Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 August 06

Vol. III.)


(No. 136.

Saturday, August 6th, 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
Whereas much delay and trouble arise from Persons having any demands against the Commissariat of this Colony, not rendering in their Accounts in proper time, Notice is Hereby Given, that none will be received at this Office after the expiration of the regular muster days, being the 23d of February, and 24 of each alternate month, so as to be paid, and included therein.
And, to those who may not know, it is proper to mention, that all Accounts must be made out in Quadruplicate, upon sheets of good Foolscap Paper, and the Propriety of Charges Certified in the usual manner by any two respectable Merchants resident in this Colony.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Residt: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 6th August, 1808.

One Hundred Boxes of Brown Soap, about 56 lbs. each for Sale very reasonable for immediate Payment by
James Robertson.
New-Town, 6th August 1808.

Wanted to Purchase [heading]
A Pair of Horses to draw either double or tandem. A letter addressed to A. B. at the Printer's of this Paper will be attended to.
Demerary, 6th August 1808.

At Plantations La Grange and Cornelia Ida. Inquire of
J. P. Muncker, or
R. Younghusband.
Demerary, 6th August 1808.

Just Landing and for Sale by the Subscriber very reasonable for Cash: -
New Irish Rose Butter,
Newfoundland Fish,
Irish Mess Beef and Pork,
Soap and Candles,
6th August. H. Douglas.

FOR SALE. [heading]
A Young Negro Man, a Taylor, a compleat Master of his Business; he is Sold for no other reason than his Owner not being of that Trade has no occasion for him.
Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

Notice is Hereby Given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Mr. William Keith, Carpenter in Mahaicony Creek, is at the House of the Subscriber.
D. Watson.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

Marshall's Hotel, August 6th, 1808. [heading]
Notice is hereby given that the Subscription Ball, to which the undersigned have been appointed Stewards, will be given on Monday Evening, the 29th Instant.
The above Ball is given in Consequence of the Surplus arising from the General Subscription.
General Cards of Invitation will not be issued, as many mistakes are often found to occur by their non-delivery; - every Subscriber is expected to introduce the Ladies of his Family, and should he wish to bring any Visitors, who may be with him, on application to the Stewards a particular Invitation will be immediately sent to them.
J. S. Masse,
Thos: Naghten,
Richard Deane,
A. Z. De Munick, [all indicated as Stewards]
Robt: Marshall begs leave thus publickly to express the highest sense of gratitude and obligation, for this instance of favor conferred upon him by the Gentlemen Subscribers to the Balls.
He hopes he has been fortunate enough by the Plan and manner in which the Balls have been conducted, to give that satisfaction which it will ever be his greatest pride to merit, under which hope, he is sanguine enough to solicit the honor of their distinguished favor, to another Subscription for the ensuing Season, for the continuance of this Elegant amusement, Subscriptions will (by Permission of the Stewards) be open on the Evening of the above Ball.

NOTICE. [heading]
It is the intention of Mr. Wm: Brereton to call a meeting of his Creditors in about three weeks from this date (further Notice of which will be given) to lay before them a correct statement of his affairs, and to make them such proposals as he hopes and trusts will be satisfactory to them; in order that such correct statement may be made out - he requests particularly the favor of all his Creditors both in Essequebo and Demerary to furnish to Mr. Robt: Phipps, either at his House in Cumingsburg or at the Secretary's Office in Office hours, an Account of their respective demands, whether arising from Protested Bills, Notes, Open Accounts, or Mortgages, - whether Sued for or not.
Wm: Brereton.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

The Undersigned being legally empowered to act as Attornies for Mrs. Elizabeth Welch of Pl: Musquito Hall, Mahaica, in all Business whatsoever, as well relating to said Plantation as otherwise, hereby make known the same to all whom it may concern, and request those having demands against the said Mrs. Welch to have a little patience, assuring them that a mode of arrangement about to be immediately adopted, whereby everything will be settled to their satisfaction.
A. Cart, for self and
D. Storm van s'Gravesande.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

By Private Contract [heading]
FOR SALE. [heading]
The Southward one-half of Plantation Good Hope planted in Cotton, situated on the West side of Rio Mahaica, adjoining the Lands of Anthony Benny Esq. deceased on the South, and Plantation Orange Nassau on the West, together with fifty-seven seasoned Negroes, property of the late Jos: Lewcus Esq. deceased. To an approved Purchaser, easy and agreeable terms will be given. This property is supposed to contain one hundred and fifty acres and well adapted for both Cotton and Plantains. The vicinity in which it is situated is considered the most healthy in the Colony.
Samuel Challoner, qq.
Estate of Joseph Lewcus Esq. deceased.
Mahaica, 6th August, 1808.

Drifted on the 19th of last month, a Punt 20 feet long and 8 wide, with one thaut [sic] in the center; the expences and reward will be given on restoring her to F. G. Cornette Esq. or to Mr. Fox in Stabroek, by whom the expences will be paid.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
Charles Brough, in 14 days, from 26th July 1808.
Alexr. Fraser in all the Month of August, July 29.
Madm: V. Coulangee, in 2 months from 22d July.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Huwelyks Bekendmaking. [heading]

Alzo de Heer Isaac Hadfield, Meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Engeland, ter eenre, - En Mejuffrouw Mary Drayton, gebooren te Barbados, ter andere zyde - Van voorneemens zyne met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zig teegens dit voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar waar en zo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 5de Augustus 1808. In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergaadering van September aanstaande zal worden gepasseerd: -
Door A. Osborne q.q. De Weuwe Osborne, Transport van de halve Concessie No 47, Stabroek aan S. Jeems.
Door P. F. Tinne Transport van zeekere Concessie en gebouwen in Cumingsburg zynde de geheele Concessie bekend onder No 11, en de halve Concessie No 12, volgens de kaart van Louis Chollet en J. H. Wedeman, aan F. Yates.
Door A. Meertens Executeur ten Boedel vin wylen J. B. Slengarde, Transport van de Plantagie Hope, bevoorens genaamd Kleyne Paris, geleegen in de booven Rivier, aan John McPherson.
Door Thimotheus Duim Transport van zeeker stuk Land geleegen in de boven Rivier, aan G. Jones.
Door M. Smit Transport van de Plantagie Tyd en Vlyt, geleegen in het Canaal No 3, aan Themotheus Duim.
Door Thomas Cuming Transport van de Concessie No 134 op Cumingsburg, aan Wm. Harris.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 5de Augustus 1808. In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

A few Tierces and Barrels of
Excellent Rice and Salt,
For Sale at the Store of
August 6th. F. C. Otto.


By Virtue of a certain appointment of the Honble. V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honorable Court of Justice of this Colony, dated 30th July 1808, granted on the Petition of Gilbert Robertson and John Hopkinson in quality as Executors to the Estate of Ths. Warricker deceased, are herewith by me the Undersigned Marshal, for the first time by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors of the above-mentioned Estate, to appear or send their Deputy before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Ordinary Session, to be held in the Town of Stabroek on the 19th day of September next and following days; in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers according to Law.
Actum Rio Demerary, 3d August, 1808.
F. Van Kinschot, Marshal.

By Virtue of a certain appointment of the Honble. V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, dated 29th July 1808, granted on the Petition of Jonas Fileen and Gt. Timmerman in quality as Executors to the Estate of Jan Homberg deceased, are herewith by me the Undersigned Marshal for the first time by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors of the above-mentioned Estate, to appear or send their Deputy before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Ordinary Session, to be held in the Town of Stabroek on the 19th day of September next and following days; in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers according to Law.
Actum Rio Demerary, 3d August, 1808.
F. Van Kinschot, Marshal.

By Virtue of a certain appointment of the Honble, V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, dated 29th July 1808, granted on the Petition of Jonas Fileen in quality as Executor to the Estate of E. H. Huss deceased, are herewith by me the Undersigned Marshal, for the first time by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors of the above-mentioned Estate, to appear or send their Deputy before the Honble. Court of Justice, at their Ordinary Session, to be held in the Town of Stabroek on the 19th day of September next and following days; in order to render their pretentions in due form and lay their claim thereto. Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Edict will be proceeded against the non appearers according to Law.
Actum Rio Demerary, 3d August, 1808.
F. Van Kinschot, Marshal.

NOTICE. [heading]
There being several outstanding debts due to the late Firm of Wilson & Allan, I the Undersigned do give up all right and title to the same, and hereby nominate and appoint Mr. William Allan, or any Person he may employ to make Collections and give Receipts on account of said Firm.
John Allan.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.


On Wednesday the 10th inst. at the Vendue Office, - 100 pieces of fine and coarse Irish linens, beef, pork, a curricle and gig with harness complete, &c. &c.
August 6th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 10th inst. at the Pottery of the late Wm. Allanby, M.D. by order of the Honble. F. C. Loncke, qq. the Estate of Joseph Walcott deceased, - from 10 to 12 head of cattle, several horses, among which is a capital saddle mare, &c. &c.
August 6th. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 18th August will be exposed for sale by order of Colin Douglas and John McPherson, Esqrs. Executors to Alexr. McNabb, Esq. deceased, the lease of a piece of land with the buildings thereon, situated in American street, front of Plantation Vlessengen, a house 57 feet long by 24, at present occupied by G. L. Davis & Co. and miss Sally Allen, a house 28 feet long by 20, with a range of stores to suit the same, kitchen, stables, &c. at present occupied by Hugh Douglas. At the same time, household furniture, four 4-pounders, &c. &c.
July 30th. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue did not appear in the July 30 issue]

On Friday the 19th August [see 18080723EDRG] . . .
On the same day, negro jackets, trowsers, and hats, 1 trunk hosiery, saddles and bridles, sugar skimmers and ladles, boat cables, 4d, 6d, 8d, 10d and 20d nails, &c. &c.
July 23d. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 22d inst. at the store of messrs. C. & J. Ryan, near the American Stelling, - prime Irish provisions, Plantation stores, soap, candles, and a general assortment of dry goods.
August 6th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 23d August will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office by order of Gilbert Robertson and R. McLeod, Esqrs. Executors to James Munroe deceased, - 8 prime young carpenter negroes. Also on the same day by order of Hugh McKenzie, Esq. 12 seasoned negroes who have been accustomed to work in the field, a schooner boat 2 years and 1/2 old, 37 feet keely by 13 1/2 beam, strong built of the best materials and in complete order, with patent canvas sails, not 2 months old, she may be seen by applying at the store of messrs. Hugh McKenzie & Co. Robb's Town.
July 30th. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue did not appear in the July 30 issue]

On Monday the 29th inst. at the house of mr. R. Tapers, Mahaica Ferry, will be sold by order of mr. John Barnwell qq. (at six months credit,) cotton bagging, dry goods, ironmongery, &c. as also milch cows, oxen, and heifers, saddle and draught horses, and 10 seasoned field negroes, men and women, sold for no fault, but to arrange and settle the affairs of a Gentlemen quiting [sic] the Colony.
August 6th. Robert Kingston.

FOR SALE. [heading]
A New Schooner Boat, 40 feet keel, just launched and made of the best materials, Rigging &c. all new and complete. She is extremely well calculated for a Plantation Boat and will be Sold for less than she could be built and time given if requisite, to an approved Purchaser. Also a second-hand Boat, two years old, and nearly the same size. Apply to
John Madden.
Demerary, 6th August 1808.

M [sic - no period] Franks finds it requisite - by this to inform the Public, that he is not now transacting Mrs. Ward's Business, - least there might, or may be, any thing said injurious to his Character, undeserving by Mrs. Ward, of whom, he is in defiance for such, - and must also say that to this period he cannot get a settlement, with her, and that it appears to be her intention never to settle, but rather inclined to a Suit at Law, - he points out to such as may undertake her transactions in future, to be aware, and not to take her explanations verbally, for he has found deceit in such.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

Absented frem the Subscriber on the Evening of the 24th instant, a Negro Woman named Mary, about 20 years old, has three gashes on each cheek being her Country marks, is well known about the Town of Cumingsburg. One Joe reward above the common Fees for taking up Absentees will be given to any Person that will lodge her in the Barracks or deliver her to Mr. Thomas Allboy. Reece Bradshaw.
Essequebo, 30th July, 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 6th August, 1808.



Brought by





Mrs. A. Lerts,

H. Fazy.


Pl: Bel Air,



R. Benny,

Pl Groot Diamand.


Wm. King,

Pl: La Penitentie.


Van Thol,

Betsey Steel.



Pl: Edenburg.



Valz Negroes.



Pl: Velzehooft.



Van der Haas.



Vessers Negroes.


Kitty Johnson,


A New Negro,


C. De Wever.



Pl: Hatfield.



Pl: Planters Hall.



G. M. Forrester.



Pl: Best.



Pl: Beter Hoop.




S. G. Martens, Drossart.

The Gentleman of the Committee for the Relief of the Sufferers at Trinidad are most earnestly requested to meet at the Union Coffee House on Wednesday next, the 10th inst., at 11 o'Clock, to consider of the means of putting into Execution the request of the Gentlemen of the Committee at Trinidad, by investing the Amount of the Subscription here, in House-Frames and Building Materials, to be sent to that Colony, and to learn from the Treasurer the Sums received and state of the Accounts.
Jos: Beete, Chairman.
The attendance of such Gentlemen Subscribers as it may suit will be esteemed a great Favour.
Demerary, 6th August 1808.
Amount of Subscriptions already published f 23,458.
G. R. . . . . . . . . . 44.
S. Eburne, . . . . . 110.
J. W. Thomas . . . . 110.
--- Benoit, . . . . . 66.
Robert Ridley . . . . 220.
Charles Ridley . . . 66.
Q.Q. . . . . . . . . . 150.

FOR LONDON [heading]
The Brig Atlas, Wm. Hill Master, will positively sail with the October Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
New-Town, 6th August 1808.

All Those who have entrusted any Papers in the hands of the Councellor at Law, LaMaison, either to be defended or to be Sued for, and in which suits he has partly proceeded in, and by the departure of said Councellor at Law being put in the hands of the Attorney at Law Cantzlaar JZ. are hereby once more desired to call for their Papers at the Office of the said Attorney at Law Cantzlaar JZ. in the course of 14 days, or to empower him to proceed accordingly. Whereas after the expiration of such time, he will be obliged to deposit such Papers at the Secretary's Office
Hugo Cantzlaar, JZ.
Attorney at Law.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

Een yder welke Eenige Zaken ter Dagvaarding of ter Defensie aan den Advocaat LaMaison heest in handen gegeven, en welke Zaken ten deelen door deen Advocaat by zyn vertrek, uyt dese Colony, in handen van de Procureur Cantzlaar J.Z. zyn gesteld, word by deze nogmaals vriendelyk versocht, desselfs Papieren by de Procureur Cantzlaar JZ ten zyner Comptoire te komen afhalen, binne den tyd van veertien daagen, ofte wel dezelve behoorlyk in staat te stellen in die Zaken te konne voortgaan, zullende anders na verloop van die tyd, dezelve ter Secretary moeten deponeeren.
Demerary den 6 Augustus 1808.
Hugo Cantzlaar JZ, Procr.

All Those whom might have any demands against the Buildings and Premises situated in Ruysch Sreet [sic] in the front of Plantation Vlissengen, belonging to Hugo Cantzlaar JZ. be it for Building materials or other Articles, are desired to render their Accounts for Payment at his House in the space of fourteen days.
Hugo Cantzlaar, JZ.
Demerary, 6th August, 1808.

Allen de geene welke iets te pretendeeren van de Huyzing en Erve geleegen in Ruysch-Straat, op de voorgrond van Plantagie Vlessingen, en toebehoorende Hugo Cantzlaar J.Z., 't zy wegen leverantie van Bouwstoffen als andersins, worden verzogt hune Reekeninge in te senden, en betaling te komen ontsangen, ten zyner Huize, binnen de tyd van veertien daagen.
Hugo Cantzlaar, J.Z.
Demerary den 6 Augustus 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
A Young Negro Woman, who is a Washer and has for some time been accustomed to do different offices in a House. For further particulars apply at the Office of this Paper.
Demerary, August 6th, 1808.

Just Imported and For Sale by the Undersigned, -
[first column]
Schiedam Gin in cases,
Dutch tobacco and long pipes,
Fine salt in flour barrels,
[second column]
Sweet oil in flasks,
Mackrel and Salmon,
Rice in tierces,
Beef, Pork, Butter, &c.
[end columns]
J. C. H. Kuster,
Charles-Town, 6th August, 1808.

The second Mail for June was brought here on Tuesday Evening, . . . [Transcriber's note: European news not transcribed]

It appears that the Bellette has captured a French schooner Le Rapide, which had been dispatched from Bayonne, by Bonaparte, to Captain-General Ernouf at Guadeloupe, with dispatches relative to the important changes which have lately taken place in Spain, but which she threw over board during the chace. The French sloop Phoenix which lately arrived in Barbados, from Cayenne as a Cartel, excited strong suspicions, respecting the purpose of her journey; - the strict search was made on board her, when the Duplicates of the dispatches, (thrown over board by Le Rapide) were found concealed in a Bread barrel. The Captain had been sent to England as well as a Mr. Bouron, who was charged with the dispatches, where, no doubt, they will be treated in the manner they deserve for having violated the Cartel flag.

The Savage sloop of war brings a disagreeable account of an insurrection having taken place in Jamaica, by the 2d W. I. Regiment, by which Lieutenant and Adjutant Ellis lost his life in attempting to quell the disturbance - being knocked off his Horse and instantly Bayonetted on the spot; - and we are extremely sorry to add that Major Darley shared the same fate, nor were they overcome untill a great number of them were shot, several escaped into the woods but were soon all taken or destroyed. The only pretence for grievance which they had, was that they were too frequently drilled, and that they wished to return to their own Country.

There has been a dreadful Fire at Falmouth, Montego Bay, Jamaica, on the night of 24th May, by which there has been an immense number of Houses destroyed and very considerable property lost by this accident.
The same account mentions the capture of the French National brg Grisson, of fourteen 24-pounders, a 12lb. cohorn and 2 long 6's - By His Majesty's ship Bacchante of 20 guns, Captain Inglefield.
The Grisson had 105 men on board - and had 6 wounded. - The Bacchante sustained very slight damage in her Rigging.

The Bacchus schooner, Lieutenant Malbon, sailed on Tuesday last with a flag of truce to the Oronoque. Mr. Theos: Williams accompanied Messrs. Waterton and Edmonston, and we understand his name was also inserted in the Commission.

Died] - On Thursday last, Mr. William Mitchell.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Schr. Dolphin, Capt. Riley, from Surinam.
----- Fame, Capt. Tynes, ---- Barbados.

CLEARED - None. [heading]


June 8.] - Dispatches were received yesterday by Mr. Pinckney. - They were brought by a vessel called the St. Michael. - She sailed from America the fifth of May, with two Messengers, one of whom she landed at L'Orient, charged with dispatches for General Armstrong at Paris; and the other is said to have been put on board the Dragon sloop, who landed him in this country. - The nature of the dispatches has not transpired; but they are believed to be pacific. - We have long been of opinion that there was no likelihood of war between this Country and the United States.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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