Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 January 06


Vol. V.]


[No. 230.

Saturday, January 6th, 1810.

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint John Johnson Esq. to be one of His Aides de Camp, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, vice Jacobus Meertens [illegible] resigned. - And to direct that the following gentlemen shall take the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on the respective dates of their Commissions as Aides-de-Camp, viz: Thomas Naghten, P. [illegible?] De Veer and L. Van Rossum Esqs.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Brown
Govt. Secty.
King's House, Stabroek,
6th January 1810.

Slave Register's Office, Essequebo.
5th January, 1810.
Notice is hereby given that Returns for the number of Slaves in the Colony of Essequebo must again be made to the undersigned at Fort Island, for that purpose attendance will be given from 9 o'Clock in the morning until One o'Clock, (Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays excepted), from the 16th day of January Inst. until the First of March next. - It will be further advertized where the Blank forms are to be obtained.
D. Van Sirtema,
Slave Register.

Slave Register's Office.
Demerary, 22d December 1809.
The Undersigned has received especial orders to give Public Notice that the usual Returns for Slaves must now again be made at this Office.
As this Notice has been delayed by authority until this period, the time for giving them in will be extended; - instead of the first of January next, it will commence on the 16th of January and continue until the 9th of February.
Attendance will be given during the above period at the Slave Register's Office (now kept at the Colonial Secretary's Office) Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excepted, between the hours of Nine and One, - where blank Forms are ready for delivery. - before the 16th of January they may be obtained at the following places, viz: -
[first column]
East Coast.
Capt. Baron Van Grovestine.
Capt. W. B. Panye.
Capt. Van S'Gravesande.
Capt. G. Robertson.
At Mahaica Ferry.
At Mahaicony Ferry.
River, East Side.
Lieut. Manget.
Capt. Brandes.
[second column]
River, West-Side.
Capt. Chas. Brotherson.
Capt. John Jones.
Capt. De Ridder.
At Demerary Ferry.
West Coast.
Capt. Steur.
Capt. Frost.
Capt. Trotz.
[end columns]
Robert Phipps.
Slave Register.
N.B: These returns must be sent for by the Individual, as the Burgher Officers are not to be expected to send them round.

New Town, December 20, 1809.
The Commissaries are ready to receive Tenders from such Persons as are willing to contract for raising the North and Front Dams of this District, rounding off and covering the same with broken Bricks or Gravel; deepening and weeding the whole of the Trenches of the Town, and putting the Middle Street and South Dam in perfect good order, by filling up, wherever requires it, with broken Bricks or Gravel.
Tenders addressed to them At Mr. Robertson's Store, will be opened on Tuesday the 23d January, when the most advantageous offer, if approved, will be accepted; and the work will be required to be set about immediately, if the weather permit.
James Robertson,
William Cook, Commissaries

The Creditors of the late Joseph Tuite Esq. M.D. are requested to meet at Mr. Marshall's Hotel on Thursday the 11th instant, at 12 o'Clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration certain proposals tending to a closure of his affairs.
J. W. Gordon q.q.
P. de Nully.
Demerary, 6th January 1810.

A. Cart [heading]
Has the honour to inform his Friends and the Public, that the
will be opened on Monday next, the 8th instant, at the House on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, formerly occupied by C. N. Bollers Esq. next to Mrs. Culver's, agreeable to his advertisement.
Stabroek, 6th January 1810.

Wanted to Rent. [heading]
A Small House and a convenient Yard. A Situation adjoining the Town will be preferred. Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 6th January 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A Four Oared Boat, Fiftteen [sic] feet Keel by Five feet Eight inches Beam. Built of Colony Wood. Please apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 6th January 1810.

Newtown, 1st January, 1810.
On the commencement of the New Year, and flattered as the undersigned is by the favorable reception of his Scheme of Agency has already met with from some of the most respectable Gentlemen of the Colony, he begs leave respectfully to mention, that he has been led to enter into an arrangement with the Editor of this Paper for the insertion in future of Advertisements, relative to the Sale and Purchase of Produce &c. free of any expense to his Subscribers. It will afford him, he hopes, better opportunity of making himself useful to them and of being subservient to the wishes of several Mercantile Houses in Town.
James Robertson.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Puncheons of Rum,
Ten Casks Molasses at 1 sts. per Gallon.
And a quantity of broken Coffee.
Also any quantity of Plantains from an Estate in the River, to the Stelling of which Boats can come at any time of Tide, at a reasonable price, on Contract payable quarterly.
James Robertson
Jan. 1st. Agent
To afford all the accommodation and stimulus to business possible, Produce will be Stored for any time, and every care taken of it, at the following Rates - Porterage excepted; the go[illegible] of which will be quickly evident, as Sales are much more easily made when the Article inquired for is on the spot.
Sugar and Rum at f 4 per Week pr. Pun. & Hhd.
Cotton . . . . . . 2 per Do. - pr. Bale.
Coffee . . . . . . 5 st pr Do. - pr. Bag.
And Sales of Produce effected for non-Subscribers at 1 pr Cent.

Bills of Exchange. [heading]
The Underwritten will draw Bills on England for Fifteen Hundred Pounds Sterling and upwards, on or before the [illegible]0th January. Tenders to be addressed to the last subscriber in Charles-Town.
H. F. Sloane.
6th Jan. 1810. C. Spencer.
Peter Rose.

The Subscriber offers for Sale the Cargo of the Brig Columbia, Captain Tars, from Gloucester, consisting of -
New Scale and Cod Fish,
Hoops, Shooks,
Pickled fish,
Lewis Sack.
Who Has Also On Hand,
Dry Newfoundland Cod Fish in Casks of all sizes,
New Bristol Marble Temper Lime in kegs,
White Pine Lumber,
Spruce Spars from 15 to 55 feet,
Spruce and Ash Oars and Sweeps,
Hickory and White-Oak Hoops,
Red and White-Oak Shooks,
Blocks and Dead Eyes,
Shads in Barrels,
Superfine Flour,
Yellow Soap, Coopers' Nails,
And various other Articles.
Cumingsburg, 6th January 1810.

N. Rousselet informs his Creditors and others whom it may concern, that he is removed from his House No. 40 in Stabroek, to his House in Charles-Town, Le Repentir, No. 29; next (het Kerkhoff) Church Yard, - Burying-Ground.
N.B: His House and Concession No. 40 and half Concession No. 41, with all its conveniences to be Let, on the same conditions as he formerly advertised.
Demerary, 2d January 1810.

New Russia Hempen Cordage. [heading]
The Subscribers have just received by Brig William Rathbon [sic] - a quantity of this Article of very superior quality for Sale. - assortment from 3 thread Rattling [sic] to six Inch Cables.
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
Stabroek, 2d January 1810.

The Subscriber and his Family intends to leave this colony by the Ship Commerce, Cap. [sic] Watt, who is advertised to sail the second Springs of this Month; - requests all those who may have any demands against him to call for Payment. - Those who are indebted to him will have the goodness to settle their Accounts within Ten days, as all accounts that are not paid by the 12th Instant shall be transferred to [?] Van Der Stock Esq. Attorney at Law, to recover Payment.
Alexr. Macbain.
Demerary, 2d January, 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Belfast,
Alexr. McLaine, Master.
Is now taking in her Cargo, and will positively sail the 2d Springs in this Month. - She is a fine copper'd Vessel and well armed. For Freight or Passage apply to Wardrop & Ferguson, or
Barton, Deane & Co.
Demerary, 6th January, 1810.

Louis De Saulles [heading]
With respect, acquaint the Parents or Guardians of his Pupils and the Public that his
Will open on Monday Morning next in the same house as formerly.
Werk & Rust, 6th January 1810.

A Robbery Commited. [sic] [heading]
On the Night of Saturday the 30th instant the Writing Desk of the undersigned was forced open, and Stolen therefrom a Square Package, containing Colonial Bills amounting to One Hundred and Eight one Joes, - Twelve Spanish Dollars, - and a Gold Joe of Eighteen Guilders.
Whoever can give information so as to lead to the Discovery of the Thief, will receive a Reward of Fifty Joes.
D. Van Sirtema.
Essequebo, 31st December, 1989.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber having given up the direction of the Business conducted at the Premises of his late Brother to Mr. Robt. Spence since the first of this Month, with an intention of arranging all his affairs to enable him to quit the Colony in April; he takes this Public mode of requesting all those indebted to him to settle their respective Accounts, and those holding claims against him to render them for settlement.
John McAulay.
N.B. The House now occupied by him in North Street, Bridge Town, will be rented reasonably to an approved Tenant, consisting of a Store fitted up for Business, a Hall, Chamber and Pantry on the same floor, with four Chambers in the attic story, and good Kitchen and Oven, with sufficient Water-Vatts for a large family. Possession given on the first of February. Demerary, 6th January, 1810.

The Subscribers having taken over the Smith's Shop and Workmen of the late A. McAulay decd. and intend carrying on the Business as before conducted, solicits the Public and those in particular who have favoured the former Concern with their Work for a continuance of their favours, assuring them of every attention and dispatch to their orders; a considerable discount will be made for Cash payments as the parties wish to make few debts. Robt. Spence & Co.
Demerary, 6th January 1810.

Cotton and Coffee [heading]
Wanted by,
James Jackson & Co.
New-Town, 6th January 1810.

To be Let. [heading]
The Subscriber's house in Daleysburg, - and the House belonging to the Estate of P. Yates, deceased, in New-Town.
Jan. 6th, 1810. J. Crossman.

Notice is hereby given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the undersigned is on Plantation Moka, Canal No. 3.
John E. Mackintosh.
Demerary, 6th January 1810.

The Undersigned First Marshal, hereby makes known that the Executional Sales which were appointed to be on the 2d January next, will not take place before the ninth [sic] day of the same month; all those who are inclined to make their profit will please attend at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek on the day of sale beforenamed.
Rio Demerary, 23d December, 1809.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshall will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidder at Execution Sale, in presence of the Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 2d day of January 1810.
In behalf of Henry Tulloh & Co. versus John Gill: - the Lot of Land known under No. 24 situated in Cumingsburg, with the thereon erected Dwelling house long about 24 feet by 16 ditto wide, and a side Building serving for Kitchen.
In behalf of H. B. Fraser, versus Amos Leeds: - a certain Lot of Land with the thereon erected Buildings, situated in the square no. 14 in Cumingsburg, and at present occupied by the Cooper Arnot.
In behalf of Fullerton, Oliverson & Co. versus John Clapham: - an Obligation against J. D. Breton, amounting to 42 Joes, for which Sentence was obtained on the 18th May 1809, with the Expences; and a Sentence of the Honble. Court of Justice dated 20th April 1809, obtained by Amos Leeds, versus J. C. Schultz, amounting to f 746 6 8, with the Interest from the first of January 1806, with the Expences.
In behalf of P. Balmer q.q. P. F. Schirmeester, and Robert Patterson, versus Joseph Walcott: - a certain piece of Land or Plantation called Welgeleegen, (without Slaves or Buildings,) situated between the Lands of Plantations Georgia and Endeavour.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 8th December, 1809.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal will expose and sell unto the highest bidder at Execution Sale, in presence of the Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 9th day of January 1810.
In behalf of James Anderson versus Edwd. McSwiney, the following demands and book debts, viz:
[first column]
1 account against J. L. Morson, ballance [sic] f 180 2 8
Do. Estate G. Craig 140 10 -
Do. do. R. Tapers 272 - -
Do. F. P. Van Berckel 356 10
Do. Lieut. Dalton 10 - -
Do. John Mascall 12 5 -
Do. Capt. Foley 36 - -
Do. Lieut. Macben 85 - -
Do. Boedle [sic] D. Lynch 153 - -
Do. Sarah Morgan 172 10 -
Do. Lieut. McArthur 44 - -
Do. J. D. Breton 820 18 -
Do. boed. Jos. Tuite 1270 2 12
Do. Jno. Wm. Jones 575 - -
Do. T. A. Roche 548 15 -
Do. Geo. J. Furnace 31 - -
Do. R. B. Ousley 66 15 -
Do. R. Emmerson 58 - -
[second column]
Do. Patrick Wall f 138 - -
Do. Est. W. Barclay 2054 7 -
Do. Lamb & Parss 16 - -
Do. Ulicke Burke 367 15 -
Do. Amos Leeds 67 9 -
Do. James Henderson 84 - -
Do. Lieut. Dudgeon 5 - -
Do. C. & J. Ryan 61 15 -
Do. John Ashley 20 - -
Do. Hopper & Campbell 636 1 12
A good, W. King 32 12 8
Do. G. J. Furnace 66 - -
Do. Jno. Crawford 372 5 -
Do. John Kent 66 - -
A protested bill drawn by James McGhie, with protest of non payment, amounting to L 20 Sterling.
[end columns]
Furniture [a sub-heading]
1 Set Dining Tables, a Card Table, a small Table, two Sophas, 10 Chairs, 2 Bedsteads with Mattresses, a Sideboard, a Mirror, one globe lanthorn (defect), 2 knife cases with a few knives and forks, 2 wash hand stands, 12 silver spoons, 12 ditto Tea spoons, 2 shades (of which 1 defect), a few glass and earthen wares, 1 cruet stand, an iron chest, 1 saddle and bridle, and an old desk.
N.B. - And Should there be any other demands discovered, the same will be added to this Advertisement.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 22d December 1809.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal will expose and sell unto the highest bidder at Execution Sale, in presence of the Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 9th day of January.
In behalf of Colin Elder versus John Kent, the undivided half of the Lot of Land and thereon erected buildings, No. 1, situated in front of Plant. Werk & Rust, adjoining the south canal of Stabroek, consisting of a Dwelling House about 40 feet by 28, 2 stories high, standing on wood pillars; and likewise 3 side buildings.
All those who are inclined to purchase please attend on the day and place abovenamed.
Rio Demerary, 6th January 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Negroes To Be Hired. [heading]
Stout and Laborious Negro Men to be hired in Town by the day; - they are well qualified to work on board Ship or as Porters, - or Trenchers or in Punts, the two latter employments they have been used to. Please apply to the Subscriber living nearly opposite to Messrs. Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Jno. Hall.
Cumingsburg, 30th Dec. 1809.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]
By Virtue of appointment, dated 29th December 1809, granted on the Petition of C. M. Overweg, only Surviving Executor to the Estate of F. C. Engels, deceased,
Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice -
For the First Time by Edict Summoned!
All known and unknown Creditors to said Estate, to appear before the Honble. Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek, on the 15th January 1810, and following days, - In order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their Claim thereto accordingly.
Whereas after the first, the 2d, 3d, and 4th Edicts being expired, will be proceeded against the non-appearers as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 30th December 1809.
M. Smit, first [sic - lower case] Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

The Vendue advertised for the 3d inst. at Mr. Hallstead's was, on account of rainy weather, postponed to Thursday the 18th, on which day it is intended to be held.

On Monday the 8th January 1810, at the Store of Messrs. Wardrop & Ferguson: - Prime Irish Mess Beef in whole and half barrels, Pork in ditto, Butter, Lard, Soap, Candles, Irish Linen, Diaper, Check, Printed Calico and a variety of other Articles.
Dec. 26th. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday the 9th of January, will be sold at the store of W. Lucas, on account and risk of those it may concern, to close [illegible[ of Consignments received per Ship Admiral Co[?]poys from London, and Ship Fame from Liverpool: -
Tamboured and seed[illegible] muslin, lappet shawls, habit shirts, pland and fancy cambric 6-4 and 4-4, lilac, pink, check, and hair cord ginghams, printed callicoes and cambrics, checks and [illegible], thread from No. 1 to 46, table cloths, Madrass and Balasore handkerchiefs, Princes cord, fine dimities, Ladies parasols, Gentlemens silk hats and fashionable coats, blue, white and yellow nankeens, India Romalls and silk Bandannos handkerchiefs, tea in cannisters, shirting.
Also coffee bagging, salt fish, Madeira wine, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
December 23d. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 10th January 1810, will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office: - two Trunks of Printed Callicoe, Furniture Chints, Muslins, Gents. and Ladies hats, potatoes, lyng fish, herrings, London particular Madeira Wine in hogsheads, and Quarter-Casks, &c.
December 30th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 29th day of January, on the Estate, by order of Richd. Jones, q.q. the Estate of Mrs. Margt. James decd: -
The Plantation Neufchatel, with all its appurtenances, Negroes, &c. &c. without reserve, to the highest bidder on liberal terms, to be made known on the day of sale.
Dec. 16. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 12th instant, on the Plantation Sophia, by order of J. Van Der Stok and P. Pool Esqs. Executors to the Estate of J. D. Breton deceased, Household Furniture, several head of fine Cattle, a Chaise, saddle and draft Horses, Wearing Apparel, and what may further appear on the day of sale.
Jan. 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 12th Inst. will be exposed for sale at the store of Peter Verbeke Esq. to close a consignment: -
Irish butter, Negro jackets, shirts, wrappers, petticoats, trowsers, frocks, Lubeck coffee bagging, nails assorted, stockings, boots and shoes, fiddles and fiddle strings, hats, umbrellas, Carpenters and Coopers tools and sundry other articles.
January 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday and Tuesday the 15th & 16th instant, at the Store of Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co. - Dry Goods, Provisions, and a few hogsheads of Madeira Wine to close a Consignment.
Jan. 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 17th January, will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office; - Boots, Shoes, Ling fish in boxes, Potatoes in hampers, Dry goods, &c.
January 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Thursday the 18th January 1810, will be exposed for Sale at the Store of Wm. Hallstead, in South Street, Bridge-Town: -
A choice collection of English books, among which are the works of some of the best Authors, Household furniture consisting of tables, chairs, bedsteads looking glasses, &c. most of them entirely new and all in good order; dry goods and provisions.
Also the House at present occupied by himself, in which is a large and commodious shop, with counting Room already fitted up for business, annexed to it is a large range of entirely new Buildings, two stories high, mostly Brick, in which is every family convenience, the whole of the yard is bricked, the house is considered new as it has lately been rebuilt from the foundation and very little of the old wood remains in it.
Also the large and equally convenient House at the corner of the same street, next the water side, lately occupied by L. Sack Esq. The premises are so well known as to require no recommendation.
Jan. 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday the 22d Inst. by order of Mr. John McAulay, at his house in Robb's Town: -
Coopers and Carpenters tools, Iron work of different descriptions, household furniture consisting of tables, chairs, an elegant side board, a pair good sophas, a pier glass, globe lamp, and an eight day clock in good repair; also, wine, rum, and shrub of a superior quality by the dozen, 500 feet of well-sawed Inch Greenheart boards from 6 to 7 hundred weight strong puncheon iron hoops, a Yacht, a four oar'd Tent Boat and a Punt, all nearly new and well calculated for River business.
January 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday, the 30th January, 1810, an the Premises, by order of Doctor Hutson,
The Plantation called Bygwaal, containing 125 Acres of Land, Buildings, &c. situated in Mahaica Creek, with 20 effective slaves.
Dec. 23d. Kingston & McBean.

Public Vendue. [heading]
On the 15th February 1810, by Virtue of due Authorisation of the Honourable Court of Civil Justice, will be Sold to the highest Bidders, - The Plantation called Carelen Willems Hoop, situated in the upper division of Berbice River, containing 1570 Acres of Land, more or less, together with all the Slaves, Cultivation, Buildings, &c. and every thing belonging to same, according to the Inventory which can be seen in the Colony of Berbice, at the Counting-House of Messrs. Krieger & Schlarhorst, and in Demerary, at the House of Messrs. John Halket & Co.
William Threlfall
Deputy Vendue Master.
Berbice, 9th December, 1809.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mrs. Garrett, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 5th January 1810.
Thomas Boon, in 14 days, from do.
Ann Kirton, with her two Children and a black Servant, in 14 days or 1 Month, - from do.
Alexr. McBain, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days, or by the Ship Commerce. - Jan. 9th.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.
Secretary's Office, 6th Jany. 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton, - 16 to 16 & half stivers. Sugar, 3 to 4 stivers
Coffee, - 9 & half to 10. Rum, - 21 to 22 & half

There being no intelligence of any moment since Tuesday we have continued our extracts from the latest Papers, and have extended them beyond the limits to which we were of late confined by the pressure of other business.

Vessels entered and cleared since our last.
Jan. 4. Brig Columbia, Capt. Tarr, from Gloucester, Lumber and Fish.
Jan. 6. Schr. Friendship, Capt. Greenidge, for Barbados.
-- - -- Enterprise, Twycross, North Carolina.

A few Thousand
Wallaba Shingles for Sale.
Apply to the Printer. Dec. 30th.

Louis De Saulles. [heading]
Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Parents of the Scholars who have been under the charge of A. Cart & De Saulles, that under the sanction and highest Patronage of His Excellency Governor Bentinck, with the aid of Mrs. De Saulles, and other able assistants, he intends carrying on the
in the same branches as heretofore, including Needle-work, at the House of H. C. Evertsz, Esq. Werk & Rust. He flatters himself that by his care and attention, he will be able to give every satisfaction to the Parents of his Pupils, not having any other business to attend to. The Public may rely on it that Mrs. De Saulles will do every thing in her power for the benefit of the young Ladies and Gentlemen; the former in particular.
Demerary, 2d January, 1810.

A Cooper Wanted. [heading]
A White Man - Master of his Trade. Enquire at the Office of this Paper. Jany. 2d.

The Subscribers have imported in the Ship Belfast, from Belfast, viz: -
Prime Irish Mess Beef and Pork in whole and half Barrels, - Potatoes, - Soap and Candles, - Irish linen, Callicoes, - Checks, - Falling Axes, - and a variety of Dry Goods.
Wardrop & Ferguson.
Demerary, 30th December 1809.

A Few Casks of Terras
For Sale by the Subscriber.
Q. R. & H. O. Seward.
Cumingsburg, 30th December 1809.

The Undersigned requests all those indebted to the Estate of the late Capt. Cornelis Winter, of Benjamin Smith deceased; - or to the Concerns of Thomas Hoppe and Thomas Hoppe & Co. late Merchants in this Colony, - to Capt. W. Wilson and Capt. Wm. Delday, to come forward with the Payment of their Accounts and Notes of hand - as no longer Indulgence can be given. Those of whom the above might be indebted to, are also requested to render in their Claims for examination.
P. Verbeke, q.q.
Demerary, 23d December 1809.

For Liverpool. [heading]
To Sail the second Springs in January next.
The Ship Traveller, John Fisher, master.
For Freight or Passage apply to
Douglas, Reid & Co.
Demerary, 30th December, 1809.

The Subscribers finding there is no likelihood of a Convoy being appointed to leave this before the Month of April, - acquaint their Friends they have determined to dispatch the Brig Ebinezar [sic], Capt. Winningholdt, a running Vessel the first Springs in February.
The Ebenezar will load Coffee and Cotton only.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 30th December 1809.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The fine fast-sailing Ship Thomas, George Forster, Master.
Coppered and Armed, Intended to Sail the first Springs in February (Half her Cargo being already engaged.)
For Freight or Passage apply to the said Master, or to
Thomas Finlayson, and
Chas. Sayers, q.q.
P. Macintyre.
Demerary, 2d Jan. 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
By the Subscribers, at the House of Mr. Patrick McIntyre, the following articles, from Liverpool, viz: -
[first column]
Building Lime in hogsheads
Salt in barrels,
Potatoes in bbls. & hampers,
Pease and barley in half barrels and Jars,
[second column]
Paint Oil in 2 1/2 gallon jars,
White Paint in quarter kegs,
Mild Ale in Puncheons,
Porter in ditto,
Hams in ditto,
Loaf Sugar in ditto,
[end columns]
Likewise a large assortment of Dry Goods.
Thos. Finlayson.
Chas. Sayers, q.q.
P. McIntyre.
Demerary, 1st Jan. 1810.

Plantains. [heading]
Any Quantity of Plantains may be had very reasonable from a Plantation near Town, to the Stelling of which boats can come at any time of Tide, on Contract payable quarterly.
Cash will be given for 20 to 40 square bales Cotton to be delivered about the 12th January.
Further information will be given on application to
James Robertson, Agent.
Newtown, 30th Decb. 1809.

The Subscriber has received a few Tierces of Bottled London Porter of good quality, on Consignment, which he will dispose of by the Cask on reasonable terms for Cash.
Richard Batty.
Demerary, 30th December 1809.

Wanted to Hire [heading]
On an Estate.
From 10 to 20 Negroes, For about Two Months. A fair Hire will be given.
Apply to the Printer. January 2d 1810.

The Subscriber requests all those indebted to him on open Accounts, Notes of hand or otherwise, to come forward with payment, particularly those who are in arrears for 1806, 7 and 8, as it is entirely out of his power to fulfil his engagements without more punctuality on the part of those indebted to him; he therefore informs those concerned that no longer indulgence will be given.
Alexr. Reith.
Demerary, 30th December 1809.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Commerce, Thomas Watt, master, Will sail the second Springs in January. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master or Garden, King & Co.
Cumingsburg, 19th December 1809.

For London. [heading]
The fine Coppered Ship Mary, James Jennings, Master.
Will sail a running Vessel the first Springs in January.
Has excellent accommodations for Passengers.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on Board,
or to Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Demerary, 11th November 1809

For London with the first Convoy [heading]
The Brig Ebinezar, Captain Winningholdt.
This Vessel will Load Coffee and Cotton only. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master of Board or to
Cornfoot, Bell &Co.
Cumingsburg, 18th November 1809.

For Liverpool. [heading]
the well known Ship Mary, John Mares, Master.
Will positively sail the second Springs next Month.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Stabroek, 16th December 1809.

Now Landing from the Brig Westbury, Capt. Gray, from Liverpool, the following Articles, viz: -
[first column]
Mould Candles,
[second column]
Fine Salt
Crates of Ware assorted
Lyng Fish
Loaf Sugar
[end columns]
Bricks and Lime, &c.
Dec. 23d. Hyndman & Cary.

Just Imported in the Ship Commerce, Capt. Watt, from Glasgow, and for sale by the Subscribers on reasonable terms for Cash or Produce: -
A few cases fashionable checked Pullicates,
Fashionable Table setts of Ware, various colours and patterns,
Ditto tea setts complete,
Cotton and coffee bagging,
Negro caps,
Ship bread in puncheons
Oats in ditto,
Small Boats for Colony craft, &c.
Garden, King & Co.
Cumingsburg, 23d December 1809.

Wanted To Hire. [heading]
A good House Boy, a Cook, and House Girl. Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 23d December, 1809.

Wanted To Hire. [heading]
A Cooper.
Please apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 23d December, 1809.

Landing from the Ship Fame, Capt. Williams from Liverpool.
New Bristol Marble Temper Lime in Kegs and for Sale by
Lewis Sack.
Cumingsburg, 23d Dec. 1809.

The Undersigned request such as are indebted to the late Thomas Wishart, to make immediate payment to Alexr. Reith, in order that the Creditors of the deceased may receive as large a dividend as possible.
Alexr. Wishart,
Alexr. Reith,
Demerary, 30th December 1809.

All those who have any business to settle with, or who have any demands against the undersigned either in his prive[accent] or q.q. are requested to call and arrange the same as soon as possible, and all those indebted are requested to come to a settlement without further delay; as it is his intention in the event of no particular obstacle occurring, to quit this Colony early in the ensuing year.
R. B. Daly.
Demerary, 30th December 1809.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Fame, Philip Williams, Master.
To Sail Second Springs in January next.
For Freight apply to
Jno. Shepley.
Who has a few Casks of Lime for Sale.
Cumingsburg, 16th Dec. 1809.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship John, David Tyrer, Master.
Will sail second Springs in January. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
McInroy, Sandbach & Co.
Demerary, 16th December, 1809.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Belleisle, Wm. Gemmell, Master.
Will positively sail the first Springs in January next.
For Freight or Passage apply to
Douglas, Reid & Co.
Who have for Sale, - Bricks, Lime, and a general assortment of Negro Cloathing, Ironmongery, &c. Imported in said Ship.
Demerary, 9th December 1809.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Maria, Robert Cowley, Master.
Will sail the second Springs next Month.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on Board, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 12th December 1809.

Wanted To Hire. [heading]
From Twenty to Thirty Field Negroes.
On a Coffee Plantation for One Year certain. A liberal Hire will be given. Apply to
Alexr. Reith.
Bridge-Town, 23d Decb. 1809.

Notice. [heading]
All those indebted to the Boedle [sic] of George Craig deceased, are hereby called upon to settle their respective Accounts without delay, that the undersigned may be thereby enabled speedily to close the Estate.
Alexr. Reith q.q.
Demerary, 30th December 1809.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves
in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 6th January, 1810.



Brought by



Abary Ferry.


Gerard in Trinidad,

P. holder Moroco.





J. L. Looff,

Pl. Phoenix.


Chas. Beausobre,







From Trinidad.



Joh. De Ruiter.


Thos. Laurence,

Pl. Foulis.


Rowland Smith,




Pl. La Penitence.


G. Angle,

Pl. Ruimveld.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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