Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 September 10

Vol. III.)


(No. 141.

Saturday, September 10th, 1808.

[Transcriber's note: microfilm very illegible (dark) – many items transcribed from issue of 18080910EDRG, but placed in proper order here from what is discernible]

Whereas it has again happened, that on the Proclamation of the Honorable P. C. Ouckama Commandeur ad Intm: of this Colony, dated the 9th May 1808, desiring all Inhabitants entitled to Vote for a Kiezer or Elector, and a Finantial [sic] Representative in the stead of Robt: Gordon, Esq. gone to Europe, to send their Votes in Writing at the Commandement's [sic] Secretary's Office of the said Colony, from that day to the 4th of July last, (Sundays only excepted) no Votes have been sent to this moment, although the said Proclamation was duly sent round from Plantation to Plantation, written both in the English and Dutch Languages, and signed by almost every Planter within this Jurisdiction, who therefore cannot plead ignorance thereof, - I HEREBY NOTIFY, by order of the Honorable Commandeur, that, should the Inhabitants still neglect, or not choose to send their Votes as aforesaid, from this day to the 1st October next inclusive, they shall then be considered as having wilfully [sic] relinquished their right of Voting for such Elections, and due application shall be made in consequence to His Excellency the Governor, and such measures adopted for filling the said Vacancies, as will be deemed expedient.
Fort Island Essequebo, this 3d September 1808.
F. Schepens,
Commandt: Secty.

BUILDING LIME, [heading]
FOR SALE BY [heading]
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 10th September, 1808.

For Sale by the Subscriber: [heading]
Real Hollands Gin and Cogniac Brandy, per gallon, superior Madeira Wine, true Bordeau Claret and old Port Wine per dozen.
Robert Marshall.
Demerary, 10th September, 1808.

The Subscriber requests all those who have demands against him will have the goodness to send in their Accounts in the course of the ensuing week, addressed to him at the House of Messrs: Garden, Dickson & Co. Cumingburg; and attend a meeting to be held there on Tuesday 20th curret.
Wm: Robertson.
Leguan, 10th September, 1808.

The Subscribers Gives Notice that there
are in the Store,
6 puncheons Pale Ale marked I Mc
4 tierces bottled Porter do.
and 9 hhds. draught Porter do.
which were landed from the Ship Fanny, Capt. Graham, from London in April last, and which have never been applied for; if they are not claimed in three weeks from this date, they will then be Sold at Public Auction for the benefit of the parties concerned.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 10th September 1808.

The Subscriber hereby requests all Persons having claims against the Estate of John Slorah deceased, to come forward with the same within three weeks from date; as also that thase indebted thereto will make immediate Payment in order that the deceased's affairs may be brought to a speedy liquidation.
He offers for Sale or Hire, the House and 1-2 Lot in Cumingsburg, with Kitchen, Necessary, and a fine Garden neatly railed in, and in every respect convenient for a small famil. For further particulars apply to
Rk: Young, Executor.
Cumingsburg, 10th September, 1808.

The Ship Ariadne, Allan Stevenson, Master, will positively sail with the October Convoy. For Freight or Passage apply to
Garden, Dickson & Co.
Cumingsburg, 10th September 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
The Plantation SOPHIA. [heading]
The Undersigned as being appointed by the Honble: Court of Justice, Executors to the Estate of the late F. Kroll Esq. deced. (the Attorney for the Heirs being known in this Colony) shall expose at Public Vendue, on Wednesday the 11th January 1809, on acceptable terms, with the Consent of the Creditors of said Estate, the Plantation Sophia, situate on the East Coast of Demerary, between Plantation Bel-Air, on the West side, and Plantation Leeliendaal, on the East side, planted with 128,870 fine bearing Coffee Trees and 58,000 Cotton Trees, more or less, together with a number of 122 Slaves, also the Buildings and other dependencies and appurtenances of said Plantation, as per Inventory, Prisation [sic] and Conditions of Sale to be seen on the Estate, (where the Vendue shall take place on the abovementioned day) and at the Vendue Office.
C. M. Overweg, qq. for self and
Colin Macrae, q q.
Demerary, 10th September 1808.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Subscriber is at Mr. James Greenwood's, Werk & Rust
A. Simpson, Bricklayer.
Demerary, 10th September, 1808.

The Subscriber's Residence is at his House Werk & Rust, close to the third Bridge, on the South Canal of Stabroek.
James Lyon.
Demerary, 10th September, 1808.

Lost on Saturday last, a gold Breast Pin, made in the form of a Square and Compass. Whoever may have found the same and will return it to the Subscriber, shall receive Four Dollars Reward.
Ary De Jowngh.
Demerary, 10th September, 1808.

J. Hicks acquants all Persons concerned that he is no longer a Commissary for Kingston. John Campbell, James Hunter and Alexander Junor being appointed to act for the current Year at the annual meeting the first Monday in September, viz: 5th inst.
Kingston, 10th Septbr. 1808.


By Authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, will Expose and Sell at Marshal's Sale in presence of the Honble. Councellor Commissaries and their Secretary at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on Tuesday the 4th day of October next.
1st. - In behalf of H. Haazeman and Js. Tipper versus H. Fasy, a piece of Land situated on the front of Plantation Zwaanen Schutz on the West Bank of this River, with the thereon standing Buildings, containing a Dwelling house of Colony wood, long 30 by 18 feet, boarded with American boards, and covered with wallaba shingles; one Dwelling house at present occupied by Appleboom, of Colony wood, long 30 by 22 feet, boarded and shingled as the first; a horse stable of Colony wood, 80 by 40 feet, boarded with Colony boards; one sterling [sic - stelling] of hard wood, long 180 feet by 25 feet wide; a negro house 60 feet long, boarded with boards and covered with troely leaves; a uncompleted loge [sic] shingled, in which are about 6000 feet Colony boards; a kitchen, a side building serving for store house, and a necessary.
2d. - In behalf of J. J. Berteling and A. Jelleba versus W. Walraven, a certain Concession situated in Cumingsburg, known under No 317, with the thereon standing Dwelling house, long about 24 feet by 18 feet wide; also a necessary.
3d. - In behalf of Bentinck & Bollers versus the Estate of G. Howard deceased, the Buildings which are standing on the Concession of Judith Cuming in Cumingsburg, for breaking off, a Dwelling house about 30 feet long by 20 feet wide; a side building serving for kitchen, negro house, &c. and a necessary. [Transcriber's note: this item removed in issue of September 17th; the next item becomes the 3d. and there is an additional item.]
4th. - In behalf of D. McLachlan versus Mina De Young, the half Concession No 203, situated in Cumingsburg, with the thereon standing Dwelling House about 30 feet long by 18 feet wide, of one and a half story high, on posts of 7 feet long.
Whoever may pretend to have a right to oppose either of the above Sales, will address themselves in Writing at the Marshal's Office according to Law, and those inclined to Purchase please attend on the day and place above-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 10th September, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


On Friday the 16th inst. at the Vendue Office, by order of Samuel Challoner, Esq. qq. the following pretensions belonging to the Estate of Thomas Carter deceased, viz: -
B. Thomas & Co's Obligation for £ 33 6 10 stg.
Isaac Woodman's Obligation for f 441 H.C.
J. E. Whitehall's Obligation in favor of W. Gibson & by him endrsd. f 2500 H.C.
Benj. Thomas & Co's Good 70 5 do.
Thomas Carter's Sworn Account against Bart. Day's Estate, 2555 5 3 do.
Thomas Collier's Order on Mrs. James f 52 do.
Paul Smith's Order on Th. Bellot f 93 do.
On the same day, a general assortment of ironmongery, jewellery, Irish prime mess pork in barrels, oatmeal in kegs, cotton and coffee bagging, printed calicoes, blue and black coat patterns, &c. &c.
September 10th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 20th inst. at the store of T. T. Thompson, Esq. - whole and half barrels of beef and pork, tar, rosin, white beans, tripe in kegs and half barrels, paint and lamp oil in jugs, soap, corn meal, Madeira old wine, claret in cases, white oak shooks with heading, &c. &c.
September 10th. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 23d inst. [see 18080903EDRG] . . .
Also on the same day, by order of Hugo Cantzlaar, Esq. a piece of land part of Lot No 66 with the buildings thereon, situated in Stabroek, fronting the Brick Dam.
September 3d. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday and Thursday the 5th and 6th October on Plantation Good Hope in Mahaica, by order of Samuel Challoner Executor, and Benj. Teyssen qq. Eliza Knap Executrix of Joseph Lewcas deceased, - fifty-seven seasoned negroes, men, women and children, payable at six months.
Also, the Southward one half of the above-mentioned Plantation, supposed to contain 150 acres (a transport however will be given for 125 acres only) with all the appurtenances belonging thereto, payable in four equal and annual payments, with the usual interest on the capital.
N.B. The land is excellent for Plantains, as well as Cotton.
September 10th. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: this Vendue gets re-scheduled to 19, 20 and 21 December (see 18081001EDRG)]

The Ariadne, Captain Stephenson, arrived last night in 52 Days from Glasgow, which Port she left on the 21st of July, and brings London News up to the 14th of that month inclusive, . . .

On the 6th of July last the average Price of Sugar was thirty-nine shillings & ten pence half penny per cwt. exclusive of Duties.

A Schooner arrived here on Wednesday, with three hundred and forty barrels of Flour from New Brunswick; we understand that the whole of her Cargo has been purchased for Government.

Two American Brigs also arrived yesterday, the one in Ballast, the other is loaded with Lumber &c. on account of a licence granted to her for that purpose. The Embargo in America is still observed in the most rigorous manner, - and we observe an order in one of the American Papers, with which we have been favored, that no Permission will be granted any Vessel to depart for a foreign Port after the 13th day of August last.

An American Paper of the 2d of August contains a Declaration of War against France by the Marquis of [illegible], Governor of the Havannah, dated July 17th, 1808, in which he calls upon his Countrymen in the most feeling and [illegible] manner, to take up arms against the Tyrant of Europe and to defend the cause of their [illegible] Sovereign Ferdinand the [illegible].

On Monday last His Majesty's Brig Belette, of 18 guns, Captain Saunders, arrived here with a prize - the French Privateer Schooner La Confiance, carrying six 9-pounders and one long 12, working on a traverse; commanded by Mons. Gemere, and had a compliment of 76 men. She is from Guadaloupe, and has been one of the most fortunate of any from that Island, having been employed as a Privateer since the year 1800 - and from first to last has captured one hundred and twenty-five Vessels. - She was lately very completely refitted in New York. On the 7th of July she captured the Brig Speedy, Captain Busby, on her passage from Surinam to Halifax, - and on the 23d she captured the Schooner Louisa, Capt. Furnace, from Portsmouth to Barbados, within 50 leagues of that Island. - The Belette taking in water on the 22d ultimo at the Devils Islands near Cayenne, was observed by La Confiance, who got down opposite to Madwyn River, - the Belette preserving an appearance as much as possible of a Merchantman and came to anchor, not far from the Privateer, when weighing anchor and putting to Sea, La Confiance followed, when after a short time the Brig put about and gave chase, soon came up with and captured her, after firing some musquetry into her. She struck her Colours without firing a shot.

On Wednesday Afternoon His Majesty's Brig Savage, Captain Maurice, arrived here from Berbice. His Excellency Brigadier-General Montgomerie came Passenger on board her. We understand that His Excellency is shortly expected to go to Dominique as Civil Governor of that Island.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Schr. Jane, Capt. J. Belding, from Halifax.
----- Success, Chs. Smith, New Brunswick.
Brig William, Jas. Hurst. Berbice.
Ship Ariadne, A. Stephenson, Greenock.
Brig Comet, R. Fenner, Rhode Island.
Brig Ann & Francis, H. Jekways [sic], New York.

CLEARED [heading]
Schooner Blonde, Capt. John Hunt, for Surinam.

Errata in our last. [heading]
In adjusting the advertisements for Execution Sales we inserted the 13th inst. in place of the 6th for the sale of Plantation Calcutta, as well as the other Properties advertised for sale on the same date, - Presuming that the sale of Calcutta was deferred as well as the rest, but which does not appear to have been the intention, as we understand the said Estate was sold on the 6th instant.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 10th September, 1808.



Brought by





Pl. Bel Air,



R. Benny,

Pl: La Penitentie



Pl: Edenburg.



Pl. Velzehooft.



Vessers Negroes.



Pl: Planters Hall.



G. M. Forrester.



Pl. Jonge Rachel.


Pl. Canary,

Pl. Zulugt.



Pl. Grove.



Pl. Elizabet Hall.



Pl. Garden Eden.


R. Benny,

Pl. Thomas.

A New Negro,


Pl. Sophia.





Mary Kendricks,




Pl. La Grange.



Pl. La Repentier.






Dr. Webster.



Pl. La Penitence.

S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

[No Supplement]

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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