Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 January 09


Vol. V.]


[No. 231.

Tuesday, January 9th, 1810.

Commissariat Office,
9th January, 1810.
Cash Wanted for the following Bills of Exchange, amounting to
L 1000 Sterling, viz: -
No. 867, L 300.
868, 300.
869, 200.
870, 200. - L 1000.
Drawn by the Deputy Pay Master General on the Right Honorable the Pay Master's General of His Majesty's Forces, at sixty days Sight. Tenders for the whole or any part thereof, payable in Gold Joes, will be received at this Office until Saturday next, the 13th Instant, at 12 o'Clock, when the same will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest offer, if approved, accepted.
Alexr. Pitman, Asst. Commissary.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Ceres, John Robinson, Master.
Will sail the Second Springs in February.
For Freight or Passage apply to
Barton, Deane & Co.
Cumingsburg, 9th January 1810.

The Creditors of Plantation Elizabeth & Success, Leguan Island, or Mrs. Ann Goolsby, are requested to meet at Mr. Marshall's Hotel on Friday the 2d February at 12 o'Clock at Noon.
P. C. Ouckama
Jas. Reid
Demerary, 9th January 1810.

Drifted a few days ago from alongside the Ship Traveller, - a Punt about 25 feet long 7 feet Beam with four iron knees. Whoever cane give information where she may be found will be liberally rewarded on application to
Douglas, Reid & Co.
Demerary, 9th January, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Fifteen Hogsheads of Coals, received per Fame, Capt. Williams. Apply to
William King.
Cumingsburg, 9th January 1810.

For Sale, [heading]
A Stout healthy Young Woman, named Present, with her Mulatto Child about Eight Months old. She is warranted to be a first-rate Sempstress and Washer; - she is also a good Cook, and understands taking care of a house. For further particulars apply to Mr. John Ross, Mahaica, or at the Office of this Paper.
Stabroek, 9th January 1810.

The Business hitherto Conducted by the Subscribers, under the Firm of Thomas Barry & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual Consent. Any Claims against the Concern will be rendered to Mr. Barry for settlement and those indebted will please make Payment to him.
Thos. Barry.
E. Troughton.
Demerary, 6th January 1810.

Bills on New York. [heading]
The Subscribers will Sell Bills on New York, at 90 days Sight, to the amount of a few Thousand Dollars.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 9th January 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
A few Barrels Lamp Oil,
at f 3 per Gallon per Barrel, or in Bottles
at f 11 per Dozen. Enquire at this Office.
Demerary, 9th January 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 17th January, . . . [double check – already transcribed eariler?]
Also the large and equally convenient House at the corner of the same street, next the water side, lately occupied by L. Sack Esq. The premises are so well known as to require no recommendation.
Jan. 6th. Kingston & McBean.

On Thursday the 18th inst. at the Stelling in front of Saml. Mackay's, by order of Capt. Ribins, the Hull, Sails, Spars and Rigging, &c. of the Schooner Saba, condemned by survey, and sold for account of those concerned.
N.B. The sale will commence at 2 o'clock precisely.
January 9th. Kingston & McBean.

Notice is hereby given, on the behalf of Robert Kingston, Esq. that all persons having Demands against him in prive[grave] as well as in his different qualities, are requested to furnish him with their Accounts, in order that they may be examined and paid by the month of April next, at which time he proposes to quit the Colony for a short time.
Secretary's Office, 9th January 1810.
C. T. Tinne, First Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 17 stivers. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 10. Rum (C.P.) - 21 to 22 1/2

There have been two arrivals since Saturday, with the Ceres from Liverpool, and Union from Newfoundland, but nothing new by either of them.

Silence respecting the progress of the Expedition lately fitted out to windward under the command of C. Edmonston Esq. against the Bush Negroes, being no longer, if it was ever thought seriously necessary; we now take leave to announce the return of the Party, with Seventy-six black prisoners, after having killed Twenty-six more in different skirmishes with the Banditti. The prisoners were marched through town this morning and are either to be sent on board a Hulk already moored for that purpose in the mouth of the River, as soon as properly fitted up for their reception, or divided amongst the shipping in the harbour. We mention these things on report without vouching for their authenticity.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.

Jan. 3. - Ship Ceres, Capt. Robinson, from Liverpool - General Cargo.
-- 9. - Schooner Ann, Lowe, Surinam - Sundries.
-- -- - Ship Union, Rannie, Newfoundland - Fish.

Jan. 9. - Ship Belleisle, Capt. Gemmell, for Glasgow.

Died. - Yesterday, Mr. C. S. Goepel, and Mr. A. Spalding.

To be Contracted for. [heading]
The Repairing of the Bridge over the Boerasiry Creek.
The said Bridge wants several new Beams, and nearly the whole to be newly Planked, each plank to be of the breadth of the Bridge, and a compleat new Railing.
All the materials are to be of good Greenheart. Tenders for the same to be given in before the first of February next, at the Colony house, Stabroek, or at the House of either of the undersigned as appointed Commissaries by the Court of Policy.
D. Hoola Van Nooten.
D. L. C. Martini.
Demerary, 19th December, 1809.

New Town, 27th Dec. 1809.
In consequence of being appointed Treasurer to St. George's Church at a Meeting of the Subscribers thereto, held by public advertisement the 20 inst. at Marshall's Hotel, the undersigned, in order to ascertain what monies may be yet due by the Committee under whose direction the Church has been erected, and to bring all accounts against the same to a close by the 25th of March next, according to order, requests all persons having accounts relating to the Church, to be pleased to render to him an exact statement of them, properly authenticated by any one of the Committee, crediting at the same time such payments as may have been made on account thereof.
He will also be obliged to those Persons, who have taken Pews, for the amount of the Rent fixed at the above meeting to be paid immediately, for which Receipts guaranteeing the entire and free possession of the same will be given by him.
And, as some respectable names appear as Subscribers to this excellent purpose, who have suffered the payment of their Donations to escape recollection, he was particularly desired to call upon them to pay the same without delay; he therefore hopes to be excused for thus publicly soliciting them to contribute their assistance, that he may be the better prepared to meet every claim, and save himself the unpleasantness of importunate and repeated applications.
James Robertson, Treasurer.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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