Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 November 26

Vol. III.)


(No. 152.

Saturday, November 26th, 1808.

All who have any demands against the Estate of Patrick Henderson will please to render their accounts to the underwritten as Executors.
E. Barnwell,
D. Hoola Van Nooten.
Demerary, 24th November, 1808.

All who have any demands against the Plantation Good Hope situated on the East side of Demerary River (new district Demerary), the property of Sutton & Henderson, will please to render their accounts to M. Sutton, on the said Plantation Good Hope.
Demerary, 24th November, 1808.

Now Opening and for sale at the Store of the Subscribers, next door to Mr. Benjamin's and formerly occupied by J. W. Jones, an extensive assortment of Hardware consisting of -
[first column]
Best steel plate hand Saw 24 and 26 Inch,
Cross cut Saws 5 1/2 and 7 1/2 Inch,
Tennon ditto 18 and 20 Inch,
Kent Hammers,
Carpenters Adzes,
Sledge Hammers,
Coopers Drivers and Punches,
Ditto Compasses 18 Inch,
Carpenters ditto,
Double worm Gimblets,
Brass Door Locks,
Brass Desk Locks,
Cupboard ditto,
Butt Hinges,
Card Table ditto,
Scale Beams with chains, bottoms and weights,
Adjusted Iron weights from 1/4 to 56lb,
Grid Irons,
Frying pans,
Hooks and Eyes,
Negro Pipes,
Large tin'd shower baths,
Sailors Canns with covers,
Sauce Pans,
Camp Kettles,
Tinder Boxes,
Negro Carvers,
Coffee Boilers,
Drawing Knives,
Hollowing Knives,
Flagging Irons,
Spoke shaves,
Turkey oil stones,
Coopers Jointers with Sash Irons,
Single and double Iron trying planes,
Ditto ditto Sash Planes,
Do do Smoothing planes,
Trenching tools double steeled,
Demerary broad Hoes,
Ditto matchets,
Cotton Knives,
Pruning Knives,
Braces and Pads and Bitts,
Crose stocks with Bitts, for Kegs & Puncheons,
Crose Irons,
Wine measures,
[second column]
Brass Cocks,
Hand Vices,
Boot Hooks,
Fine tipp'd Knives and forks 3 prongs,
Desert ditto to suit,
Guarded Carvers,
Fine white bone Knives and Forks with desert to suit,
Green ditto ditto ditto,
Guarded table steels,
Penknives Buck handles,
Ditto Ivory ditto,
Gilt Razor strops,
Dressing Cases,
Portable Razor Cases complete,
Shaving Boxes with Brushes,
Tupee Combs,
Fine Ivory Combs,
Rake ditto,
Pocket ditto,
Ladies crooked Tortoise shell combs,
London pins,
Fine Scissors,
Joiners mortices,
Demerary shovells,
Butchers cleavers and choppers,
Fishing Lines & hooks,
Hand saw Files,
Brass mould wire,
Ships Compasses, Brass and wood,
Ditto Scrapers,
Ditto Scrubbers,
Hour and minute Glasses,
Powder Horns,
Coffin Furniture,
Stock Locks,
Masons Trowels,
Corn mills,
Brass Castors,
Imitation waiters,
Ruled joint Hinges,
Plane Irons,
Pad Locks,
Boiling house Lamps, Copper,
Sugar strainers and Ladles,
Brass Dutch Kettles,
Dutch Baking Pans,
[end columns]
And a variety of other articles, all of which they will dispose of cheap for immediate payment or short credit. They have also remaining on hand,
[first column]
W. O. Shooks with Heading,
Hickory Hoops,
Bristol Temper Lime,
Spruce spars,
[second column]
Pickled Oysters,
Empty Puncheons,
Claret and madeira wine by the Dozen.
[end columns]
Sack & Tremain.
Demerary, November 26th, 1808.

NEW TOWN, 26th November, 1808. [heading]
It is the wish, in a very particular manner, to draw the attention of the Inhabitants to the appointment of Commissaries of the District for the ensuing year. - The number of Voters, who attending the meeting publicly advertised to be held on monday [sic - lower case] last, was very small; on that account the Persons, then elected to serve, do not think themselves sufficiently authorised. -
Under these circumstances it has been recommended and thought good, that a Box be kept at Mr. Benjamin's for the purpose of receiving sealed Votes in favour of three Commissaries for the ensuing year, which will be opened at a general meeting of the Inhabitants of this District, invited to attend at Marshall's Hotel, on Monday forenoon the 5th December, when certain Resolutions will be framed and entered into for the Instructions of the Commissaries confirmed.

FOR SALE. [heading]
The Lot of Land situated on Plantation Vlessingen, now occupied by Messrs. C. & H. [sic] De Munninck, whereon is a very Elegant Dwelling-House, Kitchen, Stable, Stock-Yard &c. all in perfect repair; also the adjoining Lot free from Lease, surrounded by a new Wallaba Fence. They will be sold together or separately. For further information apply to J. S. Masse.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.

The Consistory of the Dutch-Reformed Church of Demerary, having taken over the Estate of H. W. Lookey, deceased in the Hospital, request all Persons who may have any Claim for Watches or other things given him to repair, to deliver those Claims in writing and each article so minutely described as possible to the Subscriber, who will attend every day at his House 'till nine o'Clock in the Morning, and 'till two o'Clock at his Office; - the effects of said H. W. Lookey after the space of 14 days after date being to be sold at Public Sale.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.
By Order of the Consistory,
F. A. Vernede, Elder.

CORN FOR SALE [heading]
At Plantation Schoon Oord.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
50 PRIME MULES. [heading]
Landed out of the Sloop Rosa from Angestura.
Run from the above Sloop, a Negro Man named Charles, about 5 feet 8 inches high, with 3 fresh scars under the right Cheek, speaks French, English and a little Spanish; - Two Joes reward will be Paid to any one lodging him in the Barracks or on delivery to
Novbr. 26th. Heneage Williams.

Twenty 400 - Gallon Butts. -
Also Two Mulatto Men, the Property of Mr. Thomas Mackenzie, one an excellent Butler, the other a very good Cook. If not disposed of by Private sale they will be Sold at Vendue.
Novbr. 26th. J. Crossman.

Runaway on Wednesday Night last from on board the Lady Spencer Mail Boat, a slim negro Boy about 17 or 18 years old and five feet high, answers to the name of Frederick, and has a great Impediment in his speech. One Joe Reward will be given, to have him lodged in the Colony Barracks or delivered to Gifford L. Davis, American Street. Master of Vessels are forbid taking him off the Colony, and others harbouring said Boy, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against such offenders.
November 26th, 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
George Wilson, in 14 days, from the 12th Novr.
Deborah Yearwood in ditto or 3 Weeks. 17 Nov.
William Hughenos and Family for Barbados, in 14 days
or by the first opportunity. Novr. 19th.
Robert Thompson, in 14 days, 16th November
Frances Wilson, in ditto, ditto.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

A Transport will be given by [see 18081112EDRG] . . .
[see 18081119EDRG] . . .
By Samuel Mackay Transport of the Concession No 337 in Cumingsburg, in favour of Andrew Rose qq George Gellie.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 12th Novbr. 1808.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

FOR BARBADOS. [heading]
The fast-sailing Sloop Hancock, M. Mecanger, Master, will sail on Tuesday Evening next. For Passage apply to the Master on Board or at the Store of Park Benjamin Esq.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.

The Subscriber hereby gives this Public information, that ten days ago he lost an Obligation of Ellis Alleyne's for Five Hundred and Twenty five Guilders, Should the same be presented for Payment the Subscriber requests those Persons to whom it is presented to have the goodness to stop said Obligation and Payment.
Joseph Davis, M.D.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.


By Authority obtained, I the Underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidders, at Marshal's Sale, in presence of the Honble. Councellors and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 6th of December next: -
1st - In behalf of R. Kingston, Acting Vendue Master, versus John Thorp, a Negro Woman named Nancy.
2d - In behalf of Alexr: Reith qq. John Roberts versus M. Doyle, a certain Contract of Purchase and Sale of Plantation Klynparys, situated in Essequebo, entered into between the late John Robb deceased and Martin Doyle on the 16th February 1805, the original sum having been f 105,000, on which is due f 36,700, according to the Receipt standing indorsed on said Contract.
Whoever pretends to have a right to oppose either of the above Sales, address themselves in Writing at the Marshal's Office, and those inclined to Purchase please attend on the Day and Place before-mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 25th November, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


By Virtue of an appointment of the Honble. V. A. Heyliger, LL.D. Acting President of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, dated 21st November 1808, granted on the Petition of Wm: Brereton Planter and Inhabitant of this Colony, are herewith by me the Underwritten First Marshal of said Court, by Edict Summon'd all known and unknown Creditors of the before-named Wm. Brereton, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice of this Colony, on the 5th day of December next, in order to hear the Petitioner's proposals, and if possible to agree and dispose within a certain time, or such other kind of agreement in general as according to circumstances will be proposed; and in case the creditors should not incline thereto or to any other arrangement, then to see the business taken over by the Honble. Commissaries to be appointed by the Court, in order that by the same consequently may be disposed of ex officio as to them shall seem meet. Thus published and affixed there and where it ought to be.
Actum Demerary, 25th November, 1808.
M. Smit, First Marshal.


On Friday the 2d December, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. F. Meyer, Esq. the following articles being a consignment lately come to hand, consisting of - paints and oil, sets of harness, shovels, nails, negro cloathing, &c.
On the same day, 10 barrels Baltimore superfine flour, 15 firkins double rose Irish butter, a quantity of oats in hogsheads, two complete washer women, and a boy of about 12 years of age.
Also by order of H. Cantzlaar, Esq. authorised by G. M. Forrester, Executor of Hannah Fowke deceased, a half Concession No. 25 with the buildings thereon, situated betwixt the premises of the Attorney at law, Mr. Stakman and Doctor Beckurts, on the South Dam Stabroek.
November 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 6th December at the stores of messrs. Charles & John Ryan, - negro jacketts [sic] lined and unlined, do. trowsers, shirts and blankets, cotton and coffee bagging, nail assorted, best Cogniac brandy in kegs of 6, 8 and 10 gallons each, three Young Negro Men, viz. a complete Butler, a house Boy and a Groom. They are sold for no fault whatever, but the Proprietors having too many domestics.
November 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 7th December, at the Store of William Hallstead Esq. the following Goods (without reserve) at Four months Credit, payable in Cash or Good merchantable Cotton, Coffee, Rum or Sugar at Cash price in Town: - a large assortment of Ironmongery &c. in which are Iron Boilers from 75 to 250 Gallons, Mill wedges and Brasses, Smiths Vices, Knives and forks, Gin Cranks, Penknives, Combs, Scissors, Brass and Wood Pullies for Lanthorns, Land measurer's chains, Nails, Locks and Hinges, Pewter measures from Gallon to Quart, Musquets, carpenters and Coopers Tools, Coffin Furniture, and a variety of other articles; - Dry Goods and Provisions, Blank Books, Ink stands, Dry Red Ochre in Kegs of 56lb each, and other Paints, Paint Oil, spirit of Turpentine, Corks, Glass, Tin and Crockery ware, sewing Twine, Powder and shot, Blocks, Trucks and Hanks, Window Bells with springs, small scale Beams with sets of weights and Tin Bottoms, Old Rum in Kegs from 6 to 10 Gallons each, Red Oak shooks, Oats, Coffee Casks, a Horse and Chaise, &c.
November 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday and Thursday the 14th and 15th December, at the Store of Mr. R. S. Turton, all the Remaining Stock of Dry Goods, Ironmongery &c. of the late Mr. A. B. Morris. Also a Schooner Boat, a Punt, and several seasoned Negroes.
November 26th. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 28th December will be exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office, without reserve at six months Credit, by order of Mr. H. B. Gall, the whole of his Stock of Valuable Medicines, Books &c. particulars of which may be seen in circulating Hand-Bills; also a Gig and Harness, a steady saddle and draft Horse, Cows, Furniture &c. &c. Also the following Notes and Accounts, viz: -
George Perkins, deceased, Note for f 1094,, 14.
Ditto do. do. for 685,, 10.
An attested account against Plantation Devonshire Castle for 312,,15.
A do. against the Estate of Js. Crawford, 695,, 10.
Do. against the Estate of Adam Knight, 129,, 12-8.
Do. against the Estate of Ts. Harriott, 316,, 15.
Do. against the Estate of G. H. Trotz, 112.
Do. against the Estate of Js. Graham, 515.
Do. Ditto Elizabeth Taylor, 73,, 15.
November 26th. Robert Kingston.

All those who have any Demands against the Estate of the late Iver Blew, deceased, are requested to render their Claims at the Store of George Angle Esq. New Town, within One Month from the date hereof, and those that are indebted to said Estate are requested to make Payment at the house of said G. Angle. Duncan McNicol, q.q.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.

Alle de geene dewelke eenige pretentien mogte hebben teegens den Boedel van wylen Iver Blew, worden verzogt dezelve in te geeven ten huise van den Heer G. Angle binnen ten tyd van Een Maand na dato deezes; en die geene dewelke aan vorschr: Boedel mogt verschuldigd zyn, werden ten Vrinedlyksten verzogt om betaaling te doen ten huise van gemelde Heer G. Angle.
Duncan McNicol, q.q.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.

Absented from the service of the Subscriber about three weeks ago, a Negro Man Named William. A generous reward will be given for bringing him to the House of C. Vincent Esq. Werk & Rust.
H. Neuwieller.
Demerary, 26th November, 1808.

A Black Horse was sent to the Barracks on the 19th inst. and if not reclaimed, will be Sold at Vendue to defray the Expences.
S. G. Martens, Drossart.
Demerary, 26th November 1808.

Runaway on Thursday last, a tall slim Young Negro Man named Bowman, late the property of Mrs [sic - no period] Pickering and now of the Subscriber. All Persons are forbid Harbouring said Negro, and a Reward will be given for delivering him to
Wm. Gibson.
Middle Street, Robb's Town,
26th November 1808.

The Mail Boat arrived here on Sunday last, and brought the 2d September and 1st October Mails. We were enabled last Week by the arrival of Captain Greenidge, to give a part of their contents, in addition to which we now lay before our Readers further Extracts from the London Papers.

A Schooner, the Camilla, arrived here on Thursday evening from Barbados, which she left on Saturday last, at which time, nothing subsequent to the Packet had arrived from Europe.

Brigadier General Dalrymple sailed from Barbados, on board His Majesty's Brig Achates, to take the command of the Troops in Berbice. We understand his Excellency Brigadier General Montgomerie goes to Dominique.

Captain Wooley, late of the Captain, is appointed Naval Commissioner at Jamaica. Sir Alexr. Cochrane has removed his Flag from the Belleisle, on board the Neptune 98.
The following are the Promotions lately made by the Admiral in the West Indies.
Capt. Fahie of the Ethalion to the Belleisle.
Cochrane of the Jason to the Ethalion.
Maude of the Ulysses to the Jason.
Woolcombe of the Belleisle to the Ulysses.
Wood of the Latona to the Captain.
Pigot of the Circe to the Latona.
Collier of the Star to the Circe.
Patterson of the Hawke to the Star.
Boucher of the Demerary to the Hawke.
Lieut. Dowers of the Neptune to the Demerary.
Capt. Stewart of the Port D'Espagne to the Snap (late Palinuer Prize to the Circe.)
Lieut. Kennedy of the Pompee to the P. D'Espagne.
Capt. Pinto of the Dart to the Achates.
Cameron of the Achates to the Hazard.
Djlkes of the Hazard to be flag Captain on board the Neptune.
Mr. Mc. Millan Midshipman of the Neptune to be Lieutenant of the Pompee.
Mr. Odger and Mr. Speck Midshipmen of the Neptune to be Lieutenants in the Belleisle.

Died] - Yesterday Mr. Nathan Smith, late Captain of the American Brig Montezuma.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette.


Saturday, November 26th, 1808.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in
the Stocks of Demerary, the 26th November, 1808.



Brought by









Pl: Edenburg.



Vessers Negroes.



Pl. Paradice.



Pl. Le Repentier.






Pl. Den Heuvel.


Kitty Macinroy,

Pl. Btzr Adventure.

A New Negro,


Pl. La [sic] Repentier.


Pl. Le Repentier

J. Hunter.






Pl. Bel Air.

A New Negro,


Pl. Blygezigt.


Charl. Meyer,



Pl. Sanspareil,

Pl. Betzr Adventure.





Pl. Good Intent,

Pl. Zwanenschut.


J. Henery,

Pl. Zorg & Hoop.

A New Negro,


Pl. Laretraite.



Pl. Turkeyen.



Colony Negroes.


Miss Jenny,


S. G. Martens, Drossart.

Stabroek: - Printed by E. J. Henery.


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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