Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 May 21

Vol. III.)


(No. 125.

Saturday, May 21st, 1808.

His Excellency Colonel Nicholson has been pleased to appoint Mr. B. Dykhuizen to be Clerk of the Dutch Reformed Church in this Colony, in the room of Struby deceased.
King's House, Stabroek, 30th April 1808.
Robt: Nicholson.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo: Eddington, Govt: Secty.

His Excellency Colonel Nicholson has been pleased to make the following Promotions, Viz: -
Adjutant T. Duim to have the Rank of Cornet, from the date of his appointment as Adjutant.
R. F. Yearwood, Gent. to 2d Lieutenant.
Andw: Blackwood, Gent. To be Quarter Master.
1st Batn. 1st Regiment Demerary Militia. [centered]
L. S. Gravesande, Gent: to be Lieutenant vice Cook resigned.
N. M. Manget, Gent. to be Lieutenant, vice Donovan left the Colony.
Alexr: Tinne, Gent. to be Lieutenant, vice Cart promoted.
Park Benjamin, Gent. to be Lieutenant, vice King removed to Essequebo.
Lieut. Wm: McBean of the Rifle Company to have the Rank of Captain in the Demerary Militia - Commission dated 7th Novbr 1807.
2d Battn. 1st Regiment Demerary Militia. [centered]
Baron Augustus Van Grovestins to be Captain of a Company, vice Maten who retires.
2d Regiment Demerary Militia. [centered]
Ali Dey Esq. to be Major, vice Ashington resigned.
Stabroek, Demerary, 20th May 1808.
Robt: Nicholson.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo: Eddington, Govt. Secty.

In consequence of a Representation made to His Majesty's Ministers of the circumstance under which Mr. G. J. Furnace has conceived himself authorised to act as a Notary Public in these Colonies, in virtue of an Instrument under the Seal of the Ecclesiastical Court, His Majesty has been pleased again to declare that any Appointments of Notaries Public in this Colony, independent of the Secretary's Office, are null and void, and His Excellency the Acting Lieut. Governor has accordingly received His Majesty's Commands, signified by the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, strictly to conform to the directions of the same effect formerly transmitted to the late Governor Beaujon.
His Excellency the Acting Lt. Governor deems it necessary to give the present Public Notice of the Declaration of His Majesty's pleasure on the above subject, in order that all Persons whom it shall concern may govern themselves accordingly.
King's House, Stabroek, 20th May 1808.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo: Eddington, Govt. Secty.

FOR SALE. [heading]
By Private Contract, - A Negro Man aged 22, a complete Sawyer and Boatman; also a large Punt in complete repair. For particulars enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 21st May, 1808.

Drifted to Plantation Good Success, River Demerary, on Saturday last, a large Punt.
Good Success, 21st May, 1808.

CASH WANTED, [heading]
For the following Bills of Exchange drawn on the Right Honorable the Pay-masters General of His Majesty's Forces, to the amount of Eleven Hundred Pounds Sterling, viz. -
No 1 . . . £ 400.
2 . . . . 400.
3 . . . . 300.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office untill Tuesday the 24th inst. at 10 o'Clock in the morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and if approved accepted.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Res: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 21st May, 1808.

CASH WANTED, [heading]
For the following Bills of Exchange, drawn on the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, to the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Sterling, viz: -
[first column]
No 403, £ 200.
404, 200.
405, 200.
406, 200.
407, 200.
[second column]
No 408, £ 300.
409, 300.
410, 300.
411, 300.
412, 300.
[end columns]
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office untill Tuesday the 24th inst. at 10 o'Clock in the mornin [sic], when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and if approved accepted.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Res: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 21st May, 1808.

Cash is Wanted for Bills drawn by the Acting Deputy Pay-master General, on the Right Honourable the Pay-masters General of His Majesty's Forces, for
L 500 Sterling.
The highest Offer (if approved) will be accepted on Thursday next.
A. T. Browne.
Demerary, 21st May, 1808.

20th May, 1808. [heading] [both headings encompassed on the right by a right pointing brace]
Notice is hereby given that the Subscription Ball to which the Undersigned are appointed Stewards, is intended to be given on Monday Evening, the 6th of June next.
General Cards of Invitation will not be issued, as many mistakes are often found to occur by their non-delivery; - every Subscriber is expected to introduce the Ladies of his family, and should he wish to bring any Visitors, who may be with him, on application to the Stewards a particular Invitation will be immediately sent to them.
Will: N. Firebrace, [right pointing braces, indicating 'Stewards.']
Jos: Beete,
E. De Bonnevin,
John McGarrel [sic],

Finding that the friends of Messrs. Daniel & Sons fall considerably short of filling the Swan for Bristol. The Subscribers will be thankful to their own friends for their early assistance in completing the Load of said Vessel for the June Fleet.
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
Stabroek, 21st May, 1808.

The Subscribers have imported in the Trio, Capt. Jackson, - Old London paticular [sic] and Choice Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter Casks, which they offer for Sale, They also have for Sale, Flour in barrels, Mess Beef in barrels and half barrels, Pork in ditto, ditto, Pickled Cod Fish, Holland's Gin and Cogniac Brandy.
Hugh Mackenzie & Co.
New-Town, 21st May 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary.
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Patrick MacIntyre, with the June Convoy.
C. H. Lloyd, in 14 days or 3 weeks, 14th May.
Mrs. Eliza Michel, in ditto, ditto.
Mev: de Wed: Mathews, by the June Convoy.
John Baillie with the June Convoy, Ditto.
J. T. Barrett, in 14 Days, from 12th May, 1808.
A. S. Wade, in 3 or 4 Weeks, Ditto.
Harbourne Barnwell, in 14 days or 4 weeks, do.
Samuel Jones, in 14 days, from 13th May, 1808.
H. C. Evertz, with the June Convoy, Ditto.
Richard Batty, with the first Convoy, ditto.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Alle de geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, of verschuldigd zyn aan Mr. J. F. Buyn, gelieve daarvan opgaaven of betaaling te doen aan de Heeren H. H. Post en J. Van Der Haas, in qualiteit als door de WelEd: Gestr: Heer en Mr. Victor Amadeus Heyliger, Fungd. President in de Ed: Achtb: Hove van Justitie alhier, by non Cessie van Welgem: Hove, de dato 28 April 1808, aangestelde Curators over de Persoon en Goederen van opgem: Mr. J. F. Buin [sic].
Secretary van Rio Demerary, 14 Mey 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear in the issue for 18080514EDRG]

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering zal worden gepasseerd: -
Door J. Robinson qq T. Barrell Transport van de Concessie No 54 in Stabroek aan H. B. Gall, en door denzelve aan Eleanor Elizabeth Harriet en George J. Charter.
Door H. F. Ashford Transport van de 1-4 Concessie No 18, Noord-Dam Stabroek, aan Gilbert Robertson.
Demerary den 20 May 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.


[right pointing hand icon] Note: - The Sale of the Estate of the late John McClure, deceased, is postponed from the 6th June to Monday the 4th July next.

On Wednesday the 25th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Captain Wilson, - 2 neat light gigs with harness complete, bottled porter and ale, 2 cases furniture paper, perfumery, nails assorted, salt in baskets, Irish sheeting, and many other articles imported in the Snow Harmony.
May 21st. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 3d June will be exposed for sale at Public Auction by order of J. Henly, A. Reith and Hugh Stephenson, Esqrs. Executors to the Estate of Robert Stephenson (deceased,) the Lot of Land situated on the front of Plantation Vlessengen, with the Buildings thereon, and at present occupied by John Ashley, Esq.
May 21st. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue formed the first part of a Vendue scheduled for the '16th inst.' (16 May), see 18080514EDRG]

On Monday the 4th July, by order of P. Henderson and T. Higgins Esqrs. Executors of John McClure deceased, will be be [sic] sold to the highest bidder, at 11 o'clock precisely, on the premises, the Plantation Grove, situated between Parika and Namryk, on the West Coast Demerary, with the buildings and every thing thereon; also several prime Carpenter negroes well known in Essequebo, some house and field people, 12 head of cattle, a riding horse, household furniture, Carpenters' tools, &c. &c. Terms will be made known on the day of sale.
May 21st. Robert Kingston.

The Subscriber offers for Sale Lot No 30, on the Brick Dam, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a good Dwelling-House and most excellent out offices, as he intends leaving the Colony in June; it will be sold on moderate terms to an approved purchaser.
Jno: L. Morson.
Stabroek, 21st May, 1808.

The Subscriber anxious to settle all demands against him in order to quit the Colony, will dispose of his House and Lot at present occupied by Wm. Turner, Esq. opposite the store of C. H. de Munnick, Esq. he will also dispose of the Buildings on Water Lot No 1 where he resides; a few negroes, an excellent saddle and draft horse with a gig and new harness, a piano forte, 2 elegant hand organs, and household furniture.
Wm. S. Kirton.
Demerary, 21st May, 1808.

The Subscriber desires all Persons who may have any demands against the Estate of Joseph Lewcus deceased, to render the same at his House in Mahaica; and all who may be indebted to said Estate are requested to come forward and make Payment thereof (without delay) in order that said Estate may be speedily liquidated.
Saml. Challoner, qq.
Estate Jos. Lewcus deceased.
Mahaica, 21st May, 1808.

Just Imported in the Brig Lord Nelson, from America, and for Sale by the Subscriber at Leeds Sterling [sic - Leeds Stelling?] for ready Pay, either in Cash or Produce: -
[first column]
Whole barrels No 1 beef
Half do best mess do.
Whole and half barrels No 1 and 2 pork
Hhds. cod fish,
Bbls. pickled pollock,
[second column]
Do. English herrings,
Boxes smoked do.,
Kegs neats tongues,
Do. lard,
Do. beef rounds,
Boxes garden seeds.
[end columns]
G. Babcock.
Demerary, 21st May, 1808.

ONE JOE REWARD. [heading]
Runaway from Plantation Hogstye (Berbice,) a Negro Man named Quaw, formerly owned by A. Shanks in Mahaica, and well known there and in Demerary; all Persons are forbid harbouring, employing or taking him out of the Colony, under the strictest penalties of the Law. The above Reward and all reasonable expences will be paid on lodging him in the Barracks and application to Amos Leeds, Esq. in Demerary, or the Subscriber on said Estate.
Thos: C. Long.
Berbice, 21st May, 1808.

The Copartnership Existing between John Binning and J. C. MacFarlane, under the Firm of John Binning & Co. is this day by mutual consent Dissolved.
Jno: Binning.
J. C. MacFarlane.
Demerary, 20th May 1808.

The Subscriber requests all those who have any demands against him, as well as those that are indebted to him, to come forward and settle their Accounts, as he leaves the Colony by the June Fleet; his Domicilium is at the House of Messrs. H. McKenzie & Co.
Pat: MacIntyre.
Demerary, 21st May, 1808.

ENGELS & VAN SENDEN. [heading]
Hebben thans landend het Carga der Nova Scotia Brig James, bestaande in
Newfoundland Cod Visch in vatten en kisten,
Een en Twee Duyms Planken,
Schooven, Duygen en Cingels,
Zalm in heele en halve Vaaten,
Mackrael in dito, Shad in dito,
Cod en Walvisch Traan in dito,
Demerary, 21 Mey 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
The English Blood-Horse Cricket - Warrented [sic] Sound and free from vice; - the Property of an Officer about leaving the Colony. Apply to the Printer. Stabroek, 21st May 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
Two Complete Setts of Surgical Instruments. For particulars apply to the Printer.
Stabroek, 21st May 1808.

The second Mail for March reached here on Monday Night, which brings London Papers to the 18th of that month. - The most interesting parts of their contents will be found in this day's Gazette.

Since the Mail Boat, the Hancock Sloop from Barbados has brought us a Mercury of the 10th inst. which is highly interesting as far as it relates to our situation with America. Mr. Rose was about to quit the United States, without having accomplished the object of his mission, having demanded an explanation, relative to the prohibition of British armed Vessels entering the Harbours and Ports of the United States.
The following Article is Extracted from the New York Evening Post:-
"Mr. Rose, probably suspecting that the indecisive and unsatisfactory language held out by our minister was meant to amuse, some day last week had an interview with him for the express purpose of coming to a precise explanation, that he might understand distinctly his real situation. At this interview, Mr. Rose put to Mr. Madison this plain question in substance:
'Supposing, Sir, that I should now, in the name of my Government, offer yours proper and ample reparation for the affair of the Chesapeake, and to disembarrass the question of all possible difficulty, we will suppose the reparation offered to be perfectly satisfactory; am I to understand, that this being done and accepted by the American Government, the President would then recal the Proclamation interdicting British ships of war from your ports and harbours."
"To which Mr. Madison immediately gave in substance, the following answer: an answer which we venture to say will astonish at least the people of the Eastern States.
'No, Sir; I tell you frankly the President would not. The attack on the Chesapeake is by no means considered by us as he sole or principal cause of complaint against Great Britain, and I shall admit to you, that if that affair had not happened, the President would, in all probability, have soon issued a Proclamation of similar import. The Proclamation is therefore not to be rescinded, till all cause of complaint is removed.'
Mr. Rose took leave of the President on the 22d of March and left Washington the same day for Norfolk, where he immediately took his passage for England on board the Statira.
A Vessel pretending to be in ballast and bound to Martinique, (but which was deeply laden) has been detained and carried into Barbados, by the Rosario. This Vessel had availed herself of the permission granted for American Vessels to sail in ballast, with a view of collecting their debts in the West Indies and elsewhere.

It is now strongly presumed that General Bowyer has proceeded direct for Barbados, from Surinam, on account of his departure for Europe being settled for the June Convoy.

The Mail-Boat got aground, on the Lee-Bank, in going out on Thursday Afternoon, where she remained 'till this Day. Capt. Dill Commanding her, we understand, repeatedly applied for assistance to His Majesty's Schooner, the Skipjack, which was refused him; - however by the assistance of Captain Kirmod, of the Nicholson, and Durham, of the Mariner, who kindly went on board her, with their Crews, and have succeeded in getting her off, when she immediately sailed.

By the arrival, this morning, of the Brig Elizabeth, Cap. [sic] Brown, in 41 days from New York, we have received American Papers up to the 7th of April; - their contents are highly interesting so far as relates to our situation with that country. The Elizabeth availed herself of the permission which is now granted for vessels to depart in ballast (or with puncheon staves and heading under certain restrictions) for the purpose of collecting Debts in the West-Indies.

            Washington, April 3, 1808.
"The profoundest astonishment and indignation of the American people will be excited by the audacious demand of Bonaparte to surrender their independence and join France in the war. Our own government too must come in for a rich share of the general execration. Never did Jefferson and his satellites appear so contemptible before. Bonaparte has commanded the United States to declare instant war against England, and to a vast amount, has sequestered American property as a pledge for our conduct. The apprehensions of our wisest statesmen are realized. The executive is convicted before the nation and the world, of an attempt to conceal the danger from the people, and to screen his friend Napoleon from that universal execration which the disclosure of Champagny's letter will produce. It was not till after a manful and glorious struggle of three days, that the publication was extorted by a vigorous and faithful minority. The people will now see who are their friend, and who are chargeable with foreign attachments.
"In relation to England, almost every thing, even the conversation of her ministers, had been very properly published. In relation to France, the executive and his satellites attempted to conceal every thing of importance. A violent struggle of three days extracted a partial disclosure; but much remains behind. No instructions of our government to Armstrong: no letters of Armstrong to the secretary of state, are yet disclosed. The worst of all perhaps, remains yet to be told. May a powerful minority, by their exertions, obtain at last a complete disclosure of all the correspondence relative to France! Men were never so humbled before, as our French advocates in congress. If America is to be saved, we shall perhaps be indebted to Bonaparte for our salvation."
The Letter of Champagny alluded to above was addressed to General Armstrong, in which he demands that the United States declare war.
Orders have been issued from Washington, not to launch the gun-boats which have been building, and to stop building any more; several were to have been launched on the 4th of April; - The President had also given orders to raise an additional number of seamen which has likewise been countermanded.
The Americans are much irritated against the French for their late rigorous conduct towards their Vessels, they have lately burnt five merchantmen with valuable Cargoes, (all said to be from Liverpool to America,) besides 3 others which they have sunk, merely from the circumstance of their having cleared from a British Port. The above Vessels were destroyed in the Chops of the Channel on the 29th of February and 1st of March last, by two French National frigates, Hermoine and Hortense.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Brig James, W. Douglas, from Nova Scotia; Ship Trio, E. Jackson, London; Schr. Mary, D. Steward, Halifax; Sloop Hancock, M. Mecanger, Barbados.

CLEARED [heading]
Schr. Matilda, T. McKenzie, for Surinam.


March 11. - The intercourse with Holland is now so open that there are daily communications. Letters were yesterday received to the 7th inst. They state that the late decrees are most rigorously executed. The Dutch Government had proceeded to the sale of the condemned vessels, which were captured about three months ago, and their cargos were selling very high. The Proprietors were in hopes of receiving 40L or 50l. per cent. out of the proceeds, as a boon, but their applications for this grace had not been finally admitted. Colonial Produce was extremely high. Coffee, which used to sell at 18 stivers per lb. was up to 35, and every thing else in proportion.

March 12. - By the channel which brought the Dutch Papers that came to our hands at a late hour on Thursday night, we believe the merchants have certain accounts that the Dutch have found it necessary to relax from the rigour of their decrees. And that Americans have been allowed to enter the ports of Holland, though they had touched in England.

March 17. - It was reported last night that Government had received advices of a favourable nature from America. - They have not received any advices at all, nor indeed can any be expected during the continuance of these strong north-east winds.

March 18. - Private letters have been received in town this morning from Boston, dated 2d February, at which time the embargo continued, but it was still thought that war with this country would be avoided.

17TH MARCH, 1808. [heading]
"Yesterday I received letters from Boston, to the 2d ult. and I hear there were others to the 8th by a vessel belonging to Mr. Spurrier arrived at Baltimore, in Ireland. There seemed but little apprehensions of war in America, and hopes were entertained that the embargo would soon be taken off."

[Trinidad fire fund] Subscriptions already Received.

A. B. (per Dr. Lloyd) . . . 66.
F. Martin . . . 440.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, May 21st, 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 21st May, 1808.



Brought by






Pl Zwaanenschutt.






Pl: Zorg & Hoop



R. Bennie.


Dl. Timmerman,

Pl: Non-Pareil.



Pl: Fellowship.



H. Fazy.



Pl. Zant Heuvel


Dl: Timmerman,

Pl. Le Repenteer.



Pl: Le Henery.






Pl: Thomas.



Pl: De Best.



J. Verway.

A New Negro,


Firebrace's Ngrs.


C. Macrae,



Kitty Lannan,

Pl: Vrede Rust.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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