Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 August 20

Vol. III.)


(No. 138.

Saturday, August 20th, 1808.

By Command of the Honble: Court of Policy of Essequebo and Demerary, Notice is hereby given that in future strict attention shall be paid to the examining of the Passes of Negroes selling Plantains at the Water-side, in the Town of Stabroek and its Precincts, - and that all Negroes who shall be found so to sell Plantains without a Pass from their Owners or Managers, specifying the name of the Estate they came from and the Quantity of bunches Plantains entrusted to their charge, shall be carried before the Fiscaal, who, according to circumstances, will order the Plantains brought for Sale without such Pass, to be seized and forfeited for the use of the Dieners.
Court-House, Stabroek, Demerary, 20th August 1808.
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Op last van den Edel Achtb: Hove van Politie van Essequebo en Demerary, word mits deezen geadverteerd dat in 't vervolg de Passen van Negers Bannanen aan de Waterkant in de Hoofdplaats Stabroek en deszelfs environs verkoopende, nauwkeuring geexamineerd zullen worden; en dat alle Negers welke bevonden zullen worden aldus Bannenen te verkoopen zonder voorzien te zyn van Passen van hunne Meesters of Directeurs specifieerende de naam der Plantagie van waar zy komen en het getal der Bosschen Bannannen die hen ter verkoop zyn toevertrouwd, voor den Heer Fiscaal gebragt zullen worden, die naa omstandigheden de aldus ter verkoop gebragte Bannanen ten gebruike der Gerechtdienaars zal doen aanhouden en wegneemen.
Raadhuis, Stabroek, Demerary, 20 August 1808.

To Be Contracted For [heading]
The Making of a New Bridge over Hobabo Creek on the West-Bank of Demerary River. Tenders for that Work may be given in at the Secretary's Office in Stabroek, before the 14th September next, on which day they will be opened, examined and determined on by the Honble: Thomas Cuming, Member of the Court of Policy, and the Honble: F. C. Loncke and Mr. J. Jones, Waywardens of the District, who are appointed a Committee for the above purpose.
N.B. A list of the Quantity and dimensions of the Timber wanted, may be seen at the Secretary's Office, after the 1st of September next.
Court-House, Stabroek, 20th August 1808.
P. F. Tinne, Dy: Secty.

CASH WANTED, [heading]
For His Majesty's Service. [heading]
For the following Bills of Exchange drawn on the Right Honorable the Pay-masters General of His Majesty's Forces, to the amount of One Thousand Pounds Sterling, viz.-
No 191 . . . . . . £ 300.
192 . . . . . . . 300.
193 . . . . . . . 400.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office untill Thursday the 25th inst. at 10 o'Clock in the morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and if approved accepted.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Res: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 20th August, 1808.

he Creditors of the late Surgeon Thomas Whimper, of the 1st Battalion of the Royals, who have given in their Claims, are requested to attend at Mr. Sneath's Quarters on Monday the 22d Instant, between the Hours of ten and twelve o'Clock, to receive a Dividend in Part of their Claims.
Thos: Sneath,
Quarter-Master the Royals.
Camp, 20th August 1808.

Some few Members of the Society Eendragt having neglected to pay up the arrears of their Accounts, notwithstanding several applications to that effect: - notice is hereby given that unless the balances due are paid before the 29th inst. their names with the amount they owe shall be published in the Colonial Gazettes, and afterwards shall be Sued for.
Either of the Undersigned or R. B. Daly, Esq. will receive and grant receipts for any payments on account of the Society.
C. Macrae, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Commissaries.']
J. J. Kotwyk,
Demerary, 20th August, 1808.

G. L. Davis & Co. [heading]
Druggists. [heading]
Have just imported a large assortment of Fresh Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Spices, Stationary, &c. &c.
which they offer for Sale at their House in the New-Town, (formerly the Property of Alex: McNabb deceased and opposite to James Robertson Esq.) for immediate Payment or to their Punctual Customers, -
amongst them are [centered]
Yellow and pale bark of the best quality, aether, camphor, opium, calomell, camomile flowers, isinglass, cream of tartar, magnesia, rhubarb, salt nitre, cantharides, myrrh, Hoffman's anodyne, spirits of nitre, vitriol, hartshorn and lavender, sarsaparilla and mazerian, Anderson's and antibilious pills, Cundels' balsam, Freake's tincture of bark, Henry's, Glasses' and Dalmahoy's magnesia, Gowland's lotion, James's powders, Spilbury's drops, essence mustard, Solomon's balsom [sic] of gilead, Steers' opedeldoc, Ruspines' styptic, Golding's lavender and honey water, milk of roses, hair powder and pomatum, Windsor soap, tooth and shaving brushes, paper of various kinds, penknives, lancets and scissars, durable ink, quills, pencils, ink powder, elastic steel bandages, &c. &c.
Also, [centered]
Best Hyson tea, refined sugar, pearl barley, sago, tapioca, black pepper, white candy, shoe blacking, bubbles and proof vials, spirits turpentine, sweet oil, Madeira, Port, Tent and Canary wines, and a great variety of other articles.
They will be particularly thankful to such of their friends as have not come forward with Payment of their Accounts for the years 1805, 1806 and 1807 to do so, so as to enable them to discharge the demands against them.
Demerary, 20th August, 1808.

Mrs. Buin respectfully informs her Friends and the Public in general, that she has engaged Mr. Pieck as Music-Master for her School, and doubts not that he will give Satisfaction. He teaches the Piano-Forte, Vocal Music, the Violin and Guitar.
Demerary, August 20th 1808.

TO BE LET. [heading]
The House in Cumingsburg formerly Occupied by Mrs: Beaujon and lately by H. Tulloh Esq. For particulars apply to the Subscriber.
John Waddell.
Demerary, 20th August 1808.

The Subscriber offers for Sale Two Negroes, viz: -
Tom - House Servant and Butler, who lived 7 years in the above Capacities with Mr. C. D. Forrester, late of this Colony, and is warranted to be completely master of his Business. - Price f 2000 Cash.
Cibby - Washer and Ironer, a stout young Woman. - Price f 1500.
N.B. The above Slaves are in perfect health and without fault.
G. M. Forrester.
Stabroek, 20th August 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
John Henry Pollard, in 14 days. August 17th.
Mrs. Rebecca Tapers, in ditto. 19th August.
Comfort Eames, in ditto. do.
Alexr. Fraser in all the month of August. July 29.
Madm: V. Coulange, in 2 months from 22d July.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Alle de geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van de Boedel van wylen Joseph Walcott, worden mits deezen [illegible] naam en van wegen don WelEdele Gestrenge Heer F. C. Loncke, Executeur Testamentair ten gemelde Boedel, verzogt daarvan zoo spoedig mogely opgaave te doen aan den Heer G. C. Schot, beEedigd Boekhouder, woonende op de Middeldam in Stabroek, die met het opmaaken der Boeken van gem: Boedel belast is,
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, den 12 August 1808.
C. T. Tinne, Eerste Clerk.
[Transriber's note: not found in earlier issues]

Wordt mits deezen geadverteerd dat ter aanstaande Commissariaale Vergadering in de Maand September eerstkoomende zal worden gepasseerd, als volgt, - [see 18080813EDRG] . . .
Door E. H. Eberhardie qq en prive, Transport van de Concessie No 31, op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Werk & Rust, aan H. C. Evertsz.
Door Colin Macrae en C. M. Overweg q q. de Boedel wylen F. Kroll Transporteeren een Lot of Concessie Lands geleegen in het Canaal No 3, bekend by de naam van Sans-Souice, aan Nichs. Rousselet.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 12 Augustus, 1808. In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, Eerste Clercq.

[Transcriber's note: compare with 18080813EDRG – arrangement changes and there are some changes]
By Authority obtained, I the Undersigned First Marshal of this Colony, will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale in presence of the Councellor Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 6th of September next: -
1st. - In behalf of John Wilson Executor to the Estate of Joseph Prowell versus James Knight & Co. the Concession or Lot No. 13 situated in Cumingsburg, with the Logie thereon, long 22 feet by 16 feet broad, with two gallerys, a side building 38 by 15 feet, and a necessary.
2d. - In behalf of Kent & Leslie holders of the Action of A. Simpson and Ths: Riding versus Chs: De Beausobre, the Woodland situated on the south side of Madewine Creek, whereon a House for sawing Timber, about 60 feet long by 25 feet broad, 1 1/2 story high, covered with Wallaba Shingles; a hardwood side building partly brick walled, containing a steam engine working the saws in the former building; a Dwelling house all of hardwood, 1 1/2 story high, 40 feet by 20, one building about 20 feet square serving for a smith's shop, one ditto smaller, and two punts.
3d - J. Lyon & Co. versus J. Tipper, a certain Concession of Land situated in Cumingsburg, known under No 259, with the thereon standing Dwelling House long 30 feet by 20, one and half story high.
4th. - In behalf of E. McSwiney, versus J. W. Jones, a quantity of Ironmongery and Earthen Ware, Inventory of which can daily be seen at the Marshall's Office, (Sundays excepted) it being too great a quantity to specify each article
5th. - In behalf of Joseph Hill versus John Kent, such portion as belongs to him in a certain Concession and Building situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust, adjoining the South Canal of Stabroek, with the thereon standing Dwelling House of two stories high, long 36 by 24 feet wide, one side building of very little value, and a Cooper's Logie about 60 feet long by 30 wide, with the railings belonging to it, at present occupied by said J. Kent.
6th. - In behalf of Hy. Tulloh and N. Rousselet versus John Hillman, a certain Concession No 24 in Cumingsburg, with a Dwelling house 30 feet by 28, with gallerys, one story high, also a side building and kitchen, at present occupied by said J. Hillman.
Whoever may pretend to have a right to oppose either of the above Sales, will address themselves in Writing at the Marshal's Office according to Law, and those inclined to Purchase please attend on the Day and Place before-mentioned.
Actum Demerary, 12th August, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


On Thursday the 25th inst. at the stores of the late Firm of McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, - Newfoundland Fish in cases of ten and four quintals each, just imported in the Brig Indiana, Captain Wallace.
August 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the 29th [sic - no comma] 30th and 31st inst. at the stores of the late Firm of McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, the remaining stock of goods consisting of - cotton and coffee bagging, canvas, cordage, anchors and grapnels, mast hoops and hanks, saddlery, tin ware, negro cloathing, carpenters' tools, hoes, cutlasses, 4 new sophas, mattresses with bolsters and pillows, old port wine, a butt of choice old Madeira wine, Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter casks, oats in puncheons, sets chaise harness, do. with tandum harness, light carts with harness, mould candles, tallow, checks and stripes, Irish diaper, brown holland, cotton shirting, ginghams, thread, tape and bobin [sic], table cloths of different sizes, Irish linen, and sheeting, printed calicoes, &c. &c.
August 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 9th September, at the Vendue Office, - Nine Negroes belonging to the late Firm of James Lyon & Co. amongst whom are Cooks, Bakers, Seamstresses, Washers and House Servants, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 20th. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 19th September, at the Vendue Office, - a gang of Negroes consisting of 64 prime seasoned people, lately belonging to the Boedel of F. Kroll deceased.
August 20th. Robert Kingston.

The Brig Indiana, Captain Wallace, arrived here on Wednesday last from Cork and Glasgow with Salt Fish to the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, but brings no European news later than what we have already laid before our readers.

The Schooner Zephyr arrived in Berbice from Barbados, from whence she brings Papers of the 2d and 3d inst. which contain London news five Days later than the Packet.

The Ship Susanna arrived in Barbados on the 30th ult. in 35 Days from Liverpool; - on her Passage she spoke two American Vessels, the Ontorio [sic] and Gosport, bound to England from Opporto, which reported that a general rising of the Portuguese, aided by the Spanish Troops had taken place on the 20th of June, and that the few French Troops which remained after the massacre, were thrown into Prison, and that on 21st 20,000 men marched towards Lisbon, to extirpate the French from the Country, in which they are become truly odious.

At the time the above Vessels left Opporto a report was current, that Joseph Bonaparte, on his way to Madrid had been defeated and killed, by a party of Patriots, and that Napoleon himself had been wounded, and had narrowly escaped being made Prisoner. The above closely corroborates the accounts brought by the Flying Fish from off Cadiz.
This morning we have been favored with a Barbados Paper of the 6th inst. also by way of Berbice - By which it appears that the Rook Schooner had arrived in the West Indies express from Plymouth. . . .

An account from the Island of St. Thomas, says that a Spanish Felucca had arrived at Porto Rico, from Cadiz, with advices of the most amicable disposition towards the Britsh. She was convoyed as far as the Canaries by a British frigate.

The Active of Bristol has had a smart action with, and beat off a stout French Privateer to Windward of Trinidad - Mr. J. L. Forrester we understand was on board. The Active was destined here from Halifax, but fell to Leeward and is arrived in Trinidad with considerable damage.

The Brig Margaret, Holmes, destined for this Port arrived in Trinidad on the 29th ult.

A French Privateer has made her appearance off the Coast in the course of last weest [sic], she has captured the Boat belonging to Evergreen Plantation, and on Thursday evening attacked the Boat of F. C. Otto Esq. on her way hither from Berbice. - She has much the appearance of a Drogher, and is full of men. However as the Laura, the Bacchus and Skipjack are all out, we may hope soon to see her brought in here. - She discharged a deal of musquetry at Mr. Otto's Boat. She has two bow guns and one on her larboard quarter.

The Boat which we mentioned last week, as having sunk, has been got up and is safe in Berbice. The people who floated away on the boom and hatch, were picked up.

Died] - On Tuesday last, in Berbice, Doctor A. B. Morris.
At Mahaica, Mr. John Spooner.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Schooner Matilda, C. Brown, from Surinam.
Brig Indian, A. Wallace, Cork & Madeira.

CLEARED [heading]
Ship Demerary, Capt. P. Inglis, for Liverpool.
Ship Bellisle, W. Gemmill, ditto.
Schooner Fame, J. Tynes, Barbados.
Ship Sir Edward Pellew, Wm. Orr, Grenock [sic].

Newfoundland Cod Fish [heading]
In Casks of ten and four Quintals each, just Imported in the Brig Indiana, Captain Wallace, and for Sale for Cash, at the Stores of the late Firm of
McInroy, Sandbach & McBean.
N.B: What remains unsold the 25th Instant will that day be disposed of by Public Sale.
Demerary, 20th August 1808.

Aangebragt van Surinaamen de Onderstaande Goederen, en te Koop by den Ondergeteekende, viz: -
[first column]
Hollands Geneever in kelders, kanneties en pypen,
Brandewyn in dito,
Brown stout in vaaten,
Madeira Wyn,
Wyn azyn,
Olieves, Zoete Oly,
Brood Zuyker,
Tongen in vaatjes,
Spek in dito,
Zout Vlees do.
Zalm do.
[second column]
mackerel do.
Durham mosterd,
Geassorteerde Peekels,
Zwarte Peeper,
Rook Tabak,
Hollands lange Pypen,
Neeger dito,
Vaaten Zout, mantie do.
Kaarsen, Zeep,
Harlem Bont,
Vries dito,
Geassorteerde Drooge Goederen,
Jewellereyen, &c. &c.
[end columns]
De Boer & Breet.
Demerary, 20 Augustus 1808.

Any Person or Persons having any Demands against the Estate of Saml. Chandler, deceased, are requested to give in the same to the Underwritten on Plantation Three Friends, West-Coast of Essequebo.
August 20th. Rd: Hinkson, q q.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony early in the month of October, requests of every one owing him in his Privy, as well as to the Estate of Hugh Jacks deceased, to come forward and make Payments of their respective Accounts, otherwise after that period without respect to Persons the Accounts will be put into the hands of a Lawyer to enforce Payment.
Benjamin Emtage.
Demerary, 20th August, 1808.

J [sic - no period] Conner most respectfully informs the Public that he has commenced the Blacksmith, Coppersmith and Plumbing Business in the Shop formerly occupied by Mr. G. Craig, close to Robb's Stelling, and hopes by the moderate charges and strict attention to merit the favour of the Public.
Demerary, 20th August, 1808.

Runaway from the Subscriber on Tuesday night last, a Negro man named Begin, formerly the Property of A. De Jongh. - Whoever will apprehend and deliver him to the Subscriber or in the Barracks shall be Rewarded. All Persons are forbid harbouring said Negro as the Law will be put in force against such offenders.
Tom George Cumings.
Cemerary [sic], 20th August 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 20th August, 1808.



Brought by





Pl: Bel Air,



R. Benny,

Pl Groot Diamand.


Wm. King,

Pl: La Penitentie.


Van Thol,

Betsey Steel.



Pl: Edenburg.



Pl: Velzehooft.



Vessers Negroes.


Kitty Johnson,




Pl: Planters Hall.



G. M. Forrester.



Pl: Beter Hoop.


Pl. Couary,

Pl. Zulugt.



W. Jelles.



Pl. Jonge Rachel.



Pl. Grove.



Pl. Elizabet Hall.



Pl. Friendship.

A New Negro.


Pl. Meerzorg.




A New Negro,


Pl. Schoonoord.



Pl. La Penitence.




S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

[No Supplement]

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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