Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 January 20


Vol. V.]


[No. 234.

Saturday, January 20th, 1810.

Government Bills. [heading]
Commissariat Office,
19th January, 1810.
Cash Wanted for the following Bill of Exchange, viz: -
No. 867, L 300 Sterling,
drawn by the Deputy Pay Master General on the Right Honorable the Pay Master's General of His Majesty's Forces, at sixty days Sight. Tenders for the same, payable in Gold Joes, will be received at this Office until Monday next, the 22d Instant, at 12 o'Clock, when the same will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops, and the highest offer, if approved, accepted.
Alexr. Pitman, Asst. Commissary.

Commissariat Office,
19th January 1810.
Cash Wanted for the following Bills of Exchange, amounting to L 2000 Stg. viz:
[first column]
No. 667, L 400.
668, 300.
669, 300.
670, 200.
671, 200.
[second column]
No. 672, L 200.
673, 150.
674, 150.
675, 100.
--- L 2000 Stg.
drawn by Joseph Bullock Esq. Commissary General, on the Right Honble. the Lords Commissaries of His Majesty's Treasury. Tenders in Quadruplicate for the whole or any part thereof will be received at this Office until Friday next, the 26th Instant, at 10 o'Clock, when they will be opened in the presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops and the highest Offer if approved accepted.
Two-thirds the amount will be received in Paper-Money.
Alex. Pitman
Asst. Comsy.

The Subscribers have received for sale by the Ship Blanchard, Capt. Hewison, from Liverpool and Madeira:
Temper and Building Lime,
Long Wood Hoops,
Salt in Puncheons & Barrels, and
First-Quality Madeira Wine.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 20th January, 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Blanchard, Geo. Hewison, Master.
Will sail the second Springs next Month.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 20th January 1810.

Plantains for Sale. [heading]
The Subscriber offers any number of Bunches out of a new Walk on Plantation Potosie, at a moderate Price, payable in Six Months at Potosie or in Stabroek - to commence from the 1st February next.
Richard Harding.
Demerary, 20th January, 1810.

For Sale or Hire, [heading]
The East part of Lot No. 17, Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon. Possession can be given on the 19th of February first, at which time the present Tenant Mr. James Caple gives it up. Apply to
20th Jany. Alexr. Reith.

Drifted. [heading]
From the Stelling at Fort William Frederick, a Four Oar'd Tent Boat; the sides painted White and Green, the tent covered with canvas and painted dark Green. Any Person giving information where she is or sending her to the Fort will be rewarded by
John Skeys.
Camp, 20th January, 1810.

All those who have demands against or are indebted to the Estate of Chs. J. McIntosh, will please render their accounts, and come forward with Payment.
Edwd. McIntosh.
Deliberating Executor
Commercial Coffee House,
American Stelling, 20th Jany. 1810.

The Subscribers have received by the Claude Scott, Capt. Stroyan, from Nova Scotia: -
White-Pine Boards and Plank,
Clap Boarding,
Rice and Potatoes, and
Dry Cod Fish in Casks.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 20th January 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Brig Claude Scott, J. R. Stroyan, Master.
Will sail a running Vessel in March; - For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Cumingsburg, 20th January 1810.

Just arrived per Ship Demerary, Capt. Inglis, and for Sale by the Subscribers: -
Half Barrels Red Herrings,
Boxes Soap and Candles,
9-8 & 6-4 Demy Cambrics, 12 yards each,
Fashionable white and coloured Twilled Hdkfs.
White and Printed Callicoes,
Cotton Platillias, Ditto Brittanias,
Ladies' & Gentlemens pocket books, repositorys, diarys, almanacks, &c. for the year 1810,
A New Gig, light and square body, curricle springs &c.
Mahogany Medicine Chests complete,
Boxes Garden Seeds assorted,
Hardware, &c. &c.
Chorley & Cook.
New Town, 20th January 1810.

The Subscriber has Imported per Demerary from Liverpool, and Blanchard from Madeira: -
An assortment of Dry Goods, and Superior London partr. Madeira Wine, in pipes, half butts, hogsheads and quarter casks, both of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms for immediate payment.
Pat. Macintyre.
Robb's Town, 20th January 1810.

The undersigned have just received per the Demerary, Capt. Inglis, a consignment of the following articles, which will be disposed of Wholesale, on moderate terms for Cash or Produce only: -
20 half barrels prime Irish pork,
20 do. do. do. do. beef,
2 tierces Cumberland Hams,
5 boxes fancy cheese,
10 small hampers Lancashire do.
5 tierces best London porter.
5 do. Burton ale,
5 hogsheads best London brown stout,
20 Jars Pickled tripe,
20 do. pearl barley,
20 do. Shield do.
10 do. fine split pease,
10 cases Durham mustard,
20 hampers Irish potatoes,
14 dozen best sallad oil,
7 dozen raspberry and cherry brandy,
12 do. brown and white wine vinegar,
20 kegs Temper lime.
C. & J. Ryan.
Demerary, 20th January 1810.

For Sale, [heading]
Ten Prime Carpenter & Wood-Cutting Negroes.
They will be disposed of for approved Bills of Exchange at three, six or nine Months sight, and if not Sold by the Month of March next, will be put up at Public Auction, notice whereof will be given.
Jno. Macdonald.
Mahaica, 18th January 1810.

Just received by the Ship Demerary, Cap. [sic] Inglis from Liverpool and for Sale by the Subscribers:
[first column]
Long Lawn,
Irish Dowlas,
5-4 Irish Sheeting,
3-4, 7-8 & 4-4 Irish Linens,
7-8 half bleached Linen,
Bed Tyk [sic],
Linen Checks,
Linen Bengal Stripes,
7-8 English Checks,
Fancy Ginghams & Calicoes.
Cotton Cambric,
Light and dark Madrass Handkerchiefs,
China blue Pullicates,
Fine white corded dimity,
Quilting and Royal Rib,
Table Cloths & Diaper,
Nuns Thread & Bobbin,
Cotton Bengals,
Brown Holland,
Muslin Check,
Cotton Stockings,
Buckskin Gloves,
Willow Hats,
Large full mounted Cotton Hammocks,
Negro hats and blankets,
[second column]
Best London Porter & Beer,
Hams, Cheese & Potatoes,
Loaf Sugar,
Irish Butter,
Mess Beef and Pork,
Glauber Salts & pale Bark,
Soap and Candles,
Paint and Paint Oil,
Hoes, Shovels & Cutlasses,
Patent Shott, felling axes,
Claw hammers,
Carpenters adzes, gimblets,
Socket Chissels,
5-8 to 2 inch Chest locks,
Vat and Puncheon Hoops,
Fishing hooks and lines,
Buck and bone handled Knives and Forks,
Tutenag mettle Tea and Table Spoons,
Patent East and West India Candlesticks with glasses,
Ditto with rich silver shell work,
Lime and Bricks,
[end columns]
McInroy, Sandbach & Co.
Werk & Rust, 20th January 1810.

Imported in the Ship Demerary, Cap. [sic] Inglis, from Liverpool and for Sale by the Subscriber, viz:
[first column]
Butter in firkins & kegs,
Mess Pork in barrels,
Ditto Beef in half ditto,
Red Herrings,
Oysters, Anchovies,
Raspberry & Cherry brandy,
[second column]
Boat Cambooses with ovens,
Boots and Shoes,
Fine Ruffled Shirts,
Neck handkerchiefs,
Leghorn & patent silk hats,
Lamp Oil,
Cotton Bagging,
A general assortment of Ironmongery, &c. &c.
Robt. Younghusband.
Demerary, 20th January, 1810.

The Subscribers have for Sale at their Store opposite that of William Lucas Esq. -
[first column]
New Butter in firkins and half firkins,
Cumberland Hands,
Pine Cheese,
Hyson Tea,
Loaf Sugar,
Soap and Candles,
Hessian Boots,
[second column]
Planters Shoes, Dress Shoes,
Ladies black morocco shoes,
Girls ditto,
Salt in barrels,
Madeira Wine,
3 Year Old Rum,
Hoes, Shovels & Cutlasses.
[end columns]
Nurse & Troughton.
Demerary, 20th January 1810.

At Vendue. [heading]
Will be sold at the Vendue Office on Friday the 16th February next, at 1 o'Clock, (without Negroes) the Plantation Little Farm, situated on the West bank of the River near the second Island, containing about 100 Acres of Land in the first depth, with the privilege of the second; it has from 10 to 12 M. Coffee-Trees about 4 Years old and now in bearing, and from 25 to 30 Acres of Plantains more or less as may appear on inspection; aback of the present cultivation is very rich Coffee Land 40 to 50 Acres of which is partly cleared, and may be planted at a small expence. A convenient Dwelling House, out Buildings and Negro Houses have been erected on it within four Years; the soil of the front ground and the circumstance of its having been lately in cultivation, indicate great facility in breeding, raising and fattening Cattle and other stock, which concern might be carried on to a considerable extent, and on account of its proximity to Town with much ease and advantage. No immediate payment will be required. For further particulars please to apply at the Vendue Office, to the Subscriber, or to the Manager on the Plantation.
Jno. Hall.
N.B. The Proprietor being about to quit the Colony renders it necessary that this property should be sold without reserve.
Demerary, 20th January 1810.

Absconded from the Subscriber a valuable Cooper Negro commonly called Bob, - but may attempt to pass himself as a Free man under the name of Robert Turner. A handsome reward will be given for his apprehension, and all Masters of Vessels are hereby cautioned against taking the said Negro from the Colony.
Demerary, 20th Jan. 1810. F. C. Otto.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]

By Virtue of an Extract of the minutes dated 9th January 1810. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the Third Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of Samuel Challoner Executor to the Estate of Henry Farley deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice, sitting for audience at the ordinary Court of Rolls in the Town of Stabroek, on the 12th day of February; in order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Thus published and affixed there and where it ought to be. Rio Demerary, 19th January, 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of an Extract of the minutes dated 9th January 1810. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the Third Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of C. N. Bollers, sole Executor to the Estate of J. C. Stadtman deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice, sitting for audience at the ordinary Court of Rolls in the Town of Stabroek, on the 12th day of February; in order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their Claims thereto accordingly.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 19th January, 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of an Extract of the minutes dated 9th January 1810. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the Third Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of Wm. Lucas and Jos. Tayler, Executors to the Estate of James Kenyon deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice, sitting for audience at the ordinary Court of Rolls in the Town of Stabroek, on the 12th day of February; in order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their Claims thereto accordingly.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 19th January, 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of an Extract of the minutes dated 9th January 1810. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the Third Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of J. A. Fillan q.q. Susannah Morehouse and R. F. Allicock, Executors to the Estate of N. Morehouse deceased.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice, sitting for audience at the ordinary Court of Rolls in the Town of Stabroek, on the 12th day of February; in order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their Claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the last Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Thus published and affixed there and where it ought to be. Rio Demerary, 19th January, 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

By Virtue of an Extract of the minutes dated 18th December 1809. Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the Third Time by Edict Summoned!
In the name and behalf of the Sequestors of Plantation Gornichem, situated in Mahaica Creek, belonging unto Jos. Hunt and Jas. Bennett, lately sold by Execution Sale.
All known and unknown Creditors of said Estate, who suppose to have any Claim on the neat proceeds of said Sale, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice, sitting for audience at the ordinary Court of Rolls in the Town of Stabroek, on the 12th days of February; in order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their Claims thereto accordingly.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 19th January, 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

The Subscriber requests all Persons that may have any Demands against her to render in their Accounts immediately for Payment, as she intends quitting this Colony in a few Days.
Ann McSwiney.
Demerary, January 20th 1810.

Drifted from along-side the Brig Sir John Moore, a five oared Boat, painted with two yellow mouldings, - supposed to have gone up the River. Whoever will bring the Boat along-side the said vessel shall be handsomely Rewarded by
Jany. 20th. Leonard Watson.

Notice. [heading]
The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of Ali Dey is removed from D. P. Simon Esqr's. Residence, to that of Park Benjamin Esq.
Demerary, 20th January 1810.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Tuesday next the 23d inst. at the Vendue Office: - 100 pieces Irish linens assorted, 50 pieces fine checks, 30 half pieces long lawns, 60 pieces fine printed calicoes and shawls, 30 pieces half bleached callicoes, 10 pieces white jeans, 6 dozen linen shirts, made cloaths, and a few barrels new mess Beef.
January 20th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 26th Instant at the Vendue Office, by order of Alex. Tulloh Esq. - the following Articles remaining of the Stock of the late Firm of Henry Tulloh & Co. viz: - 5 boxes of ribbons, 4 parcels of cotton stockings, 6 black silk shawls, 13 silk vest patterns, 18 silk breeches patterns, 6 dozen ad 7 pair black silk stockings, 4 dozen and half of long gloves, 6 dozen and eleven pair white silk stockings, 17 dozen & 2 pair short gloves, 1 dozen mitts, 8 pairs sleeves, one dozen and nine long silk purses, 55 short ditto, 12 dozen of watch strings, and 23 pair of Boots.
January 20th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 16th February, at the Vendue Office, by order of John Hall Esq. (will be put up at one o'Clock precisely) - The Plantation Little Farm. For particulars see Mr. Hall's advertisement in the first page of this paper.
January 20th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mrs. Garrett, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 5th January 1810.
Thomas Boon, in 14 days, from do.
Ann Kirton, with her two Children and a black Servant, in 14 days or 1 Month, - from do.
Alexr. McBain, with his Wife and Children, in 14 days, or by the Ship Commerce. - Jan. 9th.
John Elliot, with his Wife, in 14 days, from Jan. 10.
Q. R. Seward, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from ditto.
Mrs. Ann Forster, in 14 days, - from 12th Jany.
J. C. Heim, in 14 days or a Month, - from ditto.
Wm. Herbert, in 14 days, - from 16th Jany.
Rebecca Jemmott, in ditto, - from ditto.
William King, in the Month of April next.
J. M. Bauch, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from Jan. 19.
Willm. Shipley, late residing on the Plantation New Hope, in 14 days, from Jany. 19th.
Alex. Fraser, in all the Month of February.
Malcolm Fraser, in all the Month of February.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

At the Commissary Court of the Month of February will be passed the following Mortgages and Transports, Viz: -
By James Samms a second Mortgage on Plantation Felicity on the East-Coast of Demerary, in favor of Messrs. Munro & Brown, Merchants, London.
By the Executors of the late Hugh Holms, Transport of Plantation Mary, on the West-Coast of this River, to Jonas Fileen.
By Ms. Smit and P. F. Tinne, Transport of a certain part of Lot No. 34 in the front lands of Plantation Eveleary, now called Kingston, with the Buildings thereon, to Andw. Mills.
By Andrew Mills, Transport of the above to Miss Ann. St. Clair.
By Fredk. Kent q.q. Wm. Harris, Transport of the East-Quarter of Lot No. 134 in Cumingsburg with the Buildings thereon to J. H. Hewes.
By C. Vincent q.q. Transport of the Lots No. 1 & 2, in Charles Town, to Ns. Rousselet.
By Ns. Rousselet, Transport of two-thirds of the Lot No. 29, situate in Charles Town with the Buildings thereon to his Daughter Lucy Adriana Rousselet.
By J. S. Masse and his Wife J. C. Luthers, a first Mortgage on Plantation The Diamond, in favor of Doekscheer & Steenbergen.
Secretary's Office, 20th January 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.

Banns of Matrimony [heading]
Between Robert Younghusband, born in England, Widower, and Elizabeth McDonald, born in Barbados, Spinster, assisted by her Guardian M. Van Kerkwyk Esq. and Mrs. Ravenscroft.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, Jany. 20th, 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 17 stivers. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

Came in here on Wednesday, the Ship Demerary, Capt. Inglis, out twenty seven days from Liverpool, and on the evening of the same day, the Lady Spencer Mail Boat, with the First December Mail from Barbados.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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