Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 May 28

Vol. III.)


(No. 126.

Saturday, May 28th, 1808.

His Excellency Colonel Nicholson has been pleased to make the following Promotions, Viz: -
Demerary Militia. [centered]
Rifle Company. [centered]
James Alves Gent. to be Lieutenant.
Samuel Phippen Esq. to be Surgeon.
2d Battn. 1st Regiment. [centered]
J. B. Hoppe Gent. to be Lieutenant, vice F. Wright, removed to Berbice.
King's House, Demerary, 27th May 1808.
Robt: Nicholson.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo: Eddington, Govt. Secty.

Voor de Eerste Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldig zyn aan de Boedels
[first column]
Ralph Samson,
William Pitheon,
Pieter Terlaku,
Leonard Cornette,
[second column]
Evert Blue,
William Williams,
Alexander Fraser,
& Sarah Laurence.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne Praetentien op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Vier Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer dezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie der Derde Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 28 May, 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

Vor de Tweede Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of suchuldig zyn aan de Boedels van
[first column]
J. de Weever,
James Keith,
J. McVorran,
[second column]
C. Hendriks,
A. Patterson, &
Sarah E. Howard.
Worden verzogt hunne Praetentien op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Vier Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer dezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie der Derde Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 28 May 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

Voor de Derde Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldig zyn aan de Boedels van
[first column]
G. Barrit,
Robert Martin,
J. G. Braman,
[second column]
Alexander Craig,
-- Foster.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne Praetention op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Vier Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer dezer Rivier, alzo na Expiratie dezer Laaste Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeed [sic] het eeuwig Silentium. Rio Demerary, 28 May, 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

POST-OFFICE. [heading]
The Public is respectfully informed, the Subscriber has determined not to give CREDIT FOR LETTERS after the date of this Advertisement, in consequence of his being unable to get his POSTAGES regularly settled; at same time requests such Gentlemen who stand indebted to this Office, will send and Pay their Accounts.
Heneage Williams,
Actg. Post-Master.
Demerary, 28th May, 1808.

The Undersigned has for Sale, Bills of Exchange on London at Ninety Days Sight, to the amount of
FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS Sterling, which will be drawn for in such sums as may suit Purchasers. He will receive Tenders for the same at his House in Cumingsburg until Wednesday next, when the highest offer or offers will be accepted.
Colin Macrae.
Demerary, 28th May, 1808.

Just Imported and For Sale at the
Store of Messrs: [centered]
James Lyon & Co. [centered]
[first column]
Superfine Flour,
Prime mess Beef and Pork in half barrels,
[second column]
Lamp Oil,
Negro Pipes,
Soap and Candles,
Herrings in boxes &c. &c.
[end columns]
New-Town, 28th May, 1808.

FOR LIVERPOOL. [heading]
The Ship Mary, Captain Afflick, will sail positively with the first Convoy. For Freight please apply to the Master on board, or to
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 28th May, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
All those having Demands against Alexander Simpson (Bricklayer) are requested to render them in at the Store of Alexander Reith; as said Simpson is wishful of liquidating them with all possible speed.
Demerary, 28th May 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, Viz: -
William Daniel, in 14 days from 27th May.
Robert Crawfurd, with the first fleet.
Patrick MacIntyre, with the June Convoy.
Isaac Kerselius, in 14 days, May 28th.
C. H. Lloyd, in 14 days or 3 weeks, 14th May.
Mrs. Eliza Michel, in ditto, ditto.
Mev: de Wed: Mathews, by the June Convoy.
John Baillie with the June Convoy, Ditto.
J. T. Barrett, in 14 Days, from 12th May, 1808.
A. S. Wade, in 3 or 4 weeks, Ditto.
Harbourne Barnwell, in 14 days or 4 weeks do.
Samuel Jones, in 14 Days, from 13th May, 1808.
H. C. Evertz, with the June Convoy, Ditto.
Richard Batty, with the first Convoy, ditto.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary's Office, at the Request and in the Name of Mr. M. Lamaison, Advocate, that having obtained leave of absence from the Honble: Court of Justice, he will absent himself for some time from this Colony for the recovery of his Health; that in the mean time he has made the necessary arrangements with respect to the Business of his Office both in Essequebo and Demerary, and that he has constituted as his Attorney the Honble: Anthony Meertens.
Demerary, 21st May 1808.
J. C. Stadtman.
[Transcriber's note: no mention of his role as Clerk here; compare Dutch version below]

Van het Secretary word bekend gemaakt uit naam en op versoek van den Heer en Mr. M. Lamaison dat dezelve met verlof van het Hof van Justitie alhier, voor zyne gezondheid zig eenige tyd uit de Colonie zal absenteeren, dat inmiddels order is gesteld ten zynen Comptoire de zaaken zyner Clienten zoo te Essequebo als Demerary, en dat hy tot Gemachtigde heest benoemd de Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Anthony Meertens.
Rio Demerary, 21 Mey 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Wordt geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering in de Maand July eerstkde: zal worden gepasseerd: -
Door John Staunton voor zich zelve en Rodie & Shands, 2de Hypotheecq op de Plantagie Bel-Air in faveur van Mr. M. Lamaison.
Door J. La Haye en J. A. Otto Transport van de Plantagie Vreede en Vriendschap, cum annexis, aan H. Fietkow, welke te gelyker tyd zal passeeren drie Hypotheecquen met recht van gelyk verband op meergem: Plantagie in faveur van J. La Haye en in faveur J. A. Otto.
Demerary, 26 Mey 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.


On Wednesday the 1st June, by order of P. Macintyre, at the Store of J. S. Alves, near Robb's Stelling, the following articles imported in the ships Union and Macclesfield, - Madeira wine, Irish mess beef and pork, raisins, almonds, porter and pale ale, soap, candles, cordage assorted Irish linen, checks; britannias, platillias, callicoes, linen and cotton shirts, nankeens, silk, linen and cotton handkerchiefs, Negro jackets, frocks and trowsers, earthen ware, tin ware, cutlery, sadlery, coopers and carpenters tools, nails assorted, cotton pruning knives, gin cranks with screws and brasses complete, felling axes, a dozen plain and two arm mahogany chairs with sofas to suit, bedsteads, pembroke tables, paints and oil, &c.
May 28th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 2d June, by order of N. Smith, Esq. at the Stelling of A. Leeds, Esq. - mess beef and pork in barrels and half ditto, No. 1 and 2 ditto, superfine flour, pickled cod fish, herrings in boxes, garden seeds; 3 months credit in cash or produce in 3 days.
May 28th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday and Tuesday the 13th and 14th June, will be sold at the store of Rt. Younghusband, Esq. - Hats, paper, cotton and coffee bagging, paint and oil, buck knives, ribband, tar, vinegar, printed callicoes, checks, muslins, silks, penknives, chaise binding, mustard, threads, saddles, whips, spurs, a variety of fishing lines, sein and sewing twine, nails, claret, port wine in puncheons, beer in ditto, beef and pork in barrels first quality, tobacco in hhds. and barrels, pitch and tar; also a quantity of excellent Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks.
May 28th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 17th June, at the Vendue OFfice, by order of J. F. Meyer, Esq. - Chaise harnesses, shoes and boots, jackets, pantaloons, shirts, blue Honley's pennistone, oznabrugs, ironmongery, and a variety of other articles.
May 28th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 24th June, will be exposed for sale at Public Auction by order of Thos. Finlayson, Hugh Douglas, Alexander Reith, and Wm. Niell, Esqrs. at the House of T. Finlayson, - Ten prime tradesmen negroes, bred under a complete bricklayer and mason. At the same time, a variety of dry goods, liquors, &c. &c.
May 28th. Robert Kingston.

RIO ESSEQUEBO. [heading]
PUBLIC VENDUE. [heading]
On Tuesday the 5th of July, by order of messrs. John McKirdy, John Corbet, and John Meur, will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, to the highest bidder, - sixty prime Slaves, chie for sale at the Vendue Office, to the highest bidder, - sixty prime Slaves, chiefly carpenters, and boat and punt builders; also, the land known by the name of Broomilan, lying in Supenam Creek, with several large punts, and a considerable quantity of greenheart timber already cut, which will be delivered near the mouth of the Creek. From six to nine months credit will be given.
Fort Zelandia, 10th May, 1808.
B. Hebbelinck,
Acting Dep. Vendue Master.

Op Dingsdag den 5 July aanstaande, ten huise van den Commissaris den Vendue in Essequebo, aan de Fortresse Zelandia, zal door ofte van weegens de Heeren John McKirdy, John Corbet, en John Meur, publiq worden op geveild, en aan de meestbiendende verkogt, zestig gezonde en geacclimaturde slaaven, bestaande in timmer, boot en pont maakers neegers; alsmeede, het land bekend by de naam van Broomilan, geleegen in Supaname Kreek, me verscheydene ponten en een groote quantiteit sipierie hout reeds gekapt en welke zal worden geleevend aan de moud van gezegde Kreek. De termynen van betaaling zal zyn 6 en 9 maanden.
Een ieder daarin gading hebbende koome ten voons; plaatse en daage, aanhooren de conditien en doen zyn profit.
Fort Zelandia, den 10 May, 1808.
B. Hebbelinck,
Fungd. Coms. der Venduen.

By Order of the Honourable Court of Justice, to Wm. King, Esq. acting as Attorney for the Estate of Mrs. Bell, on the 5th of July next will be sold at the Vendue Office, - the negro woman Prescilla, and her four children, one young man understanding something of the carpenter's business, another something of the cooper's, and two girls.
Fort Zeelandia, 10th May, 1808.
B. Hebbelinck,
Acting Deputy Vendue Master.


By Authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale:-
In behalf of F. W. Overweg and G. I. Goppy versus Js. Parss, a part of the Concession No 78 in Cumingsburg, between the Premises of N. Morehouse and that lately occupied by A. Gray, with a Dwelling House of Colony wood, large 25 feet by 20, 2 stories high, a side building of very little value, and a necessary.
Whoever pretends to have a right to oppose the above Sale, address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, and those inclined to purchase please to attend at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on the 8th day of June next.
Rio Demerary, 27th May, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Notice is Hereby Given from the Marshal's Office, to those whom it may concern, that the Execution Sale which was detained in the month of May 1808, in behalf of Quiding and Silvester versus Frier & Morgan, whereby has been taken under Execution, a cerain [sic] Negro named Cadi, will take place on the 8th day of June next.
Rio Demerary, 27th May, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


By Virtue of an appointment granted by the Honble: V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honble: Court of Justice in Rio Demerary, dated 29th May, 1807, on the Petition of H. C. Evertsz in quality as Executor to the Estate of the Widow R. G. Pletsz deceased, are herewith by me the Undersigned First Marshal of the the Honble. Court of Justice by Edict ad val vas Curiae Summon'd all those who may have any demands against the Estate of the Widow R. G. Platsz [sic] deceased, to appear or send their deputies before the Honble: Court of Justice, at their Ordinary Session, to be held in the Town of Stabroek in Rio Demerary in the month of July 1808, in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto; whereas after the expiration of the fourth Summonns by Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers to obtain a perpetual silence.
Actum in Demerary, 6th June, 1807.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

The Subscribers request all Persons who have any demands against the Estate of Thomas King deceased, to render them in properly attested, within 4 weeks.
Wm: King, [right pointing brace, indicating 'qq']
J. Culpeper,
Demerary, 28th May, 1808.

By the arrival (in Berbice) of the Jane, Capt. Winder, in 29 days from Liverpool, we have been put in possession of a London Paper of the 17th ult:- from which we have made the following extracts:-
LONDON, April 17. [centered]
Dutch Papers have been received to the 2d inst. - They furnish a statement of the Finances of the Dutch which convey a melancholy impression of the situation of that unfortunate country. By way of consolation the people are told, that Bonaparte has given assurances, that in the event of Peace with England, he means to stipulate for the restoration of the Dutch Colonies, particularly that of Guiana. It is hardly possible, that such vague and distant calculations can be of any avail in reconciling the poor Dutch, to a contented endurance of their present misfortunes.

Dispatches have been received from the Brazils. The Portuguese sloop of war La Lebre, arrived off Lisbon, with dispatches from the Prince Regent, to the Provisional Government, which the Captain did not land, on being informed by the Admiral that the French were in possession of the country; the commercial mails were sent into Lisbon by a fishing-boat; and La Lebre stood out to sea. The Prince Regent had a remarkable fine passage of 39 days, and landed at Rio Janeiro with the other branches of the Royal Family, on the 8th of January, amidst the acclamations of his faithful subjects.

The following articles are extracted from the Berbice Paper of last Saturday, the intelligence they contain was brought by the Jane:-
"New Amsterdam, 21st May, 1808. [centered]
[Transcriber's note: items not transcribed - European news]

We are concerned to state that a serious combination of the Negroes of several Estates to Windward, has been discovered, several have been apprehended and lodged in the Barracks, but the active steps already taken for the suppression of their plans will, no doubt, prove effectual.

Yesterday the Brig Betsey, from Belfast, arrived here in 40 Days.

By a private letter we learn that the following were the Prices of Produce at New York on the 7th of April: -
Sugar (best quality) at 10 dollars per cwt.
Molases at 50 cts. per gallon.
Rum at 75 cts. per gallon.
Coffee at 22 cts. per lb.

Died] - On Tuesday last, in Cumingsburg, Mr. James Munroe.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Brig Elizabeth, R. Brown, from New York.

CLEARED [heading]
Sloop Perseverance, J. Ford, for Massachusetts.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 28th May, 1808.



Brought by






Pl Zwaanenschutt.


Mrs. A. Lerts

H. Fazy.






Pl: Zorg & Hoop.



R. Bennie.



Pl: Fellowship.



H. Fazy.



Pl. Zant Heuvel



Pl: Le Henery.






Pl: Thomas.



Pl: De Best.



J. Verway.

A New Negro,


Firebrace's Ngrs.



Frankland's Ngrs.


Wm. King,

Pl: Good Fortuyn



Pl. Belair.



Pl. Pacadelle.

A new negro wn.


Pl. Werk & Rust.

A Ditto Ditto,


J. Mapp.



Pl. Rowland.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

[Trinidad fire fund] Subscriptions already Received.

James Johnston . . . 440.
Louis Chignard . . . 220.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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