(No. 105.
Saturday, January 2d, 1808.
By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieutenant
Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their
Dependencies, &c. &c. and The Court of Policy, combined with the
Representatives of the Inhabitants of the said Colonies for fixing Colonial
Taxes, &c. &c.
Unto all whom these present may or shall concern, Greeting, be it
Whereas a Statement has been laid before Us of the Supplies wanted
to defray the Annual and extraordinary Colonial Expences.
We therefore have fixed and by these presents do fix, a Colony Tax
for the Year 1807, as follows;
all Proprietors, Renters or Occupiers of any Plantation or Plantations in the
said Colonies, or their Dependencies, Cultivating or preparing to Cultivate,
Sugar, Rum, Molasses, Coffee, Cotton, Cocoa or Indigo, shall Pay the Sum of
Three Guilders for each Slave attached to or worked upon such Plantation or
Plantations, including House-Slaves, Tradesmen, Sailors, Children, Sick, Lame,
Superannuated and Infants, and all other Slaves, of every age and description,
according to the returns to be given in as herein aftermentioned.
That all other Persons in the said
Colonies or their Dependencies aforesaid, shall Pay a like Sum of Three
Guilders for each of his, her or their Domesticks or House-Slaves of every
further all Persons deriving or who
a Revenue in the said Colonies from
Source than Military Situations, fixed
Government, (the profits, fees or
of any kind received by all Public
Officers whatsoever being liable to the after-mentioned Tax), or the
Cultivation of some of the Articles of Produce herein before-mentioned, shall
Pay on the gross amount of his, her or their said Revenue or Revenues, without
deduction of any Expence, according to the amount of such Revenue or Revenues
from the 1st of January 1807 to the last day of December of the same Year, and
so in proportion for any shorter period within the present Year, such rate as
is pointed out by the following Classes, viz: - those whose Revenue or Revenues
aforesaid amount to any Sum from -
No. 1. -- - - f 2000, to f 3500, - - f 40. ---
-- 2. -- - - 3500, -- 5000, - - - 70. ---
-- 3. -- - - 5000, -- 6500, - - - 100. ---
-- 4. -- - - 6500, -- 8000, - - - 130. ---
-- 5. -- - - 8000, -- 10,000, - - - 160. ---
-- 6. -- - - 10,000, -- 15,000, - - - 200. ---
-- 7. -- - - 15,000, -- 20,000, - - - 300. ---
-- 8. -- - - 20,000, -- 25,000, - - - 400. ---
-- 9. -- - - 25,000, -- 30,000, - - - 500. ---
-- 10. -- - - 30.000, -- 35,000, - - - 600. ---
-- 11. -- - - 35,000, -- 40,000, - - - 700. ---
-- 12. -- - - 40,000, -- 45,000, - - - 800. ---
-- 13. -- - - 45,000, -- 50,000, - - - 900. ---
-- 14. -- - - 50,000, -- 55,000, - - - 1000. ---
-- 15. -- - - 55,000, -- 60,000, - - - 1100. ---
-- 16. -- - - 60,000, -- 65,000, - - - 1200. ---
-- 17. -- - - 65,000, -- 70,000, - - - 1300. ---
-- - - 70,000, -- 75,000, - - - 1400. ---
-- - - 75,000, -- 80,000, - - - 1500. ---
-- - - 80,000, -- 85,000, - - - 1600. ---
-- - - 85,000, -- 90,000, - - - 1700. ---
-- - - 90,000, -- 95,000, - - - 1800.
-- - - 95,000, -- 100,000, - - - 1900.
-- - 100,000, -- 110,000, - - - 2000.
-- - 110,000, -- 120,000, - - - 2200.
-- - 120,000, -- 130,000, - - - 2400.
-- - 130,000, -- 140,000, - - - 2600.
-- - 140,000, -- 150,000, - - - 2800. ---
from such Payments, respecting
Tax on Revenues, all Persons whose Annual Income or Incomes, has or have not
respectively for the present Year, exceeded the Sum of 2000 Guilders.
is also to be understood that all Persons who derive a revenue by the labour of
Slaves, not attached to Estates, altho' occasionally worked upon the same as
Task-Gangs or hired Negroes, shall be considered as coming within the
description of those above to Pay the Income Tax. Such Persons nevertheless
are to give in a Return of their Slaves.
it is hereby ordered, that with respect to the said Taxes hereby laid on Slaves
exact Returns shall be made upon Oath, as herein after directed, by all Persons
subject to such Tax, and by them be delivered or Transmitted to the respective
Offices at the time of Payment herein after fixed, and which Returns, as far
only as concerns the Slaves, shall afterwards be Printed for Public
it is further ordered and required that all and every Persons in these
Colonies, without exception, whether they are or are not liable to the Tax
hereby laid on Revenue or Revenues agreeable to the above mentioned Classes,
shall before the 1st of May 1808, declare to which of the said Classes they
respectively belong, and also at the same time further certify and declare upon
Oath, to the best of their knowledge and belief, - that the gross Amount as
aforesaid of his, her or their Revenue for the period aforesaid, does not
exceed the highest Sum of the Class to which he, she or they shall have so
declared themselves to belong; or (should that be the case) that they do not
come within the description of any of the said Clases, either in consequence of
their having derived no such Revenue or Revenues at all, or from their
respective Incomes not having Exceeded the Sum of 2000 Guilders for the period
aforesaid: - Excepting from the Obligation for taking the Oath, those who shall
declare as aforesaid that they belong to the highest Class and pay their Tax
accordingly, all such Persons being hereby excused from taking such Oath.
several Oaths herein mentioned, are to be taken before the Governor of both
Colonies or the Commandeur of Essequebo, a Member of the Court of Policy or of
Justice, or before the Burgher Majors or Captains in the respective Districts,
such of them not already qualified being hereby specially authorised therein by
the Court of Policy.
is likewise ordered that Attestations of the taking of such Oaths subscribed by
the Persons respectively before whom such oaths shall be taken, shall together
with the Returns and Certificates herein before required, be produced and
delivered to the said respective Receivers at their respective Offices, before
the 1st day of May 1810 and further that the amount of the said respective
Taxes, so to be ascertained by the said Returns and Certificates, shall by the
Persons liable thereto, be paid to the respective Receivers at their respective
Offices, in Cash or good Bills of Exchange to the satisfaction of the said
Receivers, all before the 1st day of May 1808.
Persons neglecting to give in such Returns, Certificates and Attestations and
to Pay the respective Taxes herein beforementioned in the manner and before the
time above stated shall immediately on the expiration of such time, become
liable to Pay at the respctive Receiver's Offices, as follows, (viz: those who
shall so neglect respecting the Tax on Slaves) their proportion of the said Tax
on Slaves) their proportion of the said Tax according to the Returns of Slaves
given by them for the last preceding Year, with addition of one fourth as
Penalty, all at the rate now fixed of Three Guilders for each Slave; and such
Persons as may not be known in the Books of the Receivers, and neglect to
declare the number of their Slaves for the present Year, are to pay a Sum of
Five Hundred Guilders to the Colony Chest; and all Persons neglecting as
aforesaid with regard to the Tax on Revenues, to Pay, on the expiration of the
aforestated time, the rate fixed for the highest Class of Income, viz: - Two
Thousand Eight Hundred Guilders.
it is lastly hereby ordered that for the purpose of receiving the said several
Returns and Taxes, the said Receivers shall daily attend at their respective
Offices, from the 1st of January 1808, 'till the 1st day of May thereto
following, from 9 o'Clock A.M. 'till 1 o'Clock P.M. Saturdays and Sundays
of the above usual Taxes, we have further judged fit [illegible] and it is
hereby enacted accordingly, that a Colonial Duty, at the rate of Fifty Guilders
per Pipe, containing 110 Gallons, and so in proportion for every larger and
smaller quantity, shall in future be Paid on all Madeira Wine to be imported
from and after the date of the Pubilcation of these presents; which duty shall
be Paid at the Office of the Receiver of the Colony Chest; - His Excellency the
Lt. Governor having been requested by the Court not to admit any Ships or
Vessels, having imported Madeira Wine, to an Entry in the Colony, unless, in
additon to the other Colonial requisites, it shall also appear by the signature
of the Receiver on the Manifest of the Cargo of such Ship or Vessel, that such
duty has been Paid, or that proper Security for the same, has been given to the
said Receiver.
have further thought fit to enact, and it is hereby enacted accordingly, as an
amendment to the Law or Ordinance enacted by the Court of Policy of these
Colonies on the 26th of May 1803, and published on the 16th of July of the same
Year, that the Permits or Licences which by virtue of that Ordinance, are
granted by the Governor and the Commandeur for the time being respectively, for
Huckstering or Selling Goods about the Country, shall in future always be given
for no longer or shorter term than Six Months, at the expiration of which they
must be renewed; and all Persons obtaining such Licences shall Pay every time
for the same to the Colony a Duty of Twenty-Two Guilders, the Payment of which
shall be certified in such Licences by the respective Receivers; - and in case
of any Hucksters going about the Country with Licences bearing a date posterior
to the Publication of these Presents and not so signed by the Receiver, or for
which it shall appear that the above Duty has not been Paid, such Licences
shall and may not be considered as valid, and the holders or their agents,
whether Free or Slaves, be liable to the Fines and Punishments provided by the
aforesaid Ordinance, which in every other respect is to remain in force as
We have judged fit to enact, and it is hereby enacted accordingly, that all
transient Traders, viz: all Masters or Commanders of Ships or Vessels,
Supercargoes or others, who during their temporary stay in the Colony, derive a
Revenue from the Sale of Goods or Merchanidise, shall Pay a Colonial duty of
One per Centum on such Goods according to the Invoices thereof, - and it is
ordered accordingly that all such Masters of Ships or Vessels, Supercargoes or
others, previous to their quitting the Colony, shall either Pay to the Receiver
of the Colony Chest the above duty on the original Invoices to be produced to
them, or make Oath before the said Receiver, who is empowered by these presents
to administer the same, that they have not derived directly or indirectly, during
their stay in the Colony, a Revenue from the Sale of any such Goods or
Merchandize, and unless either the attestation of their having made such Oath
or a Receipt for the Duties paid by them, be produced in the Secretary's
Office, no Permit or Pass for the departure of such Persons from the Colony
shall be issued by the Secretary.
is understood that the above duty is not to apply or so be intended to the
Masters or Supercargoes of Vessels from the United States of North America, in
consideration of the heavier Duties which these are already liable to Pay in
behalf of the Sovereign's Chest.
that no Ignorance may be pretended hereof, this present Publication shall be
Published, Affixed and sent round for general Information,
[illegible] in our Assembly [illegible]
17th December 1807, and [illegible]
2d January 1808.
[illegible] of the Court,
F. Tinne, D. Secty.
M.O. Stabroek District. [heading]
The late Rains and Holydays having prevented the usual Drills and
Parades of the Militia during the last month, they will be again resumed next
Week, to which effect the whole of the 1st Bat. 1st Regt. will assemble on
Parade on Saturday the 9th Inst. at 6 A.M.
Colin Macrae,
Lieut. Colonel Comdg.
Demerary, 2d January 1808.
Wanted for His Majesty's Troops in this Colony. Any Person
willing to supply either of the above Articles to be delivered at the
Commissary's Stores at the Fort, in such quantities as may be required for the
expenditure of the next two months, say of the former about three thousand
pounds, and of the latter one thousand pounds, are requested to make Tenders
for the same to the Subscriber (sealed and mark'd Tenders for Coffee and Sugar)
previous to Tuesday the 12th inst. on which day they will be opened in the
presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most
advantageous offer or offers will be accepted.
W. N. Firebrace,
Res. Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 2d Jan. 1808.
Register Office, Fort Zeelandia, 28th Dec. 1807. [heading]
The time for giving in the Six Month's Returns of Slaves in the
Colony of Essequebo will commence on the 1st January 1808.
Notice is hereby given that Blank Schedules may be had by the
Burgher Captains hereunder mentioned, or at my Office; these blanks must be
filled up and sent in to this Office, where attendance will be given from Nine
o'Clock in the Morning until Two in the Afternoon, (Sundays and Holydays
excepted). The Public will please to observe that no Returns will be received
but on these Printed Blanks, and not before the 1st day of January, nor after
the 21st of February next.
D. Van Sertima,
Register of Slaves.
[first column]
Leguan. T. Higgins,
Wacquenam, H. Fraser
Supenaame, J. Searles
[second column]
Capoey, J. A. Lanferman
Arabian Coast, Cs. Bean,
Pomeroon, J. W. Thomas.
[end columns]
Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the
following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the
following dates, VIZ: -
Mr. R. C. Adamson, in 14 days, Jan. 2d, 1808.
Mr. William Thos. Mason, in ditto, 10th Decb.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.
The Undersigned takes this means to inform those indebted to the
Vendue Office, that it is requisite to have the Accounts that are now due paid
up, which, if not done in the course of fourteen Days, will be Sued for,
without respect to Persons.
Robt. Kingston,
Dy. Vendue Master.
Demerary, Jany. 2d, 1808.
On Wednesday next the 7th inst. will be exposed
for sale by order of John Nichol, Esq. at his store Robb's stelling, without
reserve - Madeira wine (best London particular) in hhds. and quarter casks,
rasberry [sic] and cherry brandy in cases, beef (best India mess) and pork in
tierces, barrels and half barrels, pearl barley, split pease and tripe in kegs,
pickles in boxes, fish sause, ketchup, capers, vinegar, Dutch beans in tin
cases, soap in 28lbs. [sic] boxes, Dutch terras in puncheons, nails in kegs
assorted, tin ware, corks, sadlery, cutlery, stationary, Gentlemen London-made
wearing apparel, shirts, boots, shoes and hats, Irish linens, calico shirtings,
cambrics, muslins, pulicats, printed cottons, a large assortment of osnabrugs,
coffee and cotton bagging, cordage of all sizes, cabouses for Colonial craft,
Stockholm tar and pitch, a few fowling pieces and cases of pistols, gun powder
in cannisters and loose, an anchor 2 cwt. and a new bower anchor stock. Also,
25 hhds. Poland oats.
Jan. 2. Robert Kingston.
On Friday 8th January 1808, [see 18071205EDRG] . . .
[see 18071226EDRG] . . .
On the same day and place will be sold by order of Nicholas
Rousselet, Esq. qq. the Boedel Joseph De Weever, deceased, - a negro named
Decr. 5th. Robert Kingston.
On Saturday 9th inst. at the store of Messrs. James Lyon & Co.
their remaining stock on hand, consisting of Dry Goods, Provisions, Plantation
stores, &c. &c.
Jan. 2. Robert Kingston.
On Saturday 16th inst. will be exposed for sale at the Vendue
Office, a large assortment of India Goods, Provisions, &c. &c.
Jan. 2d. Robert Kingston.
On Thursday 21st January 1808, will be exposed for sale on
Plantation Lancaster, Mahaica, by order of N. Griffith, Esq. Executor to A. S.
Miller, deceased, seasoned Negroes, Cattle, Household Furniture, &c.
Decr. 26th. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: the above Vendue did not appear in 26
December 1807.]
On Friday 22d inst. will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office,
- mess beef and pork in barrels and half barrels, superfine flour, tobacco,
hams, and a large assortment of dry goods.
Jan. 2d. Robert Kingston.
FOR SALE. [heading]
A Stout Mulatto Boy, who has been accustomed to waiting on a
Gentleman, and is a good House-Servant. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 2d January 1808.
All those who have any Claims or Demands against the Copartnership
of M. Campbell and J. D. Paterson, are requested [illegible] space of six Weeks
from this date to give in their claims or demands to M. Campbell at the Union
Coffee House, and all Persons indebted to said Firm are requested to make
immediate Payment.
Demerary, M. Campbell.
Jany. 2d, 1808. J. D. Paterson.
Absented himself from the service of the Subscriber, a negro man
named Quamina. Whoever will apprehend and lodge him in the Barracks, shall
receive One Joe Reward; he is supposed to be harboured at, or near Mahaica
Ferry, where he has a Wife.
Will: N. Firebrace.
Demerary, 2d Jan. 1808.
Notice is hereby given, that the Copartnership of the Subscribers
terminates this day by mutual consent; - and there being an absolute necessity
to bring their Concerns to a close, those indebted are earnestly requested to
make speedy Payment of their Accounts &c: as no further indulgence can be
Henry Tulloh & Co.
Demerary, 2d January 1808.
Imported in the Schooner Active, R. Whillis, from London, and for
sale on reasonable Terms by the Subscriber: - Real Westphalia hams, Irish
butter, potatoes, loaf sugar, hyson tea, gun-powder ditto, pale beer, porter,
soap, candles, superfine blue and black cloth, and kerseymere, Irish linens,
cotton bagging, hemp twilled coffee bagging, checks, role and negro blankets,
negro jackets and hats, boiled linseed oil, white lead, Demerary hoes and
shovels, iron pots, sets of 8 qrs. blank account books, &c.
Also on Hand, [centered]
Smoaked beef, pickled tongues, cheese, tobacco, salt in barrels,
flour, &c. &c.
Jan. 2d. F. C. Otto.
The Subscribers will dispose of the following Articles at moderate
prices for immediate Payment: -
[first column]
Fish in hogsheads,
Flour in barrels and half barrels,
Mess beef in barrels and half barrels,
Cargo beef in barrels,
Red oak staves & shooks,
White oak shooks and heading,
[second column]
White oak butt shooks and ditto,
Truss hoops,
New England shingles,
Spars for boat masts,
Tar in barrels,
Tobacco in ditto.
[end columns]
William King & Co.
Cumingsburgh, 2d Jan. 1808.
FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
The Ship General Hunter, Capt: Oldham: For Freight or Passage
apply to the Master on board or to
Jan. 2d. Rt. Younghusband.
Uyt de hand te Koop, een Extra goed vier Riems Tent Boot, leggende
agter de Huyzinge bewoond wordende by de Heer Cantzlaar, J:Z: te bevragen by
Demerary, 2e January 1808.
ALMANACKS for 1808 [heading]
For Sale at this Office
Royal Gazette Office, 2d January 1808.
To the Printer of the Royal Gazette.
Sir, - Irony when aptly introduced I take to be the most powerful
mode of reasoning; but assertion without proof, or reference to support it, is
folly in the extreme. Zelot has not detracted in any one instance from the
alledged Bravery of Americans, it is their Naval and Military skill that he
questions, instance Commodore Barron's proceeding to sea with an American
vessel of war, having her cables coiled on the Guns and the Officers enjoying a
repast when the ship ought to have been clear for action. [dagger symbol]
General Eaton's operations against the Barbary states is no proof of military
knowledge, his little success, was owing to his being joined by some
disaffected Tripolitans; as to the naval exploits at Tripoli, it was a
desperate act, totally unconnected with cool determination; the young American
Officer, found he had imprudently drawn himself and his party within the power
of the enemy, and was conscious there was only one choice: gradual torment, or
immediate destruction: he chose the latter, but his despising death, was no
proof of Naval information, - on the subject of American Shipping the term,
number, had it been used by a late writer, in lieu of tonnage, would have been
more appropriate and decorus, but not admitted as correct. - It does appear as
yet, that Zelot is neither a would be merchant, or a medling Fishmonger, nor is
it fair to conclude that he will be intimidated, or corrupted, by the Editor's
chagrine, the Doctor's mixture, or the Trader's eloquence.
31st Decb. 1807. Eumeus.
[dagger symbol] Fishmonger's [sic] may mistake the name of a
package, but Commanding Officers should not evade their duty.
For want of room we are obliged to defer the insertion of Zelot
'till next week.
The second mail for November arrived here on Tuesday last, its
contents are interesting so far as relates to our situation with America, every
thing, at present, appears, at least, to tend to an amicable adjustment. The
first packet for November it is strongly feared is captured.
Mr. Rose, the British Envoy to America, did not leave England till
the 9th of Nov. on board the Statira frigate, accompanied by Mr. Casamajor
Secretary of legation, and Mr. Mansfield private Secretary.
A convoy for the West Indies, left Portsmouth on the 15th of
The expedition which has been preparing since the arrival of the
Fawn, sloop of war, which lately arrived at Barbados with dispatches for the
commanders on that station has sailed, under the command of Sir A. Cochrane,
and General Bowyer, on the 16th ult. There can be no doubt about its
destination being against the Danish Islands. The equipment is not quite
complete but, they are to rendezvous at St. Kitts, where they are to be joined
by more Troops, and we hope very soon to have the satisfaction of announcing
their success.
An exchange of prisoners, by Cartel, from Guadeloupe has lately
taken place, by which Sir John Wardlow is again restored to the service of his
It is much to be feared the Enemy has got another Squadron out in
these seas. The Camilla frigate observed two French frigates bring up in Fort
Royal Bay Martinique, on the evening of the 18th ult. which it is very likely
are forerunners of some squadron, and in fact, an American, Capt. of a vessel,
lately arrived at Barbados, says, (but rather in a vague way) that he fell in
with a squadron of French men of war, about the 18th ult. without mentioning
their number or describing their situation.
Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]
ENTERED. [heading]
Ships Mennie, W. Fairlee, from Glasgow. - Ariadne, G. Johnston,
Greenock. - General Hunter, E. Oldham, Liverpool. - James, W. Thompson,
Barbados. - Stabroek, E. Cooley, New London. - Harriett, J. Williamson,
Barbados. - Brig Hope, Otis Stillman, New London. - Schrs. Dolphin, J. Cox,
Bristol. - Active, R. Whillis, London. - Africa, H. Baiter, Hartford. Sloop
Hancock, M. Mecanger, Barbados.
CLEARED. [heading]
Ship Mennie, W. Fairlee, for Berbice.
Nov. 18. America is believed to have incurred the displeasure of
Bonaparte, who, it is supposed wishes to make her declare against this country.
It is rumoured in Holland, that Mr. Munroe will soon quit Paris. It is
certain that he has given it as his advice to the American Captains in the
Dutch ports, that they should prepare to sail with all possible speed. The
following is the substance of the letters that have been received from Holland
of the 11th.
Nov. 11.
"Every day increases our difficulty's [sic], and things get
worse and worse, Mr. Armstrong, the American Ambassador at Paris, is said to
have quitted that place; we are certain that he is apprehensive of an immediate
rupture with France, he having transmitted to Mr. Bourne, our Consul here,
fresh injuctions [sic] to cause all American vessels to depart with all
possible speed; instructions to the same effect have been forwarded to all the
other American Consels [sic]. Our opinion of Mr. Armstrong has long been
settled - he is wary, and he is firm.
"The differences with America, are said at Paris, to grow out
of the politics of England; but the fact is, that America has refused to shut
her ports against British commerce, and hence arises all that has, and will
follow. Bonaparte will have America take a decisive part, and declare for or
against this country.
Nov. 23. It is generally believed at Hamburgh, that the French
and Americans are on the eve of a rupture; for the Danes, who are in the
fullest sense the agents of the French, do not respect, in the smallest degree,
American property wherever it is found.
Several letters received in town on Saturday from the Dutch coast
agree in stating, that Mr. Armstrong, the American minister at Paris, has been
called upon to declare categorically, in the name of his government, either in
favour of France or England, not being allowed to send any more to America for
The following short explanation of the late orders, as it applies
generally, may be useful:
France has declared that no vessel which sails from hence, shall
be admitted to any port under her controul: - we declare that we will permit no
vessel to enter their ports which has not sailed from hence; but we do not
execute this order, in the first instance, by capturing their vessels, which in
ignorance of the order are bound to an enemy's port, without being cleared out
from hence; but by obliging them to touch at one of our ports, and then
allowing them to proceed to the port of their original destination. - France
prohibits all countries under her controul from trading with Great Britain; we
declare they shall trade only though a British port. Our trade, our produce,
our manufactures are prohibited, to the injury of the countries which are
compelled to prohibit them. We allow their trade, their produce, their
manufactures, either for our own accomodation, or to render them, by
re-exportation, under adequate duties, tributary to us; at the same time
affording protection of our own manufactures and colonial produce.
The Undersigned Dy: Secretary of this Colony in consequence of an
Advertisement inserted by Mr. G. J. Furnace in the last Week's Gazette, deems
it incumbent upon him in the same Public Manner to state that on a former
remonstrance of the Court of Policy against the admission of Notaries Public,
independent of the Secretary's Office, as incompatible with the Capitulation,
His Majesty was pleased to cause His Royal pleasure to be signified as appears
by the following Letter of the late Governor Beaujon;
King's House, Demerary, 27th Aug. 1804.
"His Majesty's Minesters [sic] having
"signified to me the King's pleasure that the
"appointments of Notaries Public in this Colony,
"independent of the Secretary's Office, should be
"considered null and void and the Secretary's
"Office placed on its former footing, I have
"thought proper to acquaint you therewith for
"your Government.
"I am,
"Your most obedient Servt.
"Anthony Beaujon."
"P. F. Tinne Esq.
"Dy. Secty. & Register."
Existing circumstances having rendered a new reference to the King
necessary, it will be, in the mean time, for the Public to consider how far His
Majesty's further decision may ultimately, on the grounds whereon the former
appears to have been given, affect the validity of Notarial Instruments
executed before any Person acting as a Notary Public, independent of the
Secretary's Office.
Demerary, 1st January 1808.
P. F. Tinne,
Dy. Secty. of the Colony.
The Receiver is sorry to find, that his late Advertisement with
respect to the Taxes levied on Cumingsburgh, has been disregarded by many
Proprietors of that District; he therefore wishful to avoid all rigid
proceedings, once more and for the last time request all those who have
hitherto been deficient in paying their respective Contribution, to appear at
this Office in the customary hours within eight days from the present date, and
acquit themselves of their duty; after the elapse of which time, the Receiver
will most positively, without distinction to Persons, resort to just measures
as directed by Publication of the Honorable Court of Policy.
Demerary, 2d Jan. 1808.
Ch. Vincent, Receiver.
FOR SURINAM. [heading]
The Schooner Eleanor, will sail in a few Days. For Freight or
Passage apply to Jno: P. Hicks.
Kingston, 2d January 1808.
The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony for Europe in April
next, requests those who he is indebted to will immediately render in their
Accounts for Payment, and hopes those who are indebted to him will come forward
with Payment of their Accounts, as soon as they can make it convenient, to
assist him in bringing his affairs to an immediate close.
2d Jany. Francis Meagher.
For Sale by the Subscribers at the store lately occupied by
Francis Meagher, Esq. on the American Stelling, - Hams, beer and porter,
Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. quarter casks and per dozen, cogniac brandy, nails
assorted, tobacco in barrels, Welsh flannel, Ladies and Gentlemens cotton
stockings, sailor's and negro clothing, Irish linens, Planter's shoes, sadlery
and ironmongery, starch in boxes, a few boat cables, shades with stands, mops,
scrubbing and paint brushes, tin and glass ware, deep sea and fishing lines,
whip and hand saw files, &c. &c. &c.
Gahan & Purcell.
Demerary, 2d Jan. 1808.
The Subscriber gives Notice that no Bills of sale, Engagement
entered into, or Transactions done with the Names of Jas. Knight & Co.
since the decease of A. Knight, the principal of the Firm, are, or can be valid
in law or equity. He therefore gives a friendly hint to all who may have been
in treaty with any one acting in the names of Jas. Knight & Co. to be
cautious and mindful of the consequences that may result.
He offers for sale a Schooner, built of the best materials of the
Colony, universally allowed to be equal in every respect to any Boat launched
in Demerary.
N. Rousselet, and for
Alex: McNabb, (in his absence)
Executors to the Will of the deceased
2d Jany. Adam Knight.
Drifted from Plantation Malgre-tout, on the 26th ult. a Punt about
25 feet keel, 8 feet beam, with a cross beam. Whoever may have taken up the
same and will give information on said Plantation, will receive the customary
Reward. Demerary, 2d Jan. 1808.
The Subscribers give this public notice that they this day cease
to transact the American and retail business as heretofore, having resigned all
interest therein to Mr. Lucius Cary, whom they beg leave to recommend to their
friends for a continuance of their favors.
As it is their intention to devote their future time of residence
in this Country to bringing the concerns in which they have been engaged to a
close, they trust those indebted to them will enable them to do so in as short
a time as possible.
They offer for sale the Eastern half of the Premises occupied by
them, the many conveniences of which for transacting all kinds of mercantile
business are so generally known that it would be needless to enumerate them.
They will also dispose of the two lots opposite their buildings,
known on the chart as Nos. 6 & 7, and used by them as a lumber yard, on
which there is a large Cooper's logie.
All these premises are entitled to the use of the stelling in
front, being the exclusive property of the Subscribers, who will sell the whole
or part at a reduced price, and give to an approved purchaser favorable terms.
Naghten & Fitzgerald.
Demeray [sic], 31st Decr. 1807.
For Sale by the Subscribers at the store in Cumingsburgh, hitherto
occupied by Messrs. Naghten & Fitzgerald, the following Articles: - Temper
lime, cordage, canvas, twine, table linen, checks, osnaburghs, Madras and
pulicat handkerchiefs, linens, silk and cotton hose, soap, candles, tallow,
black pepper, loaf sugar, split pease, rounds beef, barrels and half barrels
beef, salt, oats, tar, nails, shovels, hoes, cutlasses, lamp oil, gun powder,
pickles, glass ware, Madeira wine in pipes and hogsheads, &c. &c.
Also the following, now landing from schooner Success, ex
Portsmouth, N. A. - Fish, beef in barrels and half barrels, clap boards,
mackrel, &c.
2d Jan. 1808. Lucius Cary & Co.
NEW NEGROES. [heading]
The Subscribers beg leave to inform such of their Friends as
Commissioned them to import Negroes under their Licences, that they have
received by the ship James, Capt. Thompson,
200 very prime young Angola Slaves, [centered]
and by the ship Harriett, Captain Williamson,
60 choice Gold-Coast Negroes, [centered]
which they will be ready to deliver at their stores in
Cumingsburg, the former on Monday next the 4th, and the latter on the 18th
Naghten & Fitzgerald.
Demerary, 2d January, 1807. [sic]
NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber once more requests all those who have left Clocks
or Watches with him to repair, to call for the same in six weeks from this
date, otherwise they will be sold to pay the charges, as he intends to leave
the Colony.
John Brooks.
Demerary, 31st Dec. 1807.
NOTICE. [heading]
The late Cooperage of Robt. Arnot & Co. in futur [sic] will be
carried on by the Subscriber.
2d Jan. W. B. Thompson.
Just Landed from the Brig Hope, Capt. Stillman, Forty-three Prime
Saddle and Draft Horses, which are offered for Sale, at the Stables of Mr.
Saml. Mackay, South-Street, Bridge-Town.
Jan 2d. Jno: Clapham.
FOR SURINAM. [heading]
The fast-sailing Schooner Mary Ann, Capt. McKenzie, will be ready
to take in on Monday next. For Freight or Passage apply to
2d Jan. Jno: Clapham.
Notice is hereby given that the Concern of James Lyon & Co. is
dissolved this day, those who have any demands against that firm are requested
to render the same, and those indebted to come forward with Payment as soon as
possible to either of the undersigned; who beg leave to acquaint those indebted
to them since 1806 and former years, that longer indulgence cannot be given and
that their Account will be given in to be sued for at the first Courts, unless
they are prevented by speedy Payments being made.
Demerary, James Lyons
31st Dec. 1807. A. Blackwood, q.q.
N.B. The Vendue which was advertised for this day, does not take
place until Saturday, the 9th January, until which day they will sell any of
the Goods at first Cost, for Cash, Cotton or Coffee.
A Young man just from England, who wishes to engage himself either
in a Store or the Planting Business. Any Gentleman wanting a Person in either
of the above capacities, please to direct a line to H. W. at the Printer's, and
it will be immediately attended to.
2d January, 1808.
NOTICE. [heading]
The Copartnership carried on under the Firms of Hamilton, Garden
& Co. in Glasgow, and Alexander Fullerton & Co. in this Colony, having
been dissolved by mutual consent, notice is hereby given that John Dickson,
Esq. is fully authorised to settle the affairs of the said Firms; all Persons
indebted to them are therefore requested to come forward with Payment of their
respective Accounts, as there is an absolute necessity for the affairs being
brought to a speedy close.
A. Fullerton, q.q. Jno: Hamilton, Jno: Dickson, q.q. Francis
Garden, and James Oughterson,
A. Fullerton.
Demerary, 2d Jan. 1808.
NOTICE. [heading]
All those who have any claims against the deceased Mr. Aeneas
Scobie (late Manager on Plantation Essex in Mahaica) are requested to give in
their Accounts to the Subscriber; and those who are indebted to the said Mr.
Aeneas Scobie, are requested to settle the demands against them without delay.
Hu: Mackenzie,
2d Jan. 1808. Deliberating Executor.
[right pointing hand icon] SEE THE SUPPLEMENT. [centered]
Stabroek: Printed and Published
(at Thirty-three Guilders per Annum)
By Edward James Henery.
Supplement to
the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.
Saturday, January 2d 1808.
- Printed by E. J. Henery.