Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 December 19


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 260.

Saturday, the 19th of December.

Rio Essequebo. [heading]
By Appointment of the Hon. Commandeur P. C. Ouckama, the Public Sale of the Plantation Nieuw Oosterbeek, situated on Leguan Island, will take place on Monday the 11th of January 1808.
Fort Zelandia, Dec. 13, 1807.
B. Hebbelinck,
Acting Deputy Vendue Master.

LOST, at FORT ISLAND, [heading]
On the 8th of this Month, an Obligation of M. Doyle, Esq. for Six Hundred & Eighty-nine Guilders, Sixteen Stuivers, drawn in favour of Cotton Brown, for Rum at Colony price; the said Note specifying that it was in full, for Freight and barter, between the schooner of the former called Good Intent, and that of the latter called Columbia. Whoever may find the said Note, shall be handsomely rewarded on delivering it to the Subscriber; and should it be presented to Mr. Doyle, he is requested to pay it to no other than
Dec. 12, 1807. G. Lockett.

The Undersigned offers for Sale a fast-sailing Colony Built Schooner boat, with all its Appurtenances, about Five Months old, 40 feet long by 15 feet and a quarter broad, built of the best Colony Wood by the Ship Carpenter J. Lowe.
Dec. 15, 1807. J. Koford.

Rio Demerary. [heading]
CASH WANTED, [heading]
For Bills of Exchange, drawn on the right Hon. the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, to the Amount of Two Thousand Pounds Sterling, viz.
No. 11 L 500
12 400
13 300
14 300
15 250
16 250
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office until Tuseday the 22d instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, whene they will be opened in the presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, and, if approved, accepted.
Commissary's Office, Will. N. Firebrace,
December 18, 1807. Res. Commissary.

Op eerstkomenden Zonday en de daaraanvolgened, zal weder als voorhenen, by de nederduitsche gemeente, in Stabroek geregeld gepredikt worden, gelyk ook op eerstkomenden Kerfday, door derzelver Predickant.
Stabroek, den 19 Dec. 1807. Gryk

By Permission of His Excellency Lieut. Governor [heading]
R. Nicholson, &c. &c. &c. [heading]
Plan for a Raffle or Lottery of a Half Water Lot, No. [blank], with the Buildings thereon, the Property of the Subscriber, situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust; the same having been appraised at f 8200.
The said Lottery to consist of 58 Tickets at f 150, together f 8700.
The Half Water Lot and Buildings aforesaid to be the only Prize, and Two Premiums of f 300 each, one in favouur of the lot or ticket drawn immediately after the First and only Prize, to be paid by the holder of such Prize, two months after the Drawing; and the other, or second Premium, for the last drawn number, to be paid by the Subscriber in the same time as aforesaid.
The Tickets are to be paid, say f 150, six weeks after the Drawing, in Coffee, Cotton, or Cash.
The Drawing will take place in the House aforesaid, by two children as young as possible, in the presence of a Clerk of the Secretary's Office.
The House, &c. may be occupied by the Drawer of the Prize in three months after the drawing, and at that time a clear and free Transport thereof will be given by the Subscriber.
Tickets may be had of Mr. De Wellebers, Werk & Rust, or of the Subscriber, who will in due time advertise by the Newspapers the day of drawing. E. A. Christiani.
Dec. 17, 1807.

A Young Man, lately from Europe, wants Employment in the capacity of Overseer on an Estate. For information, apply to the Printer. - Dec. 17, 1807.

The Subscriber offers for Sale, on reasonable Terms, the following Articles, viz.
[first column]
Irish linens
Printed cambrics
Do. calicoes
Corded dimities
Blue liminas [sic]
Checks and stripe
Table cloths
White and brown Holland
Canvas, duck, nad strip [sic] trowsers
White linen & cotton stripe shirts
Gentlemen's coats, coatees, waistcoats and pantaloons
A variety of medicines
Sets of books
Negro blankets
Pearl barley in jugs
Pickles in cases
Brown stout
Hyson tea
[second column]
Loaf sugar
French plumbs
Fruits in brandy
Almonds in shells
Table salt
Salt in puncheons & barrels
Spiced salmon in kits
White lead in kegs
Paint and lamp oil
Drag nets
Seine and sewing twine
Inverness coffee bagging
Cordage, different sizes
A general assortment of Tin ware
Nails from 4 d. to 30d.
Iron pots assorted
Chamber door & stock locks
Carpenters' tools, and a variety of other articles for Plantation use
[end columns]
Also, Madeira Wine, in pipes, hhds and quarter casks.
Dec. 19, 1807. C. H. De Munnick.

TO BE LET [heading]
The spacious House, formerly occupied by the Hon. P. C. Ouckama, and at present by I. L. Philippart, Esq. eligibly situated on Werk & Rust. For further particulars, apply to Van Braam, Esq.
Dec. 19, 1807.

The undersigned Colonial Translator requests those who are desirous of having any papers translated by him, either from or into English, Dutch or French, in future, to leave such papers under cover, at his House, opposite Dr. Lloyd's, Brick Dam, Stabroek, or at the Secretary's Office, with notice of the precise time at which it is required the Translations should be ready.
Demerary, Dec. 16, 1807. C. T. Tinne,
Sworn Colonial Translator.
Particular care is taken that the meaning of the Terms peculiar to the Dutch Official and Law Papers, be rendered perfectly clear and intelligible in the Translation.

Het Domicilium Citandi et Executandi van den Ondergeteekende is op Plantage Sape Pont, in deese Rivier. N. Winandy.
Dec. 19, 1807.

Just Imported, at the Subscriber's and for sale, for immediate Payment in Rum, Coffee, Cotton, or Cash, the Cargo of the Brig Henry, Capt. Trask, (22 days passage) consisting of
[first column]
Fish in Hogsheads
Pork, best quality, in barrels
[second column]
Mess Beef, do in half do.
Superfine Flour in barrels
R. O. Staves
[end columns]
Also, on Hand,
[first column]
R. O. Shooks
W. O. Do.
[second column]
Old Particular Madeira Wine
Do. Malagado.
Britannias, &c.
[end columns]
Dec. 19, 1807. Engels & Van Senden.

A Complete negro Bricklayer, capable of hanging Coppers, or performing any Mason's work, and a capable Carpenter Negro, for Hire, The only reason of their being hired out is to keep them soley to their trades, under a strict and capable Supeintendant. Apply at the Counting House of R. B. Daly.

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
For Twenty-Five Joes Cash, or an approved Obligation at Three Months, a seasoned Saddle and Draught Bay Mare, in excellent condition, and no faults. Inquire of the Undersigned, at Plantation Sophia.
Dec. 18, 1807. I. J. Van Seeten, Mz.

On Tuesday the 5th January, 1808, at the Vendue Office, by order of D. Willibers and I. Teyssen, Executors of Van Heukelar, dec. dry goods, household furniture, negroes, wearing apparel, &c.
Dec. 18, 1807.
On Thursday the 7th Jan. by order of Mr. Jos. Hill, dry goods, &c. (the particulars came too late for to day) [no date for this one]
On Friday the 15th January, at the Vendue Office, by order of James Lyon, Executor to the will of John Grant, dec, 22 prime Negroes, who have been employed in a task gang for several years, a puncheon of strong rum, [illegible] Madeira wine, do. rum, a sabre with belt, salempores, negro jackets and blankets, a parcel of boots and shoes, a case of mathematical instruments, a box of colours and brushes, drawing paper, a writing desk, a portmanteau, an excellent violin, 2 flutes and a clarionet, a silver watch, a clock, a fowling piece, a dining table, a sideboard, 2 liquor cases, a few goats, a saddle and bridle, hoes, shovels, axes, and several other articles.
Dec. 18, 1807.

Any persons willing to contract for the delivery of about 70 Cords every two Months, will be pleased to address themselves to the Subscriber by Letters sealed (marked Tenders for Fuel Wood), which will be opened on Tuesday the 29th instant, in the presence of the Officer commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the lowest Tender for the same will be accepted.
This Contract to be in force for Six Months, and the Contractor is expected to give security for the due performance of it. The Wood to be delivered at the Quarter and Barrack Master's Yard at fort William Frederick.
Commissary's Office, Will. N. Firebrace,
Dec. 18, 1807 Res. Commissary.

Ingevolge Authorisatie vervat by Appoinctement van den Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer en Mr. Victor A. Heyliger, fungeerende President van den Edele Achbaaren Hove van Justitie alhier, zal door hem Eerste Exploiteur worden opgeveild en verkogt de navolgende goederen als
Ten behoeven van Ths. Hoppe & Co. contra James Parss, zeekere Concessie geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantage Werk en Rust, naast 't e[?]f van M'Inroy, Sandbach en M'Bean, laast bewoond door Remy en Boter met de daaropstaande gebouwen, als een woonhuis lange circa 40 by 24 voeten, 2 verdiepingen, inlands hout do shingels [illegible] een zy gebouw 50 by 12 voeten, mits gaders omkraalengen[illegible] gem. Concessie
Voor I. D. Goddart en James Parss een zeeker Lot Lands en Huisigen geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantage Werk en Rust, naast de wooning van de Heer M'Bean en thas bewond door Rod. Cozier.
Voor R. Batty, contra C. F. Guintzell & M. Doyle, een halve Concessie No. 4, geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantage Vlissingen, met de daaropstaande gebouwen als een woonhuys circa 24 by 18 voeten 2 verdiepingen met Americaannsche plank en omslaagen en gecingeld een zy gebouw &c.
Voor A. H. Janssen contra C. F. Guintzel en Co. een order door P. L. Boon op de Heer Chs. Waterton getrokken, groot f 714, ten behoeven van C. F. Guintzel, en door Samuel Wardle, q.q. Plantation Fellowship geaccepteerd.
Iemand vermeenende te hebben recht van oppositie address zich alse na style en zodaanige die in den verkoop hun gaading vinden, koomen ten puye van 't Raadhuys op de Hoofdpaats, Stabroek, den 5 January aanstaande, aan hooren de conditien en doen hun profyt. M. Smit,
Rio Demerary, 19 Dec. 1807. Eerste Exploiteur.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Arch. M'Guffie, in 14 days, from Dec. 1.
Newton Stevens and Eber Potter, in do. from 5th do.
Pamela Waldron, in 14 days, from 9 Dec.
Wm. Thos. Mason and Dom. Bernard, do. from 10 do.
Aaron Bryant and Jno. M'Donald, do from 11 do.
Dec. 12, 1807 J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk

Wordt mits deeze geadverteerd, dat de Heer
gebooren te Bristol in Engeland, meerderjaarig jongman Bruidgom ter eenre, en
Mejuffrouw ELIZA MEYERS,
minderjaarige jongedochter, gebooren binne deeze Colonie, Bruid ter andere zyde,
Van voorneemens zynde met elkandere een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het solstmnifeeren van gemelde Huwelyk te kunne opponeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar waar en zoo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 10 December 1807, in kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman,
Eerste Clercq.

Wordt mits deeze van wegens het Secretary alhier aan elke en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, dat de Heer James Fraser zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi gekoofen heeft in Capoey Creek, Essequebo.
Demerary, den 5 December 1807.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

CAUTION. [heading]
The Subscriber particularly requests, for urgent reasons, that no person will take in payment any Note of Hand passed by him in favour of C. F. Guintzel or Order, until further Notice. John Hendricks.
Dec. 19, 1807.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Undersigned is removed to the Estate Rushbrook and Bremen, on Wackenam Island, Essequebo.
Dec. 15, 1807 Martin Doyle.

FOR SALE, [heading]
BY I. A. Cart, Jun. & Co. [heading]
At the Harmonic Society, Stabroek,
[first column]
Madeira Wine, per doz.
Moka cream
[second column]
Cinnamon do.
Peppermint water
Guimauve Paste, for Coughs
[end columns]
Dec. 19, 1807.

TAKEN AWAY, [heading]
From the Dam opposite Messrs. M'Bean & Co. Eighteen Pieces of Greenheart Timber, from Fifteen to Seventeen feet long, nine inches square; had been placed there about fourteen days since, for the purpose of piling off the Dam of the above named. Any person giving information who has taken the same, will be rewarded, on application to John Ashley.
Stabroek, Dec. 19, 1807.

[America vs. England letter]

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Dec. 17. Brig Henry, E. Trask, from Boston.
Dec. 17. Schooner Charming Nancy, S. L. Davis, from Gloucester.

Dec. 17. Schooner Mary Ann, W. M'Kenzie, for Surinam.

The only arrivals this week, besides the above entered vessels, are His Majesty's ship Ulysses, 44, and L'Eclair schooner, to convoy up to Surinam the vessels which could not fetch that port, about four months since, viz. the ships Surinam and Coffee Planter and brig Ranger. They are expected to sail to-morrow.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Supplement – [double check to see about Lottery of No. 6 on Werk en Rust]



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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