Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 July 16

Vol. III The No. 133.

Essequebo and Demerary

Royal Gazette.

Saturday, July 16th, 1808.

Stabroek, 15th July 1808. [heading]
D. M. B. O.
The First Battalion, first Regiment of Demerary Militia will Parade on Saturday the 23d instant at the usual hour.
All individuals, who have in their charge Arms and Accoutrements belonging to the Armoury are particularly expected to attend with the same, or if prevented by sufficient reasons, to send them on said day to the Ground by one of their Comrades, attached to the same Company.
F. C. Otto,
Major Comdg. 1st Batn.
1st Regt. D. M.

                  Office of Ordnance,
                  Demerary, 15th July, 1808. [heading]
Notice is Hereby Given to such Persons as may be inclined to supply the Royal Engineer Department with the under-mentioned Articles and Negro Labour as may be wanted, on Contract with a penalty for the due performance thereof till the 31st December next, that Sealed Proposals addressed to the Subscriber (mentioning on the cover what the Tender is for) will be received at this Office 'till 11 o'Clock on Saturday the 23d instant, which will be opened by the respective Officers and the most advantageous offer or offers accepted. The Hard Wood and Lumber to be delivered at Fort William Frederick on the Stelling or at the Ordnance Yard.
Green Heart in square pieces from 10 to 20 feet long and 8 inches square,
Do. Do. 15 to 30 feet long and 12 inches square, [this line and preceding line connected at right hand side by a brace and legend reading 'per Cubic foot.']
Do. Plank 1 inch and 1/2 foot.
Do. Do. 2 inch do.
Shingles, Cypress or Wallaba per 1000.
1 Inch White Pine Boards per 1000.
2 Inch Do. Do. Do.
Clapboards, Do.
Scantling 4 by 3, Do.
Negro Carpenters, without Rations, per Day.
Do. Labourers, Do.
Information as to the probable quantity of each Article to be furnished and of the number of Negroes and the time they may be required will be given on application to Lieut. Moody, Royal Engineer, or to
C. J. O'Hara.
Ordnance Store-Keeper.

Pottery For Sale. [heading]
On Wednesday the 10th of August next will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, that part of the Plantation Strik & Heuvel which belonged to the deceased W. Allanby, M.D. lying on the West Side of Demerary River, and occupied as a Pottery, with the kiln, buildings and every necessary for carrying on the manufacture, also 12 negroes including 2 very capital potters; there is no burden upon the land, so that the purchaser can immediately have a Transport from F. C. Loncke, Esq. the former Proprietor. Any Person disposed to purchase may view the land and buildings by applying to Mr. Tod the Manager, and an Inventory of the whole may be seen with the Subscriber, who will give every information required.
M. Downie, qq.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

There are sundry Goods now laying on board the Atlas, from London, unclaimed, Marked W B and supposed they are consigned to Wm. Beddington Esqr. of Berbice, who has been written to on the subject but can get no answer. Any Person making a just Claim they will be delivered to, otherwise they will be landed and Sold.
Wm. Hill.
Demerary, 16th July 1808.

A New Punt built of the best materials For Sale, 29 by 9 feet; Payment will be taken in Rum, Sugar or Cotton at Cash price. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

Plantains for Sale [heading]
At Plantation Zorg en Hoop and Rome, at 10 Stivers per Bunch.
A. Meertens.
Demerary, 16th July 1808.

Banannen te Koop [heading]
Op Plantagie Zorg en Hoop en Rome a 10 Stuivers per Bos.
A. Meertens.
Demerary, 16 July 1808.

Plantains for Sale [heading]
On Pl. Industry, for 7 1/2 Stivers per Bunch Cash, which will be delivered upon the Sea-Dam of the said Estate, from which place they can be very conveniently taken into a Boat. For further particulars enquire on the above Estate, or at my House in Town.
Jos: Ward.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

Just Received from Halifax in the Brig Claud Scott, Capt. Stroyan, and For Sale by the Subscribers: -
Cod Fish,
Alewives and Potatoes in barrels,
Staves, and
Wood Hoods [sic - Hoops?].
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 16th July, 1808.

Notice. [heading]
All Persons who have Demands against Plantation Belmont, Mahaica, or Mr. Moses Buchanan, are requested to render in the same in fourteen Days from this Date to
Douglas, Reid & Co.
Demerary, 16th July 1808.

STOLEN. [heading]
A Silver stop Watch Capped and Jewelled, a small piece of the dial plate broke near the number six, a Gold Seal and Key, with black silk strings; also a Pocket Clasp Comb. - If offered for Sale, please give information to the Printer. - A Reward of Two Joes will be given for restoring them.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

As Clerk or Book-keeper, a Young Man who has lately arrived from Europe, and can be well recommended. A few lines addressed to A. W. and left with the Printer shall be attended to.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

Voor de Eerste Maal. [heading]
Alle de geenen die eenige Praetentien hebben of schuldeg zyn aan de Boedels van wylen
[first column]
J. J. van Setten,
B. Sacemeyer, &
[second column]
George Hilden.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne Praetentien op te geeven of de schulden koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van Drie Maanden ter respective Wees en Onbeheerde Boedel-Kamer deezer Rivier, alzo na Experatie der Derde Advertentie; door den Edelen Agtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeerd het eeuwig Silentium.
Rio Demerary, 16 July, 1808.
F. A. Vernede, Griffier.

For Sale at the Office of this Paper.
[Transcriber's note: no 'posting' date for this advertisement]

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
William Brown in 14 days or 3 weeks. July 16.
Nicolas Osborne, ditto. ditto.
James Purcell, ditto. ditto.
Colin Elder, in six or seven Weeks. 8th July.
John Robert Griffith, in 14 days. ditto.
John Allen, in 14 days from the 27th June 1808.
Mr. and Mrs. Michel, in 14 day [sic], June 29th.
Leonard Kerou in 14 days or 4 Weeks, June 30th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

NOTICE. [heading]
Messrs. A. Cart, Good & Younghusband appointed by the Court of Justice Curators to the Insolvent Estate of M. Barker deceased, have found no attention paid to their former Advertisement, do hereby through the Secretary's Office give this Public Notice for the Last Time, that all those who are indebted to said Insolvent Estate will come forward immediately to pay the demands which appear against them, in failure of which their Accounts will be put into the hands of their Attorney at Law to be sued without respect to Persons, as they are wishful to lay a statement of the said Estate before the Honble. Court of Justice for their decision Prae & Concurrency.
Actum in Secretary's Office, 14th July 1808.
J. C. Stadtman.
[Transcriber's note: title of office (Clerk) not specified; see Dutch version below]

Uit Naam en van wegen de Heeren A. Cart, W. Good en R. Younghusband, als door den Hove van Justitie aangestelde Curators in de Insolveerde Boedel van wylen M. Barker, word mits deezen aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, dat gemelde Curateuren vindende dat hunne voorige advertensien vrugteloos-geweest zyn, thans voor de latste reise al wien het wogt aangaan waarschouwen dat zy geresolveerd zyn alle de Pretensien gem: Boedel competeerende, die niet terstond betaald zullen worden, te stellen in Practizyn's handen ten einde de naalaatige Debiteuren van gem. Boedel daarvoor te dagvaarden zonder aanzien van Persoonen, vermits de Curateuren voornd. begeerig zyn eene staat en opgaaf de gemelde Boedel voor den Edel Achtbaare Hove van Justitie te leggen, ten fine te obtineeren hoogst deszelfs decezie wegens de Prae en Concurrentie.
Actum Secretary den 16de July 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Alzoo de Heer J. J. L. Molliere, Meerderjaarig Jongman, ter eenre en Mejuffrouw Anna Maria Jacoba Milborrn [sic], Weduwe van wylen den Heer J. B. Poppelman ter andere zyde, van voorneemens zyn met elkenderen een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, zoo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zig teegens het Solemniseeren van gedagte Huwelyk vermeenen te kunne opposeeren zulks te doen daar waar en zoo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 16de July 1808. In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering in de Maand Augustus eerstkoomende zal worden gepasseerd: -
Door J. Kerselius Transport van een derde Concessie met de Gebouwen, geleegen in Charles Town, bekend onder No 28.
Door de Executeuren ter Boedel Kroll Transport van een stuk land geleegen in het Canaal No 3 bevoorens genaamd Grenada, aan Nanny Orr, welke ter gelyker tyd hetselve zal Trasporteeren aan Jacomenea Jeems.
Door de gemachtigden van K. F. Mackenzie Eerste Hypotheecq op de Plantagie Lusignan, in faveure J. Gladstone.
Door J. N. Paaver Transport van de 1-4 Concessie No 49 en Gebouwen in Stabroek, aan J. C. Heim.
Door Conrade Coulthrust en Tempest Coulthrust Hypoteeek [sic] op de Plantagie The Grove, Abary, in faveur van Richard Deane q.q. de Erven wylen Thomas Ashburner.
Door G. Mahlsted qq. Transport van de Plantagie Regt door Zee, in het Canaal No 1, aan J. M. Bauch, welke ter gelyker tyd zal passeeren een Kustingbrief op gem: Plantagie cum annexis.
En Laastelyk door de gemachtigdens van de Sequesters (Assignees) van Turnbull, Forbes & Co. Transport van de Plantagie Henrietta aan Ms. Tinne. Demerary den 15 July 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.


By Authority obtained, I the Uunderwritten [sic] First Marshal of this Colony, will Expose and Sell to the highest bidders at Marshal's Sale in presence of the Honble. Councellors Commissary and their Secretary in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 2d of August next: -
1st. - In behalf of Holms & Wilson versus A. & A. Smith, the House lately occupied by Steph: Mourant, Esq. situated in Cumingsburg, being about 50 feet in length and 26 feet in breadth, two stories high, one Logie about 100 feet long, kitchen, stable, stock-house and necessary; also the Concession on which said Buildings are situated.
2d. - In behalf of R. Younghusband & Co. versus William Daniel, six Negro Slaves named Dick, John, Geluck, Jack, Ketto, and Pieter.
3d. - In behalf of James Robertson & Thos: Marsh versus Robert Tapers, a Negro named Harry.
4th. - In behalf of C. Vincent Receiver of the Colony Chest, the Lots of Land in Cumingsburg, known by Nos. 70, 252, 88, 82, 93, 90, 97, 96, 110, 62, 125, and 317.
Whoever prentends [sic] to have a right to oppose either of the above Sales address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, and those inclined to purchase please to attend on the day of Sale.
Rio Demerary, 12th July, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


By Virtue of a certain appointment granted by the Honble. V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony dated 8th July 1808, are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal of said Court, for the FIRST TIME by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors of the Widow of the Deceased Jacob Mathews, also those of the Plantation Now or Never, to appear before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Session to be held in the Town of Stabroek on the Nineteenth of September next and following days, in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto; whereas after the expiration of this first, the second, third and fourth Edict by Summons will be proceeded against the non appearers according to Law. Thus published and affixed there and where it ought to be.
Actum Demerary, 12th July, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


[right pointing hand icon] The Sale to be held on Plantation Paradise is postponed from Wednesday the 20th to Monday the 25th Instant.

On Monday and Tuesday the 18th and 19th inst. at the store of messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, - A general assortment of provisions, Plantation stores, dry goods, tin, glass and hard ware, &c. &c.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 20th inst. [see 18080702EDRG] . . .
Also, four prime Field negro men.
July 2d. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 22d inst. at the Vendue Office, a quantity of Swedish, flat, square and rod iron, boat cables, pork, earthen ware, shoes, &c. &c.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

On Saturday the 23d inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of messrs. Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co. - Beef, pork, hams, lard, linens, checks, stripes, &c. &c.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 27th inst. at the stores of messrs. J. Van der Haas & Co. by order of C. G. S. van s'Gravesande, Esq. a considerable quantity of building lime, pickled and spiced salmon, &c. &c.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the 28th, 29th and 30th inst. at the store of messrs. Macdonald, Halkett & Co. (payable six months), - cordage, paints and oil, neatsfoot oil, sadlery, stationary, hosiery, gloves and braces, tin, earthen and glass ware, sein and sewing twine, beef and pork, gents coats, coatees, vests and pantaloons, negro cloathing of every discription [sic], a general assortment of coarse and fine Irish linens and sheetings, diaper, elegant damask table cloths from 3 to 6 yards long, Russia duck, corded dimities, jeans and quiltings, muslins, chambrays, cotton and linen cambrics, printed and white callicoes, Madrass, pullicat and corse blue handkerchiefs, tapes and threads, a general assortment of ironmongery, &c. consisting of HL, H, T, and hook and eye hinges, bolts, window fenders, brass, iron and stock locks, padlocks, coffee mills, gin cranks, knives and forks, steel-yard, nails, beads, iron hoops, carpenters and coopers tools, a few elegant prints in gilt frames, and a variety of other articles lately imported.
July 9th. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this is an expanded entry of one that appeared in 18080709EDRG]

On Tuesday and Wednesday the 2d and 3d of August, [compare with 18080709EDRG] . . . [right pointing hand icon] See advertisement in Supplement.
July 9th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 5th of August at the Vendue Office, [see 18080709EDRG] . . .
Also, by order of messrs. Cornfoot, Bell & Co. ten pipes best London particular Madeira wine, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks.
July 9th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 8th August, by order of Jos. Hill and Robt. Metcalfe, at their store in the New Town, without reserve, - bottled porter, a large assortment of 7-8 and 9-8 printed callicoes, cambric muslins, japan and printed do., cotton and linen shirts, nankeen and jean trowsers, jean and quilting waistcoats, coloured cotton counterpanes, pocket handkerchiefs, white callicoes, shirting calico, Irish linens, dimitys, patent silk and beaver hats, cotton hose, cotton towels, coloured nankeens, brown Holland, stationary, ironmongery, tripe, lamp and paint oil, vinegar, white lead, salad oil, earthen ware, boots and shoes, Ladies slippers, Madeira wine, cogniac brandy, soap and candles, pickles, mustard, capers, tin ware, umbrellas, &c.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 9th of August, by order of Colin Elder, at his House on the North Dam Stabroek, household furniture consisting of - 1 set mahogany dining tables with D ends, a breakfast table, a sideboard, knife cases, sofa, chairs, beauro [sic], bason stands, a bedstead with mattresses, 1 ditto with Chinese bed furniture, feather and hair mattresses, silver spoons, knives and forks, glass and earthen ware; also, paints and oil, nails assorted, printed callicoes, a few pipes superior Fayal wine, bitters, negroes, and what farther may appear on the day of sale.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 14th of August, by order of J. L. & G. M. Forrester, at their store, - a quantity of lined and unlined negro jackets, negro hats, shirts and trowsers, elegant figured and plain muslins, Irish sheeting, callicoes, Madrass and plain muslins, Irish sheeting, callicoes, Madrass and pullicat handkerchiefs, Vigonia and Norwich shawls, thread, Ladies elegant straw and sattin dress hats and caps, Shell's gloves, shoes, &c. sein and sewing twine, elegant and complete sets of Queen's ware, an assortment of nails, brass door locks, Bristol tripe in jars, pickles in ditto, oats in puncheons, a very sound saddle mare, wax candles, a 4 post fluted mahogany bedstead, mattress, bolster and pillows, a mahogany medicine chest for family use, 2 do. for Estate use, knives and forks, wafers, stone blue, &c. &c.
July 16th. Robert Kingston.

The Subscriber has remaining on hand the following Articles which will be Sold at low Prices for immediate Payment in Cash or good Bills of Exchange; - Porter in casks and bottles, four casks Negro Cloathing assorted, one small bale Slops, one cask Tin Ware assorted filled with Corks, Sadlery consisting of Chaise Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Chaise and Hand Whips &c. a few boxes Pickles, a few hogsheads London Particular Madeira Wine and Ninety Dozen Old London Particular Madeira Wine in Bottles.
A large Long-Boat nearly new, copper fastened and coppered, also a one-flewed Anchor and Chain fit to ride a ship of 300 Tons.
Jno. Brand,
July 16th. At the Post-Office.

The Delinquent Proprietors of Lots in Kingston are desired to pay the Commissaries the one and quarter per cent. (assessed by the Honble, Court of Policy in 1806,) as also the one per cent. Taxes on valuation assessed for 1808, on or before Wednesday the 20th inst. and prevent further expences.
J. Hicks, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Commissaries.']
J. Hunter,
Kingston, 16th July, 1808.

Absented himself from the Cooperage of Mr. Robert Arnot, a negro man named Joe, formerly the property of Mr. James Bruce, he stutters a little in his speech, and is well known about Town. Any Person apprehending and lodging him in the Barracks, or delivering him to the Subscriber at Mr. Reith's Store, Robb's Stelling, shall receive Twenty-two Guilders Reward. - All Persons are forbid to harbour or employ the said Negro, and Masters of Vessels are hereby cautioned against carrying him off the Colony, as the utmost rigour of the Law will be enforced against such Offenders.
A. D. Guthrie.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

Runaway from John Henley, a negro woman named Tamzin, of the Congo Nation, has prominent marks on her shoulders, she is well known about the Town and the East Coast of Demerary, supposed to be harboured by a Free Woman on the East Coast. All Persons are hereby cautioned against employing or harbouring said woman as the Law will be rigorously enforced against such offenders. - A Reward of One Joe above the customary fees will be paid for the apprehending and lodging the said woman in the Barracks, by
A. Reith.
Demerary, 16th July, 1808.

Meeting of the Proprietors of [heading]
Lots in the Town of [heading]
CUMINGSBURG. [heading]
The Proprietors of Lots and Buildings in the Town of Cumingsburg are requested to attend a Meeting to be held at the Union Coffee House on Saturday the 23d of July, to take into consideration the extract from the Resolutions of the last Court of Policy, communicated to the Commissaries, with respect to the Front-Dam and Water Lots.
It is earnestly requested that every Proprietor will, if possible, attend Personally, or depute some Person, in Writing, to Vote for him, (it having appeared at the last Meeting that Votes otherwise given were not allowed) the subject to be brought forward on that day being of the utmost importance to every Proprietor.
William King, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Commissaries of Cumingsburg.']
Robert Phipps,
Robert Bell,
Demerary, 16th July 1808.

TO BE SOLD [heading]
For Immediate Payment, in Rum, [heading]
Cotton, Coffee or Molasses. [heading]
Three Prime Negroes, one a compleat Cooper, one a House Boy and Cook, also a Girl who is an excellent Washer and Ironer; the above Negroes are not sold for any fault whatever, but on account of their Owner being obliged to quit this Country in consequence of his bad state of health. Also two Medicine Chests compleat, fit for Plantation use. Enquire of G. M. Forrester, Esq. Stabroek.
[Transcriber's note: no 'posting' date for this item]

The first Mail for June reached here on Wednesday - its contents are not of that highly interesting nature which we had been led to expect.

We are happy to see by the same Paper [transcriber's note: Barbados Mercury] that a Fleet of Vessels under Convoy of His Majesty's Brig Emelus, of 18 guns, Capt. Stupart, from Halifax, has arrived safe in Barbados, with a very seasonable supply of Provisions, &c. We hope to see a continuance of those measures which will insure to the West Indies in general, a regular supply of those articles which we have too long been in the habit of receiving from the United States, thus, the American Embargo may become eventually, if not immediately, a source of emolument to ourselves and vexatious to the Americans.

The Claude Scott Brig which arrived here on Thursday morning was one of the above fleet.

His Majesty's ship Virginie, Capt. Brace, has captured a very fine Dutch frigate called the Guelderland, after a smart action.

His Majesty's Brig Attentive, Lieut. Carr, arrived here on Sunday last, and took the Vessels from hence under Convoy to the Rendezvous, and the Laura returned into Port, and yesterday left this for Surinam with the Brig Faith under Convoy.

The Skipjack returned from a Cruize on Sunday morning. Yesterday His Majesty's Brig Recruit arrived off the Barr, she came for the purpose of Convoying the Fleet from hence, but has been more than 10 days from Barbados.

We are much concerned to state the loss of His Majesty's Brig Netley, which had been ordered from Barbados in quest of an Enemy's Privateer reported to be to the Windward of that Island. She was about 12 miles distant from the Southwardmost point of the Island, when under close reef'd top-sails, she was upset by a sudden squall and instantly filled with water; - we are sorry to add that out of her Crew, officers and men together consisting of 81, nine alone were saved, and that, by the fortunate appearance of the Julia Brig, Capt. Yarker, which the same night arrived at the spot where she had sunk, when one of the men still afloat called out as the Vessel neared him, when Capt. Yarker instantly put out his boat and saved him with 8 others, although the night was very dark and boisterous. Mr. Row who was one of the Officers is saved, with 6 seamen and 2 boys. Lieut. Bermon the Commander is universally lamented, by all who knew him, as a valuable and active Naval Officer.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Snow Claude Scott, J. K. Stroyan, Nova Scotia.
Schr. Gingle, Th. Davis, Barbados.

CLEARED [heading]
Schr. Gingle, Th. Davis, for Trinidad.
Schr. Fame, J. Tynes, Barbados.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, July 16th, 1808.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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