Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1808 December 31

Vol. III.)


(No. 157.

Saturday, December 31st, 1808.

CASH WANTED, [heading]
For the following Bills of Exchange drawn on the Right Honorable the Pay-masters General of His Majesty's Forces, to the amount of Nine Hundred Pounds Sterling, viz:-
No 728, . . . . . . . . £ 200.
729, . . . . . . . . . 200.
731, . . . . . . . . . 200.
769, . . . . . . . . . 100.
771, . . . . . . . . . 100.
772, . . . . . . . . . 100.
Sealed Tenders for the same (marked Tenders for Bills) will be received at this Office untill Wednesday, the 4th January, at 10 o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and if approved accepted.
Will: N. Firebrace,
Res: Commissary.
Commissary's Office, 31st December, 1808.

            Office of Ordnance,
            Demerary, 20th Decbr. 1808.
Cash, in Joes or Dollars, Wanted for Bills of Exchange for
L 3000 Sterling. [centered]
Drawn on the Right Honorable and Honorable Board of Ordnance, London, at 30 days sight, sealed Tenders for which, or any part thereof, not under £ 100 Sterling, endorsed "Tender for Bills of Exchange" will be received by the Subscriber 'till 11 o'Clock on Wednesday the 4 January next.
C. J. O'Hara,
Ord. Store-Keeper.
N.B: No light Joes will be taken.

FOR GREENOCK. [heading]
The Brig Hawke, Thomas McCulloch Master, will sail from hence the first of February next. For Freight or Passage apply to said Master, or
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Who have for sale imported in the Brig,
In 3, 4, 6, and 8 Quintal Casks.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

From Liverpool and Cork, in the Ship John, Capt. Tyrer, and Now Landing at the Stores of the Subscribers, an Elegant assortment of the most fashionable Furniture, Dry Goods, Provisions, Plantation Stores, &c. which will be Sold, wholesale or retail, at very reduced prices, for immediate payment in Cash, or Cotton or Coffee at Cash-Price, Viz:--
[first column]
Sets of elegant dining tables with D ends, loose leave, sliding bolts, fasteners, &c. complete
Do. mahogany chairs, covered over the rail in plain satin, hair seating, brass mouldings, &c. complete
Elegant sofas, stuffed in plain satin, hair seating, brass moulding, Moroco welts, &c. complete
Mahogany pembroke tables
Do. 4 post bedsteads
Do. do. camp do.
Do. night stools with elbows and stamps
Matresses complete, filled with best curled hair bound, bordered. quilted. &c.
An elegant assortment of queen's ware in crates suitable for Managers or small families, consisting of
Sets of dining services complete, painted green edge
Do. do do do blue do.
Do. do enamell'd brown do.
Glass ware in crates
Best London bottled porter in puncheons
Old hock in boxes of 2 dozen each
Seltzar water in hampers of 1 doz. and a half each,
Worcester perry in puncheons of 14 doz. each,
Do. cyder in do.
Cherry brandy
Raspberry do
White wine vinegar in small jugs and bottles
Raspberry vinegar in bottles
Gents. patent black silk hats
Do. do. with broad rims
[second column]
Drab do. with do.
Ladies' black silk do.
Gents. shoes
Umbrellas and parasols
Perfumery in small trunks assorted
Neat backgammon boxes
Planters' mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels
Cork butter in half firkins
Cheshire cheese
Yorkshire hams
Tripe in kegs
Ox tongues in do.
Hogs' do. in do.
Ribbs hung beef in small boxes
Potatoes in hampers & barrels
Onions in baskets
Double refined sugar in small loves [sic]
French plumbs in boxes
Almonds in do
Pickles in do assorted
Salad oil in bottles
Salt in tierces and barrels
Fashionable light ground cambrick calicoes
Black, white, buff, & lilac do.
Superfine scarlet cloth
Negro stout blue full lined jackets
D. [sic] trouwsers
Do. shirts
Do. blankets
Do. hats
Best Bristol temper lime in kegs
Puncheons of oats, iron bound
Oil cakes, excellent for fattening mules that are hard worked in crop time,
Chalk in tierces,
[end columns]
And Various other Articles.
C. & J. Ryan.
New-Town, 31st December 1808.

Plantains for Sale [heading]
At the Estates Ruimveld or Velzerhoofd, at very moderate prices if for Cash. Apply to
Steph. Cramer, q.q.
Demerary, 31st December 1808.

FOR GLASGOW. [heading]
The Ship Union, William Hamilton Master, will sail the second springs in January. For Freight or Passage apply to
Jas. S. Alves.
Who has on sale, the following articles, received by the above Vessel, viz:-
[first column]
Bricks, lime,
Wood hoops,
Salt in tierces & barrels,
Butter, Loaf sugar,
Jamaica Rum,
Beer, Porter,
Gentlemens' coats, waist [Transcriber's note: phrase continued in next column]
[second column]
coats, and pantaloons,
Boots and shoes,
Shovels, cutlasses,
Nails, Bolt Iron,
Frying pans, grid irons,
Coopers' and Carpenters' Tools,
Paint and Oil,
Oats, Negro Pipes,
Earthen Ware in casks.
[end columns]
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

FOR SURINAM. [heading]
The Schooner Nancy, John Hudson Master, will sail in seven days. For Freight or passage, having good accommodations please apply at the store of
T. T. Thompson.
Demerary, 31st December 1808.

The Partnership Concern which has for some time past been carried on by the Undersigned under the Firm of William King & Co. being this day by mutual consent dissolved, all persons having demands against it are requested to render them in as soon as possible that they may be paid, and those indebted to the same will be called upon early in the new Year by one or other of them for payment, when it is hoped nobody will put them off who have it in their power to pay.
William King.
Q. R. Seward.
Cumingsburg, 31st December 1808.

The Undersigned offers for sale the large and commodious Dwelling-House in which he at present resides, which has the conveniences of large stores underneath, a good Brick Kitchen, an excellent range of Negro Houses, and a Brick Cistern in complete order which holds from 15 to 20 M gallons of Water. The above premises would be sold extremely reasonable to an approved purchaser, and very long terms be given for the payment, no part of the purchase money being expected to be paid down. William King.
Cumingsburg, 31st December 1808.

TOBACCO. [heading]
The Subscriber has a few Hogsheads for sale for immediate payment in Cash.
Wm. Lucas.
FOR BARBADOS. [centered]
The Sloop Aurora, Thomas McKeney Master, will sail in three or four days. For passage apply to the Master on board, or as above.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

Wanted about Thirty Cords of Fire-Wood per Week. Any person willing to supply the same, will please to send their proposals to the Undersigned on Plantation Providence.
Decr. 31st. H. Koppiers.

TEN JOES REWARD. [heading]
On Tuesday Morning last between the hours of six and seven o'Clock, some person or Persons entered the Compting-Room of the Subscriber, forced open a Drawer, and took therefrom Twelve Joes in Gold with some Paper-Money; - the suspicion entertained is too light to act upon, but a similar affair having happened some Months ago, leaves no doubt that the Thief or Thieves, are well acquainted with the situation of the Place. The above Reward will be paid to the person who can give evidence that will lead to conviction.
A. T. Browne.
Demerary, 28th December, 1808.

Secretary's-Office, Demerary. [heading]
Notice is hereby given on the part of the Secretary, that the following Persons intend Quitting this Colony, at the expiration of the following dates, VIZ: -
John O'Neil, in 14 days. December 23d.
John Richardson, in ditto. 31st Decbr.
Cathe. Daxon, in 14 days, from 19th Decbr.
Charles Brough, in ditto. ditto.
Beneto Orfila, in 3 Weeks from the 17th Decb.
A. Scarpato, in 14 days, 19th Decbr.
Mrs. Mary Seaward, in 14 days Decbr. 9th.
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.

Notice is hereby given that Hugo Cantzlaar J.Z. Esquire, intending to leave this Colony for Europe, in the month of March or April next; all Persons having any business with him, either as attorney at law, or in his private capacity, are on his part, requested to call on him as soon as possible for the purpose of settling and liquidating such business, those indebted to him to render payment and those to whom he may owe any money to call for payment thereof. at his Office, where he will daily attend for the above purposes, sundays [sic] and holydays excepted.
Secretary's Office Demerary, 28th December, 1808,
J. C. Stadtman, First Clerk.


On Tuesday the 3d January, at the Vendue Office, by order of Messr Hugh McKenzie & Co. one trunk jaconet and mull stripe muslin, a few Gentlemen's hogskin seated saddles, an assortment of whips &c. to close a consignment.
December 31st. Robert Kingston.

On Friday the 6th January, at the store of Thomas Finlayson, Esq. Robb's stelling, a general assortment of dry goods, provisions, liquors, &c.
Also a consignment just come to hand, consisting of negro cloathing, earthen and tin ware, &c.
Decbr. 31st. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 9th January 1809 at the store of McInroy, Sandbach & Co. bottled beer, ale, porter and port wine. Irish butter in firkins, salt in tierces, fine ditto in baskets, beef pork & tongues in half barrels, cotton hammocks, Madrass handkfs, 7-8 and 4-4 Irish linen, long lawn, dowlas, brown-holland, cotton and linen stripe, blue Bengal ditto, cotton and linen check, cotton shirting, ginghams, fine printed callicoes, lined and unlined negro jackets, womens wrappers, blankets, negro pipes, best saddles, bridles, and gig harness, tin, earthen and glass ware; wood hoops 10 and 13 feet long, best building lime in Hhds. and tierces, bricks, etc.
December 30th. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 10th of January 1809, at the store of Messrs. Thomas Shute & co. in front of plantation Vlissengen, the following articles, without reserve, - hams, loaf sugar, basket salt, fish sauces, black pepper, starch and blue, oil, mustard, Stoughton's bitters, cogniac brandy, port wine, oats, umbrellas, hessian boots, best London-made gig harnesses, whips, and other sadlery, hosiery, huckabacks, Welch flannel, green baize, window gauze, gloves, oznaburghs threads pennistone, negro blankets, hats, jackets, shirts and trowsers, cotton bagging, Hares patent stair case cloths, sewing twine, cordage and blocks, an assortment of hard ware, consisting of nails, hoes, pruning knives, iron pots, harpoons, grid irons, iron chests, copper skimmers and ladles, Carpenters and Coopers tools, brass, iron and stock locks, hinges, planes, hammers, files, sheet copper, brass butt and wine cocks, powder and shot, gauging rods, copper cranes, oil stones, &c. sugar hogshead truss hoops, corn mills, earthen, tin and glass ware, stationery, perfumery, &c.
Also a punt nearly new 26 feet by 8, a horse and mule, water vats, furniture, an elegant copying machine, &c. &c.
December 31st. Robert Kingston.

On Thursday the 12th January, at the store of Messrs. C. & J. Ryan, ribbs of hung beef, ox tongues, pigs tongues in kegs, Irish potatoes; butter, tripe, seltzer water in hampers of one and half dozen each, Madeira wine, porter and cyder in bottles, boxes of pickles, umbrellas, cotton hammocks, dimities, scarlet cloth, white and printed counterpanes, calicoes and other articles.
December 31st. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 18th January, at the Vendue Office, by order of Andrew Blackwood Esq. Executor of Thomas Harrison deceased, two Negroes, named Delly and Azor; wearing apparel, a valuable collection of Books, &c.
December 31st. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 25th January 1809, [see 18081224EDRG] . . .
On the same day will be sold by order of Mr. C. Marquis, a Colony Schooner 36 feet keel and 14 feet beam, with sails, rigging &c. complete - she may be viewed four days previous to the sale laying off the American Stelling.
December 24th. Robert Kingston.

The Subscribers beg leave to inform all those whom it may concern, that it is impossible for them, to give any farther Credit for the Ferriage from hence.
Lelyveld & Co.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

Just received by the Maxwell, and now Opening at the Subscribers Stores: -
Ladies Fashionable Straw Bonnets,
Ditto Do. silk and chip Ditto,
Ditto white beaver Hats with plumes,
Ditto shoes, Jewelry assorted and a Variety of Ladies' Dresses and other articles in the Milinery line, - Gentlemens' night Gowns with waistcoats, Ivory handled Knives and Forks, next Morocco cases with new invented Rasors [sic] ground on a four inch stone, which will be disposed of very reasonable for Cash, being a Consignment.
C. & J. Ryan.
American Stelling, 31st December 1808.

STEPHEN BUTTS, [heading]
Sadler and Harness Maker. [heading]
Respectfully informs his friends and the Public in general, that he has Just received a neat and general assortment of articles in the above line, and has taken the House formerly occupied by John Hall Esq. and next to the stores of Thos. Delisle Esq. in Cumingsburgh, where he will open shop on Monday the 2d of January next, and will carry on the above business in all its branches, and he flatters himself that, from his unremitted attention to business, he will merit the Patronage of the Public.
Cumingsburgh, 30th December, 1808.

FOR SALE. [heading]
A few Women-Servants, consisting of Washer-Women, Seamstresses & Cooks; also a young Girl of Thirteen Years of age - sold for no fault, the Owner intending shortly to quit the Colony. Inquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

Lost on Wednesday or Thursday, a Red Morrocco [sic] Pocket Book, containing a promissary note of James Allan's in favor of the Subscriber, dated 27th September last, for f 850 1 1, which is endorsed; also two contracts, several open accounts, and other loose papers of no use to any person but the owner. Whoever will deliver the same at the Royal Gazette Office, or to the Subscriber in Cumingsburg, will receive One Joe Reward.
James McKid.
[Transcriber's note: no 'posting' date in text for this]

All Those who have any demands against the deceased Rt: Ross, lately residing on Plantation Fairfield, are requested to render their Accounts addressed to the Subscribers, at the store of Messrs. H. Mackenzie & Co. and all those who are indebted to the deceased, are requested to make payment to either of the Subscribers.
Robt. Douglas, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Executors.']
Robt. Williamson,
Mahaica, 31st December, 1808.

All who have Demands against the late Thomas Barker, as well as those having any Claims against Pl: Two Brothers, (situated on the East Bank of the River Essequebo,) of date prior to the 7th of February last, are requested to render the same to Mr. Jas: Greenwood, Sworn Book-keeper, Werk & Rust, in the first week of January next.
Ali Day, [right pointing brace, indicating 'Deliberating Executors.']
Rd: Wells,
Demerary, 31st December 1808.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having any demands against the Estate of my deceased and much esteemed Friend Isabellah C. Stewart, are requested to render in their Accounts to the Subscriber on Pl: Potosi, in three weeks from the date thereof; and those indebted are requested to make payment, as no accounts will be attended to afterwards.
Rd: Harding, Executor.
Demerary, 27th December, 1808.

The Subscriber request all those who have claims against, as also those who are indebted to him, will have the goodness, and come to a speedy settlement, as in future all transactions will be carried on under the Firm of De Munnick & Co. in which only his Brother A. Z. De Munnick will be concerned with him.
The mode of conducting their mercantile affairs will be either for immediate payment or short credit.
C. H. De Munnick.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

Den Ondergeteekende verzoekt alle de geenen die iets te vordere, als ook die, welke aan hem verschuldigd zyn, de goedheid te hebbe van spoedig Lot een afreekening te wille koomen, dewyl in het vervolg alle onderhandelinge zulle voortgezet woorden onder de Naam van De Munnick & Co. waar in alleen zyn Broeder A. Z. De Munnick aandeel met hem zal.
De manier van hunne Koophandel in het vervolg zal zyn voor onmiddelyke betaaling, of kort intstel.
C. H. De Munnick.
Demerary, 31 December, 1808.

Notice is Hereby Given that the Subscriber's Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the House of Mr. E. J. Henery, in New Town.
Henry Drayton.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

To Be Disposed of, by a Gentleman about quitting the Colony, "Chambers Cyclopoedia" or "Dictionary of Arts and Sciences," in four large Volumes, with the Plates separate in a fifth Volume. Enquire of J. McIntosh, American street.
Demerary, 31st December, 1808.

The Undersigned begs leave to inform the Gentlemen Subscribers to the Dinner at the Union Coffee House, on Monday next, the 2d January 1809, - that the Dinner will be on Table precisely at 5 o'Clock P. M.
Thomas Marsh.
Union Coffee House, 31st December 1808.

Subscriptions for the Relief of the Sufferers at Trinidad received since our last
The Honble. V. A. Heyliger, . . . f 220
Tully Higgins Esq. . . . . . . . 220
James Nicholson Esq. . . . . . . 120
Hopstede Esq. . . . . . . . 110

By the arrival of the Belleisle, Capt. Gemmel, on Monday last, a London paper was brought of the 10th and a Liverpool paper of the 12th ult. - of which we have been favoured with a sight.

The Mail Boat arrived here on Sunday morning with the 1st November mail.

His Majesty's Brig Superieure touched at Barbados on the [illegible]nst. from Halifax. She reported that Sir G. Prevost with General Houghton and the Regiments destined for the West Indies were all embarked on the 29th of October, and were to sail immediately.

We are sorry to see that some supplies have been thrown into Martinique, notwithstanding the rigourous blockade on that Island, a very fine new Brig from France succeeded in getting into Trinity Bay after several [illegible] chase and running fight with the Haughty G. B. [illegible]is Brig it since appears left Havre in company [illegible]wo new Frigates, with troops on board, also [illegible]d for Martinique and may be hourly looked [illegible] The enemy has also received intelligence that [illegible] or 18 Brigs were preparing to come to his rescue with troops and provisions; one of which The [illegible]he has already made her appearance with a Ca[illegible] Wine and Oil, but fortunately has been capt[illegible] by the Belette and sent into Antigua; - and [illegible] the Seine, and two schooners, have been de[illegible]in Precheur Bay, Martinique, by the boats o[illegible]Circe, Amaranth and Express, in effecting wh[illegible] are sorry to find they have sustained so ser[illegible]loss; not less than 69 men it is said are kille[illegible]aded and missing.

Several Am[illegible] Vessels have been detained and sent into our P[illegible]hich were attempting to get into Martinique[illegible]ithstanding their Embargo and our Blockade.

Congress it [illegible]s, according to the last ac-
counts, was bu[illegible]loyed in discussing a Bill for
prohibiting all i[illegible]rse with the Ports of Great
Britain and her [illegible]and we understand, through
a private chann[illegible] on the question for the
continuance of [illegible]mbargo until March, the
measure was car[illegible] a majority of Two - thus
we need not exp[illegible] American arrivals before
the month of A[illegible]oonest.

By an arrival from Surinam, on Wednesday, we understand that an Expedition is gone against Cayenne; from the Brasils, consisting of 3000 Troops all Portuguese and Indians, a British Sloop of War and several Portuguese Gun-Boats. This information was obtained from one of the Portuguese Boats which fell to leeward and put into Surinam.

It has been currently reported in Town to day that Cayenne has been taken, which rests on the authority of a letter from a Gentleman of character in Surinam.

The Helena Sloop of war which conveyed the Cork Fleet hither, sails this Day for Europe.

Died] - On Monday at the House of G. M. Forrester Esq. W. I. Collins.
On Tuesday Capt. Miller of the Ship Parragon.
Last Night at the House of W. Chorley Esqr. Wm: Twist.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last. [heading]

ENTERED [heading]
Brig Hawk, Th. McCulloh, from Newfoundland.
Schr. Nancy, Jno. Hudson, Berbice.
Ship Belleisle, W. Gemmill, Liverpool.
Schr. Dolphin, W. Pashly, Surinam.

CLEARED. [heading]
Brig Essex, S. Woodward, for Barbados.
Schr. Emily, E. Reed, Ditto.
Sloop Rosa, Jose Angel Villarana, Angostura.


Farewell, old King, since thus thou wilt appear,
Freedom lives hence, and Banishment is here.
King Lear.

The Light in which Crimes have appear'd to different Legislatures, their various degrees of Turpitude and the Punishments that have been at different periods apportioned to the same Offences form a subject of consideration as extraordinary as it is interesting.
The Sentence of Banishment was frequent among the antient Nations, for such Offences as appear'd not to merit a more severe punishment or in instances where the Rank of the Offender render'd an ignominious one, too degrading. - In times when Migration was unfrequent, when a Voyage by Sea was an Object of Horror, when almost every Nation conceived itself the only enlighten'd one and looked on the rest of the World as Barbarians, the Sentence of Banishment from their dear native soil, from all the Objects of their early and tenderest Affections, from all "the Charities of Father, Son and Brother" must have been felt with the severest Agony. How pathetically does Ovid warble out his Sorrows for his Exile to Tomos and how forcibly does our immortal Shakespear describe the Effects of this dreadful Sentence on a Banished Lover?
"Ha! Banishment - be merciful - say - Death,"
"For Exile has more Terror in his look"
"Much more than Death - do not say Banishment."
"There is no World without Verona's Walls,"
"But Purgatory, Torture, - Hell itself. -"
"Hence banished, is banished from the World"
"And World's Exile is Death - Then, Banishment"
"Is Death mis-term'd - calling Death, Banishment"
"Thou cuts't my Head off with a Golden Axe"
"And smil'st upon the Stroke that murders me."
Romeo & Juliet.
Now all this is not only Poetry but Nature when applied to an Ovid or a Romeo, but it may be worth a little Enquiry how far it is applicable to the Feelings in a Country that abounds with neither Lovers nor Poets, where the Love of Gain, the auri sucra fames has nearly absorbed all other Love as well as the before quoted Charities, where Men hang loose upon Society, every one looking forward with Avidity to the happy Moment of Banishment. One of the antient Philosophers, I think Diogenes, on being told that the Judges had banished him from Pontus, "And I" says he, banish them to Pontus" - Such a retort courteous might perhaps have not unaptly been given by some of our late Deportees - Indeed Sceptics may doubt if Banishment from hence can rank among the list of Punishments, unless to Parties whose Properties being immoveable are liable to great deterioration by their absence. Such was the Sentence once pronounced against the whole Race of English Proprietors in violation of their Right by the Treaty of Amiens. - England in her modification of the sentence of Banishment has in her Jurisprudence prescribed the Place of Exile: - For nearly two Centuries she sent her Delinquents to improve their Morals and refine their Manners in North America - here she form'd the great Nucleus from whence sprung our Modern Patriots and Heroes

"Sic fortis Etruria crevit"
"Seilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma."
-- Hence our Etrurian Senators are come,
And the long Glories of Majestic Rome.

They were afterwards consigned to Botany Bay and as I am old enough to have seen the rising Sun of the one race, so I do not dispair of beholding the splendid Aurora of their Successors, and I am the more confirm'd in this hope by their late noble struggle of Patriotism in shipping off their Governor Bligh - following so exactly their Precedent, I expect soon to hear of their President, their Senate, nay perhaps their Embargo! For Political Crimes in the days of the Charles's, of Cromwell, and even later, many were banished to our West India Islands and Cavaliers and Roundheads at different Eraeis [sic] contributed to their early Population. - But these Instances are confined to Banishment from the Mother-Country to her Colonies or to foreign parts - In my judicial speculations I have no where fallen on a sentence of Banishment, back from the Colonies to the Mother-Country of the Offender, and I fear its Introduction can tend little to the great purpose of all Laws and of all Punishments - the discouragement of Crimes - The Sentence of "to go from whence you come" is in England at least the fore-runner alone of capital Execution - I have been led into this Train of thinking not only by some recent Sentences, but by having heard it suggested that, in case of Conviction, the Example would most likely be follow'd in an instance where the Gold had been subtracted from nearly the whole Mass of circulating Coin in the Colony, with almost as much Publicity as an Ear-ring is manufactured or a Watch repaired, while the Public who suffer have look'd on supinely till the Evil had nearly reached its Acme and then, with the vulgar Proverb, "When the Steed is stole have shut the Stable door." - In spite of public Report I trust however, that this most daring public Crime will not be commuted by Banishment, in which case these "sweet singers of Israel" instead of "weeping by the Waters
"of Babylon and hanging up their Harps on the
"Willows that grow thereby" will laugh over the River of Surinam, and carrying with them in Triumph the Spoils of the Egyptians and hanging up their Harps on the Tamarind Trees of Paramaribo, will sing with the Psalmist.
"When I remember not thee, Jerusalem (Demerary)
"in my Mirth; may my right hand forget her Cunning."
Cruel and sanguinary Punishments I abhor, but I would have some proportion between the Sentence and the Crime and I hope an appropriate one may be found out as well for the Principals in this enormous public Fraud as for their Accomplices, a Fraud by which every Man in the Colony must next Year suffer considerably, and Accomplices there must be, and that among persons thro' whose hands a large proportion of the circulating Coins of the Colony occasionally passes, as it would be morally impossible that so much of it could have fallen under the Operation of the Children of Circumcision without the assistance of the Gentiles.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
By Edward James Henery.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

[No Supplement]


Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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