Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 February 24


Vol. V.]


[No. 244.

Saturday, February 24th, 1810.

For London. [heading]
The arm'd Ship Hebe, Capt. Richardson.
Will sail a running vessel the second springs in March
The Hebe will load Coffee and Cotton only.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master or to
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Who have received for Sale, Grey Stock Bricks, Building Lime, Dutch Terrace, and large Wood hoops
Cumingsburg, 24th February 1810.

Captain Richardson requests those Gentlemen residing in the Country, who have Stores on board the Hebe, will do him the favour to send for them as early as possible, as it is his intention to leave this the second Springs next month.
Demerary, 24th February 1810.

Just Imported by the Ship Hebe, Capt. Richardson, from London, -
An Elegant Assortment of Fashionable Articles.
And for Sale on moderate Terms for Cash by Mrs. Clifton, at the Store of Doctor Lewis.
New Town, 24th February 1810.

For St. Bartholomews. [heading]
The British Brig Penelope, Niel Morison, Master.
Will Sail with all possible dispatch. For Freight or Passage apply to
Feby. 24th, 1810. Lewis Sack.

The Subscriber offers for Sale the Cargo of the Brig Penelope, Niel Morison, Master, from St. Andrew's, consisting of -
[first column]
W. P. Lumber,
[second column]
Spruce spars of all sizes,
Smoaked herrings in boxes.
[end columns]
Who Has On hand From Former Importations.
[first column]
New Superfine Flour,
Lamp oil,
W. P. Lumber,
R. O. Shooks,
[second column]
New Bristol marble temper lime,
Spruce and Ash oars and sweeps,
Blocks and Dead eyes,
And a variety of other articles.
[end columns]
Lewis Sack.
Cumingsburg, 24th February 1810.

Found. [heading]
On the East Coast, A Watch. Whoever can prove the same to be their property, on paying the expences and rewarding the Negro who found her, will receive the same on application to the manager of Plantn. (Porter's) Hope.
Demerary, 24th Feb. 1810.

A Good Cook To Be Sold. [heading]
To Be Sold - a Creole Negro who is equal to send a good Dinner up for a large Party.
He is likewise a very good Groom and understands bleeding Horses, and the management of Cattle.
If purchased for Cash he will be sold cheap. Enquire of the Printer. Feb. 24, 1810.

Wanted as Clerk in a Store. [heading]
A Steady Active Young Man who can be well recommended. Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 24th February 1810.

Runaway. [heading]
Since the Month of July last, a Negro Woman the property of Miss Mary Clozier, who formerly resided on Plantation Bath, Little Corabana, The said Woman is named Phoebe, rather elderly tall, thin, pock'd marked, and speaks the French language fluently. When she absconded she was very near her time of laying in, it is therefore most probable she has a sucking Infant with her. From her having resided years on Plantn. Bath, and had a Husband on said Estate, it is most probable she is secreting herself in the neighbourhood of Mahaica or Mahaicony.
A Reward of Three Joes will be given for her apprehension by
Feb. 24, 1810. Jno. Ashley.

Notice. [heading]
Whereas I have this day passed a special and General Power of Attorney on the Honble. Anthony Meertens, (at present residing in England), and during his absence on D. N. A. Van Hoytema and James Robertson Esquires, of this Colony. - All whom it may concern are politely requested to take notice hereof accordingly, and to address themselves to these Gentlemen in all businesses with me whatsoever; as they are properly authorised by my Instructions to give every elucidation therein and have promised me they will duly and punctually attend to the same.
All Persons to whom I am indebted will please send in the amount and particulars of their claims as early as possible.
M. Lamaison.
Demerary, 22d February 1810.

William Chorley. [heading]
Begs leave to inform all those Persons who are indebted to him individually, since the year 1808 and previous, that he cannot give any longer indulgence; and will be under the necessity of placing those Accounts, Obligations, &c. in the hands of his Lawyer to collect, if not settled before the first of April next. Feby. 24, 1810.

All Persons having any Demands against the late Miss Eve Ann Jordan are requested to deliver the same to
Jno. Ashley,
Charles Edmonston, Executors.
Demerary, 24th February 1810.

The Undersigned returns his grateful thanks to the different Gentlemen who have been kind enough to favour him with their Work, and humbly apologizes to those who have been disappointed lately, and promises to be more punctual for the future, by not undertaking more than he can conveniently go through himself, as he finds it's quite out of his power as yet to procure a Person who will exert himself so as to enable the undersigned to undertake any great quantity of Work, which obliges him to carry on the Carpenter's, Joiner's and Cabinet Maker's business on his own account, and any Jobs that he undertakes he flatters himself that it will meet the approbation of those Gentlemen who may condescend to favour him. Not being very expert at the Glazier's business he would not attempt to offer it to the Public in a general way, but if any Person wishes to employ him in that business he will strive to please, but first refer them to some lately done by him in this Town.
Thomas Campbell.
North Street, Bridge Town, 24th February 1810.

To Be Sold. [heading]
A Large-Wheeled coffee Break-Mill in complete Order. For further information apply to Mr. L. McBean, or to
J. P. Muncker.
Demerary, 24th February 1810.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]

By Virtue of an appointment dated 21st January 1810, granted on the Petition of Richard Daly Executor to the Estate of Jos. Tuite deceased.
Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice.
For the First time by Edict Summoned!
All known and unknown Creditors to the Estate of Jos. Tuite deceased. To appear before the Honble. Court of Justice at their Session to be held at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on the 19th day of March next; in order to render their demands in due form and lay their claims thereto.
Whereas after the expiration of the 4th Edict will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to Law.
Rio Demerary, 23d February 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Tuesday and Wednesday next, the 27th and 29th inst. by order of Messrs. Charles & John Ryan, their remaining Goods without reserve, consisting of
Cumberland hams, Cheese, potatoes, Tripe, split pease and groats, pearl and Shield barley, sallad oil, French vinegar, porter in wood and bottles, salt and pickles, Durham mustard, Gentlemens' fashionable made cloaths, cotton hammocks, Hessian and top boots, silk hats, cotton stockings, linen and cotton shirts, twine, temper lime, lamp oil, glass ware by the crate and per dozen, writing desks, mill grease, nails, ironmongery assorted, consisting of saws, chizels, gouges, files, Hinges and screws &c. tape, pocket handkerchiefs, Madeira wine by the dozen, &c.
Also two Houseboys and a Washerwoman.
February 24th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 2d March will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office. - Thirty barrels mess Beef, Tobacco in tierces, Rice in tierces and bags, potatoes, Lumber, elegant prints, Dry goods, &c.
February 24th. Kingston & McBean.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the 12th, 13th and 14th March, will be exposed for sale by order of J. P. Muncker and L. McBean q.q. Rt. Younghusband deceased.
The Lease of a Lot of Land situated in New Town, front of Plantn. Vlissingen, with the Buildings thereon, lately occupied by the deceased; Household furniture consisting of Silver plate, an elegant sideboard, wardrobe, chairs, sophas, &c. Horses and chaises. Also a great variety of Dry goods, hardware, Boat cambooses, Anchors and Grapnels, sheet lead, Madeira and Teneriffe wine, beer, porter, gin, raspberry and cherry brandy, lamp oil in puncheons and jugs, hams, pork in barrels, potatoes, salt in tierces and bags, molasses puncheons and coffee casks. A Schooner Boat with sails &c. complete, Boat and House Negroes, a Cooper and what further may appear on the days of sale.
February 24th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Saml. R. Nurse, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - 3d Feb.
Dond. McLean, in 14 days, - from the 5th Feby.
John Carpenter, in do. or one Month, - from do.
H. J. Lucas, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from 5th Feb.
Wm. Gordon, Junr, for Berbice, in 14 days, - ditto.
Thomas Lawrence and Family, in 14 days or 3 Months, - from 6th Feby. 1810.
Thos. Frankland in 14 days or a Month, from Feb. 7.
J. Griffith, in ditto or ditto, - from 8th Feb.
Allen Dalzell, in ditto 2 Months, from Feb. 9.
Tempest Coulthurst, in 14 days, - from 10th Feb.
F. De Ridder, with a black Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from 10th Feby.
Henry Burton, in 14 days, - from 12th Feby.
Wm. Francis, in 14 days, - from 13th Feby.
Joseph Clarke, with his Wife and two Slaves, in 14 days, - from 14th Feby.
Mrs. du Sart, in 14 days or 5 weeks, from Feb. 16th.
J. Steur, with his Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from the 19th Feby.
Richard Deane, in 14 days or one Month - from do.
T. C. Jones, in 14 days or six Weeks, - from do.
Fras. Heathcote and her Servant in 14 days - from the 23d February.
Elizh. Arthur, in 14 days, - from do.
Benjn. Jeffery, in six weeks or 2 Months - from do.
Ms. LaMaison, LL.D. by the first Fleet.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

At the Commissary Court of the 12th of March next, will be passed the following Transports and Mortgages, Viz: -
By J. Van der Haas q.q. the Widow Post, Transport of the half Concession No. 12 with the Buildings thereon, together with the Water-Lot, both situate on the front lands of Pl. Werk & Rust, to A. Van der Haas.
By Wm. Harris Transport of fifty-six feet of the East end of Lot No. 92 in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, to Philidore Leith.
By Philidore Leith a Mortgage on the following Slaves her Property, viz: Joan, Grace, and Martin, in favor of Messrs. C. & J. Ryan.
By John Browne a Mortgage on the West part of Lot No. 28 in Cumingsburg, with the Buildings thereon, and on two Slaves named Tom and Lucinda, in favor of Thos. Smith.
By James Rose Transport of all his Right and Title to the Buildings situated on the two thirds of the half Lot No. 16 in Middle-Street, Bridge-Town, and of his Right and Title to the land for the present Lease to John Browne.
By Corns. Smit JCZ Transport of the Plantation La Jalousie, situate in the Canal No. 1, with 27 Slaves, to J. A. Otto.
By J. A. Otto a Mortgage on the aforesaid Estate La Jalousie and 27 Slaves, (said Estate now called Anna Catharina) in favor of Corns. Smit JCZ.
By the free Coloured Betsy Cantzlaar Transport of the 1/4 Lot No. 65 in Stabroek, with the Buildings thereon to M. LaMaison as Father and Natural Guardian over his two Minor Children William and Betsy.
By J. Fletcher a Mortgage on a piece of Wood Land fifty rood facade by 750 deep, more or less, situate on the East-side of this River, between the lands of J. P. Slengarde and Margaretta Weezard, with the Buildings thereon and six Slaves named Simon, Harry, July, Syfax, Leena and Modest, in favor of M. Marx.
By C. Smit JCZ. Transport of the Lot No. 11 situate on the fore ground of Plantation Werk & Rust, with the Buildings thereon, to A. Baum.
By Saml. Challoner q.q. the Estate of the late Henry Farley, Transfer of the following thirteen Slaves, viz: - Nancy, Congo Jack No. 1, Congo Jack No. 2, Lucky, Fanny & little Suky, Isabella, William, Dick, Maria, Chance, Lymas and Eve.
By the Executors of Joseph Lucas deceased, Transport of the South half of Plantation Good Hope, in Mahaica Creek with its Cultivation and Buildings, to Benjn. Teyssen.
By Benjn. Teyssen a Mortgage on the said 1/2 of said Plantation &c. in favor of the Executors of J. Lucas.
By J. F. Meyer Transport of the Plantation le Desir, being part of the Plantation formerly called Jacoba Constantia in the Canal No. 1, to Stephanus Deeges.
By Robert Ramsay Transport of the Lot and Buildings No. 46, in Kingston, to Thomas Dunbrack.
By John Wilson q.q. George Inglis, a first Mortgage on Plantation Bellefield, situate on the East Coast of Demerary, in favor of John Gladstone of Liverpool.
By Rusell Allyn a Mortgage on Twenty-three Slaves his Property, a list of the Names to be seen at the Office, in favor of Wardrop & Ferguson.
Secretary's Office, 23d February 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.

Notice is hereby given, that in One Month from this date, will be Sold at Public Auction, (if not previously claimed and Expences paid) a negro Man called Tom, belonging to Mr. Macrae, brought to the Barracks by Mr. Pollard.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.
Demerary, 24th February 1810.

Average Cash Price of Produce in Stabroek this day
Cotton - 18 to 19 stivers. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) 22 & 1/2

We have much pleasure and satisfaction in laying the following Bulletin before the Public. It reach us yesterday through the favour of a Gentleman from Barbados, via Berbice, and amply justifies the Public expectation from the Armament led on and conducted by the Conquerors of Fort Bourbon and Martinique. We are happy to add that further particulars may be daily expected respecting this signal and important event.
Conquest of Guadeloupe.
[article from the Bridgetown Mercury follows]

Theatre Royal - The Tragedy of George Barnwell, with the Farce of The Anatomist, (by Ravenscroft), was performed at this Theatre on Thursday Evening, we understand in a very unexceptionable manner and much to the satisfaction of the audience, particularly the after-piece, - during the performance of which the house was in one continued roar of laughter and applause.

Died. - Yesterday Afternoon, at his Brother's House in Cumingsburg, William McGarel Esq.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Feb. 23 Brig Penelope, Capt. Morrison, from New Brunswick - Lumber, Tar, Provisions &c.
CLEARED. - None.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves

in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 24th February, 1810.



Brought by



Abary Ferry.


Chas. Beausobre,







Joh. De Ruiter.


Thos. Laurence,

Pl. Foulis.


Rowland Smith,



J. L. Loof,



Pl. Non Pareille,



Hall Benjamin,

Ant. Osborn.



Thos. Smith.


G. F. Engels,

Pl. Ruimveld.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. Eendragt.


Pl. Lancaster,

Pl. Eendragt.


Doct. Mathews,

Little Cord[???]

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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