, q.q.
Run Away, some time ago, from Mr. H. C.
Brandes of Berbice, during a short stay in this town, a Negro Boy named Winter,
about 12 years old, pretty black, and marked HCB. A Reward of Two joes will be
given to whoever will either bring this Boy to the Undersigned, or give
information of those who are harbouring him.
Werk & Rust, Dec. 12, 1807.
H. A. Eberhardi.
List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our
Dec. 7. Schooner Ann, Seth. [sic]
North, from Antigua.
Dec. 10. Schooner Windham, B. Paine,
from New London.
Dec. 9. Brig Gen. Washington, I. Lake,
from Portsmouth.
We were wrong last week respecting the
mails; our papers came by Mr. Cumins's bag, the mail-boat did not arrive till
Sunday morning.
Also with respect to the name of the
Officer who commanded the boats which captured the Spanish launch; it was Mr.
W. Smith, the Master, who did the business so handsomely; Lieut. Gould being
sick at the time. the Spanish second in command is on his parole.
Died, on Monday, at Plantation
Annandale, where he had lived Manager many years, much respected, Mr. J. Grant.
Uittreksel van een brief door de Heer A.
H. Walstab, van Rotterdam, den 22 September, l.l. gescheeven, aan de Heeren
Hardess Mantz en Co. te London. [text in Dutch not transcribed]
[letter about conflict between Britain
and U.S.]
Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam,
The Undersigned has a few Bags of
Coffee, quite ready for shipping, which he will dispose of for cash. He also
offers for Sale or Hire, the House lately occupied by the deceased Miss Nancy
Rousman, by the North Canal, Stabroek, nearly aback of the Exploiteur's Office.
Dec. 5, 1807. R. B. Daly
Absconded a few days ago, from the
Undersigned, a Negro named Billy, well known about town. Whoever will
apprehend and lodge him in the Barracks, shall receive Two Joes reward. John
Laforey Morson.
December 5, 1807.