Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 July 30

Vol. III The No. 135.

Essequebo and Demerary

Royal Gazette.

Saturday, July 30th, 1808.

Sugar and Coffee. [heading]
Wanted for His Majesty's Troops [heading]
in this Colony. [heading]
Persons willing to Supply either of the above Articles, to be delivered at the Commissary's Stores, in such Quantities as may be required for the Expenditure of the two next Months, commencing the 25th Instant, are requested to make tenders for the same, separately, marked - "Tenders for Coffee or Sugar" - previous to Wednesday the 17th of August next, on which day they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, when the most advantageous Offer or Offers will be Accepted.
It is to be understood that the Person or Persons Contracting for the supplies of either of the above Articles shall be bound for the due performance of it, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Sterling.
Will: N. Firebrace.
Residt: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 30th July 1808.

Mr. MARKORDT's CONCERT. [heading]
Patronized by His Excellency Col: [heading]
and Governor Ross. [heading]
On Tuesday August 9th 1808, there will be a Concert Vocal & Instrumental with a Ball, at the Union Coffee House. - When Madam Van Hove, Messrs Goepel, Wagner, and many Gentlemen Amateurs will assist
Mr. Markordt. [centered]
Act I. [centered]
A Grand Symphonie composed by Mr. Pleyel.
Concerto Piano Forte, Mr. Markordt,
comp: by Kotzeluch.
A Song "Bravura" Madam Van Hove.
Quartetto, Clarinet, Violin, Alto, Barso, Mitcell,
by Messrs: Placket, Goepel,
Markordt, & Wagner.
Concerto Violencello, by Mr. Markordt,
composed by Pleyel.
Act II. [centered]
Symphonie - Hayden. [centered]
Sonata Piano Forte - In which will be introduced the favourite Air of "Hope told a flattering Tale" with variations - accompanied on the Violin - by Messrs: Markordt & Goepel.
Pleyel. [centered]
Quartetto; two Violins, Also, Barso - Fiorello.
Muetto - Madam Van Hove and Mr. Pieck.
Solo Violencello - Mr. Markordt.
Finale - favourite Overture to Lodoiska.
The Concert to begin at half past 6 o'Clock.
NB. Refreshments will be served.
Tickets One Joe each to be had of Mr. Markordt of Mr. Obermuller.
or at the Union Coffee House.
Demerary, 30th July, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscribers request all Persons indebt to the Estate of the deceased Mr. James Munro, Carpenter, to come forward with Payment as soon as possible; and all Persons having demands against the said Estate are requested to render their Accounts for examination to either of the Subscribers, on or before the 1st day of September next.
Rodk: McLeod,
Gilbert Robertson.
Demerary, 30th July, 1808.

All Those who have Demands against Elizabeth Scutt deceased, are desired to render them properly certified; and all Persons indebted are requested to pay the same without delay, to enable the Executor to provide for the deceased's Orphan Son.
J. Hicks, Executor.
There will be sold sundry Effects and a Negro Girl belonging to the deceased, on Friday 5th August 1808, at the Vendue Office.
Cumingsburg, 30th July, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Creditors of John Hubbard Esq. are hereby informed that there will be 4,500 Gallons of Rum ready for delivery in Town on the 8th next Month, for which Tenders (to be sealed up and directed "Tenders for Rum") will be received by the Subscribers at their respective Houses until Wednesday Morning next, at Ten o'Clock, when they will be opened, in presence of such Creditors as chuse to attend at the Union Coffee House and the highest offer accepted.
Thos: Nagthen,
Thos: Frankland, [noted as 'Trustees.']
Demerary, 30th July 1808.
N.B: The Purchaser is expected to furnish Puncheons.

Practitioner of Physic, [heading]
Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has fixed his residence, at Mr. Clapham's House in Cumingsburgh, fronting the Brick-Road and nearly opposite the Office of the Honble: F. P. Van Berckel, where he continues to exercise the duties of his Profession, - and has for Sale a Variety of Fresh & Genuine Medicines,
Viz: - [centered]
[first column]
Best Tonquin Musk,
AErego OEris,
Pulv. Rhubarb,
- Semen. Santon.
Vitriol Roman.
Magnesia Alb.
Merc. Corros. Sub.
Fol: Semnos,
Alum Comm:
- Ust:
Sal: Absynth.
P. Antimon. P: L:
Gum Faetida,
Colomel ppt:
Spt. Terebinth,
Bals. Capivi,
Precipit: Rub.
- Alb.
Sal. Corp. Cerv:
AEther Vitriol,
Gum Guaicum,
- Myrrh,
[second column]
- Arabic,
- Camphor,
Spt. Lavend. Comp:
Pulv. Fol. Degitalis,
Tart: Emetic,
Vin: Antimon.
Sacch. Saturn:
Oil Vitriol,
Acid, Nitros:
Kermes Mineral,
Rod. Serp. Virg:
Crud. Antimony,
Sal: Rochelle,
P. Doveri,
Ferri, Rubigo,
Ungt. Merc. Fort:
- Lapis Calamin,
- Basil, Flav.
a variety of Chemical Oils,
Tinctures, Extracts,
Plasters, with numberless other Articles.
[end columns]
Also Surgeon's Lint and Towe [sic], Syringes, Anderson's Pills, British Oil, Antibilious Pills, Huxham's Tincture of Bark, Worm Bitters, Edwards's celebrated Ague Drops for the cure of Intermittent Fevers, &c. &c.
Demerary, 30th July 1808.

A New faithful-built Six Oared Tent Boat for Sale Cheap. For particulars apply at Mr. Mackay's, Bridge-Town.
Demerary, 30th July 1808.

Wanted on Plantation Best. [heading]
An Overseer who can be well recommended for Industry and Sobriety.
Demerary, 30th July, 1808.

The Subscribers have for Sale, best London particular Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads, quarter casks, and half quarter casks.
C. & J. Ryan.
New-Town, 30th July, 1808.

For Sale. [heading]
A Negro Man, an excellent Cook and House Servant, also a Boy accustomed to Wait upon a Gentleman, who is about to leave the Colony. For Particulars apply at the Union Coffee House. Good Cotton will be accepted for Payment at the Market Price.
Demerary, 30th July, 1808.

TO BE LET. [heading]
A Convenient House for a small Family, situated on the front Lot in Kingston near Stabroek. Apply to Messrs.
Douglas, Reid & Co.
Demerary, 30th July, 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Charles Brough, in 14 days, from 26th July 1808.
Alexr. Fraser in all the month of August. July 29.
Madm: V. Coulange, in 2 months from 22d July.
William Brown in 14 days or 3 weeks. July 16.
Nicolas Osborne, ditto. ditto.
Colin Elder, in six or seven Weeks. 8th July.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Fifty Thousand [heading]
At Thirty Guilders per Thousand [heading]
FOR SALE. [centered]
Apply to the Printer.


By Virtue of an appointment of the Honble. Court of Justice granted on the Subscriber's Petition, it is hereby made known that he in capacity as First Marshal will Expose and Sell at Execution Sales, to the highest bidders, on the 6th day of September next, - the Plantation Calcutta, situated on the East Coast near Abary, with all its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation and further Appurtenances.
Whoever pretends to have a right to oppose said Sale, address themselves in Writing at the Marshal's Office according to Law, and those inclined to purchase please attend on the day of Sale on said Plantation Calcutta, in the morning precisely at 10 o'Clock. The Inventory of said Plantation Calcutta is daily to be seen at the Marshal's Office (Sunday's [sic] excepted.)
Actum Demerary, 29th July, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

I the Underwritten do hereby make known, that the Executional Sales of the Woodlands Nooit Gedagt with the 15 Negroes thereunto belonging &c. belonging to J. van Groeningen, shall not (as it was formerly Advertised) take place on the Premises up the River, but as usual, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on the 8th day of August next. Whoever is inclined to purchase please to attend on the day of Sales and place above-mentioned.
Actum Demerary, 29th July 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Absented from the Subscriber on the Evening of the 24th instant, a Negro Woman named Mary, about 20 years old, has three gashes on each cheek being her Country marks, is well known about the Town of Cumingsburg. One Joe reward above the common Fees for taking up Absentees will be given to any Person that will lodge her in the Barracks or deliver her to Mr. Thomas Allboy. Reece Bradshaw.
Essequebo, 30th July, 1808.


[right pointing hand icon] The Vendue of S. Cramer, Esq. to be held on Plantation Ruymveldt is postponed till Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th August.

On Thursday the 4th August by order of messrs. Johnston [sic], Dyett, McGarel & Co. at the Vendue Office, 150 pieces Irish linen, 50 barrels prime Irish mess port, 30 1/2 barrels do. do., 30 barrels do. beef, 30 kegs lard, checks, &c. &c.
July 30th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 10th August, on the Premises, by order of M. Downie q.q. Dr. Wm. Allanby, - the Pottery with the Slaves &c. thereto belonging. [right pointing hand icon] Advert. in last page.
July 30th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th of August, on Plantation Ruimveld, by order of Stephen Cramer, qq. Mr. F. Martin, - household furniture consisting of mahogany dining and card tables, bedsteads, chairs, &c. a considerable quantity of gold and silver plate, carriages, horses, horned cattle, and what further may be produced for sale on the above-mentioned days.
July 23d. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue was rescheduled from 5 August (see 18080723EDRG]

On Wednesday the 17th August, by order of messrs. Thos. Shute & Co. at their store New Town, the following articles to close sales, viz. - 8 pipes superior quality cogniac brandy, 2 puncheons Cumberland hams, 15 coils cordage from 1 to 5 inch, 3 rolls sheet lead, and 1 box carpenters tools. Also other articles that will be exposed on the day of sale.
July 30th. Robert Kingston.

FOR GLASGOW. [heading]
The Sir Edward Pellew, William Orr, Master, will positively sail a running Ship on the second springs of August. For Freight or Passage apply to
Garden, Dickson & Co.
Cumingsburg, 30th July, 1808.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
With the first Convoy, the fast-sailing Brig Atlas, burthen 150 Tons, Coppered. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or at Marshall's Hotel. There are also a few thousand best London Bricks on board the Atlas for Sale for Cash.
Wm. Hill.
[Transcriber's note: no 'posting' date for this item]

The Subscriber has removed to the House immediately opposite the Store of Wm. Lucas Esq. where he has on Sale the undermentioned Articles:- 40 barrels Shads in high order, Irish mess Beef and Pork in half barrels, Tobacco, Pitch, Turpentine and Building Lime in barrels, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Nails assorted, Hoes, Shovels, Cutlasses, Pruning Knives, Falling Axes, Madeira Wine, Wired Porter and Beer per dozen, Gin, Brandy, &c. &c.
S. O. Nurse.
Middle-Street, Bridge-Town, 30th July 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Creditors of John William Jones are requested to attend a Meeting to be held at Mr. Marshall's Hotel on Tuesday Morning next, the 2d of August at 11 o'Clock precisely.
Kingston, 30th July 1808.

LOST. [heading]
An Acceptance of Mr. R. Craig for f 1559, due 2d April last, and indorsed by the Subscriber. Whoever may have found the said Acceptance will be handsomely Rewarded for restoring it to him. The Public is hereby cautioned against receiving or negociating it, as the Payment is stopped.
30th July 1808. R. Buchanan.

The Subscriber presents his respectful Compliments to the Public and has the honor to inform them, that he Kills good Beef to-morrow Morning, which he will deliver at One Guider per lb. for Cash, and on Credit to his old Customers, a continuance of whose favours he earnestly requests.
Stabroek, 30th July 1808. L. Egner.

At a very numerous meeting of the Proprietors of Lots in the Town of Cumingsburg, held at the Union Coffee House on Saturday the 23d July 1808, to hear from the Commissaries the Extract from the Resolutions of the Court of Policy of the 27th April 1808, and such Extract having been read,
Thomas Delisle, Esq. [centered]
was unanimously voted into the Chair which having taken, he requested to know from Mr. Thos: Cuming if he had any proposal to make to the Proprietors of the Town.
Mr. Cuming proposed that the Town should renew the Contract which had been made with him, allowing him to pay Taxes for his Lots at the valuation of only f 250 each, in which case he would resign all pretentions to the mud Lots.
The Proprietors by no means consented to Mr. Cuming's proposal in its unqualified state, but offered to do so if he would give up his right of Voting for two-thirds of the number of Lots he possesses in the Town and in future to have Votes only for one-third of the number, which Mr. Cuming having accepted of, the following Resolutions were put and carried, viz: -
Resolved - That the Commissaries in behalf of the Proprietors of the Town of Cumingsburg be authorised to enter into a Contract with Mr. Cuming by which they engage to give up all claim they hold against him for arrears of Taxes and allow him to pay for his Lots at the valuation of f 250 per Lot, on the condition of his giving up two-thirds of the number of Votes he now, or at any future time may hold and renouncing in toto all claims to the mud Lots.
Resolved, - That the Commissaries be authorised to Petition the Court of Policy for a statement of the Account between the Receiver and the Town of Cumingsburg, and to authorise some Person to give Transports for the mud Lots to such Person as shall produce the Certificate of any two of the Commissaries that they have complied with their Contract for the same.
Resolved - That as two of the Commissaries Messrs. Bell & Fitzgerald have given an order on the Receiver for the amount of an old debt due to Mr. John Wilson and the Receiver having protested such order; that the Commissaries be authorized (in case it appears that no funds are in the hands of the Receiver) to levy a tax agreeable to the appraisement lately acted upon, for the payment of the Town's proportion of the front or mud Lots; which are the width of the Streets leading to the River.
Resolved - That the Thanks of this meeting be given to the Chairman.
Demerary, 23d July, 1808.
Thomas Delisle, Chairman.

We understand that C. Waterton and C. Edmonston Esqrs. are to be the bearers of His Excellency the Governor's Dispatches to the Oronoque, and will depart for that River on Monday next, on board His Majesty's Schooner Bacchus, Lieut. Malbon, and will proceed to Angastura in a smaller Vessel.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 30th July, 1808.



Brought by





Mrs. A. Lerts,

H. Fazy.






R. Bennie.



Dr: Wiep.



Vessers Negroes.





Pl. Bel Air,



R. Benny,

Pl Groot Diamand.


Wm. King,

Pl: La Penitentie.



Pl: Monrepos.


Van Thol,

Betsey Steel.



Pl: Edenburg.



Valz Negroes.


Pl: Columbia,

Pl: Velzehooft.



Van der Haas.


Pl: Zorg & Hoop,

Ketting Negroes.




S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

[No Supplement]


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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