Vol. V.]
[No. 242.
Saturday, February
17th, 1810.
By His Excellency
H. W. Bentinck, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of
Demerary and Essequebo and their Dependent Districts, Vice Admiral, and
President in all Courts and Colleges &c. &c. &c.
And, The Honble.
Court of Policy of the said Colonies.
Unto all whom
these presents may, do or shall concern; Greeting! Be it known:
Whereas it is of
the utmost importance that the Government of the Colony should always possess
correct information of the number of Slaves deserted from Estates, or from the
Inhabitants, and of the Laws enacted at different times for that purpose have
of late been little attended to, it is now ordered that a general Return shall
be made before the 31st of March next ensuing, by all Planters and other
Inhabitants of these Colonies, of all Slaves who have deserted from them or
from the Estates belonging to them or under their Administration, as far back as
can be traced, which Returns are to specify the number, Names, Country and Sex
of such Runaway Slaves, the time since which they have absconded, as well as
the names of the Owners, and if so, of the Estates to which such Slaves
respectively belong; and all Proprietors or Administrators of Estates, or
other, not knowing of any past desertions of the Slaves belonging to them or to
the Estates under their Administration, shall nevertheless likewise give in,
before the 31st March next, a general declaration, signed by them stating such
to be the case - all on pain of a fine of One Thousand Guilders, to be incurred
and paid by the defaulters making such Returns, exclusive of the forfeiture of
any of their Slaves who may thereafter be taken up and then be found not to
have been Returned as Runaways on this occasion.
All the aforesaid
Returns to be given in before the 31st of March next, to the Captains of the
Militia of the respective Districts in which those making the Returns reside,
who, in this particular instance, are required to transmit all such original
returns before the 15th April following, direct to the Slave Register in each
Colony respectively, who have been appointed by His Excellency the Governor to
collect these Returns, and who are to prepare a general abstract thereof to be
laid before the Court of Policy at its next ensuing ordinary Session.
It is further
ordered by way of renewing and amending the Ordinance enacted by the Court on
the 1st September 1795, respecting the information to be given of every
occuring [sic] desertion of Slaves, that, independent and exclusive of the
General Return required to be made in the first instance before the 31st March
next, all Proprietors and Administrators of Estates and other Inhabitants shall
be bound, from and after that time, whenever any Slave or Slaves may desert
from them, to give in a report thereof to the Captain of the Militia of the
District in which they reside, within ten days after the date of such
desertion; - which Report is also to contain the name or names of the deserted
Slave or Slaves, his, her or their nation, Sex and description, and in the
event of any such Slave or Slaves returning to the Estate or Proprietor
immediate information is also to be given thereof to the Captain of the District
as before stated. These Returns to be transmitted quarterly by the Captains of
the Militia in the several Districts, (a fortnight before each Ordinary Session
of the Court of Policy), until further order, to the Slave Registers of
Demerary and Essequebo respectively, in order that a general Quarterly Return
may each time be made therefrom to be laid before the Court. And it is lastly
provided that all Owners or Administrators of Estates or other inhabitants who
shall not make such Returns within the time required, shall, on any Slave
belonging to them being afterwards taken up in the course of any Bush
Expedition or otherwise, and who shall then appear not to have been returned,
forfeit all title to such Slave or Slaves, and over and above that a sum of Six
Hundred Guilders.
All the aforesaid
pecuniary Fines to be applied One third to the Fiscal, One third for the Poor,
and the remaining One third for the Informer or Informers.
And that no
Ignorance may be pretended hereof this Ordinance shall be Printed, Published
and sent round for general information.
Done at our
Ordinary Session at the Court House in Stabroek, Demerary, the 1st February
1810, and published the 12th of the same month.
H. W. Bentinck,
By Command of the
P. F. Tinne, Dy.
To Be Sold
Reasonable [heading]
For Immediate
At the Stores of
Q. R. & H. O.
In Cumingsburg,
formerly occupied by Wm. King & Co.
[first column]
Mess Beef and Pork
in half barrels - best quality,
Irish new double
rose butter,
Sago, Pearl Barley,
Split Pease,
Black Pepper,
Rice in tierces
and bags,
Hams, Cheese,
Ox Tongues and
Cow-Heel in kegs,
Tripe in ditto,
Potatoes in
hampers & bbls.
Double and Single
refined Loaf Sugar,
Fine Hyson Tea,
Sallad Oil,
Salt in barrels
& baskets,
Soap and Candles,
Inverness Cotton
Breakfast Setts
with trays,
Sandwich Trays,
Quills, Ink
Best London
Particular Madeira Wine in pipes, hhds. and per dozen,
[second column]
Best London Wired
-- Old Rum,
-- Cogniac Brandy,
Gentlemens boots
& shoes,
Ditto fine Beaver
and Patent Silk Hats,
Ladies' and
Childrens' fine Beaver ditto,
Ladies fashionable
Ditto Boot and
Ditto Pocket
Fine Jean
Fine Irish Linen
Shirts with Cambric Frills,
Ditto Cravats,
Fine India Muslin,
Best Gentlemens'
Pocket Books, Pocket Ledgers and Memoran. Books,
Best Hogskin
Double and Single
And sundry other
[end columns]
Newfoundland Cod
Best White-Pine
Wood Hoops,
Vatts and Vatt and
Puncheon Hoops,
Puncheon and
Hogshead Truss Hoops.
Demerary, 17th
February 1810.
For Sale by the
Subscriber at the House formerly occupied by Messrs. Wm. Hallstead & Co.
viz: -
[first column]
Yorkshire hams,
Double Gloucester
Do. Rose butter,
Beer and porter,
Soap and candles,
Prime mess beef,
Do. Pork,
Potatoes in
barrels and in hampers,
Salt in barrels,
Tobacco in do.
Durham mustard,
White wine
Sallad oil,
[second column]
Boots and Shoes,
Gents. best beaver
Do. Planters do.
Irish linen
Negro cloathing,
An assortment of
Do. Earthenware,
Newfoundland Fish
in casks and boxes,
Madeira Wine per
Cherry do. per do.
Old rum, and
Sundry other
[end columns]
He also offers for
Sale the House lately occupied by him in Cumingsburg, the situation of which is
very desirable as it will suit either for a private Family or for Business.
The Buildings are in excellent order, and there is the convenience of a fine
Garden with every thing in as good perfection as the Country will afford.
No immediate
Payment will be required.
Feb. 17, 1810.
Geo. Lacy.
Notice is hereby
given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the undersigned is now at N.
Manget's Esq. Plantn. Ruimveld.
N. Winandy.
Demerary, 17th
February 1810.
Public Vendues.
[reviewed but nothing new]
The Subscriber
offers for Sale his half of Lot of Land No. 86, North Dam, Stabroek, with the
Dwelling House and side Buildings thereon erected. The Dwelling House being 28
feet long by 12 feet wide, all in complete repair; the half Lot having been
railed round within this month. For further particulars apply to
Colin Elder.
N.B. Who requests
all those indebted to him to come forward with payment of the same before the
1st March ensuing, otherwise they will be given into the hands of his Attorney
at Law to sue for without respect to person or persons.
Demerary, 17th
February 1810.
Lost, Yesterday
evening, either in America Street, or betwixt that and South-Street, - a New
Red Morocco leather Pocket Book containing about f 400 in Paper-Money and 3
Gold Joes, besides Letters and other Papers. Whoever may have found the same
and deliver it at the Store of the Subscribers will be rewarded.
Wardrop &
Demerary, 17th
February 1810.
Wants a Situation.
A Young Man who
can make himself useful in a Store. Would have no objection to go to any part
of the Colonies to collect; writes a fair hand. A line directed to J.B. at the
Printer's will be duly attended to.
Demerary, 13th
February, 1810.
OFFICE. [heading]
This is to inform
the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Saml. R. Nurse, in
14 days or 3 Weeks, - 3d Feb.
Dond. McLean, in
14 days, - from the 5th Feby.
John Carpenter, in
do. or one Month, - from do.
H. J. Lucas, in 14
days or 6 Weeks, - from 5th Feb.
Wm. Gordon, Junr,
for Berbice, in 14 days, - ditto.
Thomas Lawrence
and Family, in 14 days or 3 Months, 6th Feby. 1810.
Thos. Frankland in
14 days or a Month, from Feb. 7
J. Griffith, in
ditto or ditto, - from 8th Feb.
Allen Dalzell, in
ditto or 3 Months, from Feb. 9th.
Coulthurst, in 14 days, - from 10th Feb.
F. De Ridder, with
a black Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from 10th Feby.
Ms. LaMaison,
LL.D. by the first Fleet.
Henry Burton, in
14 days, - from 12th Feby.
Wm. Francis, in 14
days, - from 13th Feby.
Joseph Clarke,
with his Wife and two Slaves, in 14 days, - from 14th Feby.
Mrs. Duzart, in 14
days or 3 weeks, from Feb. 16th.
C. T. Tinne, first
Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]
Theatre Royal,
Demerary. [heading]
February 14th,
On Thursday, the
22d inst. will be Performed
The Tragedy of
George Barnwell,
To which will be
added the favorite
Entertainment of
The Anatomist.
Prices of Tickets.
Upper Boxes (where
Refreshments will be provided) One Joe; - Lower boxes, Five Dollars; - Pit,
Three Dollars; - Back Seats, below, (formerly part of the lower Boxes) - Two
Doors to be opened
at Six o'Clock, and the
Performance to
begin precisely at Seven.
The Proprietors
beg leave to observe, that hereafter no Person can be admitted on Nights of
Rehearsal. And they will be much obliged to such Persons as intend visiting
the future Performances at the Theatre, if they will send for Tickets on the
day of Performance, or any day previous to it, which would prevent a great deal
of confusion in receiving Money at the doors.
Average Cash
Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 18 7
looking up. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to
10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2
Once more - and
the contents of two Mails, viz. the Second December and First January, have
suddenly poured in on our attention with but little time for preparation, or
giving a digest to our Readers.
We copy the
following from the Berbice Gazette of Saturday last: -
"In our last
Wednesday's Supplement we announced the arrival of his Excellency General and
Governor Dalrymple and his assumption on Monday of the Civil Government, and
his departure same day for Demerary. We hope soon to [illegible] greet his
approach and trust his stay with us may be permanent.
At the same time,
that we sincerely regret the loss, of his late Excellency Governor Woodley,
particularly to his domestic sphere, such loss being irremediable, we cannot
[illegible] congratulating the different classes of society in [illegible] on
the first place being filled by one, whose wishes for [illegible] prosperity of
this Colony and whose possession of [illegible] agreeable properties, necessary
for his elevated rank, [illegible] render him an object of universal esteem and
respect [illegible] can we pass without remark his silent entry on the
[illegible] his high station, deeming it a trait of dignified sensibility
[illegible] appropriately delicate.
A frequent change
of Governors may be considered detrimental to the interests of a Colony; and
this [illegible] allowed, should we not when we are favoured with [illegible]
whom the fates bestow agreeable to our interests and [illegible] wishes, should
we not endeavour to secure so acceptable [illegible] boon? can we not exert
ourselves to that effect; or in it [illegible]patible with the duty of
citizens, to request as a [illegible] their Sovereign that good, which they
know by experience would benefit the community? questions such as [illegible]
easily answered and we must only regret our own [illegible] if we lose what we
desire to retain, when we do not [illegible] single effort for its retention.
These remarks are
made in the hope of arousing [illegible] who have the necessary consequence and
ability of [illegible]ing a measure of the kind, and whose interest [illegible]
with the interest of the colony, would be by such a [illegible] benefited. To
suggest a point may be permitted us [illegible] has not the desired effect we may
regret the failure, [illegible] must console ourselves with the idea of having
done our [illegible]
Vessels Entered
and Cleared since our last.
ENTERED. - None.
Feb. 14 Schr.
Good Intent, Capt. Strickland, for Barbados.
Catherine, Hicks, Surinam.
---- 15 Snow
William Rathbone, Kennan, Liverpool.
---- 17 Ship
Thomas, Forster, Liverpool.
For Sale or Hire.
A large and
Convenient House on the Brick-Dam, above Government House, formerly belonging
to Mr. Blair, It has every accommodation of a genteel Family. Apply to
Q. R. & H. O.
Cumingsburg, 13th
February 1810.
Notice is hereby
given that the Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the undersigned is at the
House of Messrs. Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Ralph Lee
Demerary, 13th
February 1810.
Wants A Situation.
A Female who is a
good Seamstress and Mantua-Maker, - she would render herself serviceably by
taking charge of Children or attending to the duties of House-Keeping. A line
addressed to A B and left at the Office of this Paper will be immediately
attended to. Demerary, 13th February 1810.
House to Let.
On Reasonable
Terms to an approved Tenant.
The House lately
occupied by John McAulay in North Street, Bridge Town, consisting of a Store
fitted up with Shelves, Counters and Counting house; a Hall, Chamber and Pantry
on the same floor, four Chambers in the attic story; a good Kitchen and Oven,
with water casks to contain a Thousand Gallons water, all in good repair; and
immediate possession can be given. For particulars apply at the Office of this
Paper. Feby. 13.
The Subscriber
being under the absolute necessity of leaving these Colonies within three
Months from this day, calls upon all those who have any business to settle with
him to do it without delay. - Those indebted to him will please to take Notice
that on account of these urgent circumstances, he is compelled to inforce
Payment with all possible dispatch, and hopes therefore that none of them will
compel him to take harsh measures, which can only be avoided by a speedy
settlement of Accounts.
N. Volkerts.
Demerary, 10th
February 1810.
From an
Advertisement dated February 7th 1810, signed Wm. S. Mackintosh and W. A.
Dixon, requesting the Public not to give further credit to the Firm of Joseph
Tayler & Co. it is also Joseph Tayler's particular wish that the firm
should not be credited and does thereby declare the Partnership to be null and
J. T. informs the
Public that Goods and Open Accounts are to be paid to him only, unless they
have his indorsement. Feby. 13, 1810.
Printed and Published
Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
Edward James Henery.