Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1807 December 26

Vol. II.)


(No. 104.

Saturday, December 26th, 1807.

Proclamation. [heading]
By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieutenant Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their Dependent Districts, President in all Courts and Colleges within the same, and The Honbl. Court of Policy of the said Colony;
Unto all whom these presents may or shall concern, Greeting, be it known:
Whereas We are informed that it has of late become a practice to cut Joes in halves and quarters, intended to represent four and two Dollar Pieces, and that such cut pieces are mostly so deficient in weight as, when joined together, to fall considerably short of the Standard at which Joes are Current by Law, for Twenty Two Guilders in these Colonies; - and Whereas, under those circumstances, we judge it necessary to check and discredit as much as possible the circulation of such depreciated Money, in order to prevent the mischievous consequences which must result therefrom.
We therefore thought fit to issue this Our Proclamation hereby giving Public Notice that the Pieces cut out of Joes as above-mentioned to represent four and two Dollar Pieces, shall not be taken in Payment at the Offices of the respective Receivers, and also declaring that the same are not to be considered as a legal tender nor as entitled to any higher than their own intrinsic weight and value.
The present Proclamation to be Published and affixed as customary.
Done at Our Extraordinary assembly held at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on the 19th December 1807, and Published on the 24th following.
Robt. Nicholson,
Actg. Lieut. Governor.
By Command of the Court,
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lt. Governor has been pleased to make the following Promotions, viz: -
Essequebo Militia. [centered]
1st Battalion.
Robert Gordon Esq. to be Major, vice Grant who resigns. Commission dated 15th Nov. 1807.
1st Company, [centered]
Captain F. W. Ruperti, of the 5th, to be Captain, Commission do.
F. W. Tuckerman Gent. to be 1st Lieut. do.
2d Company, [centered]
2d Lieutenant John Corbet to be 1st Lieut. vice Higgins promoted. Commission 13th Nov.
Wm. Carberry, Gent. to be 2d Lieut. vice Corbet promoted. do.
3d Company, [centered]
Lieut. Tully Higgins to be Captain, vice Bonjes resigned.
L. S. Van Bazel Gent. to be 2d Lieut. vice Harriot deceased. do.
4th Company, [centered]
H. J. Knolman Gent. to be 1st Lieut. vice Fraser promoted do.
Peter McGarel Gent. to be 2d Lieut. vice Frantzen resigned. do.
5th Company, [centered]
Lt. J. F. Cordes to be Captain, vice Ruperti removed to the 1st Company. do.
2d Lieut. J. P. Rouskolb to be 1st Lieut. vice Cordes promoted. do.
-- Stoll Gent. to be 2d Lt. vice Rouskolb. do.
Chas. Parsons Gent. to be Quarter Master. do.
J[?]. Littleton Westwood Gent. to be Assist. Surgeon. do.
2d Battn. Essequebo Militia. [centered]
Captain John Fraser to be Major, vice Armstrong gone to Europe.
1st Company, [centered]
To be Captain J. Lanfferman Esq. 18th Nov.
To be 1st Lieut. Wm. Brereton Gent. do.
To be 2d Lieut. Wm. A. Prince Gent. do.
2d Company, [centered]
Thomas Cathrey Gent. to be 2d Lieut. do.
-- Johnstone Gent. to be Adjutant with the Rank of Captain. do.
-- Dougan, Gent. to be Quarter master. do.
N. Hazlewood Esq. to be Surgeon. do.
S. C. Speeringshock Gent. to be Assist [sic - no period] Surgeon.
Demerary Militia. [centered]
Major Colin Macrae to be Lieut. Colonel Commandant.
1st Battn. 1st Regiment, [centered]
Capt. F. C. Otto to be major vice Macrae promoted.
Lieutenant A. Cart to be Captain, vice Otto promoted.
2d Battn. 1st Regiment, [centered]
Capt. Thos. Mewburn to be Major, vice L. Cuming resigned.
-- Martin Esq. to be Captain, vice Mewburn.
J. Noble gent. to be Lieutenant vice Grant deceased.
(Commissions dated 19th December 1807.)
King's House, 23d December 1807.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo. Eddington, Govt. Secty.

For Sale For Cash. [heading]
Madeira Wine at f 25 per dozen,
Negro Jackets lined with flannel f 84 per dozen,
Wood Hoops per thousand f 154,
Nails assorted per lb. 12 1/2 stivers.
Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 26th Decr. 1807.

All Persons having Claims against the Subscriber will please to render in their Accounts &c. to P. A. De Veer Esq. at his Office; - Also Notice is given that the Domicilium Citandi &c is at the House of P. A. De Veer Esq. Cumingsburg.
26th Decb. Wm. Brereton.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ:-
Mrs. Pamelia Waldron, in 14 days, Decb. 9th.
Mr. William Thos. Mason, in ditto, 10th Decb.
Mr. Domineque Bernard, in ditto, do.
Mr. Aron Bryant, in ditto, Decb. 11th.
Mr. John McDonald, in ditto, do.
Mr. Arch. McGuffie, in 14 days, Decb. 5th.
Mr. Newton Stevens, in 14 days, Decb. 5th.
Mr. Eber. Potter, in ditto, do.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

By Virtue of certain appointment granted by the Honble. V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honorable Court of Justice of this Colony, bearing date 14th December 1807, are herewith for the first time by Edict summon'd in the name and behalf of N. Rousselet, by the Honorable Court of Justice of this colony, appointed Trustee to the Estate of Joseph De Weever deceased, all known and unknown Creditors of the above-mentioned Estate of Joseph De Weever deceased, to appear before the Honorable Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek on the eighteenth of January next and following days; in order to render their demand in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of the fourth summons by Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers to obtain perpetual silence.
Rio Demerary, the 24th day of Decr. 1807.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.


On Wednesday 6th January 1808, will be exposed for sale by order of John Nichol, Esq. at his store Robb's Stelling, - Irish linens and sheeting, callicos, cambrics, dowlas, osnaburgs, cotton and coffee bagging, cotton sheeting, muslin and pulicat handkerchiefs, stockings, Gentlemens made coats, waistcoats, pantaloons, and shirts, pease, pearl and Scotch barley, tripe pickles, vinegar, dryed vegetables, rasberry and cherry brandy, capers, &c. Also, London particular Madeira wine in pipes, hhds, and quarter casks.
Decr. 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 7th Jany. 1808, by order of Jos. Hill, at his store on the American Stelling, the remainder of his Stock in trade, without reserve, viz: Irish linens, Russia sheeting, checks, muslins, long lawns, brown Holland, printed callicoes in gown patterns, diapers, salempores, platillias, oznaburgs, Madrass and pullicat handkerchiefs, black silk, quilting and flannel waistcoats, mens and womens cotton hose, beaver and silk hats, bottled porter, tripe, nails, white lead, paint and lamp oil, vinegar, refined sugar, sadlery, tin ware, ironmongery, soap, candles, pickles, mustard, glass and earthen wares, London particular Madeira wine in hogsheads, quarter casks and bottles, real cogniac brandy, cordage, &c. &c.
Dec. 26. Robert Kingston.

On Friday 8th January 1808, [see 18071205EDRG] . . .
On the same day will be sold, a steam machince, lately invented for the purpose of drying Coffee, on ten plates, by which a large crop can be prepared in a few weeks in the wetest weather; the apparatus may be viewed previous to and on the day of sale at the premises of Mr. Madden.
Also, two cases and three chests of fresh medicines well assorted.
Decr. 5th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday 20th January 1808, will be exposed for sale on Plantation Sarah, Little Corabanna, by order of Richard Watson, Esq. qq. twenty prime seasoned Negroes. Also, on the same day and place, Cattle, Horses, &c. &c.
Decr. 26th. Robert Kingston.

The Undersigned gives notice to all whom it may Concern, that after the first day of February next, his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi, will be on Plantation Sarah, on Wakenam Island, where he intends wholy to reside as soon after that period as possible.
William King.
Cumingsburg, 26th December 1807.

Notice is hereby given that the Copartnership subsisting under the Firm of Robert Arnot & Co. will be dissolved by mutual consent on the first of January next. All persons who have demands or are indebted to said Firm are requested to call on Amos Leeds for an immediate settlement. Amos Leeds.
Robert Arnot.
Demerary, 26th December 1807.

The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony in the month of May ensuing, offers for sale or hire on easy terms, the premises which he at present occupies in front of Plantation Vlissingen, possession to be given the first of January; he also offers for sale a Schooner Boat 40 feet keel, 15 feet beam, built of the best materials, 15 months old, also the Negroes belonging to said boat, well acquainted with the Coast; the Subscriber also requests all those who may have any demands against him, and also those who stand indebted to him, to come forward and settle with him without delay.
Amos Leeds.
Demerary, 26th Decr. 1807.

For Sale. [heading]
A Fast sailing sloop-rig'd Boat, (built of Colony Wood) thirty-two feet keel and thirteen and a half feet beam, in complete order; with two Anchors and Cables, and a small Boat.
For further particulars apply to
W. Gibson.
Middle Street,
Daly's Burgh, 26th Dec. 1807.

Notice. [heading]
The Public are hereby requested to take Notice that Mr. Jas. Freeland is no longer acting Attorney for him, and that any business transacted by him on any account after this notice will not be considered valid by
for Yocoomanna James,
A. P. James.
Demerary, 26th Dec. 1807.

Almanacks for 1808 [heading]
Will be ready for Sale on Friday next, at this Office.
Royal Gazette Office, 26th Decbr. 1807.

The Undersigned being admitted Sworn Translator in the English, French, and Dutch Languages, respectfully informs the Public, and especially the Gentlemen of the Law, of the same, recommending himself to their Patronage.
L. P. Van Braam.
Demerary, 26th December 1807.

To the Printer of the Royal Gazette.
Sir, - Gravity when honourably used is laudable: but with a late writer, (in a Tolerated Paper) it has degenerated into untrue design, and employed as a mysterious cloak to hide the defects of an uncultivated mind. Such qualifications ought to be prudently guarded against by Zelot: a poisonous plant placed near the purest spring, renders every stream suspicious that issues from the fountain. Zelot has not mixed an iota of medling [sic] rancour, or pouting allusion, in his selected position of argument. Investigating the natural and political sentiments of disaffected Neutrals, and applying the apparent effect to the general ballance [sic] of European Power, is avowedly his object. Nor does he decline to defend, or explain his assertions, if asked in direct language. - But not one of Zelot's letters, presented to my view, promotes the idea, that the most fascinating insinuation, or vindictive inuendo [sic], can divert him from his primitive purpose, or lead him into vague altercation, with insensate scribling [sic] copiests [sic]. Surmising sympathy, betrays a weakness of mind. - Neither the avocation of Zelot, nor the season of the year, ought to delay his opinion of Mr. President Jefferson's Message to the two Houses of the American Congress.
23d Decb. 1807. Eumeus.

On Sunday the Brig Clarence, Capt. Grieve, arrived here in 38 days from Liverpool, we have been favoured with the loan of a London Paper of the 9th ult. which was brought by her, its contents are interesting so far as relates to our situation with Denmark.

The Ship Mennie, arrived here on Wednesday; she left Scotland in company with the Ariadne, Capt. Johnstone; they had not been long at Sea before they seperated [sic] in a gale of wind, and we are happy to announce (half past 3 o'Clock) that she is this moment arrived. The Eglenton, one of the Cork Fleet has also arrived here, but brings nothing latter than the Clarence.

We are told that some of the Store-Merchants say that they will not take Sugars at the Freight of Eight Shillings per Cwt.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

ENTERED [heading]
Schooner Success, Capt. A. Clark, from Portsmouth.
Brig Hercules, E. White, New London.
Ship Aurora, J. Brown, Cape Good Hope.
Snow Clarence, J. Grieve, Liverpool.
Ship Eglenton, W. Hamilton, Glasgow.

CLEARED [heading]
Schr. Ariel, Cap. E. Satterlel, for New London.
Brig Dian, E. S. Young, Savannah.
Brig Mary Ann. F. Dyer, Norfolk.
Schooner Active, J. Forbes, New York.
Ship Speculator, J. Leishman, London.
Snow Bell, J. Garrison, New Brunswick.
Ship Demerary, P. Inglis, Liverpool.

The Subscriber having purchased at Public Vendue, the Wood Land Estate No. 3 in Haweronie Creek, from the Heirs of the late Mr. Campar, and finding many Persons cutting Timber on the same, warns them in this public manner to desist from any further trespass.
Jos. Beete.
Pl. Phoenix, 26th Dec. 1807.

The Subscribers request all Persons having demands against the late Mr. Abel Straughn Miller, to leave their Accounts at the House of Mr. Culver, Stabroek, or at Plantation Lancaster, Mahaica, without delay, as it is the wish of the Executors to settle the affairs of the deceased as speedily as possible.
Gilbert Robertson,
Nath. Griffith,
Mahaica, 26th Decr. 1807. Executors.

The Subscriber informs his Friends, the Public, and Masters of Ships in General, that he is regularly Authorised to Act as Notary in the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, under the Commission and Seal of His Majesty, duly Registered on the thirty first day of May 1806 in London, in the Office for Faculties in Chancery, and which has been produced to His Excellency the Governor. His Honor the Lieutenant Governor and Honorable Court of Policy have also admitted him to be a Sworn Book-Keeper in the Colonies of Essquebo & Demerary. That his Office is held at the late Dwelling of W. Brereton, Esq. next to the Customs.: - Where all Business he may be favor'd with will be expeditiously, and accurately executed.
The Subscriber's Obligations on Oath, as Notary, embrace Protests, Deeds, Wills, Contracts, Reference on Settlement of Disputed Accounts, and other Business agreeable to the practice of the Faculty in Great Britain; and, as Sworn Book-Keeper, he will undertake the arrangement of, bringing up, and closing Co-Partnerships Books, or those of deceased, or other Estates, and pledges himself to give Satisfaction by punctuality and dispatch; - he will also undertake the Collection of Debts, and, where required, will give approved Security for any Trust reposed in him.
Geo. J. Furnace.
Demerary, Stabroek, 22d December 1807.

[above ad has a Dutch complimentary version]


For London, [heading]
The Ship Aurora, John Brown Master, a fast sailing Coppered Ship; has a Licence from the Admiralty to Run and will sail the first Springs in February with any armed Vessels which may by going at the time. Fore Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 26th December 1807.

Any Person inclined to contract for cleaning the Trenches and making up the Roads of that part of the front of Vlissingen, situated between the New Union Coffee House and Mr. Jno. Ashley's now called Columbus District; likewise the three main streets thereof, may give in proposals for the same, on or before Monday the 4th January next, to the Undersigned elected Commissaries, who in the mean time will give every necessary information respecting the same.
M. Campbell,
R. B. Daly.
Demerary, 26th Decr. 1807.

The Subscriber offers for sale, a House and half Lot of Land with out-buildings situated in Cumingsburg, between the premises of William Heathcote, Esq. and the Widow Robb, the said premises will be sold reasonable to an approved purchaser. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber or Mr. C. Smith on Lot No. 83, Stabroek.
Sarah Bourne.
26th December, 1807.

A Side Roller far a Cattle Mill having been sent from Europe, in which there has been a mistake in the demensions [sic], any Person that it may suit may have it at prime cost and charges, its demensions [sic] are
2 feet diameter,
2 feet 8 inches case,
5 feet 2 inches extreme length of the gudgeon,
wedged and turned complete.
26th Dec. Please to apply to the Printer.

All Those who have any demands against Plantation Regt door Zee in the Canal No. 1 in this Colony, are desired to render the same to G. Mahlsted Esq. or Hugo Cantzlaar, JZ. Esq. qq. the above-mentioned Estate, and to call and receive payment for the same at the House of Hugo Cantzlaar, JZ. Esq. above-mentioned, within the space of six weeks from the date hereof.
Demerary, 26th Decr. 1807.

De Ondergeteekendes heest juyst Ontvangen en te Keep, de onderstaande Goederen, als:-
[first column]
Spermacetie en smeer kaarsen,
Spaanse Zeep,
Pens in vaatjes,
Tongen in dito,
Gekoogte lyn oly in pullen, drooge wit lood,
Spe en Vleeselt in heele en halve vaaten.
Oesters in vlessen,
Olyven in do.
Comcomers in do.
Hollandsche bonten in zoorten,
Beste salempores,
Comptoir behoestens,
Fine Hollands linnen,
Fraansche batist,
Bruin platillies,
Dames kante whowelin,
Do. shambra shaals,
Do. kameelhaar dito,
[second column]
Bedde spreyen,
Geassorteerde muslins,
Neeger kleederen,
Naay Zye geassorteerd,
Geklewerde gaarens,
Goud en Zilver werk geassorteerd,
Glaas laantarns,
Kooper werk geassorteerd,
Scheer doosjies,
Kruit hoornen,
Snuyf doosjies,
Scheermessen gesorteerd,
Beste Engelse naadels,
Thee doosjies,
Poorter muks,
Klesteer spuyten,
Thee blaaden,
Do. kruyken,
Hollansche coffy moolen
Do. Kap messen,
[end columns]
Madeira Roode Wyn in heele en quart vaaten en in bottels, en veel meer andere Goederen.
26 Decb. De Boer & Breet.

Mr. Printer!
Observing a Paragraph mentioning that several Sugar Planters had agreed not to ship Sugars above the rate of eight shillings sterling per cwt. I am led to enquire if any steps have been taken by the Coffee or Cotton Planters to bring their Freight down to such an equivalent.
It is sufficiently evident that the Freights have been since the present War very much overcharged in this Colony in proportion to the Islands, and tho' there may be some plea in the greater variety of Public Offices, both English and Dutch, they have to go thro' and the augmented fees they have to pay at each, yet the amount can by no means justify the great increase in Freight, considering the advantage the Ships here have of their Cargoes being delivered on board in the River. But the great preference the Ships here give to taking Coffee and Cotton instead of Sugar, even at the late high rate of Freight, shews evidently enough that the Freight of the former article is most advantageous. Whether eight shillings is a fair price or whether it should be 8s and 6d or 9s as some say I am no judge, but it is surely a great incongruity to reduce the price of the least beneficial Freight and to leave the others at their increased rate. A general regulation on the subject would be most desirable, and it is called for loudly at the present moment before the Bills of Lading are signed for Coffee or Cotton, by the first Fleet. If it could be done by a mutual agreement between the Freighters and Freightees, it would be far more agreeable than by a resolution, which being dictated only perhaps by a partial interest will be as readily broken thro' as resolved on, whet that same interest leads another way - not that I think there is any thing to fear from want of Shipping this year. In the Islands, this is usually settled at a general meeting in the beginning of the season, and there as Sugar is almost the only Produce of consequence, its Freight leads the other articles; but here, tho' we have some Sugar Planters of great consequence and superior fortune, they are comparatively a small part of the community and for outnumber'd at least if not exceeded in general property by the Coffee and Cotton Planters particularly the latter. If these few lines might call the attention of these Gentlemen to a matter in which they or their Constituents are so much interested, and any few leading characters among them be induced to stand forward and either call a general meeting early in January, or propose some resolutions on the subject, they will have answered the purpose of doing a general, instead of a partial service to the public.
A Coffee Planter.

See The Supplement.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.

[verso first]

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.

Saturday, December 26th 1807.


Created: 04 September 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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